• Star Renegades: Screen zum Spiel Star Renegades.
  • Star Renegades: Screen zum Spiel Star Renegades.
  • Star Renegades: Screen zum Spiel Star Renegades.
  • Star Renegades: Screen zum Spiel Star Renegades.
  • Star Renegades: Screen zum Spiel Star Renegades.
  • Star Renegades: Screen zum Spiel Star Renegades.
  • Star Renegades: Screen zum Spiel Star Renegades.
  • Star Renegades: Screen zum Spiel Star Renegades.
  • Star Renegades: Screen zum Spiel Star Renegades.
  • Star Renegades: Screen zum Spiel Star Renegades.
  • Star Renegades: Screen zum Spiel Star Renegades.
  • Star Renegades: Screen zum Spiel Star Renegades.
  • Star Renegades: Screen zum Spiel Star Renegades.
  • Star Renegades: Screen zum Spiel Star Renegades.
  • Star Renegades: Screen zum Spiel Star Renegades.
  • Star Renegades: Screen zum Spiel Star Renegades.
  • Star Renegades: Screen zum Spiel Star Renegades.
  • Star Renegades: Screen zum Spiel Star Renegades.
  • Star Renegades: Screen zum Spiel Star Renegades.
  • Star Renegades: Screen zum Spiel Star Renegades.
  • Star Renegades: Screen zum Spiel Star Renegades.
  • Star Renegades: Screen zum Spiel Star Renegades.
  • Star Renegades: Screen zum Spiel Star Renegades.
  • Star Renegades: Screen zum Spiel Star Renegades.


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  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 08.09.2020
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Preis Update 18.09.23

Über das Spiel

Ein Serviceroboter namens J5T-1N ist in deine Dimension gekommen, um sie vor einer bevorstehenden Invasion durch das übermächtige Imperium zu warnen.
Kämpfe ums Überleben in einer prozedural generierten, missionsbasierten Kampagne mit einem reaktiven, rundenbasierten Kampfsystem, das Unterbrechungen und Gegenangriffe in den Mittelpunkt stellt. Dabei bekommst du es mit einem intelligenten Gegnersystem zu tun, in dem sich gegnerische Offiziere weiterentwickeln und in den Rängen aufsteigen.

Als deine Heldengruppe im Kampf gegen das angreifende Imperium fällt und die Hoffnung fast verloren ist, wird J5T-1N in die nächste Dimension geschickt, um der Heldengruppe dort deine gesammelte Erfahrung weiterzugeben, damit sie eine Chance hat, den Kampf zu gewinnen. Jede Dimension und jede Partie ist einzigartig, herausfordernd und niemals wie die vorherige.


  • CPU: Intel Core i3-3220T @ 2.80GHz / AMD Phenom II X4 820 @ 2.8 GHz
  • GFX: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 750(2GB VRAM) / AMD Radeon Pro 460 (2GB VRAM)
  • RAM: 4 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows 7+
  • HD: 5 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • SFX: Yes
  • DX: Version 11
  • LANG: Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch, Spanisch, Russisch
  • CPU: Intel Core i5-6600K @ 3.5GHz / AMD Ryzen 3 2200G @ 3.5GHz
  • GFX: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 960(4GB VRAM) / AMD Radeon Pro 570 (4GB VRAM)
  • RAM: 8 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows® 10 64-bit
  • HD: 5 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • SFX: Yes
  • DX: Version 11
  • LANG: Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch, Spanisch, Russisch

Steam Nutzer-Reviews

100 Produkte im Account
15 Reviews
518 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.10.21 14:16
Eines der besten JRPG's seit langem. Star Renegades sieht nicht nur sehr schön aus, sondern spielt sich genauso gut, wobei man dieses Spiel in seiner Schwierigkeit nicht unterschätzen darf, was jedoch auch super ist da man immer eine Herausforderung hat.
Ich kann Star Renegades nur wärmstens empfehlen falls jemand sich ein JRPG oder einfach ein Sologame zulegen möchte. ^^
444 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
2516 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.07.21 10:28
This game looks amazing, offers interesting tactical choices with lots of mechanics to abuse and a compelling (if narrow) narrative. Since you can buy renegades and items even a failed run will not be a failure. If you are interested in highly tactical dungeon crawls/rogue likes, you should at least consider buying this game.

That said, there are a few downsides, most notable the UI has some problems. You will miss important details like the declaration of counter fire, because they are hidden behind some other ui elements (keep this in mind when fighting the moon base boss). Also the game is about 22% too difficult.

PS: the last point is an inside joke that you will only understand once you finish the game.
242 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
17118 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.07.21 12:30
Wenn man die ersten paar Runden gemacht hat, versteht man langsam worum es geht. Und dann hat man noch viel zu tun ... aber mit ständigen Progress. Macht Spass die verschiedenen Kombinationen auszuprobieren.
199 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
8040 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.02.21 14:38
gutes Rogue Lite mit ansprechendem Pixellook und wirklich gutem Sound, Ein gut ausgeklügeltes Kampfundensystem und abwechslungsreiche Teamcharaktere garantiert einen hohen Wiederspielwert.

- regelmäßig neue Inhalte
- Soundtrack
- gelungener Sci-fi Pixel look
- angemessener Schwierigkeitsgrad der sich variieren lässt.
- ansprechendes Kampfsystem

-paar balance Probleme
- paar nervige Bugs

1856 Produkte im Account
24 Reviews
429 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.09.20 21:45

Star Renegades – Rette deine Dimension...oder die nächste...oder die danach...

Es ist mal wieder soweit, diesmal habe ich für euch Star Renegades dabei. Ich habe schon einige gescheiterte Durchläufe hinter mir, viele Gegner besiegt und gut gelacht. Meine gesammelte Erfahrung und Gedanken, fasse ich hier nun wieder zusammen.

Die Story

Das Imperium, angeführt von MUTTER, erobert die gesamte Dimension. Doch es gibt Widerstand! Die Star Renegades – Rebellen, die sich gegen die Herrschaft auflehnen, kämpfen gegen das Imperium an. Doch was passiert, wenn sie den schier endlosen Feind niemals bezwingen? Ist es überhaupt möglich, den Kreislauf zu durchbrechen?

Das Gameplay / Die Spielmechanik

Star Renegades vereint Rouge-lite und Strategie in sich und bringt das sehr schön zur Geltung. Habt ihr das Tutorial beendet und den Kampf in der Dimension für immer verloren, werdet ihr automatisch in die nächste Dimension geschickt, um den Kampf gegen das Imperium erneut anzutreten.

Bevor ihr loszieht, erstellt ihr euch ein Team aus verschiedenen Helden, welche die unterschiedlichsten Fähigkeiten mit sich bringen. Diese gilt es zu lernen und geschickt zu kombinieren, damit ihr bestmögliche Ergebnisse erzielen könnt.

Habt ihr euer Team zusammengestellt, werdet ihr auf den ersten Planeten gesandt und kämpft euch Stück für Stück zum Titanenkern, welchen ihr erreichen müsst, bevor der Behemoth es tut. Das Spiel verfügt hier über ein Tag/Nachtsystem, ihr könnt am Tag nur begrenzt Gebiete erkunden und in der Nacht könnt ihr gewonnene Gebiete noch einmal erkunden, möglich das ihr was finden werdet. So stellt ihr euch eure Route zusammen, denn am dritten Tag taucht der Behemoth auf – der „Weltboss“ und versucht den Titanenkern zu erobern. Gelingt ihm dies, ist die Dimension verloren und ihr fangt von vorne an.

Neben dem Behemoth gibt es auch einfache Fußsoldaten und Offiziere. Diese werden im sogenannten Nemesis-System (welches bekannt aus Mittelerde – Schatten des Krieges ist) dargestellt. Hier könnt ihr euch im Vorfeld informieren, gegen welche Offiziere ihr antreten wollt und welche ihr lieber aus dem Weg gehen solltet. Verliert ihr die Partie, können Offiziere im Rang aufsteigen und neue Fähigkeiten erlernen. Besiegt ihr sie, wird ihr Platz von einem neuem Offizier eingenommen.

Und das ist auch wichtig! Für jeden bestrittenen Kampf erhaltet ihr Wissens- und Techpunkte, welche ihr in die nächste Dimension mitnehmt, um euch dort dann neue Helden freizukaufen oder Ausrüstung.

Die Kämpfe in Star Renegades verlaufen rundenbasiert. Doch hier gibt es gleich eine Besonderheit, denn ihr wisst zu jeder Zeit, welche Aktion der Feind gegen euch einsetzt und anhand des Zeitstrahles, der sich im oberen Teil eures Bildschirms befindet, könnt ihr euch eine Strategie ausdenken, wie ihr euren Feinden zuvorkommt. Das Kernelement des Spiels ist, den Feind auszuspielen, sprich ihr habt die Möglichkeit mit euren Angriffen den Gegner zu verlangsamen, sodass dieser in der Runde keine Aktion durchführen kann. Außerdem könnt ihr eine genaue Prognose erstellen, wie die Runde ausgeht. Ihr könnt feststellen, wie viel Schaden ihr am Feind machen werdet und wie viel Schaden ihr diese Runde auch einstecken müsst. Hierbei habt ihr kein Zeitlimit, welches euch dabei unter Druck setzen wird und könnt euch ganz auf eure Strategie konzentrieren.

Am Ende eines Jeden Kampfes erhaltet ihr, neben den beständigen Wissen- und Techpunkten, DNA-Punkte welche ihr einsetzen könnt, um eure Helden dieser Dimension, aufzuleveln. So erhalten sie mehr HP, Stärke und Fähigkeiten, welche ihr auch brauchen werdet. Zusätzlich könnt ihr auch auf Ausrüstung stoßen, welche den jeweiligen Helden zugeordnet werden können, um sie noch stärker zu machen.

