• Star Trek Online: Screen zum Spiel Star Trek Online: Emergence.
  • Star Trek Online: Discovery-Uniformen und Typ-7-Shuttles
  • Star Trek Online: Neue Screenshots zeigen Fraktionen von Star Trek Online
  • Star Trek Online: Neue Screenshots zeigen Fraktionen von Star Trek Online
  • Star Trek Online: Neue Screenshots zeigen Fraktionen von Star Trek Online
  • Star Trek Online: Neue Screenshots zeigen Fraktionen von Star Trek Online
  • Star Trek Online: Neue Screenshots zeigen Fraktionen von Star Trek Online
  • Star Trek Online: Neue Screenshots zeigen Fraktionen von Star Trek Online
  • Star Trek Online: Neue Screenshots zeigen Fraktionen von Star Trek Online
  • Star Trek Online: Neue Screenshots zeigen Fraktionen von Star Trek Online
  • Star Trek Online: Neue Screenshots zeigen Fraktionen von Star Trek Online
  • Star Trek Online: Neue Screenshots zeigen Fraktionen von Star Trek Online
  • Star Trek Online: Screen zum Spiel Star Trek Online: Emergence.
  • Star Trek Online: Discovery-Uniformen und Typ-7-Shuttles
  • Star Trek Online: Neue Screenshots zeigen Fraktionen von Star Trek Online
  • Star Trek Online: Neue Screenshots zeigen Fraktionen von Star Trek Online
  • Star Trek Online: Neue Screenshots zeigen Fraktionen von Star Trek Online
  • Star Trek Online: Neue Screenshots zeigen Fraktionen von Star Trek Online
  • Star Trek Online: Neue Screenshots zeigen Fraktionen von Star Trek Online
  • Star Trek Online: Neue Screenshots zeigen Fraktionen von Star Trek Online
  • Star Trek Online: Neue Screenshots zeigen Fraktionen von Star Trek Online
  • Star Trek Online: Neue Screenshots zeigen Fraktionen von Star Trek Online
  • Star Trek Online: Neue Screenshots zeigen Fraktionen von Star Trek Online
  • Star Trek Online: Neue Screenshots zeigen Fraktionen von Star Trek Online
Diese Spiel kann monatliche Kosten von bis 12,99€ verursachen.


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  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 05.02.2010
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Preis Update 12.01.23

Über das Spiel

In Star Trek Online wird das Star Trek Universum das erste Mal in einem massiven Ausmaß erscheinen. In diesem Massiven Multiplayer Onlinespiel von Cryptic Studios können die Spieler ihren Weg als Captain eines Föderationsschiffes gehen, oder als Klingonischer Kriegsherr, der das Reich zu den unendlichen Weiten des Universums ausdehnen möchte.

Spieler werden die Möglichkeit haben bekannte Orte aus den beliebten Star Trek Geschichten zu besuchen, unerforschte Sternensysteme zu entdecken und neue Kontakte mit außerirdischen Rassen herzustellen. Durch die Episodenmissionen wird sich Star Trek Online so anfühlen, als ob Ihr eine neue Star Trek-Episode spielt, in der Ihr selbst der Held seid.

Game Features:
  • Anpassbare Schiffe und Charaktere aus dem 'Klingonischen Imperium' und der 'Vereinten Föderation der Planeten'. Du wirst auf Deinem Schiff, und auf anderen Schiffen, spielen können, sowie auf Planeten und Stationen!
  • Star Trek Online ist ein MMO Spiel, das man nur über das Internet spielen kann.
  • Die monatlichen Kosten für Star Trek Online sind noch nicht bekannt. Es ist aber davon auszugehen, dass es 9 bis 15 Euro pro Monat sein werden, vergleichbar mit anderen MMO´s.
  • Star Trek Online ist noch in der Entwicklung und wird wahrscheinlich im Februar 2010 erscheinen (Amazon.com 02.02.2010).
  • Es wird in Star Trek Online nur einen Server geben.
  • Ihr werdet die Möglichkeit haben durch die Zeit zu reisen, z.B. zu Kirk & Co. Kommunikation mit anderen Spielern ist möglich.
  • Es wird ältere Schiffe, wie z. B. die Constitution-Klasse, geben.
  • Du wirst die Möglichkeit haben, Deine eigene Uniform zu erstellen.
  • Führe als Captain Dein eigenes Logbuch, wie in den Filmen und Serien von Star Trek.
  • Besuche bekannte Orte wie die 'Sternenflotten Akademie', oder das 'Quarks' auf DS9.
  • Kommandiere Dein eigenes Raumschiff, wie z.B. die Defiant oder ein Schiff der Galaxy-Klasse
  • Höre die Sounds von Star Trek
  • Es wird in Star Trek Online viel verschiedene Rassen geben, mit vielen unterschiedlichen Fähigkeiten, z.B. PSI-Kräfte.
  • Es wird Phaserkämpfe auf Schiffen und Planeten geben.
  • Es wird mehrere unterschiedliche Tricorder geben, einen für den medizinischen Offizier, sowie einen für den Ingenieur. Somit könnt Ihr die ganze Welt von Star Trek in einem Spiel erleben.
  • Es wird die 'Oberste Direktive' geben.
  • Ihr werdet mit einem Shuttle auf Planeten oder Stationen landen können.
  • Es werden zu Beginn 2 Fraktionen spielbar sein: Das Klingonische Imperium und die Föderation.
  • Weitere Fraktionen (z.B. Romulaner) wird man mit dem Expansionspack erhalten.
  • Dem Spieler wird die Möglichkeit gegeben, seine eigene Figur/Rasse anzupassen, das Aussehen seines eigenen Schiffes zu verändern, und mit Logos zu versehen, von innen, wie von außen.
  • Ihr könnt zu Beginn zwischen der Miranda- und Sabre-Klasse wählen und Euch nach und nach weitere Schiffstypen freispielen.


  • CPU: Intel Core 2 Duo 1,8 Ghz oder AMD Athlon X2 3800+
  • GFX: GeForce 7950 / ATI Radeon X1800 / Intel HD Graphics
  • RAM: 1 GB
  • Software: Windows XP SP2 / Vista / 7 (32 oder 64 bit)
  • HD: 8 GB
  • SFX: DirectX 9.0c-kompatible Soundkarte
  • INET: DSL 1000
  • CPU: Intel E8400 Core 2 Duo oder AMD Athlon X2 5600+
  • GFX: GeForce 8800 / ATI Radeon HD 3850+
  • RAM: 2 GB
  • Software: Windows XP SP2 / Vista / 7 (32 oder 64 bit)
  • HD: 8 GB
  • SFX: DirectX 9.0c-kompatible Soundkarte
  • INET: DSL 2000

Steam Nutzer-Reviews

120 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
104155 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.02.22 18:40
Hab das Spiel nun mal wieder angefangen nachdem ich 4 Jahre Pause hatte.
Das Spiel mach Spaß aber ist nur noch die totale ausbeute.
Hier kann man gerne 250€ bezahlen nur für eine Eigenschaft oder ein spezielles Schiff.
Die Grafik ist total veraltet. Kommt mir manchmal vor wie in einem B-Movie von Tele 5.
Da läuft man mit Standardeinstellungen in eine Mission rein und kann nix mehr sehen und das ist nicht erst seit Gestern so.
Bodenmissionen sind total langweilig geworden weil es übertriebene Universalkits gibt und alles total unbalanced ist.
Wieso überhaupt noch eine Klasse wählen?
250€ bezahlen und alles ist gut für den Moment.

Find das Spiel eigentlich gut aber wie sie es handhaben nurnoch zum Kotzen.
Es fängt schon bei Charakter an. Elite Captian kostet.
Dann das Schiff. K6X aufwertung kostet.
Oh du willst ein Flotten Schiff? Das kostet natürlich.
Du willst eine von den 10000 Lootboxen öffnen die du gesammelt hast?
Alter, zahl mal was :D

Ich find es ist mittlerweile nurnoch die reinste Trekkie abzocke.
Auch Leute die damals für Livetime bezahlt haben profitieren kaum.

Reinstes Glücksspiel.
154 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
8461 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.10.21 16:57
Das ist meine sehr kurze Rezension zu Star Trek Online.

Star Trek Online Spiele ich nun schon ungefähr ein Jahr lang und habe auch schon ein paar Charaktere die Max Level sind. Ich habe in dieses Spiel keinen Cent gesteckt, da ich dachte dass es nie nötig sein wird, da man normal MMO, RPGs auch ohne Geld spielen kann so dass es Spaß macht. Doch genau dies ist der Springende Punkt auf den Ich hier hinweißen will. Ja man kann sich Echtgeldwährung erspielen oder so, aber das braucht seine Zeit, die man als Arbeitender Mensch nicht hat. Ich habe sehr viele Kampagnen gespielt. Aktuell bin ich bei Delta Quadrant und hier hat sich jetzt alles dicht gemacht. Ich habe absolut keine Chance mehr zu gewinnen, wenn ich auf den Einsatz von Echtgeld verzichten will. Das finde ich Persönlich echt traurig, da mir die ca. 140h die ich in diesem Spiel verbracht habe echt Spaß machten. Trotzdem werde ich mich nun von diesem Spiel distanzieren, da ich keine lust mehr darauf habe, mitzubekommen wie dieses spiel damit den Bach runtergeht und mir den Spielspaß stiehlt. Ich wäre eher bereit 20-35€ für das Game zu zahlen als 20-200€ reinzupayn, nur damit ich mal wieder eine Chance gegen die KI hab, da ich als Arbeitender Mensch auch ein leben hab, das nicht nur STO zocken und Cryptic dafür loben, dass ich nach ü. 1000h kein Geld brauch heißt. Da ich denke dass sich das auch nie ändern wird, gebe ich diesem spiel eine negative Bewertung. Wer Star Trek Fan ist, das Game testen will oder zu viel Geld hat, soll es spielen da es eigentlich echt Fun macht.
9 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
3954 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.10.21 01:44
Das Spiel Star Trek Online ist an sich ein Tolles spiel, mit einer sehr guten Erzählung in der Star Trek Welt.

Doch leider ist das Spiel sehr stark in die Jahre gekommen. Was es für Neue Spieler fast unmöglich macht in dem Spiel nachzukommen, da vieles gar nicht mehr geht und auch gar nicht mehr existiert. Missionen sind verfügbar, aber teilweise gar nicht mehr abschliessbar.

Deren Spiel (In Game Content), ist leider einfach viel zu teuer und viel zu schwach für das was es eigentlich leistet oder her gibt. Man merkt sehr schnell das der Publisher kein wirkliches Interesse mehr hat, das spiel ehrlich und leidenschaftlich weiter zu führen, und von weiter entwickeln ganz zu schweigen.
Am ende leider eine reine Ausbeutung.

