Spintires: MudRunner - Spiele-Info | eprison.de - Games Information
  • Spintires: MudRunner: Screenshots aus dem Spiel
  • Spintires: MudRunner: Screenshots aus dem Spiel
  • Spintires: MudRunner: Screenshots aus dem Spiel
  • Spintires: MudRunner: Screenshots aus dem Spiel
  • Spintires: MudRunner: Screenshots aus dem Spiel
  • Spintires: MudRunner: Screenshots aus dem Spiel
  • Spintires: MudRunner: Screenshots aus dem Spiel
  • Spintires: MudRunner: Screenshots aus dem Spiel
  • Spintires: MudRunner: Screenshots aus dem Spiel
  • Spintires: MudRunner: Screenshots aus dem Spiel
  • Spintires: MudRunner: Screenshots aus dem Spiel
  • Spintires: MudRunner: Screenshots aus dem Spiel
  • Spintires: MudRunner: Screenshots aus dem Spiel
  • Spintires: MudRunner: Screenshots aus dem Spiel
  • Spintires: MudRunner: Screenshots aus dem Spiel
  • Spintires: MudRunner: Screenshots aus dem Spiel
  • Spintires: MudRunner: Screenshots aus dem Spiel
  • Spintires: MudRunner: Screenshots aus dem Spiel
  • Spintires: MudRunner: Screenshots aus dem Spiel
  • Spintires: MudRunner: Screenshots aus dem Spiel
  • Spintires: MudRunner: Screenshots aus dem Spiel
  • Spintires: MudRunner: Screenshots aus dem Spiel
  • Spintires: MudRunner: Screenshots aus dem Spiel
  • Spintires: MudRunner: Screenshots aus dem Spiel


Du musst angemeldet sein
  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 31.10.2017
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Preis Update 19.09.23

Über das Spiel

Spintires: MudRunner ist die ultimative Version des erstmals auf Konsole erhältlichen Millionenhits "Spintires". Steuere unglaubliche Geländefahrzeuge und rase durch raue Landschaften nur mit einer Karte und einem Kompass zur Hilfe!

Das umfassende Upgrade des Spiels bringt eine neue Sandbox-Karte, die alle 5 bekannten Gebiete enthält, eine völlig überarbeitete Grafik, neuer Challenge-Modus mit 9 eigenständigen Karten, 13 neue Fahrzeuge und vieles mehr.

Wähle aus 19 Geländefahrzeugen mit speziellen Eigenschaften und eigenem Zubehör. Erfülle deine Aufgaben auch unter extremen Bedingungen in rauen Landschaften mit dynamischem Tag-Nacht-Rhythmus. Überwinde Schlamm, reißende Flüsse und andere Hindernisse, die dank ausgeklügelter Physik-Engine auf realistische Weise auf Gewicht und Bewegung deines Fahrzeugs reagieren.

Setze deine Karte, deinen Kompass sowie die Fahrkünste von dir und bis zu drei weiteren Spielern im Coop-Mulitplayermodus ein. Lade von der Community erstellte Mods herunter und erhalte damit jede Menge Content sowie ein sich ständig veränderndes Spintires: MudRunner-Erlebnis.

  • Die ultimative Version des millionenfach verkauften PC-Spiels "Spintires"
  • Mit 19 unglaublichen Geländefahrzeugen jetzt noch größere Auswahl
  • Erkunde eine kolossale und wilde Sandbox-Umgebung
  • Überarbeitete Grafik und modernste Physik-Engine für realistisches Gameplay
  • Stell dich gefährlichen Aufgaben und erfülle deine Aufträge auch unter extremen Bedingungen
  • Neuer Spielmodus für größere Herausforderungen mit Solo-Gameplay oder 4-Spieler-Coop
  • Lade für ein sich ständig veränderndes Erlebnis Mods auf den PC herunter


  • CPU: Intel Pentium Dual Core 2.0GHz or equivalent
  • GFX: NVIDIA GeForce 9600 GT or equivalent
  • RAM: 2 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows Vista/7/8/10
  • HD: 1 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • MISC: INTERNET CONNECTION REQUIRED FOR GAME ACTIVATION AND ONLINE GAME. Gamepad Microsoft Xbox Controller for Windows. Confirmed Steering Wheel support for Logitech G25/G27 - Other models have not been tested. This game is a 32-bit application.
  • LANG: Deutsch, Englisch
  • CPU: Intel® Core 2 Duo 2.5GHz or equivalent
  • GFX: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 470 or equivalent
  • RAM: 4 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows Vista/7/8/10
  • HD: 1 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • MISC: INTERNET CONNECTION REQUIRED FOR GAME ACTIVATION AND ONLINE GAME. Gamepad Microsoft Xbox Controller for Windows. Confirmed Steering Wheel support for Logitech G25/G27 - Other models have not been tested. This game is a 32-bit application.
  • LANG: Deutsch, Englisch

