Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order
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Über das Spiel

Fühle die Macht
Feile an deiner Technik mit dem Lichtschwert, um deine Hiebe, Blocks und Ausweichmanöver zu perfektionieren. Stelle dich mit deiner Jedi-Waffe und der Macht jeder Herausforderung.
Eine neue Star Wars Gechichte
Als einer der letzten Jedi musst du tun, was nötig ist, um zu überleben. Schließe deine Ausbildung ab, bevor die Inquisitoren deinen Plan, den Orden der Jedi wiederaufzubauen, aufdecken.
Die Galaxis wartet
Erkunde uralte Wälder, windumtoste Klippen und unheimliche Urwälder, während du überlegst, wohin du wann als Nächstes gehst.
Erlebe ein galaxisumspannendes Abenteuer in Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order, einem neuen Third-Person-Action-Adventure-Titel von Respawn Entertainment. In diesem storybasierten Singleplayer-Spiel schlüpfen die Spieler in die Rolle eines Jedi Padawans, der Order 66 und der Auslöschung der Jedi nach den Ereignissen in Star Wars: Episode III: Die Rache der Sith nur mit knapper Not entkam. Um den Orden der Jedi wieder aufzubauen, muss der Spieler an die Fragmente seiner Vergangenheit anknüpfen, um seine Ausbildung abzuschließen, gewaltige neue Macht-Fähigkeiten zu entwickeln und die Kunst des legendären Lichtschwertes zu meistern – während er dem Imperium und seinen tödlichen Inquisitoren immer einen Schritt voraus sein musst.
- Setzt 64-Bit-Prozessor und -Betriebssystem voraus
- CPU: AMD FX-6100/Intel i3-3220 or Equivalent
- GFX: AMD Radeon HD 7750, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 650 or Equivalent
- Software: 64-bit Windows 7/8.1/10
- HD: 55 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
- DX: Version 11
- LANG: Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch, Italienisch, Spanisch
- Setzt 64-Bit-Prozessor und -Betriebssystem voraus
- CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 1700/Intel i7-6700K or Equivalent
- GFX: AMD RX Vega 56, Nvidia GTX 1070/GTX1660Ti or Equivalent
- RAM: 16 GB RAM
- Software: 64-bit Windows 7/8.1/10
- HD: 55 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
- DX: Version 11
- LANG: Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch, Italienisch, Spanisch
Steam Nutzer-Reviews
2072 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.05.22 12:12
1503 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.03.22 13:22
1537 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.03.22 18:02
1874 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.03.22 11:02
2262 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.03.22 17:56
☑ You forget what reality is
☐ Beautiful
☐ Good
☐ Decent
☐ Bad
☐ Don‘t look too long at it
---{ Gameplay }---
☑ Very good
☐ Good
☐ It's just gameplay
☐ Mehh
☐ Watch paint dry instead
☐ Just don't
---{ Audio }---
☐ Eargasm
☑ Very good
☐ Good
☐ Not too bad
☐ Bad
☐ I'm now deaf
---{ Audience }---
☐ Kids
☑ Teens
☑ Adults
☑ Grandma
---{ PC Requirements }---
☐ Check if you can run paint
☐ Potato
☐ Decent
☑ Fast
☐ Rich boi
☐ Ask NASA if they have a spare computer
---{ Difficulty }---
☐ Just press 'W'
☐ Easy
☐ Easy to learn / Hard to master
☑ Significant brain usage
☐ Difficult
☐ Dark Souls
---{ Grind }---
☐ Nothing to grind
☐ Only if u care about leaderboards/ranks
☐ Isn't necessary to progress
☐ Average grind level
☑ Too much grind
☐ You'll need a second life for grinding
---{ Story }---
☐ No Story
☐ Some lore
☐ Average
☐ Good
☑ Lovely
☐ It'll replace your life
---{ Game Time }---
☐ Long enough for a cup of coffee
☐ Short
☑ Average
☐ Long
☐ To infinity and beyond
---{ Price }---
☐ It's free!
☑ Worth the price
☐ If it's on sale
☐ If u have some spare money left
☐ Not recommended
☐ You could also just burn your money
---{ Bugs }---
☑ Never heard of
☐ Minor bugs
☐ Can get annoying
☐ ARK: Survival Evolved
☐ The game itself is a big terrarium for bugs
---{ ? / 10 }---
☐ 1
☐ 2
☐ 3
☐ 4
☐ 5
☐ 6
☐ 7
☐ 8
☐ 9
☑ 10
Was this review helpful?
1769 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.07.21 10:33
Für jeden Star Wars Fan ein Muss! Das Spiel ist sehr gut gelungen, die Story gut. Auch wenn das Rad nicht neu erfunden wird.
Der Hauptcharakter wird gespielt von: Cameron Monaghan. Das ist der Schauspieler der in SHAMELESS (PrimeVideo) Ian Gallagher spielt. *Binge Watching Tipp*
Ich habe diese Serie geliebt, daher hatte ich sofort eine Bindung zu dem Hauptcharakter. Die Mimik und Gestik (aller Charaktere) wurden Top eingefangen. Der Wiedererkennungswert des Schauspielers auf ungewohnte Weise sehr hoch.
Der Charakter wächst, die Fertigkeiten haben spürbar Auswirkungen auf die Spielweise. Manchmal ist man das Badass, manchmal kommt man mit 0815-Schubsfertigkeiten nicht weiter. Die Blocktaste und den Ausweichknopf zu kennen schadet nicht. Die Mischung der Gegner ist gelungen. Wird nicht langweilig.
Negativ Punkt:
Hat man ein Gebiet abgeschlossen, gibt es keine Möglichkeit sofort auf sein Schiff zurück zu kommen. Nur Abkürzungen die man freischaltet. Prinzipiell ausreichend, jedoch auf Trophäen jagt unter Umständen sehr nervig. Schnellreisepunkte wäre der Knaller gewesen.
Auch nicht Star Wars Fans dürften auf ihre Kosten kommen und sollten spätestens im Sale zugreifen.
804 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.07.21 11:29
this game has a decent story thats bogged down by bad game design decisions.
Bonfires right before climbing sections, meaning you have to watch the same climbing action everytime you die. Clunky combat and confusing group fights make the combat sections more frustrating than enjoyable, however when the game works it is quite satisfying.
dont play this game on the hardest difficulty, there is no reward for doing so and later on you just get gangbanged and oneshot.
you also get to revisit every planet multiple times so thats fun!!!
overall 6/10
ps. you unlock saber colors very late
1226 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.06.21 06:38
☐ Sehr Gut
☑ Gut
☐ In Ordnung
☐ Mehh
☐ Kacke
☑ Sehr Gut
☐ Gut
☐ In Ordnung
☐ Mehh
☐ Kacke
☐ Keine Story
☐ Fabelhaft
☐ Sehr schön
☑ Gut
☐ In Ordnung
☐ Schlecht
☐ Schau nicht zu lang hin
☐ Tetris Gameboy
☐ Hörorgasmus
☐ Sehr Gut
☑ Gut
☐ Nicht so schlecht
☐ Schlecht
☐ Kopfschmerzen
☐ Kids
☑ Teens
☑ Erwachsene
☐ Alle
~{PC Requirements}~
☑ PC für reiche
☑ Schnellen PC
☐Normalen PC
☐ Kartoffel PC
☐ Dark Souls
☐ Schwer
☐ Leicht zu lernen / Hart zu meistern
☑ Mittel
☐ Leicht
☐ Brauchst nur eine Taste
☑ Kein Grind
☐ Ranking / Leaderboard
☐ Ist nicht wichtig fürs Spiel
☐ Angenehmes Grinden
☐ Zu viel Grind
☐ Grinden bis zum Tod
☐ Sehr Lang (ü. 50h)
☐ Lang (20-50h)
☑ Annehmbar (10-20h)
☐ Kurz (5-10h)
☐ Sehr Kurz (u. 5h)
☐ Überteuert
☐ Teuer
☐ Gut
☐ Preiswert
☑ Sale
☐ Kostenlos
☐ Sehr Viele
☐ Viele
☐ Geht
☑ wenig
☐ Keine
Bewertungssystem inspiriert von Crusader
2162 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.05.21 16:09
Nicht Empfohlen
528 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.05.21 08:47
Nicht Empfohlen
928 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.01.21 11:30
Es macht gar keinen Spaß zu erkunden da mann nur kosmetische Items (anderer Lichtschwert griff) findet.
Der Skill Tree ist extrem schnell gefüllt, ich hab danach keinen Ansporn mehr Gegner zu töten.
Hab davor Dark Souls 3 gespielt, wenn ich das Kampfsystem damit vergleiche ist es schon sehr eintönig.Und
die Möglichkeit gering, sich spielerisch zu entfalten .
1920 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.01.21 16:15
Nicht Empfohlen
161 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.01.21 17:19
hätte ich es nicht geschenkt bekommen wär es eine Rückgabe.
Ich kann den Hype um dieses Spiel nur sehr mäßig nachvollziehen.
Klar freut man sich über jedes Star Wars Spiel das kommt als Fan und nen halbwegs guten Eindruck macht aber EA hat hiermit definitiv kein Quantensprung gemacht.
Grafisch macht es immerhin was her und auch die Star Wars Atmosphäre ist da.
Souls like durch das Kampfsystem welches ich aber nicht unbedingt als pro für ein Spiel im Star Wars Universum sehe.