Wenn man mit der Umgebung interagiert, wird man schnell feststellen, dass eine Menge Witz in dem Spiel enthalten ist. Es hat an sich eine düstere Thematik, nimmt sich hierbei aber selbst nicht zu ernst.

Die Steuerung

Sowohl Maus und Tastatur, als auch der Controller kann genutzt werden. Hier kann auch nicht viel erwähnt werden, da ihr lediglich euch per Mausklick oder Analogstick auf der Karte fortbewegt und sämtliche eingaben über einfache Eingabe stattfinden, ebenso wie im Kampf.

Der Sound

Die Soundkulisse von Star Renegades im „Retro-futurismus“ gehalten. Wir sprechen hier von klassischer 16-Bit Hintergrundmusik, die etwas mysteriöses, eben futuristisch an sich hat. Während der Kämpfe wird diese sehr action reich und mit satten Laserfeuer oder Schlägen untermauert. Im großen und ganzen eine sehr schöne Soundkulisse.

Die Grafik

Passend zum Sound setzen die Entwickler auf eine Pixel-Grafik. Charaktere, Hintergrund und Feinde sehen wirklich klasse aus und sind perfekt in Szene gesetzt. Animationen machen hier Lust auf mehr. Das Design an sich orientiert sich hier mehr an dem Futurismus der 80er Jahre, als Vergleich habe ich mir hier Generation Zero genommen. Hier kann man ebenfalls erkennen, dass sich der Futurismus aus vergangener Zeit orientiert und nicht den Futurismus der Gegenwart in Anspruch nimmt. Vieles wirkt Futuristisch aber dennoch „alt“.

Mein Fazit

Dieses Spiel war für mich eine gelungene und wirklich schöne Abwechslung. Mir persönlich gefällt es nicht, immer wieder von neuem zu beginnen. Dafür hat man ja zum Glück Rouge-lite erfunden. Was mich hier aber überzeugt hat ist ganz klar das Kampfsystem, welches mir in der Form noch nicht über den Weg gelaufen ist. Außerdem ist dieses Spiel so konzipiert, dass es einen sehr hohen Wiederspielwert hat, welches nicht nur dem Rouge-lite Element geschuldet ist.

Daher kann ich dieses Spiel uneingeschränkt an Rouge-LIKE/LITE Veteranen und Neueinsteigern gleichermaßen Empfehlen. Wer ein Spiel mit hohem Wiederspielwert sucht, ist hier ebenfalls richtig.

Wenn euch die Review gefallen/geholfen hat dann folgt doch unserem Reviewprogramm und wenn ihr mir etwas zu dieser Review mitteilen wollt dann schreibt gerne in die Kommentare. Das Spiel wurde der GGC für Reviewzwecke zur Verfügung gestellt.
587 Produkte im Account
35 Reviews
2862 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.09.20 17:26
Unglaublich gutes Spiel. Rundenbasiertes Roguelite mit feinster Pixelgrafik und Bombastsoundtrack. Zuschlagen Freunde!
1444 Produkte im Account
163 Reviews
866 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.09.20 16:54
Und woher stammt die Inspiration für die Rogue-lite-Elemente?

So sehr ich auch das komplexe und taktische Runden-Kampfsystem von Star Renegades zu schätzen weiß, so sehr nervt mich der Rogue-lite-Krempel, welcher das Spiel meines Erachtens nur zäh werden lässt, statt diesem den angepeilten Mehrwert mit auf den Weg zu geben. Ich sage ja nicht, dass Rogue-lite-Elemente überhaupt nicht funktionieren können, aber gerade in Star Renegades wird der tatsächliche Spielfortschritt derart knausrig gehandhabt, dass die Motivation des Spielers sehr stark darunter zu leiden hat. Glücklicherweise gelingt es dem coolen Kampfsystem mich zumindest teilweise wieder zu versöhnen. Und auch die grafische Darstellung, welche ihre Inspiration aus Octopath Traveler bezieht weiß zu gefallen. Apropos Inspirationsquellen: Die Entwickler von Star Renegades bedienen sich ganz schön stark aus anderen Produkten. Der Grafikstil stammt aus Octopath Traveler, die Idee JRPG-Kämpfe einer taktischen Evolution zu unterziehen gabs bereits in Cosmic Star Heroine und die Story, sowie das grobe Konzept der Mech-Rüstungen entstammt dem Sci-fi-Film Edge of Tomorrow. Hey, ich sage nicht, dass es falsch ist sich inspirieren zu lassen, oder sogar gewisse Dinge direkt zu entnehmen, aber ein bisschen arg auffällig ist die Herangehensweise der Entwickler dann doch.
Dennoch sehe ich sehr viel Potential im kanadischen Indie-Entwickler Massive Damage, Inc. Wir brauchen mehr Spiele mit derartigen Kampfsystemen! Daher auch die positive Wertung mit zugekniffenen Auge (ich bin ja auch kein Rogue-lite/like Fan).

Pro und Kontra:

- coole Rundenkämpfe im JRPG-Stil welche angenehm taktisch und knifflig gehalten sind
- sehr schöner Grafikstil
- bietet eine sehr solide Palette unterschiedlicher Spielfiguren

- die Rogue-lite-Elemente sorgen auf Dauer natürlich für eine gewisse Repetition und viel Frust
- belangloser OST
- Story, Sagengut und zum Teil auch die Charaktere wirken nur wie Beiwerk

Das vollständige Review: https://www.gamecontrast.de/star-renegades-review/
138 Produkte im Account
41 Reviews
1751 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.04.22 04:03
good roguelike
the combat is very challenging in late game i like how the items work and the pasives etc, the bad thing about this game is that some characters are trash and others completly broken and
always you are like 2-3 lvls behind the enemie bosses..
the other thing is after knowing how to play if you are going to win depends like 60% on luck
but the game is not that unbalance for an indie game i think is fine
379 Produkte im Account
18 Reviews
6922 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.04.22 01:06
Honestly I play the hell out of this game. It's fun strategy and the content the developer keeps adding is amazing. Also to take a note for a moment, the saving system designed for this game works better than most rogue-likes I've played and that's very impressive. A lot of very good design coding and art has gone into this game and it shows.
444 Produkte im Account
39 Reviews
8458 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.04.22 02:04
Such a amazing game. As someone who loves roguelikes and Square-Enix style games, it's a retro blast from the past - think Chrono Trigger meets Final Fantasy with Fire Emblem bonding mechanics. Dialogue and sub-meta is also hillariously enjoyable, at least to me. Each run takes a couple hours but is amazingly enjoyable and engrossing, hard to put a run down, even compared to other roguelikes.

It can be hard and intense, even on the normal difficulty, but for me, that makes it more fun. In order to enjoy it properly you need to leverage and try to understand the interrupt/break system.

Grabbed it on the Steam Winter Sale, would have paid full price for it if I'd known how damn good it was.

Going to go back and give Halcyon 6 another try, since its by the same makers, and I want to support their endeavors more, but that one's probably still too hard for me :/
261 Produkte im Account
18 Reviews
2590 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.04.22 15:10
A definite recommend if you are into rouge-likes with turn based tactics. The narrative is incorporated into the rouge-like mechanics by the means of alternate realities. So even if you die you try again to save another dimension/reality. This game borrows a lot of mechanics from the dev's previous title Halcyon 6 which I thoroughly enjoyed. Looking forward to more from Massive Damage Inc.
541 Produkte im Account
22 Reviews
876 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.03.22 17:53
Gorgeous game! You can really see the effort given into the game by the devs, also the game is fun to play. The combat system rewards patience and focus when making your attack/defense decisions, haste leads to defeat very quickly. Word of warning to people with sensitivities to bright lights and flashes, some attacks and enemies can be very bright. Some pieces of writing can induce eyeball rolling, but most of the dialogue is very brief and focusing on humor. 9/10.
1 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
230 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.12.21 15:19
The only weakness I can say about this game is the tutorial because that bad boy is like forty five minutes long and just hits you with a tremendous information dump that just leaves you bewildered and like... uhhh wha? I can see a ton of people just ditching the game just from that alone.

The music in the game is awesome and consists of techno or like a synthwave vibe that I dig a lot and it keeps your head bobbing and rocking as you play. The cinematic start is straight up like WOW so don't skip it!

The game is hardcore strategic and you really have to plan out all your actions very well or you will quickly meet your doom. The combat animations is superb and honestly this is one of the most beautiful pixel art games I have played in a long time.

Another really cool feature about this game is that is has a ton of different characters to play with an all of them has their own unique style of play and personality which gives us a mind-blowing amount of tactical options to use which I found very satisfying.

Seeing that it is a dimension spanning rogue-lite strategy RPG so the story is cool and it keeps you interested and the fact that you can set up a camp you can use all these really neat cards to help build relationships between characters which hardcore helps as you progress to get new gear, features, skills and probably the most bad-ass combos I have seen in a pixel game of this genre.

The game is constantly throwing new stuff at you means it never gets boring because you have to always be on guard and change up your play style to deal with the intense tactical layers the game has.