Ich empfehle dieses Spiel nicht weiter!
1 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
130 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.08.21 02:20
I play it on the xbox and i loved it so much i am getting it on steam:

I love this game. It changes everyday. But continues for how ever long you want to. It's all free to play. But add ons are extra. The whole story is free. An absolute rarity.

Its a grind but over all its allot of fun flying the Star Trek Spaceships!

This is a lot of fun to play and its easy to get yourself lost in it, the story is nice and its was a blast to play, its cool that they got a lot of the voice actors to do lines as well. Having he ability to tune and build your ships the way you want is a really nice trait and not to mention the very welcoming community that is all to willing to share their wisdom.
its not to aggressive on monetization and it wont hard block you like so many other publishers love to do these days and the tech support is very understanding when helping you with any issues. they even give out free event ships just for playing the game and participating in events.
if you love STARTREK then i recommend playing this game.
87 Produkte im Account
31 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
4486 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.08.21 07:21
Dieses Game ist einfach ein frustrierendes Trauerspiel.

Habe es vor Jahren deinstalliert wegen zu vielen Bugs, habe jetzt wieder angefangen und Überraschung: wieder deinstalliert.

Meine Credits sind einfach spurlos verschwunden wodurch ich die nächste Mission nicht mehr starten kann.
Da hat man ja richtig bock weiter zu machen. Es werden einem immer Steine in den weg gestellt wodurch man den Spielspaß verliert.

Allgemein hat das Game überhaupt nichts mit StarTrek zu tun.
Es wird nur gekämpft. Immer das gleiche. Die Boden Missionen sind absolut schlecht gemacht und man hat das Gefühl man würde ein N64 Game zocken.

Bitte ladet Euch das Game nicht herunter und unterstützt die Entwickler nicht mit Geld!!
Die ruhen sich seit über 10 Jahren auf einem längst überfälligen, schlechten Spiel ohne neuen Content aus.

18 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
7992 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.03.21 16:33
Es ist ein Free2Play, das sehr umfangreich ist (Raumgefechte, Planetenerkundung). Die Steuerung ist recht gut zu händeln, auch wenn sie für Neulinge besser erklärt werden könnte. Es gibt zwar In-Game-Käufe (Zeni), aber diese sind für das Spielgeschehen und die Erfolgserlebnisse nicht notwendig.
45 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
8681 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.12.20 13:12
Ein Muss für jeden Star Trek Fan!!
233 Produkte im Account
44 Reviews
27094 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.12.20 23:04
Star Trek Online is a hard game to get into but is a great space MMO to try out.

Pro +
- True to the Universe
- Some voice acting are from the actual actors
- A decent space combat

Con -
- For me nothing :D
24 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
3387 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.11.20 10:31
Ich finde, dass STO ein geniales Spiel ist und es ist ebenso verwunderlich, warum man solch ein Meisterwerk gratis spielen kann. Ich kann es nur jedem empfehlen! Wenn man einmal drin ist, ist es wirklich klasse!
15 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
3509 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.08.20 14:55
Kann man mal machen
258 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
25861 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.07.20 17:39
Ich sage nur STARTREK, mal abgesehen von den Heufigen patzern in den zwischensequenzen ein Traum für den FAN. Absolutes muss.
44 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
2303 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.06.20 22:45
Hi, das Spiel ist ziemlich vielfältig und macht Spass. Alles ziemlich intuitiv und gute U-Tube Videos. Allerdings merkt man dem Game die 10 Jahre doch an.
7 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
488 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.02.20 00:22
Macht Spaß !
74 Produkte im Account
17 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
575 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.04.22 10:21
Hey, Cryptic Studios, fix your missions. First time I'm playing this, playing a Science officer for Starfleet, come across a bug for an accolade in one of your missions. Look it up, and apparently it's been bugged for 3 effin years. I like this game, surprisingly so since I'm not that big of a Trekkie, but crap like that makes me not want to recommend it, because if you can't fix a bugged quest for 3 effin years, then what does that entail for the future of the game? It's honestly ridiculous.

Please for the love of all that is holy, fix it, I know it's not that simple, but try to at least. I want mah accolades dammit.
90 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
4007 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.04.22 18:09
STO is showing its age now in terms of graphics and some of the voice acting, but the stories are still extremely interesting and the gameplay is fun and engaging. If you're a fan of classic Star Trek (STO/TNG/DS9/VOY) then it's an absolute no brainer, you WILL enjoy the game, especially now that they have so many voice lines specifically recorded for the game by the actual actors from the shows. Some of these actors have now sadly passed away so these voice lines are their last Star Trek related works and in my opinion is a fine send-off.
72 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
22853 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.04.22 21:43
If you love Star Trek, you need to play this game. Reserve at least 200 hours and you will absolutely love every minute of it.
51 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
2335 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.03.22 18:07
Nice visuals and story-lines but the tutorials are not so great. You have to search the web to understand how to use the controls. Ground-battle is doable but space-battle is not for me because it's too gadgety and hard to understand how to use all upgrades. And I am not the guy to study tons of tutorials. I do like however the interactions with all the star-trek characters; maybe a play-path could be created for only character-interaction, or with an auto-resolve of the battles.
39 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
16752 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.03.22 13:22
It's like crack cocaine. Please. Someone stop me from opening Phoenix Packs!
1063 Produkte im Account
16 Reviews
12397 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.03.22 17:06
dumb space game for dumb nerds (like me)

Probably the best thing Star Trek has going for it right now because the rest of the franchise is a dumpster fire. There's a lot of actual interesting story content with worthwhile mission rewards that you will actually end up using instead of immediately selling it.

There's a lot of intricate systems and builds and interactions between ships and weapons and traits. But I just want to see things explode, so I ignore all of that, put purple beams with the highest numbers on my ship, and go pew pew. It's worked so far.
56 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
20192 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.03.22 15:06
The game is 12 years old, built on a 13+ years old game engine, and it's feeling every bit of those 12 years.

They honestly should have started work on Star Trek Online 2.0 a couple of years ago instead of trying to rework, add on, etc. to the buggy mess this game as become and honestly always been.

I've actually played this game since way back when it went F2P and just recently linked it to my steam account so while Steam says I have 230+ hours in the game, it's actually a lot more than that.

Honestly the only real reason why this game is still relevant is because it's the only Star Trek game still getting any sort of support. By support I mean charging you up the @$# for every little thing possible is the priority and if you're lucky every 6+ months there's a bit of new content added on and if that doesn't completely break the game then if you're really really lucky they might fix the bugs after a few months, if ever.


The space battles are where the game excels and the main reason to play the game. The actual story arcs aren't bad per say, but so much of it has been half done. They have some of the different factions (Federation, Klingon, Romulans, etc.), but most of them are half baked and after a certain level you either ally with the Federation or Klingons instead of them being fully fleshed out (ie no Romulan fleet base, etc.) even the Federation and KDF become this giant alliance further blurring the lines. It takes away from the gravity of when the different factions decide to work together for brief periods of time for the salvation of all.

Ground battles are pretty much third person stand there and spam buttons until they're dead. There's no strategy needed, no duck and cover, etc. It all feels like it's just added in for the sake of saying it's there, and even all these years it still feels that way.

The environments really suffer from the age of the engine, everything is very linear, there's no real exploration it's just go from point a to point b, and with no first person view all interiors are so out of scale you feel like you're in a fun house.

STO started off in development hell, then switched to F2P when they weren't getting the numbers they wanted, then F2P became you either need to rob a bank or win the lotto for all the nickle and diming or straight out robbery that is the zen store. There's 5 different currencies in the game, most of the economy is completely broken. Everything is done because they know people will pay because it's Star Trek and there's no other option out there.

So why play the game....because if you love star trek, it really is the only option out there, and despite being a bug ridden cash grab there are still some entertaining aspects of the game.
137 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
1065 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.03.22 00:21
As a Head Start Pre-Order 2010 Retail Collectors Edition and Star Trek Online Lifetime Subscription holder with 400 days paid and a huge Star Trek fan. I am leaving a very bias review:

Regardless of what's wrong and what's right, and what anyone says in these reviews about the game is of no consequence. Because if you truly love Star Trek then these things are not an issue for you, You will like this game. For real fans this isn't like any other game either. Although you have to put in your time to further your career and level, and the game play mechanics, is familiar. And growing a created persona can feel nice in any game you love or enjoy. For me I feel I receive a more unique reward here. I am left having a connection to my childhood, and that fantasy of wonder. Star Trek Online brings those feelings back, even still 30 years later, and around full circle. Watching the many epic series and movies, then logging into STO gives me an opportunity to be a part of the Star Trek universe in real time like never before. This experience invokes feelings of joy. And with the knowledge learned from the plethora of mediums I have watched, playing the game enhances my understanding and provides a deeper look into the aspects of the story.

STO is a part of Star Trek. It is a part of the magic. You cannot say you love Star Trek and not love this game. For true fans being disappointed because the game has bugs or some of the mechanics don't work to your liking, should not be a reason to dislike or leave a bad review. Would you say you dislike an episode of STNG because it lagged on your TV? You would dislike an episode maybe because the ending was sad or left you angry. It produces real emotions, not technical ones.