Leider sehr schlauchige Levels mit absolut übermäßig vielen Jump and Run Einlagen die am Anfang nett sind und die Umgebung gut zur Geltung kommen lassen aber sehr, sehr schnell nur noch ermüdend sind.
Das es eigentlich ein Konsolen Titel ist merkt man auch sehr schnell wenn man wie ich einfach kein Controller Freund ist. Ich spiele nicht ohne Grund mit Maus und Tastatur. Nur sehr wenige Jump and Run Titel oder mal ein Rennspiel mit Controller.
Die Story ist so naja: Order 66, jadajada überlebender, traumatisierter Padawan, jadajada Jedi Orden neu aufbauen, USW.
Ich vermisse das alte EU mit Kyle Katarn und Luke aber Disney musste ja alles in die Tonne kippen.
Story wird durch Cutscenes erzählt auf die man aber keinen Einfluss hat. RPG???????
Auch muss man mit dem Vorgefertigten Typen vorlieb nehmen den man zwar wie das Schiff, Lichtschwert und Droiden anders lackieren kann aber das wars dann auch schon.
Das Tag RPG muss ganz dringend durch Jump and Run ersetzt werden denn dies ein RPG zu nennen ist wahrlich gehirntot.
Tiere und gewisse Gegenstände können wunderbar vom Lichtschwert zerteilt werden Truppler sind aber scheinbar aus Cortosis.
Auch die Tatsache das ich Origin benötige obwohl ich das Spiel über Steam habe ist ein weiteres Unding da EA Origin eine absolut widerliche verbuggte Platform ist die man eigentlich nur nutzen will wenn es sich absolut nicht vermeiden lässt aber das nur nebenbei.
Kann das Spiel wirklich nur Fans empfehlen die zu viel Geld haben allen anderen kann ich nur empfehlen einen fetten Rabatt abzuwarten.
Das diesmal keine Loot Boxen Glückspiele, Cosmetics DLC Abzocke oder anderes Gedöns von EA gemacht wurde ist kein Pro da dies eigentlich selbstverständlich sein sollte.
-Star Wars halt
-Maus u. Tastatur Steuerung sehr schlecht
-VIEL zu viel Jump and Run
-Schlauch Level
-definitiv kein RPG der Tag ist Quatsch
-FSK 12 Lichtschwerter
-Souls Kampfsystem
1117 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.01.21 19:37
STAR WARS Jedi: Fallen Order
Es ist mein absolutes Lieblingsspiel, ich denke mehr muss ich nicht sagen. Man nehme eine, EA typische, gute Grafik, eine gute Story, und ein fantastisches Gameplay und rechnet noch das Star Wars Franchise zu diesen Eigenschaften dazu und BOOM du hast Fallen Order. Macht einfach Spaß und ist ein must-have für alle Star Wars Liebhaber!!!!
9.5/10 BD-1s
1412 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.12.20 22:33
Alles in allem sehr empfehlenswert!
1760 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.12.20 12:51
1034 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.11.20 15:27
Einziges Manko, dieses blöde wenn man Stirbt und der letzte Meditaionspunkt ist Welten weit weg xD
Dann kann man den ganzen mist wieder laufen ~-~
Aber ich sehr tolles Game~
2088 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.10.20 05:24
its a solid game not perfekt. the game comes in like a mix of tombraider and sekiro (but way easier and more forgiving). i am not the biggest fan of the starwars franchise and still would rate this game with an 8 out of 10. combat system is very nice and smooth!
one think i really hated is the fact that u cannot fast travel so u would have to walk all over the whole planet if u might wanna check back anything. plus the main character of the game is pretty...ähem...boring imho.
2136 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.08.20 15:58
Das beste Star Wars Spiel, dass ich je gespielt habe [und als Franchise Fan sind das viele xD] Ich bin einfach hin und weg.
Als jemand, der normalerweise nur Spiele reduziert kauft, wurde bei diesem Spiel eine Ausnahme gemacht und das ganze Geld war mehr als wert.
Nur zu empfehlen. Ich kann das Spiel nicht genug loben.
1108 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.08.20 13:39
291 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.07.20 22:27
Läuft auf max mit 60-120fps.
Einfach nur genial.
Ich stand im Intro an jeder neuen Szenerie und habe mir alles minutenlang angeschaut.
Ich bin sprachlos (Star Wars Fan).
Die Grafik ist sehr schön, der Sound atemberaubend und es läuft butterweich (mein PC ist nicht mehr der neueste s.o.).
1h gespielt und bis jetzt bin ich begeistert.
Bravo EA, mal ein Spiel nicht verhunzt.
1427 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.07.20 18:49
Das Spiel bietet in fast jedem Level viele Sprung und kletter Passagen, auch Rätsel muss man immer wieder lösen um einen Schritt weiter zu kommen. Dabei setzt Cal natürlich seine Jedi Kräfte ein um an Wänden entlang zu sprinten und Hindernisse mit einer Druckwelle zu beseitigen.Man bahnt sich seinen Weg durch die Story auf abwechslungsreichen Planeten, erkundet Höhlen, dichten Dschungel und Raumschiffe. Hierbei stehen uns immer wieder verschlossene Türen oder Aufzüge im Weg. Löst man deren Rätsel, wird man meistens mit einer Abkürzung belohnt. So finden wir immer wieder in der Welt sogenannte Meditations-Punkte, hier kann man seine gewonnene Erfahrung in neue Skill Punkte ummünzen sowie Leben und Stim Packs wieder auffrischen. Das geschieht allerdings nicht ganz ohne Auswirkung auf die Spielwelt, sobald sich der Spieler „ausruht“ Spawnen sämtliche Gegner wieder von neuen.
Natürlich dürfen bei einem Star Wars Videospiel, das sich ganz dem Thema Jedi Ritter verschrieben hat eins nicht fehlen, die Lichtschwert Kämpfe. Diese stechen in Jedi: Fallen Order ganz besonders heraus, denn hier hilft eine simple draufhau Mechanik nicht viel. Die Gegner sind sehr abwechslungsreich und clever gestaltet, so das man deren stärken und schwächen durchschauen sollte und sich für jeden Gegnertyp eine eigene Taktik entwickeln muss.
So muss man das blocken mit dem Lichtschwert gekonnt einsetzen um Schüsse aus Blaster Pistolen umzulenken, oder aber Nahkampf Gegner aus der Balance zu bringen. Außerdem muss man seinen Weg der Macht wählen und diese dann im richtigen Moment für den richtigen Gegner einsetzen.
Die Sprung Passagen hingegen waren meistens nicht zu schwer gestaltet, meist hat man spätestens nach dem zweiten oder dritten Absturzt Begriffen, was zu tun ist. Oder hat es schon Anhang des Level Designs direkt erkannt. Auch die Rätsel welche man immer wieder in der Welt lösen muss waren nicht unbedingt schwer gestaltet, meistens reicht es sich die Umgebung genauer anzuschauen, um auf die Lösung zu kommen.
Bei der Gesamtspielzeit schneidet Jedi: Fallen Order etwas kurz ab. So hat man in etwa 15 Stunden die Hauptstory durchgespielt, zumindest wenn man sich nur auf diese konzertiert. Allerdings sollte man dabei nicht vergessen, dass es in jedem Level einige Verstecke und Geheimnisse zu entdecken gibt, die unter anderem die Baumaterialien für neue Lichtschwerter beinhalten.Möchte man wirklich alles erkunden , erstreckt sich das ganze auf ca. 20 Stunden Gesamtspielzeit.
Gesamtfazit zu Jedi: Fallen Order:
Das Spiel bietet eine bunte Mischung aus verschiedenen Genres, ohne dabei wie eine Kopie von etwas zu wirken. Die Sprungeinlagen abwechslungsreich gestaltet, dass Leveldesign ist richtig gut gelungen und auch die Kämpfe mit dem Lichtschwert machen immer wieder aufs neue Spaß.
Zur Story: Die Geschichte rund um den jungen Jedi Cal Kestis, ist spannend und mit viel Abwechslung erzählt. Man hatte beim Durchspielen immer das Bedürfnis die Geschichte weiter zu erleben, welche durch aktionsreiche Sequenzen und einer tollen Sound Kulisse getragen wurde.
Unter dem Strich bietet Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order einen tollen Genre Mix, der motiviert weiter zu spielen und auch abseits der Hauptstory Linie die Geheimnisse der einzelnen Levels zu entdecken. Technisch gesehen liefert der Hersteller hier ein rundum sauberes Produkt ab, dass mit toller Atmosphäre glänzen kann.
Häufige Rückkehr in schon bekannte Levels
Nicht Empfohlen
352 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.06.20 21:14
Ich hab schnell die Lust am Weiterspielen verloren und ebenso hat es kaum einen Wiederspielwert.
890 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.05.20 16:27
Darum habe ich schon nach kurzer Zeit den Schwierigkeitsgrad auf den wirklich sehr einfachen Storymodus runter geschraubt um einfach entspannt in das super inszenierte und wirklich wunderschöne Star Wars Universum eintauchen zu können.
Zwar bin ich dadurch jetzt nach rund 15 Stunden Spielzeit schon mit der Story durch aber diese 15 Stunden waren meiner Meinung nach ein wirklich tolles Erlebnis und das Geld für das Spiel war es in jedem Fall Wert.