Steam Nutzer-Reviews

49 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
338 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.04.22 15:10
einfach nur geil
7 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
6083 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.03.22 17:15
Gutes Spiel zum runterkommen und entdecken, leider ist der Multiplayer unterste Schublade. Ständig gibt es Probleme, dass Freunde in der Lobby sind, aber nicht dem Spiel beitreten können. Dazukommt, dass ist kaum möglich ist den alten Multiplayerstand fortzusetzen. Auch wenn es mittlerweile ein Bug Fix zum Multiplayer gibt, sind die Probleme trotzdem da.
66 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
3292 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.01.22 19:26
Ich 1985 auf der Wiese mit Modell Lkw´s.
Macht einfach Spaß und süchtig!
40 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
548 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.11.21 21:26
11 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
303 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.06.21 11:29
Chillen oder Stress machen, egal, das ist hier was besonderes...
432 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
2993 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.06.21 19:35
joa ganz gut
man fährt sachen von a nach b und schaltet andere sachen frei
und hübsch ist es auch
145 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
6513 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.05.21 09:16
wer Spaß hat an Matsch, Schlamm, Wasser und dazu noch den Wunsch, in dieser Gegend mit nem LKW zu spielen... beste Entscheidung.

16 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
4900 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.05.21 15:59
Es is halt einfach gut
54 Produkte im Account
33 Reviews
1462 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.04.21 03:38
Herrliche Grafik, packende und interessante Fahrerlebnisse, einfache Bedienung für Tastatur und Pad - und - viele Errungenschaften um dran zu bleiben :-)
28 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
1925 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.03.21 02:12
wenn man es mag dann is es ein super spiel
9 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
274 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.03.21 12:47
Das Spiel an sich macht viel Spaß, jedoch stürzt es bei mir in der Steam Version andauernd ab. Ich habe das gleiche Spiel bei Epic Games gekauft, dort funktioniert alles super und nichts stürzt ab. Leider habe ich es auch zu lange mit der Steam - Version versucht, sodass ich es nicht mehr zurückgeben kann.
Also, meine Empfehlung: Kauft es bei Epic Games. Ich bin nicht der einzige mit diesem Problem.
2 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
2916 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.02.21 14:49
klasse spiel, für alle die sich gern im matsch ärgern
12 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
1281 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.01.21 14:48
7 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
5766 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.01.21 10:22
Better spend your money for this and not for Fortnite
3 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
491 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.12.20 20:49
es hat eine ziemlich gute Grafik und ist sehr echt gemacht! es ist leider so das ich nicht weis wie oder ob man den Spielstand speichern kann ich finde es macht trotzdem Spass mit der Multypayerfunkzion:)
62 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
421 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.12.20 20:53
Es stürzt im Mehrspieler sehr oft ab, aber sonst ein sehr gutes Spiel
36 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1045 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.12.20 16:06
Kaum hat dieses Dre**s EpicGames seine finger mit im Spiel, funktioniert mal wieder nichts mehr :D
immer nur noch abstürze im Multiplayer...

Schwache leistung, vorher liefs besser
7 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
113 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.12.20 11:48
Dauert seine Zeit aber ist ganz witzig.
161 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
9300 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.11.20 16:28
Als das Spiel am Anfang noch Spintires hieß und nur eine TechDemo, war ich schon sehr angetan von diesem Spiel. Leider gab es dann Spannungen zwischen Entwickler und Puplisher, weswegen dann Mudrunner raus kam und für mich auch das bessere Spiel von Beiden.
Wer auf Offroad Simulation steht und nicht auf Rennen aus ist, der sollte sich auf jeden Fall MudRunner mal anschauen. Entspannt Baumstämme von A nach B bringen ohne Zeitdruck, klingt langweiliger als es ist. Tatsächlich macht es unglaublich viel Spaß durch den Matsch zu fahren und auch vielleicht mal 10 Minuten an einer Stelle stecken bleiben und versuchen die Kiste wieder aus dem Schlamm zu ziehen. Das Erfolgsgefühl wenn man es dann endlich geschafft hat, ist richtig gut.
Andererseits kann es auch sehr frustrierend sein wenn kurz vor dem Ziel der Anhänger umkippt und man wieder zurück zur Holzausgabe und wieder von Vorne starten muss. Hier ist eindeutig der Weg das Ziel.
Mein Fazit: In diesem Genre gibt es nichts vergleichbares und meiner Meinung nach das beste Spiel in dieser Kategorie.
35 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
1341 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.11.20 15:43
geiles Game
25 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
693 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.11.20 17:01
Echt Super Spiel kann ich nur weiter empfehlen
17 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
1853 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.11.20 09:09
44 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
1081 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.10.20 14:30
vallah gut
15 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
438 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.05.20 09:53
mega spiel
67 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
1235 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.05.20 14:05
Kannst Du mal bitte vorbeikommen und mich da rausziehen?
Ich stecke fest.
Hast Du nen Kran drauf?
Was ist denn das für ein Weg? Wer denkt sich so einen Mist aus?
Wo muss ich denn da langfahren?
Wie lang brauchst Du denn um die Wegpunkte freizuschalten?
Wie Du gehst jetzt? Wir haben noch keine einzige Fuhre geschafft.