This is what you are going for with this game. Be a part of the journey, feel the progress you make by fulfilling fantasy. Like warping to a place you seen but could never go before STO gave you the opportunity. This is very unique. It brings you one step closer to being a part of the universe you love so much. I respect everyones opinion and appreciate their time writing reviews. But this is my review and i am sticking to it. -wioux

Have you seen 2020 Star Trek: Picard? SO AWESOME!!!
127 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
17261 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.03.22 21:33
One of the big annoyance with this game (amongst the many other things) which i only just found out today is if you are like me and you downloaded the game from the steam store to play and then sometime later you decided you wanted to get the lifetime subscription because it's on offer well.... you can't you can only get the lifetime subscription if you download and made the account through the Arc games website and not steam.... Wish they included that on their description on the steam store.
7 Produkte im Account
23 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
17495 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.03.22 13:08
#3rd Time#
So my negative reviews on this game keep getting deleted so I'm making a copy paste paragraph to quickly drop again
so as to warn people.
1.)EXCESSIVELY OVERMONITIZED. Wanna be anywhere close to competitive? It's gonna cost a few $THOUSAND$ U$D.
Don't believe the free to play lie. It is impossible to earn the premium currency now which cuts off access to the vast majority of good equipment and traits in the game. Even if you are able to grind out access to something in less than a year it has usually been nerfed a MINIMUM of twice by then.
2.) Clunky graphics/UI/controls that were antiquated when the game was released more than a decade ago.
3.) THE SAME ZERO DAY BUGS FROM 2010 EXIST TODAY. Go on and warp to the Alpha quadrant... try it. It has never worked and they started refusing to answer questions or allow forum topics about the issues back in like 2013. Cryptic doesn't do much to fix bugs but they do create a new one every month.
4.)I have given nothing other than fair and honest criticsim and FACTS yet my reviews keep getting deleted. That's all you need to know.
133 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
21660 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.02.22 20:39
It's the closest you'll get to actually being in the Star Trek universe! It's also possible to play the majority of the story (which is quite fun!) while avoiding grind or paying.
124 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
10680 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.02.22 22:40
164 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
17478 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.02.22 03:10
Be aware that if you create an account throught steam you cannot get any type of support or unlock any bonus code... EVER. The developper needs you to login with your email address on their page to manage your account, but since it's all generated automatically on steam's side, your account does not have an email address or password, and the dev only works with that email address... So you kinda / sorta don't exist to them. It all just works as long as you don't need to concact support or care abour bonus codes, but the moment you do, well... you're on your own. Steam tells you to go through the dev, and the dev needs the email address that you don't have or doesn't exist because you went through steam. :/
44 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
161169 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.02.22 17:46
One Of the FEW truly free to play games out there.....2 updates a year....2 free ships a year you can EARN......great story lines...while it is a MMOG......most of it can be soloed.......It has original cast members voice action. Fun as all get out. learning curve not to bad
1 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
625242 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.12.21 03:24
Started playing in 2012, if it wasn't worth it I wouldn't be here now.
80 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
90209 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.12.21 23:08
For me, This is some of the best Star Trek story i've seen in a while. Sure the game has flaws its 11 years old, It is pay to win In most cases, But, as far as story goes its absolutely Stellar Star Trek to me. I have enjoyed Star Trek online since 2012. And never have I had so much fun with A Star Trel game(Besides Maybe Star Trek Bridge Commander)
428 Produkte im Account
21 Reviews
74355 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.12.21 23:48

It's not the Star Trek game I would love to have, but for what it is, it's quite good. There is plenty of story to explore, and many builds to try out (although the farther you go into endgame, the less choice there is, if you want to be effective, but show me an MMORPG where there is no optimal Meta..).
There is many bugs and performance issues, and mostly beyond repair, as the game is so old and dev teams changed several times, so I assume noone really knows how the basic structure even works anymore, so they focus more on new content than fixing the old, but that's mostly due to noone knows how the old stuff even was build, and they would probably break more than fix. The optimal solution would be to build everything anew from the ground, but by economical decision, they rather milk the dead cow instead invest into a new one. And I can't even blame then, I guess, as long as it is profitable.

TL;DR: If you are a Trekkie, this game will give you a good fix, if you are a general SciFi nerd, you might have some interesting times here, but if you are just a casual gaming schlock with no connection to the material, better stay away.
161 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
25605 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.12.21 21:22
When this game first launched it was ok at best, and as time went on it stayed only ok. However, in recent years the writing has gotten better, content has gotten better, and gameplay has gotten better (except ground combat, it's still lame). It has better storytelling that Star Trek Discovery for sure. 7/10 at most for non-star trek fans, 9/10 for the real ones out there.
346 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
21924 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.12.21 04:10
TLDR: Cryptic is a predatory studio even by most F2P standards. The level of monetization of their titles is one of the primer examples utilizing FOMO and other psychological manipulation to get players to spend money.

Edit 12-23-21: Ok so in retrospect this post wasn't so much a review as it was me just expressing my thoughts about the game and how I fell out of love with it. So in an effort to actually INFORM people I'll be posting an actual review here as best I can.

***As I've said in the tdlr, cryptic is a studio that heavily monetizes their games, to the extent of which that it kills a game before it even leaves its first beta (Magic Legends). I came into STO from the ground floor when it first launched, I have years worth of lead time ahead of most players and is a long time member of the UFP Alliance of fleets (for regulars you probably see us around a lot) have a lot of resources and access to everything I can ask for.

But where does that leave newer and casual players that start now? You can grind events year long for a Tier 6 Ship Token but you can't afford to miss even 4 days of them otherwise you won't amass enough event credits to afford that Token before the next year rolls over and it all resets thus negating everything you did the previous year moot. I saw this happen and that friend quit the game over it because they missed 3 days due to a real life event over the holidays and didn't get enough to get a Token. The worst part is they were but a sliver away from getting it too.

Look I'll give credit to the original team that made this game and the team that continues to try and improve the core gameplay. The space combat is fantastic, there's no other ship battling game like this, it doesn't feel like a sim, it's visceral and each ship archetype plays differently.

Want to feel like you're sailing a flagship and broadside, cruiser gameplay is satisfying. Enjoy playing with a controller or a joystick for some dogfighting action, escort class ships with front facing cannons will feel right at home. Even the ground combat which was heavily criticized for years has improved greatly and the developers have everything they can to make it work within the limitations of the aging engine.

New zones and episodes in the recent years are pushing what this engine can do, abilities you get from Kits are doing fantastical stuff that while not on par with Trek lore are really pushing how far you can take the gameplay of this title.

With all of that though, I still wouldn't recommend it for a new player, the gulf between even a casual veteran player vs a new player is so immense it's going to be tough for a player to ever reach that level unless the dedicate themselves to this game and frankly that time is better spent on other more worthy titles that respects your time and money.

For old and veteran players of this game, I don't think anything I say will change your minds and you'll remain playing until you feel you've had enough. This review was never for those players. I'm just here to tell new players to stay away and spend your time and money on other titles and studios.***

For the longest time I've been percolating on the right words I want to say about this game. And I know it sounds silly because from the casual person browsing reviews and sees this will say it’s just a game. But for me it’s more than that, Star Trek Online is more than just a game and it’s because I met so many great people in it. People whom I’ve met since the early days of this game when it was still owned by Atari and sold not just online but through box copies at Gamestop. Those aforementioned people? We still remain in contact to this day, some of which have become family in the years since. So yes this game means a lot to me and to see it where it is now…yeah a lot has changed.

I LOVED this game and to see its slow gradual decline just sucks. When you see ships that can go for hundreds of dollars in the Zen/MUDD store you really start to question why you still play this game. I said the same to myself as well, when all the people I knew moved on and I was quite literally the last person left playing this I should’ve left. I played this game way longer than I should’ve, I STAYED longer than I ever should’ve. But I’ll leave this post as a monument to my own former love for this title as a form of cathartic release.

I really wasn’t ever planning on writing this nor was I ever really planning on leaving the game yet, but after watching the JSH video on Neverwinter, I felt the same way he does about NW as I do about this game. That made me reevaluate why I’ve stuck around for so long, it was simply out of habit, a desperate longing for when I and my friends were just teens enjoying a game being trekkies and playing it out online.
89 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
9998 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.12.21 01:49
Found the interface very intuitive, which is a big plus for me. And game does a great job of creating the Star Trek universe in a playable and fun game. Still getting the hang of the ship combat, but all in all a nice MMO to keep me occupied.
110 Produkte im Account
26 Reviews
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36308 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.12.21 00:50
Not once but twice I have had my account on cryptic studios wiped clean of any and all character information in which I had sank close to $500 into them combined and I log in after a two year break and find my character with 12 T6 ships, and rather pricey modules for the ships gone, my characters deleted by cryptic studios....I highly do NOT recommend giving these crooks a single god damn dime! I even went through the support services website and they refused to even acknowledge the claim I had made that they removed my characters the first time not even touching the topic I was bringing to their attention. They do not care about thier player base and only care about foolish people opening their wallets to buy the ships or keys....fuck you cryptic studios, you dont deserve to be called a gaming company
1748 Produkte im Account
30 Reviews
13438 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.12.21 11:56
Oh STO, where do I begin? As a video game, is it any good? Not really. Combat is split into space and ground. For the most part, space combat is quite fun. Ground combat is just awful. You can auto attacks and just stand there while your character does all the effort. Occasional ground hazards are thrown in which you have to move out of. Unfortunately the double-tap-to-roll only works sometimes so you end up stood in the fire, being hurt. Animations are cancelled (e.g. throwing a grenade); sometimes the effect is triggered, sometimes not. Who knows why? Certainly not Cryptic, otherwise they would have fixed this 10 YEAR OLD problem.
Cryptic also keep rolling out various loot boxes, that come out in floods out times.
It's an MMO that launched in 2010, and graphically is now showing its age. The cut scenes use the models from in-game, but with no added animations, so often look like crash test dummies trying to (over)act. They look God awful.
So why do I recommend? Because it's a great Star Trek experience, with some nice stories. I've been playing since launch: I'll play for 1-2 months, then quit for a year or two, then come back. I've forgotten everything so roll a new captain. Deck out a ship, pewpew in space, pewpew on the ground (reluctantly), pewpew in space again, warp out for the next mission. Being able to captain a ship, using beams to bring down shields, then locking on torpedoes to destroy their hull. It pleases my inner nerd greatly.
The cameos from previous Star Trek actors is a nice touch. If you're a Trekkie, you might enjoy it. If not, I would probably look elsewhere.

Edit: I've since learned from other players that Cryptic have no programmers to make changes to the code - hence certain bugs never getting fixed, and never will. Oh well.
72 Produkte im Account
102 Reviews
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4378 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.11.21 05:24
46 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
614713 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.11.21 16:48
I'm a Trekkie
117 Produkte im Account
23 Reviews
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41346 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.10.21 22:18
Welcome to STO: The Next Grindation

STO is what you'd get if a person asked for:-

Time gates on everything (want this, youre gonna have to wait, or pay up & we mean really pay up)
Time gates WITH a chance of failure (what you thought your time would be valued no, you failed try again)
Time gates with failure chances WITH resource costs (lol... having fun yet?)
Quantity gates on everything (Sorry you can only have this much or earn this much per day of these)
Want to be a Klingon, oh sorry we kinda gave up on them not long after the game was released... sorry.
Want a ship that can actually be worth a damn in end game content... pay up real money.
Want lots of systems ingame that are badly explained?.. here you go.
Want way to many currencies... with each system in the game linked to getting some of them, but not enough that you can consentrate on just a couple of systems and ignore the others?

Want a proper ship WITHOUT using real money, here grind Rep for 3+ months daily (which is time and quantity per day gated) for free Fleet modules once per completing a Rep (oh you'll need about 4-5 of those per fleet ship and a fully done fleet to join and if you want more you'll have to buy em... with real money, yeah sorry that free ship route with fleets we tease you with, still needs that real money in the end. Or maybe pay 30million+ energy credits each on the exchange for them... oh but your only allowed 15mill energy credits at max, unless you pay real money silly)...