Die Geschichte rund um den jungen Padawan Cal ist toll und stimmig erzählt und wird von etlichen Cut-Scenes wirklich Filmreif in Scene gesetzt so dass man richtig in die Welt von Star Wars eintauchen kann.
Ich hatte teilweise das Gefühl bei einem überlangen Film mitspielen zu dürfen.
Wer also ein tolles Single Player Spiel mit einer mitreißenden Geschichte und toller Inszenierung sucht ist mit Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order meiner Meinung nach bestens bedient.
Es ist zwar richtig das im Laufe dieser 15 Stunden verschiedene Planeten mehrfach bereist wurden und diese somit wiederverwertet wurden. Aufgrund der toll entworfenen, detailreichen und abwechslungsreichen Welten machte mir das aber nicht wirklich was aus, da man mit Hilfe von neu erlernten Fähigkeiten mit der Zeit Regionen erkunden konnte die man zuvor noch nicht gesehen hat. - Was mich immer wieder neu motivierte.
Auch das Kampfsystem macht meiner Meinung nach richtig Spaß.
Ich habe mit Controller gespielt und mit der Zeit entwickelt man ein richtig gutes Gefühl für die nötigen Aktionen.
Wenn man die Mischung zwischen Blocken, Ausweichen und Angreifen dann drauf hat fühlt es sich richtig Klasse an in Jedi-Manier gegen mehrere Gegner sein Lichtschwert zu schwingen.
Auch wenn die Gegner sich auf der einfachsten Schwierigkeitsstufe dann doch manchmal etwas doof verhalten. :-)
Ich bin zwar jetzt mit der Story durch aber ich werde trotzdem das Game ab und zu mal wieder starten um dank der zusätzlichen Herausforderungen die es noch zu bewältigen gibt etwas Star Wars Feeling zu schnuppern.
Lobenswert erwähnen möchte ich auch dass es keinerlei Lootboxen-gedöns und Zusatz Geld-erschleich-Taktiken für nonsense gimmiks gibt in dem Spiel wie man es sonst so von EA kennt.
Alle Outfits, Lichtschwertfarben und -Designs usw, die es gibt können einfach so gefunden werden und das motiviert die ganze Zeit ein wenig die Gegend zu erkunden und um jede Ecke zu schauen.
So muss das sein.
Zusammengefasst meiner Meinung nach einfach ein super Star Wars Spiel das Respawn Entertainment da abgeliefert hat.
Souls Spieler kommen mit Sicherheit genauso auf ihre Kosten wie die ganz normalen casual gamer die einfach ein tolles Star Wars Erlebnis genießen wollen.
1053 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.05.20 14:16
7/10 Kauft es euch im Sale
877 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.05.20 20:45
Star Wars: Jedi Fallen Order ist ein Spiel welches die Geschichte des bisher unbekannten Cal Castis erzählt. Ein Jedi Padawan, traumatisiert durch die Erlebnisse der Order 66 und der Jagd nach den letzten Jedi. Zu Beginn des Spiels nutzt Cal seine Machtkräfte um einen Freund vor dem Tod zu bewahren. Doch dadurch ist er nun das Ziel des Imperiums geworden, und auf der Suche nach einem mysteriösen Holocron ist ihm genau dieses dicht auf den Fersen.Grafik:
Jedi Fallen Order ist definitiv eines der schönsten Rollenspiele aller Zeiten! Noch nie sahen Lichtschwertkämpfe, Blasterschüsse und die ganzen Planeten so wunderschön aus. Vorallem die Detailverliebtheit der Entwickler ist beeindruckend. Überwucherte AT-ATs, versunkene Kanonenboote aus den Zeiten der Klonkriege etc..Gameplay:
Gameplaymäßig ähnelt Jedi Fallen Order leicht Dark Souls. Auf dem höchsten der 4 Schwierigkeitsgrade ist es unabdingbar die Angriffsmuster der Gegner zu studieren, um nicht direkt dauernd das Zeitliche zu segnen. Ansonsten bietet das Spiel Rätsel; für die man manchmal schon ein bisschen grübeln muss, Kletterpassagen, spannende Bosskämpfe und beeindruckende Zwischensequenzen. Ebenso ist seit kurzem ein New Game+ Modus verfügbar, und ein Arenamodus.Sprachausgabe:
Ich habe das Spiel auf Deutsch durchgespielt, und die Synchronisation war bis auf ein, zwei Charaktere der hammer. Die Emotionen wurden sehr gut rübergebracht und die Charaktere wirkten glaubwürdig. Ebenso wurden die selben Synchronsprecher genutzt wie aus den uns bekannten Star Wars Serien / Filmen.Fazit:
Ich kann Jedi Fallen Order absolut jedem empfehlen der Star Wars Fan ist. Lange nichtmehr habe ich ein so fantastisches Star Wars Spiel gespielt, die Story war der Wahnsinn (vorallem das sehr überraschende Ende), die Charaktere schließt man schnell ins Herz, und ich kann es kaum erwarten die (bereits bestätigte) Fortsetzung zu spielen! Es hat noch nie so viel Spaß gemacht das Lichtschwert zu schwingen! Möge die Macht mit euch sein!
554 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.05.20 21:04
2100 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.05.20 19:59
Das Spiel bietet alles was ein echter Jediritter haben muss:
-Machtfähigkeiten wie in den Filmen
-beeindruckende Laserschwertchoreographien
Hinzu kommt eine gut durchdachte Storyline mit klarem Anfang und Ende, in welcher jeder Charakter und Planet eine eigene Hintergrundgeschichte bekommt.
Rein grafisch ist das Spiel ebenfalls eine Meisterleistung, sieht man von gelegentlichen Framedrops und nur halb geladenen Texturen ab. Diese negativen Punkte lassen sich aber schnell vergessen wenn man einen der phänomenalen Ausblicke in diesem Spiel genießen darf.
Das Gameplay kann sich dabei ebenfalls mit Stolz sehen lassen.
Ein Skilltree mit vielen verschiedenen Fähigkeiten um das Spielerlebnis im Kampf zu erweitern, über 30 verschiedene Gegner und Jump & Run Elemente, oft kombiniert mit kleineren (oder auch größeren) Rätseln.
Die letzten beiden Punkte nehmen dabei gelegentlich etwas die Überhand und können mitunter sehr frustrierend sein. Aber hey, ohne Fleiß, kein Preis! Auch diese Passagen gehen vorbei und danach geht es dann wieder mit kämpfen weiter.
Neben diesen beiden negativen Punkten und den o.g. gelegentlichen Grafikproblemen (ja ich weiß, ich hab gesagt sie sind nicht so schlimm, aber der Vollständigkeit halber...) gibt es eigentlich nur Kleinigkeiten -wie z.B. sich wiederholende Dialoge zwischen dem Protagonisten und seinem kleinen (und ziemlich coolen) Droiden- zu bemängeln.
Alles in allem also ein topp Spiel im Star Wars Universum, mit gutem Preis-Leistungsverhältnis. Ich hatte viel Spaß am Durchspielen und sitze bereits an einem weiteren Durchlauf auf dem höchsten Schwierigkeitsgrad, den ich mit Sicherheit zu Ende bringen werde.
2580 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.04.20 21:38
Ein stimmiges Abenteuer, in dem alle Spielmechaniken gut ineinander greifen, unterstützt von einem sehr guten OST und wunderschönen Visuals. Wer sich an sehr gescripteten Passagen, vielen Cutscenes und einer sehr cinematischen Aufmachung stört, sollte sich den Kauf eventuell noch einmal überlegen.
Von mir jedoch eine klare Empfehlung, nicht nur für Star Wars Fans.
Nicht Empfohlen
504 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.03.20 14:02
Das hier ist SWFO: dummes Rumgehüpfe in schlauchförmigen Levels mit lieblos dahingeklatschten Gegner. Das bisschen an Story wird über Cutscenes vermittelt.
Ich bin es so satt, dass die Spiele alle nur noch auf krasse Grafik setzen und ansonsten NIX zu bieten haben. Meine Fresse dann lieber Pixel Art und eine elaborierte Story. Ich geh wieder KOTOR spielen, das hier war reine Zeitverschwendung, PFUI !!!
PS: Das Geld ist mir scheißegal, ich bin es satt, immer wieder vom SW-Franchise enttäuscht zu werden!
Nicht Empfohlen
1592 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.03.20 22:00
Ich habe das Spiel durchgespielt und die Spielmechanik und auch das Star Wars Feeling ist wirklich okay.
Aber das Level Recycling, das teilweise völlig unlogische setzen von Gegnern und deren Respawnen dient ausschließlich nur dem Ziel, die Spielzeit zu strecken,.
Das machen einige Spiele, aber dann kommen auch noch schwer nachzuvollziehende Story-Twists und massive Logiklücken dazu, die mich wirklich aufgeregt haben und meinen Daumen nach unten senken.
Beispiel Story-Twists, zuerst kennt das Imperium den Planeten Bogano angeblich nicht und er ist auf keiner Karte verzeichnet, nachdem man dorthin wieder zurück muss, Überraschung das Imperium hat den Planeten ohne Probleme gefunden, wusste aber gar nicht nach was es hätte suchen sollen, da der einzige Droide mit den Aufzeichnungen dafür die ganze Zeit bei einem selbst war.