(Auszug aus einem Abend im Teamspeak, einer flasche Bier und Rockmusik im Stream..)
13 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
2535 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.04.20 16:21
Macht Laune, besonders mit mehreren Fahrern im Mehrspieler :)
204 Produkte im Account
18 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1497 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.03.20 16:06
Vorsicht dieser Entwickler kennt sein Community
Deshalb ist der Nachfolger ja auch ohne die Communty umgezogen.
77 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
1184 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.03.20 08:46
Entpannender, fast meditativer Coop-Spaß!

+ sehr schöne Levelgestaltung
+ abwechslungsreiche Karten
+ großartige Physikengine
+ von außen sehr detaillierte Fahrzeuge
+ schönes Coop-Erlebnis

- lächerliche Cockpitgrafik
92 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
1537 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.02.20 18:56
Mega Suchtgefahr, kann zur Abhängigkeit führen
32 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
3497 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.05.22 22:46
168 Produkte im Account
42 Reviews
1417 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.05.22 08:11

751 Produkte im Account
84 Reviews
1831 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.04.22 01:16
It's 2022 and I own SnowRunner, yet somehow I keep coming back to this game. There's a lot going for SnowRunner in terms of unlockables and progression, bigger maps and more objectives. But it also feels dumbed down. Console-ified.

Shifting gears is way more satisfying in MudRunner. Off-roading more real. Graphics are grittier.

There isn't a ton of content that comes with MudRunner (especially compared to SnowRunner). But that's OK. The best maps are actually fan created. And there are a lot of them. Start with anything by dmitriy1815 on the Steam workshop.

Gameplay Overview

Since MudrRunner operates in an off-roading genre of its own, you might not know what to expect from the game.

There aren't really any rules other than the stated objective (deliver logs to the logmill), but each mission usually involves 3 distinct phases:

  • Exploration - using a scouting vehicle to find most/all the watchtowers in order to reveal the map, to help with the next phase...
  • Logistics - there are various unlockables around the map (vehicles, garages) that will help you logistically with the next phase; also putting vehicles like fully-fueled tankers at strategic points so you can refuel
  • Delivery - you need to retrieve logs from one of the sources around the map and bring them to each of the log mills on the map (usually easier said than done)
  • [/olist]

    The challenge comes from the unpredictable terrain. It's going to get your vehicle stuck, burn through your fuel, and provide plenty of opportunities to roll your vehicle or get swept away in the the currents.

    What you should know is that you're going to face most of these challenges at 3MPH. Like you could walk across the map faster than you'll be able to drive, if that was an option (it isn't). This is going to turn off many people. But if you can get past it, you'll find a meditative, zen-like experience. There's a reason people put 100s of hours into playing this game.
    5 Produkte im Account
    1 Reviews
    2713 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 16.04.22 16:55
    great game with or without friends
    9 Produkte im Account
    5 Reviews
    14315 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 16.04.22 03:55
    1720 Produkte im Account
    201 Reviews
    167 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 12.04.22 01:21
    I didn't expect this to be as fun as it is (with a G29 wheel and a manual gear shifter). Pretty cool.
    121 Produkte im Account
    55 Reviews
    630 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 06.04.22 04:15
    Played endlessly on PS4, easily over a thousand hours (red star on every map) and I never got bored of this game. Saw it was on sale on pc for a couple bucks so I had to pick it up, and even after playing snowrunner, it's refreshing to go back. The transmission actually functions properly, and the vehicles feel like they have actual torque, unlike in snowrunner, where the transmission functions almost as awful and unpredictably as our government and the vehicles have as much torque as an electric leafblower. Great game, and worth grabbing american wilds as well. Also refreshing is the fact that most of the dlc is free, and the only one that charges you provides actual game innovation instead of some stupid cookie-cutter truck that could have been a mod. Oh, how the mighty have fallen.
    562 Produkte im Account
    19 Reviews
    516 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 28.03.22 10:33
    10 out of 10

    zen driving
    796 Produkte im Account
    148 Reviews
    1766 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 25.03.22 02:24
    I thought this game was hard, and then I played Snowrunner. The two games are arguably quite similar with Snowrunner being much more user-friendly w/much more surface level features and Mudrunner being the more difficult, more simulator-driven game. But the reality is that the maps in Mudrunner are only a fraction of the size of the maps in Snowrunner with the only tasks in Mudrunner being delivering logs, whereas Snowrunner has a massive collection of things that get delivered. For the time that it was released, Mudrunner was an awesome title that built upon the success of the original Spintires game. The reality is that now in 2022, Snowrunner has completely superseded Mudrunner and this game is much less of a good buy. If you can catch it on sale, by all means it is a solid game with decent driving mechanics, bland but passable graphics, and unmemorable sound design. There is plenty of mud to get stuck in and birds to scare away with your horn. If you have the money though, just pick up Snowrunner.
    334 Produkte im Account
    33 Reviews
    2848 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 23.03.22 09:39
    MudRunner does one thing, and it does it very well. You have a truck, and you drive it in mud.