Oh and your fleet ship still isnt that great, but you can upgrade it with this item, for real money (or buy it for 10's of millions of energy credits)... oh and its still not as good as the Lootbox ships you can get, for real money. Or make and run 9+ characters each day for 3+ hours for a month or more to get one of the cheap 2000 zen real money ships by trading dillithium for zen (real money currency)... oh but the dil to zen markets tanked so each character can only get 16 zen per day max, and you'll have to wait a few weeks for your order to go through since no one wants dillithium like they used too.

Oh and your character skills mean little too so just average out everything in the skill tree, your ship and bridge officers are the main thing... oh and duty officer bonuses, but the good traits and bonuses you want that those other players that steam role the content around you with have, sorry you're gonna have to buy lootbox for those with real money, or spend 10's of millions of energy credits to get them from other players...

Oh and you thought getting that ship as a free player after literal months of playing would account unlock it for you... NOOoooo you silly, thats only for that one character... you want account unlocked ships? pay real money dummy.

STO is basically pay ALOT of real money to play repetitive content to spend more money for collecting stuff to run the same repetitive content... or turn the game into a literal job farming rep, creds and dill for zen on multipal characters for hours per day for months and months in order to do the same thing as if you payed money... play the same end game over and over to get Ships etc etc...

Oh and you might get a free account wide ship from an event now and then... but hey they arent all that good, you want the good stuff... hand over that money or burn yourself out trying to get it for free.

Oh and to top it all off... the actual game experience is crap, space combat is a visual confusing mess, ground combat is so poor its painful, youve got so many windows and sub windows on a terrible GUI that even EVE online cries thinking about it.

Just dont bother... please.
224 Produkte im Account
36 Reviews
37494 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.10.21 13:37
This is a fun game. It has some complexity so you are always learning things, and its got great ship combat and good ground combat. Sure it has its bugs and glitches, but overall its very satisfying to play. Many people will take issue with the zen store because it's soooo expensive, BUT...you can get what you need in-game without paying a penny. Be prepared for some grind, but not excessive amounts, and keep an eye on your reputations because faction rep is super important. Rated 8/10
53 Produkte im Account
44 Reviews
248602 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.10.21 04:37
A bit too difficult in some parts of the story and anti-aliasing being under display and not graphics tends to lead to lousy reviews on the graphics.

As far as I am concerned it's a great game and for you Linux players STO plays flawless thru Proton on Ubuntu 21.04 and 21.10. I've had no problems with it myself. Check the Proton DB. I ignored the variety of caution posted there and just went for it on Steam and the game has worked flawlessly and as well if not better than when I was using it on Windows. I set the compatibility for latest of Proton 6.3.

If you like Star Trek STO puts you there, is very and perfectly immersive and is just a great game. I do not PVP so everything I have to say is about the PVE of the game.

I do caution players using zone chat that the GM/Moderators appear to be a bit biased and strict at the same time in ways that suggest to me they often aren't fully aware of what was said but don't actually care, that they instead just want to use their authority to discipline someone and justify their existence.

I've 3,000+ hours in the game from years of playing off and on and I do love the game itself, I just wish the GM/Moderators would lighten up on the biased censorship and remember we're playing the game or fun, but that there are those that will use the chat for purposes other than the game and the players will pushback on that. Don't punish us for defending or making sure to assert using the chat for the game, which often means defeating people who are trying to use the game chat for other purposes. It's not a public square and it's for the game but they won't let up and ignoring them doesnt' make it better for anyone else in the game. I've seen these folks doing this in multiple games and they don't get banned or suspended generally, and if so, for a stint of a few days at most a few times and then nothing happens to them. While a player playing for the game itself and who is tired of these people can report them until we're blue in the face only to find ourselves being warned. The rules need to be enforce objectively or not at all for without objective standards it's just going to chase people away. The GM/Moderators of chat are the only thing stopping me from spending money on the game.

Again the game is great, lots of flexibility, lots of depth. I don't want to give any spoilers or I'd discuss the game more, but know that you need to play a character to 65 to know the full depth of the game, to fully appreciate it, and make sure you're ready to do a lot of grinding if you join or start a new fleet, and I mean likely years of grinding.

Another key feature is that players can play multiple accounts even through Steam.

And one more thing that has to be said. Arc or Perfect World Entertainment Customer Service people, the ones you contact through email or even by phone, are some of the very best I've ever spoken to. They listen, or read thoroughly, respond to whatever you contacted them about attentively and are very fast to respond too. I found them extremely helpful every time I've contacted them. They've never tried to bluff me or ever showed any disrespect for me as a customer.

it'd be great if the in-game GM/Moderators were trained by Customer Service as to demeaner, attitude and how to help sell the game instead of be the one negative aspect to the Start Trek Universe of STO. Enforcment of the rules doesn't have to be someone sending you a mail without any explanation of what rule you violated and just telling you you're warned.

It's really a shame the GM/Moderators are so terrible but it is what it is. The game is entirely free, no sub but it is based on sales from the store, and like it or not it has to be paid for and they need to make a profit to keep the game going. They've done well in this regard or the game wouldn't still be here after 10 years. Anyone saying it's dying etc. is just griefing and trolling and is being dishonest about the game. It had issues and the company learned to appreciate the players (all but in game GM/Moderators). Today it is a far better game than it ever was as far as games go.

Hope you found this review helpful. Overall 8-9/10. Graphics 7-8/10 (with anti-aliasing on), Immersion an easy 10/10.
275 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
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155 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.09.21 04:35
why tf cant they use the same controller scheme they have on xbox? why tf does it say full controller support when all it has is a button in options to turn it on and off? if you played this game on console and expect the same game just walk away... nothing to see here.
35 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
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5334 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.09.21 13:08
If I wasn't a Star Trek fan, I probably wouldn't play this game so much. The races are well represented and present an intriguing story packed with some characters being voiced by the actors who played them. Michael Dorn, LeVar Burton, Jeffrey Combs (Shran and Weyoun), Mary Wiseman, and several others. The vast number of available ships, from all parts of the galaxy (including fluidic space) are fairly easy to fly and provide some pretty fun space battles.

However, outdated graphics with clipping issues as you fly to a star system, do a space battle, beam down to..wherever..run down a path and kill lots of stuff, interact with a few things, beam back to your ship, contact command for another quest to continue the story, equip new gear (if necessary), then repeat that process until the jelly that is now your brain begins leaking from every orifice in your head.

So, ONLY because I'm a Star Trek fan, I'll give this game a 2/5. If you're not a Star Trek fan, and are just looking for a solid space-themed MMO...yeah...don't bother.
13 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
632 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.09.21 23:31
While this game is definitely getting outdated more and more each year, the basics of what make this game so great don't change. The ship combat is fun, especially with fleet battles between other fleets. The part where the game feels out of date is mostly with the ground combat. Get the game if you are ok with old ground systems but love space combat. I hope a new version of this comes out, with improved graphics and improved ground combat. One more note: It is pay to win. You will definitely need to pay to get the best ships, which is a huge negative to me.
140 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
4488 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.09.21 08:12
Space combat is the closest we'll get to a modern star trek ship sim, but the ground combat is pretty meh
637 Produkte im Account
24 Reviews
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59 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.08.21 06:09
The setting is perfect. The combat controls are unsuitable for an action RPG.
131 Produkte im Account
19 Reviews
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7069 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.08.21 22:37
its like a bad episode of TOS: sucks but i love it. Not good, don't play unless you're trash like me.
9 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
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4048 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.08.21 18:02
It's very repetitive. Same style of missions over and over.
7 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
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2828 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.07.21 03:05
I think this game is alot a fun for Trekkies like me, BUT, Ikeep getting crashes on multiple character; I can't even run the kling on side of the game ALL of the character crash at trying to beam to the Home world all at the same place, I put 36 hrs in with probably 3 crashes an hour; on the Federation side I have 3 chracters, 2 are doing okay, so far, my 3rd just finished doomsday and now i can't return to SOL, sucks just sucks
53 Produkte im Account
24 Reviews
11145 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.07.21 08:14
Firstly, I am a life time sub so that does make a difference -

Ground missions are bland, badly designed, visually poor and to be frank... they make watching paint dry seem fun

the space gameplay is much nicer, more fun and more action based. the dialog window is massive, gets in the way and is totally not needed - a simple voice over and small box in the corner would be just fine - because you get shot to bits while your bridge officer takes up the entire screen and brings the ship to a full stop mid battle....

but over all the game is fun
25 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
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54984 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.07.21 11:40
STO lacks interesting content to keep me engaged. all i ever did was look at my ships and blow shit up.
18 Produkte im Account
24 Reviews
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345 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.07.21 06:52
Bad Rep with the BBB ands i never recommended this game all of my character process was deleted and my email was changed to a another email i never seen before have not been on about 3 years got on wanting to get back in it and all my stuff was gone support was a joke they failed to solve the issue and calling me a lier when i send pics of me loging in to the Star Trek login account showing them it's like they can't understand anything i tell them they completely clean my account out and they also put a security ban on the account so i can't log in so i got tired of them and say F it the company Perfect World Entertainment is a bad company that's my review about it i will never play any game put out by them.
147 Produkte im Account
23 Reviews
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127337 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.07.21 10:11
Old graphics, a free ship for all... I mean you can play as Human and use any other ship that doesn't belong to human species and that goes with consoles... so a utter mess no longer immersive much less role playing and pvp... WELL PVP always had been a joke since beginning and that has not changed. Play with friends to get some fun or else you won't have much fun other than repeat the scripts as been set for years.

And yeah I have lifetime... and to be honest with you it is not worth the money. The latest update of the launcher then fckus it up, linking steam account to a single arc account... this means if you have two arc accounts now you are fcuk coz means you have to have two steam accounts.... simply nuts and idiotic ARC!

Well STO long have lived but at present time it is a utter mess that for newcomers is overwhelming and even for veterans (cannot be bothered with current mess)... mix everything from everywhere regardless what species you play with... I do wonder how much long this STO mess will remain online..
26 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
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35329 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.07.21 15:45
Used to be very good. However, with things like Mudd's market packs costing 60,000 zen where for reference 2,000 zen is 20 dollars worth. This is a huge cash grab now. Technically has been for many years now, the first was lock boxes where you bought keys to get a chance to win ships. This should have a DCL styled pay for, rather than a pay for items style. Do not play this, you are better off playing space engineers and building your own ship and story rather than play this. This game also does not even run with good stability anymore and is in real need of a total reboot or new game to take its place.
8 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
19006 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.07.21 11:06
Star Trek Online has been one of my passions for a long time since 2014.
I get to create my own Captain, fly my own ship and possibly create a story out of it.
Star Trek Online is full of possibilities. Although, I am hoping that there are more exploratory
and diplomatic missions in Star Trek Online. Star Trek is not always about battles, but really
about exploring space and communication and what not.

