• Spiritfarer: Screen zum Spiel Spiritfarer.
  • Spiritfarer: Screen zum Spiel Spiritfarer.
  • Spiritfarer: Screen zum Spiel Spiritfarer.
  • Spiritfarer: Screen zum Spiel Spiritfarer.
  • Spiritfarer: Screen zum Spiel Spiritfarer.
  • Spiritfarer: Screen zum Spiel Spiritfarer.
  • Spiritfarer: Screen zum Spiel Spiritfarer.
  • Spiritfarer: Screen zum Spiel Spiritfarer.
  • Spiritfarer: Screen zum Spiel Spiritfarer.
  • Spiritfarer: Screen zum Spiel Spiritfarer.
  • Spiritfarer: Screen zum Spiel Spiritfarer.
  • Spiritfarer: Screen zum Spiel Spiritfarer.
  • Spiritfarer: Screen zum Spiel Spiritfarer.
  • Spiritfarer: Screen zum Spiel Spiritfarer.
  • Spiritfarer: Screen zum Spiel Spiritfarer.
  • Spiritfarer: Screen zum Spiel Spiritfarer.


Du musst angemeldet sein
  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 18.08.2020
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Preis Update 23.03.23

Über das Spiel

Was wirst du zurücklassen?
Spiritfarer ist ein gemütliches Management-Spiel über das Sterben. Du spielst Stella, den Fährmann der Verstorbenen, ein sogenannter Spiritfarer. Baue ein Boot, um die Welt zu erkunden. Freunde dich dann mit Geistern an und kümmere dich um sie, bevor du sie schließlich ins Jenseits entlässt. Bebaue Felder, betreibe Minen, fische, ernte, koche und finde deinen Weg über mystische Meere. Schließe dich dem Abenteuer im kooperativen Modus für zwei Spieler als Daffodil die Katze an. Verbringe eine entspannte, tolle Zeit mit deinen Geisterpassagieren, erschaffe bleibende Erinnerungen und lerne schließlich, deinen geschätzten Freunden Lebewohl zu sagen.

  • Genieße wunderschöne, handgemalte Grafik und Animation.
  • Baue, manage und verbessere deine eigene Fähre
  • Bebaue Felder, betreibe Minen, fische, ernte, koche, webe und fertige Objekte. Eine unbegrenzte Vielzahl an Aktivitäten erwartet dich!
  • Triff unvergessliche Charaktere, hol sie an Bord, sorge für sie und baue Beziehungen zu ihnen auf.
  • Laufe, springe und gleite auf deinem Weg durch elegant konstruierte Plattform-Levels.
  • Erkunde eine fantastische und fantasievolle Welt. Suche und sammle Ressourcen, um Verbesserungen für dein Schiff und Geschenke für deine Passagiere herzustellen.
  • Erlebe bewegende, emotionale Geschichten voller unvergesslicher Momente.
  • Verbringe eine angenehme und entspannende Spielzeit: 30 Stunden bis zum Abschluss und weitere hunderte von Stunden, um alles zu entdecken, was Spiritfarer zu bieten hat.
  • Mache das Abenteuer mit reichhaltigen Anpassungsmöglichkeiten für dein Boot, deinen Charakter und sogar für die Katze zu deinem eigenen Erlebnis!
  • Spiele im optionalen lokalen Koop-Modus als Daffodil die Katze.


  • CPU: Dual Core 3.0 GHz Processor
  • GFX: DirectX 10-compatible graphics card with at least 1GB of video memory
  • RAM: 4 GB RAM
  • Software: Microsoft Windows 7 SP1
  • HD: 3 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • DX: Version 10
  • LANG: Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch, Italienisch, Spanisch
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Steam Nutzer-Reviews

16 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
3449 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.04.22 22:49
sehr gut aber ende war kinda shit weil bugged aber wenn nicht dann sehr gut
73 Produkte im Account
17 Reviews
2335 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.04.22 20:44
crying is mandatory
79 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
1945 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.10.21 22:04
Spiritfarer überzeugt in der Atmosphäre und der Emotionalität.

Die Grafik wirkt zwar niedlich, kindlich aber das Spiel hat es in sich:
Man wird als Seelenfährtenfrau Stella auf die Reise geschickt, um Seelen aufzusammeln, ihre Wünsche zu erfüllen und schließlich zur Seelenpforte zu begleiten.
Die Dialoge sind sehr emotional geschrieben, die tolle Musik und die visuellen Effekte hauen einen vom Hocker.
Da sind schnell mal die Zwiebel-Ninjas unterwegs.

Ab und zu kommt es leider noch vor, dass Bewohner buggen oder man mal in einer Wand festhängt,
Ein weiteres Minus war auch, dass die Quests manchmal sehr stockend verliefen.
Aber das sind nur Kleinigkeiten. Das Studio scheint sich viel Mühe zu geben, diese Punkte zu fixen.

Alles in Allem ein kleines Meisterwerk. ♥
1530 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
4905 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.08.21 20:38
Never played such a Wonderful and Pretty Game i love coming home from work and go right in to Spiritfarer 10/10
135 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
1934 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.06.21 22:27
Ich habe über 200 Spiele in meiner Bibliothek. Das ist die erste Rezension, die ich schreibe, weil ich es muss. Das Spiel beschäftigt mich, obwohl es zu Ende ist, immer noch. Das Artwork und der Soundtrack sind einfach wunderschön. Selten habe ich einfach mal in einem Spiel der Musik gelauscht und den Ausblick genossen. Meiner Meinung ein kleines Meisterwerk an Symbolik gepaart mit Schönheit. Noch nie war das Ende eines Spiels so schmerzlich schön wie dieses. Spiritfarer nimmt einen mit auf eine Reise, die mich nachdenklich gemacht hat: Wohin wird meine Reise gehen? Und wer wird mich bis zum Ende wohl begleitet?
221 Produkte im Account
90 Reviews
2371 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.05.21 23:42
Wunderbar. Wie ein Ghibli Film... nur als Spiel.
36 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
3560 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.05.21 16:57
Ein wundervolles Spiel. Ich bin sehr berührt und habe selten so geweint ;_;
Die Figuren, ihre Geschichten und die Welt ist mit so viel Liebe, Charme und Humor gestaltet, einfach wundervoll. Auch das Artbook und den Soundtrack kann ich empfehlen. Vielen herzlichen Dank für dieses Spiel <3
48 Produkte im Account
21 Reviews
4441 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.03.21 18:31
Am Ende dieser Rezession habe ich noch ein paar Dinge aufgeschrieben, die ich gerne vor dem ersten spielen gewusst hätte.

Spiritfarer besitzt einen schönen Artstyle, sehr schöne Musik und eine gute Story. Das Management ist dem gegenüber teilweise etwas grinding-lastig und repetitiv. Ich habe das Spiel zu zweit im Coop gespielt und kann es nur empfehlen. Zwar geht die Story etwas unter, bzw wird nicht so intensiv wahrgenommen wir im Solo, jedoch halbiert sich der Aufwand Ressourcen zu sammeln und Dinge herzustellen. Persönlich empfand ich Spiritfarer alles in allem als das beste Coop-Spiel seit Portal 2.
Inhaltlich kann man das Spiel in zwei Teile teilen. Auf der einen Seite fährt man mit einem Schiff durch eine sehr schön gezeichnete Welt, trifft auf gestrandete Seelen und versucht an Bord ihre letzten Wünsche zu erfüllen bis man sie dann letztlich ins Jenseits begleitet. Auf der anderen Seite ist dieses Spiel ein Management-Spiel. Man fällt Bäume, sammelt Erz, sägt Holz und gießt Metalle. Man baut Pflanzen an und erntet diese um dann Essen zu kochen. Die Seelen brauchen jeden Tag deine Aufmerksamkeit, wollen aufgemuntert werden und brauchen Verpflegung. Ihre Wünsche benötigen teilweise viele Ressourcen die mühsam gesammelt werden müssen. Diesen Teil finde ich schlechter gemacht. Wie oben schon beschrieben ist das Ressourcen sammeln teilweise repetitiv und artet teilweise wirklich in Arbeit aus. Im Coop geht es noch aber Solo fühlt man sich manchmal wie ein Kellner in einem übervollen Café. Manche Ressourcen erhält man durch spezielle Events bei denen man von einer Seele begleitet wird. Meist muss man ein Event 2 bis 4 mal machen um genug Ressourcen zu sammeln, dabei sind die Events jedoch deutlich abwechslungsreicher als das sammeln von Erz oder Holz. Viele Events habe ich an die 10 mal gemacht und zwar nicht weil ich die Ressource benötigte, sondern einfach weil die Musik und das Movement des Charakters so schön und so gut zusammen passte. Generell ist die Steuerung sehr gut. Im weiteren Spielverlauf erweitert sich das Bewegunsrepertoire des Charakters bis zu einem Punkt, in dem es wirklich viel Spaß macht durch die Welt zu laufen selbst wenn man nicht einmal ein Ziel vor Augen hat.
Ich hab Spiritfarer im Steam-Sale gekauft, der Vollpreis ist für diesen Titel bei einem Umfang von 20-35 Stunden (je nach Tempo) jedoch völlig okay. Das Spiel hat auch einen gewissen Wiederspielwert und im Laufe dieses Jahres sollen noch 3 zusätzliche Updates kommen, die die Story erweitern. Nur um Missverständnisse auszuräumen: Das Spiel ist fertig und es spielt sich auch wie ein fertiges Spiel. Die Updates sind quasi ein kostenloses DLC.
Für alle die sich noch nicht entschieden haben ob sich der Kauf lohnt: Das Management ist Geschmacksache und muss jeder für sich testen. Einen Einblick in die Story hingegen gibt jedoch dieser Trailer sehr gut wieder https://youtu.be/UWsYE304k94 (Spiritfarer® Animated Trailer - What Will You Leave Behind?). Jeder der bei diesem Trailer etwas empfindet sollte dem Spiel auf jeden Fall eine Chance geben.

Dinge die gerne vor dem ersten spielen gewusst hätte (kleine Spoiler):
1. Als teilweise mühselig empfand ich das Sammeln der verschiedenen Ressourcen. Manche Ressourcen vom Anfang werden am Ende jedoch kaum noch benötigt. Es macht also Sinn nicht all zu viel auf Vorrat zu sammeln. Auch das beste Spiel geht irgendwann zu Ende und ich habe mich bei meinem ersten durchspielen geärgert so viel Zeit investiert zu haben, am Ende volle Lagerräume zu haben mit Ressourcen die ich nicht mehr brauchte.

2. Das gleiche gilt auch bei der Währung, den Glimmern. Im Spiel hatte ich irgendwie immer recht wenig, aber am Ende mehr als genug. Es ist normalerweise nicht notwendig sich die Mühe zu machen Geld zu verdienen.