    It's a fun way to kill time if you want some no-thinky entertainment. The trucks feel nice to drive - there's a very satisfying sense of weight to movement, and finally un-sticking a truck out of a muddy spot is rewarding every time. There's not really much else to it, and that's for the best. SnowRunner shows us what happens when you try to cram too many features into a game like this, and if you ask me, MudRunner's minimalist approach ended up a lot better.
    19 Produkte im Account
    1 Reviews
    3107 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 02.03.22 05:20
    5 Produkte im Account
    3 Reviews
    632 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 28.02.22 02:29
    16 Produkte im Account
    1 Reviews
    3818 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 04.02.22 03:20
    4 Produkte im Account
    1 Reviews
    794 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 27.01.22 23:58
    This play is suitable for people who want to relax after a long day at work I recommend
    511 Produkte im Account
    100 Reviews
    752 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 08.01.22 20:55
    MudRunner is probably the most frustrating game I have ever played. It is designed to be that way. In the game you spend a lot of time stuck or struggling to make progress or thwarted in achieving goals, but there is some satisfaction in overcoming these challenges. After the first job where you have to drive an articulated lorry to a parking place through a city, the second job has you driving completely off-road through a boggy, flooded forest to collect logs and deliver them to a lumber mill. What makes this difficult is the fact that apart from the mud, there are lots of obstacles like rocks, trees (obviously) and flooded ravines. The wilderness would be quite relaxing if it weren't for how stressful it is to navigate. I frequently ran out of fuel just short of my destination or rolled a truck in the middle of nowhere, so I spent far more time retrieving abandoned trailers or winching trucks back upright than actually delivering logs. I have to say that it has all been a lot of fun, but totally hectic and annoying at the same time.
    1003 Produkte im Account
    166 Reviews
    801 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 02.01.22 06:38
    I came into this game believing the premise was super boring and it'd feel like another shit simulator game. I was severely wrong. This game with friends is agony, stress, and hatred rolled into one small package. The only game where winching your mates across water is the most boring yet most exciting/terrifying thing in the world. Questionable dev, but great game. 8/10
    22 Produkte im Account
    4 Reviews
    978 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 01.01.22 01:42
    MudRunner; Stuck in the Mud?

    MudRunner is a open world experience, where plays can select their starting vehicle/s and explore a map where they may discover watchpoints, opening up a large area on the map, there for surveying at a birds eye view. The ultimate goal of the game is to either recover or collect different loads of logs and take them to lumber mills, often off the standard road and in the most inaccessible places possible. It is important to note that, while off-road driving is the huge selling point of this game, and it is the means to complete the objective, the game itself is, first and foremost, a logging simulator, or to concise it even more, being a delivery boy in one of the most difficult environments to drive in, swamps, bogs and mud.

    Is the game fun and engaging? Well, yes and no. If you follow the objective, of which there are usually different ways of going about it, the game can be a variety of experiences, from fun and relaxing to tedious and stressful. If you are just in it to drive around, there are a vast variety of mods, most of which of high quality, all there to aid your efforts in creating the most botched drive you could ever imagine. Of course, this can get boring quickly, as is to be expected, so playing with friends is a must if you plan to only four wheel drive in this game. Personally, I find a mixture fun, but, it's important to remember, Logging is the game, off-road is just the means.
    66 Produkte im Account
    6 Reviews
    12665 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 29.12.21 21:09
    great game
    73 Produkte im Account
    39 Reviews
    1257 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 28.12.21 17:59
    It's Fun
    46 Produkte im Account
    4 Reviews
    4166 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 26.12.21 18:53
    Great Game awesome off roading, rock crawling. great community and mods
    30 Produkte im Account
    7 Reviews
    2156 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 22.12.21 05:28
    I love the physics and the overall structure. I used to watch a youtuber on this. Does anyone know what happened to American Truck Night??
    4 Produkte im Account
    1 Reviews
    57431 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 20.12.21 04:38
    THE BEST offroad game there is. Nothing is as good as this. I have subscribed to hundreds of creators in the workshop. I have tons of sweet crawlers, pre runners, mudding trucks, basically anything you can think of. And thers always new mods popping up in the work shop including maps.

