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  • Star Ocean: The Last Hope: Erste Bilder aus Star Ocean: The Last Hope
  • Star Ocean: The Last Hope: Erste Bilder aus Star Ocean: The Last Hope
  • Star Ocean: The Last Hope: Erste Bilder aus Star Ocean: The Last Hope
  • Star Ocean: The Last Hope: Erste Bilder aus Star Ocean: The Last Hope
  • Star Ocean: The Last Hope: Erste Bilder aus Star Ocean: The Last Hope
  • Star Ocean: The Last Hope: Erste Bilder aus Star Ocean: The Last Hope
  • Star Ocean: The Last Hope: Erste Bilder aus Star Ocean: The Last Hope
  • Star Ocean: The Last Hope: Erste Bilder aus Star Ocean: The Last Hope
  • Star Ocean: The Last Hope: Erste Bilder aus Star Ocean: The Last Hope
  • Star Ocean: The Last Hope: Erste Bilder aus Star Ocean: The Last Hope
  • Star Ocean: The Last Hope: Erste Bilder aus Star Ocean: The Last Hope
  • Star Ocean: The Last Hope: Erste Bilder aus Star Ocean: The Last Hope
  • Star Ocean: The Last Hope: Erste Bilder aus Star Ocean: The Last Hope
  • Star Ocean: The Last Hope: Erste Bilder aus Star Ocean: The Last Hope
  • Star Ocean: The Last Hope: Erste Bilder aus Star Ocean: The Last Hope
  • Star Ocean: The Last Hope: Erste Bilder aus Star Ocean: The Last Hope
  • Star Ocean: The Last Hope: Erste Bilder aus Star Ocean: The Last Hope
  • Star Ocean: The Last Hope: Erste Bilder aus Star Ocean: The Last Hope
  • Star Ocean: The Last Hope: Erste Bilder aus Star Ocean: The Last Hope


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  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 05.06.2009
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Preis Update 02.09.24

Über das Spiel

Wir schreiben das Jahr 2087. Aus den Trümmern des Dritten Weltkriegs erheben sich die letzten Überlebenden der menschlichen Rasse. Ohne sichere Zuflucht auf der fast vollständig zerstörten Erde bleibt ihnen nichts, als ihr Heil in den Sternen zu suchen. Nach den erfolgreichen Tests eines experimentellen Warp-Antriebs werden einige heldenhafte Pioniere mit der Aufgabe betraut, im All eine neue Heimat für die Menschheit zu finden.

Der erste Auftritt der Rollenspielreihe auf Xbox 360 erzählt von den Ursprüngen der legendären Star-Ocean-Saga. Star Ocean: The Last Hope verbindet die klassischen Stärken der Serie (Crafting-System, Skill-Trees, Party-Management) mit spektakulären Echtzeitkämpfen und einer neuen, aufregenden Geschichte, welche auch Neulingen einen leichten Einstieg in das Spiel-Universum bietet. Dieses langerwartete Prequel wird Rollenspiel- und Anime-Fans gleichermaßen begeistern.

  • Erster Next-Gen-Auftritt der populären Star-Ocean-Reihe von tri-Ace
  • Mitreißende Echtzeitkämpfe und komplexe Rollenspiel-Elemente
  • Atemberaubende CGI-Videos und beeindruckende 3D-Echtzeit-Grafik
  • Idealer Startpunkt für SO-Neulinge

Sprache: englische Sprachausgabe, multilinguale Bildschirmtexte


Noch haben wir keine Systemanforderungen für dieses Spiel eintragen können oder es sind noch keine bekannt.

Steam Nutzer-Reviews

405 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
823 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.12.17 22:44
Achtung! Langes Review!

Nicht für jeden geeignet.

Vor fast 9 Jahren habe ich Star Ocean - The Last Hope auf der Xbox 360 gespielt und war als JRPG Zocker bis auf ein paar Mängel sehr angetan von dem Spiel. Damals fand ich die Story gut, die Charktere ganz brauchbar und das Kampfsystem blieb mir in guter Erinnerung. Nun, einige Jahre später, wird man jedoch von der Realität eingeholt und es wird Zeit die rosarote Brille abzusetzen. Es ist immer noch ein gutes Spiel, besonders für den Preis. Verglichen mit heutigen JRPGs muss man sich jedoch auf eine gehörige Zeitreise gefasst machen.

1. Die Charaktere: Von nervig bis liebenswürdig und von süß bis sexy ist alles dabei. Auch so ziemlich jedes Klischee wird erfüllt. Schon damals hatte der Hauptprotagonist, Edge Maverick, polarisiert. Entweder man mochte ihn oder man hasste ihn. Einfach aus dem Grund weil viele Zwischensequenzen mit ihm wirklich arg overacted wirken und weil er eine totale Dramaqueen ist. Darauf muss man sich einstellen und damit umgehen können, ansonsten sollte man von dem Spiel die Finger lassen. Andere Charaktere der Crew wie Reimi, Lymle, Faize oder Meracle sind bedeutend weniger aufdringlich und nicht so fürchterlich overacted.

2. Das Kampfsystem: Star Ocean 4 kommt mit einem Echtzeitkampfsystem daher, das einem viele Freiheiten gibt. Man kann jederzeit zwischen den Charakteren wechseln, die Skills und Taktiken können im Kampf angepasst werden und man kann zwischen automatisierten oder komplett manuellen Angriffen umschalten. Die KI der Mitstreiter ist mal mehr, mal weniger brauchbar. Stellt man z.B. Edges KI nicht so ein, dass sie den Verbrauch von Mana meidet, haut sie das Mana raus aus gäbe es kein morgen mehr. Bei den stellensweise extrem langen und zähen Dungeons (dazu gleich mehr) ist das nicht nur unglaublich nervig, sondern auch gefährlich. Von den Mana auffüllenden Beeren kann man max. nur 20 Stück dabei haben. Lässt man Edges KI ständig alles raushauen, steht man schnell ohne Mana da. Die anderen Mitstreiter und man selber verbraucht schließlich ebenfalls Mana.

Unbrauchbar ist die KI bei Bosskämpfen. Die Bosse in dem Spiel haben fast immer eine bestimmte Schwachstelle, die meist nur kurz angegriffen werden kann. Die KI der Mitstreiter interessiert das jedoch nicht, es wird fröhlich angegriffen und Mana verschwendet obwohl sie praktisch keinen Damage austeilen weil sie nicht auf die Schwachstelle gehen. Es wird daher oft vorkommen, dass eure Mitstreiter ohne Mana dastehen und fast nicht mehr zu gebrauchen sind. Entweder ihr frischt das Mana mittels der Beeren wieder auf oder ihr lasst sie links liegen und kümmert euch alleine um den Boss. Letzteres ist meist effektiver, so merkwürdig das auch klingen mag.

