• Star Control: Origins: Screen zum Spiel Star Control: Origins.
  • Star Control: Origins: Screen zum Spiel Star Control: Origins.
  • Star Control: Origins: Screen zum Spiel Star Control: Origins.
  • Star Control: Origins: Screen zum Spiel Star Control: Origins.
  • Star Control: Origins: Screen zum Spiel Star Control: Origins.
  • Star Control: Origins: Screen zum Spiel Star Control: Origins.
  • Star Control: Origins: Screen zum Spiel Star Control: Origins.
  • Star Control: Origins: Screen zum Spiel Star Control: Origins.
  • Star Control: Origins: Screen zum Spiel Star Control: Origins.
  • Star Control: Origins: Screen zum Spiel Star Control: Origins.
  • Star Control: Origins: Screen zum Spiel Star Control: Origins.
  • Star Control: Origins: Screen zum Spiel Star Control: Origins.
  • Star Control: Origins: Screen zum Spiel Star Control: Origins.
  • Star Control: Origins: Screen zum Spiel Star Control: Origins.
  • Star Control: Origins: Screen zum Spiel Star Control: Origins.
  • Star Control: Origins: Screen zum Spiel Star Control: Origins.
  • Star Control: Origins: Screen zum Spiel Star Control: Origins.
  • Star Control: Origins: Screen zum Spiel Star Control: Origins.
  • Star Control: Origins: Screen zum Spiel Star Control: Origins.
  • Star Control: Origins: Screen zum Spiel Star Control: Origins.
  • Star Control: Origins: Screen zum Spiel Star Control: Origins.
  • Star Control: Origins: Screen zum Spiel Star Control: Origins.
  • Star Control: Origins: Screen zum Spiel Star Control: Origins.
  • Star Control: Origins: Screen zum Spiel Star Control: Origins.


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  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 20.09.2018
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Preis Update 28.06.24

Über das Spiel

Erforsche eine lebendige Galaxie voller außerirdischer Zivilisationen, neuer und exotischer Welten, actiongeladenen Kämpfen und einer langen und reichen Geschichte, die es zu enträtseln gilt!

Gratulation! Du bist der Kapitän des ersten interstellaren Schiffs der Erde. Das ist gut. Richtig gut. Sowas von gut. Es gibt nur ein kleines Problem. Es ist kaum der Rede wert, aber eine feindliche Alienspezies namens Scryve will uns auslöschen. Du musst aufbrechen, Verbündete finden und die sogenannten Precursor-Relikte entdecken, die du zur Verbesserung deines Schiffs verwenden kannst. Versuche, unterwegs nicht gefressen zu werden, damit du die Menschheit retten kannst. Wir wollen dich allerdings nicht unter Druck setzen. Es liegt nur die gesamte Zukunft der menschlichen Rasse in deiner Verantwortung.

  • Interagiere mit bösartigen und absurden Aliens.
  • Erkunde ein lebendiges Universum, das ehrlich gesagt nicht glauben kann, dass du in diesem … Ding herumfliegst.
  • Bereise exotische und unglaubliche Welten auf der Suche nach Relikten, Precursor-Artefakten und Schätzen.
  • Navigiere durch Tausende von Planeten in einem Universum mit einer umfangreichen Geschichte, die Hunderttausende von Jahren zurückreicht.
  • Entwirf deine eigenen Schiffe oder lade sie von Steam herunter, um Flotten zu bauen und sie im Flottenkampf in die Schlacht zu führen!
  • Lade Universen herunter oder erschaffe deine eigenen mit ihrer eigenen Geschichte und mit Sternen, Planeten, Aliens, Schiffen und Abenteuern.
  • Interagiere direkt mit dem Entwicklerteam, poste deine Ideen und sei ein Teil von etwas Großartigem!


  • Setzt 64-Bit-Prozessor und -Betriebssystem voraus
  • CPU: Quad-core Intel- oder AMD-Prozessor
  • GFX: Grafikkarte mit mindestens 2 GB Grafikspeicher
  • RAM: 4 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows 7 / 8 / 10 64-bit
  • HD: 26 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • SFX: DirectX-kompatible Soundkarte
  • DX: Version 11
  • INET: Breitband-Internetverbindung
  • LANG: Englisch
  • Setzt 64-Bit-Prozessor und -Betriebssystem voraus
  • CPU: Quad-core Intel- oder AMD-Prozessor
  • GFX: Grafikkarte mit mindestens 2 GB Grafikspeicher
  • RAM: 8GB RAM
  • Software: Windows 7 / 8 / 10 64-bit
  • HD: 26 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • SFX: DirectX-kompatible Soundkarte
  • DX: Version 11
  • INET: Breitband-Internetverbindung
  • LANG: Englisch

Steam Nutzer-Reviews

102 Produkte im Account
39 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
190 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.09.20 14:50
Laut den Videos und dem Hype solls ein tolles Spiel sein mit Abwechslung etc. Voller Witze und Humor...

Das Spiel ist ein Witz, die KI ist doof wie dumm. Selbst auf der höchsten Schwierigkeit komm ich nur ins Gähnen, Man grindet Planeten für paar Rohstoffe mit denen man Kohle machen kann. Gammelt sinnlos durchs Weltall, die angeblichen Witze sind einfach nur schlecht. Die Missionen sind Gäääääähn... gurke nach da, suche den X, gib mir Rohstoff Y dann geh punkt Z....
494 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
850 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.09.18 06:40
Deutschsprachige Spieler aufgepasst!

In der Beschreibung des Spiels ist angegeben, dass das Spiel auf Deutsch verfügbar sei. Das ist theoretisch so, aber die Übersetzung ist durch eine Software erfolgt. Sie ist so schlecht, dass Sie an vielen Stellen Sinn verfremdend bis komplett unverständlich ist. Ich bin überzeugt, dass jemand, der kein einigermaßen flüssiges Englisch spricht, das Spiel nicht genießen kann. Da hätte man ehrlich sein sollen und das Spiel garnicht auf Deutsch vertreiben sollen. Aber wenn jemand ein Produkt für 40 Euro vertreibt, und angibt, dass es Deutsch ist, gehe ich als Käufer von einer brauchbaren Übersetzung aus. Ein paar Grammatikfehler können passieren (sollten aber nicht), aber keine inhaltlisch falsche Übersetzungen. Ich bin einige schlechte Übersetzungengewohnt, war aber noch nie so aufgebracht, dass ich eine schlechte Bewertung abgegeben habe.

Ich habe das Spiel noch nicht lange genug gespielt, um zu urteilen, ob es wirklich ein gutes Spiel ist. Meine schlechte Bewertung erfolgt alleine auf Basis der mangelhaften Übersetzung. Für mich ist das irreführende Werbung, und das emfinde ich als respektlosen Umgang mit dem Kunden.