3. Das Treibgut das immer mal wieder auf der Karte zu finden ist reicht fast schon als alleinige Quelle für Saatgut. Einfacher kann man auch keine Ressourcen sammeln. Es ist also empfehlenswert jedes Treibgut aufzusammeln, dass halbwegs auf dem Kurs liegt.

4. Wenn man eine Seele ins Jenseits bringt erhält man dafür eine Seelenblume. Diese sind essenziel für den weitere Spielverlauf, aber nicht notwendiger Weise dann, wenn die Seelen ins Jenseits wollen. Wartet also darauf die Seelen zu entlassen bis ihr wirklich die Seelenblumen braucht. Die meisten Seelen die ins Jenseits wollen sind glücklich, machen kaum Arbeit und heitern oft das ganze Schiff auf. Also lasst sie ruhig etwas länger auf dem Schiff.

5. Bruce und Mickey sind etwas anstengend. Baut man ihr Haus aus und sorgt dafür das die beiden glücklich sind, sorgen sie dafür das alle anderen unglücklich sind. Man kann sich also bei ihrem Haus etwas Zeit lassen.

So das wars von mir. Ich wünsche euch viel Spaß und viele enspannte Stunden und interessante Geschichten bei Spiritfarer.
54 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
2542 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.02.21 21:20
The 'game' part of the game is nicely done, feels good to play, a few bugs here and there, nothing gamebreaking. But where this gem absolutely shines is how it made me care about its characters. It has been three days since I finished it and I can't get myself to enjoy other games, because they feel empty and meaningless now. This is not an exaggeration. And I don't want to do a second playthrough because it feels like it would rob the first one of its meaning to me.
No I'm not usually like that for a videogame. This is very special. It hurts. But it hurts in the kind of way that reminds you that you are alive right now.
403 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
1832 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.01.21 19:12
This game was so moving, it made me call my grandparents for the first time in 25 years.
516 Produkte im Account
28 Reviews
3087 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.01.21 23:57
One of the best games released in 2020. The characters are so amazing and each one tells its own compelling story. An absolute buy recommendation.
47 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
3375 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.01.21 22:33
Gefühlschaos hoch 10, eines der geilsten Games 2020
117 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
735 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.12.20 15:18
Es ist meiner Meinung nach ein optisch tolles Spiel. Es sieht süß aus und die Storys haben es in sich. Die Aufgaben zu bewältigen ist genauso cool wie die Hintergrundgeschichten der Charaktere aufzudecken. Einen Minuspunkt gibt es allerdings für die Beschaffung der Materialien. Es ist zwar mal eine andere Methode, allerdings sehr Zeit-intensiv und vom Timing abhängig.

Ich kann das Spiel jedem empfehlen der mit längeren Animationen und Itembeschaffung kein Problem hat, und sich gerne um Andere kümmern möchte, bis sie ihren letzten Wunsch erfüllt haben. :)
380 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
2305 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.12.20 23:15
Ich kann meine Katze knuddeln und meine toten Verwandten umarmen. Was will ich mehr.

Ich finde das Spiel wunderbar.
Es ist ein angenehmes Ressourcenmanagement, die Musik ist beruhigend und angenehm, die Passagiere, die man zu betreuen hat, sind liebevoll gestaltet und interessant.
Auf dem Schiff, das ausgebaut werden kann mit Häusern für die Passagiere und verschiedene Werkstätten, gibt es immer etwas zu tun.
Gärtnern, sägen, bauen, Kometen einfangen, Häuser ausbauen, fermentieren, Tiere füttern usw.
Dazu gehören kleine Minigames.
Habe jetzt 25 Stunden gespielt und bin vermutlich zur Hälfte durch, habe allerdings aber auch etwas getrödelt.
Kam eine zeitlang nicht wirklich weiter, bis ich eine weitere Fähigkeit freigeschaltet hatte, aber nun habe ich wieder einiges zu erledigen.

Ein Spiel für Leute, die gerne Stardew Valley, Animal Crossing und andere Spiele dieser Art spielen.
25 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
294 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.12.20 14:08
adorable game with nice spirits i want them all gimme pls
165 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
2451 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.11.20 09:57
Eines der besten Spiele, die ich seit Langem gespielt habe.
Story, Soundtrack, Gameplay und Design passen perfekt und lassen einen schon mal die Zeit vergessen.
162 Produkte im Account
21 Reviews
2800 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.11.20 23:11
Alles, was ich zu diesem Spiel schreiben möchte, wird dem einfach nicht gerecht.
Ich hab es von der ersten Minute an geliebt. Die Vielfalt an Emotionen, die transportiert wird, gepaart mit einer unfassbar schönen, aber mindestens genauso traurigen Geschichte, einer entspannten, melancholisch anmutenden musikalischen Untermalung und liebevoll gestalteten Charakteren ... Es ist schwer für so etwas die richtigen Worte zu finden.
Zwischen all den hektischen Super-HD-Action-Spielen eine echte Perle für die, die es zu schätzen wissen.
Ich würde es jederzeit wieder kaufen und werde es sicher auch wieder spielen, definitiv in meinen Top 5.
506 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
2409 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.11.20 05:10
Wundervolles, herzliches Spiel
jeder der gerne gefühlsecht spielt sollte zugreifen!
10 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
1211 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.11.20 21:23
really beautiful and amazing story :)
149 Produkte im Account
21 Reviews
1612 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.11.20 11:01
Comfy and Sad. This Game has so many wonderful and amazing Characters and brings you on a Ride of Emotions. If you need a great looking but also sad Game then this is your GotY 2020!

Edit: I replayed it to 100% and holy shit you still cry when you say goodbye.
666 Produkte im Account
49 Reviews
1355 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.09.20 10:33
This has to be the most wholesome game I've ever played.
The beautifully crafted graphics and animations, the sound design, the gameplay. Nothing ever seems tedious or unnecessary.

The sprits' stories are all written with so much thought, never telling too much, but still enough to get a good picture. They really have their own personality and it's always so sad to let them go in the end.

- you can hug everyone
- the cat
- you can hug the cat
- wholesome

This game just makes you all warm and fuzzy inside. It's the best thing to play when you feel lonely.
I want to hug the game! Q_Q
994 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
797 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.08.20 10:23
Man spielt die neue Fährfrau und soll die Verstorbenen ins Jenseits begleiten. Das hört sich leichter an, als es eigentlich ist. Bevor sie ins Jenseits wollen, müssen zunächst einige Aufgaben erfüllt werden. Solange bleiben die Verstorbenen auf dem Schiff und benötigen eine eigene Unterkunft, Nahrung und die ein oder andere Umarmung. So fährt man mit dem Schiff über die Weltkarte, erkundet Inseln und Rohstoffvorkommen, um die zum Bau, zur Nahrungsversorgung oder für Aufgaben nötigen Materialien zu sammeln. Auch das Schiff wird stetig erweitert, um genügend Platz zu bieten und die Möglichkeit zu schaffen neue Regionen zu erkunden. Einen Zeitdruck gibt es nicht, man kann sich in Ruhe einer Aufgabe widmen, ohne Angst haben zu müssen, etwas anderes zu verpassen. Das Spiel ist sehr zu empfehlen, nicht nur, wenn man es mal etwas ruhiger angehen möchte.
477 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
385 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.08.20 20:05
made me feel something
112 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
786 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.08.20 18:35
Ich habe noch nie eine Kritik oder Anmerkung zu einem Spiel geschrieben. Ich spiele Computerspieler seit den frühen 90ern. Das ist das erste Spiel bei dem ich weinen musste. Ich kann es absolut empfehlen.
180 Produkte im Account
22 Reviews
441 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.08.20 20:07
Das Spiel ist ein absoluter Seelenberuhiger, super niedlicher Artstyle, tolle Charaktere und die MUSIK leute allein dafür lohnt sich das. Es ist sowohl eine Art Puzzle als oft auch Plattformer und ein Zeitmanager Spiel.
Man fühlt richtig mit und will seine Mitfahrer einfach glücklich machen, ich lese gerne die Geschichten der Charaktere obwohl ich sonst kein Story Fan bin.
Absolut zu empfehlen wenn man ein entspanntes, schön gestaltetes Spiel will
352 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
227 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.08.20 13:14
Ein wunderschönes Spiel. Selten habe ich ein so großartigen Art Style in einem Game gesehen. Hier passt wirklich alles zusammen. Liebe zum Detail, die Story, die Musik einfach toll. Auch die Mischung aus Aufbau Spiel und Plattformer ist genial. Ich hasse normalerweise Plattformer über alles aber hier nervt es mich kein Stück. Zeitweise wird die Geschichte ganz schön traurig aber das Spiel schafft es immer wieder einem die positiven Dinge des Lebens zu zeigen. Die Geschichte nimmt 3 Stunden nach Spiel Beginn erst so richtig fahrt auf (haha). Alles in allem ist es ein tolles Spiel das mich noch viele Stunden begeistern wird und immer einen besonderen Platz in meiner Steam Bibliothek sicher hat. 10/10
1528 Produkte im Account
42 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
2030 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.05.22 09:36
People don't judge experiences on how good they were on average. Instead they judge them on their stars, ends, and emotional peaks. Spiritfarer is very good at its start, end, and emotional peaks. It is not good on average. On average, the gameplay is blind & tedious grinding to get to the next emotional high point.

The whole of this game is less than the sum of its parts. Their are some exceptional parts to this game, but gameplay is not one of them. If it were a short series or movie, it could have been great. As a game, it slogs through mini-games that distract from beautiful art and the emotional reasons for the onslaught of boring chores.
106 Produkte im Account
16 Reviews
2373 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.04.22 20:33
I bought this game a very long time ago and I'm just glad that i finally gave it a try! This has been such an unforgettable experience for me, everything about this game is beyond outstanding, this is the only game that has me made this emotional.
Every character has it's unique stories and even though you might dislike some characters at the end you will feel sorry for them and just would want to hug them. <3
Super cozy game with beautiful artwork and an amazing soundtrack that hits you right deep in the feels. I also really enjoyed building and farming was super fun.
Genuinely one of the best games I have ever played would recommend 100%
92 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
3584 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.04.22 14:09
emotional damage
61 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
6689 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.04.22 14:04
if you like ghibli movies and need therapy this game is for you
79 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
2877 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.04.22 21:11
Before i played this game i struggled with erectile dysfunction, had no life partner and little to no will to live. After i played, nothing changed, but the game was great.
64 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
1558 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.04.22 18:11
Cute, relaxing and sometimes a little sad, but in a good way. Makes you think about the relationships in your life.
250 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
1790 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.03.22 23:26
Screw this game.
Screw it for having a beautifully painted artstyle that makes you think this'll be a wholesome adventure with your animal spirit pals.
Screw it for having incredibly well-written dialogue and characters that make you connect with them as if they were part of your real life.
Screw it for having a great sense of humor in its moments and animations. Daffodil, I'm looking at you.
Screw it for the plethora of unique crafting minigames, especially the cooking one.
Screw it for the many hours it takes to get through the whole story, ensuring my friend and I had many nights to enjoy the game.
Screw it for having a heartfelt soundtrack that swells up at JUST the right time to pull my heartstrings straight out of my chest.
And finally, screw it for making me cry each and every time I had to say goodbye.
This game touched my heart in a way very few have, and very few will.
10/10 would ugly cry again.
456 Produkte im Account
263 Reviews
1840 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.03.22 23:42
This is a hybrid of a farm managing game with crafts and all that, merged with an open world adventure game done in a side scroll (2D) platforming engine. You do quests while managing your resources and buildings as well as fulfilling the needs of the passengers on your ship... and at the same time, doing parkours in events and such similar to most platformers.