That being said, I still love playing Star Trek Online and I look forward to what lies ahead.
17 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
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157488 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.06.21 03:25
been playing this game since it came out and its become the never changing game ... they have lots of boxes you can buy tho . Not worth the time tho ... really wish I never started playing it .
13 Produkte im Account
29 Reviews
229 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.06.21 01:31
Great graphics, great controls, interesting playability, wasn't exactly what i was expecting but seems like a good game.
699 Produkte im Account
268 Reviews
24619 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.05.21 20:44

The Last Star Trek Game

What I Liked

As a trekkie, I purchased a lifetime subscription to the game before it was even released. It should have been a cue that the game may not be good due to that. At release, the game was quite bad. However, it's improved over time.

Most of the time you'll be in space and engaged in space combat, which is a blast. There are a variety of ships, weapons, abilities, and missions to fight in. Easily the best part about this game is the space combat.

What I Did Not Like

It doesn't have that 'Star Trek' feel, mostly because the game is free to play, and has a ton of microtransactions. Additionally, exploration no longer exists in the game. A form of exploration was around in the early parts of the game, but it's all gone. That is a big piece of Star Trek left out.

Plus, despite multiple changes, the ground combat is simply horrible. Some of the worst I have played in a game.

Why I Stopped Playing

I have 400+ hours on Steam, but probably a lot more prior to the game being on Steam. So I had my fill. I sometimes reinstall just to play some Trek, so I am never truly done.


I have been a gamer for over 30 years. I tend to play mostly PC games. I also bounce around between games A LOT. I may purchase a $60 game and play it for 2 hours or spend $10 on a game and spend 50 hours on it. Even if I played a game a short time, it does not mean it is bad. It just means another game caught my attention. I also complain about flaws in games a lot, even about the littlest of things. Keep that in mind when reading my reviews. If I do not have a complaint, then the game must be special!
22 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
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33686 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.05.21 06:11
Pure mobil-gaming gambling mechanic. Gamble boxes, time gates, fomo promos - pay to win. Stay clear.
120 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
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131 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.05.21 19:57
Wow!!! Buggy, buggy BUGGY!!! The game crashed twice in the tutorial mission AND it refused to let me complete what was basically my FIRST mission - repelling boarders. After shooting the two Klingons I could find, it is now stuck at 71% and there is no one else left to shoot..

It really feels like nothing has been updated in 11 years. The controls are clunky and I've seen better graphics on a SEGA Genesis.
208 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
32904 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.05.21 21:30
This has it all. It's a Start Trek theme park with plenty of community support from Reddit and DPS league. The devs made it possible to get time limited items from yearly events in the past, which is very helpful.
69 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
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66207 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.04.21 01:15
Not aged well and only the long term players can build to a meta. Everyone else just has to settle for good enough to play PVE
274 Produkte im Account
19 Reviews
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77201 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.04.21 09:04
Writing a review for a game I don't recommend yet experience love and hate for is a very difficult prospect.

At the current time of writing, I've spent too much money on this game than I even care or dare to admit to myself, and I've spent more time on it ( 1275 hours ) than it rightfully deserves and yet I've played the bare minimum of the story, prefering to avoid it entirely. So then, what is it that attracts me to this game? What is it that keeps me playing despite how much I dislike a lot of it's attitudes?

Let's start with what I hate.

I hate how they keep pushing lootboxes constantly. Every new ship is pretty much hidden away behind a lockbox. You don't have to get them is the argument and it is indeed a valid one, but it fails to understand and take into consideration that all those ships are the popular ones that people want to have. Of course I understand that if they had put all ships in the C-Store, the game would most likely not seen the light after 10+ years of being alive.

I hate how there's bugs around that are 8+ years old that still haven't gotten fixed.

I hate how the character creator has only seen removal of features as opposed to improvements.

I hate how limiting customization can be for characters and ships.

I hate how some ships will never get added for a varierty of reasons ( I.e. Aegis from Bridge Crew, Typhoon from Invasion ).

I hate how the game isn't really open world at all.

I hate how the game handles like ships on water like most Trek games do. IT'S SPACE, LET ME ROLL FREELY AND DO LOOPS AND STUFF! I GREW UP ON GODDAMN DESCENT II AND FLIGHT SIMS FOR CRYING OUT LOUD!

I hate that instead of improving the Foundry, they outright removed it because they were too lazy to fix it. No matter of justification you may say, this I will never change my mind about.

I hate how you can't freely pick map for PVP if you just want to goof around, and I hate how it seems more and more like PVP will get removed entirely. I am not that much of a combative competitive person as I used to be, but there are ways to make PVP very fun and fair in this bad mode, it's just a shame it's so limiting in scope. Just, as the Foundry was....

And now, what I love.

It's fun to blow shit up.

Numerous of mission rewards that will help you greatly and are absolutely amazing.

Demorecord function is stunning. You can increase the renderscale by a factor of X to take amazing screenshots. The details of ships and projectiles that you'll never really see during action can be seen very closely if you use demorecord function and then play it back. There's at least one person whose made a career out of using the demorecord function.

That, while unremarkable storylines, they do get original, fan and new actors to play roles as various voiced characters. Chris Doohan, the son of James Doohan who played Scotty in TOS, voices Scotty in STO. Vic Magnogna of Star Trek Continues gives his voice to one of the cast as well. The late René Auberjonois returned for Odo before he left us. Everyone's favorite Q returns as well ( John De Lancie ).

To travel through space at warp speeds is enjoyment in on itself.

While I cannot recommend this game because the negatives far outweigh the positives, I leave it up to you to decide. Is this a game you want to try? If so, do it. Boldly go where many others have gone before, and left.
12 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
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985 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.03.21 15:56
I have waited 2 days for it to download. Then I had to wait 16 hours for it to patch. THEN I started playing and realised the game is shitty asf. That's it, thank you, goodbye.
116 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
1979 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.03.21 23:57
If you're a fan of the series this game is for you. It feels episodic which makes it feel more like you're playing through segments of the show. There are multiple story arcs progressing at once. It is a one-of-a-kind Star Trek experience. I wish they'd be a little been more descriptive of what each classes role is, but overall you can customize into anything pretty well. If you do any of the TFO's be ready to be outclassed by every other ally ship until you level a lot.
971 Produkte im Account
25 Reviews
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120023 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.03.21 23:50
Look... I'm NOT going to recommend you play this. Why? And why do I continue to play it? Because it ran on my potato of a CPU about 15 years ago and it kept me company on some long lonely nights. But... It's archaic AF. Ground combat is boring. Fan made Foundry missions aren't a thing anymore. Really, I wish this game would die so I could get a NEW Star Trek MMO. This one is played out. The 2D space combat is boring, but is the best thing about it. I can space out and just lit the fancy lights flash, collect my reward, and call it a day.

But man... Do I wish they'd do a MAJOR engine overhaul or just start a new STO. I know the olds are going to moan if anything changes but, PvP is broke and used to be fun.... but its unplayable.

... sheesh... this is just a rambling jumbled mess. Like the UI.

BUT... it's the only Star Trek MMO you're going to get so... pray for a major overhaul of the engine, maybe a true 3D space combat system. A rework of PvP where PvP ships have simplified stats and uh... maybe a more engaging non-tab based ground combat.
275 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
84003 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.03.21 03:30
Star Trek fan? This is the one. New fan, old fan, Original series, Next Generation, JJ Verse or Discovery Era. There is enough referential homage to choke a nation in this game. The only original actors they have yet to bag to reprise their role is the Captains, Kirks 1 and 2, Picard, Janeway, Sisko, Archer and somehow Riker.

I've been around since open beta and the game is regularly updated...for better or worse. The leveling has sped up significantly since the beginning so you can gain plenty of levels in a day. Free ships are given away all the time and are on par with the paid ships. There are lockboxes but those are not required to enjoy the game.

Ground Combat is historically wonky. But most people live in the much better Space Combat where nearly every ship imaginable, canon, soft canon and original creations is available to own. Even the bare metal ships from the end of Star Trek: Picard Season 1 was based on a specific ship designed for this game. And its only a matter of time before its flyable by humans. Just like the 'Janeway Class' from ST: Discovery Season 3.

MMOs aren't for everyone but if you're a series fan I think you might enjoy this even if its for a little while.
34 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
14836 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.03.21 00:20
Pay to win is unneccesary you can enjoy the game just as much for free but paying offers special perks and gratification you have bought something just in this world? lockboxes are a joke
319 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
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16249 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.03.21 20:10
Game Started crashing after years of running fine. i submitted a ticket and was told they would get back to me. after a month and several attempts to contact them ive been completely ghosted. the game still doesn't work crashes every time i load it up. I know they probably have a lot going on but ignoring customers completely is not a great look.
243 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
16306 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.01.21 18:25
It really scratches my star trek boner
702 Produkte im Account
174 Reviews
2137 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.01.21 03:17
It's a big, fat bag of jank, but it's made by people who truly know and love Star Trek, and who understand what makes the show what it is.

The most exciting part of gameplay lies in the space battles, as the ground missions are an often-broken, tedious, waste of time. But the story, writing, and performances are all of a reasonable quality, and the commitment to Star Trek lore is top-notch. Your actions in missions will often be preceded by consulting each of your commanding officers in turn, and they haven't skimped on dense political and technical details in the story. You can even hear voice actors for races such as the Ferengi speaking through their prosthetic teeth.

Customisation for your character and ship are among the deepest I've ever encountered for an MMO, and it's really these small but impactful little additions that raise the game above its very, very basic gameplay. There's a raft of content, even if the way you engage with it is through rather simplistic and dated mechanics, so it's ultimately a fun pick-up-and-play experience. The fact that it's free means that there is literally nothing to lose.

It's not going to change the world, but if you're into Star Trek and looking for a mindless little time sink that's also a bit of fun, then give it a go.
515 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
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23710 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.01.21 23:33
Is it a good mmo? Eh, could do worse.
Is it a good Star Trek Experience.... eh, not really. But it's all we have.

But do not give these fools money. They have some of the worst customer support, and would sooner just ban you from the game for spending money.
441 Produkte im Account
29 Reviews
2786 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.01.21 16:57
I dont know why we cant get new MMO's like this one or others from the time. But until we do this is the best there is. Ive got thousands of hours into this game with console and different launchers etc. Never gets old constantly updated with actual actors from all the shows. It really doesnt get better than this game.
272 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
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315055 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.01.21 20:38
I can't recommend this game for a new player.

