• Starsand: Screen zum Spiel Starsand.
  • Starsand: Screen zum Spiel Starsand.
  • Starsand: Screen zum Spiel Starsand.
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  • Starsand: Screen zum Spiel Starsand.
  • Starsand: Screen zum Spiel Starsand.
  • Starsand: Screen zum Spiel Starsand.
  • Starsand: Screen zum Spiel Starsand.
  • Starsand: Screen zum Spiel Starsand.
  • Starsand: Screen zum Spiel Starsand.
  • Starsand: Screen zum Spiel Starsand.
  • Starsand: Screen zum Spiel Starsand.
  • Starsand: Screen zum Spiel Starsand.
  • Starsand: Screen zum Spiel Starsand.
  • Starsand: Screen zum Spiel Starsand.
  • Starsand: Screen zum Spiel Starsand.
  • Starsand: Screen zum Spiel Starsand.
  • Starsand: Screen zum Spiel Starsand.
  • Starsand: Screen zum Spiel Starsand.
  • Starsand: Screen zum Spiel Starsand.
  • Starsand: Screen zum Spiel Starsand.
  • Starsand: Screen zum Spiel Starsand.
  • Starsand: Screen zum Spiel Starsand.
  • Starsand: Screen zum Spiel Starsand.


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  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 17.11.2022
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Preis Update 01.08.23
  • Plattform: PC
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Preis Update 03.04.23
  • Plattform: PC
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Preis Update 03.04.23

Über das Spiel

Dein Tag begann wie geplant. Das monatelange, harte Training sollte nun endlich seine Früchte tragen. Motiviert und voller Ehrgeiz bist du in den Lauf deines Lebens gestartet, mitten in der Wüste, umgeben von Gleichgesinnten. Plötzlich wurdest du von einem monströsen Sandsturm überrascht und findest dich nun allein in dieser unwirtlichen, heißen Umgebung wieder. Menschenleer und unbarmherzig erstreckt sich ein Ozean aus Sand bis zum Horizont.

Fühlst du die unbändige Hitze auf deiner Haut, Sand weht dir um die Ohren, weit und breit nur Stille... doch halt, was ist das? Irgendetwas bewegt sich in weiter Ferne. Was ist nur passiert?

Dein erster Gedanke: Überleben.
Dein zweiter Gedanke: Rettung kommt bestimmt.
Die bittere Erkenntnis: Es wird niemand kommen, du bist vollkommen auf dich allein gestellt.
Die große Frage: Wo bist du eigentlich und warum scheinen am Nachthimmel zwei Monde?

Starsand ist ein Wüsten-Survival-Spiel, das dich in eine offene Welt, die wie die Erde wirkt und dennoch fremdartig ist, entführt. Gefahren, Geheimnisse und Rätsel erwarten dich! Finde heraus, was genau passiert ist, wo du dich befindest und was dich mit der Geschichte einer ausgestorbenen Zivilisation verbindet. Wird es dir gelingen, in der unwirtlichen Umgebung zu überleben, Antworten zu finden und den Weg zurück in dein altes Leben zu gehen?

Finde Schatten, finde Wasser, finde Leben. Nutze deine Energie weise, meide Anstrengungen in der Hitze, halten dich in den kältesten Nächten warm.

Jage Nahrung, stelle Waffen her, baue dir einen Unterschlupf. Sichere deine Unterkunft – inmitten der Dünen wimmelt es vor unheimlichen Kreaturen.

In dieser Wüste bist du sowohl Jäger als auch Beute. Mysteriöse, insektenähnliche Raubtiere kommen aus ihren dunklen Nestern, immer auf der Suche nach Nahrung. Schütze dich mit Feuer, sprenge Feinde mit explosiven Kokosnussgranaten in die Luft, sichere deine Basis und tue alles Notwendige, um zu überleben.

Finde dich in der weiten und einsamen Wüste zurecht, orientiere dich in Sandstürmen und markiere deinen Weg. Durst und Hitze werden zum unbesiegbaren Feind während des Tages – Kälte gefährdet dich während der Nacht. Lerne mit den Widrigkeiten zu leben, das Schöne zu sehen und von den Tieren und der Natur zu lernen!