I was relentlessly impressed with this game and how entranced I got into it. It is a really really good game and I highly recommend it to anyone who enjoys strategy genres!
76 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
144 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.12.21 00:48
lotta hype, failed to deliver
4444 Produkte im Account
203 Reviews
2529 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.12.21 23:22
Intense space opera with bright colours, big booms, witty one-liners and some weird romances. So, a lot to like here. All built around very engaging battle system. I enjoyed experimenting with different party composition as each needed its own tactic.
885 Produkte im Account
51 Reviews
3257 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.11.21 16:10
+ very good combat system
+ decent number of renegades and their perks, skills and items
+ building and importance of relationships within the group

- sometimes impractical targeting of enemies
- some UI elements

Star Renegades from Massive Damage is similar to their Halcyon 6, a 2D pixel tactical turn-based roguelite RPG. Its main advantage is a combat system, which has a lot of options within the gameplay and in combination with various weapons and equipment, various types of renegades, whose abilities been gradually unlocked by levelling and their relationships really create a combat system that has depth. The enemies are generated and managed by a system that is somewhat reminiscent of the Nemesis system of Shadow of Mordor. The player in an insignificant sci-fi story passes through various planets, which frees from biomechanical enemies of Imperium. Within the multidimensional world, he obtains information in individual runes and the material for them on the home planet improves the possibilities of his heroes and their equipment.
The game is challenging, initially it can take on the starting normal, which is only the 2nd of 9 difficulties, which are gradually unlocked, so each hardcore puller on their addition.
Pixel graphics is very simple to look at, but it's not that good looking. The music is audible but over time it will get tired.
The game has a good UI, combat is based on the fact that the player knows exactly what enemies will do and tries to solve a minipuzzle within each combat round, and the UI shows it clearly. Sometimes, however, it's a bit of a problem to click on the right target, when they overlap graphically, but it's nothing tragic.
For me personally, Star Renegades is quite a pleasant surprise, I can recommend for roguelite turn based games fans, especially if they don't care about graphics.

677 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
1678 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.11.21 03:25
I really enjoyed this game, can easily recomend it! But you can't buy it expecting a roguelike experience. I'ts basically a really short and replayable turn based RPG(Each run takes about 6-8 hours to complete).

I'ts very polished and content rich too, since the devs keep realeasing free expansions, but due to the rogue-lite aspect of the game, the story is just an excuse to the visuals and badass fighting. Not that the story is bad, but if you go for it expecting a emotional experience, which the animated trailer kind of hints it, you would just feel robbed.

295 Produkte im Account
33 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1725 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.11.21 21:43
At first I thought it was awesome.
But after a while it became a drag as the runs take so long
Also most of the characters are pretty rubbish until about lvl 6.
Most of their skills are below par and uninteresting for the most part,
same for the weapons.
Apart from the break mechanic there is nothing really that new on show here.
Grab it on sale if you fancy it.
209 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
4217 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.11.21 09:13
Quality RPG, rogue-lite experience, and a solid foundation for further development, which the team seems to be committed to.

The combat system is deterministic and satisfying to master, and the threat of defeat is present in every fight you take, where poor planning or overlooked abilities can lead to total party kills, and ultimately end your runs.

Artwork is reminiscent of pulpy, golden age of sci-fi; feverishly mixed with a campy Saturday morning cartoon tone, and It works well. The backdrops to fights in particular are masterworks of pixel art, brought to life with 2DX elements.

The OST is fantastic, and sets the tone for some of your tenser fights very well.

The only lacking element, for me on a personal level, is the storyline and narrative elements, which take a backseat to the gameplay for the most part.
However, when the gameplay is as strong as it is, I can overlook it.

All in all, a great experience and I would heartily recommend to any Tactical, Squad-based, RPG fans.
762 Produkte im Account
26 Reviews
991 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.10.21 03:03
Beat the game twice on normal mode. The first playthrough is the best, for spoiler related reasons.

While this is a good game and I recommend it, I'm going to say that I didn't get the 'roguelike' feeling I wanted out of it. In many of the roguelikes I personally like, towards the end of any given run you approach a 'broken' power level. The idea is that, with all the build options open to you, you assemble a super super strong build that you use to completely explode the last couple of enemies or missions, and it's that construction that really motivates me to replay roguelikes over and over again - what kind of interesting new overpowered interaction will I unlock this time?

As far as I can tell I don't believe that's the case in this game. Given what I've seen, your build is almost certainly determined at the very beginning of the game when you select your party, since every character has a fixed skill growth order. All of the equipment you find can make you stronger, obviously, but only generally in a 'number goes up' kind of way. Your characters don't generally do different things over the course of a run, they do the same thing and get better at it. In that way, I suggest not playing this game because you want that 'roguelike' feeling of getting overpowered. Instead, play it because you want to play around and unlock the characters and see the party synergies you get with different teams.

I think that's the root of my suggestion, which would be adding mid-run equipment that drastically changes characters. So instead of, let's say, a gun that adds +5s to stagger damage, have that gun instead remove all stagger from all skills but doubles damage output (or vice versa). An implant that sets health to 1 but doubles shield size and inflicts backlash shield damage. An implant that lets you turn on a mode where you sacrifice health to deal bonus damage on each attack, or per-character unique weapons that modify their skills in interesting ways. This would really increase the breadth of possible builds and add a lot more variety to a given run.
49 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
800 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.10.21 08:27
It's a pretty good and interesting game, alright.

But the difficulty level is abominable. It's not even hard to play, it's just pushing player to the edge on every aspect and every moment of the playthrough and honestly I don't feel so exhausted or pressured at work as I was playing this thing. You're limited with time, pushed to pick up every fight as otherwise you won't level up, you have to make a lot of choices without knowing which one will play better in the future and very mistake is fatal even though finishing single run takes hours.

If you find that kind of experience rewarding you'll like the game, but for me it definitely too much, even for a roquelike.
478 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1100 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.09.21 20:53
Honestly, I initially had a great time with this game. But to talk about how this game let me down to the point where I do not recommend it, I have to talk spoilers. I'm spoiling everything from here on out.

[spoiler] I beat the game the first time, enjoyed the ending and awesome final boss. The dramatic fight with the corrupted alternate-reality brother was amazing. When it selected the main character as the new villain, I went through a second campaign hyped for a new showdown with a corrupt alternate reality version of the character I had so much fun with in the first playthrough, choosing the brother as the new main character, and the entire time looking forward to another awesome dramatic fight with the corrupted ex-main character sister.

But that isn't what I got. Instead, it was literally just a mirrored sprite using the same moves and motions. No new assets, no epic moves. Just the main character fighting me limply mirrored, not even recolored. It was a massive step down from the epic battle in the first playthrough. And since I had seen that ZERO effort was put in here, I knew there was no point to more playthroughs to see the other characters as villains, since they'd just be limp mirrored sprites with nothing new. [/spoiler]

Spoiler-free TL;DR: The boss of the playthroughs past the first one are so disappointing and low effort I uninstalled this game and will probably never play it again. Do not recommend.
291 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
296 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.08.21 09:55
I really wanted this to be good and the first hour or two is really good at introducing the better than expected combat system. Once you start over a couple of times the game quickly loses its charm though, the first half of every run is you crushing the enemies without taking damage then once the enemy team has four units it quickly becomes super hard and it doesn't feel like I can do anything about it.
It's just extremely hard judging what will be an easy fight and what will be an impossible one and it doesn't feel like the overall progression you unlock between runs helps you get further (or I just don't understand it).
575 Produkte im Account
665 Reviews
71 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.08.21 18:47
The world in this game really interesting, but the story seems boring it could be better...
The gameplay is just.. fine?
you can have fun with it if you love tactics gameplay i think ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
80 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
93 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.08.21 10:52
Great art-style and presentation with an initially cool combat presentation which quickly becomes boring and repetitive. Leveling up of each character seems to have barely any impact on the game.

The real kicker is the story which is apparently written by a freshman SJW on an arts degrees program. The 'humor' inserted into almost every line is so out-of-place and feels shoehorned into the universe. They just hire anyone these days and think that we'll still pay for it. Not worth the $7 I paid for it, so if you can get it less than that and plan to skip all the story, maybe?

I hope the artist and game mechanic folks part ways with the story-tellers and visionary SJW scions and create a really great product in the future. There, now there is more genuine humor in this review than in the game itself.
635 Produkte im Account
64 Reviews
3272 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.08.21 00:16
Excelent menu-driven RPG with rogue-lite elements. Meta-progression is a bit intense, so if that's not your thing, you might want to steer clear.

But if that doesn't bother you, there's a LOT to love here. The combat is VERY deterministic. No miss chances, crits are guaranteed if you plan your strategy right, and you know what you're enemies are going to do before you decide what you're doing to stop them. There are over a dozen very unique classes and each one has several alternate versions that add even more variety to your party comp each run. There's a varied and interesting roster of enemies to fight and lots of interesting decisions one how to approach each planet you have to fight your way through. Finally, the sound design and music is great, really lending a lot of character to the game.

The only small nitpicks I can offer are that sometime the character models or UI elements can be a bit big, obscuring various other elements of the game. Sometimes this can make targeting the right enemy or reading the enemies intentions a bit challenging. But it's not the biggest deal, and that's truly about the worst thing I can think of about the game.