Vor dem Kauf also unbedingt überlegen, ob Ihr es es auf Englisch spielen wollt. Die Deutsche Übersetzung ist keine Alternative!
444 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
591 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.09.18 22:13
So nach knapp 4 Stunden ein Review.
Und ich glaube das ist erst mein Zweites...^^

Ich habe lange auf dieses Spiel gewartet. Endlich war es heute soweit. Als ich das Spiel startete bekam ich Gänsehaut. Die alte Melodie aus SC II leicht verändert klang aus den Boxen.
Plötzlich war ich wieder 8 Jahre alt.
Ich habe dieses Spiel damals mit meinem Dad zusammen an einem 4-86er gezockt. (Mit Turbo-Taste :-D)
Als ich heute von Planet zu Planet flog, überkam mich das gleiche Feeling wie damals. Nur noch kurz diesen Planeten absammeln... Ach komm der auch noch... Ach scheiß drauf der nächste noch dann ist das System leer^^
Ich hab jeden Moment drauf gewartet dass meine Mum rief, dass es mal langsam ins Bett gehen müsste :-D
Und dann die Mucke im Hyperraum...schööööön ^^
In einigen Kommentaren liest man, dass das Ressourcen-Sammeln etwas träge sei.
Leute, das ist Star-Control ! Das war auch damals so ;)
Ich kann dieses Game wirklich wärmstens empfehlen. Wer wie ich, schon einige Gamer-Jahre auf dem Buckel hat, und SC2 aus seinen Kinder bzw. Jugend-Tagen kennt und solche Games ala SC2 oder Star-Flight vermisst hat, wird hier ne Menge Spaß haben.
Die Alien-Rassen die ich bis jetzt kennen gelernt habe, sind alle schön gemacht, und haben ihren eigenen Style bzw. Character.
Die Kämpfe sind wie früher, nur dass es in den Raumkämpfen einige Booster-Punkte zu sammeln gibt. (z.B. mehr Beschleunigung usw.)
Von mir, ganz klar Daumen hoch!

142 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
4775 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.03.22 02:37
The game is awesome. Just wish they would make another DLC or a sequel, but that doesn't seem like that is going to happen.
68 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
1043 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.03.22 22:54
Nice Chill game
258 Produkte im Account
93 Reviews
211 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.03.22 04:27
I like it, it has a good vibe.
226 Produkte im Account
25 Reviews
3438 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.01.22 07:03
Wow. I regret giving credence to the negative reviews and avoiding this game for so long.

If you enjoy Star Control II, StarFlight, Starcom: Nexus or other stick shooter RPGs, you will probably get a lot of enjoyment out of this, too.

There is some seriously good writing in here, and extra-terrestrials with real personality and excellent voice-acting. The game is stable, and I never encountered a bug or poorly scripted mission. The narrative is well-paced and intriguing. My only regret is that I played it so intensely that it's over now.
151 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
1997 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.01.22 04:16
If you grew up playing Star Control II then this is the game for you! I spent many of hours playing Star Control II. Origins is basically a updated version of that game, but with a different storyline and new aliens. It is totally worth a play to relive those 90s of early computer games with a more modern look. I really enjoyed it!
60 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
2931 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.12.21 07:05

Star Control: Origins is not just a Scifi game, it is a labour of love, a work of art and a philosophy.

This game is important not only because of the value that it generates, it serves as a beacon for *gamers* veteran and new, it shows what good gaming is all about and, ultimately, how 'games' can inspire whole generations of people. It portrays the universe as a place worthy to be explored and to be watchful from.

I Hope to see more from the universe of Starcontrol, as it is a project of old and new ideas and people, and to see more of it as it was done before and now, with enthusiasm, love and above all - hope.

Thank you :)

Shachar Lazar
2 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
2955 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.11.21 13:43
Well Star Control 2 was my favorite game ever
And this one is pretty much like the source , it would nice if there would be more quests thou
195 Produkte im Account
30 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1561 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.11.21 01:36
The game was lot of fun until the wonderful launcher came out an an update a while back. None of the posted fixes work and everything including reinstall was tried without success. The game is bought and installed but the launcher insists that i need to buy and install the game.

I completed about 75 percent of the game before it became unplayable. So as much fun as it was, I would not buy it or any other product from this developer using this launcher until they provide proper fixes for the ongoing problems.
263 Produkte im Account
105 Reviews
1430 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.10.21 15:08
great game, not as memorable as StarControl2/UrQuanMasters for those who had played it but the mechanics have been improved alot. For those entering into Star Control for the first time, its a relaxing space exploration game.
1837 Produkte im Account
58 Reviews
5117 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.10.21 16:51
We have to get the bad news out of the way first here: you never get to feel your first love again. Just like another girl can't be your first crush or another band can't be the first time you heard Simon & Garfunkel, this can't be like playing Star Control 2. It isn't like that, because it can't be.

That said, this a fun game. It's smart, funny and engaging, and the story sets up a believable threat and deals with it in a believable way. It's not perfect; in particular, the criticism that too many of the ship weapons are just some variation of dot, laser bolt or missile is fair, given this game's predecessors' scope of possible violence. But it's a fun game with a ton to explore and do; it holds up fine on its own merits.

For the naysayers, three words: Star Control 3. This could've been much, much worse.
14 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
2618 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.10.21 01:02
Very nice little game. I was a big fan of StarCon 2 back in the day.
Spent a few days making a spreadsheet of all the stars and planets using the list on found in the Steam Community. Pasted into Notepad then imported into Excel as CSV. Still had to do a bit of formatting but have it all color coded etc. 12873 lines...lol
5 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
2651 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.10.21 05:24
All of the awesome features of the original Star Control games updated for 2020. Well worth the cost
397 Produkte im Account
26 Reviews
867 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.10.21 20:54
Overall a very fun game. It's got some good humor, and it's generally fun to explore, find materials. Zooming around in the lander is a blast. My only gripe is that sometimes there's quest materials and you need to be searching randomly from planet to planet, system to system, making it feel like a needle-in a haystack. If there were better guidance and hints on where to find them, I would not have needed to check forums and such for cheat sheets.
98 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
4230 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.09.21 15:53
Star Control Origins tries to recreate the magic of the original Star Control 2 but falls short on many many aspects of the original game. Quite sadly, most of the original game races have been removed in favor of new blood. I actually don't have a problem with this if the new races were equally as engaging or special like the original game was. To add insult to injury, you actually have less alien races in the remake compared to the original game. The dialogue for the most part is just bland compared to the original and each of the Alien species just feels so 1 dimensional and void of any depth. The expansion adds more quality of life features and additional ship upgrades but if I'm honest, the amount of content just feels lacking. There's so much they could have done with the game but for a lack of a better description, the game just feels shallow on so many levels.

Hopefully, the new IP owners of the Star Control Series will work with the original game creators of Star Control 2 to give us a sequel that's worthy of the original DOS game because this certainly isn't it.
198 Produkte im Account
32 Reviews
1822 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.09.21 16:38
Is this a game that brings back fond childhood memories, pays tribute to StarControl II, and is actually fun to play?

Yes. Yes it is.
115 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1592 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.09.21 11:40
They give you a really ugly ship to start with and you can never change it out. (customise yes but if you don't like it, too bad you stuck with it for the rest of the game.) Planet exploration is boring and once you've seen a couple, you've seen them all. Would be ok if the story was good but it's sadly very meh. Generic superpower taking over the galaxy and you have ally to stop them.
Although the different aliens you meet are fairly interesting there's only a couple of faction in the game so you will quickly meet and grow tired of themt fairly quickly as they repeat the same dialog over and over. Battles are also very 90s 2D arcade with very little depth. That's the big problem with this game. No depth whatsoever. What you see is what you get. I really wanted to like this game but it's super Meh, don't know why it's getting such good reviews there are far better space games. (no mans Sky comes to mind) and there you have 100s of ships to choose, customise and cruise around in.
9 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
5326 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.09.21 11:45
Good game. Once you pop you can't stop!!!
33 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1843 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.08.21 01:52
Just get Ur-Quan Masters. This is just a watered down fake remake. Modern, soft, boring.

Yay it's in 3D and in full epilepsy-inducing color glory. But boo it looks like a Playstation 2 game and runs incredibly badly. My 1070Ti has trouble keeping 60fps running this game at 1080p. It drops to 40-50fps even when nothing is happening on the screen. Nevermind running it at higher resolutions, that's unplayable.

Yay it's a space sim. But the story is lame with no real excitement, looming dread or sense of wonder about the galaxy. Characters are forgettable and one-dimensional. Design is mostly blobs or goops, and names too. I couldn't remember the alien race names if I tried.