That said, if you're looking to get into Star Trek Online then you should be aware of some major things:

While not exceedingly difficult to pick up at the base level, the game doesn't explain its core concepts very well. Core gameplay is divided between a space component and a ground component. Most people prefer the space component, which is fine, but you will need to do both quite commonly if you're going through the story, and very few aspects of either are explained to the player up front. As such, If you want to do well at endgame, you either need to seek out this information externally, have it explained to you by knowledgeable people, or spend a bunch of time on trail and error in a system that hides or doesn't explain the relationship between different gear and abilities and what best synergises.

There is no 'RPG Trinity' despite what the character class system might appear as. All content is DPS focused, with an admittedly wide variety of methods of achieving that DPS. Tactical Captains (Tacs) Usually boost their damage directly. Engineering Captains (Engs) Indirectly boost their DPS and survivability. Science Captains (Scis) usually debuff enemies to boost their own DPS.'Tanks' and 'Healers' don't commonly exist in game, since while tools exist to facilitate those roles, all content still needs things to die moreso then having people tank or heal.

Outside of the core gameplay, you have a loosely 'Star Trek' themed MMO that will probably appeal to you if you liked the shooty combat parts of Star Trek moreso then the philosophical navel-gazing parts. You can fly virtually any ship in Star Trek canon you can think of, but depending on what ship that is, you might need to spend either significant time grinding out the resources for, or a decent amount of money buying outright, the ship you want.

Ships at endgame are priced at $30 USD for a single ship at baseline price. Sales happen, bundles exist, etc. that let you mitigate costs but for the most part any given ship at endgame is gonna be at least that expensive when no sales are currently running.

You don't really need endgame ships to succeed in most content, thankfully, but if you want the most powerful builds, you will need to buy several ships for the gear and abilities they can give you.

While you can grind out the currency used to buy ships in game, this is a time consuming process that needs significant startup resources to get to be at anywhere resembling a decent income rate. Starting this process from nothing can take you literal weeks of playtime to get to a decent point of income on the resource.

On the brighter side, however, the game typically runs 3 events (Anniversary, Summer, Winter) a year that give out an endgame level ship for doing some daily task or another for a few weeks. These tasks usually take a few minutes, and don't need to be ran on consecutive days.

Character customization is fairly decent, but most outfits will cost you money to acquire, even if many are account-wide unlocks you only need to buy once for your account. The age of the game also shows in many aspects here, however, as despite all the options you can't really do too much with faces.

PvP is virtually non-existent. The devs haven't made it a focus in years, and whatever sort of shenaniganry they put out for PvE use is never checked for what it does in the PvP scene, so if you're looking to have unrestricted PvP that isn't an over-the-top pay to win mess, look for a different game.

All that said, the game is Free To Play if you wan't to try it yourself, but if you want to truly excel at the endgame, you'll likely need to pay out either a decent chunk of money or a significant amount of time.
91 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
3119 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.12.20 01:36
it be good
85 Produkte im Account
16 Reviews
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4706 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.12.20 18:11
If you located in SEA and using local connection to play this game, forget it.

Lag and rubberband in this game driving me crazy like I want to jump from 30th floor. Especially in PVE (Task Force).

But this is a still good game if u had a good latency.. :)
143 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
31947 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.12.20 09:01
It's fun to play with friends.
164 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
17607 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.11.20 19:15
I cannot even count the number of hours in this great game before it joined steam. The flow, content, story, graphics, game play are all good. Easy to learn, lots to do, never a dull moment. The game grabs you in what makes you feel like you could really be in Starfleet.
For me the biggest part of the game is the storyline. It flows and is well written. Taking place in what is the future of all the shows and movies they have a large base to mount from and bring forth an ever flowing story all these years and for years to come.
3194 Produkte im Account
401 Reviews
22455 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.11.20 19:09
I have played this game for several hundred hours. I don't know if it's good.

I know the ground combat is really lacking. I know the overlaid systems can be obtrusive and difficult to get into. I know the game can look, and feel, like a decade-old MMO.

I know it has made me feel ways no other MMO has successfully made me feel. I know the story content can be incredibly engrossing. I know the game was crafted with so much love for Star Trek that it's impossible not to feel it seeping out of every sidequest and easter egg and little interaction, right down to stowing a tribble in your stash, forgetting about it for a week and returning to find you're out of space.

I know when I am feeling particularly anxious I'll boot it up, get in my flagship and just slowly fly through space for awhile.

I do not know if Star Trek Online is good. I do know that I love it.
77 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
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365 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.11.20 06:25
A very very sad thing they did to this game. When it first came out I was ecstatic. Over time I came to realize that my expectations for it far exceeded that of the developers vision. Then it was sold and further ruined by the likes of perfect world.
378 Produkte im Account
47 Reviews
9442 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.11.20 21:55
One of the better F2P games on steam. While it's a broken mess, it's still playable and memorable. That's better than most MMOs accomplish. Maybe with some better writing and controller support, less cash grab stuff, it would be an excellent MMO. It's not bad if you play for free, but I wouldn't recommend spending any money no matter how badly they try to force you into it.
3 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
1694 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.11.20 11:40
Graphics are very accurate, plot is good and characters are Star Treks'. Every series is merged perfectly in one game
75 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
9820 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.11.20 01:18
pretty good storytelling, very much like the Old Republic, you will enjoy progressing as if you played a single player RPG and then you will hit the wall of endgame content tak requires money or grind. Don't get me wrong, the game is great and all the good stuff I just mentioned is free, so if you never played it before go on and grab it and till you hit that max level it won't let you go and give you a lot of great memories. And what to do then, well I haven't figured that out yet myself.
54 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
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110466 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.11.20 08:21
An enjoyable MMO for the most part , There is a lot of content in the game for the free to play player . The game however is fairly grindy in nature  especially when trying get some of the top tier ships , it has also become skewed heavily toward loot/lock boxes lately   ( which are opened from purchasing keys with real money via  there in game store ) and promo ships , which are the very top tier vessels in game , These are only obtained by either buying  promo packs ( bought with real money in there game store ) or via the in game exchange with game currency .  The promo packs like the lock box ships only give a chance to win , and a slim one at that . It is essentially a gamble box . These ships are also NOT account unlocked.
New players are warned that while this game claims to have several factions (which it does)  only one , namely the federation is supported by the development team , The rest are pretty much neglected as far as ship releases and content goes . PVP has also been heavily neglected and is generally frowned upon by both the majority player base and dev team , but small pvp communities still exist with the game .
61 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
7127 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.10.20 10:10
Game is real star trek, at least how much it could be if we don't coun't enemies that we count.

But currently its best star trek game out there, so i would definatly reccommend it

But yes it has and some negative sides:
Lot of grind - but worth cause missions and people you can meet
No exploration - but we still can hope they will introduce it one day
Weird story line - story line is in spirt of star trek, but twists are expected
Real tower defense game - number of required killed enemies is unbealivble, they just keep coming, and you can shot with all phaser and torpedos without fear ther shall not be enough of fun :D

All by all try, its worth to play, as fun is guarannted for hours and hours if not and months :P
45 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
43386 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.10.20 02:10
I like Star Trek Series
So i play this game and so far so good
i feel like inside the series , explore Star Trek Universe and enjoy it
people who say this game Pay to WIn because they dont have patience
they want good ship fast and forget to enjoy the game
many free ship and ship that we can buy use in game currency good to use, not best but good if u want roleplay etc
and there is event were we can get good ship.

I play this game since 2015 until now , and if u like Star Trek u will like this game

34 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
74792 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.10.20 04:10
With this amount of hours spent playing I think I like it.
111 Produkte im Account
19 Reviews
1513 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.10.20 02:53
STO is a classic. It's been around so long, you should at least check it out and make up your own mind.

Pros: Everything Star Trek is included!

Cons: Not enough immersion when it comes to commanding your starship. You ARE the Starship for all intents and purposes. No commanding from the center seat / viewscreen / Bridge Officers perspective. :(
101 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
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8619 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.10.20 15:49
Fun for the first few hours until they start wanting money for everything and all the ships you can earn are worthless
90 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
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1449 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.10.20 20:48
Would not recommend because of the abysmal support.

Had an issue with a code that I activated. Activated the code, didn't receive anything.
Contacted support: they can't do anything unless I post to their forums.
I go to their forums: there's literally no button to post anything
I submit a forum bug: they say i need to email their community team to fix the forum. I do: 3 months later, I'm writing this review.

The game is decent if you are exclusively f2p but a support team that has yet to fix an issue after 3 months and can't fix another issue because the first issue isn't fixed, should not be encouraged with more money.
101 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
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311 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.10.20 15:48
Generally a great game BUT the biggest Pay2Win title that I've ever seen, they just want your money
395 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
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26445 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.10.20 14:00
I like Star Trek. I've watched hundreds and hundreds of hours of it.

I like Cryptic MMO's. I've played hundreds and hundreds of hours of them.

I can't offer to you this game as something you should consider more than a novelty. I like it. I'm at the top tier for the money I'm willing to spend. But I'm willing to get punched in the mouth by the constant server unavailability or issues, and the wildly inconsistent content. You probably aren't. Maybe check it out, but before you spend a penny, be warned.
359 Produkte im Account
27 Reviews
55434 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.10.20 01:40
I've played the game off and on since it originally launched. It's changed a lot and so much content has been added. Missions stories from all across the different series of Star Trek, using the voice work from many of the actors of those series. Plus you can create characters who are apart of the Federation, Klingon Empire or the Romulan Republic.

The graphics are great, the ship models are crisp and detailed and seeing them sailing thru space, past nebulas and planets bring many screenshot worthy moments. There's ship to ship combat and on the ground combat with your away teams all of which you kit out and choose. There are many different ship types and abilites. You can upgrade and kit out different components to make your ship stronger or give them new abilities. You choose your away team with different characters, security officers, doctors and science officers all with different abilities to go with your style of play.

The missions will be enjoyable for any fan of Star Trek. They pull from stories and episodes all across Trek, some you recognize immediately and others only they most knowledagable will not have to google. But it's all great fun.
192 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
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76152 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.09.20 13:56
- Great space combat
- Loads of cool ships to buy.

- Expensive game to play as almost EVERY decent ship costs real cash
- The ground combat is awful
- The graphics are VERY dated.