Logik, teilweise ganz übel. Beispiel, wir haben ein unbewaffnetes Schiff das uns zu den jeweiligen Missionen bringt. Auf Ilum tauchen am Ende der Mission zwei AT-ST kurz vor dem Schiff auf. Dachte ich mir, zum Schiff rennen und ab geht es. Aber nichts da, bitte erst die Gegner besiegen, die auch nie das unbewaffnete und still dastehende Schiff beschießen und so eine Flucht unmöglich machen, erst nach dem Kampf geht die Tür zum Schiff auf. Vorher im Funk, wir wurden entdeckt, jeder Sternenzerstörer ist auf dem Weg. Dann lass uns doch so schnell wie möglich abhauen, tun wir nicht, aber auch danach ist das Entkommen kein Problem und wird nicht einmal erklärt.
Ich habe mir vor allem Richtung Ende an so vielen Stellen gedacht, was ist denn das für ein Quatsch.
Fallen Order leidet meiner Meinung an einem zu geringen Budget, was zu wenig Content bedeutet und da es aus der Marketingabteilung hieß, wir müssen aber eine gewisse Spielzeit überschreiten, wurde das Leveldesign und die Story so gedreht, dass es irgendwie hinkommt, aber das ist zu viel des Guten.
Fallen Order hätte ein richtig gutes Spiel werden können...
1694 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.03.20 11:58
1637 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.02.20 18:18
Das Spiel ist einfach der Hammer. Grafik top, Sound top, Atmosphäre top. Die Story ist auch ganz gut und die Semi Open World, welche an MetroidVania-Spiele erinnert, ist genial. Finds einfach krass, dass man sich hier quasi Metroid Prime als Vorbild genommen hat, natürlich in einem kleinerem Ausmaß.
Wer auch noch die dunkle Ära des Imperiums zwischen Episode III und IV liebt und auch die Filme Rogue One und Solo mochte, wird hier vollkommen auf seine Kosten kommen!
Auch das Kampfsystem kann sich sehen lassen! Klar wird es sowas wie Jedi Knight in der aktuellen Videospielbranche nicht mehr geben. Aber JFO ist bisher eines der besten Spiele in diesem Gebiet. Ich habe nie Dark Souls oder Sekiro selbst gespielt, aber die Anleihen sind definitiv da.
Ich würde bei dieser Qualität immer wieder zuschlagen, EA. Macht mal mehr Singleplayer-Spiele mit genau dieser hohen Qualität, bitte.
861 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.02.20 14:16
[ ]Top
[X] Gut
[ ] Mittel
[ ] Geht
[ ] Zu teuer
[ ] Ein Witz
[ ] Grauenvoll
[ ] Schlecht
[ ] Ok
[ ] Schön
[ ] Sehr schön
[X] Wunderschön
[ ] Atemberaubend
Musik und Sounds
[ ] Schlecht
[ ] Ok
[ ] Gut
[X] Sehr gut
[ ] Schlecht
[ ] Ok
[ ] Gut
[X] Sehr gut
[ ] Viele
[ ] Mittel
[ ] Wenig
[ ] Kaum bemerkbar
[X] Keine
[ ] Keine
[ ] Schlecht
[ ] Ok
[ ] Gut
[X] Sehr gut
[ ] Fesselnd
[ ] 0-3 Std.
[ ] 3-6 Std.
[ ] 6-10 Std.
[X] 10-20 Std.
[ ] 20-40 Std.
[ ] Länger
[ ] Unendlich
1540 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.04.22 23:52
Yes, EA made an actual good Star Wars game with no microtransactions.
1956 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.04.22 03:16
The story of course takes place in the Star Wars universe, some few years after Order 66 where you take the role of Cal Kestis who survived the whole predicament and now finds himself being hunted down by the Inquisitors after hiding for so long. He meets a new crew and sets out on a new mission to help save the Jedi Order. Although simplistic, some of the story events that happen are absolutely bizzare and help to elevate the narrative. That being said, I don't think you'll miss anything important if you choose not to play this. I can say its still better than Rise of Cringewalker Mary Sue which came out the same year.
Gameplay as you expected for being a Jedi, you swing around a lightsaber and use force powers. Game overall feels very familiar to anybody that has played a game like Sekiro with it's progression being similar as well as the combat being parry-based. There's also a ton of exploration across the game's 5 planets, where you find Lightsaber parts and tons of skins for Cal, BD-1, and your ship. Then there's Force Echoes and tons of lore to read if you scan certain areas. Very solid gameplay overall, but now let's have a new Star Wars game that let's us have Sith powers, hopefully the KOTOR remake will be the one to have this. Bosses are honestly very underwhelming to the point where the most memorable ones were the ones against other Lightsaber users. As I said I played the whole way through on Grandmaster, the hardest difficulty, but even then the game gets way easier as you get more Lightsaber and Force abilities.
Graphics overall look really good, given I was able to play at the highest settings at 1440p, but I've had so many issues with the game such as some fps drops, somewhat fixed when I got new RAM in the middle of my playthrough, but I've also had plenty of crashes. Luckily though, the game does have a pretty good autosave, so at least I didnt have to worry about loosing any progress. I have heard stories about there being a save wipe glitch but I can't clarify that for myself.
Overall, I loved the game, but as someone who did 100% completion, the backtracking stood out like a sore thumb. Your map does a good job at tracking how many secrets and chests you have missing in said section, but it doesn't record Force Echoes, audio logs, and other important stuff needed for certain achievements. This wouldn't be so bad if the game had fast travel except it doesn't, and the maps are usually very large and often have many points of no return causing constant circling.
Jedi Fallen Order is the closest thing we'll get to a proper modern Jedi game in the era of Disney Star Wars, in a legacy where many games like this have come before and probably better than this title. I had a fun time with Fallen Order again, and I still think it's worthy of checking out if you are a Star Wars fan.
1260 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.10.21 23:05
This game has perfect visuals, great soundtrack, beautiful atmosphere and a nice story. The story is even better than the The Force Unleashed games. The combat is satisfying and fun, customizating lightsaber (I wasn't expecting that much customization for lightsaber), droid, the ship, and our clothes is good.
Maybe it is my PC's problem but I had some FPS drops somewhere in the galaxy (not too many though) but that was the only bad thing about this game except it being a bit short. I could've used a few more hours for this price actually.
Overall, this game is a must play for a Star Wars fan and EA really made a good game.
Score: 8.9/10
2733 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.10.21 07:13
To sum it up. It's just good fun
The story, combat, progression and exploration is all just good.
Of course there are bugs and some annoying frustrations but that is just what happens and they aren't rage quit frustrating nor do they make the game unplayable.
I have almost 100% completed the game on Grand Master Jedi which is the hardest difficulty and I have to say I walked into it without realising how much fun I would have.
Now I am going to go in depth with some spoilers. They won't be massive but they are still somewhat revealing.
To start with my favourite parts. Boss fights. Lightsaber users are the main story driven boss fights (apart from one creature) and there are mini bosses like the Haxion Brood fighters (bounty hunters) which show up all around the galaxy. The last are the four legendary monsters and are found on 4 out of the 5 free roam planets. I will leave you to figure them out and defeat them yourself. Boss fights get a 9.
Next is the story itself.
I am not a sucker for single player games. I know it's gonna be controversial but The Witcher 3 and RDR2 both didn't reel me in to complete their stories even but I believe that was more to do with the time I had on my hands and the games themselves being quite different. To sum it up, I love Star Wars and that's what drove me to play this game. The story is nice, with well done characters, acting and cutscenes. For a story on it's own, it's simple and somewhat weird but if you are a Star Wars fan you will have quite a good time with it. It's not too long a game and again, first time on the hardest difficulty, I am almost 100% done and 30h clocked. Plot and characters get a 7.
But the story isn't what I would recommend it for. The combat is a mixture of dark souls (I know), Sekiro and some others, with it's own Star Wars twist. Like force abilities, which even if not in abundance like for eg. The Force Unleashed, all have many purposes for both puzzle and party pooper (enemy) problems. It's very smooth and although I played on PC, I would actually recommend a controller like it is said. Locking on to enemies and force powers were a bit hard to manage and remember to use on a keyboard while on a controller you have an easier time (as long as you are ok with using controllers ever again, if not stay on KBAM). I would say the skill tree is small, but for how long the game is, it's pretty much perfect. Almost all skills are unique and can be used in many different combos (one of last things I actually have left to in this game). And along with combos, tactics used against different enemies are very important (on the hardest difficulty) unless you don't care about dying over and over again, ESPECIALLY in boss fights. When you defeat an enemy, BD-1, your droid buddy, will scan it's dead corpse and tell you not just the lore, but tactics on how to slaughter youngl- I mean how to defeat it more efficiently the next time you encounter it. These tactics are very useful if you don't like watching YouTube tutorials on things. The combat is a solid 8.
Level design is sooo Respawn and Titanfall-esque. You will never get bored when going through the 6 explorable planets. One planet is the last planet and is only available once (I believe) with no more explorable paths than the first time you visit anyway and there are no chests or secrets. Another planet is very small but I would still consider it a free roam planet as you can go back to it to find secrets, hidden locations etc. The one problem I have with the level design stems from one thing that I know almost everyone agrees on to an extent. That is knowing where the heck you are and how to get back to The Mantis. Like I said, everywhere is fun to explore and for an almost linear game with a medium sized story it has a good amount of free roam and incentive to explore, mini bosses, lore, cosmetics and health/stim/force boosts. But when you wanna get to a specific place (unless it's the main objective since it is based around you getting there), sometimes you can get lost in the 3D map which doesn't show anything but you, doorways, workbenches and The Mantis. Maybe an indication where you have already opened a chest would be nice, or seen one but haven't yet reached it/opened it along with more indication as to where you can go to get back to the mantis quickly. Maybe some system where you can set a pointer and then it shows the quickest route as a force trail to that place as long as you have explored there. The map is just one whole colour and very confusing sometimes. Other than that, you will get a lot of wow factor from the scenery (I just happen to have a bad computer and play it on the worst graphics. I have watched videos though and can say this). Level design, map and scenery gets a 9.5.