Overall, it's a fun game with nice story. Pretty detailed on the story telling part and all that. But, since this is also a managing game, means we have to wait for a lot of things to happen. So it requires a lot of time and patience to play. And most of the time you will wish the game has a fast forward button. So it really has a 50/50 chance that you will like it or hate it depending on whether you plan to spend a lot of time on the this game or not. I had my fair share of fun using a 3rd party tool to fast forward the game in most of the part, so yeah.. saves a bit of time and frustration there, and it turned out being a fun journey. Without that 3rd party tool i might end up hating the game imho... so... if you're planning to grab this and you're not the patience type, better check out the trainers online or simply forget about this game.
336 Produkte im Account
18 Reviews
652 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.03.22 03:16
This experience is for EVERYONE. It might just open up a part of you that you didn't know before.
Make your ten year old nephew play it, Make your friends sister play it. Make your racist uncle play it.
It's easy and forgiving, but it's the emotional difficulty that nourishes our spirit.

When someone tells you that video games are ruining children, buy them a copy.
When someone tells you that they're grieving, buy them a copy.
When someone tells you that they're happy, buy them a copy.
I don't think that i can recommend anything in any medium more widely than Spiritfarer.
987 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
850 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.03.22 04:21
worth it for the bus stop seal theme alone
476 Produkte im Account
23 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1374 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.03.22 12:27
Well, after 22 hrs and not finishing the game or having any intention to, I have to say this game is more negative than positive for me.
Before I bought it I read the reviews, and maybe the problem is that my expectations were too high. I was expecting emotional tearjerker, and I got... nothing. I really don't get people who are saying that they were crying to this. I bawled like a baby when I finished To the moon. This game does nothing emotionally. Bunch of different characters with their own 'sob' stories are really not interesting.
The graphics and music are nice.
The game itself is grindy and is a chore to get through after a dozen or so hours.
Good try, but not for me.
73 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
2494 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.03.22 21:16
This game is definitely worth it!
It's one hell of an emotional roller coaster, both with an amazing story and unique characters that just rope you in.
Not only that, but you also get a big ass boat! A great deal if you ask me!!
50 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
3676 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.03.22 12:07
What a wonderful game, truly. I was told to give this game a try by my sister and I expected a Stardew esc format with exploration. While I was in a way right, there is so much more to this game than that. While learning the lives of the spirits you encounter, you learn what they like, how some react towards a hug and revisiting memories of their past. However, what I find most intriguing is, how YOU react to their final request. Everything about the game is so raw with emotions that sugarcoating is only incorporated when you're cooking in the game. So many stories and so many adventures await you if you haven't already given this game a try. I've learned so much and taken so much to heart as the dialogue has enthralled me into a sense of vulnerable melancholy. The vulnerability allows not only my heart but my mind to be opened to so many perspectives on life and death itself. To my sister, thank you for showing me such a wonderful experience and fueling my desire to become a therapist (even if you didn't intentionally do all of this, I can't wait to give you a hug as soon as possible).
128 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
1676 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.03.22 10:10
This game takes the things that really matter in life to the core, and seemingly finds ways to translate very strong emotional events to a very accessible level, which is completely destroying me from the inside, only to make way for re-building my own emotional ship..
192 Produkte im Account
28 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1317 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.12.21 16:10
Oy. I want to like this game. I really do. It's an interesting concept - a game that is about saying goodbye. And it seems like something I like: I love methodical and cute games. They're like soul food. And this is exactly what I think this game was going for. But I'm so busy being pissed off that I can't actually enjoy this game.

The following is a stream of consciousness kind of rant. Apologies in advance.

Unfortunately the gameplay is incredibly tiresome. Almost everything in this game revolves on sailing to different islands, which is a time consuming task. And there are some things you can do in the meantime of course - farm crops, process materials, etc - but these things too feel very time consuming, and not in a productive way. Cutscenes and animations that are maybe at best interesting the first time become irritating the second time, and it doesn't get better from there.

The day-night cycle doesn't really seem to drive the story forward, but it does provide a progression barrier. Every day, your ship stops, and you have to go to bed (+ animations for going to bed, waking up).

Getting somewhere looks something like this: Either you select a place to go and slowly go there (if you forgot to do a 'safe travel' you will be hindered by events that happen along the way), then, if it's a new place, you'll get a long cutscene showing a zoomed out view of the island, at which point you can get on to your boat (+animation, loading screen) and then dock. You're now on the island.

Unfortunately, you never have much business on an island: 1% of your time is really spent on the island (unless you're collecting resources). Usually, going to an island just creates a need to go to another island. Which means you have to go through that whole thing again.

Unless you have fast travel. Right?

Fast travel feels almost as tiresome as 'slow travel'. Map a route to the sea lion. Make sure to select a Safe Trip. Walk to the sea lion. Talk to him. Point to the nearest sea lion hub. Watch animation. Go back to map a route to where you want to go. Wait. Dock (+animation/loading screen).

It is cumulatively irritating.

Gathering resources is also a slog. Lots of animations. I get how the saw appears. I wish it was roughly 5x faster. Mining is horrendous. If you hold down the button for too long, you need to watch the animation for failure. Fishing is slightly soul rending as well. Shearing sheep is no fun. Watering plants even takes time. Picking fruit. Yowza.

And taking care of your passengers. Lordy. They are always asking for food. It wouldn't be so bad if I didn't have a million other annoying things going on at the same time. But there isn't really a huge advantage to feeding them mechanistically speaking, more just emotionally speaking. The benefits they offer are fairly minute, and transient (recall - you say goodbye to these passengers).

And their homes stay there. I get if you want to keep them around if you're feeling sentimental. But they HAVE to stay there. It's already very cluttered on the ship, due to the nature of how things are organized.

Other things are irritating as well - getting constantly bombarded by 'don't forget...!' by Atul et al. for errands. I haven't forgotten - that's why I have this quest list roster. I just can't get to it right now.

Finding what resources you actually CAN get to at a given time (depending on what mobility skills you have unlocked, what resources you have available, etc) is difficult to tell on the outset. You almost HAVE to look up these things, or drift around from island to island. If you're forgetful like me, that means multiple trips.

Other minor points include having to scroll out on the map to really see where I want to go, confusing map legends, poorly upscaled art, and probably others I can't think about right now.

Maybe this is just my bad attitude coming off about this game right now, but this almost feels like a 'duck building' of a cute game: Rather than the intrinsic properties of the game leading me to believe this game is cute, it has painted itself as cute and points to itself and says 'look at how cute I am'. It didn't let me discover the cuteness. I don't know.

I want to talk about the good stuff in this game, but it's really peppered in with a lot cruft that leaves me with a sour taste.
12 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
2044 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.12.21 07:48
Pretty nice story, I felt very emotional during my gameplay. To say goodbye, to learn how to get bonded and then to have to separate. Spiritfarer was a nice adventure.

Spending your time to explore wasn't that long but yes you still have to spend some time for waiting your boat to progress in the sea. In that time you can spend your time i your boat crafting items for later or plants some seeds. You should definitely try this game
9 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
2010 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.12.21 08:09
this game is very fun and relaxing :)
127 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
2583 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.11.21 17:43
It touched me indeed.
48 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
2441 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.11.21 12:45
A very therapeutic game with flexibility of gameplay and so much thought put into it. I love the whole mailing list system that comes along with it, the documentary, the merch and the biggest surprise was the updates in content that still came along months after the game's release! If any game deserves the Labor of Love award, this is it man.
123 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
5109 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.11.21 19:30
This game is so relaxing, touching and heartwarming. The art style is lovely.
Everything is beautiful.
I loved it. 10/10
15 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
1477 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.11.21 01:12
one of my absolute favorites of all time, everything about it is amazing, yet simple and satisfying. it's so stunningly beautiful in every aspect, i can't talk enough about how much i love it. every single character has a special place in my heart and i'll never get over them. i'm all tears and pain, so much pain. 10/10.
408 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
2029 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.11.21 23:43
I am now living with the fear that I will never find a game or story better than this.
118 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
2075 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.11.21 04:27
This is.... like nothing else i've ever played.

I enjoyed every second of this game from start to finish.
The world of spiritfarer is beautiful, the art, the music, it sticks with you. The soundtrack is STUNNING and each town, character, or settings music is so perfect and fitting.
The characters are varied, each spirit feels unique and like their own person, and uncovering their life stories is a gradual but fulfilling process.
It PAINS YOU when they finally request to go to the Everdoor.
It makes you appreciate each final moment of them being on your boat with you that much more.
And i really did not want this game to end.

11/10 would ABSOLUTELY reccomend to everyone who wants a relaxing little adventure with cute animals.
245 Produkte im Account
20 Reviews
1363 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.10.21 00:20
I refuse to play any more of this game due to the psychological breakdowns I get when I have to say goodbye. If that doesn't convince you this game is good, I don't know what will.
55 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
6491 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.10.21 05:47
you can hug the cat
501 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
1929 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.10.21 15:29


Game length23+ hours[/tr]
Difficulty modesN/A[/tr]
Metacritic Score84[/tr]

???? Spiritfarer® is a cozy management game about dying. As ferry master to the deceased, build a boat to explore the world, care for your spirit friends, and guide them across mystical seas to finally release them into the afterlife.

???? Story - [8]

???? Spiritfarer takes you on an emotional rollercoaster throughout the game! You start the journey as Stella with your companion Dafodill, very soon you meet no one other than ferryman himself but you discover that your journey isn't over but it's just began! You will replace the ferry master and guide people's souls to rest in a magical portal called Everdoor.