Ship designs are meh. The Mukay is the one ship with something interesting going on, the rest are mostly just boxes that shoot balls or lasers. I've beat everything using one ship and I don't see why change.

Gameplay is average at best. You fly straight, avoiding planets so the dumb ship won't trigger a planet exploration and get turned around. Flying in solar systems is agonizingly slow, probably to pad out the runtime of the game.

And 2 years after this game came out, it still has plenty of bugs. How do you even do that if you're not Bethesda? It's a simple game, shouldn't be this difficult to get it working.

I played for 30 hours and can't continue because a mission is broken. So I guess that's my non-recommendation.
1074 Produkte im Account
57 Reviews
7629 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.07.21 05:49
I really like this game..
i played about 60 hours on 1st run and got about 30-45% through the campaign.
(Very easy to forever sidequest and farm resources and kill enemies that keep showing up.)
~So i returned about a week ago and this time around im gonna finish it..
im about 40 hours in again(maybe more).
I think the Lander you use when on planet reminds me of The Mako from
~i like how you an cover a whole planet while farming resources by going in a full circle then break left and do it again.
Esp fun when you have a couple 'Jump' and 'speed' boosters on ur lander. you get airborn off a cleff and hit speed burst and you pract go around the whole planet in the air..

~A very cool feature is if you ignore the Scryve and just do misc= they advance towards earth planet by planet.
You push them back by simply enetering that solar system,,killing the 1 Sccryve ship and then go to next and repeat.
Ya do this 2-3 planets and ya bought yourself alot of time..
~It's esp easy & fun when you equip your ship for battles instead of resource farming.
You unequip the jump boost & speedburst blahblah and add damage & defense boosters.

~It's fun to constantly find ships on random planets that you then instantly use in battle.
~It's fun to learn which ships are awesome vs fodder.
~It's fun hearing the aliens dialog.
The Voice Acting is surprisingly good & funny.. Never woulda expected that in a game like this.

i got the uber StarControl Origins on sale with the DLC.(dlc i havent even used yet)
The game is worth full price but wait for a sale if you can..
427 Produkte im Account
80 Reviews
2976 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.07.21 08:42
its a fun game and very very interesting. gets very dull when you get into the expansion. feels like a hours of fetch quests.

game is very linear and doesn't have consequences for your actions.

Some things are still left unknown but maybe if i play the other games i can get answers.

still worth a play.
I didn't beat it but I made it to the second to last chapter before getting so bored i watched the ending on youtube in fast forward.

Going to check out star control 3 now cause the other two look way to old.
691 Produkte im Account
28 Reviews
1901 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.07.21 22:26
This is a lot closer to Star Control 2 than Star Control 3 was. The essential mechanics (star travel, resource collection on planets, 2D space combat) are pretty much the same, with only minor updates.

The writing is not nearly as good as Star Control 2, but it's not bad.

Some changes are for the worse. In particular, there's a stupid, damage-over-time border around the arena in space combat, instead of the wrap-around mechanic from Star Control 2. This is really, really bad in a game where you frequently can't see where you're going because of the automated camera.

Worse, as combat progresses, the border slowly contracts, so if it's an overly-long combat you're fighting in an area about the size of a postage stamp, and the main element of skill is managing to move without immediately flying off into the toxic fog.

It's not enough to ruin the game, but it's a gripe I haven't seen expressed in other reviews here, and it really needed to be highlighted.

Balance is also a bit... off, compared to the earlier game. Except in the very earliest stages, you tend to be absolutely swimming in money. There's just entirely too much in the way of high-value resources lying about, and unlike SC2, landing on planets costs you no fuel, so there's no reason not to scour every planet you can currently land on clean, aside from tedium. SC: Origins generally doesn't do timed events, so for most of the game you've got pretty much all the time in the world.

Still, it's worth playing.
202 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
1547 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.06.21 22:49
I've done multiple playthroughs of Star Control II and thoroughly enjoyed the game because of its charm and amazing story. Despite how excited I was for another Star Control game to be released, I put off playing origins for a few years since I wanted to wait for content to be finalized and the game to be polished. I tempered my expectations for this game because of Stardock's ongoing legal disputes and I knew the original cast of aliens wouldn't be returning.

I've just finished the story of origins, and the story of Earth Rising, and i'm surprised to say I enjoyed the game far more than I thought I would. Most of the original charm is still there despite the story being completely different. I feel like the story was partly rushed and some of the game feels incomplete, but Star Control Origins is in a few ways is superior to Star Control II. Planet Exploration and battles are more refined, and despite the multiple issues this game currently has (especially the lack of any new content,) I would still recommend playing this game.
11 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
7823 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.06.21 23:27
While it is not quite as good as Star Control II (really, few games are) - this is the best sequel I could have possibly hoped for in the latest Star Control game considering it wasn't helmed by the original creators. They copied a lot of what made Star Control II a fun game and adding a few new touches though not without a couple gripes. The biggest one IMO being the battlespace when fighting other ships - changing what damages your ship on collision from the planets to asteroids as well as having a border instead of wrapping around like the old games.

Overall though, it is a fun game.
219 Produkte im Account
82 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
465 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.06.21 02:09
Its boring.... plain an simple...
70 Produkte im Account
32 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
25 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.06.21 02:19

Star Control was great on my 386 computer but the modern version doesn't hold up to
the competition of great games out there.
1222 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1552 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.05.21 07:09
Basically a re-make of Star Control 2, but with different aliens. Same planetary landing/mining, very similar story, but without the depth of SC2. I love SC2 and would rank at is one of my favorite games of all time. While the planetary exploration and alien interactions are still fun and engage (although more shallow as already mentioned), the landing/mining sequences in particular have not held up well at all and are painfully tedious and buggy. This is particularly bad because you need to do A LOT of it. Were it not for that, I'd probably give the game a mild recommendation, despite the rote story.

As a side note, I'm also seriously disappointed that the game seems abandoned by the developers, despite the bugs and despite my paying $100 for the legacy/legendary edition or whatever that was promised to have tons of DLC. Here's hoping the original designers can give a proper sequel to SC2 that is more worthy.
115 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
3425 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.05.21 15:20
Installed this and proceeded to play almost every opportunity I got. Completed the campaign.

Quick review. If you loved Star Control 2, you will love this, and it doesn't end up quite as tedious as the aforementioned.

If you're new, this is well worth playing, especially if it's on sale. The writing is top notch, the voice actors are delightful and this game is FUNNY. I have not laughed at a video game as often in recent memory.

Well done, guys, great game
339 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
2211 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.03.21 15:43
I have to admit, I'm impressed. This game really captures the mystery and fun of Star Control 2.

Exploring the universe and meeting new aliens is just as fun as in the original. I seriously recommend coming into this game without looking up any information about the story on the web. Making the tough choices is part of the fun. The game maintains the sense of humor from SC2. Although some of the races are clear stand-ins for races from SC2, others are new and all are interesting. The voice acting is great. Although I can read the subtitles faster than the audio will play them, I often sit back and ignore the text just to soak in the personalities of the aliens I'm talking to. This is a game adventure that I will remember for a long time.

The only minor quibbles have to do with resource gathering. Granted, it was a chore in SC2 as well. But the improvement here is the creation of a 3D environment. I feel that there simply isn't enough to do on most planets to keep things interesting. Luckily, there are the requisite lander upgrades to speed this task up. By the middle of the game, resources weren't really and issue for me anymore. There is plenty to go around.