3. Die Welten/Dungeons: Die Welten und Dungeons sind abwechslungsreich aber auch strikt linear. Die Monster laufen frei auf ihr herum, es gibt also keine Zufallskämpfe. Gefüllt sind die Gebiete wie für ein JRPG typisch mit Beutetruhen und verschiedenen Spots, um Erze oder Kräuter abzubauen. Ohne zu spoilern kann ich an dieser Stelle nicht viel mehr schreiben. Was ich allerdings sagen kann und das gilt auch gleich als Warnung: Bringt viel Durchhaltevermögen mit. Es artet teileweise so sehr aus, dass ihr 2-3h am Stück in Gebieten oder Dungeons hängt und nichts anders macht als kämpfen, kämpfen und noch mal kämpfen. Selbstverständlich werden die Areale mit zunehmenden Fortschritt immer nerviger. Man muss viele Umwege laufen weil der direkte Weg z.B. durch Laserwände oder defekte Türen blockiert ist. Um die Laser sichtbar zu machen oder Türen zu öffnen, muss man zu gewissen Schaltern, die natürlich auch nicht auf direkten Weg erreichbar sind. Das ist fast wie ein Teufelskreis und für mich aus heutiger Sicht unglaublich nervig. Ist man von so was schnell gefrustet, muss man eine große Portion Selbstmotivation mitbringen, sonst kann es schnell passieren, dass man das Spiel nie wieder anrührt.

4. Story und Grafik: Wer auf Sci-Fi Storys mit Anime Touch steht, der wird viel Freude mit diesem Spiel haben. Vorangetrieben wird die Story primär durch Zwischensequen, die wirklich lange gehen können. Die längsten gehen 25-30 Minuten, solltet ihr z.B. mit dem Wireless Xbox One Controller spielen, kann es durchaus passieren, dass der sich wegen Inaktivität ausschaltet :D. Nach der pompösen Einleitung mit dem Start der Raumschiffe fällt man storytechnisch leider erst mal in ein sehr tiefes Loch. Es braucht unwahrscheinlich viel Zeit(8-9h), bis die Story langsam wieder in Gang kommt. Belohnt wird man dafür mit einigen vorhersehbaren und einigen überraschenden Wendungen, Themen wie Zeitreisen und Parallelwelten werden angeschnitten. Die große Bedrohung, die sich im Laufe der Story herauskristallisiert wirkt auch tatsächlich bedrohlich. Alle beteiligten müssen ihre Kräfte bündeln, um den Feind zu besiegen.

Abschließend noch ein paar Worte zur Grafik: Damals auf der Xbox 360 oder PS3 war das Spiel schon kein optischer Leckerbissen und das ist es auch heute nicht. Gut gealtert ist das Spiel nur bedingt. Die Texturen sind oft extrem niedrig aufgelöst, außer bei den Hauptcharakteren herrscht akute Polygonarmut und die vielen Specular Maps flimmern fröhlich vor sich hin. Letzter Punkt ist auf PC dank deutlich höherer Auflösung und AA kein großes Problem mehr. Ganz weg ist es aber auch nicht. Die Schatten, insbesondere die auf den Charakteren (Haare!) sind ebenfalls sehr niedrig aufgelöst und flimmern deutlich sichtbar. Dagegen hilft leider auch keine 4K Auflösung. High-End PCs zaubert das Spiel nur ein müdes Lächeln ins virtuelle Gesicht. Selbst in 4K ist eine GTX 1080 völlig unterfordert, die Auslastung schwankt zwischen 20-40% und der Takt bewegt sich weit unter dem Maximum. Wichtig für alle mit einem 144 Hz Monitor: Die FPS auf 60 limitieren! Star Ocean 4 läuft sonst viel zu schnell und ist logischerweise komplett unspielbar.
408 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
2026 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.11.17 16:14
Star Ocean - The Last Hope hab ich schon auf der X360 gespielt und war bisher von der Story, Gameplay usw begeistert.
Ist halt ein typisches JRPG.

Die Portierung auf den PC ist allerdings nicht so gut gelungen.
Im Fenstermodus kann man gut spielen, allerdings lässt sich die Fenstergröße nicht ändern.
Im Vollbildmodus ist das Spiel leider unspielbar bisher.
Ich hoffe mal das da bald ein Update kommt und es auch im Vollbildmodus spielbar wird.

Zu meinem Kritikpunkt im Volbildmodus:

Im Menue und in der Spielwelt bewegt man sich zu schnell (wie im Zeitraffer) genauso auch die Zwischensequenzen, dort überlappen sich die Gesprächspartner und man versteht nichts, vor lauter Stimmern wirrwarr. Im Fenstermodus ist dann alles ganz normal, wie es sein sollte.

Sobald sich was durch Updates tut, werde ich meine Review dem entsprechend anpassen und eine Positivwertung abgeben. Aber bis dahin gibt's nur die negative.

Nachtrag: 30.11.2017

Nach hilfreichen Tipps der Community (schaut einfach in die Kommentare), Läuft The Last Hope nun auch im Vollbild flüssig und ich kann meine Wertung ins Positive setzen.
95 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
23977 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.05.22 00:15
This game is a guilty pleasure of mine. I have put in hundreds of hours here on Steam and on the Xbox 360 version. I adore this game, and it is for all the wrong reasons. The characters are generic cutouts, the story is trying so hard to be deep, the gameplay movement is a bit rubbish and tedious, and so many more flaws that I just can stack up on here. But there's just this charm to the game that I can't break from. It is so likeably unlikeable that I honestly compare it to being a JRPG version of The Room. If you are looking for something with a story with exceptional writing, character investment, and intuitive gameplay, this is NOT your game. But I've grown to love all of it, even down to the silliest flaws.

I have heard other reviews saying there is some gameplay issues, but for me, I have no such problems on my 2070 Super or my 3070 Ti upgrade. I have also played it on my G14 Zephyrus laptop (Ryzen 9 with a 2060 mobile GPU) and it ran that comfortably at 1080p (with baited breath I might add, for those who remember the dreaded softlocking days of the 360). I personally have not experienced these issues on multiple system configs is my point.