◼️ But you may ask how a normal soul can guide others? well, you have the power of Everlight, a magical being that can turn into anything you wish for. Soon you'll meet other souls with turn into animal spirits, they give you a bunch of different quests that keep you busy the whole time. Once those are finished and they are ready to go, you make the emotional decision to take them to the Everdoor and let them free!
  • While finishing up with other spirits' quests, the story also shifts and tells you about the life of Stella and what happened to her.

◼️ The narrative in Spiritfarer may be a bit confusing but is generally fun. There isn't exactly a voice-over on the characters but they each make a specific sound effect to let us understand their feeling a little bit. You are going to read a loooot of texts in this game.

◼️ There are tons of NPCs in this game that you can talk to, most of the islands/locations have some NPCs that has a story to themselves, For example, you can find a guy wanting to ask for a date with another NPC and you can give them advice, whether good or bad advice it's your choice to make.

????️ Gameplay - [8]

???? The game mechanics are quite interesting and easy to learn, you will find some spirits and let them come to your ship they will give you some quests that progress your story with them, while doing those you have to explore other islands, that's it! By exploring you will find other spirits and the most notable thing is you will get a bunch of different materials to do stuff with for example to cook a new food or to construct a building. There is a variety of building to make and each one is kinda connected to the other as you need for example Foundry to make Iron from its Ore to construct other buildings.
  • The game is longer than you expect it, and it will take you to its end. You will keep exploring to find new stuff over and over again!

◼️ Shops and Errands kinda make a big part of the game, Once you will meet Francis he will give you some errands that require a specific item to complete, they are quite rewarding as well some of them will give you items, some will give you money to spend you are most likely need to finish those to get enough for your boat upgrade.
Shops give you options on what to do, you can buy different kinds of seed to plant, blueprints for buildings or even instead of buying you can sell what you have and earn some money perhaps hm?

◼️ Variety of fish in this game is amazing, there are tons of fish to collect and each different area has different fishes to collect, Spirits have a favorite food(s), you can't exactly give them the same food twice in a row as they won't accept it from you. After upgrading your Kitchen building you can mix 2 different ingredients that open a new world of food to make.

???? Graphics - [9]

    url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4swkYvGgvNo] Spiritfarer Gameplay (PC HD) [1080p60FPS] [/url]

???? Art style is quite exquisite in this game, you will love whatever you see in this game no matter what. Even when you think nothing is going to top the game's lovely atmosphere you will find another area that looks much better than previous ones!

It has some cartoonish style in some points as well, Overall it's well-drawn at any point.

???????? Soundtrack/Audio - [9]

    url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JZTKFiCMA-o] Spiritfarer (Complete Original Soundtrack) - Max LL [/url]

???? But the real hero here is the sound; while there is no voice-over for characters, you will feel their feelings and emotions!
The soundtracks make you go emotional on some points that you ever want to even cry as your journey with that spirit is over now! I cannot describe the music in words so you just have to listen to the soundtrack that I'm going to link above.

Story/Campaign - 8 Amazing[/tr]
Gameplay/Controls - 8 Amazing[/tr]
Graphics - 9 Masterpiece[/tr]
Sound/Music - 9 Masterpiece[/tr]
Replayability - 6 Good[/tr]
Achievements - 8 Amazing[/tr]

???? Conclusion

???? Overall I enjoyed Spiritfarer, more than I thought I would! When I started this game I was under the impression that it's going to be another short game with a bunch of little mini-games, but it proved me wrong I wanted more of its characters when I finished with them, I couldn't make myself to let them go...
When you genuinely feel sad that a GAME is over, I'd say that game did things right and it's going to live on my memories for a while. But the point of the game is to learn to let go....... So i guess I've failed!
51 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
2982 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.10.21 01:13
10/10, you get to hug everyone.
552 Produkte im Account
26 Reviews
2318 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.10.21 00:41
This game is special. That's all you need to know. Don't play it looking for a difficulty curve. Play it for the emotional experience.
521 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
2004 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.10.21 05:01
Be prepared for a roller coaster of emotions playing this. It can do many things: make you happy, make you sad, give you perspective, trigger memories of your own. Was not expecting such a deep game, but am happy for it.
707 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
2362 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.10.21 04:04
Hugs. Hugsssss. HUgs. Lots of hugs! Great game with nice little stories which I really enjoyed the journey of being a spiritfarer.
839 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
1910 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.10.21 03:30
I had only heard of this game through word of mouth and it honestly blew away all of my expectations. It's beautiful and calming all the way through, with a heavy helping of heart-tugging storylines woven in.
12 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
764 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.08.21 21:24

???? My 90 year old grandma could play it
???? Easy
✅ Normal
???? Hard
???? Dark Souls


???? MS Paint
???? Bad
???? Meh
???? Graphics don't matter in this game
???? Good
✅ Beautiful
???? Masterpiece


???? Free
???? Underpriced (i got it on like 75% off new year sale)
???? Perfect Price
✅ Could be cheaper
???? Overpriced
???? Complete waste of money


✅ You can run it on a microwave
???? Average
???? High end
???? NASA computer


???? Very Short (0 - 2 hours)
????Short (2 - 15 hours)
✅ Average (15-50 hours)
???? Long (50-90 hours)
???? Extremely long (90-110 hours)
???? No ending

~ FUN ~

???? I'd rather watch paint dry
???? Hard to enjoy
???? Repetitive
???? Actually pretty amusing
✅The kind of fun you'll remember
???? Ride of your life


???? It's a one-time experience
???? Only for achievements
✅ If you wait a few months/years
???? Definitely
???? Infinitely replayable


???? No
???? Wait for sale
???? Yes
✅ Must have
54 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
4831 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.08.21 17:11
I love this game, absolutely life changing. Definitely a game for casual gamers. It's so relaxing and calming. I can literally play this for days on end. If you are emotional, you will cry a lot and there's nothing you can do about it. 100% recommend this game. <3
163 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
3105 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.08.21 20:08
it was a lovely game about taking care of spirits, getting to know their personality and their past along with coming to terms with their time to go. such a cute and lovely little game enjoyed every bit of it my only regret will be not 100% the game given i would have to do a second playthrough to get one of the achievements i need. 10/10
352 Produkte im Account
18 Reviews
624 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.08.21 09:20
The journey is never ending...

This game is about moving on.
Probably one of the most coziest game, while it wraps you with its beautiful art and relax atmosphere.
Mixed with aspects of building, farming, cooking, fishing, and also completing quest like every farming sim have.
You will feel a deep connection with every characters in your travels, each has their own backstories, favorites and dislikes.
Though sometimes its gets grindy when searching for the materials in each recipe and sailing to and fro to a particular island,
but what matters in this game is the journey each character has taken in their past lives until they reach their destination in the afterlife.
I expect at the end of each of their journeys is gonna be a sad or happy one.
200 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
2439 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.07.21 18:14
I'm writing this review for people who are not sure whether or not to buy the game because it seems too heavy: Buy it!

This game will make you cry, yes. I had to put it down for a couple of days after bringing a certain character to the everdoor. My fiancé and I cried a lot and remembered loved ones that had been through the same and passed.
I'm glad I picked it up again and played until the end. I think I will play it again, alone for understanding how to let go and how to process the loss of a loved one.

[spoiler] Understanding that this whole world is based on Stella's experiences/memories was simply beautiful. In the end you feel like it's okay to let go now because everything up to then feels like a means to guide Stella and make her passing as easy and comfortable as possible. [/spoiler]

The characters are great and the main character is someone I admire. I can wholeheartedly recommend this game.

Thunder Lotus Games is a studio I will keep an eye on. Their games are simply, next to the story, very beautiful and artistic.
The music is top notch as well and it will probably stay this way, because Maxime Lacoste-Lebuís is the musical mastermind for all their games so far.

It will be hard to find another game that deals with death so beautifully.
If I could recommend only one game, it would be this.
32 Produkte im Account
18 Reviews
1706 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.07.21 20:51
This game stole our heart; we love it so much!
- The Sunflower System
94 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
2332 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.07.21 12:57
This may be the kindest game I have ever played. Playing it feels like being wrapped in a big cozy blanket made of hugs and soft, bright color. If the afterlife is anything like playing Spiritfarer... I'm no longer afraid.
75 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
1520 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.07.21 12:09
Was not ready for how good of a story line this game had its very story rich towards the end it is worth it though
244 Produkte im Account
21 Reviews
726 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.06.21 19:58
i enjoy
14 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
3308 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.06.21 18:01
Filled the Stardew-Valley-shaped void in my heart, 10/10 would recommend
200 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
2545 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.06.21 14:56
GREAT story. Very relaxing, go at your own pace. I played this after losing my beautiful Shiba Inu and it definitely helped with the grieving process. 2020 was easier for me because of this game. P.s. bring tissues.
80 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
903 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.06.21 22:37
You can pet the cat, best game
321 Produkte im Account
36 Reviews
1391 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.06.21 20:58
It's a good game with a whole lot of charm. All the characters are well written as far as I can tell.
The only downside I can see is that by late game you're dealing with a lot of busy work. When you have to water plants around 2 times a day, one at a time, then take care of your animals, put some time to crafting or taking care of your passengers, and finally decide if you need to go out to collect resources, it can get very overwhelming. Honestly if they just added something to cut down on the time it takes to water plants, the game wouldn't feel so slow and tedious.
19 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
3415 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.06.21 13:06
If you are currently struggling with loss, play this game. If you are struggling being alone, play this game. If you want to experience something wonderful, play this game.<3
111 Produkte im Account
17 Reviews
3523 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.06.21 17:54
Amazing game!! I honestly have no words for how good it is, just play it and see for yourself! Also, the music is absolutely amazing. Just a warning: it will most likely make you cry
46 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
7323 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.05.21 22:31
My mom passed last year. This dredged up memories of her, of friends, family, old, young. All gone now. Honestly I was little hesitant to play it, as I'm still very much reconciling with her loss. In the end, this game is a celebration of life, to savor each moment, each story, each person that's in your life and to honor your own. You're going to cry, and you're going to be ok.

My five year old also enjoyed playing this but mostly because the controls are easy (with a controller) and he could run, jump and float around, plant stuff, sheer sheep, milk cows and swim. He loved to catch lightning and bugs.
117 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
2276 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.05.21 11:53
Heartwarming and sad
2450 Produkte im Account
194 Reviews
2892 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.05.21 18:28
Spiritfarer is a huge game - howlongtobeat lists it as 23-36 hours long depending on completion, but can be a lot more. For me it was 48 hours spent with the game running, and likely 43ish hours playing it. And at some points during that 43 hours, I would have written a different review. It surely has its ups and downs.
For starters, the game begins extremely fast. You’re dropped into an unknown world and get your “job” in maybe 3 minutes. Then you’re gradually presented more options, more locations, more resources, more upgrades, new spirits, as the game goes on, in a loop, until the end.
Some things I wish I knew sooner:
Progress: The game is only as big as the currently unlocked map if you don’t follow the spirits quests. There are three milestones to get past: ice, rocks and fog. Game gets really nice after the ice, and stunning after the rocks, with many options and goals.
“Economy” don’t try to “break the economy” by pushing yourself farming resources or money at the beginning, the game will only give you more as it progresses, and it’s vastly better to collect whatever you can compared to buying.