But beside this minor issue, I happily recommend this game. This is especially true if you are a fan of SC2.
640 Produkte im Account
91 Reviews
1410 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.03.21 03:05
A fun game for fans of the genre or the old game (and games inspired by it).
It's a tough sell otherwise, as the boring and repetitive things associated with the genre were just pasted here without much change to the concepts.
The story, characters, voice-acting and dialogue are just all great and lots of fun, and some ideas here even inspired me in my own writings. Those interested in story and in-game universe that slowly unfolds and changes as you play are very likely to enjoy this.

There is a good balance of chill moments and challenging moments to make this a very relaxing game, that may challenge you to fight a bit harder sometimes.

I really love the great games from the past that are being brought to life thanks to the interested companies and devs that look into them, like Two Point Hospital and Spacebase Startopia!
774 Produkte im Account
16 Reviews
2176 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.03.21 21:17
Nice little game, that isn't very complicated and was to me kinda... relaxing :-)
The very few boss battles had a good difficulty and weren't to easy or to hard, which was also very much appreciated.

Alien races and story wise, it of course is weaker than the original, but thank you for reminding me of the Star Control series, that I enjoyed as a teenager and...

...are you a happy camper?
37 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
29461 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.03.21 07:40
game is much like turn based ..but not really... anyway its simple enough and a bit like hitchhikers guide in a way...funny interactive dialog ...just a fun simple game really...
218 Produkte im Account
52 Reviews
3167 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.02.21 18:14
This will be a soft recommendation. I liked this title but it's not for everyone. It also has its drawbacks and areas that weren't well executed. Perhaps it's a recommendation for the sake of nostalgia with a nod to the humor written into the game.

This genre, whatever you'd call it, is dated. Things that worked for teens twenty years ago show their limitations when tried again. I have similar reservations about The Outer Worlds for instance. When viewed through the prism of how Fallout-y it is it's hard to fully endorse it.

In this game the bulk of the work done involves traveling to different worlds. On some you farm them for resources. On others you meet the alien races of the game and work story lines to achieve results against the main antagonist race. Sadly, both of those elements sort of lack wonder these days. They didn't have much wonder when I was a teen - so perhaps I'm just too old for this title - but they most certainly did not age well.

Take for instance visiting the resource worlds. Outside of colors and threats they're all the same. There's a progression to making visiting hostile worlds easier. I feel like SC2 handled this stuff much better. The lack of depth presented in these 3D models really takes away from the immersion - even though some of the new threats were well done.

Then there's visiting the story worlds with the interactive races. If you haven't progressed the story there's nothing new to experience on these planets - and that's probably the most dreadful aspect of the game. The immersion breaking repetitiveness of probing aliens for information again and again with duplicated answers really didn't age well. On one hand it is what this game was and it was to be expected, I guess. It feels, though, that there had to be better ways to treat this.

There are plenty of pluses in this title. SC2 fans will like how random enemies show up from time to time. There are lots of little easter eggs here or there, unexpected side notes that keep the exploration interesting. That's probably the biggest boon here, the improvement with exploration. That was perhaps the main drag of SC2.

I don't know how non-SC2 fans would feel about this title. The ship combat system is probably a 'like it or hate it' situation, so new buyers should check some vids before investing. There is some value here for new players. The writing is really decent; it's the first title in ages where I've laughed out loud intentionally at something that was written. I guess I'd put it in the $10 to $15 range, maybe $20 USD if you really like nostalgia and the greatness of the original sequel. $30 feels a little high (as of 2/28/21), especially given that DLCs have been involved.

I will say this: I did not love this title enough to buy additional content. Retrospectively, I would purchase it again if it was bundled and on sale.
487 Produkte im Account
23 Reviews
1054 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.02.21 00:37
It's quite simple with an arcadish 2D space shooter comprising most of the combat gameplay, mixed with resource gathering and funny dialogue with a variety of aliens to meet. Probably about 15-20 hours of gameplay, so don't expect anything huge or complex, but it's a fun game and I laughed quite a bit while playing it.
58 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
14935 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.02.21 14:52
This game is recommended for those who can bare more relaxed games, as this game starts slowly and is generally more relaxed than any RPG game. But it has a duality of quest/battle and a large variety of species.
Note that I may be biased because I really liked the old versions (especially star control 2) as a teenager.
41 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
4831 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.02.21 00:29
A great deal of fun, with your choices of where to explore and what to do making a big difference. This is a space opera with tongue in cheek humor.
320 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
298 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.02.21 21:58
Cant recommend this game. You can feel that there were some good ideias in the mix, i really wish i could experience the story, but, some very bad concepts in the mechanics of the game, ruined for me. The worst thing i can say, is, it is boring as f0ck. Very slow ship, unrewarding planetary exploration/resource gathering, too much distance to cover, too much fuel and crew restrictions, and there is probably, based on older games of the series, time relevant restraints... I just cant see myself flying around anymore, slowly, very slowly... worring about fuel, reaching a planet or moon, land, slowly go around, if not uterly stoped by the terrain itself... very unrewarding, you can feel your time being wasted in a very bad way... Let me try to make an analogy, have you ever done those rpg quests like, kill 10 boards or something? This is orders of magnitude worse than that.
275 Produkte im Account
88 Reviews
322 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.02.21 14:46
Good game, dont listen to the haters. IF you are a SC fan, get this without question. Too many people let nostalgia fuel their views of all things. It respects the originals.
59 Produkte im Account
29 Reviews
1290 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.02.21 12:08
I can forgive the developers a lot. There's a lot to love here.
What i cannot forgive is that the game runs very poorly on planets in the beginning. I go from 144 fps everywhere to 20-30 when lightning hits. Planetside is the worst part of the game. There were really chances here to make it good. (EDIT: After 10 hours or so weirdly the game runs OK)
So the part of the game where you spend a great deal of time, is not that fun. I am ok by the repetitiveness by the way. I am not ok with the sluggish performance. And that a lot of the creatures on the planets are the same. Sure through modding it is all possible. But a good game has a chunk of the content itself. Critter wise, the base game. Not so many.

So i refunded the game, the catastrophic fps drop on planets and the abysmal combat on planets is for me the saddest part.
But later i bought back the game, there is something so adorable about it.
The music, the characters, the gameplay. It stands on its own. It's a chill experience.

I am a huge fan of the remake of Star Control II, The Ur-Quan Masters which is for free. But it is still dated. I wanted this game. And i wanted it to run smoothly.
So tried and i tried to fix the lag on planets. And i came close.
MY solution is:
Borderless fullscreen, download a program called BES (Battle Encodes Shirase, and set it on -1%)
Next up i installed Razer Cortex game booster (although i don't think this helps much with SCO)
Apart from that you can set the priority of SCO at high.

It is still the games fault that the fps dropped so tremendously, but now i get 45-50 frames on busy planets. Which is fine i guess. Still developers, make this your priority to fix.
God i wish it was on the same level as the rest of the game.

What baffles me after 10 hours play. I have almost no hickups anymore even without the tips i described. Apart from the BES app, which is great for a lot of games.
Could it be that shaders have loaded? I had the same with No Man's Sky.
So now i capped my fps at 140. And sometimes it dips at 40 in bad weather. Which is OK.
Mostly planetside is not that long. quick in and out.

I recommend the game highly. I would even start some modding, if only the tools were less Dossy and more Windowy. It would really help the modding community if the modding way was much easier. I think this hinders the modmaking of this game. There's a lot of potential (The developers say you can change almost anything in the game) But the way to do it blocks me (and others) from actually doing so.
It should be just click and drop. Instead of actual programming. I was lost when i tried it. Sure it must be simple, but not for everyone.
I mean the tutorial states that it is so simple... Well give us some buttons then!

See the planets as just a source of income with an occasional sidequest or ship. It's all very chill and not very indepth. But that is totally fine. The rest of the game? Also fine.