I do genuinely love the combat and the equipment / crafting system. They can be tedious to deal with, but once you get an understanding of what you're doing, I feel like I could grind for hours with it. It's a joyous time for myself, blindsiding enemies and blasting enemies on a jumper jet (Bacchus, anyone?). Even rolling around as Lymle was a blast. I have no idea who was sadistic enough to put Battle Trophies for each character. 100 trophies. For ALL OF THEM. But hey, I like doing them.

All in all, solid game if you are willing to just indulge this game and be charmed by the bad stuff. Because trust me, there is bad stuff in this, but if you're like me, you'll get so much more than you could have signed up for. Turn off your critical side and hop on this goofy little JRPG.
12 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
295 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.05.22 20:56
As a huge fan of Star Ocean/Valkyrie Profile series, I would say this game is pretty good and fun, I don't get why this game is getting so much hate :/
356 Produkte im Account
51 Reviews
412 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.04.22 01:30
It's NOT a bad game but it's a damn shame SquareEnix thought this one was the better choice for PC players over 'Star Ocean First departure R' remake that they decided to release on Switch and PS4 ONLY.. WTF IS UP WITH THAT DECISION!? It's the best game of every S.O. game there is... not to say this one ain't good.. it's just not the best !!
134 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
63 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.03.22 17:52
Played this on steam deck, loads up fine, cut scenes has audio, controls are working.. didnt get far in but initial testing seems to be working
446 Produkte im Account
18 Reviews
55 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.02.22 18:20
Fairy healing !!! ????
106 Produkte im Account
17 Reviews
56 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.02.22 17:45
whens star ocean 1 and 2 coming to PC?
46 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
3337 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.02.22 02:28
A lot of people seem to be very critical of this game, I think it is unwarranted personally.

I'm a huge fan of the Star Ocean IP. Even putting that aside, the game has great graphics, music, combat, and I thought the story was good too.

I waited until I beat the Ethereal Queen to post a review, now that I've done pretty much everything you can in the game, besides playing through on the higher difficulties, I think it was awesome all around. Not perfect of course, every game has some flaws, but they don't detract too much from the overall awesomeness of this game.

If you think it looks like something you might enjoy, just grab it cheap on sale and it's worth every penny in my opinion.
720 Produkte im Account
143 Reviews
1234 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.01.22 19:35
Star Trek in anime version, what else to say - worth buying!
136 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
4654 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.12.21 18:23
Not as good as the first 3 star ocean games. Square Enix should re-release them on steam or Android so they can be enjoyed too. I don't have a playstation and don't plan on buying one, so i would prefer a steam version. I'm sure others would agree.

i didn't really like the protagonist, he seemed like a loser. the visuals are good, the game play is alright. i had issues with remote play. it's worth playing if you like Star Ocean and don't have a PS3 or XBOX anymore.

Square Enix still should release the other games on steam as well!
50 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
2411 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.12.21 22:30
After playing for almost 20 hours I've decided I wanted to talk about this game, as someone who isn't a fan of the series and is just having her first impressions. Honestly I think this game has flaws and it's definitely not the best thing I've played this year, nor it's the worst... I'd say it's pretty mid and that's okay, because I know it's not supposed to be at the same level as fan-favorites like SO2 and SO3. And I'm enjoying it a lot anyway, or else I would have dropped it by now.

So let's talk about the good: graphics look great, combat system is pretty simple (and could be better) but it's efficient and it works, and story is actually very intriguing and probably the thing that keeps me going the most. I'm always looking forward to whatever's next and I think that's very important for this genre. There's also a lot of diversity in races and creatures which is very cool.

But now it's time for the bad... the characters. I will say and I'm not even exaggerating, that they might be the worst characters I've ever seen in a JRPG. Think of the cringiest anime tropes you can imagine... they are probably in this game. And it's such a shame because characters are so important in JRPGs but sadly, they failed here (except with Faize, he's a good boy). I believe that if only they were better, this game would rank higher in everyone's lists.

Despite this however, I'm still having a good time and I recommend it to anyone who can tolerate these kind of anime characterization. If you can't then... probably don't play it, but it's still a fun experience and I think the story is worth it.
154 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
4288 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.11.21 08:13
I have loved the Star Ocean series since the very first game. This game is just off the charts awesome.
15 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1841 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.10.21 12:04
This game has a potentially enjoyable combat system buried beneath a mountain of problems.


The game slips up at nearly every turn with baffling QoL decisions. To run in this game, you have to repeatedly press the dash button which makes the MC go from 0 to 100 back to 0 when the dash runs off. Why anybody thought it would be a good idea to make you press X repeatedly instead of just maintaining the top speed is a complete mystery. You can only save at designated points, so if you want to put the game down you have to go track down the nearest save area instead of being able to just save in the menu. There's a rather small inventory limit for each individual item, so many treasures you attempt to pick up won't allow you to because you already have 20 of that kind of healing item or w/e. Basic features like scanning enemy stats or knowing where items are on the map are locked behind different character skills which you could miss and aren't available immediately anyway. The game has no fast travel system so if you ever want to backtrack or do some sidequesting you have to dash repeatedly through massive environments while avoiding enemies. Speaking of sidequests, there is no indicator for them on the maps, so good luck with that. Furthermore, the game is adamant about making you charge rings with limited uses to progress or unlock treasures, which is a massive waste of time if you ever run out of charges (the light ring is the biggest offender as it only stores 1).


While I enjoyed the blindside mechanic and rush mode, this game's difficulty and progression is completely out of whack and oftentimes fails to work with the best mechanics. In easy fights with generic enemies, the game is typically way too easy with no challenge whatsoever, a standard problem in rpgs. Some of the boss fights face the opposite problem, where the game decides to be completely unfair to the player in a few different ways. The main recurring way is that the AI is not equipped to fight difficult bosses whatsoever. They will frequently get hit by telegraphed attacks that deplete their life bar instantly, the healers will spend valuable time attacking instead of saving the party's lives, they can't recognize when bosses don't have their weak point exposed, and they will burn meter that you wanted to use. The other big issue was with boss fights with multiple enemies with frequent attacks. In these boss fights the continuous enemy fire will prevent characters from getting any actions off unless they have rush mode active (although if it's available they're probably at low health and about to die anyway). I had to cheese the worst boss by hiding in the corner with the strongest mage character, which I'm sadly pretty sure is the optimal strategy. And oh yeah, the final segment involves a 60+ minute boss rush with cutscenes and no save points.

Progression is also incredibly whack, with some of the next weapons and armor for different characters literally doubling their offensive or defensive stats. Crafting is locked behind both spending skill points on otherwise useless skills instead of the ones boosting combat potential, a lame minigame on the ship with one of the worst characters I can remember, and actually finding all of the necessary materials.