  • CPU: Intel i3 (4th Generation) or equivalent AMD, min. 2.0 GHz
  • GFX: Nvidia GeForce GTX 960 or equivalent AMD
  • RAM: 8 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows 7
  • HD: 7 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • DX: Version 11
  • LANG: Englisch, Italienisch, Deutsch, Französisch, Spanisch , Japanisch, Koreanisch, Polnisch, Brasilianisches Portugiesisch, Russisch, Chinesisch (vereinfacht), Thai, Türkisch
  • CPU: Intel i5 (4th Generation) or equivalent AMD, min. 2.4 GHz
  • GFX: Nvidia GeForce GTX 1060 or equivalent AMD
  • RAM: 16 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows 10
  • HD: 7 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • DX: Version 11
  • LANG: Englisch, Italienisch, Deutsch, Französisch, Spanisch , Japanisch, Koreanisch, Polnisch, Brasilianisches Portugiesisch, Russisch, Chinesisch (vereinfacht), Thai, Türkisch

Steam Nutzer-Reviews

23 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
379 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.02.22 00:41
I fell in love with this game, like to dive into the atmosphere of this game. being able to explore the vast desert, sometimes wandering aimlessly around makes you experience the real feeling of being alone and lost. IM SO HYPED ABOUT FUTURE UPDATES! PLEASE MR. DEV. DO YOUR BEST!

What could be improved:
-A Multiplayer Coop would be more than awesome.
-Setting to turn off screen shake when cutting trees etc.
-Brightness/Gamma Settings
-Settings menu scrolling doesnt work good.
-Add multiple save slots instead of just one.
-Improve carrying capacity on big rucksack and capacity of Storage Boxes.

281 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
205 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.11.21 23:37
Schraubt die Invasions runter das ist echt frustrierend ! Jeden Tag werden es mehr Würmer das Spiel ist im Augenblick nur eine reinste Hetze. Macht so keinen Spaß ! Bin erstmal wieder raus aus dem Game...
407 Produkte im Account
52 Reviews
429 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.11.21 16:13
4 Stunden bisher!

SV Modus ist super wenn da nicht die Würmer ab dem zweiten Tag wären - man hat nicht nur mit Hunger, Durst, Ressourcen Managment, Wüstenstürme zu kämpfen sondern noch mit fiesen Krustenbohreraliens. Was nicht so schlimm wäre ist ja ein Survival Spiel - nur sind diese Missgeschöpfe der Natur übermässig stark und schnell und je mehr du tötest um so mehr kommen und sie verfolgen dich gnadenlos.

Das Problem mit diesen Würmern ist eigentlich dieses Vermehrungsprinzip der Lore man hat den ganzen Tag nur noch mit Schädlingsbeseitigung zu tun und kommt kaum mehr zum erkunden.

Okay wird der Pfiffige denken nehme ich den zweiten Spielmodus wo es keine Aliens gibt - hier ist aber auch einiges anderes sehr abgeflacht, weniger durst, hunger, die Sonne verbrennt dich auch bei 46°C nackt im Sand nicht, keine Feinde die dich jagen. Okay man kann gemütlich bauen und Ressourcen suchen, die Ruinen erkunden und in Fallen laufen aber befriedigend ist das irgendwie nicht.

Es fehlt ein zwischen Ding zwischen beiden Modi aber ansonsten ein schönes Spiel :D
96 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
176 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.11.21 19:19
Hey Leute

Ich habe mich mal wieder auf ein Survival Release gefreut und besonders nachdem ich Dune geschaut habe, hatte ich Lust auf ein Abenteuer in diesem Setting.
Nun das Setting und die Premise von dem Spiel sind ganz nice, jedoch ist das Spiel noch sehr sehr leer. So leer, dass ich es nicht mal Early-Access-würdig betiteln würde. Ich habe das Spiel ein paar Stunden gespielt und nach meiner Spielzeit hatte ich nichts gemacht, ausser durch eine ärmlich generierte Wüste zu laufen.
Insgesamt hatte ich 1 (!) Konfrontation mit einem Gegner.
Zur Zeit ist das Spiel nicht spielbar und ist leider noch mehr Walking Simulator als sonst irgendwas.
Jedoch muss das nicht heissen, dass man das Spiel komplett abschreiben sollte.