If you're a die hard trekkie than you will like this game, if you arnt, avoid it.
274 Produkte im Account
34 Reviews
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2700 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.09.20 19:28
it's star trek; but you are a violent sociopath.
could be a great game if it wasnt an mmo
so its just a wasteland of grind a pointless combat.

the voice from our beloved actors are awesome though.
2 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
16180 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.09.20 17:56
interestting Interesting game especially if you like star trek series
8 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
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188352 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.08.20 16:03
Follows a Pay to Win model where the free ships are completely outclassed by those who pay cash, so don't waste your time in pvp. Limited inventory is rapidly filled with near worthless junk. Multiple bugs that have not been addressed in years. Clunky ground combat system. Limited 3d flight capabilities. Far too much time standing in a queue in the Academy trying to recruit better officers, when I really want to out flying around the galaxy.
2 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
2139 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.08.20 03:45
This game is SO fun! I'm easy as hell to please though. Character creation is super detailed which adds to the overall enjoyment plus being able to customize and change your look at any time is brilliant. Not sure about endgame yet though. Just a low stress way to pass time during the hell that is 2020.
7 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
831 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.08.20 21:09
Tons of voice acting by the cast of the shows. Great interpretation of the franchise into MMO format. Fun min/max builds for ships and crew if you get in depth. Auction house and multiple currencies with varied vendors. Fun battles in space and on the ground with the away team. Plenty of free content as far as story, character slots, and potential to earn currency to upgrade account and purchase deadly items
251 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
3266 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.08.20 05:40
If only I had stuck with this game when it first launched; while I never got into it I really liked the ship combat. Little did I know how deep the Rabbit Hole goes in Star Trek Online. 10 years later this game is content-packed with every little detail and morsel a treat to anyone seeking escapism into the Star Trek universe.

My only gripe are aging graphics and some clunkiness- trust me, if you overlook these things for a while this game's charm and fun will hook you.

19 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
55841 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.08.20 15:38
the Idea is great but this game is pay to win. most ships cost real money to buy at around 24 dollars when on sale. and yes you can slowly grind in dillithium in game to exchange for zen(paid currency) to get ships and other paid things, but with a limit of 8000 dillithium ore to usable dillithium a day and an exchange of 428 dillithium per zen(a penny) Roughly on sale it takes 1,016,400 Dillithium for a ship, which takes roughly 123 days of refining dillithium alone not to mention the time and effort to gain the dillithium ore in the first place.
324 Produkte im Account
68 Reviews
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30865 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.08.20 19:02
I came too late to appreciate this game, there is too much dialogue now.
Played this game shortly after its release and I feel like gameplay hasn't improved much, not enough to be significant and interesting again.

MMOs need renewal, rejuvenation of their aspects or they become tame, this one has better graphics and probably writing as well, 6 factions is a lot (even though half of them are just other time periods).

I didn't feel any kind of renewal unfortunately, inventory management is still pain and seeing ads in EVERY loading screen is also not putting me in the best of moods.

It's kind of messy to play, with all the active abilities, you can win pretty much by clicking every cooldowned skill. UI is still cluttered even though you can move it around.

I gave it a go after all these years but I wasn't that much into the plot, the TV show is good but the game takes too much energy from me to :
1 follow the story of the mission properly to be engaged
2 deal with all the active skills and strategy (especially during space fights)
3 pay attention to all the secondary challenges and currencies that are just shoved into your hands with the game expecting you to go, understand and do all that stuff

I installed it, took the time to give it another proper shot and failed miserably.
Leaving this sector, warp factor 8.
306 Produkte im Account
17 Reviews
87517 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.07.20 02:50
It's a 10-year-old game and they're still adding content. Also, this has to be one of the easiest games to play without buying anything. Star Wars The Old Republic, for example, penalizes you quite a bit for being F2P by reducing your experience gain and a few other things. In this game, the only real downside is not having some of the cool ships. And there's enough variety of ships that you probably won't be too bothered by that.

I recently came back after a 3-year-break, and I'm not even sure why I stopped. It's still good. The ground combat isn't great, and the ground graphics don't look good (remember, 10 years old). But the ship combat is great (very similar to Starfleet Command III, if you've played that, just with a bunch of crew and captain powers you can use in addition to the weapons) and still looks quite nice.

If you're a Star Trek fan, you should have already played it. If you're not, well, the ship combat is still worth getting it. I mean, it's free, so why not?
11 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
54682 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.07.20 15:30
As much as the community likes to tout that this game isn't pay-to-win... it absolutely is. This game has an extreme focus on end-game premium items. While this won't keep players from reaching or participating in end-game content, it definitely limits your capabilities when compared to those that are willing to pay. There are options for converting in-game currencies into premium currencies. The conversion rate is horrendous due to inflation in the system over the years. The majority of premium items are unlocked account wide.. however, the few that aren't are usually very expensive and locked to a single character. This leads to incentivizing players to have one or two 'mains' and a host of alternate characters for generating the conversion currency or just spending (frankly absurd) amounts of money.

The story lines and content are relatively solid. Some are brilliant in regards to linking to other Star Trek properties. There are only so many, however. The design of character advancement and acquisition of items heavily incentivize repeating content. You will get sick of repeating the same mission 3-5 times to acquire a set of gear.

While my experience was generally positive in regards to program stability overall, there are numerous small bugs and glitches that will randomly affect players. They're not show-stopping, but they can occasionally cause a player to get locked out of queues for 30 minutes due to being unable to finish a TFO (task force operation, generally the queued-dungeon-group-finder system). Single player missions will also occasionally lock advancement and necessitate a restart. There are numerous tool-tip issues resulting in the data the player is given is not accurate unless you're in the correct 'type' of map or situation. Frequently settings and character options are reset without player knowledge, requiring frequent 'fiddling' with your settings.

I like this game, personally. But it's numerous small issues and focus on over monetization crosses the line of good taste in my opinion. If you're a die-hard Star Trek fan, playing through the stories are worth the effort. I would absolutely not recommend playing this game long-term unless you have an absurd amount of spare time or are willing to spend a few hundred dollars a year.
135 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
64096 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.07.20 12:59
It's okay.
119 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
27842 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.07.20 01:45
Amazing space combat.
Decent stories.
Nice community.
Free to play.

Outdated game engine.
Countless bugs.
No real end game challenge.
Horrible ground combat.
Riddled with microtransactions, forced to grind for months if you choose to not purchase content. Not to mention a large quantity of all customization items, gear, etc are locked behind a premium currency paywall.

The highlight of this game is its space combat. That is literally the only reason I played it.

I cannot recommend this game.
1045 Produkte im Account
100 Reviews
122268 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.07.20 10:26
An undeniably fun space-combat MMO, with the bones of a rich universe but still plenty of catching up to do.
203 Produkte im Account
23 Reviews
41759 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.07.20 07:37
Pretty awesome story arc content, the game mechancis are not for the faint of heart. If you don't like a lot of sub-menus or complexity it's easy to get lost or overwhelmed. It's a very technical and intricate statistical setup for those who want to be genuinely effective or a top-of-the-line player. If you are a micro-manager who likes to rp though, this game will suit you well. Much of the content is free, but some of the best equipment is behind a paywall, but they have to get their money somewhere. Currency is balanced against effort however via the dilithium exchange through which you can swap the premium currency zen with refined dilithium, so those willing to put in the work can use that effort to make progress. More characters, more daily dilithium, more daily dilithium, more zen, more zen, more fun stuff.. that'd the equation.
109 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
66056 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.06.20 12:59
Stay away from the cashgrab shop, and just enjoy the content without buying into the upgrade and premium ship craze (other than for supporting the project), and its actually a pretty solid game.
Could use an engine update, but if you can live with the aged grafics it really delivers on the story content front.
Its lots of Trek, and if you happen to be a fan give it a look.
58 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
4022 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.06.20 05:31
This game has so many paywalls. If you want to have any chance in the endgame you either need to farm 1000000 dilithium, somehow get accepted into a fleet and manage get the marks you need, or spend upwards of $30 for just one single ship. This couldn't be a more blatant ripoff even if they tried.
103 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
8415 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.06.20 12:33
I met my wife because of this game. So I'm pretty biased. But yeah, to say it's a good game is a massive understatement.
4 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
766 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.05.20 02:22
Fun Exploration, lots of fan service, it's good (i cant write reviews very well)
26 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
2717 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.05.20 09:13
The only MMO I could get into.
346 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
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13236 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.05.20 04:47
There are a lot of good features about this game and it can be really fun but then you come across a bug from 2016 that they just never bothered to fix and it gets so frustrating after spending money in a game for in game items or keys to open boxes and they just don't care anymore and its such a shame for a game that could be so great. Its the little things that keep you from being able to progress that really burn you up and out of a game.
19 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
414 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.05.20 04:18
It's Star Trek. Fun, not terrible. Could use some refining, but it gets better all the time. I played long time ago. I love the current content, the updated characters right along side the classics. What's not to love?
157 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
3416 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.05.20 21:38
Pros and Cons

Game has a great story line that you can solo despite the faction that you select. It is a very rich story if your are willing to work your way through it.

This game does give an advantage to those willing that are willing to pay for it. HOWEVER, if your willing to grind or just play it as it is you can advance by your own merits.

This game is about how YOU as the character wants or plays the story. So Please enjoy it for what it is and what you want it to be.
2 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
7147 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.05.20 04:21
If you love Star Trek...here it is. And you can have fun without really spending money, yes if you spend money you get better stuff, but you don't have to, I went all the way to level 35 before I decided to spend money.
155 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
126772 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.05.20 00:18
It's ok.
364 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
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7286 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.05.20 14:11
I love the game actually but the controls are a bit **** but my main gripe is unless you are prepared to spend cash on this there is No way you can get very far with it... it is designed to extract real cash from you which im not prepared to do... I would rather have bought the game in the first place than have them trying to get you to spend money... Spoilt a really good game for me...
170 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
13387 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.04.20 04:49
if you're even a casual trekkie, this game will give you a steady dose of ST goodness. While keeping canon intact the game has expanded things as well - but doing so in a way that shows the writers and developers are clearly fans. I got a lifetime membership ages ago and don't regret it one bit.
263 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
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6691 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.04.20 12:56
It wasn't great when it came out, and it still plays like garbage. For people who enjoy masterful gaming experiences in 2020, don't play this game. For people who are hardcore Trek fans, you'll maybe enjoy this? I am but it still gets boring as hell pretty quickly.
352 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
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20683 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.04.20 20:35
I very much want to put money into this game, but infuriating graphics, AI and lag issues keep the experience from being memorable. Things like:

-Cut-scenes breaking the pace of PvE space battles, overlapping audio dialogue, warp-out animations-then suddenly your ship is still there, warp-out but you fly into the planet. Are these 'little things'? I don't think so. Not after this much time.
-Tapping F to interact with something and if you tap it again it stops the action - but you only did that because the action wasn't responsive in the first place. Rubber-banding in both space and ground battles (especially
-Your AI squad members are equipped with sniper rifles and don't know that you placed an AoE healing device or shield, and walk up to the enemy to shoot from 4 feet away.
-Mining dilithium animations are completely broken.
-Absurd AI's walking over/under/around objects that for all intents and purposes should be absolute obstacles.
-A single endgame ship costs between $20 and $30. This is ridiculous. I know there are recent changes to allow grinding for some upper-echelon gear (and some story-context would be nice for this,) but no free-to-play addon should be more than $10. I can't imagine the number of dissuaded players that are unable to justify purchasing a single tool with slightly better stats.
-16 characters per non-battle instance? In 2020?