I'll add that the in game tutorial was not very helpful and rather annoying (i.e. it makes you move the camera around like 10 different times).


The story is oftentimes nonsensical, with some of the important goings on happening to side characters offscreen while the main party is oblivious. The conclusion isn't satisfying with how jumbled everything gets for the sake of JRPG nonsense. Many of the characters, main party included, are incredibly tropey to the point that it hurts whenever they say a line (mostly to the detriment of the female characters). How they act in a way that no real person ever would combines with the subpar facial animations to make the experience feel fake. The cutscenes are also wayyyyyyyyyyyyy too long, nearly occupying most of my playtime, and some of them are unskippable. To its credit, sometimes the story is so bad that it wraps around to being funny.
22 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
2964 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.10.21 22:32
The Short: I recommend, it is worth the purchase. Use Controller. Use ReShade or similar.
The Long:

The game has excellent story and rewards you for companion decisions through out the game, Combat is active and intuitive. The game combines anime and sci-fi with a well known and written story. The game is an appropriate length not so long that it seems to be taking for ever or so short that feels a waste of money. I played on the PS3 and X360 when the game first came out. The game does have some things that feel off because of the port. Using a controller will give you a more console control feel and running with PC power will allow you to enhance.
412 Produkte im Account
29 Reviews
314 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.10.21 23:01
I hope more Star Ocean games are brought to Steam!

634 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
3226 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.08.21 19:19
It's like the Deadly Premonition of RPGs, only without the memorable characters, gripping story, or charm. What can I say about this game...

It has one of the worst casts I have ever seen in a JRPG. Tired tropes and annoying, unfunny comic relief are substituted for genuine personality in pretty much every case. Their creepy doll eyes also remind me of the puppets from Team America. On top of that they love to hear themselves talk, rambling on and on about nothing in particular during half hour long cutscenes. This cast could seriously turn a lunch order into the epic of Gilgamesh. What passes for a plot here is utter nonsense. Things just suddenly happen with no build up and seemingly for no reason at all. Characters make baffling decisions that will have will infuriate you if you care and leave you laughing if you don't. I've heard people compare this to a Tommy Wiseau movie, and they're absolutely spot on.

Gameplay is equally terrible and lacks quality of life features that would be considered mandatory today. There is no town portal until the very end of the game, crafting can only be done in one specific location, and reserve party members gain no xp. The realtime combat is fiddly and imprecise due to the computer taking control away from you while attacking. Pressing attack will autopilot you towards the enemy and execute a canned combo animation that bolts you in place, preventing you from following the enemy who has now moved just out of reach. There is no command queue for you party members, so if you want to quickly switch characters to cast a spell or use an item, you have to wait until they're done whatever the computer currently has them doing. You can brute force your way to success using certain battle skills and level grinding, but it's just not a good time no matter how you slice it. The game also has several aggravating gimmick bosses who are virtually invincible outside of a specific, three second attack animation. Your AI party will pound on them for zero damage, buffing their rush meter to full and causing them to go super sayan, at which point they take you behind the wood shed and it's all over. Have fun with that.

On top of everything else this game is lacking a lot of the features that make this series special to begin with. You have no control over your party composition and are stuck with the characters the main story gives you. Private actions have been eliminated from towns and are only available on the ship at a few predetermined points in the story. Skills no longer provide passive stat buffs, making most of them not worth the investment. Item creation is all but useless until the endgame since the materials you need to make anything even remotely useful are unavailable until then.

I forced myself to finish this game, and I pretty much wish I hadn't. Only a small minority of the people who purchased it actually have, and I can see why. If you played this game on xbox back in the day, and it was your first rpg and 'the bestest game ever', then I apologize for my harsh review. If you are literally anyone else, forget this busted up fossil of a game and play literally anything else.
31 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
7439 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.08.21 21:55
It's not as good as Star Ocean 3 or 2. The story and characters are a mixed bag. The long final post game dungeon where you can't save between floors is another fault I have with the game. I still however found myself enjoying this game. I think the battle system is pretty solid. I always found it pretty satisfying when you're able to pull off a blindside and also spam rush combos for massive damage. If you're into action based rpgs I can recommend this game.
1206 Produkte im Account
95 Reviews
980 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.08.21 13:21
Myuria, Reimi, Sarah is my three best SO4 waifu ever!
215 Produkte im Account
102 Reviews
33 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.07.21 17:15
Probably my fav one. Also one of the best in the series.

I hate Edge.
88 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
4639 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.07.21 21:12
I'd like to start by saying that i think Star Ocean as a franchise is very underrated. It never revolutionized the rpg genre, but it was always an excelent saga with some very nice elements to it like a very solid and fun battle system, good stories and character development. This chapter falls in this description perfectly, though not as well as it's predecessor (one of the top 5 rpg of all times in my opinion). It has some weaknesses in the technical department, though nothing major, and some of the protagonists feel a bit underdeveloped or downright annoying at times. There's quite a bit of content to play through but it still manages to be engaging to the end. In short a very good game.
52 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
1171 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.07.21 01:52
A classic RPG which I thoroughly enjoyed from days gone by. With a controller, it is still one of the best classics to play. The controls are not smooth with a keyboard set up but can be done. The story is wide ranging and the characters are traditional but the dialog is well done and entertaining.
77 Produkte im Account
45 Reviews
3106 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.07.21 10:59
Another one of those ps3/360 games I just re-bought on steam. I beat this game a long time ago, kind of liked it then and I have to say I like it a bit more now.

It’s nothing spectacular, in fact, the game is a bit grindy, the story is melodramatic and heavy-handed. The combat, while fun is either just grinding through easy battles with the exception of a few enemies that just frustrate the living hell out of you.

If you like that ps2-classic style of JRPG – this game will give you that. The characters are little weird because the game is EXTREMY Japanize. That aside, they are fun, feel very unique when you play them and even the most irritating ones have their heap of charm as well.

This game tries, it really does and it has a few tropes of Star Ocean that is pretty great. The game play usually is the best aspect of Star Ocean games. Star Ocean is maybe not an underrated series, but I often feel like people don’t give this franchise a chance. It’s a bit of a problem to play some of the older games which are said to be some of the better ones. I’ve yet to play all the games, but I have played some – all-together, Star Ocean is a fun and interesting series with solid character and fun interactions and some of the best gameplay in the genre. Last hope doesn’t quite archive all that it can, but it is a damn blast if you are tolerant of some of the things I mention above.