    123 Produkte im Account
    13 Reviews
    4079 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 19.12.21 19:37
    engines go brrrr
    111 Produkte im Account
    14 Reviews
    236 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 05.12.21 15:39
    Far from being a simulation... but as close as it gets as a simulation off road game!
    Do I enjoy looking like a lumber jack with full grown beard? hell yea!

    Though, gets really boring after a while... Puck up logs and put them there? really? that is it?

    A military testing vehicles would be nice, and a tank track? even nicer!
    7 Produkte im Account
    4 Reviews
    306 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 01.12.21 08:06
    игра классная,графика на высшем уровне,для руля самое то,купил по скидке и не пожалел
    110 Produkte im Account
    4 Reviews
    389 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 30.11.21 15:18
    Chugging along at a quarter mile an hour using 5 gallons of fuel per minute, I see a puddle in the road so I decide to run over the forest instead. 10/10 very relaxing
    27 Produkte im Account
    2 Reviews
    377 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 28.11.21 16:23
    38 Produkte im Account
    4 Reviews
    6423 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 27.11.21 12:16
    Hello! i will tell you what my experience is with the game. I will also share my opinion. This is the only game that, presented in advance, brought the game they promised. Stunning physics, nice graphics, challenges, smooth gameplay. It's simple and so perfect. i am very happy with the modifiable support so i could have a lot of experiences. But unfortunately after a while you went by it I feel like sometimes there could have been more kinds of missions, more kinds of tasks. I reduced the content of the tracks themselves, the number of tracks. And unfortunately there were problems with servers and sometimes. overall I highly recommend playing, alone, with friends as it is easier and more enjoyable then.
    9 Produkte im Account
    9 Reviews
    955 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 22.11.21 19:05
    Good game
    651 Produkte im Account
    49 Reviews
    1599 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 18.11.21 01:07
    I enjoy playing this. The physics are wonderful, graphics are good and the need to plan you moves is great. It is not a game for people that want instant gratification. It takes A LONG TIME to clear a map. It is an enjoyable take on the driving sim.
    9 Produkte im Account
    2 Reviews
    930 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 17.11.21 17:25
    Great game. I have spent now few dozens of hours and I this is a really positive experience.
    The graphics are nice, the gameplay is great, and the fun is there. The trucks are so nice to look moving and struggling in the mud.
    The objectives are nice but quite repetitive unfortunately. Some may be bored quickly.
    In the negatives, I would say the size of the maps, I was expecting bigger ones.
    105 Produkte im Account
    6 Reviews
    2243 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 10.11.21 00:17
    Its Spintires, but better. literally. that isnt a metaphor.
    69 Produkte im Account
    7 Reviews
    1135 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 17.09.21 13:42
    car mud
    83 Produkte im Account
    9 Reviews
    4799 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 02.09.21 07:29
    relaxing game i guess, listen to some podcast and boom
    1 Produkte im Account
    1 Reviews
    768 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 01.09.21 17:07
    Great game, great mods, great community and great mud!
    5 Produkte im Account
    1 Reviews
    2348 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 30.08.21 16:59
    love this game wish the camera wasn't so weird
    280 Produkte im Account
    34 Reviews
    4773 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 22.08.21 09:02
    Very fun! Can be frustrating when you spend 30 minutes moving a load of logs and when you are about to deliver them, you hit a pothole and flip over.
    207 Produkte im Account
    1 Reviews
    1931 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 20.08.21 07:49
    I just want to say that this game genre is not really something I go for on a usual basis. However, I was up in a cabin in the mountains with a few mates for some quality WGG (Whisky, Gaming, Grilling) and one of them insisted we try it out.

    Immediately I could feel something changing inside me. Like a good Lagavulin on a rainy autumn night, this game ignited something within us that we never thought was there. Even though the setup of the game is quite straightforward, you unlock garages, take trucks to log kiosks, load them up and bring them to the lumber mill, the execution is where this game really shines.

    You have many options how to pick and choose your route, some of them look harmless at first and then slowly you start to doubt yourself and end up regretting all the decisions you made for the past 30 minutes. Having to ask for help and your mates showing up to winch you out of the mud, or water, or ditch, only to realise that their truck doesn´t have what it takes and they end up stuck with you is priceless. So is trying to take a shortcut up a rocky mountain road only to capsize numerous times and have to beg for help.