Meine komplette Review: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fTCDLJUsnbE
204 Produkte im Account
17 Reviews
1410 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.11.21 01:20
Ich empfehle jedem der noch nicht wenigstens die Demo gespielt hat, zunächst im Relax/Entspannten Modus die Grundlagen des Spiels kennen zulernen. Wer im Survival-Modus erst planlos herum eiert wird zwangsläufig Wurmfutter.
Das Spiel ist nicht leicht, aber andererseits auch nicht wirklich schwer, wenn man sich zielstrebig voran bewegt.
Ich kann zwar noch nicht das Endgame beurteilen, aber bisher macht es einen sehr spannenden Eindruck.
Besonders gut gelungen finde ich die Karte, orientieren kann man sich langfristig nur am Lauf der Gestirne und den selbst gesetzten Icons, Wegmarkierungen sind nur eine kurze Hilfe und werden von Sandstürmen zerfetzt.
Ich bin auf kommende Erweiterungen gespannt, evtl. gibt es ja sogar noch einen Coop-Modus.
109 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
250 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.11.21 20:14
anfangs war noch alles gut in den ersten schritten. aber wo das tutorial zuende war und die würmer dann un unterbrochen kammen ist mir die lust vergangen man kamm nicht mal zu irgendwas da jede 2-5 min würmer kamm anfangs 1 und dann wurden es immer 1 mehr bei 4 würmern habe ich das spiel verlassen schade der grundsatz ist ok aber im survival modus unspielbar.
95 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
266 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.11.21 16:49
Ein wirklich sehr tolles Spiel, mal was anderes. Ausbaufähig ist es noch und ich bin gespannt was noch so kommt. Überleben, bauen und erkunden steht hier im Vordergrund. Da kann noch einiges dazu kommen was ich auch hoffe. Nehmt das Feedback mit der Zeit der Spieler ernst liebes Entwicklerteam. :)
445 Produkte im Account
63 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
486 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.04.22 13:48
Desert survive sim, for good and for bad...

The game is literaly empty, just sand all arround...
Find an oasis, get some food, you see that? Yes, more sand.

One alien appears, hard to kill, and worse, lack of resources to craft spears...
Then 2 aliens appear... more sand.
3 aliens appear...
Finally I have an small house.
4 aliens appear...
What? Difficult increase means 1 more aliean appears everytime?
5 aliens appear... Yup...
More sand, 6 aliens appear...

Why elden ring taks a few seconds to load game, and this one takes 5 minutes? Why im not lagged when playing elden ring, and im lagged here?

6 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
93 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.04.22 10:32
a promising game, standard survival mechanics with nice graphics, cool story, and some twists
105 Produkte im Account
47 Reviews
535 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.04.22 14:33
Great game design. haven't beaten the game so not sure about the story. I rarely concern myself with story in survival games though. classic survival mechanics manage heat, water, food, build base, defend base. crafting is a little different than other games. inventory is small you will need to manage your inventory constantly. They are taking community feedback and adjusting though.
Gamer Scoring: (1-5)
Overall: 3
Graphics: 4
Gameplay: 3
Audio: 4
Combat: 3
Crafting: 3

