We present you a list of changes that are included in today's patch fix:
- Fixed the ability to deal damage to players in the "Gingerbread Madness" event.
- Fixed the ability to play with your own gear in the Gingerbread Madness event.
- Reduced the number of Gingerbread Men appearing in the "Gingerbread Madness" event.
- Increased the number of rooms in the City N board events.
- Reduced the stun radius of the Gingerbread Men.
- Added the ability for the "Omnivore" character to take the "Miracle Dish - Coldcake!" quest for players who didn't get it the first time after closing the "Secret of a Delicious Feast" quest.
- Morse on the Radio Tower now fixes devices.
- Fixed surrendering "Red Cross Targets" to Alex when the "Inoculation from the Unknown" chapter is closed.
- Rebuilt Valentine's dialog once more. "Encounter with Omega" should be retaken by all players.
- Fixed Fedor's dialogs (from City N), which interrupted the chain of parcel quests. Anyone who encountered this problem should talk to Arthur (City N).
- Fixed surrendering the paws of Adult Verlioka to Chereshnikov.
- Conversation with Diver should now be fixed correctly, and Mirny should normally close the "Communication Window" chapter and equipment quests from Domov.