    Since it´s pretty difficult to win every map on your own (doable but more fun as a team) you kinda have to bail out your friends every time, meaning that you learn a very important lesson in life kids: When working in a team you are only as strong as your dumbest driver.
    37 Produkte im Account
    7 Reviews
    119 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 02.08.21 19:11

    There isn't any running in this game, most of it is driving, but a respectable amount is being stuck and/or blowing up.
    This is a lie and I am not happy. Furthermore, I had deduced that indubitably so the tractor is not of use. So now I am not happy, I am upset, and I cannot perform in any physical activity such as running. Angry.
    9/10 A little something for ev
    25 Produkte im Account
    17 Reviews
    2158 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 24.07.21 15:50
    A very simple game play style. There is no upgrading, currency, story, street rules, buying thing, walking around, bad guy with flying missile, guns, health bar, it's just U and your heavy truck with real suspension also mud field as far as your eyes can see. Just a simple driving simulation game like a tutorial for Snow Runner.
    554 Produkte im Account
    109 Reviews
    1089 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 23.07.21 00:38
    I play with my mud hunnies and this what we do:

    - Stuck in mud

    - 30 minutes

    -Spin tire

    - Flip truck
    95 Produkte im Account
    34 Reviews
    787 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 19.07.21 02:14
    Masterpiece. Very limited content but worth the price.
    635 Produkte im Account
    21 Reviews
    2313 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 06.07.21 18:42
    I basically do this for a living IRL and somehow Mudrunner sucked me into doing it in my spare time. If you are looking for more variety and customisation go for Snowrunner though.
    3 Produkte im Account
    5 Reviews
    812 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 03.07.21 14:18
    its amaizing drive on mud to become mud driver wow l love that
    15 Produkte im Account
    4 Reviews
    427 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 30.06.21 02:17
    If you like offroading this game is for you
    14 Produkte im Account
    4 Reviews
    1379 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 27.06.21 18:25
    If you like slow paced games, planning out strategies, and exploring, i recommend this game. if you like fast games like NFS (need for speed) then this is probably a no.
    44 Produkte im Account
    3 Reviews
    3046 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 27.06.21 06:28
    I play this game to relax because it's very meditative.

    Force feedback, shifter, and controls are all better than snowrunner. They seemed to have removed those nice aspects in the new one, so I'm back to playing this again.

    If you have a steering wheels, pedals, and shifter, and you want to simply drive a truck in mud while drinking a beer with the radio on, this is the perfect game.
    6 Produkte im Account
    11 Reviews
    2259 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 26.06.21 07:47
    Great game, The online multiplayer function is great. Sadly it is loosing it’s community due to the arrival of Snow Runner.
    Gameplay is still great and the graphics are great still. I would still recomend this game because if you get 1-3 friends to join you, you will have a great time.
    40 Produkte im Account
    2 Reviews
    3406 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 25.06.21 21:29
    A fan from Spintire. Still playing. It would be great if there was another modification. Coz of when at garage it remembers Spintire.
    However will play between mods for a long time to come, though. ✌????
    280 Produkte im Account
    1 Reviews
    1479 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 09.06.21 09:04
    What can I say... bought this on a whim as I was keen for something different to play. Absolutely love it... the game is like therapy. Slow paced, strategic and fun! It's been a while since I've had a game that I cant stop thinking about once I've left it and when I'm playing it's like all my stress melts away. If you are looking for arcade, fast paced truck driving action you wont find it here as the game is unforgiving if you mess around. That being said, Mudrunner isnt too hard to get to grips with if you are not a seasoned simulation game fan. One thing I would recommend doing is jumping into the challenges straight after the tutorial as you will have a far better experience in the main campaign if you do! Highly recommend!!
    536 Produkte im Account
    9 Reviews
    428 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 27.05.21 22:51
    Better than Snowrunner. Your tyres get caked in mud, then you can clean them in the stream. That alone is 99% the enjoyment of this game. The physics aren't weird, and you get to use awesome Soviet trucks with giant wheels and black exhaust, with some actual horsepower and not that terrible pickup truck driving like it has the handbrake on while on asphalt. No terrible weird engine audio loops. Give it a try, newer isn't always better.
    584 Produkte im Account
    17 Reviews
    817 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 19.05.21 03:10
    It's Saturday night.
    I have no date, a 2 liter bottle of Baikal, and my all Hardbass mixtape.
    Let's roll.
    4 Produkte im Account
    2 Reviews
    3934 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 17.05.21 18:55
    it is a extrodinarily fun game
    300 Produkte im Account
    78 Reviews
    1273 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 17.05.21 17:38
    Slow relaxing gameplay. If you like driving around in mud very, very slowly this is the game for you.
    122 Produkte im Account
    29 Reviews
    452 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 16.05.21 05:16
    Excellent Games With Multiplayer
    7 Produkte im Account
    2 Reviews
    2805 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 04.05.21 15:02
    this game is very addictive
    165 Produkte im Account
    25 Reviews
    2205 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 30.04.21 22:52
    Hard to get used to the slow speeds, but once you learn to sit back enjoy the graphics and the awesome mods that come with this game, its priceless. Only thing it's missing is crossplay (im trying to convert them to pc masterrace tm)

    its like yoga, with mud?
    21 Produkte im Account
    2 Reviews
    2899 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 30.04.21 03:02
    Even though this game is older its still fun, it has free dlcs which is really nice and if it gets boring there's lots of mods to use as well.
    22 Produkte im Account
    3 Reviews
    3202 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 28.04.21 08:16
    could use some minor fixes, such as the ridge DLC, its very tedious and boring, it is free though, the rest of the game is very good,
    143 Produkte im Account
    2 Reviews
    9874 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 18.04.21 00:47
    160 Produkte im Account
    54 Reviews
    2930 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 09.04.21 12:09
    Really good game to pass the time.
    665 Produkte im Account
    97 Reviews
    681 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 07.04.21 18:34
    it's a simulation of a job that doesn't pay, but costs some money relatively.
    At least it's pleasuresome.