Small hickup. In the old Star Control II, you could see your scout leave a planet and returning to base. I would have liked this little animation in there.

So, good game with a lot of potential. Unfortunately there are very few actual mods that give this game a longer life. Unfortunately.

But the game in itself is more than enough.
The longevity is only hinted at, but never realised. (Probably because of the stupid ban by the original developers of Star Control. If only they were on board and saw the fan service here. I guess their priorities lie in the 80's)

100 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
2362 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.02.21 00:41
A playable game, reminiscent of Star Control 1 & 2. The resource gathering is tedious and bouncy. The combat maps are too small, and just packed with garbage that interferes with the gameplay more than it enhances it. EVERY race has a bad case of the sillies, rather than just a couple. Still it captures enough of the original efforts to deliver a game you should purchase when it is on sale.
104 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
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494 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.01.21 14:59
This game has basically been abandoned. The bugs are not horrible, but they are not going to get any better, so not worth the hassle. Not going to put any more effort into a game that is never going to get any better.
36 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
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1610 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.01.21 01:56
Bad dialog trees for alien races, slow paced story, unthreatening aliens. Better then star control 3.
Needs some polish to be a good game, almost there.
61 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
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953 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.12.20 11:25
286 Produkte im Account
62 Reviews
7027 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.11.20 01:04
A great re-imagining of the Star Control series that started back in 1990. It takes more from the classic Star Control II and modernizes it, but also has a bunch of new races. None of the old ones :( This is because there is still legal stuff going on with the original creators so they made all new races, except for the airlou. There might be one more I dont remember. All in all, it was fun and took me back to playing SC2 on my 486 DX 66 Dell computer back in 1992. Good times! If your a fan of the series then you should play this.
106 Produkte im Account
16 Reviews
447 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.10.20 23:28
I bought this game because I loved the original Star Control. If you were into the originals, this is a good buy. If not, well, I can't for sure recommend it, but if it's on sale for a decent price, it's worth a look.

As for the game itself, it retains the fun and simple space combat and quirky alien and ship designs of the originals. This is more of an RPG than the original and adds exploration, resource management, ship upgrades, and a decent, but not spectacular, story.
22 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
874 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.10.20 06:14
It is kind of sad that the aliens in this game have more personality than most people you interact with daily.
255 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
1529 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.09.20 18:57
Iv'e played the series over the years and it has always had a place in my heart so since there is no neutral I am giving this a positive. A campaign more complex than simple fetch quests. Fun voice acting, I have really enjoyed that aspect and a large universe to explore with some fun findings on various planets.

Resource gathering is fun for about the first 200 planets or so but it wears thin after that. Combat is wonky and the AI assist option is less like dogfighting and more like my dog flying the ship. Having to top off fuel constantly is a bit tedious and makes exploration less fun.

Though some would considering it cheating I would reccomend 2 workshop mods, no fuel consumption and lander tweaks. Quality of life is much improved with those.

Overall a fun romp that I am enjoying.
71 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
2640 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.09.20 02:12
The game feels like a fan tried to make a SCII clone. It's all right, but the writing isn't quite as witty, the alien races don't have quite the personality, and the gameplay chooses to clone SCII's gameplay (including the tedious parts like collecting minerals on planet surfaces) rather than innovate. The lack of the classic SC/SCII alien species is a notable hindrance to the game, and the new ones don't feel as memorable, at least in the first couple of hours of the game. Hopefully more species and more interaction will improve this as the game progresses.

Recommended for fans of SCII who are looking for a similar game with modern graphics, but don't get your hopes too high. You should enjoy it well enough if you go in expecting flaws.
940 Produkte im Account
36 Reviews
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729 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.09.20 23:49
I kept with this game because i found the aliens and humor mostly interesting, but towards the end of the game when its just mindless combat spam, it gets frustating. The combat and grinding for cash on planets is irritating enough, without the planet scouting being a somehow worse version of Mass effect 1's Mako, and auto combat either taking forever or just being subpar compared to player controlled. But the line in the sand in which I finally give up on this game is right at the end, when I have several mini boss fights and for each and everyone of them, all ships are invisible for some reason until less things are are screen. This is a death sentence for most ships you control especially when the AI's ships can pin point you even when you can't see which way you're even going. I didn't play any others in the series but this game just lacks polish.
626 Produkte im Account
21 Reviews
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186 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.09.20 01:56
Planet scouring
To upgrade anything, or even get fuel, you need resources. And to get those resources you have to gather them via planetary landing, which is quite tedious: Do the landing mini game. Drive around while getting stuck in the geography. Avoid/kill threats. Blast off after you've gathered everything. Rinse and damned repeat. By far the most annoying thing about this game.
On top of that you can't even land everywhere. Some planets have landing penalties and heat/acid hazards. To get past those you need upgrades that you have to first find somewhere. Limiting an already annoying feature isn't great. This brings me to my next point:

The ship modules
Upgrade systems like these are usually what I love, but in this one it fell short. The module system really needs more work. In the beginning you only start out with a few unimpressive ones unlocked for purchase. Few categories being just fully empty. To unlock more you have to find space stations. And after the unlocking you still need to purchase them. (Which means more planetary landings...) To add to that, whenever you unlock new modules it doesn't tell you what you unlocked, so you have to search through the different categories manually to see what you got. All in all not that bad, but not exactly interesting/fun either. And lastly:

Space travel
Moving in space, whether it's in combat or in the over world, feels sooooo~ slow. Like wading through mud. And for some reason you can't reverse, making moving around accurately annoying. I would've even vastly preferred a simple click-you're-there system like in FTL for example. Luckily there's at least a limited fast travel system that mitigates the annoyance factor of this one.

There were a couple other small features that bothered me. Like opening stores is always behind dialogue. Even when interacting with unmanned space stations. What you've already talked with people about isn't marked in any way. And you can't disband ships outside docks.
Overall I can't recommend the game. Planetary resource scrounging and traveling from point A to B are the two things you're going to be spending the most time on. And they both suck.
319 Produkte im Account
91 Reviews
788 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.09.20 21:50
I have really enjoyed this game so far. I don't really have anything bad to say about it at all. and nothing over the top good that sticks out at the same time.. but I can't explain it... it's fun! It's casual! it's interesting!
45 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
1509 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.09.20 17:40
Sat down just to try this game out for half an hour or so.
12 hours later...
Very very reminiscent of Star Control II, which I'm thrilled about. They've managed to capture the humour and the excitement of exploring the society of the galaxy, but with updated effects and a new story with new races.
101 Produkte im Account
58 Reviews
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762 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.07.20 12:03
A reputable company at one time - sadly no more!
28 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
3694 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.07.20 23:20
I like that this game is not overly complicated. I am not a avid gamer but my husband is. The humor in the dialog held my interest. Although some of the actions are a little monotonous, I still enjoyed the game. You have an option to fight or let the computer do it for you. You do not have to follow the script and can explore at your leisure. I would give this game 4 out of 5 stars and I will be buying the expansion.
49 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
3300 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.07.20 20:21
SC Origins feels a lot like SCII.
The mechanics are quite simple and suit my laid back gaming style.
There's a lot of fun to be had here and the early game isn't as brutal as SCII, so for me its more enjoyable.
Autosave is a feature I missed in the older title which had me manually saving every time I had an encounter.

The planet exploration can make me a little nauseous though as the FOV is quite tight.
Other than that I have no complaints.
477 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
1685 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.07.20 17:06
Star Control Origins is a nice reimagening of Star Control II. A colorful space exploration game with a huge map, many possibilities to upgrade your ship and a nice amount of alien empires.