Pros: new concept ( Alien desert), great music, good graphics, large map.
cons: small inventory, hardcore only, short ( I have watched play-throughs and it is short about like the forest, or stranded deep.
Overall good game
84 Produkte im Account
27 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
772 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.04.22 21:29
looks good but has a Looooong way to go. needs more stuff like sand worms, giant sand worms. maybe open it up to mod'rs. as of now i wouldn't recommend anyone buy it. I finished it in 1 1/2 hrs.
20 Produkte im Account
20 Reviews
2254 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.03.22 21:47
Fun game. Beautiful graphics. Runs smoothly. Came across a pyramid and blew my mind. No lag. Tutorial at start helps a lot. Enjoying a lot. So far found an oasis, area to mine with animals and a pyramid. Will make a torch and check out the pyramid. Can't wait. Oh how I hate those centipeds ha ha. Love latest update. Crocodiles! The new compass option helps a lot so I don't get lost. Fun! Highly recommend.
851 Produkte im Account
237 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
31 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.03.22 11:57
The game makes my gpu runs likes its in a desert 68 degree, seriously for what?? The maps are entirely empty or seems that way so whats it loading?? This is at the very start, so not really much around except for 1 house and even afterwards there are also not many items around which the game should be this demanding. Mind you not even cyberpunk or any other game this demanding on my gpu.
38 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
5756 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.03.22 22:42
I like this game for the desert atmosphere and survival aspect. No other game has hit on these notes and I expect a lot from the developers in the future. What I personally would like to see? More pyramids, puzzles rooms, booby-traps, and sarcophagos dwelling mummies! Nothing would make this game more brutal than a blunderbuss and some sand screaming mummified corpses attacking your base or popping out of a dune to get you! Find their burial sight and collect mummified remain from jars. Maybe use it for Alchemy lol, not nothing too extravagant. What else? Screw those little mosquito swarms, give us giant ones! Give us the ten plagues (Maybe not all)! Give us king cobras, taming it with the basket and flute. Poison arrows, wild boars, giant scorpions! Scarab swarms. Nothing tells me to leave a room quicker when I notice a bunch of Scarabs are swarming from every angle. Swarms, swarms, swarms. Locust swarms, Say good-bye to them crops. Infestations, say good-bye to the bases integrity. Give us camel fur lol, why not? Give us more to fight, more to craft, more to mine. Give us the elements, give us more survival, give us more to plunder and to avoid. Give us more, more, more! Masking to cover our scent. Maybe even throw in a small tropical jungle? Give us magic, hell why not? Voodoo. How about Anubis, StarGates, Runestones, Talismans, Alien technology! Lets get a tech tree going! So much could be done with this game, so I'll never stop loving it for it's potential alone! Gave me a Morrowind feel. Great game, thank God!
3 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
3248 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.02.22 02:09
Love the game, just wish it was a little easier to tell where I am on the map.
13 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
689 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.02.22 22:35
I loved it. I saw a ton of negative reviews where people were whining about the lack of buildings and structures, and after playing through the whole game it is clear that these people never made it past the challenging first part of the game. There are many different structures and even a different landscape beyond the dessert to find and explore. The visuals of this game are astounding and paired with the depth of interactivity, this game is worth playing in early access. I can't wait to see more!
26 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
888 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.02.22 09:22
Played for 8 hrs so far. Mechanics are quite easy, Playing on easy to start with to get a feel for it. Juggling space for items is interesting. No issues so far, no glitches. Exploring quite different in a desert, no landmarks except dunes lol. Enjoying it.
407 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
313 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.02.22 15:07
everything were all star stuff


stardust too

Long ago in a galaxy far away...

i spent literal eternity in the desert

i saw the sands of time pass

i walked on forever

i was a pilot? was i transporting something gold through the desert?

i imagined wealth being dragged onward

like a penny being pushed by a germ left in peace it evolved into a man

kool aid...

the sun... like an enormous nuke going off forever its so massive it just hangs in the sky giving us this moment in our consciousness

one day well evolve to push trees over for a living but that was the past

a warp space time flowing in weird ways i find myself in a time of monsters turning my life into their toothpick to mindlessly indulge in their mad fantasy to ruin my survival

this is STARS AND

do u like the sand? i like the way it feels...

may all ur bodily fluids be all good and well komeraden

59 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
2038 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.02.22 06:51
For a game that isn't 100% completed it is really cool and fun. I really love the exploring the planet and ruins. The building aspect is also cool, as well as the story line. Can't wait for it to be finished!
1464 Produkte im Account
285 Reviews
54 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.02.22 06:03
In response to Dev Reply:

Thanks for your response. I am certainly not giving up on it and I do feel that it has good bones. I must admit that I missed out about using palm leaves to make cordage. That does change a lot for me. I will give it longer tonight and update my review accordingly .
This is one of those games that I wish Steam had a middle ground option instead of a straight yes/no recommend. I play a lot of survival / crafting games and it gets hard to weight one against the other. Currently my favorite bar none is Medieval Dynasty because of not only is it a survival game, but a city builder as well and a management game all rolled into one.

Starsand appears to be wanting to go the route of games like The Forest, Green Hell and a number of others that have a store more than just putting you into a world. I don't have a problem with that but at this point at least after an hour in, which I know isn't much, there just doesn't seem to be much of story of yet. Of course it is an Early Access game. I haven't read any of the other reviews, discussions or road maps so they may talk about those plans.

The biggest problem is right now the game is pretty incomplete. It has some pretty neat underpinnings however nothing that you can't find in pretty much any other survival game. The crafting side is very limited, and one of the most basic items you will need starting out is cordage which so far I have only been able to find at a few drops around Oasis spread around the map. I end up dismantling my tools more often than not just to have enough to make a tool I need for something else.