The last thing I wanna talk about is the smaller things and what I am sure (or just hope) we will see next in the sequel. BD-1 is a great character and has great mechanics. I sort of wished he had shock attack to stun an enemy (maybe (sorta (idk))). He unlocks pathways and moves things around but most importantly, he heals you. Nah jk most importantly he is just a good pal. I hope he gets more abilities in the next game because as much stuff as he can do, a lot of his abilities are just alternatives to using the force. Slice open a door/force push or pull a blocked doorway. Overcharge something to move it into position/force push or pull and then maybe freeze to put something in position. The last things he does environment-wise are zipline you to places which are very nice, especially that you can go up them and then also slice into cosmetic boxes. Now some people would disagree but I don't care much for cosmetics other than the fact that they are collectible and I need them for achievements and 100% game completion. BD-1 needing to slice some of them just mean that you have to wait until you repair his scomp link until you can open them. Doesn't take long to get a scomp link if you know where to find it so really it is just another way of getting you back to place so you can finally open that box and get a cosmetic. The only other reason for the scomp link is hacking droids (kinda fun) or what I said above which could theoretically be done with the force. This is just a nitpick and tbh it does add more technicality to the game, but I do hope for more BD-1 usage in the sequel.
The actual last thing I wanna point out is cosmetics in general. Other than the lore, which I actually find quite interesting as a Star Wars fan, cosmetics are the main thing you will find in abundance (a lot of abundance) around the area, and it is the same process. Walk up to box, open lid or slice then open, BD-1 jumps in and out and finds a cosmetic and cal says one of the 10 maximum lines they recorded for the almost 100 chests you can find. I said before that I am not a big singleplayer game fan, and I am not sure if that has anything to do with this issue but I do not care that much about customising my character that I would scour every corner of the galaxy to get a specific poncho that I am not even gonna wear 9 times outta 10. Yes you find lore, stim canisters and health/force boosts but they are rare. All I'm saying is the main reason I went out of my way to explore was the fun level design, cool mini bosses or specific enemy encounters and because I am a completionist. I am not angry about this. I am just hoping for a bit more to look for in the second rendition.
Now to end. Just need to say thanks to anyone who read this, don't know how much there actually is to read, I haven't checked, so hopefully it was broken up into paragraphs well as this is my first (proper) review on any steam product or really any gaming product. So again, thanks for reading and hopefully you got a good indication on the ins and outs of this game without any big-ish story spoilers. It is still much worth playing years later :)
2553 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.10.21 10:22
The combat is tough but fair
You don't need to grind for exp at all probably
I mean i can't belive EA made ,this like wtf EA? if you could do this , why didn;t you?
The collectebles , especially the ones on Zeffo, The can suck my small green Yoda ****
1866 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.10.21 11:08
1942 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.08.21 20:18
???? My 90 year old grandma could play it
???? Easy
☑️ Normal
???? Hard
???? Dark Souls
???? MS Paint
???? Bad
???? Meh
???? Graphics dont matter in this game
???? Good
☑️ Beautiful
???? Masterpiece
???? Bad
???? Not special
☑️ Good
???? Beautiful
???? This game has no story
???? Like playing Temple Runners for the story
???? It's there for the people who want it
☑️ Well written
???? Epic story
???? Imagine Kingdom Hearts but on crack
???? Free
???? Underpriced
☑️ Perfect Price
???? Could be cheaper
???? Overpriced
???? Complete waste of money
???? You can run it on a microwave
☑️ Average
???? High end
???? NASA computer
???? Very Short (0 - 3 hours)
???? Short (3 - 15 hours)
☑️ Average (15-50 hours)
???? Long (50-90 hours)
???? Extremely long (90-110 hours)
???? No ending
~ FUN ~
???? I'd rather watch paint dry
???? Hard to enjoy
???? Repetitive
☑️ Actually pretty amusing
???? Ride of your life
???? It's a one-time experience
???? Only for achievements
☑️ If you wait a few months/years
???? Definitely
???? Infinitely replayable
???? No
☑️ Wait for sale (If you don't care much about star wars)
☑️ Yes (If you like star wars you must play this game)
1518 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.08.21 19:32
Nicht Empfohlen
984 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.08.21 15:38
- Fun puzzles and platforming, although some of the platforming is janky.
- The combat is a mix of Soulsborne and improved Arkham (I personally dislike Arkham's combat). This works pretty well in a Jedi game.
- Constant FPS hiccups even on an RTX 3080. Had I known this I probably wouldn't have bought the game.
- Forcing the player to go through the Origin launcher on top of Steam is a terrible experience.
- Uninteresting characters and a cookie-cutter story.
- Boring protagonist. Also, would've been nice to completely customize his appearance.
- If you love Star Wars you might like this game but otherwise it's just a generic mix of Soulsborne and Metroidvania style exploration in the Star Wars universe.
- Most of the planets and locations are unstimulating and sterile (feels like Disney's Star Wars which I'm not a fan of).
- If they fixed the FPS problems, the game's framework would have a lot of potential for a more involved and in-depth Star Wars game.
- Launching into space from a planet's surface and jumping into hyperspace is cool especially when it doubles as a loading screen.
7953 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.08.21 01:15
1997 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.07.21 07:03
Overall, the best game EA has published in 10 years.
1539 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.06.21 18:49
It’s like Da… Uncharted and the rebooted Tomb Raider trilogy. That means you got a respectable sized action-adventure game set in the more interesting Star Wars universe. The characters and story are intriguing enough to a person like me who hasn’t submerged into Wookieepedia[] and the game seems to respect both LucasArts and Disney works. Respawn Entertainment shows off again they know how to create a well-knit robot human bond after Titanfall 2 with your bacta addiction inducing droid; BD-1.
The gameplay and combat, now that’s the important part in any game that has you resting at a random spot to spend experience points and restore potions. It’s inspired by the games that created that genre and you’ll have enemies who won’t take turns slapping you one at a time. Stormtroopers will nail blaster shots on you while you're busy parrying three guys with batons and AI like the droid enemies will wait until another enemy attacks you before firing a well-timed shot for a two-pronged attack. It’s no true substitute to the games it takes inspiration from though, as it’s still mostly an action-adventure game at the end of the day and I managed to get through most encounters without needing a retry or two on the Jedi Master difficulty (except for the final boss, retried 10+ times due to unblockables and drones).
Speaking of the difficulty, you can choose your preferred difficulty in Fallen Order and it’s not just a bumped up enemy health and damage modifier. Your parry timing gets tighter and enemy aggression + damage is jacked. The difficulties basically come down to:
Story Mode (Game Journalist)
Jedi Knight (Normal for the laffs & adventure)
Jedi Master (Modifiers perfectly balanced, as all things should be)
Jedi Grand Master (OGGDO BOGGO)
I appreciate the options because not all players are folks who both praise the sun and trust in the force. The difficulty and inspired gameplay also make the combat more methodical and less hack ‘n slash. I’ve played Force Unleashed and that game was more of a Space Kratos (before child support) game compared to Fallen Order. Some particular downsides to Fallen Order I feel are mostly the sliding/narrow segments that kept repeating a lot and the lack of saber part options to change stats for encounters despite the abundance of saber cosmetic options. Plus, the fact you can get lost in some areas when searching for collectibles (Zeffo). Otherwise, it's a solid game that shines in its infamous publisher's catalog full of Games as a Service Multiplayer games.
1375 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.06.21 03:14
+ solid combat system
+ nice graphics and level design of some planets
+ puzzle elements and jumping parts
+ a fair story
+ character customization options
- sometimes bad placed checkpoints
- failing AI opponents and glitches in combat
- slight technical deficiencies
- a small motivation for exploring, as the result is mostly only cosmetics
- few interesting boss fights
Jedi: Fallen Order is a surprisingly pure single player affair from Respawn / EA and also a success. The story is set in the period between the film trilogy and captures the journey of the young poison Cal Kestis in an effort to restore the defunct series. The game takes place on a couple of different planets, which have completely different environments and between them the player moves freely using the hub of the spaceship Mantis. Within the planet, the process is more or less linear, different paths and places in metroidvania style become accessible by acquiring new abilities, so backtracking is the order of the day, but only occasionally is it necessary to progress the game. The motivation to explore the planets and previously inaccessible places is insignificant, the reward is rarely an increase in the life / amount of power of Cal, but in the vast majority it is one of the innumerable customizations of the appearance of Cal's poncho, his minibot, ship and lightsaber. On the other hand, these places offer interesting platform parts and views for a fairly high-quality graphically designed game. Also interesting are the various puzzles and jumping elements within the game. Combat is quite high quality, the combination of parry, strength and different styles provides various options, but it spoils a bit with slight glitches in combination with a relatively lousy AI super and many of them.