So yeah, if this game sounds like the sort of thing you'll like, you'll find a TON to love.
1237 Produkte im Account
374 Reviews
8189 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.08.21 15:43
Basically a reskin of their other game Halcyon 6, Star Renegades still turns out to be somehow more fun than that excellent game. Even if you already own Halcyon 6 this one is still well worth picking up as long as you didn't outright hate the previous game. It's quite tough and I'd advise you to start on easy difficulty so you can get all the troop and weapon upgrades before moving on to normal. Even doing it this way takes a bunch of time and, as long as you don't get bored with this ridiculously addictive game, it represents a hell of a lot of game time for your money. HIGHLY recommended for everyone but those who played H6 and didn't like it.
326 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1493 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.07.21 17:29
I want to love this game, but there are better rouge like games out there. I just spent 25 Star credits (don't remember the name they have the star in the flag) to get a character that was already unlocked. I am just flabbergasted as to why they did this, the character is the same and no upgrades. So why did I just spend more than 2-3 hours trying to unlock it. Other wise there is a lot of potential to this game, just can't recommend do to how repetitive it will become after you keep dying and keep playing the same level over and over again.
235 Produkte im Account
18 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1418 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.07.21 15:41
Extreme jumps in difficulty make this hard to recommend. You can be easily winning fights then suddenly come across an enemy that you immediately know you have no chance of beating. Its one thing to lose because you were careless, or you almost won, just try a little bit harder next run. Its entirely different to go from winning without even losing shields to a boss in the side quest that will end your squad in a few turns no matter what you do. Extremely limited opportunities for battle means you can't just do a few more battles and try to be at a higher level next time. All you can do is maybe hope for better equipment to spawn and to choose a better squad for the next run. But this is limited too.
358 Produkte im Account
34 Reviews
1485 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.07.21 19:49
This is just totally awesome
The mechanics and characters
I cant stop playing it seems
I have to force myself to break away from it
Sure do hope theres more to come
I definitely recommend this
495 Produkte im Account
77 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
56 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.07.21 02:59
Ugh...so disappointed in this. Gorgeous artwork, fairly innovative combat system, but sadly that's all there is. It already felt grindy after the first hour. It comes off as a JRPG, but there's no exploratory element. Follow this on rails path to this boss, then this on rails path to this other boss. All the fights are pretty much the same; it tells you the enemy's weakness, exploit it, win, rinse and repeat. There's no RPG elements, and the only strategy necessary is to understand the combat system. It's more like a mobile game on steroids than anything I would actually invest any time in. I think the lessons to be learned here are ones that so many dev's have failed to do over the years. You can't build a game around a mechanic (not much of one anyways) and substance matters more than aesthetic.
59 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
1857 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.07.21 13:16
This is one of the most refreshingly different RPGs I've played in a long time. The story is minimal, which is a bit unfortunate considering how much fun the game is. Despite that, the combat, music, and graphics are where this game shines most.

Players are given three days and nights to explore the map. Each day comprises of exploring roughly three areas and fighting and / or gathering materials in those areas. In combat players are expected to study the enemy plan of attack and either counter or mitigate that with counters, breaks (cancelling the enemy unit's turn,) and of course brute force. The game can be punishing when players choose to ignore the plethora of information provided ahead of battle and in battle. This can lead to the player losing a fight and being asked to start the game over almost completely.

On the subject of starting over, the player is given a break after death where they can purchase more renegades to start their next run with and appear in the recruitment process in between planets. There are also weapons to unlock, character perks, and other buffs. Let each death be a lesson on progression and understand that this isn't a huge setback. Each run is also slightly different in that the recruitment process can force slightly different teams on each go, a planet's areas are somewhat randomized on each run, and the player is dropped in different areas.

Honestly, I thought all these things added up to a breath of fresh air. It's the only RPG I've finished in years and each death made me want to play more. If you pick it up, don't give up, but learn from every fight and run.
630 Produkte im Account
74 Reviews
1027 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.07.21 22:51
Great style, nice combat system, and addictive game play loop.

This game is hard to understand at first, but once you get the hang of it you'll have fun tinkering with the different ways to affect the combat.

I only wish that this world, these characters, and this combat could have been used for a more traditional turn-based, story-driven RPG. The characters have personality in their design and small-talk, the worlds are imaginative, and there is a lot of potential. Still a great game, but while I love the combat challenge I wont remember it like I did with Octopath Traveler.

It took me three tries to beat it (the first play through).

Edit & Spoilers:

Now that Nodo is the boss I cannot beat the game. I mean it is actually impossible. He blitzes my entire team every 3 turns and he and the centurions only target my bomb. Making the final mission an escort mission is just big brain game design. I would like to keep playing the game, but am I really going to replay all three worlds and get to Nodo again, 2 hours later, to have him kill my bomb in 3 turns? Getting ready to uninstall.
103 Produkte im Account
32 Reviews
3936 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.07.21 21:50
Although it gets somewhat repetitive for a roguelike after a couple of runs, it's honestly a really really fun game overall. Absolutely gorgeous pixel art, smooth animations, a pretty in depth battle system and probably has my favorite battle mechanic in a turn based game. Using different characters each run will help alleviate the repetitiveness as each character feels and plays uniquely, really solid game
112 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
1457 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.06.21 09:08
Decent roguelite game so far. With rewards even if you lose.
199 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
2856 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.06.21 22:06
Say whatever you want about this game - the sound direction alone puts Star Renegades in the must-play category.
358 Produkte im Account
18 Reviews
2175 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.06.21 13:59
It feels like this is a very underrated game and just doesn't get the attention it deserves. I discovered this game on game pass then later purchased it on steam because I fell in love with it. Its a simple game but it also has a degree of complexity and thought that goes into your party. There isn't a bad hero and they're all good at what they do. Each run you learn how to handle each planet and each group of enemies. You find what heroes work better together.

The game is every RPG and Roguelite persons wet dream come true.
I always say wait for sales for games that have been out for a while, but throw your money at this dev.
219 Produkte im Account
49 Reviews
725 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.06.21 21:40
110 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
11705 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.06.21 21:34
I've enjoyed this game very much.

It has the best turn-based JRPG combat ever. Not hyperbole. The stagger + break system is just perfect. Extremely simple but also extremely strategic. Party building is very limited, with only a few skills available per character, but the fundamental combat design is so devious and well balanced that in hard fights you will spend minutes each turn puzzling over the small handful of choices you have.

The graphics deserve special mention. I don't like pixel graphics. But I like these graphics anyway, because they are that good. The combat animations just feel brutal. If you do like pixel graphics you will absolutely love the look of this game.

The one flaw with this game is that the writing is pretty bad. But for a difficult and highly replayable roguelite that doesn't matter so much.

PRO: It took me 190 hours to get bored of this game.
CON: I did get bored of it eventually.
Overall: 9/10. Strongly recommend.
275 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1718 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.06.21 09:56
A disappointment for me personally. The art style and combat system are great (I already loved the system in Grandia 2) but the lore (the characters you play with just die and you switch to another dimension to start again) just kills any affection and motivation for me. This is especially sad for the sweet camp and relationship system. This is something I could tolerate but the runs are just so awfully similar. Characters always get the same skills in the same order. The gear you get and the overall progression don't really feel like much. It just feels like an old arcade game where I kind of start at zero every time. The gameplay is just not good enough to compensate this.
340 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
4412 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.03.21 20:21
Very well accomplished Rogue-like: very interesting gameplay design, beautiful graphical style and nice soundtrack. Nemesis system does not work as well as I hoped, and additional features are warranted to boost replayability, but otherwise a very solid title.
Easy buy at 15$ or less.
159 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
1311 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.03.21 17:29
Can turn based combat be good?
Yes, this is an example.

Effect of status and of certain buffs and debuffs affect the combat can be a bit confusing tho.
177 Produkte im Account
16 Reviews
1575 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.03.21 15:37
If it was 22% easier, it wouldn't have been as tough a roguelite gem as it currently is.

Yes, maybe the story isn't ground-breaking, but as an homage to an entire genre, i'm not bothered at all. Loved the visuals and the Companion/Progeny mechanics.

Challenging and visually pleasing: I liked it through and through. Recommended.
150 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
4535 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.03.21 16:31
Just like Halcyon 6 in that it's predictable, full of the usual sci-fi tropes, and ultimately boring.
182 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
500 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.02.21 20:52
Hey, from the Misfit Crew.

It's a fun, enjoyable game that does a lot of stuff very well. It rewards high levels of planning, both in battle sequences and on the 'overworld' map. It's a little unforgiving at times, and you *will* die until you can get used to it.
128 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
706 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.02.21 22:10
I wanted to like Star Renegades, but after a few playthroughs I cannot recommend it.

This game has great potential but suffers from being arbitrarily difficult in some areas (the last stage is particularly frustrating) and overly repetitive in others. The story is non-existent aside from a couple cutscenes, which is really unfortunate.

I enjoyed the turn-based fighting system and the ability to manipulate enemies' positions on the initiative order. The pixel art and animations are also pretty cool. However, these are the highlights in a game of otherwise uninspiring systems.

2618 Produkte im Account
125 Reviews
561 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.02.21 13:33
Star Renegades capture the charm of JRPG tense combat and deep battle strategy. The beautiful pixel art styles and interesting character skills is very well done. Although the story is quite weak and didn't have too much interactions with the NPCs.
It's recommended for those who enjoy a roguelite RPG mainly focused on combat and tactics. But if you're looking for an epic story RPG with details character emotions or a great villains it might be not suitable for you.
76 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
3149 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.01.21 23:40
This is one of the best games I've played in the last 12 months.
I’m honestly surprised this game hasn’t received more attention, but I suppose an unfortunate release timing just before rival indie rogue-like Hades has hidden this game somewhat – which is a big shame. If you enjoy games like Slay the Spire, Monster Train and Griftlands, you will almost certainly enjoy this game as well.
Star Renegades takes route exploration and permadeath/restart elements from Slay the Spire and mixes them with a more complex version of the turn-based battle style from classic Final Fantasy. On higher difficulties it is highly strategic and you really need to plan your turns out well in order to conserve resources between battles.
+ Highly replayable. As you progress through the levels, you build a team of 5 heroes from a possible 14 classes in the game (at time of review). On top of this, there are dozens of different types of gear you can kit your team out with to further customise and optimise your builds each run.
+ There are several difficulty levels so there’s definitely a challenge level for everyone.
+ (Slightly spoilery) Once you win a run, one of the 14 classes will become unavailable to use in your next attempt. I’ve found this has been a great way of forcing you to mix up your team compositions.
+ The path selection on each level is A LOT less linear than games like Monster Train and Slay the Spire. It’s much more similar to map exploration in tabletop games like For The King.
+ Great graphics and soundtrack.