New to JRPGs? Sit this one out until you played some more.
If you are a veteran and haven’t played this game; I think you should.
74 Produkte im Account
18 Reviews
7383 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.07.21 07:50
One of the best JRPGs out there. Wish 'til the end of time was also on steam. Need more from this series ASAP.
65 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
2670 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.06.21 03:22
Story is decent, definitely not the best out of the games before this. The story kinda jumps around and makes it seem like some of the arcs or missions are kinda worthless. The gameplay is better than SO3 in my opinion, but it's still repetitive in a way. The characters are likeable with the exception of maybe one. Meracle best character though hands down.
2 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
2522 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.06.21 14:45
Fun game to kill time, but the plot sometimes feels incoherent or rushed, and some characters are added to the party out of nowhere. The story sometimes feels quite slow as well and the planets sometimes don't feel quite original. However, the battle system is magnificent, as well as the world exploration. So, good gameplay, but lacks in creativity.
446 Produkte im Account
45 Reviews
5732 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.06.21 05:49
Having sunk 95 hours into it, and not even getting into Post Game (I don't think I will) It's obvious that I recommend it.

Do you like leveling, do you like choice of characters with very different play styles. Is Meracle such incredible destructive fun to play? Then it's probably for you.

The dialog and voice acting is cringe, so I went for Japanese voices (I'm English) and subtitles. A LOT more bearable.
The side quests are crap
Lot's of QOL features pretty much universal to RPGs now are missing. Simple thinks like marking current quest destination are missing. So you spend a lot of time talking to everyone again and again. Unless of course you're sensible and jot down notes on bits of paper!

Lot's of other things I can't remember are annoying, but I played the story all the way through and loved it!

The combat is fun without frustration, I didn't find the difficulty spikes that other people mentioned, it all seemed very reasonable. Maybe because I chomp up sidequests and am happy to do a bit of lvl grinding I was a bit OP, but hey. I like being OP
51 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
1013 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.05.21 13:51
OK there are some slight flaws to this version of the game, however for fans of tales I think it's more about the story. For all those haters out there that's your opinion. I'm going to enjoy.
102 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
4656 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.05.21 07:55
Honestly pretty fun. though, there are some frustrating parts like the amount of enemies in a dungeon (some in tight corridors), the weird camera, the fact that only the xbox button prompt is available (install mod if you want other button prompt). and lastly, how hard some of the bosses are.
81 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
1866 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.04.21 23:02
The game is fun....but those cutscenes man. You can make dinner, eat it, and then still have 10 minutes left in one single cutscene.
770 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
229 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.04.21 11:08
I really wish SquareEnix would stop killing this franchise.
14 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
105 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.03.21 14:25
they should have all starocean games
731 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
3152 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.02.21 00:37
Ok, so I have played this game multiple times on multiple platforms but never completely finished the story. I absolutely love the updated graphics and the controller controls (which you should use cause they are way better than the M&K controls) still feel really good. If you've ever played a Star Ocean game before you should know what to expect other for all others I recommend starting on easy to beat the game once just so you get the story. Then after that play on harder for the battle trophies and achievements cause just like any other JRPG it will suck your life away (30+ hours just for story) and you should totally just follow a walk through so you can have some life while playing this. And if you've played it more than once like me You should also be excited because cheat engine works for this so you can easily get a play through in faster than you usually would be able to.

Please don't whine and gripe at me for being a cheater I just don't have the time to play jrpgs like I did back in college. And this is a single player game so what I do with mine doesn't affect you at all, that being said I don't condone cheating in pvp/multiplayer games where cheating actually can effect another players enjoyment of the game.

Have fun with this game!
29 Produkte im Account
16 Reviews
6010 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.02.21 13:12
great game
30 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
3427 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.02.21 01:59
TL;DR - Has some flaws, but still enjoyable.

- Battle system is fun.
- Most of the story is pretty decent, enjoyable, emotional and funny at times.
- Characters are well developed and you feel an attachment to them.
- Runs much better than the PS3 version.
- The bonus board mechanic is unique.
- XP distribution is good, no sharing, everyone gets the same XP.
- Map is useful, once you can see the chests.

- People complain about the voice acting, but I thought the English one was fine, much better than looking at the translation with Japanese voice acting.

- Lack of save points. Once I played 1.5 hrs before I saw a save point.
- No fast travel, have to run back and forth, for ages.
- No quest or current objective marker or record.
- Only fetch side quests.
- Long Cut scenes, I enjoyed most of them, but one of them lasted 30 mins.
- Crafting system is too much work.
- No way to know upcoming skills / symbols so as to save up skill points for them.
- Too much backtracking to get items.
- No way to reset skills later in game, bad decisions are stuck.
- Last boss has a huge difficulty spike.

Score: 7.5 / 10
163 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
2433 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.02.21 09:19
Buy at Your Own Risk:

I actually like this game. The Star Ocean series is basically Anime Star Trek.
The difficulty spikes, mediocre voice acting, inconsistent textures, backtracking, etc. don't bother me. What does bother me is that the game will crash at seemingly random intervals for some people (myself included). It wasn't much of a problem for most of the game (only got hit twice in non-critical areas), but it's really frustrating when you've attempted to beat the last boss SEVEN TIMES only for the game to crash mid-battle for no apparent reason. I've tried all of the troubleshoots I can find (including uninstalling and reinstalling) and the problem persists. I'm sure I'll get lucky and finish the battle one day, but I'm done with this game for the time being.

Unless a patch or mod fixes the crashing issue (unlikely at this late stage), I can't in good conscience recommend buying it.
31 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
1395 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.01.21 23:49
Not a bad game if you aren't going to cry about bosses being too hard, regularly level your characters, and use item creation to create elemental grenades to help you beat the first few sets of bs bosses. Not particularly hard to level as the bonus board is pretty easy to fill up with +10% exp stacks. Once you are sufficiently leveled and have pumped up your equipped battle skills and arts etc. and equipped some decent weapons and armor the bosses get much easier. Over all not a bad game just not an easy one.
275 Produkte im Account
86 Reviews
226 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.01.21 20:37
Anime star trek in 4k. Listen, this is just a ps3 port with a bump in resolution and steady frame rate. I've read some people had issues but maybe im lucky, i just installed it and it works as intended and as good as i can expect from a ported JRPG from the ps3 days. It didnt give me any headaches. Its anime star trek.... a fun mix of anime and scifi clearly star trek inspired in many ways.... The combat is average but once you level up and get stronger abilities it gets fun, dont judge it off of how you start out.