    How quaint.
    97 Produkte im Account
    19 Reviews
    594 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 06.04.21 23:48
    is mud road n shit and nice very cool is nice gamne for the family and friends
    10 Produkte im Account
    15 Reviews
    199 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 02.04.21 20:51
    its cool
    34 Produkte im Account
    2 Reviews
    2937 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 01.04.21 21:01
    Very realistic physics.
    Beautiful trucks, cars and atmosphere.
    Really well done sound.
    Good user expierence, probably can learn to drive in 3 minutes.
    Maps/objectives can get repetitiv, but I personally don't view this game as something exciting, but rather something calming and relaxing :)
    I've had the music disabled, a good Russian Doomer playlist is a great fit though.
    I've played with friends and with strangers on multiplayer:
    (With friends) We felt very immersed, and had some extremly funny moments, although you could get some ping spikes there and there since the servers are hosted on your own machine.
    (With randoms) Can get chaotic, rather play solo, although, I met someone from china and we discussed about how it is like to live behind a firewall, intresting conversations

    Overall: 9/10 game, I know have great respects for Russian truckers.
    8 Produkte im Account
    2 Reviews
    1215 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 01.04.21 05:54
    38 Produkte im Account
    1 Reviews
    6325 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 22.03.21 16:51
    58 Produkte im Account
    5 Reviews
    Nicht Empfohlen
    322 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 27.02.21 12:36
    If you're looking for something a bit more than collecting and dropping off some logs; then this game probably isn't for you. I feel like there was a lot of potential for a game like this but sadly is let down by the lack of objective. I'm fortunate that I didn't pay full price; had I, I likely would have requested a refund. If you're looking for something with as much content as say Eurotruck simulator; don't opt for this game, because you will be disappointed.
    3 Produkte im Account
    1 Reviews
    684 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 23.02.21 23:39
    i like offroading
    170 Produkte im Account
    7 Reviews
    Nicht Empfohlen
    663 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 19.02.21 01:05
    this game is fustrating and not worth the £6 i paid
    8 Produkte im Account
    1 Reviews
    735 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 10.02.21 16:32
    19 Produkte im Account
    3 Reviews
    2264 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 06.02.21 20:40
    best offroad game besides snowrunner
    195 Produkte im Account
    15 Reviews
    2421 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 05.02.21 23:09
    219 Produkte im Account
    34 Reviews
    108 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 30.01.21 08:37
    I never thought I would have fun in a game like this but playing with someone makes it worth coming back to . Also , driving like this can be quite relaxing if you can learn to deal with it properly . Basically all you have to do is go from a place to another and deliver stuff for example , like logs , and not get stuck in the muddy roads , or trees if you decide to be a little adventurous and wander in the woods or whatever else . Although I wish SnowRunner came to steam !
    52 Produkte im Account
    21 Reviews
    237 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 30.01.21 05:50
    Yery mud mutch pain
    45 Produkte im Account
    4 Reviews
    338 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 29.01.21 19:19
    27 Produkte im Account
    4 Reviews
    734 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 28.01.21 20:34
    this is a cool game i like it when i get mad i just start playing this game and calms me down
    4 Produkte im Account
    1 Reviews
    5889 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 28.01.21 12:16
    Its pretty much as real as it gets without having to leave the house and deal with the wife yelling you got mudd drug through the house.... LOL
    387 Produkte im Account
    165 Reviews
    4963 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 24.01.21 21:44
    I've been needing something to spend time without thinking about anything at all and keep my interest while resting from a stressful day at work.

    this game is a piece of absolute wonder.
    and i can assure you, you won't even need to buy the DLC. there are TONS of fun shit in the steam workshop, talking about awesome maps and vehicles from moders who have put a huge amount of time and love into their stuff.

    totally recommended!

    PS: too bad snowrunner is an epic games exclusive :(
    61 Produkte im Account
    2 Reviews
    9460 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 31.12.20 12:53
    I didnt really mean to write a review for this game but since a lot of people on the community hub complain i gotta write something to infrom new commers.

    People on the community hub say that the game crashes consantly and that the multiplayer doesnt work. Which is false. The game crashes only when cross-play is enabled(cross-play is needed for playing with Epic games not Xbox and Ps4). I had the same issue, dissabled cross-play and boom my game is no longer crashing.
    Basically if you want to play with a friend that has the game in epic games that will be impossible. Because the game not only crashes but it doesnt let you join the lobby again. So you have to start again and it crashes again. That makes it pointless in playing because you cant finish a map. But when you dissable cross-play everything works as intended. You can invite a friend and you can finish a map without problems. That is all the game works but the update with Epic Games kinda messed up stuff.