With those out of the picture: I was miserable at the beginning of the game. So little to do, so few places to go, the ship stops at night. You see, I love my game mechanics, and there were barely anything to do. And while the spirits have stories, they only drop 4-5 blocks of story after progressing their quests, outside of it they are mostly there to demand food.

Then after I started focusing on the character stories, the game started opening up, which made it a lot better in many ways. New abilities are granted quite rarely (also linked to spirits’ stories) but new resources, buildings, resource-collecting minigames get unlocked. The game starts acting like a game with stuff to do, and I started to enjoy it a LOT more.

But as the game progressed, it became clear that it has some issues with storytelling. It’s not entirely sure if you have some adventuring done between story “segments”, or you get some story between adventuring. Many, if not most spirits don’t have a personality, they only have things that they say.. They still have a quite well laid out character, but they don’t really act it, because they have so few non-storydump dialogues. And what they have, most of that is linked to food.
Also an interesting issue of mine - the game’s narrative is like a reverse Murdered: Soul Suspect. In M:S.S. you are collecting info and memories that the main character knows but you don’t, and it breaks immersion. In Spiritfarer everyone treats Stella as they know her, which builds connection, but you have no idea who they are, and it comes off like you’re amnesiac and it’s kind of weird, it surely made me distanced from many characters. I want to like them for what they do now, not what they tell me about what they did. Game is somewhat lacking in the “show, don’t tell” thing in the characters department.

Overall, after the bad start and getting the game known better, it became quite a solid one, I ended up enjoying the second half a lot better than I expected from the start. Would give it a 7 or 7.5 / 10. It was great looking and pleasant -I liked to sit down and continue the game, but wasn’t thrilled to do so.
645 Produkte im Account
85 Reviews
1737 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.04.21 12:14
Incredibly beautiful art, animation and music. A lot of reviewers are noting the game is sad and will make you cry, but I want to note that Spiritfarer is not, in my opinion, depressing in any way. Sure, your character Stella is helping spirits to pass on, but there's far less emphasis on death than there is a celebration of life, I think, especially in the nature of the gameplay. Welcoming them aboard, cooking for them, building them unique homes and adding decor they love, giving them hugs. In return they help you with tasks aboard the ship, introduce minigames that yield unique resources, and tell you stories about themselves. When they want to pass through the Everdoor, it's on their terms.

As a resource management game, it's pretty laid back and not particularly demanding. No single resource is difficult to find, you just have to make the short journey to find it. Exploration is fun and I enjoyed all the quests and sidequests. The NPCs have some great dialogue, which you don't usually get in games.

My only complaint about Spiritfarer is... pacing? Specifically the order in which you meet the spirits. Stella having a deep connection to the first spirit you meet makes that passage through the Everdoor that much more affecting, but you don't END on any particularly emotional farewells IMO. A lot of the later game spirits are far less likeable, including one that is so cold and aloof that I cannot even remember their name. I appreciate the inclusion of spirits that aren't as friendly and loveable to more realistically reflect different people you meet in life (and death, in this case) but don't dump them all on us towards the end of the game. Space em out. At the end of the game I was already feeling the resource management becoming stale, was tired of jumping all over the map, and the few companions I had left were the less memorable ones. I was also trying to 100% the game and tend to get burnt out on resource management so I suppose take my complaint with a grain of salt.

Otherwise? Definitely a 9/10 game. So much more than I expected it to be.
1612 Produkte im Account
19 Reviews
45 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.04.21 19:46
You can hug your cat!
421 Produkte im Account
16 Reviews
2342 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.04.21 11:36
I wish i could forget this game, have the pleasure to restart it from scratch again, and falling in love with its heartwarming story, caracters, and creative direction.

A pure masterpiece, right into your guts.
165 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
1892 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.04.21 09:14
I am glad that I came across this game, this game is doing wonders for me in coping with the loss of my father. I hope that I am able to come to peace with his passing the further I journey further into this game. This game is absolutely relaxing, emotional, touching, and you are sure to feel for the people that you help feel ready to pass on. 10/10 would recommend to others.

1st edit: Each time you have to say goodbye to one of them it hits like a truck but it helps you learn and realize that it's okay to have lost someone you care about.
271 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
1657 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.04.21 16:08

Spiritfarer is a beautifully emotional journey about loss and guidance. Never have I felt such strong emotional responses to a video game, until I played this masterpiece.

Gameplay: The gameplay of Spiritfarer is very casual, revolving around passenger and ship management as well as exploration. As the Spiritfarer, you are expected to guide lost souls to their resting place at the Everdoor. To accomplish this you must complete various objectives and build homes for the many spirits that you come across. I thought that the gameplay was an enjoyable experience, and felt calm and relaxed during my playtime. The only possible negative to the gameplay is that it might be somewhat boring to those who are looking for a more grindy/challenging experience, but any problems you might have with the gameplay are offset by the beauty and intensity of the story and soundtrack. The gameplay is arguably the weakest portion of the game, not because it's bad, rather because every other part of the game is so powerful.

Story/Writing: Wow, wow, wow. The writers of Spiritfarer are geniuses. They really know how to build a relationship between the player and virtual characters. Even as animals (no, this is not a furry game), I felt such strong connections with the spirits that made releasing them into the afterlife that much harder. The writing of this game was incredible, and there are countless memorable quotes that really impact your thoughts and outlooks on life vs. death.

Sound/Soundtrack: By far my favorite part of the game. The music is incredible and perfectly shapes the atmosphere of the game. But the sound design of this game is some of the best I've heard in many years of gaming. Every sound in this game is so crisp, and many of sounds implemented during events such as at the everdoor or shrines squeeze your chest with impactful reality.

Art/Graphics: Not much to say here. The art style is beautiful, and really gives me Ghibli vibes. Works perfectly with the game and is surprisingly refined given the hand-drawn animation style.

Overall: I bought this game on a whim when I saw the great reviews coming in, and it more than surprised me. If you are looking for an emotionally touching game that radiates beauty and art, Spiritfarer checks all the boxes on a special experience that is elevated past the label of a video game. Be prepared to cry.
373 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
1367 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.04.21 13:10
Beautiful game, a true masterpiece. Hit me right in the feels so many times. Would love to play this game multiple times, but it's best to move on. If you're reading this and are thinking of buying the game, please do and please finish it.
74 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
1777 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.03.21 14:09
This game made me happy.
This game me feel cozy.
This game made me feel sad.
This game reminds me of my family.
This game reminds me of their passing and their dear memories.
This game reminds me to cherish life and be kind to all.
This game made me realize to appreciate each passing day.
One day to another, through dawn and sunset.

Tears of gratitude and Tears of lamentation. Good Music, Good art, Atul best uncle. 10/10.
286 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
2137 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.03.21 02:51
I'm not crying, you're crying.

But seriously, after playing games with people killing each other or fighting scary monsters, this game is a breath of fresh air to just chill, fish, hug spirits and hug your cat. It's like animal crossing but with story and endgame and if your villagers all died.

Like other reviews say, some of the events and resource management are repetitive and a little annoying (looking at you smithy) but overall all the resources are easy to get and don't really require a lot of grinding and everything respawns within an in game day or two.

There's some pacing issues with the story and I wish there was a little bit more control about the spirits you end the game with, namely the least likeable ones who Stella doesn't have any ties to emotionally while her closest friends are long gone. When you get your resources and all the spirits are gone, it feels like there's nothing left to do or maintain on the boat. I guess that's part of it, to show the absence of people you've cared about and cared for.

Other than that, this is an amazing game with beautiful artwork, beautiful music and it's very easy to get sucked in and spend a ton of time on it. There's plenty to do for completionists as well. The npcs are full of personality, even the ones who are just running around town and you really do get emotionally invested in them and their final tasks and journey.
the 2 player option is cool as well. I wish I had someone to play through it all with, I just couldnt wait for them to actually have the same time to play with me. It's a good excuse to have a 2nd playthrough.

Death has been something i've always decided to not deal with. I never want to say goodbye even though I know i've lost people along the way. One characters exit hit's home to me and I'll forever miss this person, but I still haven't said goodbye to them. I feel they're just on a long vacation, so maybe this act of virtual goodbyes hopefully gives me some peace.

9/10 would cry again.
897 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
1473 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.03.21 22:49
This game hit me like no game has in a long time.

I'm generally wary of builder/management/sim games because they can suck you into a grind and disappear hours that don't leave much of a lasting impression. Not the case here. The chores do build up, but I enjoyed doing most of them until maybe the 20-hour mark when I was close to wrapping up the game.

The character arcs, art style and soundtrack are the real gems of Spiritfarer. Every play session felt relaxing and rejuvenating even if I wasn't progressing the main quests. As I navigated through the main story, I came to appreciate the unique personalities of each character (even the annoying ones), and I ended up feeling much more connected to them than I would have expected. Every time I finished a character arc, it reminded me of people who have come and gone throughout my own life.

Truly a wonderful game. Highly recommended. Only thing I would change is I wish I played on Switch instead of Steam since it plays best with a controller.
6860 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
4194 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.03.21 02:50
Yes but only if you want to be sad
513 Produkte im Account
25 Reviews
2057 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.03.21 07:40
I cried a lot, 10/10, would cry again.
305 Produkte im Account
62 Reviews
623 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.03.21 01:43
This game is the social contact I need in times of lockdown.
256 Produkte im Account
19 Reviews
2526 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.03.21 14:16
You cannot play through this game and tell me that video games aren't capable of being an art form.
1283 Produkte im Account
58 Reviews
1700 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.03.21 10:28
Probably the most unexpected hit on my list, had no expectations when buying this game other than that I've been searching for a couch play game.

It's such a blast to play. Beautiful graphics/animations, lively characters, amazing co-op play, super chill gameplay as well. It's all about exploration and it does extremely well.

A perfect co-op experience: I do mostly smithing, cutting the wood, riding the ship, watering the plants, talking to NPCs, giving them food etc.
While my partner does the fishing, experimental cooking, knitting, milking the cows, collecting eggs etc.