Gathering resouces from planets is pretty casual, compareable to Star Control II but in a 3d perspective, but doesn't have the depth of a Starflight I and II by margins.

The ship to ship combat is nice, not sure if it is as good as Star Control I. In the story mode you will try to avoid combat as much as possible. At the beginning a lot of the combats are serious threats for your ship and near the end of the game you upgraded your ship enough that you get probably annoyed by the load times when the games throws hordes of one hit scouts against you Drenkend style.

The biggest plus of the game is the humor in dialogs with the aliens, your crew or the Star Control personnel.

Sure the game has some flaws, being a pretty niche title, I guess the budget wasn't high enough giving every race an animated picture or giving every text line a voice over, the UI needs some adjustment time to get around it and the game runs a bit sluggish on older computers. The german translation is horrible, it's not that the humor got lost in translation, that happens, or that the translation has problems with how in german to adress someone or how to implement english nouns in german, that happens too, but when the trial at ceres base suddenly gets a legal trial and without enough text around to understand it from the context the german version can be pretty confusing for german native speakers.

The expansion isn't that good. More dialogs without animations or voice overs. Id adds a number of random fetch quests organised in a storyline but lacks the humor of the base game. Because it plays after the main campaign the dialog options of the ships and colonies of a species are usually exhausted and the only way to progress with quests is to speak with a specific ship or planet of a certain race without getting any hists of the rest of the game evniroment.

I would only recommend the expansion to people who would like to support the developer of the really nice main game or if you get it in a really good bundle and you ant a reason to explore the galaxy some more cause you maybe rushed through the main game and haven't a lot of planets and story of the main game.
205 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
2845 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.07.20 18:36
Star Control 2 is one of my favorite games ever, and a true masterpiece of video gaming. This game is, well, not, but it scratches the itch.

Minor spoilers ahead: It has basically the same plot as SC2 (defend Earth from some evil omnicidal aliens, with another bunch of extradimensional evil omnicidal aliens popping up near the end -- fortunately the only thing they borrowed from SC3), basically the same alien races (Tywom = Spathi, Mu'Kay = Supox, Mowlings = Pkunk, Drenkend = Thraddash, etc.), and basically the same overall formula: start out as a newbie on the galactic stage with a single interstellar ship, explore other star systems to gather resources and artifacts, build alliances with quirky aliens, upgrade your ship and fleet into unstoppable death machines, and finally scare the pants off the evil empire by blowing up their ancient battlestation. In other words, it's mostly just SC2 with the serial numbers filed off.

It does have a few things I'd consider improvements over the original. Planetary exploration is more interesting and fun, which is good because you'll be doing it a lot - even my 6-year-old kid likes driving the lander around. The game world feels a little more full, as well, what with being populated with numerous minor races and factions that add more color to your exploration. It also has some remixes of the excellent original music, such as the hyperspace theme. And the in-game log is nice too, so you don't need to keep paper-and-pencil notes.

I found the combat (the other thing you'll be doing a lot of) to be somewhat wanting, however - there are plenty of new ships, weapons, and mechanics to play with, but the combat arena is ringed with asteroids and some kind of damaging gas that slowly closes in, making ships that are built for long range or attrition tactics difficult to play.

Short version: this game is Star Control 2 with some modern updates. If you liked the original, you'll probably like this one. If you haven't played the original, I'd strongly recommend looking up the fan remake and giving it a try.
47 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1394 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.06.20 20:53
a lot good about the game but too much wrong.
1 The UI is awful and clunky
2. You spend most time just grinding or plodding through space suuuper slow
3. The control when travelling are awful.
4. Inventory changing is such a mess
5. No real progression in enemies they are either easy as hell or pretty hard

The writing is very good, that's about all it has going for it
1082 Produkte im Account
19 Reviews
3775 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.06.20 04:21
The worst part of this game is the combat. I saw people liken it to the classic arcade game Asteroids, and it's a pretty apt comparison.

That aside, the rest of the game is very fun, full of charm and great dialogue.
126 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
3108 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.06.20 21:15
Great game, feels like the old star control 2. The story is completely different of course but it has that same campy charm. If you want to explore a galaxy of dad jokes then this game is for you.
184 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
494 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.06.20 11:24
good escapism-feels nostalgic sc2 style-drop in game
424 Produkte im Account
35 Reviews
1742 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.04.20 22:36
If you like the fan-made remake - keep playing it. This is not it. This is a different game.
But if you’re like me - liked the original StarCon2, but want to play a modern game, by all means, play this. (and buy the DLC if you can).

I started playing the original Star Control back in the early 1990s.
It was a fun little game, mostly centered around 1-on-1 space battles, and very basic campaign, which offered very little beyond space battles.
When Star Control II came out I wasn’t that hyped about it.
It seemed like the same game, with slightly better graphics and bigger variety of spaceships to choose from.
Little did I know that Star Control II’s campaign was one hell of a ride, with long-spanning story, variety of ships customizations, countless star systems to explore, funny and unique alien races and countless side quests and easter eggs.
I must have played hundreds of hours of that game. I finished it several times, managed to discover the location of all the rainbow worlds (before there was internet that let you check that in a second) and discovered countless side quests and easter eggs. I even kept a notebook with important star coordinates which I used when I played.
When Star Control III was announced, I was really hyped to play it, but once it was released and turned out to be a flop, that turned me off from the game.
It took me till the end of 1990s beginning of 2000s to actually try it out.
And it was as horrible as people said.
And I still finished, if nothing else, to discover the ending to the Star Control II’s campaign story.

Since then I have not touched a Star Control game.
I tried the fan-made remake, a couple of years ago - but it was full of bugs, and felt really weird to play in 2010s a game that looked like it was made in mid 1990s.

So understandably I was very excited to hear that they were making a Star Control remake with modern graphics, as I have strong nostalgic feelings towards the game.
And was disappointed to hear they were unable to get the permission to use the original Star Control’s IPO, and instead would need to create an original story and races.
This is usually a recipe for disaster in this type of games (remakes/reboots).
So I was quite suspicious when I first started playing the game…

But as I soon realized what a gem the developers created here.
After playing the first few hours of the game, I felt like I was playing Star Control II for the first time all over again.
The story is original but quite similar to Star Control II.
Communication with alien races (and your Human command) has quite a bit of humor in it.
The alien races are unique, and each has its own spaceships with unique mechanics.
There are plenty of side quests and easter eggs (even the Zoq-Fot-Pik appear as an easter egg), and tons of star systems and planets to explore.

But the game is not perfect, almost no game is. so let's get over some of its flaws:
1. Its main flaw is It’s a remake of a 1990s game, and it’s now 2020. Even though it improves on almost every aspect of the original game, it’s still a 1990s game at its core, so people used to 2020 AAA games may not enjoy it.
2. It looks like once the developers released the DLC, they started making all future bug fixes based on the DLC code. What it means is that if you play the vanilla game, you have several unsolved bugs. But once you install the DLC, the same base game content becomes patched and fixed.
I usually don’t recommend to play (or even buy) DLCs of games before you play the base game, because you may not want to play the game at all once you try it, and even if you do, it doesn’t mean the DLC is needed.
Prime example for this is the Tomb Rider reboot games - In which I don’t recommend buying the DLCs at all. They cost as much as the main games, but barely add any game content, and mostly add outfits or balance-breaking equipment. I actually disabled all DLCs (even though I already purchased them) when I played “Rise of the Tomb Raider” because they just ruined the game experience.
But in case of this game - I recommend buying the DLC before you start playing the game, because in addition to adding more content, it actually makes the base game better. (The only downside is the DLC price, so try to buy it on sale, or like me in a bundle).