- As I’ve played this game more, I have started to encounter more and more bugs (such as health packs not healing my party, certain items on the map being unclickable). Whilst everything I’ve experienced so far can be easily reset with a quick restart, it is getting slightly annoying. In the short time I’ve had the game though I’ve already seen 2 patches aimed solely at fixing bugs so it looks as though the developers are very active at least.
- The UI gets extremely clustered in some battles when there are multiple participants on both sides. It gets quite hard to see all enemy intents with details and correctly target all of your moves in some cases. The game already has alternative methods to achieve both of these but they are unintuitive at first and I only discovered them by accident.

With a bit more polishing, I honestly believe this game really would be fighting for a place at the top of many peoples favourite game lists.
112 Produkte im Account
16 Reviews
5432 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.01.21 14:22
As a fan of Into The Breach, I really enjoyed this game. Graphics are great, and gameplay is complex and interesting
845 Produkte im Account
20 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
584 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.01.21 21:54
The core of this game is phenomenal, the base gameplay works very well once you get a grasp for things and getting a good team comp together really feels like you've strategized well and are being rewarded for it. That said, the game is plagued by a myriad of game breaking bugs and general UI issues that are seriously holding it back. One of my runs was stopped entirely by a glitch that prevented the final boss from loading in. I ended up fixing it by using the admin console to manually roll back the game's internal save system but that really doesn't seem like a good workaround and certainly one that not everybody would be able to find out how to do.

Additionally, one run takes ~5 hours to complete and can be over in one mistake if you're not careful. After beating the game, I don't feel particularly motivated to do so again since now I feel like I've already mastered the core gameplay element and now all there is to do is see the same content over and over with the numbers tweaked up.
337 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
646 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.01.21 21:46
really good game...
322 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
535 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.01.21 04:05
Truly amazing gameplay. Unfortunately, for a game where so much of the dialogue is jokes, it's not that funny. Some of the jokes are good, more of them are not. Honestly it feels out of place given the rest of the game being so good. The combat system is innovative and interesting (though it'd be nice if there was some indication that bosses will attack multiple times), and the different characters are all unique and the pre-run choice of 3 allow for a very interesting experience.

Spoilers for the initial ending and one last gripe I have with this game below.
[spoiler]There's a system in this game that when you win a run, the current leader of the bad guys is replaced with a different playable character and makes that character unusable, which is good! It makes planning runs more interesting. This is fine on its own, but it also disallows you from using any progeny heroes related to that character... which wouldn't be a problem if that system worked as intended, but it actually makes any progeny heroes that can POSSIBLY be related to that hero unusable, not just the ones that actually are. (Some progeny heroes will appear as offspring of a certain selection of characters with the main parent, of which the new villain leader may not actually be one.) This ultimately just locks off 50% of the progeny heroes at complete random, which is just kind of annoying. Hopefully this is fixed at some point.[/spoiler]
252 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1488 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.12.20 21:42
A very uneven experience for me. In my 14 hours or so I was finding trash mob fights too easy, they can be controlled to an extent of not landing a single hit, just to reach a boss that wipes the floor with one.

I understand what the devs are trying to do and the appeal of the game, the mechanics are brilliant. But the difficulty (Dirac) spikes are just not for me.
376 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
2377 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.12.20 21:33
The game mechanics are excellent, and the core loop is outstanding. But the writing is lackluster and not only that, it shows an active contempt for world-building and character development. I think the intent was to be a winking nod about tropes but the effect is to feel like you're the butt of the joke for wanting something to attach to beyond the tactical puzzles and cool art.

Buy it if you're looking for some innovative turn-based battle mechanics. Pass if you're looking for an RPG.
572 Produkte im Account
73 Reviews
4878 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.12.20 15:37
Pretty good. Amazing pixel art style mixing 2D and 3D techniques. Good combat mechanics. Solid skill sets for all the classes that complement each other.

Where the game could use some improvement is the mid-game progression. It feels like you're just following the same optimal path each time and beyond the first couple of wins, there's not a lot to keep you trying to improve and not much you can invest in. Yes, there's stuff you can buy between runs and it adds some variety, just like unlocking new character variants, but it doesn't feel like progress. You're not really building up to anything.

Fortunately, the developers have a history of actively supporting their games past release and adding new content. The most recent one added an alternative location choice with higher difficulty and that's exactly the sort of content that the game needs.
174 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
2364 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.12.20 16:36
This game has a lot of flaws, but at the core of it it's pretty fun and entertaining. I'd give it a 6/10 - which is to say that it's worth playing but needs some work. A healthy dose of polish (see Cons list) could easily bring it up to 8/10 or 9/10.

* Combat system is great if you enjoy turn based combat
* There's enough difference and variance to keep runs interesting
* Soundtrack is chill
* Enemies ranking up for killing you is a neat touch

* Dialogue is old and stale super fast, there's only like a dozen lines or so that just repeat all the time
* Typos, misspelled words, and inconsistency with punctuation shouldn't be as present as they are
* Character personalities are pretty non-existent, even for intentional caricatures.
* Not all combos seem viable or useful (*I'm not an alpha gamer, this is just my opinion I'm sure there's ways to make everything work that I'm not seeing)

What would make this 8 star or better?
* Fix typos, spelling, and grammar mistakes
* Add new dialogue for everyone
* Better writing
* New behemoths/planets
304 Produkte im Account
15 Reviews
4584 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.12.20 00:18
A mix of a JRPG with some rogulike ideas, a ton of characters, builds, and difficulty settings to try, with great music and absolutely stellar 2d pixel graphics. Great game by a great developer.
22 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
348 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.12.20 21:45
Great game for its price. Not a big fan of 'rogue-like' or 'rogue-lite' games, but this game really got my attention. Gorgeous art style as well.
289 Produkte im Account
36 Reviews
931 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.12.20 11:36
Insanely Beautiful Game , Well Crafted Roguelite game , Truly hidden gem <3 ^^ also i love scifi stories <3
282 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
1626 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.12.20 09:35
This game is an absolute gem. A very solid 9/10 for me. Seriously I don't know why i'm writing this right now instead of starting another run.

I also just realized I got so sucked in from my victorious run I forgot to eat, or finish the beverage I opened and took one sip of 5 hours ago.

Its beautiful, its stylish, there's a ton of fun writing, and after my first successful run (third times a charm!) I feel like I've only touched this game's fantastic pixelated surface. Out of the box there's already oodles of good content and I cant wait to see what the developers have in store. The only gripes are some UI technicalities that need some polish, and the armory system is... kinda goofy. Honestly that's it everything else is fantastic. I like it more than Darkest Dungeon, and I'll even go so far as to say that I like it even more than FTL.
289 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
547 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.12.20 05:15
I dig the art style and the gameplay. It's not horribly complex, but it can be extremely challenging. I've made it to the third boss on a couple of runs, and holy cow do things get crazy. The game has plenty of value at regular price, and on any kind of sale it's a no-brainer. You can pick it up, put it down, and come back to it later when you're ready.

The banter between the renegades can be hilarious at times. Excellent controller support. (In fact, the game plays a lot better with one.)
278 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1770 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.11.20 00:18
My opinions on Star Renegades are mixed.
It's good, make no mistake. The strategy is well defined, it lays out the rules clearly... But the things around that are super rough around the edges.
Most of the writing lacks personality, I feel?
Unlocking characters is pretty tedious and unfun.
Some of the characters just...Aren't great? Especially compared to others?
I feel like all of the weapons in the game, if they don't just increase your damage, aren't useful compared to those weapons?
Maybe this just isn't a game for me though. If you just want the turn based combat, then this is a pretty nice game.
1162 Produkte im Account
43 Reviews
688 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.11.20 23:24
Star Renegades is quite an impressive combination of strategy, RPG and rogue-lite elements, at least for one playthrough. Once you’ve learnt the basics and you’ve reached a certain point, there’s an option to continue with one of four difficulties, meaning gamers playing more for the RPG and a little light strategy can enjoy it just as much as those wanting a more challenging experience.

The story was nothing amazing to be quite honest. You’re basically fighting off invading enemies on a few different planets, trying to work your way up to the big dog. While the story was pretty basic, the character dialogue was often amusing, in that lame and cheesy way I love so much! The conversations unlocked upon increasing relationships between characters were some of my favourites. The soundtrack and sound effects were both awesome too, and fit well with the general theme of Star Renegades.

The gameplay was pretty interesting and well thought out for the most part. On the map phase of Star Renegades, you travel through different areas, of which you have a choice of a few different routes to take. I often spent a little time examining the map and planning my route so I could destroy all the commanders and loot as many weapon caches as possible before finally taking on the Behemoth. You’ll also be able to camp at certain stages. This is where you can apply the camping cards for specific benefits during the next couple of battles. This will also help increase your character’s relationships with one another, unlocking new perks, combo attacks, as well as new playable characters (progenies). I don’t know how many unlockable characters there are, but I imagine you’ll need to play through many times to have any chance of unlocking them all.