Easily 10/10, can't wait to play more of it when they add new characters
163 Produkte im Account
45 Reviews
2362 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.02.21 09:42
A studio ghibli version of a game.
Just play it.
208 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
1675 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.02.21 12:13
I think this game broke the record for the amount of times it made me cry.
30 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
1514 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.02.21 15:30
This game is a huge cathartic experience and this review is based solely from my opinion. It's music, it's characters, it's story all bring a joy to me that I haven't felt since childhood. In my opinion, the whole atmosphere and vibe would match those days where you'd walk home from school, feeling the golden sun heat against your skin, the smell of your lunch coming from the kitchen, the voices of your parents/siblings cheerfully welcoming you home.

Things have been stressful in my life, from moving house to my end of semester exams, this game is a breath of fresh air. Although there are times where the grinding and management of materials feel too much, in the end it feels worth it because the characters were like friends and family to me. The main story and the story of each characters is surprisingly bittersweet, if you played the game you'd know what I'm talking about. Completing the objectives and progressing the story brings me a sense of pride and joy.

Don't get me started on the music, Max LL did an astounding and phenomenal job with the score. Every song, every note, every change in notes fuels the adventure that this game holds. Whenever a song begins it brings a sort of immersion, as if I'm adventuring in this boat. I've only ever liked or listened to a handful of songs on certain game's OSTs, but this game's OST in its entirety is so endearing and heartfelt to me. I wish I can sacrifice these words to convey the amount of love and passion I have for this game.

I've only played 13 hours, yet... when I finished it, I know that I'll wish to experience this whole game again. As I've said earlier, I'd love to sacrifice these words to truly convey my love for this game. The dev's did an amazing job and frankly, I hope they keep it up with future titles. I know this is going to get lost in a sea of reviews, but I am 100% okay with that. Because I've truly vented my feelings and love for this game. And if you've read this, I thank you for reading this far, and I thank you for even reading it in the first place <3
8 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
7034 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.02.21 09:37
It's a real feel good game. I've never experienced so much calm in a game.
48 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
2250 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.01.21 22:49
this is a game about acceptance and making peace with the temporary.

it's okay to let go.
307 Produkte im Account
99 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1894 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.01.21 18:44
I'll have to start off by saying that Spiritfarer is a beautiful game that does a lot of things right, but since the Steam reviews are already so positive I decided to share my criticism. In short, I enjoy the idea of the game a lot more than the game itself. There were two serious problems with the game's design, one concerning the primary gameplay loop, and the other regarding the pacing.

By looking at the art style, the music, and the trailer on the Steam page, one would assume this game to be relaxing and wholesome. However, although the intent of the developers may have been to deliver such an experience, the resulting game is quite stressful. Instead of spending most of your time caring for your spirit guests, you're constantly running around hording resources. I'm not even exaggerating when I say that I spent 10% of the game watering my crops, which, as you might understand, became quite tedious a few hours in. On top of that, you are always on the clock. Days are short, time doesn't stop when you're in a menu, and the guests become hungrier and hungrier with every minute you don't feed them. I quickly found myself overwhelmed with all the guests shouting my name, the kitchen bell reminding me to take a dish out of the oven, keeping the ship on course, adjusting the windmill, making sure the sheep don't eat the crops-- In the end it's just a management game that incites you to be efficient rather than to take your time.

Secondly, my playthrough had horrible pacing, although I can't say this will be the case for everyone. The story progression is quite linear, and has a lot of bottlenecks that can stop you from progressing in other tasks. The real problem here is that these bottleneck quests didn't always clearly communicate what I needed to do. Right at the start, it took me at least 2 in-game weeks to find out I had to visit Gwen's lodge to advance her quest. During this time I started to forget she even existed, and by the time I could finally bring her to the Everdoor my emotional attachment to the character was back to zero. I had multiple of these instances of not knowing how to progress (how do I get silk? how do I get oil?) , and because they were bottlenecks the effect rippled through to the storylines of the other characters. This would constantly bring the pacing down to an abrupt stop.

Of course, the art is beautiful, the music is enchanting, the cuddling mechanic is the best thing to have ever been invented, but these fundamental cracks in the game's design prevented me from having the experience the devs advertised.

84 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
1477 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.01.21 21:56
I hug the frog guy to cheer myself up
597 Produkte im Account
187 Reviews
1263 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.01.21 03:47
My feelings towards Spiritfarer can be summed in a single anecdote.
After handling a bunch of requests for many characters, I was already sick of watching Stella’s animations for getting food out of the oven and watering plants, tired of the strecthes I had nothing to do besides fishing while exploring or going places. Honestly I was not having the best time and got ready to call it a day after some progress was made on a request.
Then in my usual routine, where food cherripicked to my passangers liking was handed out and gave Alice, the grandma of the group, a nice apple pie. For some reason, her earnest reaction and gentle smile as she ate it made me shed a little tear of satisfaction.
Next thing I knew it was 3 am.

Spiritfarer is half a simple but prolonged management game which respectfully uses emotional attachment to create a layer of engagement seldom seen.

It honestly does get very tedius to get progress,as beautiful the animation is and enjoyable most of the cast is to interact with, there is no guarantee you’ll enjoy all of it.
And for a game clearly aimed at young audiences, it certainly could use some more helpful guidance to avoid any ocasional confusion.
But I cracked a genuine smile at a hedgehog eating her dinner in glee after grinding the fruit, preparing it and serving.

If that doesnt tell you the strengh in effectively building a bond with the characters and communicating it’s themes with maturity and subtlety, I dont know what to tell you.
It’s a great experience that makes the voyage mean something, despite taking its sweet time.
121 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
1713 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.12.20 09:40
This game is practically designed to make you cry as many times as it possibly can. It has a formulaic structure with all of the story arcs you encounter on your vessel: 1) introduce a character, 2) give them interesting (though not always redeeming) characteristics and personalities, 3) have them gradually reveal more and more about themselves as grow to appreciate you more and more, and 4) send them away forever, with sappy dialogue accompanying the final moment you have with them.

Does it work the first time? Yes.

Does it work the second time? ...Yes.

Does it work the last time?



This game made me cry not once, not twice, but five times. That's four times more than any other game has made me cry.

And it never brings you to tears in a manner that's emotionally manipulative or cheap. You're the spiritfarer: your job is to enable spirits in limbo to be able to part this world and say goodbye. There's gonna be a lot of heartache in that occupation.

At every moment, the game feels genuine — sometimes to a fault. It allows loose ends to go untied, and story arcs to be left incomplete, and spirits to leave limbo unfulfilled or unredeemed, because oftentimes that's how it is when people leave you. There have been moments where I found myself genuinely angry at the game for handling their characters this way, even though I fully understand why they chose to do so. Even after completing the game in full, I still can't bring myself to forgive them entirely for letting some of the characters disappear unfinished.

The game was very well-paced, at least in terms of managing tasks for the player. It's pretty free-flowing and open-world. Oftentimes, you have more than one task that you need to do at any given time, and when you're not busy actually doing said task, you're busy improving your ship or gathering resources or discovering more of the map. I very rarely got bored because I had nothing to do but wait (with exception to some moments in the late game, where I only had two passengers left on the ferry), but at the same time I never felt overwhelmed with things that I needed to get done.

That being said, the open-world nature of the game isn't handled perfectly. It can be easy to unintentionally progress further than intended, collecting resources that you weren't meant to know even existed until you'd collected obols or spirit flowers from certain spirits that are still aboard your ship. It can also be easy to unintentionally fall far behind in collecting resources. There were some spirits whose favorite food I was never able to make for them because it required ingredients that I could never access, or a building that I lacked the necessary materials to create. Heck, there was one spirit that I didn't even get to meet before I got the chance to complete the game! I wish the game held your hand a bit more. I had to consult the wiki far too many times to figure out what to do next, or how to get a certain resource, or how to correctly interpret one of my tasks. And for the love of god, can I PLEASE have the ability to cut down trees in my orchard?! I don't want to have to tear it down and rebuild it every time I need a new home-grown resource.

There are lots of minigames incorporated into Spiritfarer. Most of them, honestly, fall kinda flat. They're fun the first few times, but after sailing through your ninth lightning storm, you lose all motivation to do the minigame just for the fun of it. The only exception was the meteor shower minigame, which always left me awestruck by the music and atmosphere when I played it. The others, however, had too little charm. I especially dislike the minigame for accelerating the growth of your plants. It's so slow and tedious and boring. You just press a few buttons every few seconds to the rhythm of the same leitmotif over and over and over again, uggh!

So it's not a perfect game. It has its kinks and rough edges here and there for sure.

But at the same time, it was a wholesome experience that I thoroughly enjoyed from start to finish. I'd give this game a solid 8/10, and recommend it to anyone who likes story rich tearjerkers.
180 Produkte im Account
78 Reviews
579 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.12.20 05:04
A beautiful journey that explores the meaning of life and death in a unique way

Spiritfarer feels like a glorious hybrid of Stardew Valley, Animal Crossing and Sea of Thieves, and it is really fantastic, cute yet incredibly deep and at times, pretty sad too.

Incredible art, gorgeous animation and wonderful characters all come together for a story that is a lot deeper than you might first think when diving in. The progression and ease of exploration is wonderful, a super chill game to play if you are just wanting to unwind and set sail for an adventure unlike any other.
336 Produkte im Account
16 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
2004 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.12.20 01:00
This review is meant to readjust people's expectations a bit on what kind of game this really is and what you'll spend the majority of the time doing. I'm also writing this out in hopes that I can clarify some things I wished someone mentioned to me before purchasing this game. This is not a hard non-recommendation. Very specific people will not enjoy this game and I want to address certain things for their sake.

As described by this game's description, this is very much a resource gathering/management game first and foremost. Despite the impression you might get from trailers and the early demo, the heartfelt moments of this game only briefly punctuate the long sessions of task-juggling, traveling, crafting, and resource gathering rather than balancing out those moments of extended gameplay in an even way. If I had to use percentages, it feels like 90% of the game is doing some sort of busywork and the other 10% are moments you sparingly enjoy.

Those who have a tendency to leave no stone unturned, clear out notifications, or address issues in a prompt manner will feel like this game is CONSTANTLY nagging at you to finish doing something. Tasks include feeding passengers, tending animals, bouncing from one island to the next, cooking, various crafting, constantly watering plants ALL THE TIME, etc. Timers on these gameplay aspects will simultaneously run down and you'll always find yourself obligated to address them as they constantly call for your attention.

I know this is what resource management games are all about, but the issue here is that the balance between the gameplay and the story elements seem HEAVILY skewed towards the former. For those more curious about Stella's story and her passengers, it feels like WAY too much busywork and time invested for the payoff. Imagine trying to spread a single dot of peanut butter over a piece of sliced bread. My overall enjoyment of this game felt hampered by this sort of imbalance. People with certain personality types will never feel relaxed despite wanting to do so in a beautiful game like this. Despite the game's descriptions, the gameplay loop is NOT cozy or relaxing.