Go into this expecting a res and fps bumped up ps3 game (it still looks like a ps3 era game, just clearer) and hot space chicks and chicks that may be dudes but it dont matter just dont ask and star trek inspired space adventures....... its worth it.

rx 5700 xt, ssd, ryzen 5 2600 16gb ram win 10
58 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
2941 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.12.20 02:30
Pros -

- Space exploration, what more needs to be said.
- Awesome combat, love all the visual effects and how over the top it all is. Every character gets a lot of variety for combat as well.
- 5 out of the 8 playable characters are really likable, though some do have a more cliche setting than others. Myuria was my favourite as she came across the least generic imo.
- Story is nice, but nothing groundbreaking. It had some bad moments, but also really great.
- Love the music, especially on the second from last planet. Reminded me of the music in Vermilion City in Pokémon Soul silver.
- Graphics are nice, not spectacular, but they hold up enough to still give off some nice visuals and aesthetics.

Cons -

- 3 out of the 8 playables are just horrible character wise, mainly due to their one tone voice acting. They are atleast fun to use, but otherwise terrible.
- English voice acting in general isn't great.
- Crafting system is a tedious mess, don't even bother trying to learn it for yourself. Look it all up online.
- A couple of storylines trap you in areas a bit too long for my liking.
- Backtracking is present and in quite hefty amounts. Not a massive deal but must be mentioned, especially as there's no mounts or anything to get around.
- Hate that the weapon skins don't show up in cutscenes. This is obviously a port of the PS3 version, where all the cutscenes are pre rendered.
- Side quests are generic fetch and kill rubbish.

Conclusion -

A fun time sink with a good story, great combat and a cast of characters where the majority are likable. Just don't go in expecting this to be a Witcher 3 level game with mass amounts of depth, and you'll have fun! Oh and one last tip....Put the voices in Japanese, you'll thank me later.

1095 Produkte im Account
123 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1572 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.12.20 16:35
20 hours of the 26 i played are grinding, i play games not to spend my life levelling up, i would do that irl.

I was interested in the convoluted story, but the bosses are way too bs, you have to target this one specific boss in one specific place specifically, with one specific stick with one specific element with one specific character you didn't bother to level. (Easy mode is not fucking easy) (your characters don't all level at the same time) grind more peasant.

sure you can battle him for an hour and a half but that wont kill him because reasons.
Watch on youtube so you don't waste 100 hours of your life on monotony.
330 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
3332 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.12.20 01:02
My 2nd favorite J-RPG after Magna Carta 2 a XBOX360 Exclusive, this game was originally a PS3 game until it got ported to PC. Almost threw my PC off the window in the fight vs the Phantom Soldiers :)
20 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
4670 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.11.20 09:36
Great Game!

It's a lot of fun. The graphics are really good & I liked the story. Kay? I wan't expecting much going by the reviews, but I was pleasantly surprised. The combat system is fun, and the music is good. The voice acting is like others have said, but I liked the story, so it worked. Kay? The space ships are totally awesome! And the space cut scenes are epic! This was a fun game to play! Kay!
101 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
7473 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.11.20 10:26
it is fun
106 Produkte im Account
31 Reviews
295 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.10.20 23:31
I love how good this game runs and the new graphics is huge improvement compared to xbox360
312 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
208 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.10.20 02:22
Ah, star ocean....my favourite series that gets shafted by square ( and in SO5 case gets very little budget) in favour of DQ and FF.
Star ocean 4 was one of the big reason why i bought a XBox360 ( other was because it was cheaper ) and i put in about 250hrs into. I then bought it for the ps3 when i finally got one and i bought it again on PC because i love this franchise and i hope to see the First and Second come to the PC.
Its a very long game and if you love your JRPGS packed full of sidequest and anime cliches you won't be disappointed. The star ocean series also have Battle Trophies which are for the hardcore fans of the series and it requires multiple playthroughs on different diffculties ( it carries over in New Game+ )
The port is really good tbh, i don't have a 4k monitor so i can't say how good it looks in 4k.

IMO the weakest thing about this game is the characters and its not because of the cliches ( its what SO is known for ) they just look bland, the best characters are meracle ( a skimpy cat girl who uses her claws in battle ) and Myuria ( Sexy milf mage who i think is better then lymle). it also doesn't help that the characters give off a very creepy doll look but the anime concept art looks really nice ( they should of done something like Tales )

The strongest part of the game is the Battle system its very enjoyable and can be complex but again if you don't like the characters this can be a chore which doesn't help when you grind to finish quest. I also really like the private action in this game which you get if you develope a close relationship with your party members which ties in to the endings you can get ( every character has a ending in this game which i really like ).

in the end, this game is really long it will take you up to 50hrs+ especially if you want to get the battle trophies, unlock endings, unlock recipes, complete dungeons ect and its well worth the price and is a better game then SO5
53 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
772 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.10.20 00:36
TL:DR: Star Ocean The Last Hope is a really good game especially if you know to go into a tri-ace RPG not expecting a good story for that you'd play Star Ocean 2 and Valkyrie Profile 2 (The Best Game No one played)

Graphics: 8/10 - The Character Faces can be of at times but for the most part It's solid.

Music: 10/10 - I Beat off to Motoi Sakuraba on a daily.

Voice Acting: 7/10 - Decent Performances Except Lymle and Sarah, better than(Most FUNimation Dubs)

Story - You don't play Tri-Ace games for a decent Story well except Valkyrie Profile 2 and Star Ocean 2.

Gameplay: 10/10 - This combat Is very Tales of but with free movement and the Special Arts Chain on their own none of that Base Art, Arcane Art Shit.

Characters: 7/10 - I think a good chunk of these characters had pretty good Development Myuria being a stand out.

Overall: 7/10 - Star Ocean 4 is a really good game I Beat off to this shit (not as much as Star Ocean 3 tho) but FUCK!
Play this game and If you listen to reviews who shit talk this game they need to eat some pills and wash it down with Acetone.
112 Produkte im Account
49 Reviews
157 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.09.20 13:17
This game is far from perfect and I couldn't bring myself to finish it, but I still like it to an extent.

The story is unique, it's a space opera similar to Uchuu Senkan Yamato or Star Trek, or Mass Effect. While it's not life-changing (at least for me), the writing and especially cutscenes are enjoyable. Gameplay wasn't interesting to me and it's the main reason why I dropped it - I'm not a fan of Tales of style of combat, so maybe that's why. The only Tales of I like a lot is Zestiria, and even that mostly because of the story.
I was quite surprised when I saw that the entire ship is open for exploration, however there's not much to do on it compared to Mass Effect 1-3.
The artistic style is very good, as expected from Japanese developers. The ship, while lacking activities, is nice looking, the character design is spot-on and the locations manage to hide the game's old engine.