Some parts remain the same as the original Star Control II:
1. The story is very similar
2. The variety of totally unique races (no 2 races are even similar, let alone same)
3. Unique ships (with unique capabilities) for each of the main races
4. Main ship is customizable
5. 2D star map with plenty of stars to explore, and side-quests and easter eggs to discover.
6. Ability to land on planets on any star system and collect resources
7. Space fleet you carry with you
8. Fuel & Crew amount management
9. 1-on-1 space battles

And some parts are improved upon compared to Star Control II:
1. Better graphics (obviously)
2. Voiceover for most of the dialogs (the original Star Control II was had music, but no voiceovers)
3. Better looking and more interesting/fun planet exploration (in the original Star Control II it was in 2D, top-down view and the planet was a rectangle)
4. Missions journal and the ability to place markers on the space map (in the original Star Control II you need to keep a pan & paper nearby to write down X/Y coordinates of important locations).
5. The ability to earn “cash” from winning space battles and doing side-quests (in the original Star Control II you only got cash from planet exploration)
6. Space battles are better looking, on larger maps, and have interesting new features like wormholes and multiple planets and gravity wells (in the original Star Control II there were either 1 or no planets at all. And very unrealistic “wrap around” mechanic, which meant if you go to the right far enough from your opponent, you appear on his left. And if you fire a missile to your right, while your opponent is on your left, the missile would hit him from behind. Very unrealistic).
7. Your main ship now has much more customization abilities. Same goes for your landers.

Now I read other negative reviews on Steam, and I must say I disagree with most of them.
The negative reviews talk about “grindy” planet exploration (which is heaps less grindy than it was in SCII), bad controls (not sure what they mean, Keyboard controls worked 100% for me) and space battles (which again are much better than the original’s).
What I read between the lines, is people’s main gripe is: It’s not identical to Star Control II.
Well… it can’t be.
Star Control II was released in 1992, and this game in 2018. There is a 26 years difference.
What I’m saying is:
If you like the fan-made remake - keep playing it. This is not it. This is a different game.
But if you’re like me - liked the original Star Control II, but want to play a modern game, by all means, play this. And buy the DLC if you can.
91 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
4780 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.04.20 15:28
I really enjoyed this game. The best parts were the characters and story. Without that the game itself would have been mediocre.
48 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
4204 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.04.20 07:07
Was kind of disappointed. Most aliens, characters and storyline were ripped of from 'StarControl2: UrQuan Masters' (which is a free well done game with lots of fun).
Some 'video sequences' or moving pictures are one resolution only (I guess 4800x 2000 pixels or something), meaning it eats so many ressources when played that the whole game practically freezes up, resulting in mabe a frame every minute. Spent half an hour on some of them clicking like crazy, hoping the damn video sequence with associated dialouges ends as quickly as possible.

Star Control Origins seems like having been done by a mix of really dedicated and lazy bad programmers and storywriters. It makes me sad it probably prevented the original makers of the earlier installment give up on their remake, being too much of a competition.

I was really looking forward to this, but in the end was happy it was finally over when I finished it. Many open ended sidestories, which kind of screamed for expansion addons, when I didnt even know they were planed.
The game is not bad and in parts pretty fun, but basically I already saw most storyline constructs in SC2: Ur Quan Masters.
Game even tries to mimick the humor and characteristicy of the aliens from the first part.
Could have been a nice 92% rated game, but the technical difficulties (-15%), storyline and aliens rippoff (-20%) make it more like a 50-60% rated game.

The money milking intention was felt throughout the game. There are only few more furstrating things than following sidequests, which just prove to have open ends (like what happened to the artificial humans).

I had a lot more fun playing 'The Long Journey Home'
1638 Produkte im Account
88 Reviews
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87 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.04.20 02:09

Fleet Battles


Boring, tedious planet exploration
Bad controls
questionable story dialogue

After being a fan of the original Star Control since the late 90s, I'm honestly dismayed at the poor choices Star Dock made with Origins, sure the space battles still have the same flare but somethings still missing and the feeling of destroying a more powerful enemy with a lesser, weaker ship is less satisfying.

For the single player story though, this is where the major flaws are very apparently. First off, the lander controls are terrible, and a joypad is essentially for planet exploration...which is basically what you'll be doing 90% of the time, flying around small planets, getting stuck on scenery whilst farming materials day in, day out and its boring, very very boring, and frustrating.

The enemy races have all been injected with fairly horrendous dialogue which also doesn't help the game either, such as pre-cursor starbases with obviously Australian accents, so much so you can't take it seriously at all.

Overall, takes far too long to get into the game and quickly becomes a tedious slog, its a shame because this could have been something so much better.
1051 Produkte im Account
73 Reviews
1487 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.04.20 22:22
Just finished the main game and I have to say that in my opinion most of the hate this game gets is unjustified. Perhaps I have a very different perspective to this compared to many other players though since I haven't played the originals all that much.

The world, idea, story and alien characters are extremely charming and fun with a lot of tongue-in-cheek humor. There were many weird glitches for me at times probably because of my outdated hardware though, but ultimately I could get around them.

Gameplay may have be too repetitive for many people, but I didn't find it that cumbersome. The battles were short enough to be done fairly quickly and remained exiting as with different ships you are able to try new things etc. Scouting the planets for minerals was finally less important than I thought, although it was handy to get a lot of money from the start so that the ship is high level enough for the rest of the game. [spoiler]just sell anything other than francinium and super fluids and you're fine[/spoiler]

As a Star Trek fan, this game is something I have always wanted to play. I was glad that the focus was more in the interactive story than overly difficult strategic game with too long learning curve for my impacient mind to grasp. It was just the right amount of fun and challenge for me and I enjoyed every minute of it.

I still have the DLC left so we will see if I like that as much as this original.
94 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
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175 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.04.20 19:33
A downgrade in every way from the original Star Control 2, except music: they got the music right! Everything else is like a truly bad clone of SC2, though:

1. The writing is worse--the dialogue attempts to be funny like SC2's, but doesn't hit the mark, so it's a constant stream of unfunny quips,
2. The graphics are worse--higher resolution, but frankly doesn't look as good as SC2's,
3. Even on minimum settings on a modern PC with up-to-date video drivers, the controls are very sluggish (imagine SC2 lander and space combat sequences except with sluggish controls),
4. Space combat is as cartoonish as in SC1 and SC2, with space wrapping around at the borders and a maximum velocity for each ship and planets only 6 times the size of ships, and so on, except now it's littered with far, far more asteroids, wormholes, and other cartoonish garbage (which would be forgivable if the controls during space combat weren't so poor: like in SC1-2, you try to reach a stable enough direction and speed relative to the enemy that you can aim properly at them, but any stable direction and speed lasts only perhaps a couple of seconds before you hit one of the incredibly abundant asteroids, which kill crew members unlike in SC1-2, and which of course throw off your direction and speed). The space combat seems unplayably broken to me, and unlike in SC1-2, there's no option to auto-resolve space battles.

I can live with the rest of it, but the unskippable, unplayable space combat sequences are a deal-breaker IMO.

People were disappointed with SC3, but I played through most of SC3, and while it was a disappointing sequel to SC2, it was a lot better than this game. This game would have been laughed at, as a poor clone of SC2, if it came out in 1995. The fact that it actually came 20 years later than that, with none of the improvements that should have been possible after so many years, is incredible.
20 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
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70 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.04.20 10:25
Don't buy this game, it's laggy and buggy and there is no solution
217 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
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927 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.04.20 22:35
Doesn't follow up on the greatness that was SC2:Ur-quan masters. Dialogue very on the nose, everything takes FOREVER to do, mining is awfully slow, space fighting is bad, considering the moment you stop pressing w, your ship stops. Can't refill ship pop outside of earth, and can't move around pop to other ships. Seriously underwhelming.