One thing I'll say is that nothing significantly detrimental happens when you fail to keep up with things, but if you don't realize this (usually not until late in the game when you've given up on staying on top of things) and have the personality of getting things done, the journey towards learning about Stella and her passengers will feel stagnant and frustrating with all the simultaneous plate-spinning and upkeep along the way.

Gameplay and balance aside, a few characters leave a great impression, but the overall story arcs of the remaining passengers don't feel particularly fulfilling. I don't see much growth or satisfying conclusions. It's more about them slowly revealing their stories and finally accepting their specific circumstances. I feel like there are attempts to be profound and I appreciate the effort, but I was ultimately feeling empty--not because I was sad, but because I felt like something was a bit off and unrelatable in terms of how the characters conveyed their feelings and dealt with their circumstances. It feels like someone writing a second-hand account of someone else's words, journey, and experiences instead of it genuinely coming from the characters themselves. Stella herself is likable and expressive in animation and movement, but her non-reaction to her own journey felt a bit odd especially in this game's conclusion.

Although I was weary with the game as a whole, there were still individual aspects of the game that really left a positive impression on me. There's just an ever-present charm in all aspects of this game. The music and art are all so beautiful. I loved how much personality each character design had. Those individual aspects among other small details are awesome and I will always remember them.

Ultimately, this game was definitely not for me, but I can appreciate what it offers especially to those who are looking for A LOT more gameplay in these sort of seemingly emotionally-charged games.

For those who wanted something more relaxing or at least something that was a bit more balanced between gameplay and story, this game may frustrate you. However, if you still are curious about the characters, story, art, and wonderful soundtrack, I recommend watching a playthrough of this game instead. It's still worthwhile to witness and experience the endearing the moments of this game and its wonderful soundtrack even if you're watching someone else play.
1192 Produkte im Account
39 Reviews
2444 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.12.20 13:11
Spiritfarer is a story-heavy resource management platformer, and quite unlike anything I've played before. Your task, as the Spiritfarer, is to find and care for spirits and guide them into the afterlife.

To accommodate the needs of your spirit guests, you need to give them a place to live, food (and hugs), and fulfil various other needs. This requires a fair bit of resource gathering and processing, which means you'll need to build out your ship with new structures, acquire new skills, and perform many different activities like farming, cooking and sawing.

You won't be able to do everything at first, but as you get new spirits aboard your ship, you will receive quests which lead you around the map to unlock new abilities, find new resources, and unlock blueprints for building. There are also several platforming challenges on the islands you visit, and you need to improve your platforming gradually by unlocking new abilities at certain shrines.

These gameplay mechanics are fun for the most part, but they can get a bit tedious eventually. Where the game really shines though, is in the story department, where it delivers credible characters with varied backstories, unique personalities, and great emotional depth. I was surprised by how much I came to care for most of my spirit guests, and how bittersweet it felt to eventually release them into the afterlife.

Even months after finishing the game, I still sometimes think about it with nostalgia, and especially miss my spirit friend Atul.

System, settings and performance

Operating system Pop!_OS 20.04 LTS x86_64 (5.4.0-7642-generic kernel)
CPU/GPU/RAM i7-8750H / GTX 1060 Mobile (440.100 driver) / 7.50 GiB
Controller Xbox 360 controller, wired - no issues
652 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
2311 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.12.20 02:50
an incredibly gentle look at death. this game has helped me as I've been processing the loss of my sister. It is very sweet, and each character looks at death differently. Be sure to talk to all of your passengers as often as you can. You will miss their stories if you don't.
285 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
1484 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.12.20 12:36
I have a really hard time reviewing games I like, and I've liked this one a lot.

For me, it's the best game of 2020, possibly the best game of the last 5 years, too. Both art style and soundtrack are gorgeous, so it's an absolute pleasure to play. The gameplay is pretty simple and relaxing, but where the heart of the game really lies is the story. I won't say much about it since anything can be a spoiler, but anyone who has experienced a loss can undoubtedly relate to it. I don't remember a game ever touching me so deeply and making me cry so much. An absolutely beautiful experience, well-worth the full price.
216 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
2342 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.11.20 05:55
Grateful .
I am grateful that this game exists. I initially bought this game because of it's really pretty aesthetic and because I heard people compare it to GRIS which I enjoyed immensely. Plus, the fact that I was going to be the next Charon, guiding spirits to the afterlife intrigued me to say the least.

I was not prepared. It had been a while since anything made me feel as much as this game did. It reminded me of Stardew Valley at first, with all the farming, gathering and building mechanics. It feels very calming. As the game progresses, you learn more about the spirits you take on board and your own character, Stella. The thing is, the dialogues are so refreshingly realistic that you can't help but feel attached to them at some point. Was it because the spirits were based on real life friends or family of the devs? Maybe.

The thing is, almost all the spirits you help are people you've (or Stella, rather) has known or interacted with at some point of your life, before you became the spiritfarer. As time goes on, you learn about your spirits, what they like, what the dislike, their favourite meal, how they were when they were alive and why they haven't moved on yet. Sometimes, you help them figure these out, while at the same time, you learn more and more about your own past. Why did you become the new spiritfarer?

As much as you'd like the spirits to stay forever, they can't. They will come to terms with their death or their feelings and move on. It's such a bittersweet moment when you take them to the evergate and they give you one final long hug, before they finally move on. What makes it even more heart wrenching is that you go back to your ship and the house you made for them and filled with stuff they like, it...it remains forever on your ship. with their spirit flowers blooming on their bed.

The story and dialogues are so well done. The game doesn't sugarcoat things and doesn't shy away from depicting loss or depression in it's true form. This is exactly why you form bonds in some kind of capacity with almost all the spirits because their emotions and feelings, their story...feels so real. They're not just some NPCs. They could be your friends, family.

The music is excellent as well, especially the ones that play during the minigames. Makes you wanna put your heart into it.

This game will hit you in the feels and it may hit hard, but it's all worth it. At the end of they day, you've formed bonds and helped spirits move on.

This game is near perfect (there are some things which the story could have done better, but it's not all that important because it's mostly towards the end and can be ignored. Oh and the animations can't be skipped, so it might get a tad bit tiring at some point, but I got over that pretty quickly) and I'm so glad I played it. It's definitely worth investing money and time into. If there's any game that I'd rate 10/10, this would be it.

Edit: This game has a hug button. Hugs are nice. Git hugged.
191 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
2064 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.11.20 21:56
I'm not crying i swear

This game is a fucking masterpiece. One of the most emotional and well-written games I have ever played. I already want to play it again just to talk to the characters. The dialogue in this game is so goddamn engaging, and the spirits themselves are meticulously thought out, creating what is probably the most realistic depiction of humanity/the varying degrees of human behaviour in any video game... whilst of course being in the form of spirit animals.

This game had me on the brink on tears and made me so frequently happy that i felt constantly reminded of what i feel is one of the games core narrative themes: how hectic life is, the ups and downs, the constant emotional changes. There are so many deeper meanings and layers that i honestly feel i could write about this game for hours.

TLDR: I cried like maybe 3 times
106 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
2008 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.11.20 18:39
---{Art Design}---
☑ Had to Stop Playing to Appreciate It
☐ Incredibly Polished
☐ Good Enough to Play Through
☐ Has Some Flaws
☐ Hurts to Look At
☐ Pixelated Eye Torture

---{Fun Factor}---
☑ Maximum Replay Value
☐ Hours of Fun
☐ Has Good Pacing
☐ Didn't Catch My Attention
☐ Lost the Will to Play
☐ Sleep Simulator

☑ Beautiful Beyond Words
☐ Has Many Good Moments
☐ Sounds As Good As It Plays
☐ Not Very Moving
☐ Bad Tracks/Sounds
☐ Crazy Bus

---{PC Requirements}---
☐ It Runs Doom
☐ Potato Quality
☐ Average Laptop
☑ Average Desktop PC
☐ Gaming Rig
☐ Intel Supercomputer

---{Difficulty/Skill Ceiling}---
☐ Insert Game
☑ Relaxing With Few Challenges
☐ Steady Learning Curve
☐ Easy to Pick Up, Hard to Master
☐ Requires Hours of Repetition
☐ Learning the Cockpit of an Apache Helicopter

☐ I Already Have the Best Gear
☐ Fast and Easy Progression
☑ Balanced Between Effort and Reward
☐ Takes Some Time to Shine
☐ Feels Like Work
☐ My Weekend For A Horse!

☑ My Emotions!
☐ Very Well Written
☐ Has Good Elements
☐ Story Elements Aren't Necessary
☐ Jumping the Shark
☐ Cringeworthy

---{Average Play Time}---
☐ Very Little
☐ Short
☑ Average
☐ Long
☐ Very Long
☐ No Real End Game

☐ No Disruptions
☐ Bugs Add to the Experience
☑ Minor Disruptive Bugs
☐ Stopped The Game A Little
☐ Crashes Sometimes
☐ P̶͂̓͠͠l̸̾e̵̿̉͂̍a̷̛͐͗̓͠ś̸͒́e̶̊̄ ̸̆͑̀K̸̛il̸̛͂̄̐l̵͊̕ ̴͑̉̚Me̴̒͗

To say that this game changed my preconceived notions for what video games represent as an artistic medium is a gross understatement. Spiritfarer is a crowning achievement in story driven and artistic game design, one that is deserving of praise for it's light-hearted premise, clever writing, and heavy subject matter. It will be forever cherished in my Steam library as one of two games that made me cry (the latter being Witcher 3) and I cried multiple times in this game.

The true star player in this adventure is the orchestral soundtrack. The music catches your sense of wonder as you explore the River Styx to new islands, immersing you as you visit new regions. It leaps into action during exciting platforming challenges and knows to relax during the more touching moments. The characters and spirits you meet along your journey also have their own personality quirks with dialogue that breathes life into them. They laugh, they cry, and will pout if you don't feed or take care of them properly.

True to the description on the store page, this game is in fact a game about dying. However, unlike many other games on death it handles the subject matter without beating around the bush. Spirits you meet will regal you with tales of their past lives, their relationships, and their grievances. All the baggage preventing them from passing on is laid out in front of you and when that weight is finally lifted, some will either accept that their time is up or will pour out all of their regrets before being sent to the afterlife. It is this quality that I find makes each spirit memorable and difficult to let go of when they depart, especially for those who have experienced loss of a loved one.