For chekcpoints, the authors have chosen the popular Souls style, but it is optional between completely recover the resources of life / healing and the force that is associated with the respawn of opponents or just save without respawn. As with souls games, checkpoints are sometimes placed really annoying and force the player to go through some passages unreasonably again before the harder fight. It's good when player fell into endless abysses does not start from the checkpoint with a respite, but from a place a few seconds before the fall with a health penalty, because the game is sometimes very strict for timing some jumps.
Boss fights are not bad, but there are few of them, but the great option is to turn off QTE and button mash elements throughout the game.
As a whole, the game is a very good deed, especially for people who like the SW universe and at the same time a slightly more difficult process of playing souls games.
Nicht Empfohlen
1475 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.06.21 20:37
The combat and platforming often feel a little clunky and janky.
The dialogue and overall story feels forced and cheesy... and the devs somehow flattered themselves into believing it's so good that none of it can be skipped or accelerated. I love how Cal reacts to someone opening up in serious talk like an angry teenager, but doesn't seem to care too much about literally being sold out.
On a similar note, what's up with the unnecessary usage of slow-motion? It ranges from annoying (when it messes up my timing in combat) to unintentionally funny (when the game dramatically slows down and zooms in to show the protagonist PRESSING AN ELEVATOR BUTTON).
I really liked that the maps had an indicator for areas you hadn't explored yet... but multi-layered maps get hard to read and exploration feels a little disappointing/pointless at times, because I couldn't care less about what kind of lightsaber grip I can never see between Cal's hands.
Lastly - and this is of course pure personal preference - people say it's a mix of Uncharted and apparently I should never play Uncharted, because I disliked most parts that wouldn't fit in a FromSoft-Game.
Edit: Oh, I forgot to mention the frequent and awkward AI issues. Nothing maintains immersion like Bowmen who have ceased attacking you or moving into a better position, just ... standing there menacingly and yelling something about the Jedi being scared to fight them.
2218 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.05.21 19:51
Now about the game play, I enjoyed it. It was close to Sekiro, it had a decent challenge, the parry, the combos, the skill tree. Loved it. I played it in Jedi Grand Master from the beginning and honestly I had a very fun journey. It did get tedious at some points, but that's because I purposefully went with the hardest difficulty. Besides, once I collected some power-ups and unlocked some decent skills, it got easier. One thing though, I think the combat could use a little more fluidity. It can feel a little bit janky sometimes. But all in all, it was good. Loved it. I think the devs did a great job.
Exploration was another big part of the game, since I 100%-ed the game, I had to explore everything. And I did enjoy it. There are little bits of lore you can find in each map, it was fun to unveil them. But I am not sure if everyone will like that, especially some maps like Zeffo is a pain.
The graphics is top notch. No argument there. The artistic take on this game captures the Star Wars theme beautifully. Each map had it's own identity and tune to it. Honestly, I think the artist team did an amazing job.
The voice actors were awesome. I really fell in love with Cal Kestis through Cameron Monaghan's performance. I think he is now my most favorite Jedi, right after Anakin and Obi-Wan. Voice actress of Merrin was good too. Her voice has a sweet tune to it.
The soundtracks were nice. Surprisingly, they added some soundtracks from movies, such as, [spoiler] Anakin's Dark Deeds [/spoiler] I loved it.
And last but not least, even thought it's an EA game, there are no micro-transactions! Everything is unlockable. My only complain is, they didn't get rid of Origin launcher. But overall it's a beautiful single-player story driven game with a decent challenge. You should definitely buy it.
PS: Oh I almost forgot to add one thing. Cal's droid, BD-1, was an absolute show stealer. You can even interact with the droid. He makes cute beeping noises. I adored him so much. It felt like he was my baby yoda. Lmao.
1669 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.05.21 18:05
First things first, the game feels like a big-budget experience. For all its pros and cons. More on that later. Visually, it's an impressive journey that gets only better if you're a fan of the Star Wars universe. From iconic sounds and races, Fallen Order brings the goods. The environmental design in particular always manages to impress. Thankfully, it doesn't make the mistake of solely being a nostalgia trip. There's just enough of the beloved known things mixed with plenty of ambition on its own to flesh out the universe more.
On a purely technical level, Fallen Order suffers from a surprising number of issues sadly.
Subpar facial tech, visual glitches and errors, hick-ups and freezes, spikes in CPU usage for no apparent reason, narrow Field-of-View. Later can be fixed with a community mod but a big-budget Electronic Arts game set in the huge Star Wars universe should be better than this.
You play as a brand new character in the Star Wars universe. Cal Kestis. A young Jedi padawan that lives in the aftermath of the infamous purge of the Jedi that happened at the end of the prequel trilogy. It's the dark ages of the universe where the empire is at its most powerful and evil reigns. Ever since those events, Cal hid his powers and past, spending his life on a scrapper planet. But an event leads to the Imperial Inquisition - bent on exterminating the Jedi threat - getting on his tail.
It's here where the game starts. Saved by a small crew, Cal goes on a dangerous mission to rebuild the Jedi Order. As expected, it uses the narrative of Cal hiding his Jedi powers for over a decade to slowly introduce Force Powers throughout the entire story. It's a fitting crutch but I hope for the sequel, we won't have to regain the enjoyable powers all over again. Since Fallen Order's overwhelming allure is its campaign, I won't be talking more about it. But rest assured, it's well-written, well-paced, and overall good.
But the real highlight of the game is the gameplay itself. Unlike recent Star Wars games, Fallen Order primarily focuses on the Jedi experience. Almost to a fault. There are zero weapons featured for you to use. Even if they fall of downed enemies, you can't pick them up and use them. There aren't even grenades to use. It's 100% all about Jedi Powers.
This is both a blessing and curse since Fallen Order features way too little variety of these unique abilities. While it's always fun to force grab a stormtrooper and execute him with your lightsaber, it does eventually get old. The same goes for the other powers. It's a missed opportunity to not include a more diverse range of powers. Maybe even add the Dark Side into the mix, and make the player chose between both sides.
I get that as the first try by Respawn, they didn't go full out. Or maybe they weren't allowed by Disney. And it doesn't matter in the end, since in that regard Fallen Order remains leagues behind Jedi Outcast. A game from almost two decades ago that seamlessly integrated Jedi powers, lightsaber combat, a vast first-person shooting aspect, and third-person traversal.
It may be a bit too harsh since what is on offer is fun to play after all. Pushing stormtroopers over cliffs is a timeless joy. Coupled with the robust traversal mechanics Cal has, the gameplay is an overall positive part of the overall package. And it's more than just fighting either. There's a healthy dose of environmental puzzles that require Jedi powers and traversal. Enemy variety is fairly solid, with a nice mix of regular mobs, the odd mini-boss, and even anti-Jedi specialists that will require a bit more tactic. Exotic enemy types are also here which spice up combat nicely.
Besides combat and movement, the world itself is a huge contributing factor to Fallen Order's allure. You are probably already aware of it by now but Fallen Order is a Souls-like game. I think it would be more appropriate to call it a Souls-lite however, as it borrows only a few hallmark aspects of Souls games and goes very easy on the player at that, too.
The big influence featured are bonfires and respawning enemies. But with the resting spots being spread fairly generous and combat being far, far less intimidating than Souls games, it would be a disservice to either franchise calling it a Souls game with a Star Wars skin. In that regard, it's much more akin to a modern Tomb Raider game.
Ultimately, Respawn did the right thing here. Having a less punishing experience helps the story pacing immensely. I don't even want to imagine what a jumbled mess a no-nonsense brutalist approach would have resulted. This way, replaying areas becomes more fun, and almost never grueling. This also ties in with the leveling system that never required grinding of any sort.
The last big gameplay pillar of Fallen Order is its world design. And here we have the undoubted crown jewel of the entire package. While the game is a strictly single-player affair that moves in one direction, the journey feels refreshingly open. This is thanks to the world being split into multiple planets which you can choose to visit at practically any time. Each world gets gradually unlocked as the story progresses but since the game isn't too long as a whole, you'll be hopping around each location fairly quickly. The selection of locations is a bit small but great attention to detail, varied visuals, and a number of exciting set pieces make up for it.
Respawn has done a great job at utilizing this mechanic together with the constant downpour of new player abilities, that ultimately results in you revisiting old places to discover previously unreachable places. At times, these new paths lead to new cosmetics or story tidbits. But they also serve as major roadblocks for the main story. Couple in really well-thought-out level design and the world itself quickly becomes the star of the entire show.
It's exactly here where the potential of what-could-have-been clashes with the reality sadly. I can only assume that working on an external IP controlled by Disney led to Respawn being wedged in creatively. The tone of the story lies more on a serious note but never fully commits due to the franchise trying to be family and kid-friendly with its other big projects as a whole. Nothing shows this more when major side characters act totally out of what their backstory conveys, just to have a peachy conclusion. It just feels unfitting for some of the narrative threads to become easygoing while other darker themes aren't explored enough.
Add on top, a severe lack of characters throughout the story, and you get a paradoxically claustrophobic narrative. This really clashes with the overall goal of basically trying to save the entire galaxy, while also uncovering hugely important history. It's another miss.
While I'll try not to take away anything from new players, I'll also have to briefly touch on the conclusion of the story. It's a major letdown that retroactively makes you think that all you worked for was a waste of time. Another part that I couldn't help but feel that Disney had their hands in by being too careful to introduce important new lore into the existing Star Wars universe. But all it does is rob Fallen Order of a certain gravitas and push it halfway towards a corner of shunned projects.