The combat is where I’d say the game excels. At its core, the combat uses a turn based system that many gamers will be familiar with, but there’s much more to it than you might first expect, and it often requires some decent strategy, especially as you progress on higher difficulties. Naturally, you have a certain amount of health for each character, but you also have armour and shields. Shields will automatically replenish at the end of each battle, but armour and health won’t. This makes every battle pretty intense! There’s also a visual display of when each character will attack, depending on the requirements of the actions being taken. Certain attacks can delay enemies. Delay them enough you’ll “break” them, preventing them attacking until the next round. This became a particularly vital aspect to master and take full advantage during my playthrough. Perfectly timed delays, breaks, and stuns became integral for my success, as did knowing when to hold my attacks and focus on defending instead. If one of your characters happens to die in battle, they’ll be brought back to life once the battle is over, but with a negative effect for the rest of the playthrough. If all your characters die, you’ll have to start from the beginning again. Levels, equipment, relationships, they’ll all be reset. You will, however, keep any intel from defeating commanders and tech points to use for upgrades in between runs.

Unlike many RPGs, you don’t earn experience at the end of a battle, at least not in the usual sense. Instead, you gain DNA, which can be used to level up any of your characters at your own choosing. Each character level will improve their health, allow them to equip better equipment, and unlock a new camping card or combat action/attack. It may be the case that you want to level up a specific character before the others because of the cards or attacks available to them, or maybe because you just found an awesome weapon and they need to a higher level to use. It’s yet another aspect that requires the user to think about, and I loved it!

Once you fail or finish a run, you’ll go to a central hub/base where you can use intel points to unlock different characters to have in your party and your tech points to unlock equipment that can be found during each playthrough. You’ll also be able to upgrade the droid that accompanies and revives your dead characters, but only one upgrade can be active at a time. I found the 50% armour repairs when camping to be particularly useful! The main downside I found with Star Renegades is that it doesn’t have much replayability after the first successful run. Sure, you can play to unlock new characters, equipment and droid upgrades, but the gameplay and battles aren’t varied enough to make it interesting or worthwhile for further playthroughs.

Overall, Star Renegades is a pretty great game! There’s a whole load of different aspects to think about while playing, and different approaches to combat and traversing through each world, along with a multitude of equipment, upgrades, and unlockables. The story is mediocre, but the dialogue entertaining. The main aspect that lets it down is the lack of variation in each run. Other than using different characters and working towards unlocking new characters and upgrades, there’s no big difference in the gameplay or combat. I failed on my initial playthrough, but completed the game on my second run and didn’t have much of an urge to play again, other than to record some gameplay footage. It was still well worth a play, and I have no doubt there are people out there who would happily replay the game a few more times at least.

For more reviews follow Gawain Games Curator Page and check out the Gawain Games Website. You can also find my review on We The Players.
111 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
2632 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.11.20 15:56
I’m a simple man. If a game offers me a Robot Space Pirate Self-Help Guru, a four-armed Gunslinger and a Customs Officer in Hulkbuster Armor, who go out and try to stop evil interdimensional colonists, I'm down.
There might be a reality out there in which I don’t like Star Renegades. This version of me does not live in that reality.
But does it accomplish universal fun?
Let’s break it down…


Non-combat UI is well integrated and easy on the eyes, not cluttered, but it needs a bit of orientation to know what’s what. Some information is hard to find or absent (e.g. perpetual buffs, relationship buffs).
Combat UI is thorough and sensible. It tends to get cluttered and noisy in late game, when more characters are on the board and lots of AoE become part of the battle routine. Separating different Overwatch and Counter effects also requires some detective work, as the Fluff name of some abilities is counterintuitive to what the executed ability actually does in the context of the game.

Enough with the boring nonsense, we all know why we're in this section:
The. Visuals. Are. Gorgeous.
The attention to detail, how Star Renegades ‘fools’ your eyes in the most positive sense, is stellar.
If you love to see pixel art done right you should have a field day. The character design is memorable and creative, integrates well with gameplay and backgrounds are stunning.
The best I can do to describe the artstyle is that it makes you ‘hungry’, you constantly want to see more of it, hunt for little details hidden in what seems to be so simple, yet is not.
I’m now 30 hours in and I haven’t skipped a single animation, because yes, they’re that charming.There’s distinct animations for attacks, hits, exhaust states, guarded states and they all translate incredibly as exciting, fun expressions of how these characters would fight.
It baffles me that combo attacks do not have their own animation. I understand the constraints of Indie Development, but that just seems like a big missed opportunity to add more charm to the game, as the visuals are the heart and connective tissue of the whole thing.
II also noticed some slight quality differences or odd choices. The Marksman character twirling his damn rifle in Sniper Mode drove me insane and actually kept me from using it, and some executions seem .5 seconds too long compared to more snappy moves (Looking at you Man-O-War).


So if my eyes are in a constant state of bliss with this, what about the ears?
SFX synergize well with gameplay and art and have the right amount of impact. Attacks don’t feel weak or whiffy. If you give a giant Cyborg cat an uppercut or mind-shank a Rocket Techno Warlock, it exactly sounds like you would imagine.
Star Renegades’ Soundtrack has some good variety, though with diminishing returns. It’s a solid mix of pumpy sci-fi neo synth and spacey bloinks and bleeps.


In a universe full of sentient robots, cyborgs, psyonics, power armors for dogs and all the galactic turmoil you can imagine, things get worse. A ship from a multiverse spanning empire arrives and wrecks everyone’s shit. A plucky band of resistance fighters takes them on, trying to save their reality.
If you are looking for a sophisticated plot, you have journeyed for naught, my friend. This is all you’ll get.
It’s impossible to write a story that hasn’t been told yet. But this one is simplistic, clumsy at times and as deep as misallocated Einstein quotes.
The story’s tone is self aware and dialogue is upbeat and tongue-in-cheek, but sometimes there’s melancholy, fatalism and some obvious satire/critique between the lines.
I wish the tightrope walk between these would be more balanced. As is, it creates more dissonance than achieving investment in the story.
The writing is solid, with a few hiccups that border on cringe and could’ve been used with more purpose. Humor is a delicate thing and when you don’t have unlimited space to give your characters a voice, the Narrative Designer in me wept when another line dropped that was neither poignant, nor funny and just a repeat of ‘This universe is SO wacky and absurd!’

There’s scripted ‘events’ where characters will banter a bit, but it's rarely connected to specific characters or their personality and will happen every run without variation. That was deeply disappointing. It would’ve added the experience, if there were at least some special interactions.
I also missed in-combat banter. The enemies have some, but the characters and their bonds didn’t seem to justify the effort.
Their relationship banter is a mixed bag, as some seem to have been written with more love than others, but most of it was heartwarming.
Thus fortunately, a lot of the narrative is carried by the roster of endearing characters, their interactions and some very impressive worldbuilding and corresponding artwork.
The bizarre thing about Star Renegade’s story is, there should be more. And it makes you hungry for more.
There’s so much going on, so many things alluded to... and you get none of it.
I pointed this out with the visuals already. While those do give you more, the story leaves you hungry. It’s the equivalent of someone offering you cake, and when you ask him, if you can buy more of that cake, he says: no, you may only look from 3 meters away, now back the fuck off!
I feel like this was supposed to be a linear story at some point, or rather, I feel it should be, but that’s not what we got.


Star Renegades is a turn based game of the Rogue variety. You progressively, over multiple runs, unlock characters and better gear you can then find in each new run.
If you know games like Grandia or Child of Light the core combat will be familiar. Attacks get a place on a timeline. Who goes before an opponent hits harder, or eats more damage if someone else goes first. There are some attacks that may knock you back on the TL or even kick you straight into the next turn.
This creates an interesting tactical environment, especially if you’re used to XCOM's combat or Darkest Dungeon, where killing as much of your opposition in your turn as possible, or alpha-striking the most dangerous foe is more intuitive.
Combat is all about delays, there are no random factors and it’s a puzzle to solve similar to Into the Breach, as there’s basically no way to just AoE or crowbar your way through it, unless you have perfect gear. Accordingly, it requires a lot of patience, but every fight you win feels rewarding.
You can get unlucky with certain team compositions or situations. I had encounters where a different tank could’ve cost me the run, because an enemy decided to spam its OP AoE 3 times, or when a sniper cloaks and one-shots your backline, because you have no means of decloaking him.
But mostly, there is a solution or trade you can make to win any encounter.

What sours the whole deal is that the Roguelite elements are lackluster.
The perks you unlock are insignificant. Same goes for Droid buffs. Mileage may vary, since I got smoothly through my runs. But even then, these perks _optimize_ they do not add anything of substance, like changing playstyle or character capacity, just a numerical bonus that diminishes hard and quickly.
If you have completed the game with base gear, more gear can be uninteresting, though it enables some nice new combos.
Character unlocks are great fun, but a run is short and by the time they reach their most fun potential, the run is basically over.
The gameplay loop is engaging, though I wish as a Roguelite, it would offer more satisfying elements and a more extensive experience.

In Conclusion

I’ve deeply enjoyed Star Renegades. I also want to scream into the void, because it could have been outstanding, especially narratively. The visuals do so much of the heavy lifting that I probably would not have considered buying the game if it weren’t for them.
But here we are, and in this reality, I can only say: Hard recommendation.
231 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
4694 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.11.20 19:59
Great puzzle game, as others have said akin to Into the Breach. Still finding new synergies and trying new strategies after nearly 70 hours. It is missing a little polish here and there, the overworld especially can have moments of poor pathfinding, but doesn't overly detract from the main attraction which is the battling
532 Produkte im Account
16 Reviews
1542 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.11.20 19:19

The combat is tactical, and fast-paced (for a turn-based game, that is).
The art is outstanding.
The lore is interesting and unique.