So what are the positives? Great storytelling. Smart & detailed dialogue & voice acting. Pretty and imaginative environments. Deep ship customization with a fun space combat engine that allows for remarkably varied playstyles. Squad & bridge crew customization is great; I want more of that. Admiralty-related tasks could be a whole endgame in itself.

In many ways, this game is more than the sum of its parts. It just needs a few hammers and some heavy polishing to stand out.
38 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
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4079 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.03.20 21:25
Everything is awesome and what you would expect... they added stuff since I last played a few years ago... But maaan, how does a game become more buggy the more it gets built upon and the more uptime it has? I suggest that the next update or dlc or whatever is quality of life... or all that beautiful content will be wasted due to frustration and immersion breaks.
I mean, bugs in scripting and stuff like that that simply happens and might be missed is ok, but for pete`s sake, in away missions my character stops shooting and won`t respond to any ability key from time to time for no apparent reason, I target an enemy and from time to time my character decides he is not actually targeting anything. From time to time I simply cannot shoot, with no apparent debuf.

Furthermore, the decision to put a roll on double press of either w a s or d is stupid and cumbersome when you need to tweak your position just a bit, your character dives out of cover because you pressed a 2 times.

Overall, space missions seem ok, away team missions are a nightmare win disproportionate difficulty for the level you have sometimes made even worse by constant bugs in movement, combat and interaction, especially during combat.

It may be free, but the game is sometimes a chore and a half to play, which is totally not fun, and not immersive.

I remember playing a few years ago, I especially recall a very well executed mission where you were on a spaceship, going back and forth in time to deal with some problems in either timeline, I swear I recall no issues like this back then.
340 Produkte im Account
22 Reviews
24807 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.03.20 01:57
Super fun game and perfect thing to do while in quarantine!! Don't have to be a star trek fanatic to like it either. So much to do, fun missions, always groups available. Game can be super in depth with things to do and work on, which I love. Can quickly queue up and do some fun space battles or ground missions. Played this game on and off for a long time, love it :-).
83 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
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31155 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.02.20 07:02
We have one Star Trek MMO. It should be FAR, FAR, FAR better than this. It's a tired game that never really gets better.

You can do pretty much all of the content in a few days and after that, it's rinse and repeat. They have various reps and currencies you can grind for but, to what end? To redo the same very small amount of content?

One would think worlds would be a big feature in a game about space travel and exploration? Ground content is virtually non-existent, save for a few instanced encounters and those part of their small amount of story arcs. You can land on planets, but it's a carbon copy of every other with some aesthetic changes here and there. No chance of open world at all.

Even though it's F2P, they have insidious lockboxes all over the place forcing you to gamble real money if you'd like to acquire an iconic ship from the show you love. Don't want to gamble? Buy a ship with real money from their in-game store. They offer 1-2 ships for in-game grinding once or twice a year, normally novelty non-cannon centric vessels. If you speak to an STO apologist, they'll tell you you don't need to spend anything and you can grind X currency in game and convert it to Y - Yes you can in some cases, but takes you forever and the actions required to do it are the most tedious and mind numbing things ever.

I preordered this game, have a life time sub, and was waiting to login at midnight when they turned the servers on 10 years ago - I abandoned it shortly after logging in because it was awful.

I came back after a few years (Legacy of Romulus 'expansion') and it did feel improved, spent a few weeks playing, realised it's an empty feeling and now login once every few months.

What do most players do with this game? Space Barbie (basically STO's transmog type thing) or Tweaking Ship Builds to knock up DPS numbers a fraction - DPS that is meaningless in a game that offers very little.

I will say that many of the ship designs are beautiful and it is the only game where you can pilot any number of Star Trek ships. Pilot is a bit much though, it's micro-machines in space.

I pray one day a major studio will come along and the rights to this will be passed to them so we get a proper, 100% genuine MMO rather than this poor imitation.
45 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
497 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.02.20 20:44
pretty simplistic, not overly complicated, you can play for a bit drop off and pick back up later
40 Produkte im Account
40 Reviews
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181 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.02.20 22:38
So what part of this is Star Trek? If I recall Star Trek as a show and as a concept was 1% space fighting and 99% star trekking. The only thing I've done in this game so far is shoot people in my ship, get off my ship to shoot people and then get back to my ship to shoot people.

I guess finding new worlds, aliens and technologies would have been too difficult to make interesting. Imagine, who would want to command a ship and solve mundane problems in space such as cultural and technological questions while trying to keep peace with multiple alien races with flipped cultural values from us?

But honestly, what can we expect from a Free-To-Play take on a popular series?
607 Produkte im Account
36 Reviews
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10275 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.02.20 19:37
This game is one of the worst when it comes to microtransactions. While the gameplay and story might be good, I used to love the game when it was pay to play, PWI's aquisition of the IP destroyed my love for it.

Currently it is $20 for ONE t5 ship and $30 for ONE t6 ship. You can buy the premium currency with special in game currency, but this is where the predatory game practices come in. You can only refine 8,000 premium currency per day per toon. As of writing this the t6 ship is 1,356,000 special currency. That means with one toon you will get your ship in 170 days. If you want that ship in say 30 days you need to farm on 6 different characters.

I used to love the space combat in this game, the story was interesting, everything was fun. I want to play a video game casually and enjoy the whole experience of it. Not have to make it a part to full time job in order to get one ship of my current level.
180 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
20668 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.02.20 21:56
In short: I highly recommend this game to anyone who loves Star Trek or has dreamed of flying their own spaceship (or fleet of ships) around an ever growing universe, exploring new planets and meeting new alien civilizations.

I've played a lot of these Elder Scrolls Online style MMORPGs but If I had to pick a favorite, Star Trek Online would certainly go high up on the list. No other free game will let you explore a universe as large and well designed as the one you roam in this game and they are constantly creating new worlds and missions to add to the overall scale of the game.

All of the detail is there for the die hard fans of Star Trek seeking to relive their favorite moments or finally visit their favorite places from the shows and films. They have all the best characters from the shows, many of whom were voiced by the original Hollywood actors and actresses. Alternatively if you are someone (like myself) knows little to nothing about the Star Trek franchise, the game is simple enough to learn and doesn't really require you have any prior knowledge beforehand. You create a character, get your first ship, and fly off into space to start doing missions, some of which require you to fly around in your ship or do battle with other ships while others have you and members of your crew beaming down to planets or space stations to battle the enemy first hand.

And the missions are a lot of fun to play too with each one feeling almost like it's own episode complete with all of the necessary action and stakes to keep you entertained and wanting more. Unlike other games of this genre the combat doesn't get too boring or repetitive as you are constantly learning new abilities and getting new weapons and equipment to use against a wide variety of enemies. And if you find yourself in a situation where things are starting to feel a little too difficult, all you have to do is ask for help in the chat because there are almost always veterans players of the game just waiting for people to give them an opportunity to come show off their fancy ships and toys to save the day.

As you level up you will unlock new ships and crew members for those ships both of which can be heavily customized if you are into that sort of thing. There are hundreds of ships, weapons, equipment and clothing options (and of course, non-combat pets) and they just keep getting cooler and cooler the more you play. You can spend real money to get a jump start on things if you want, but the main mission story-lines are all so good and bare such great rewards, it's just as easy/fun to take your little starter ship and dive right in.

-Live Long and Prosper
4 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
65269 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.02.20 01:11
If you're a fan of Star Trek especially, or science fiction generally, Star Trek Online is an excellent opportunity to immerse yourself in a universe which feels like what it purports to be. The game's developers have paid particular attention to creating an environment which is Trek in its essence. The stories it tells are the stories of Trek - incorporating solidly elements from every series to push the tale left off in Star Trek: Nemesis even further into the future, while not ignoring at all the contributions of the latest stories (from the Abrams series of movies to Discovery and now Picard). And yet, where it goes makes sense, even while giving us surprising revelations.

The game-play itself does have its moments of clunkiness - particularly in ground-side interactions - but even so, it is still functional, and it's certainly beautiful. Where it shines at its best is in space, where the ships are undeniably Trek and so is the combat.

Enjoy some episodes, yourself, and see!
30 Produkte im Account
28 Reviews
2910 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.02.20 23:08
I feel retarded i never tried this game. It's 2020 and I am 100% addicted and just now got into star trek
316 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
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21356 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.02.20 13:50
For those with a short attention span the TLDR is:
Some good mechanics and Ideas, lore rich with a well written narative. Had alot of fun with it with friends in coop. Nice range of ships and races to play. Horribly monitized with a huge chuck of the features behind paywalls with alot of forced grind and a huge amount of pay to win features and ships. So much so its more like a hidious mobile game with predatory slotmachine like lootboxes.

For those of you still reading, thank you.

*Excellent Story elements with a nice enough blend of the different series enough to please most fans (Unless die hard)
*Nice ship choices with some good refitted models for those who love their chosen series
*Well designed and plentiful loot options (Excluding pay to win items)
*Graphics have been updated well over the years to still warm your gpu up despite the aged engine
*Enjoyable mechanics with some excellent but rather simple gameplay for the space combat
*Huge range of choice when it comes to factions you can play which matching shipsets for your chosen race
*Good range of customisation, rarely see two alike.
*For a free to play game, its incredibly expensive with some packs costing as much as £100 for a couple of ships. Owners are whale hunting hard.
*Much of the best loot to be got is from lootboxes which have slotmachine like random chance drops so those of you with a gambling addiction or have younger kids i recommend you steer clear
*Alot of fear of losing out mechanics used here, Waving it in your face that the guy stood next to you just got an epic ship you can only get through a purchase of such an item or a ridiculous grind.
*Ground combat mechanics are incredibly clunky and without any polish since release
*Confusing number of currencies
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Rating auf Steam Größtenteils positiv
79.09% 11081 2930
Release:05.02.2010 Genre: Weltraum-Action Entwickler: Cryptic Studios Vertrieb: Atari Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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