I'm fairly certain that Cal Kestis will get a second chance due to Fallen Order's success. And I'm almost entirely convinced that some grievances I have with this game will be alleviated there, like the limited number of Jedi powers and the Dark Side as a whole.
One aspect I fear will remain shallow however is the willingness to go deeper with the lore, establish major new ideas, and not just serve as a safe space to regurgitate what its big brothers do on the big screen.
1183 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.05.21 08:03
☐ You forget what reality is
☐ Beautiful
☑ Good
☐ Decent
☐ Bad
☐ Don‘t look too long at it
☐ Very good
☑ Good
☐ It‘s just gameplay
☐ Mehh
☐ Watch paint dry instead
☐ Fallout 76
☐ Eargasm
☐ Very good
☑ Good
☐ Not too bad
☐ Bad
☐ I'm now deaf
☐ Kids
☑ Teens
☑ Adults
☐ All
~{PC Requirements}~
☐ Check if you can run paint
☐ Potato
☑ Decent
☑ Fast
☐ Rich boi
☐ Ask NASA if they have a spare computer
☐ Just press 'W'
☐ Easy
☐ Significant brain usage
☑ Easy to learn / Hard to master
☐ Difficult
☐ Dark Souls
☑ Nothing to grind
☐ Only if u care about leaderboards/ranks
☐ Isn't necessary to progress
☐ Average grind level
☐ Too much grind
☐ You‘ll need a second life for grinding
☐ No Story
☐ Some lore
☐ Average
☐ Good
☑ Lovely
☐ It‘ll replace your life
~{Game Time}~
☐ Long enough for a cup of coffee
☑ Short
☐ Average
☐ Long
☐ To infinity and beyond
☐ It’s free!
☐ Worth the price
☑ If it's on sale
☐ If u have some spare money left
☐ Not recommended
☐ You could also just burn your money
☐ Never heard of
☑ Minor bugs
☐ Can get annoying
☐ ARK: Survival Evolved
☐ The game itself is a big terrarium for bugs
982 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.11.20 21:12
☐ Is this real life?
☑ Beautiful
☐ Good
☐ Decent
☐ Bad
☐ Very bad
☐ Made in Microsoft Paint
☑ Very good (both halves of the gameplay being combat + exploration are both fun)
☐ Good
☐ Average
☐ Maybe someone would find it fun?
☐ Watching paint dry is more fun
☐ Just don‘t
☑ Very good
☐ Good
☐ Ok
☐ Bad
☐ Earrape
☐ Kids
☐ Teens
☐ Adults
☐ Weebs
☑ All of the above
---{PC Requirements}---
☐ Lowest possible specs could probably still run it
☐ Potato
☐ Decent
☑ Fast
☐ Rich people only
☐ Requirements haven't been invented yet
☐ Don't need a brain
☐ Easy
☐ Easy to learn / Hard to master
☑ Requires Big Brain time (If you play on harder difficulty you need much better reaction time and decision making towards what method you plan to defeat the enemy hence requires a big brain)
☐ Dark Souls
☐ Nothing to grind
☐ Only if u care about leaderboards/ranks
☐ Isn't necessary to progress
☑ Average grind level (Grinding in this game relating to just defeating enemies, respawning them in again through the save feature and repeat. Grinding is only if you want to grab specific upgrades early else it isn't necessary to progress)
☐ Too much grinding
☐ There was a Story?
☐ Generic/Clique
☐ Average
☐ Good
☑ Amazing
☐ One to tell your grandchildren
---{Game Time}---
☐ Wait its already over?
☐ Short
☑ Medium Length (Between 20-40 hrs depending on level of completionist)
☐ Long
☐ To infinity and beyond
☐ It’s free!
☐ Cheap as Chips
☑ Not as cheap but worth the price
☐ Wait until Steam Sale
☐ Only for Rich people
☐ Can't find any
☑ Minor bugs
☐ Can get annoying
☐ Any Bethesda game
☐ The game itself is one massive bug
1794 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.10.20 22:40
I wish Disney would put out more material like this. For someone who has been a Star Wars fan for a long time, it feels like it belongs.
1588 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.10.20 02:52
☐ Casual Gamer
☑ Expert Gamer [combat varies by difficulty, easier than the usual Soul-like games but still offers a challenge]
☐ Master Gamer
☑ Achievement Hunter [nothing too difficult, exploration makes it worthy of adding to an achievement hunter's list]
???? Graphics ????
☐ Failure
☐ Eyesore
☐ Decent
☐ Pretty
☑ Superb [definitely nailed the Star Wars vibes, down to the last nook and cranny]
???? Music ????
☐ Better to Mute
☐ Inconsistent
☐ Ordinary
☐ Cool
☑ Excellent [classic Star Wars BGM, soothing music for exploration and combat; sound effects are spot-on]
???? Difficulty ????
☐ Easy
☑ Normal
☑ Hard [make it as difficult as you'd like]
☐ Master
☐ Impossible
???? Bugs ????
☐ Too many to count
☐ Quite a bit
☐ Few here and there
☐ You can use them for speedruns
☑ Nothing encountered
???? Story ????
☐ Nonexistent
☐ Lackluster
☐ Average
☐ Memorable
☑ Splendid [BD-1 has more character development than any character in the Sequel trilogy; well-written plot with memorable characters; looking forward to character customization in Fallen Order 2!]
⏱ Game time / Length ⏱
☐ Brief (0 - 3 hours)
☐ Short (4 - 8 hours)
☑ Medium (10 - 20 hours) [should take no more than 30 hours even with 100% completion]
☐ Long (30-50 hours)
☐ Extended (51-100 hours)
☐ Lifetime (101+ hours)
???? Price / Quality ????
☑ Full price [buy it! Let game companies know that quality single-player games are not dead]
☐ Wait for Sale
☐ Borrow/Gameshare
☐ Don't buy
☐ Refund it if you can
// TL;DR
Gameplay: 5/5 Superb
Story: 5/5 Superb
Content: 4/5 Awesome
Quality: 5/5 Superb
Overall: 19/20
1579 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.10.20 13:22
1. The game has a very cinematic feel to it. It's like you could take a screenshot at any moment and it would look like you're in the middle of a cinematic.
2. Combat feels very natural and is quite fast paced if you build your character for it.
3. You constantly get showered in new upgrade points, new cosmetics for you, your ship and your companion droid. It always felt nice to unlock something new even though the customization in this game diesn't amazing.
4. Enemies are quite fair and balanced but punish you if never block and attempt to spam attack them
5. There's an easy mode option for those who's not really into the whole souls like games. This difficulty is so easy that dying becomes nearly impossible. Just wanted to bring this up since some people might just wanna enjoy the story and gameplay without the challenge.
6. The game's story feels important enough to keep you going. While I was invested in the story it certainly wasn't insanely impressive. It was a good story that was easy to follow and it didn't overstay its welcome.
1. Unfortunately there's no fast travel system in the game and honestly it really hurts when you have to backtrack for the 10th time going through a +10 minute platformer section before arriving at your desired location.
2. The game doesn't utilize the Star Wars franchise all that well when it comes to locations. You see all the planets are rather plain compared to locations you'll see in for example Star Wars The Clone Wars. Dathomir was the only planet that really stood out. I'm not saying the world doesn't have that Star Wars feel, it's just the choice of planets were too basic. I would've loved to see a planet like Umbara.
3. Traversing through the map feels amazing once you've unlocked all the powerups but prior to unlocking all the powerups it feels like something's missing. I'm not against power growth but it feels sluggish at times early game.
4. The force can be a bit buggy and so can the AI. I experienced alien lifeforms, critters, stormtroopers, and even once a boss glitching parsely through the ground doing combat. It doesn't despawn them and they do jump up from the ground when attacking but it can look a bit derpy. You can force pull vines and a lot of the time I'd pull a vine to me but my character refuses to grab onto it.
While the game definitely has it's pros and cons the good just outweighs the bad. When I first started playing Fallen Order I wanted to give the game a solid 10/10 but as I played through it the cracks began to show. My final rating for Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order is a solid 8/10. If you're a Star Wars fan you should definitely give this game a chance.
Nicht Empfohlen
3106 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.09.20 02:34
2747 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.09.20 15:40
You can buy this game at full price if you're a rich boi but on a sale make sure you do; it's worth every single penny. The combat is challenging and fun, music is good and the lightsaber mechanics are just damn awesome. The NPCs are well written too.
1654 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.09.20 18:19
The game's strongest points are story, characters, combat, soundtrack and environmental level design. Respawn Entertainment has once again crafted an intricately detailed and excellently crafted world for us to explore where you can traverse, explore and backtrack various planets and fight all varieties of enemies and monsters. From local creatures to bounty hunters to imperial troops and beyond, there's a large selection of enemies in the game that'll challenge your skill in combat.
The game's story links to the Star Wars movies, specifically after Star Wars Episode III and the infamous Order 66 and the purge of the Jedis. You are Cal Kestis, a Jedi on the run being hunted by the Imperial Inquisitors. Your mission is to save the future generation of Jedi by finding the location of potential force users. You travel around several planets with the help of your friends trying to survive, gather allies and intel to fight back the empire while trying to achieve your mission. You will along the way face the many foes of the empire who's trying to stop you from achieving your goal. When you're immersed in the story, you really do feel like you're on a grand adventure / quest with an sense of fear and ever present danger on the horizon.