The next thing is after an hour playing I will say it is immersive, well at least for anyone that has ever wanted to be dumped in the middle of a huge desert to wonder around and a around with nothing but dunes and occasional relics. The game involved so much empty space that I really felt it was just a walking simulator at this point.

To be fair though, the game ran well enough and maybe with more time I will get more enjoyment out of my time playing so I am not going to leave a No recommendation. I really don't like to do those unless a game just outright is horrible, which I don't think this game is. I just feel that it is currently in more of an Alpha state than a true EA state.
36 Produkte im Account
24 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
95 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.01.22 03:13
If you like eating and drinking every minute to keep you from dying then this is for you. I bought this expecting a really fun survival game, but the world is literally empty. Only a few buildings and oasis. Not worth it. A waste of money
33 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
1860 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.01.22 13:05
liked = item unlocked
disliked = no multiplayer
80 Produkte im Account
18 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
166 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.01.22 20:45
As of Jan 2022, too many serious bugs (items get lost, savegames disappear). This might be fun since the idea is quite good, but it won't be finished before 2023. I can't recommend it at the moment, though
132 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
3084 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.01.22 18:15
I do not recommend this game.

The trailers are misleading, giving you the impression that there is land to discover and dungeons to explore and adventures to follow. There is none of that.

The world is entirely empty. Any building you saw in the video is the same one building with nothing in it to explore. There are only two animals to hunt in this vast desert: frogs and deer. Kill either regularly to eat. There is nothing else to do.

I am tired of these misleading videos and commentaries made to sell you worthless junk. The video is shot specifically to give you the illusion of an entirely different game-play than what is offered. The game looks and plays like those cheap click-bait mobile games that are intended to trick you out of money only to find out that you have been tricked - not really made to be played.

Please play Green Hell or The Long Dark if you haven't already.

Good luck.
778 Produkte im Account
140 Reviews
90 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.01.22 12:30
So, spotted this game by chance and decided the idea was interesting enough to give it a go. Here's how it went.

Day 1:
- Woke up in a strange building I didn't remember entering, noticed this was unusual as it was not Saturday yet.
- Decided to craft a few tools to help me survive in this otherworldly desert. Gathered up some rocks. Upon lifting a rock I found a scorpion and after screaming like a frightened child and buggering off I was able to eventually craft a crude axe, pickaxe, and a spear with the intent purpose of stabbing the hells out of any more scorpions.
- Traveled in a southeasterly direction, discovered an oasis to refill my bottle and scavenge for food. Learned to love the taste of frogs, or at least tolerate said taste.
- Built a shelter and bedded down for the night.

Day 2:
- After gathering provisions in the form of a lot of coconuts, I headed eastwards.
- Came across some strange ruins which held an object that, upon activating, emitted a bright flash and told a story about people fighting giant insects. Also found a recipe for crafting useful things.
- Continued northwards, discovered another oasis. By this point I had managed to scavenge the means to make a bow and several arrows. As there were goat-like creatures around this oasis, I soon had a fine leather pack and a lot of grilled goat-like meat to sustain myself.
- Camped out there for the night after crafting some cloth using a newly built loom. Sadly not enough to make anything at this time.

Day 3:
- Headed northwest.
- After exhausting half my stored water I found a massive pyramid. I explored as deep as I could, but came across a collapsed floor. I had no torch, but I could make out several rather pointy objects lining what floor I could make out and thought better of attempting to cross.
- Backtracked to the last oasis where I intended to remake camp and take a break. As I arrived a loud rumbling began and the whole area shook. After I got done wiping the shit out of my pants, I noticed no change and continued gathering the means to make a shelter.
- It was at this time I became aware of a skittering sound...
- Shortly afterwards I found stone tools were of little use against alien bug-monsters.
- Thus my journey ended.

Summary: Has some issues, a bit less steep of a difficulty curve would be appreciated, or at least the option to tweak said settings so I don't get torn limb from limb by a giant centipede before I have any real means to defend myself, but its a very promising start for an early access game.

9/10: Would get devoured by lovecraftian horror again.
548 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
2279 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.12.21 19:12
Starsand is a fun game to play, it's quite hard for the most (it can really be at the beginning) but I always had the feeling it was right to be that way. The desert is one of the hardest environments to survive in and the game places you in the middle of a big one, lost and completely alone: it has to be hard to make it, cause you don't even know how to do it!