The music is used in a pretty repetitive way.
The plot is paper-thin after the first few hours.


Runs in this rogue-lite can take several hours. My average run is 3-4 hours in length so far, which is pretty long for this genre. I don't see this as a downside, but some people may.

Overall, I think this game is outstanding, and if you enjoy turn-based JRPG style combat with an emphasis on tactical forethought, then this is a game for you. I highly recommend it.

94 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1610 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.10.20 00:26
I really enjoyed the game and loved the art style. But the story and the item mechanic is lacking. What i mean is I dont wanna play the game after finishing it once or twice. Would love to try new stuff and compositions but one the RNG on items just kicks me in butt for it and second after getting but kicked the story doesnt feel compelling to suffer more everytime. But for what its worth the first 3 playthrough were pretty amazing.
250 Produkte im Account
18 Reviews
361 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.10.20 11:11
A title that has enjoyable gameplay that’s hooked my attention for sustained periods of time, which is a rarity for my taste. That being said, like most games, whether someone “likes” or “dislikes” it, mainly revolves around what you as a player enjoy...

Star Renegades uses a roguelite formula with JRPG-type combat. For well-known games you can use as conceptual references, I would include things such as Darkest Dungeon and Battlechasers, but mixed with common rogue elements as seen in Into the Breach, Chrono Ark, and Dead Cells. Each run takes approximately 6-8 hours (depending on how quickly you play, and how familiar you become with the game) to beat the final boss. You’ll venture through an intro section, 3 planets, and the enemy’s main ship for essentially 3 main zones with a finale on the ship which is much more abbreviated compared to the planets. Between each zone, you’ll have the opportunity to buy equipment at vendors using a temporary credits currency and recruit one more hero for your crew...

Excluding the small intro section of every run which is pretty straightforward, you’ll have a total of 3 days to explore each planet till the enemy boss shows up there. Your limitation each day boils down to 3 charges of “breaking the enemy’s forcefields” to get to each part of the map. Every section has “something of value” there, whether it’s equipment, credits, shield/armor upgrades, healing crate, etc, oftentimes with an enemy encounter present. Even if there is just an enemy encounter on a spot, that still has value, as you obtain DNA (basically experience points) which you can use to level up your heroes as you desire (in a similar fashion to Chrono Ark)...

Battle System is really where the game shines in my opinion. I’m quite partial to the typical turn-based JRPG combat formula in general, however, Star Renegades puts some compelling twists on that. First, most abilities are free to use every turn. This means you don’t have to muck about with managing something like mana or energy. Second, there are some abilities that use a Fury resource, which you build up during combat and persist between combats on a planet...

Read the full review: https://turnbasedlovers.com/review/star-renegades/

My video gameplay: https://youtu.be/NwRoV1diZAA
199 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
3253 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.10.20 20:05
RPG Roguelike
Deterministic gameplay (Slay-the-Spire like)

Game's good. Good art, strategic gameplay, totally playable while working...
204 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
506 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.10.20 01:51
Can't recommend. It's got style but the rogue-loop is so repetitive that I had to stop playing. It just takes too long to make progress.
1177 Produkte im Account
84 Reviews
330 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.10.20 04:16
Another fantastic rogue-like. The game is mixture of turn based combat (similar to battlechasers) and map progression like slay the spire. There is also a version of the nemesis system from shadow of war, but it seems mostly cosmetic so far.
33 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
7604 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.10.20 09:56
I don't generally play JRPGs anymore. I used to play them so much that eventually I kinda just got burnt out on them and the combat and story started to always feel the same to me. However, I decided to give this game a try anyway since it looked really interesting and had rogue-lite elements. I am so glad i did.

The combat in this game is so much fun, and the stagger/crit system adds a whole new layer of complexity to the game that i didn't expect. There's obviously a lot of thought that went into this combat system, with many different damage and armor types, element types, and enemy resistances, weaknesses, and modifiers for pretty much anything. On top of that, the animations, and camera angles, and the art just look amazing. All of this just made the game really enjoyable for me.

Progression in this game feels very much like a rogue-lite with many RPG elements, so expect something that's a little lean on the story, with some funny dialogue and lore, but focuses more on replay-value with challenging combat (at higher difficulty settings), lots of boss fights, randomly generated maps, fun and impactful gear upgrades, and meta-progression between runs.

This game also has quite a lot of variety. Between runs your able to unlock more gear, characters, passives, skins, and all kinds of stuff. There are many characters to choose from. for each character you can unlock different skins with different passives, and also different movesets and stats that slightly change the way to play that character. This makes every run feel fresh, and adds variety even when playing the same characters.

Overall it's just a really fun and addicting game which looks great, and I definitely recommend it.
191 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
1691 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.10.20 02:35
I've enjoyed this game immensely. It's a bit like Battle Chasers with turn based team combat. It adds character bonuses and/or powerful combo attacks when you develop relationships with the other characters in your group during the camp phase every night. With gear, leveling, multiple characters to recruit and add to your group, there is a lot of replay value here.
306 Produkte im Account
28 Reviews
849 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.09.20 15:22
Fun, flavorful, and turn based RPG combat with a few simple mechanics that create a lot of depth. Scratches a lot of itches all at once. Highly recommend.
413 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
676 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.09.20 13:57
Although I am giving the game a Thumbs Down I do so after giving the game every chance I could.

This is a beautiful game. It LOOKS great. The animations are top notch. The progression is satisfying enough -- think Darkest Dungeon except you can see the enemies and rewards around the corner. The replayability is there if you enjoy the game play loop. I've had an opportunity to take this game on multiple runs and while I haven't put everything together for a win yet I've learned something each time that has helped me get farther the next (except for one run where everything fell apart on the first planet but moving on).

So why the thumb down? Four overarching reasons:

Writing: This is an RPG that is largely about menu based combat. That's it. The writing is there, and while it isn't awful it doesn't really DO anything either -- which is safe to say is partially to preserve exactly why you're playing again and again. But even the character set pieces don't do much to develop anyone. It's a strangely flat world with flat characters for a game with such a broad scope.

Gameplay: The gameplay loop can be very punishing if you mess up near the end because a run can take hours at a time. There is some meta progression, but in the end if you die on one of the later bosses everything you did was for naught and you have to start over. In other games with smaller bite sized gameplay sessions, like Darkest Dungeon, Isaac, or FTL, you can just lose and move on. But a late loss here could be 4 to 6 hours of invested time scrapped. In addition, the combat menus are bloated -- there's a lot of info on the screen but it's overwhelming if you're new. There's a certain elegance to presenting complex systems in a way that is easy to digest and this game misses the mark. Finally, part of this game involve navigating a map and different nodes with different encounters like in FTL -- which means that sometimes parts of the map close off. What was frustrating for me is that there isn't much rhyme or reason to why sectors close off. You can plot your course on day 1 and then later on get screwed and realize you left yourself nowhere to go in Day 3 -- including having zone bosses blocked off entirely. The system arbitrarily invalidates player choice. And one final annoyance in that vein: despite the game having a theme of running through multiple realities the game runs you through the same loop of the same planets in the same order with the same bosses and the same intra-planet map. I know adding in variety takes a lot of time, effort and resources especially with the great work that has been put into the assets. But I would love to see more variety from run to run.

Optimization: I'm running this game within spec but I've still had some performance issues. I understand that it's very difficult to optimize a game for every possible PC layout in the world, so I can be forgiving towards Massive Damage. However, despite this game revolving around pixel art it works my CPU and GPU much harder than other games that one would think would be more performance intensive. This especially reared its head when I tried to stream the game and was unable to do so without a lot of choppiness and jittering. And while it's true that streaming is a very individualized thing and performance greatly varies from system to system, if you're still reading this far I would advise you to make sure you test the game early to see if it works on your streaming setup. It didn't on mine.

Bugs: this game has been out for weeks and there are still softlocks and reports of people losing saves. I have fortunately not been a victim of the latter but I have encountered multiple soft locks in the following areas: transitioning between zones, after combat, and in one instance an introductory video (that made my PC fans run like crazy) that I don't even think was supposed to be part of the intro that just started playing. I've persevered through these issues thus far, but I shouldn't have to be.

I want to recommend this game. But I can't. I've played it enough to know that I want to like it but that it JUST isn't quite there for me yet. I think I would enjoy this more if I could consume a full run in smaller chunks instead of being committed to one gauntlet through the same series of planets again and again.
176 Produkte im Account
20 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
665 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.09.20 23:49
I want to love it... It's looks like an amazing game but dayum. 3 lock ups and not even past the first section. Tutorial bugged out couldn't move or click any where. Restarted. made it to the end of the tutorial the boss decided to NEVER attack it just sat there for 5 minutes until I restarted AGAIN! Ok 3 times a charm maybe there tutorial is just fucked. Ok made it past the tutorial made it past day 1 made it past day 2... alright it's just the dumb tutorial. Hey gear I'll go equip that.... push button goes all blue ummm... push next button all blue.... ok ESC... nothing move screen around nothing... SMH
348 Produkte im Account
67 Reviews
894 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.09.20 20:03
Spent a whole six hour session trying to beat the game. It's now 6am... I'd like to think I lead quite a fulfilling life.

10/10 would go to alternate reality again.
385 Produkte im Account
104 Reviews
1883 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.09.20 15:06
Star Renegades is a 2D roguelite JRPG with an innovative take on turn-based combat.

The Good:
+Fluent pixelart with tons of personality.
+Lots of characters with different playstyles lead to many unique party setups.
+Great turn-based gameplay that allows for 'breaking' enemy actions leading to puzzle-like combat.
+Addictive 'just one more run' gameplay loop.