Star Ocean The Last Hope is an enjoyable ARPG. Last Hope, First Departure and Second Evolution, also Tales of Zestiria are so far the only games from the franchise of Star Ocean / Tales of that I like. Vesperia was close but I couldn't identify with the majority of its characters.
66 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
16 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.08.20 15:48
Not as good as Till The End of Time but still love the story of this one. Game play is also really good. If you love JRPGs I recommend playing this one.
38 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
260 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.07.20 04:34
Pacing is a little slow, but its a classic JRPG and replaying this reminds me of the love I had when I first really got into video games. Even if it is a little slow, the plot is thought provoking, the characters are immensely likable, and the combat still one of the more unique ones I have played.
269 Produkte im Account
26 Reviews
1832 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.07.20 04:18
while locked at 60fps, with no ultrawide support, its still a good game,
best combat in the series. okay story.
52 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
3137 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.07.20 18:54
The story is good, but the controls are a little frustrating. I can't alt+tab out of the program without it making the game windowed again, which forces me to go into the settings and revert the change frequently. I also wish I could customize the controls. As they are, I frequently press buttons that do nothing in combat or try to open a menu, but cannot. I'm 26 hours in... it's either me or the game just doesn't have intuitive controls.
332 Produkte im Account
20 Reviews
653 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.07.20 01:32
It's actually not the best, don't get me wrong this is a fun game. I just wish they would give us Star Ocean The Second Story on steam because that was the game in this series that I never forgot about.
173 Produkte im Account
29 Reviews
3358 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.06.20 23:39
Very beautiful remastered graphics;
Battles mix action and strategy effectively;
Interesting storyline with good variety of characters;
Challenge curve well established;
Some very well-structured scenarios;
Good variety of creatures reduces the feeling of repetition;
Very fast load times;
Long and very complex history.

Ambiance fluctuates with scenarios with very little detail;
Soundtrack nonexistent at times causes monotony;
It tends to be repetitive at times;
Invisible walls are quite uncomfortable;
Troubled female stereotypes for a current game.

If you like JRPGs and the Star Ocean Franchise this is for you,
17 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
5341 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.06.20 07:25
Although Star Ocean 4 lacks compelling characters and most of them can be very annoying, it has a great story that suits as very pleasant prequel to all other titles previously released.
The cornerstones of this game are the battle mechanics and the exploration of different planets, while some are recurring from others previously Star Oceans.
Back in the release to the XBOX 360, Star Ocean 4 already had astonishing graphics, and with this HD Remaster, it wouldn't be different. It clearly brings joy and turns things more vivid thus making you binge play it.
If you haven't got the chance to play in the XBOX 360, it's a must to play .
281 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
820 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.05.20 11:24
I gave up at third planet. Fighting every two minutes isn't fun at all. It gets boring quick because of it. Becomes especially frustrating when you are interested to get the plot going and have to fight your way through countless needless battles.
1319 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1235 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.05.20 00:07
Can't stand the protagonist. Whiny little idiot, makes the most dumb decisions ever and cries about it. Would've been bearable if they let me skip the cutscenes, but can't do that on the first playthrough. The writing in this game is god awful.
270 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1522 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.05.20 07:53
Godawful plot. Mediocre gameplay. Mediocre everything. After receiving an achievement for pressing the attack button a certain number of times, I had a moment of clarity and decided to put this game down and reevaluate my life.

Is it pretty? Sure.
Does it have all of the core elements of a Star Ocean game? Yes.
Is there any reason at all to play this? No.

Do not waste your life playing this game.
3.5/10, at least it's not malware
514 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
3676 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.05.20 23:40
need more games like this. good memories.
basic grind and funny/goofy.
could use an update to graphics, but no bugs or crashing so far.
have save points so save often. (could use a save anywhere update)
free for all fighting, so dont need to take turns.
135 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
10086 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.04.20 05:15
Just play it. It is NOT Star Ocean: The 2nd Story, despite the nice nostalgia at times. It is halfway between 2 and 3, in terms of quality, I believe (I know that 3 killed a lot of the series' die-hard fanship, but still, I personally loved it, so...). Just play it, and enjoy. Not worth a full $50, but hey, here it is at $20 :)
113 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
2647 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.04.20 20:34
A few years ago this game caught my attention as one similar to Final Fantasy and other JRPGs out there. I bought it on sale awhile ago and now that I have had the chance to play it's reminiscent of the advances of gameplay of its time. It's a good classic with just enough challenge and engaging story to keep me hooked enough to finish. Might be a little childish though, but mature enough for kids below 18 to appreciate it.
133 Produkte im Account
27 Reviews
3100 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.04.20 18:41
Star Ocean The Last Hope
This is a great entry in the Star Ocean series a real treat for JRPG fans.
76 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
325 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.03.20 16:32
Ok hear me out.. the game play is fluid, fun. That being said..Its story is horrible when compared to other star ocean games prior, do not get me started on the after this one. I recommend it only for the game play if you want a story play one the previous titles ((yes I have low hours on this only because I played, beat it on PS4))
113 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
1987 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.03.20 20:42
On my AMD Radeon Sapphire Nitro+ Rx 580 8 GB, everything is a smooth 1080p / 60 fps. i enjoyed the previous iterations stories like Star Ocean 3 more but this (over a decade old) game (SO4) is still better gameplay wise than other rpgs created today lol. if only square truly supported Star Ocean like they did FF series.. Hopefully they release Star ocean remasters of 1 & 2 or even an HD rework of Star ocean 3 for Steam.
11 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
7940 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.03.20 16:52
- great battle system (good enough to outweigh all cons)
- awesome music (something to expect from genius Motoi Sakuraba)
- simple and self explanatory invention/item creation system (but not Welch!)