Good things: Voice acting is amazing, every race felt truly unique. Visuals are a little carrtoony, but felt ok.

Even at 67% off (down to 11$), still felt overpriced. At 5$ or such, grab it. It just really lacks any depth that SC2:UQM had.
322 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
1519 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.03.20 19:14
This game brought back some memories. Improvement in game play over the Original Title I play many years ago.
986 Produkte im Account
42 Reviews
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2300 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.03.20 05:42
Pros: Cute, space combat is okay. Music is decent, and it's mostly amusing.

Cons: Tries too hard, humor-wise. Controls and handling for driving around planets is ANNOYING- hit something wrong and you're on your side turned around. Repeat 100 times. And the handing is not great when it IS working properly, either. Sometimes, an animal or drone will have 100x the health that the others on the same planet have, for no apparent reason.
111 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
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5023 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.03.20 07:46
Ran for a while then kept crashing and after reinstalling it, it wont even run.
Have many other games on steam, that run with no problems.

Heard similar stories from friends, wouldnt recommend it.
205 Produkte im Account
43 Reviews
209 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.03.20 03:25
Meh, not for me. But I can see it's a decent game and properly polished. I can't give it a thumbs down just because it's not my type of thing.

Huge galaxy to explore. Lots of planets and races. Story driven with long and small plot arcs. Plenty of new ships and techs to discover and upgrade. Quality voice acting and dialogue. Nice planet renders. There's also multiplayer battle modes and single player skirmish modes.

The combat I just couldn't get into and I suspect it'd be much better if you're a controller player, rather than Keyboard. The combat just felt like a game of old school Asteroids in top down view. It didn't feel like I had a lot of control over the ships - battles are an arcade shooter type affair and they're just not my thing.
1397 Produkte im Account
37 Reviews
2150 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.03.20 23:29
It's a fun adventure based on an old series. I would enjoy seeing this get another game.
250 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
1076 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.03.20 05:34
7/10. Lander gameplay sucks, but story is decent and lategame space battles are interesting. The humor makes this worth the purchase.
15 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
1976 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.03.20 06:53
Based off the greatest game ever made. Very excited when I heard about this game and it hasn't disappointed. 3d design of planet exploration and addons for landers are a nice improvement over SC2. The graphics are as good as could ask for without being too taxing on an average computer. The attention to detail is very impressive (for example you can see your ship and other planets in the sky while on the surface of a planet). There's quite a few nice little throwbacks to the originals sprinkled throughout the game. The dialog is entertaining and hilarious. Very good game overall. I'll definitely be ordering the expansion after I complete it.
183 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
1864 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.02.20 05:04
Family friendly, interesting & sometimes quirky Characters, interesting yet simple Ship Combat, good lighthearted humor.

Ship Building can be fun too if ya can get the hang of the Ship Builder Interface.
121 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
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295 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.02.20 03:18
If you loved Starcon 1 or 2, you might not like this game. What was the best part of Starcon? That limitless, perfectly simple battlefield. Some battles lasted seconds, others were a marathon standoff. There was no time limit. It was brilliant.

What did these developers do? They surrounded the battlefield with a dense asteroid field and poison gas that starts creeping in if you don't rush in quickly enough, and there's no option to turn it off. This was the deal killer for me. Adios, Pkunkos.

I had other gripes. My least favorite aspect of Starcon 2 was endlessly landing on planets and collecting minerals. They beefed up that grind in this title. It's so much more tedious now!

The plot tries to recreate what Starcon 2 did so well. I know someone invested a lot of time into the voices, but I'm just clicking like a maniac, hoping to skim out the tidbits that I need.

I'm sure I sunk hundreds of hours into the first two titles, not counting the Melee and Supermelee matches played against friends over the years. Thanks to DosBox, we're still playing.

Starcon Origins is completely salvageable. Make the battlefield limitless, get rid of the asteroid field and poison gas. That would make this title playable. Automate resource collection somehow, and you're past good and into great.

In its current state, I'm disappointed I invested four hours.
49 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
1669 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.01.20 06:26
Summary: *Almost* as good as star control 2. This is a good game and worth playing.
The writing is good, the plot is relatively interesting and well-paced, and there is plenty to explore.

The game stumbles a bit in the combat, mostly in that the limited size of the arena feels wrong and that there's a lack of sound when shots impact. The sound thing might seem trivial, but there is a lot to keep track of visually, and being able to hear when you hit something (and how hard you hit it, as was the case in SC2) would have been a nice quality of life improvement.
471 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
651 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.12.19 00:08
A good throwback game. Really brings me back to the original game.
91 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
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2510 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.12.19 23:26
The Steam Christmas sale helped me finally pull the trigger on this game and to be honest it is only worth it's discounted price.

As someone who has fond memories of Star Control 2 this new remake (borrows heavily) doesn't live up to that legacy or nostalgia. The cartoony art style, the juvenile humour full of innuendo, awkward U.I. all add up to a fairly flat experience.

The most obvious fault from someone familiar with SC2 is that all of the 'new' alien races are just copies, even to the point of using the same font for their sub-titles. The new personalities also suffer from issues seen in Star Wars, that is the 'alien' races are just used to promote negative human stereotypes.

Another key fault is the space combat (melee). The combat space has changed from a wrap around to a fixed arena surrounded by asteroids and full of power-ups and warp gates. This limits tactics to basically fly straight at each other and fire till one is dead. No longer can you use the wrap around to catch fast moving opponents or the planets for useful gravity whips.

The combat A.I. is terrible. The A.I. often won't use it's defensive weapons for defence, instead acting like they are it's primary weapons to the point of not using it primary weapons at all. It also has a hard time navigating and will often fly straight at the nearest asteroid or planet taking unnecessary damage.

Each ship is also very generic, ships will often have a mix of the same few weapons. This reduces the alien diversity. There are a lot of ships in the game but due to a poor U.I. it becomes difficult to compare when building your fleet. The only way to know what weapons a ship has is to add it to your fleet first, then you can mouse over to get a read out.

And that leads to the U.I. it is obvious this game was designed for tablets or mobile devices as the U.I. doesn't work well on PC. Info is usually small as it has been resized on widescreen. Buying and adding equipment to your main ship is a real exercise in patience. There is no ability to sort anything so knowing if something is an upgrade, already owned, or new exclusive stock at a merchant is guess work or requires prior knowledge.

The lander portions of the game are also in a bad way. Each landing takes place on a small sphere and this is its' weakest feature. The terrain can be quite rough and without certain upgrades some planets can be a nightmare to navigate. Also due to the small size of the sphere combat usually involves you firing at targets over the horizon, or watch as arching shots fly over their heads or into the terrain. On a side note the reports from your first officer are well done and add nice background and lore.

In conclusion it is sad to see that a modern remake of a classic could get so many elements wrong. There are some improvements brought about by modern ideas (quest lists, searchable star map) but at its' core this game misses the mark on what made SC2 so enjoyable, unique aliens with fast flowing rock/paper/scissors combat.
132 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
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2073 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.12.19 23:06
After 34 hours I finished the game and can honestly say that I do not recommend it.

It is a grind fest, landing on planet after planet driving around to pick up minerals, like 95% of the game is mineral scanning in mass effect 2... but worse. There are a few fun moments and some combat, but these things last for a few seconds and compared to the fact that I probably spent 30 of these 34 hours grinding... not worth it.

Please do yourself a favor and avoid this game.
Logo for Star Control: Origins
Rating auf Steam Größtenteils positiv
75.51% 1449 470
Release:20.09.2018 Genre: Simulation Entwickler: Stardock Entertainment Vertrieb:keine Infos Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise: Star Control
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