And by this I mean this game wants you to think about what's the next best thing you should do in order to survive in a desert and doesn't not forgive you if you're imprepared for what you're facing.

The game is clear in its intentions since the tutorial: I found it very interesting that it was so minimal and short but it basically shows you everything you need to know (how to reach all the menues and perform the actions) and to find more you need to keep your time exploring all the options you have (while you're under the sun rays, so think about it!) and find out other things you can do and items you can craft: you have to figure it out by yourself! This is clearly intentional and it is evident especially after you've played a little through the game and feel confident enough to try your first travel inside the desert: if you go unprepared you'll die! And that's exactly what would happen in a desert! So you need to develop a little strategy about what you want to do and not trying it on the run!

However, after a few attempts (I suggest to save very often so you can reload if something goes wrong and for beginners, even starting a new game after you've understood a few things can be a good idea) you'll know how to survive and you'll be ready (hopefully) to explore the desert and its mysteries! This part of is the most magical and inspiring (at least to me)! I think the idea for the map system is great and gives a realistic feeling (you have to draw it by yourself, taking your references correctly or you'll mess it up and it'll be useless or even dangerous) and while you're travelling through the dunes it's not easy to get oriented (sometimes you get on top of one and you can see some ruin to confirm your direction, but on the next dune's top you can have a different point of view and lose all your references and suddenly feel very lost.. so you need to remember where you were going and cannot get distracted too much).

So, if you like survival games that demand you a little effort in thinking your way through, Starsand is a game for you. The game mechanics are interesting and completely support the mood meant for the experience and it's fun and inspirig to play.
123 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
364 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.12.21 02:20
Am really hoping to see more from the Devs on this. Until more updates and content is pushed out I wont be playing it again. Love many aspects of the game but it could surely use some polish and a bit more story aspects. For a $20 price tag it will stay only worth that much or less if it remains in its current state. Was very excited for this one. Please developers make this worth your time.
158 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
865 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.12.21 01:47
This is VERY early access. So expect it to be short, a bit too much grinding, and some gameplay aspects clunky. That said - it is charming, engaging and a great story. I've found myself missing being in that world since finishing - so I reckon that's a pretty good sign that this is a game with promise. Give it a go.
80 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
23507 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.11.21 21:11
Been with them before the game got released in EA and I personally love the devotion and bugfixing they already done.
I spend a lot of time and effort to find bugs and problems and they done an excellent job in fixing them ASAP.

If you like open world survival, where the world seems endless, but has gems hidden.... Then this game is for you. It's certainly not easy and I died many many times in order to learn some of the basics, but in my opinion it's worth it
80 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
682 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.11.21 15:54
If you like open-world survival craft, this game is for you. It's a literal sandbox! :) This game is challenging but not so punishing that it makes it unbearable to play. The graphics (imo) are really good and I love the building mechanics. When I got this there were some real bugs, however the developer is always updating and improving. The only real complaint I had when I started playing was an issue with aliens glitching and becoming zombies after I killed them (which was kinda scary tbh), however within a week or so the developer seemed to have read my mind and fixed that issue along with several other bugs. Being this is still in early access, there are definitely more things that need work and I hope to see more items and mechanics but at the going rate, I have a lot of confidence in the developer seeing this project through.
155 Produkte im Account
91 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
126 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.11.21 01:44
Eating and drinking simulator in a desert environment.
After three ingame days I was fed up by this and quit.

If you like eating and drinking every two minutes this is your game.

Too bad I played a tad too long and can´t refund anymore.