The Bad:
-The story is thin and dialogue is recycled between characters.
-Moreover, the character lines are very quippy, but I mostly found them annoying.
-UI in combat is cluttered and models often overlap.
-A few visual bugs and crashes, luckily frequent checkpoints kept me from losing progress.

Bottom Line:
Star Renegades is a short roguelite with a lot unlockables and complex combat that is super satisfying to master. Just don't get it for the story.
164 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
999 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.09.20 05:49

Belongs in a Museum, not in Your Library

Let me start by saying that I really wanted to like this game. It has a lot of great things going for it - gorgeous art, interesting game mechanic, cool cyberpunky setting - but all of those can only do so much against the overwhelming blandness of the core gameplay loop, and just how abysmal the QoL and all the attempted world building is.

The combat sounds really cool on paper, and is why I bought the game. Star Renegades borrows a bit from the Grandia series, so when you're in combat and you attack an enemy, they get bumped down the combat order and can even have their turn removed. This is great! It should make a lot of choices between damage and utility more interesting. Except that you have a very limited number of possible attacks and attack types which ends up meaning that every interaction with enemies feels the same. Your one guy that can delay them the most does the skill he has that's best at delaying, then your guy who is the best at killing uses the highest damage skill. Rinse and repeat for the next enemy, next battle, next campaign. Pretty quickly, it's just boring.

How atrocious everything outside of the combat is doesn't help much. Starting with everything surrounding combat. There are a lot of modifiers in the game that you get from equipment, but there aren't any tool tips. So if you're choosing between ionized, antimatter, nitro, and corrupted, good luck picking the correct one! The bosses have all of their strengths and weaknesses randomized which sometimes just makes them a pain to kill, but really just makes them all feel the exact same. And you don't have enough tools in your belt to make meaningful choices or changeups in a boss fight. That boss has extra defense against heavy attacks and your main damage dealer primarily does heavy damage? You're in for a long one, and there's really not much you can do about it. Lastly on gameplay, for some reason you can't see your heroes skill tree during a campaign, or even what they get next level unless you have enough xp to level them up. So you can't even make choices to round out your squads needs unless you've already played that hero before and remember what powers they get when.

Finally, world building. The writing is awful. Like, they could have had someone do it pro bono and it would have better. On top of that, which characters have their portrait pop up in the dialog box is also procedurally generated, so you have your squad completely breaking character some lines, or my favorite, having arguments with themselves over a couple dialog boxes when they were really good at rolling the conversation dice. And, more personal taste, but the chiptunes sound really flat to me. Again, it feels like they could have licensed better off Newgrounds.

This is all a real shame, because I WANT to like this game. It's gorgeous. Just the art alone almost carries the whole world. If they went back through right now reusing all the assets and made a new game, but this time hired a good writer, gave me even a two branch skill tree for each character, tweaked combat a little to make it more interactive, I'd pay $40 and feel like it was totally worth it. But it's just not there yet.
92 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
707 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.09.20 04:47
If calling Dead Cells the rogue-like of Castlevania is appropriate, then calling Star Renegades the rogue-like of Final Fantasy 6 is even more appropriate, and it is amazing.
77 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
507 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.09.20 03:46
It's like Darkest Dungeon and FTL had a baby and that baby was a fan of Chrono Trigger.
74 Produkte im Account
34 Reviews
1512 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.09.20 03:54
A lot of good things going for it counteracted by some negative things. Hopefully the devs can build on this good base to perfect the game.

+ a lot of customization. equip different weapons, devices, armor on up to 5 different heroes, and you can level heroes up to level 10, each level unlocking skills or temporary buffs.
+ replayability with different heroes, and if you increase their relationship from previous runs they create progeny heroes
+ cool persistent lives of enemies and heroes. if you die to an enemy unit ending your run, the game promoted the enemy and you meet it next run. I've only beat it once, but cool to unlock heroes and their progeny (lol)
+ tactics matter and you're heavily punished for incorrect plays. deciding order of attacks on timeline, inspecting enemy traits, weaknesses, strengths goes a long way, selecting the correct skills and targetting the correct enemies is important
+ each hero has multiple skills that are useful in different situations.

-UI is overcrowded. overlapping hero models made it harder to select heros, determine where enemy attacks were targetted, and it got worse later in the game with more heroes on your team and more enemies
- no explanation of any statuses and effects of items, skills, units and what they do. they dont have a complete wiki for the game either
- item shops could be improved. they give you 3 options. at least one of the items have throwaway stats (e.g. sword that goes on heavy attack hero, buffing light attacks). items are usually higher level than current hero levels, which makes you stockpile DNA (and delay levelling) until you find item chest so you can see the item you want to buy then level that hero. what should be enjoyable is sometimes annoying
- camping system didn't feel fleshed out, camping cards give temporary buffs, but you also want to send cards to and from specific heroes to improve relationships. sometimes i felt just spamming cards to build the relationship instead of caring for which buffs they are; the only cards i really cared about targetting was healing cards
-map movement was clunky, often get stuck on autopathing around map

I would recommend it if you enjoy these types of rogue-lite RPG games, its inspired by games like Darkest Dungeon. If you like to replay roguelites, I'm sure you'll get your moneys worth unlocking (I heard) 40+ heroes/progeny. But if you're on the fence and only buy one game a year, might pass for now based on price and see how much they update (they mentioned future free DLC, but lets see).
137 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
796 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.09.20 01:47
This game is so, so close to being good. I'll give some brief points on a few things.


Visuals are phenomenal, animations are punchy and fun to look at. Gameplay feels solid.
Be warned this is definitely a slower kind of game with turn planning etc.
I generally feel like I am in control of the outcomes and fight mechanics feel rewarding.


Feels like there's a character balancing issue. Navigating the maps and UI is slow and counter-intuitive and can feel like a chore at times. Environments and some fights can get a little repetitive. Items and the shop feel a little out of place and like an afterthought, as do the status effects which aren't obvious what they actually do until you use them a few times and figure it out. Lack of readability overall


Many game breaking bugs are present, for example I've been reliably losing runs to softlocks after beating bosses. I'm someone who will give the benefit of the doubt but it is becoming a struggle to enjoy this game when I physically cannot complete a run because the game is softlocking, crashing or directing itself into an eternal loop. And when those runs take a few hours a piece, it ends up being a bitter pill to swallow altogether.

Definitely keep your eye on this game, if you aren't deterred by bugs go pick it up, there's a lot of good stuff here. I'm a masochist so I will keep hedging my bets to see if I can escape softlock hell after beating a boss.
361 Produkte im Account
36 Reviews
1276 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.09.20 00:37
Guys/gals... this is a rogue-like. Any true rogue-like has randomness. Except for some of the dialog, which gets repetitive. Also, maps aren't procedurally generated. I don't know if that matters tbh.

Quick thoughts and information.

Choose a group of three murderers on your mission of robo genocide (there is a choice of three at the beginning, but you unlock more as you progress). Pick carefully as group composition matters (there are specific archetypes). On your murder spree, your team will gain levels, money and items. All items are level locked and some can be used between classes, but weapons are generally not shared between classes. Again, pick carefully as items and weapons have modifiers that can give you a huge advantage.

There's a pretty steep learning curve, but once you get it, it gets very strategic.

Timeline. Think of this as initiative. The units to the far left act first.

You can tab between units or mouse click on them. And, you can set their attacks before their initiative. Certain attacks knock enemies off the timeline (break) so they lose initiative, so they cannot attack that turn. Keep in mind that you can't do this infinitely. You can stun an enemy that you cannot break though.

After three turns, you can camp. You will use cards you've gained to build bonds as well as add temporary bonuses for the next battle. You can also regain shields or health if you have cards to do so. *you can use the cards on yourself, but get no bond points.

Once you've reached a certain bond threshold (I believe it's broken up in three tiers), you gain permanent perks and eventually combos (which normally do not happen before the 3rd planet) that use Fury.

There are 3 planets and a ship.

Random money and DNA (used to level up) can spawn randomly as well as enemy ships that you can conquer (but, unfortunately cannot commandeer) for big prizes (money/DNA/weapons/gear).

You can go in almost any direction (that the map allows). However, some points that are time locked and are not always the best routes or have the best rewards.

There's also a 'Nemesis' type system, akin to Shadow of War, in which if an enemy kills you they get stronger and get promoted. On the opposite end, if you kill a leader on a planet, you get better rewards, usually DNA and credits (which are used to unlock characters).

There's also some currency that is used to make gear potentially available during your runs.

Each run is not short (30 minutes to hours). Luckily, you can save and exit during the movement phase.

*yellow sign denotes how many times the enemies can be staggered. I.e. pushed back on the timeline. Even when they're off the timeline, if you use stagger skills, it will count against the enemy. So, even if you performed a break and the enemy had 1 stagger left, performing another break will count against you. It probably doesn't matter, since you'll probably be using another break, but it would be helpful to know so that you can save your most powerful stagger for the next round.

I had some initial reservations, but now that I've put some time it, it's pretty good so far. I hope for more maps, units, gear and some more random/quirkiness. Mod support or even randomly generated maps would be cool.


Note to devs:

Please make it so you know who on your team can and will attack first. It can be frustrating when someone with less stagger attacks first.

Also, it does not say that you continue to stagger when enemies that are broken (break) off the timeline, thus without knowing, wasting a stagger. However, if you let it be known that they are being pushed further back, that might help. How about a toggle stagger?
Logo for Star Renegades
Rating auf Steam Sehr positiv
84.77% 1080 194
Release:08.09.2020 Genre: Strategie Entwickler: Massive Damage, Inc. Vertrieb: Raw Fury Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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