- cringy writing and voice acting
- large, empty and boring dungeons with unnecessary disintegration ring variations and boring puzzles and repeating textures

In short: if one is able to get over cringiness, one will enjoy the game. I was, and I enjoy the game.
39 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
761 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.03.20 20:51
It is true to what you would expect of Star Ocean, a bit of a rough start when you're not familiar with this particular game but a solid addition to the franchise. Overall the story and game play are exactly what you'd want from a star ocean game, I think it was a very good installment.
94 Produkte im Account
23 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
69 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.03.20 02:30
I've had stuttering issues with this game for some reason as soon as I got off the ship. 16 GB RAM, Geforce GTX 1660 Ti, and an i5-9400F. Even with 250 GB free space on the hard drive, it just seems to have performance issues. If you buy it, I highly recommend you test it out quickly so that you don't end up stuck with the game like I did because I had to wait until I had free time to actually try it. I doubt they're going to have patches to fix performance issues at this point.
732 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
404 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.03.20 00:32
While not as good as the older Star Ocean games, still an absolutely fantastic and fun ARPG, Blindsiding is one of the most satisfying things I've ever done in a game. Absolutely deserves more attention for it's quality. By the numbers compared to it's siblings in the series, but sometimes that isn't a bad thing at all.

For the price, worth it. Don't let the overly rabid community fool you, this game is still considerably better than some of the weaker Tales Of games, and WELL above the bar for a good ARPG, albeit, I tend to like playing games being a more passive affair that I can do while watching youtube or TV shows, with bursts of storytelling, so your taste may vary.

As for performance, on my particular rig (i5 6400 and GTX 1060 6GB ), it plays like a dream, buttery smooth, and looking absolutely fantastic, on 1080p max settings. In fact, this is one of the few games that RUNS at 4K 60FPS on this rig, with some drops to 40 FPS. Incredible considering most games choke and die when I turn on 4K. I've seen absolutely none of the issues mentioned in some of the other reviews, granted if I can't use borderless by default I always use Borderless Gaming or Magic Borderless to make it work.

I am a very big fan of Tri-Ace's style and I would hope that the Tri-Ace games currently on PC encourage them to port more games to PC.
182 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
9488 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.02.20 16:26
Can't tab out of game else it crashes in full screen besides that. not bad.
95 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
8887 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.02.20 05:21
Exhilarating and bombastic in equal measure, even tho' its story never reaches the same euphoria as its predecessor.
It makes up for this with a tactical and action combat system, interesting crew management system, tons of content, and a marvellous remaster job that has the game running beautifully on my pc
59 Produkte im Account
29 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
234 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.12.19 15:29
Really nothing. This is a dated game with zero to offer of interest in the first few hours. If a game doesn't grab you immediately (w/o 30 mins of initial cutscenes), it will never get you.

Enemy design (for its time)

Camera control is atrocious
Stereotypical characters
Lack of personality and diversity (everything.... EVERYTHING is predictable)
A lot of meaningless text and interactions
Combat is so droll it makes tic tac toe look dynamic
Too waifu for me.

I don't recommend this at all. Probably go play any Final Fantasy game.
376 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
2079 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.12.19 15:17
Decent large scale JRPG but also has all the worst things JRPGs offer. Long drawn out dungeons, endless combat encounters, empty large scale world, plot turns to a mess, xp and item grind. It just failed to grab my attention.
38 Produkte im Account
17 Reviews
505 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.12.19 17:14
Very great game, i love it...i think everyone need to remake all old games like this one. I hope soon i can see Xenogears, Legends of Dragoon and Legend of Legaia that been remake like Star Ocean did. I don't know for everyone else but for me this old game that have been remake really fantastic. Great Job!!
14 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
730 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.11.19 21:48
having played this game completely through on both the xbox360 and ps3, several times through, I am happy to say that this is by far the best gameplay in the Star Ocean series to this point. the combat controls so fluidly, that it makes battles enjoyable. it's also nice to see how humanity began its emergence to the stars before the pangalactic federation and the stumbles they had because they hadn't created the UP3 yet.
48 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
327 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.11.19 21:29
Grind, grind and grind if you want to stand a chance against the bosses.
132 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
19792 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.10.19 10:07
Do not be discouraged by the overwhelming time intensive looking trophies and definitely do not let the battle simulator / tutorial fool you - it's uncharacteristically hard and doesn't represent the actual game's combat at all. Also don't let the second real boss discourage you either, that's also uncharacteristically hard compared to the rest of the game.
171 Produkte im Account
15 Reviews
2472 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.10.19 01:19
Some rough parts, but overall quite good.
194 Produkte im Account
33 Reviews
4918 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.10.19 18:07
It's still a good game, even though it is plagued by an infinite list of annoying things

-Arumat, the only character that make sense in the whole game
-Myura (i think you know why)
-Your character end up god like (at the end of the game)
-You can teleport (at the end of the game)
-Synthesis is nice (at the end of the game)
-Fighting is nice (at the end of the game)
-You can drink everytime they say universe (at the end of the game)
-Bacchus (well he's trying at least)
-The music is nice (at the end of the game ?)
-The bunny is cool (at least)
-Meracle (cat girl)

-they literally went out of their way to fix some bugs that made the game better, like the overflow trick, but they didn't try to make the game better at all
-Edge (is too edgy)
-you can't change the walking character, you are stuck with Edge forever (i can feel your disappointment from here)
-you can't zoom or move the map, one of the worst idea ever
-The story is generally bad (but hopefully i didn't came for the story)
-Myura (yes she's in both, no it's not a mistake)
-Faize (hello i have a super ship but no let's walk ???, so much more to say but hey no spoiler)
-Sarah (too slow)
-Lymle (why is there a kid in the party ???)
-Reimi (too annoying)
-You take forever to walk everywhere
-You get a bunny to go faster but you actually go slower
-Did i say Edge ?
-I can't hear the word universe anymore
354 Produkte im Account
20 Reviews
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1792 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.09.19 12:54
SO: TLH is a generally poor follow-up to the spectacular Star Oceans 1, 2 and 3. It's not a new game anymore, certainly not by the time I got around to writing this review, but it is indeed a game, and it does the Star Ocean thing.

So apparently it's a Star Ocean game.

Just don't go looking for strong characterization (there really isn't any; they're all weird and unrealistic in often over the top ways that smack of bad writing and general shallowness); it isn't here.

It's not terrible though. The gameplay's fine. The characters are boring weird AF JRPG third-rate manga tropes that add exactly nothing memorable but also don't really deviate from their tropes either.

Ever heard the saying 'C's get degrees'?

This game got its 'I'm A Real Game' degree with straight C's.

It excels nowhere and leaves a lot of potential on the table, but doesn't really strike out hard anywhere either.

It might be a more interesting game if it did.
Logo for Star Ocean: The Last Hope
Rating auf Steam Größtenteils positiv
71.7% 570 225
Release:05.06.2009 Genre: Rollenspiel Entwickler: Tri-Ace Vertrieb: Koch Media Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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