Edit for the dev response: I would like to add that i had to drink the same amount of water at nighttime when it was cold and it was then when I decided to stop playing it since this doesn´t make any sense to me.
65 Produkte im Account
20 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
686 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.11.21 19:19
this thumbs down goes thumbs up as soon as players have more control over those annoying worms. the game looks great and seems like a fun adventure, but the worms kill the fun for me. i understand there is an alternative mode of play where the environment is cake, but players need something in between. or just delete the darn critters all together ;P
52 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
3330 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.11.21 16:06
This game is Hard for most, and it should be!! Deserts are some of the hardest biomes to survive in and this is an alien desert to boot. This is probably going to be my favorite survival game of all time once it done. Its already very fun to play though id say its to easy for me, though Im a survival game pro so take that with a grain of salt. The Story is interesting and they are expanding the story line and ending which im excited for. Just wish this game wouldn't get bad reviews because of incompetent players saying its to hard, that doesn't mean the game is bad it means YOU ARE.
164 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
206 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.11.21 21:38
The regular mode is pretty good as far as survival goes. The landscape does a great job at making it feel hot as hell and isolated in the vast desert. Around 40 degrees, sweat starts to run down the screen and you know its dangerously hot. Water is needed relatively quickly and also doesn't quench your thirst quite as well, compared to the FAR more relaxed easy mode. Food is difficult to find outside of an oasis.

I made it to day 6 with relative ease due to hanging out in the first oasis, stockpiling resources and building myself a little shelter/storage unit. By this point, the sandworms had been attacking me since approx. day 2 or 3, and with the water hole trick I killed them just fine.

But then I realized they would come, every. single. day.

I used the spear, but only survived due to the fact that they can't travel in the water. I cant imagine the bow and arrow would be much better, let alone less annoying to fight with. They are fast and stay pretty close to you, and they chase relentlessly.

Back to day 6--I finally said enough is enough and left camp to explore. Sure enough not far from camp, the music started and I knew they were on my ass.

I managed to get to a structure where I promptly died from the damage that I had sustained from the sandworms, and the heat.

I started a new game on the easy mode, and found it lack luster. Temperature reached 50 degrees, and there was zero sense of urgency to get in the shade, or the water hole. The thirst mechanic is much more merciful. Also, there are no sandworms. On the easy mode, It seems as though you can simply stock up on a few dates and coconuts, throw on a straw hat, fill up your water bottle and start exploring with impunity.

TLDR/ Good game. Needs some balancing, needs a minor rework/tweak on the sandworms (and maybe a few more enemy types) but overall I like it. $15 is not terrible, but personally I think $10 would be more acceptable.
137 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
3689 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.11.21 08:46
The game has potential, that's why I kept playing, but there are way too many things wrong with it as it is right now.

It crashes Firefox. Every single time. I literally cannot have Firefox open at the same time as Starsand.

The centipedes are the most annoying mobs I've seen in any game, and they completely ruin it for me. No matter how many of them I kill they are always back the next day. I can't even find myself on the map most times, how can THEY find me again THAT fast?
Their bodies also despawn very fast, so you can easily find yourself with no loot at the end of a tough fight. The bodies despawn on load too, so if you killed 3 of them, saved and then got killed by the last one you'll notice the ones you killed disappeared.
They are also bugged sometimes, respawn after you kill them, only invincible so you cannot touch them. Their loot screen is sometimes broken and I can't loot anything (the items appear bottom left and can't be selected).

The stones are VERY hard to find, even in a rocky area.

Tree climbing is broken. I can sometimes climb date trees but I've never been able to climb coconut trees. It just ain't gonna happen.

Camels are very easy to lose, miss a feeding and they are gone, after throwing most of your stuff at your head.

There's no fast travel and the markers are swiped away with the next sand storm.

What I do like: almost everything respawns (all the vegetation, rocks, animals, etc.). the fact that I can recover my arrows. the graphics. the fact that I can have a mount. the story.

202 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
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619 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.11.21 23:42
This game is really not ready for Early Access. This is in a pre-Alpha state at best. There is almost nothing here to play. It's a tiny amount of unfinished content spread out over a mostly empty desert with extremely janky combat and survival mechanics keeping you from completing what is there in like an hour at most. Ignoring the janky survival aspects all you do is go find a pyramid, construct a bridge to get a crafting recipe... to blow up a tunnel.. to then find 3 scrolls spread across the map to open a door... thats it.. thats the whole game. There is a barebones story told over 3 cutscenes which doesnt really add anything to the experience because it doesnt seem to connect with the player in any way or even be a complete story on its own. So no real story, a single 'puzzle', and way too much desert and frustration. There's just nothing really here to enjoy besides a pretty skybox.

There's more effort and polish put into the Steam store page than there is into the opening sequence of the game.
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Rating auf Steam Größtenteils positiv
76.27% 225 70
Release:17.11.2022 Genre: Survival-Sandbox Entwickler: Tunnel Vision Studio Vertrieb: Toplitz Productions Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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