The game's combat is primarily focused on melee lightsaber combat. There's a decent varieties of force powers to choose from as well. Once you master the combat and combine your lightsaber and force abilities, you will truly feel like a Jedi Master as you strike down your enemies one after another. The combat itself can be very challenging depending on your skill and difficulty, which you can adjust on the fly. Think Dark Souls / Sekiro with adjustable difficulty settings. It is very satisfying and rewarding.
I do have to mention the characters in the game. Both heroes and villains are VERY WELL crafted, even down to normal enemies like stormtroopers who will chatter with others in the background and react to your actions. All the characters in the game have personalities, feels authentic in a true Star Wars universe and have their own stories to tell. The soundtrack is also very authentic to Star Wars as well. Very well done.
And when you combine the well crafted story, pulse pounding combat, endearing characters and grandiose Star Wars soundtrack with the excellent level design, you get one heck of a good Star Wars game. The game is also decently lengthy too averaging at 25 to 30 hours depending on how you play and how much you explore. It also has a New Game+ mode for added replay value.
With all that said, I give Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order a solid 9/10. For Star Wars fans, you've already bought and played the game. For the rest of you, if you're on the edge, this game is a definite winner and is absolutely worth your money. Not only is it an excellent Star Wars game but its also a great single player third person action adventure game too. This game has potential for a trilogy and I do hope EA let Respawn Entertainment make it.
1991 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.08.20 18:54
Recommending this to support Respawn Entertainment.
Here's an in-game screenshot of Darth Revan (Mod)
The game has an engaging story featuring fantastic voice actors. Combat is unforgiving, yet rewarding at the same time. The puzzles and exploration elements are a nice change of pace because combat really drains you (I played on Grandmaster). Really like this game.
Someone give Respawn Entertainment the rights to make a Mass Effect game.
Now here's a review I did not write: Kudos to Respawn for finding truly “medium” difficulty. Fallen Order is not Dark Souls-esque difficult, nor is it a walk in the park. There is no spamming the attack button and walking away with the victory. Each encounter must be considered tactically, meaning positioning and parrying are just as important as thrust and jab. The difficulty level can be adjusted and XP can be recovered by getting one hit in on the enemy who killed you, which makes for a system that will challenge casual gamers while give hardcore gamers a little nut to chew over.
In the end, if you love Star Wars and are looking for a good quality, single-player action-adventure game with a solid storyline, gorgeously realized settings, nicely layered character development, and fun combat, Fallen Order delivers. Wonderfully walking the fence exactly between easy and difficult, possessing the sensawunda the space opera spectacle of Star Wars offers (exotic planets, alien creatures, laser pistols and lightsabers, etc.), having a sense of character progression that feels natural to both the player and the game, and offering a story Luke Skywalker would be proud of, this is a winner. At almost every moment I had chills: this looks and sounds like the Star Wars in my imagination. Best game of all time? No, the game still needs to be polished, but it certainly is one of the better 2019 releases.
2130 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.08.20 17:35
You are Cal Kestis, a padawan who survived Order 66. He is hiding from the Empire and is a member of the Scrapper Guild located on Bracca, where he works as a scrapper salvaging ships from the Clone Wars, and is hiding his Force abilities. One day he has to use the Force to help his friend and so he got
discovered by the Inquisitors. Cal is rescued by former Jedi Knight Cere Junda and her partner pilot Greez Dritus.
Cere asks Cal for help to find a Jedi Holocron containing a list of Force-sensitive children, Cere believes the list could help rebuild the Jedi Order...
Jedi Fallen Order has great combat mechanics, fighting with the lightsaber and using the Force is much fun. Playing with a controller is recommended, but using keyboard and mouse is also not bad.
There are 6 different planets. Each planet is an open level with interconnected paths, secrets to find and some areas you need to come back later with something specific to unlock more.
The graphics are great and the Star Wars music of course is simply awesome.
It took me 35 hours to finish everything (every collectible, every achievement)
STAR WARS Jedi: Fallen Order requires Origin to be played. There are achievements on Steam (added on 24.08.2020), but you can also unlock achievements in Origin. There are no microtransactions at all. Also Jedi: Fallen Order was the first EA game that got released on Steam after many years.
From my point of view EA did a great job with STAR WARS Jedi: Fallen Order, it is a great single-player experience and definitely a must have for every Star Wars fan. I can also recommend it to people who like Soulslike games.
Sounds 10/10
Graphics 10/10
Gameplay 10/10
Atmosphere 10/10
If you liked my review, please feel free to follow me and/or my curator group:
1131 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.08.20 22:48
The Good
• Using my lightsaber and force powers in combat made me feel like a powerful Jedi. Force pushing enemies to send them flying off a cliff never stops being fun, you can also pull them towards you, slow their movement so they can’t block your attacks, throw your lightsaber at mid-range enemies and kill distant enemies by deflecting their blaster bolts back at them.
• Several different enemy types including Stormtroopers and other Imperial soldiers armed with blasters, shock batons, rocket launchers and flamethrowers, wildlife, giant monsters, droids, AT-ST walkers, and Sith wielding their own lightsabers and force powers.
• Combat is challenging on Jedi Master difficulty (the third of four difficulty levels). Regular enemies feel nicely balanced and are fun to fight, and sometimes you can take advantage of Stormtroopers and wildlife attacking each other, but let’s just say the bosses are not messing around and will have you wishing you could turn to the dark side. Be prepared to die a few times while you learn their attack patterns. One thing I liked about the boss design though is they’re mostly 1v1 fights so they feel like epic showdowns against important characters, instead of the usual video game bosses where you spend most of the time fighting a bunch of respawning minions.
• The story is interesting, arguably better than some of the recent films, and voice acting is good. Cal’s droid ally BD-1 has as much personality as R2-D2 or BB-8.
• Music and sound effects of lightsabers and blasters feels like Star Wars.
• Controls are fully rebindable and work great with mouse and keyboard.
The Bad
• I frequently encountered terrible stutters which dropped my framerate (which otherwise was a solid 60) for a couple of seconds at a time into the 30’s, and occasionally even into single digits. I think its related to loading assets because it mostly happens while moving between areas and sometimes during cutscenes when approaching a planet. Thankfully it didn’t happen much during combat. Compared to the recommended specs on the store page, my CPU (i7 6700K) and RAM (16GB) are equal and my graphics card is better (GTX 1080). A quick look on the forums shows several lengthy threads about the same problem, so this seems to be a common complaint.
The Recommendation
Jedi Fallen Order is a must play for Star Wars fans because of high quality combat and story, but the technical problems are bad enough for me to recommend waiting for a sale.
1084 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.08.20 17:51
☐ You forget what reality is
☑ Beautiful
☐ Decent
☐ Bad
☐ Don‘t look too long at it
☐ Like pouring bleach in your eyes
☐ Really makes you FEEL like spiderman.
☑ Very good
☐ Good
☐ It‘s just gameplay
☐ Mehh
☐ Watch paint dry instead
☐ Just don't
☐ Eargasm
☑ Very good
☐ Good
☐ Not too bad
☐ Bad
☐ I'm now deaf
☐ Kids
☐ Teens
☐ Adults
☑ All
---{PC Requirements}---
☐ Check if you can run paint
☐ Potato
☐ Decent
☑ Fast
☐ Rich boi
☐ Ask NASA if they have a spare computer
☐ Stupid easy
☐ Easy
☐ Significant brain usage
☐ Easy to learn / Hard to master
☐ Difficult
☑ Dark Souls
☑ Nothing to grind
☐ Only if u care about leaderboards/ranks
☐ Isnt necessary to progress
☐ Average grind level
☐ Too much grind
☐ You‘ll need a second live for grinding
☐ No Story
☐ Some lore
☐ Average
☑ Good
☐ Lovely
☐ It‘ll replace your life
---{Game Time}---
☐ Long enough for a cup of coffee
☐ Short
☑ Average
☐ Long
☐ To infinity and beyond
☐ It’s free!
☑ Worth the price
☐ If it's on sale
☐ If u have some spare money left
☐ Not recommended
☐ You could also just burn your money
☐ Never heard of
☑ Minor bugs
☐ Can get annoying
☐ ARK: Survival Evolved
☐ The game itself is a big terrarium for bugs
1080 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.08.20 15:45
While the combat can be annoying in regards of camera, parrying and fighting beats/wildlife, it still has it's moments when you're up against other lightsaber wielders.
On a technical note, I had massive frame drops during gameplay (e.g. from 110 fps to 80 fps), which prompted me to lock the fps to 60. That got rid of most fps drops, although a few of them still occured for the remainder of the game (e.g. from 60 fps to 40 fps).
Overall I would recommend Jedi: Fallen Order. It's a decent game that falls a bit short on the technical side and it's combat system.
1471 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.02.20 00:29
The combat system is on par with games like Dark Souls and Sekiro - BUT WITH FREAKIN' LIGHTSABERS!!!
It feels so satisfying to use Force Pull on a stormtrooper and then finish him off at point blank with your lightsaber. The fights are brutal and I think there wasn't a single bossfight I could win at the first try - but they are still managable once you learn the bosses' moves.
The sound effects and the voice acting are great as well, as is the music, which does its best to recreate the essence of a John Williams soundtrack.
In conclusion, if you are looking for a game that looks like Star Wars, sounds like Star Wars and feels like Star Wars - then Fallen Order is a must have.
Respawn Entertainment
Electronic Arts
Unreal Engine 4
Kopierschutz:keine Infos
Franchise:keine Infos