Contrary to a lot of negative reviews the grind factor does not punish you for focusing on one resource only and there are many ways to circumvent going to different islands to collect resources. The bugs in the game are minor at best and even when I got stuck on an in-game menu or glitched the game I could always exit the game and come back without running into further problems. My only real gripe is the lack of support for Steam's Remote Play feature when playing co-op. Often the character playing Daffodil would suffer extreme controller input lag or either player would lose control of their inputs. However even with this issue in mind I do recommend playing Spiritfarer solo first before bringing in a friend as that is the best way to experience it.

What will you leave behind? Perhaps the answer to that lies within the question itself. Many people can't take with them the things they want most out of life. We see it in everyday people and in ourselves from time to time. What we choose to leave behind ultimately is something we hold dear in our hearts because in the end, when we reach our dying breath, the warmth of that memory will last forever.

P.S.: If you're on the fence about purchasing the game because of the sadness expressed in this review that's okay. The game should be taken in small play sessions rather than long binges so it'll give you time to catch up emotionally the next time you start it.
79 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
1897 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.11.20 03:39
This game is so well made. I am so happy I made myself follow through and complete it, even if I didn't fully get every chest and recipe. Much like Gris, which walks you through stages of grief, Spiritfarer also walks you through the process as well. It really hit home and I found every character to be relatable on some level ,and many hit close to home. I'd recommend this game, despite a bug here or there. Such an amazing job.
398 Produkte im Account
63 Reviews
2258 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.11.20 15:02

Somtimes, All You Need Is A Simple Hug.

Spiritfarer is a relaxing management game. As Stella, the new spiritfarer, players need to build their boats, explore the world, and take care of the spirit friends aboard. The game caught my eyes with its clean artstyle. I was then captivated by the demo released earlier this year. The concept of hugging everyone to comfort or make them joyful really steals my heart[strike], especially hugging humanoid animals. I am a hopeless furry.[/strike] The charm does not end there. The vivid characters, the various mini games, and the exploration elevates the experience to be fruitful. I strongly recommend this game, especially to those who want to take a break from games of different genres.

Things I Like About Spiritfarer:

1. Clean Artstyle
The first time I knew Thunder Lotus was through Sundered. The eldritch action roguelite game had a unique touch in terms of artstyle. Something in their background, character portrait, and enemy design stirs my sense. Smooth and sureal. Twisted, yet somehow ethereal. And now I see the same thing in Spiritfarer. Less twisted, smoother and more ethereal. The game itself, in comparison to the previous title, is quite peaceful. The developer uses simple lines and plain colors to enlighten the idea, presenting a cheerful journey in this vast, clear afterworld.

2. Lovely Characters
Probably the most important element in this game. The developer did a really good job polishing every character to be unique and lovable individual. It makes me feel like everyone aboard belong to my big family. A blasé yet caring deer big sister, a cheerful and resourceful toad uncle, and a knowledgeable, vegan snake grandma; an amiable yet forgetful hedgehog grandma who enjoys gardening, an innocent and wonderful mushroom little brother with a cute and straightforward mindset, and a little snooty yet charming falcon uncle with a keen artistic sense. Even the bully in the game is likeable. It`s easy to grow attach to these characters. Their intersesting dialogues and quests truly showcases their personality, not to mention their specialties which can aid the player for necessary materials for upgrades. I really wish I could see Gwen, Atul, Summer and Alice again. They are my favorite members during this wonderful trip. I miss them a lot.

3. All-In-One Features
The gameplay of Spiritfarer can be summed up as a series of mini games. Building management: as more passengers aboard, the player needs to maximize the vessel capacity and channel inner artistic integrity to form the wonderful combination comfortable for both function-wise and aesthetic-wise. Gardenig experience: there are three types of plantation that need you to water, with each soil suitable for certain kinds of seeds. Materials gathering: every resource has its own mechanic for the player to master, while most of them require precision and agility, some require a certain passenger on board to access. Cooking: with a magical oven, Stella can cook up a lot of delicious and exotic delicacy to satisfy everyone. The possible recipe is only limited by the player imagination. Finally, after a long day, why not sit back and simply fish? You never know what kind of thing can be pulled out from the vast, azure ocean.

4. You Can Hug Everyone Aboard, Even Your Lovely Cat.

Things I Dislike About Spiritfarer

1. Workshop Material Caps
I don`t know why the amount of materials you can put into the corresponding workshop differs. You can put as many silks as you want in the loom and weave as many as you want, but you can only put five ores in the foundry and produce five ingots at a time; you can put as many moods as you want in the sawmill and saw as many as your heart desire, but you can only smith one piece of metal sheet at a time in the smithy. For both situations, the latters probably make sense in real life, except this is a video game. I see no harm to remove the cap for those workshop item limits. Not only does it remove the tediousness of repeating the same process, but it also saves time for other more interesting and engaging activities.

2. A Little Change To Spice Up Small Islands
Most of the lesser islands only serve as materials-gathering location, mainly early game resources. Once you progress through mid-game, there is no reason to revisit these places due to player has already owned so much of those resources and the fact that they have no use for late game content. I suggest giving these islands some mini events once a while, giving the player some motivation to stop by. The rewards can be a little late-game material or a piece of information about the world around. I like revisiting big city for character development or some specific quests. It makes the experience fresh and interesting. I wish the smaller islands receive some love too.
461 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
1946 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.10.20 00:51
My friend passed away three days before this game came out. He had convinced me to play Stardew Valley a year before, and when I saw this game and what it was about, I knew playing it might be difficult, but I decided I would give it a try and to see if it could help me process my emotions.

This is a meditative game about death and dying, about the celebration of relationships, and about the interconnectedness of lives. I often found myself playing this game with brimming eyes and smiling mouth. Spiritfarer captures the incredibly sweet melancholy of remembering loved ones who have passed away as well as the slow acceptance or jarring abruptness of loss.

You explore the world on your Ferry, taking over for Charon on the River Styx. As you tend to crops and fish, you also escort souls to the Everdoor, their final resting place. You seem to have met each of these souls before, and you get to know them all over again as they ask you to help them tend to their unfinished business before passing. As you travel, you build the spirits houses, you cook them food, and you make them happy. Then, you say goodbye one last time as they pass through the Everdoor. It's a decently simple game, and you can complete it at your leisure.

I highly recommend this game, even if (or maybe especially if) you have experienced loss.

Also, you get to hug a cat whenever you want.

460 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
1929 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.10.20 09:12
A wonderful, heartfelt, and artistically beautiful game. While some of the mechanics may get daunting, it's incredibly chill and the tales of each spirit are wonderfully spun. Emotions will be felt. This is for someone who really wants to get engrossed by the characters, seek higher meaning, and feel something. Resource management, while present, isn't pressing although you will probably need a guide or be on your toes if you want all the achievements.

Utterly gorgeous.
40 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
3833 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.10.20 09:56
Gorgeous game with beautiful art style and soundtrack. Will touch your heart in ways you won't expect. I no longer fear death and I fully accept it as a natural part of life because of the journey this game brought me on.

Also you can collect sheepies so what more could you ask for
179 Produkte im Account
24 Reviews
697 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.10.20 20:46
Cracked it originally, but now I'm posting this review here. You know what this means.
257 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
3444 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.10.20 23:01
It is a beautitful game and is especially fun to play with a friend (locally or via steam remote play). The first player plays Stella, the second player plays her cat and can almost help with any task. I had a lot of fun evenings and... how can you not recommend a game where you can hug people and cuddle with your cat?
297 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
4405 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.10.20 05:05
I absolutely love this game. The artwork is beautiful throughout. The controls are intuitive and easy to use. The story is engaging and there are so many things to do, places to explore, and quests to play through. My only complaint is that I wish I had a way to check the map without using the navigation panel, which can only be used during the day.
On a personal note, my father passed shortly before this game came out. Playing through Spiritfarer helped me process some of the grief I was experiencing. I will forever be grateful for this game for that reason alone.
329 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
1881 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.09.20 06:57
At time of writing this review I have played for 8 hours, and have already cried 3 times. 10/10 would cry several more times.
899 Produkte im Account
18 Reviews
1412 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.09.20 14:08
I'm not crying. You're crying.
211 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
2984 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.09.20 02:05
I'm pretty jaded on platformers on account I suck at them (Hollow Knight, Celeste, Meat Boy, etc.), but I really like crafting and coziness in my games, so I got this. The good news is the platforming isn't a big part of the game in that it's not merciless and it's very lax. Yes there are some hard-to-reach areas, but nothing a little legwork can't get you through (and there's no timer, lives, or punishment for failure).

This is just a very relaxing, cozy, heartwarming game. I think its biggest fault is it IS a little repetitive, but there's enough different types of things you can be doing throughout your playthrough to help mitigate the grindy feeling. I think it's perfect for 1-2 hour installments before putting it down and doing something else.

If you're looking for a low-stakes, chillaxing game between whatever else is in your library, I'd say get this.
370 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
615 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.09.20 02:04
107 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
4823 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.09.20 09:48
Amazing game.
If 2020 breaks your soul, Spiritfarer will heal it ❤
257 Produkte im Account
42 Reviews
2575 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.09.20 05:52
This game is...

Something like a photo negative of Sunless Sea.

If you like Animal Crossing, Stardew Valley, etc., but wish they had stories and themes more like Night In The Woods, then you'll almost certainly like this.

Everything moves at your pace. You can drop anchor and fish for three days straight, or dash around the map. There does seem to be some backup if you do multiple things a passenger wants before checking their dialogue, but other than that...

Hug your cat. Hug your passengers. Plant and harvest crops, cook delicious (or questionable) meals, mine and smelt ore, upgrade your ship, endure dad jokes. Let go. Cry. It's okay. Just wait until you're ready - there's no rush.

I've had the game installed maybe 3 days and have 17 hours on it, so.
375 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
1900 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.09.20 17:16
Can hug (almost) everything.

Very good.

Edit: As a user of xbox game pass seeing this appear there felt rough, but the blow was softened knowing I'd given extra to such a great game and devs via steam.
3 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
2064 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.08.20 20:00
Wake up in the morning, I hug my cat, set off to a new destination, play guitar to my crops, and make salad for my spirit friends. I glide, i smile, i fish, i find a poem in a bottle, then put lightning in my bottles. Our spirit animals are not animals. They are people around us, who share their joy and sorrow with us, and guide us through challenges in life before we have to say goodbye. We learn about death, so we could learn more about life. =)
121 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
2519 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.08.20 06:15
Ironic that a charming and unassuming game about death and moving on is one of the only things that has truly spoken to me on finding some sort of meaning in life and to do my best to stay alive despite it all.
97 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
2510 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.08.20 00:05
All I needed during this pandemic was this beautiful game about death. It's creative and inspiring.
WARNING! Full of ninjas cutting onions.
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95.92% 9783 416
Release:18.08.2020 Genre: Adventure Entwickler: Thunder Lotus Games Vertrieb:keine Infos Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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