    If you are wondering if you should buy the game, or is it worth it. YES IT IS. There are tons of mods. Both good and not soo good. You can spend a lot of hours driving in the russian wilderness. It took me and my friend about 30 hours to complete the game without mods. WIth mods... its a different story. We ve been playing for hours and as you can see curently i have 156 hours and Im still not bored at all. The game has a good potential. Now imma try and rate some aspect os the game.


    Singleplayer: 8/10
    Easy to explain. The maps you get for free are fun and all but its not worht playing alone. If you want i suggest brining some underpowerd mods and see how much u struggle. Its peacefull to play SP, but i personally don't recomed it. Also i dont recomed easy or casual mode it aint fun that way. Since there is no campaign or story its just driving and the main goal is to bring some logs to the lubmer mill thats all. But the roads and the mud that all over the map is what this makes this game MUDRUNNER.

    Multiplayer: 9/10
    As i said in SP always play on hard. Its funneir i will explain later.
    Im giving it a 9 for a dumb reason. But first lets start with the goods and then with the bads. Its like SP, but on steroids. You have friends, or randomds. Up to 4 people(including you). That way everyone can do certain tasks. For example when me and my friends unlock the map. We have a person for everything. I usually load the trucks with the logs. Someone is driving the logs. Someone always brings fuel, and the last guy is always repair points. When the guys with fuel and repair are not needed they stay around the people who carry logs and escort them incase one of us messes up something like getting flipped over. It always fun. We try to race on the narrow roads we push each other and flip over. Then we try rescuing someone. The good things is that you can never run out of maps. There are A LOT of community maps and most of them are pretty well made and pretty creative.
    Everything is cool and all but the only down sides i can find are: You can't see other's headlights, and cant hear their engiens. Sometimes it just kills the immersion. The other bad thing is that you can't add more than 8 mods. But you always figure a way out. It just messes up with mod combos sometimes.

    Graphics: 9/10
    They are good enought not the best but still good. Only downside is that it aint as colorfull as Spintires. This one is a bit more grey-ish

    Gameplay: 9/10
    You have two main modes.
    Singleplayer and Multiplayer.
    I talked about them above. There is one more gamemode and its challanges. Its basically small maps where you have to do something they want you to do. For example: Load the truck with medium logs or unlock every watch point on the map. They aslo give achievments so if you want the game 100% completed yeah go for them other than that they are pointless in my opinion.

    Controlls: 9/10
    I've played the game with a keyboard, controller and a 180 degree wheel. And i never had problems. It works flawlessly. Only issue is when u change input mid game you have to restart.

    DLC: 9/10
    You have a much of DLC that are free and one expansion - American Wilds. I was never interested in so i never bought it.

    Fun: 10/10
    its awsome just buy it and play with friends.

    Price: 9/10
    Not to pricy, but i recom you to buy it on a discount.

    Overall: 9/10
    You wont regret the game if you like offroading and driving in the mud.
    46 Produkte im Account
    3 Reviews
    4507 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 26.12.20 11:27
    Was looking for something laid-back I could play outside of VR, this fit the bill nicely. Works perfectly fine with just a mouse and keyboard, though I suspect it might be more entertaining with a wheel and pedals. One thing to note, if you're not the patient type, this might not be the best fit. There are plenty of times where you're simply cruising down a muddy trail in low gear, occasionally adjusting your path to avoid a rock or something. On the flip side, there are some tense moments as well.

    Risk vs reward plays an interesting role. Do you load up with a longer, heavier trailer for more points, but risk getting stuck? Or do you play it safe and make multiple runs with a smaller loadout? Opt for the shorter trail through deep mud, or go around the long way on pavement? Test your pickup's stability by heading straight up the side of the mountain, or go for the switchbacks?
    149 Produkte im Account
    19 Reviews
    716 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 22.12.20 03:57
    Just Dont connect it to Epic, and the game works 100%
    52 Produkte im Account
    6 Reviews
    340 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 19.12.20 05:26
    i love this game and have it on both console and PC, just wish that they would sell Snow Runner on Steam as well.
    190 Produkte im Account
    10 Reviews
    Nicht Empfohlen
    1939 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 11.12.20 21:50
    Was a great game till they changed it to work on the Epic Game Store. Crashes constantly, buggy and can no longer continue games like you used to be able to. Used to be able to jump in to multiplayer games, but now you have to go back to the lobby every time. Devs please sort this out.
    260 Produkte im Account
    31 Reviews
    Nicht Empfohlen
    206 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 01.12.20 21:07
    Gameplay is great but completely unplayable in multiplayer due to constant crashes and crippling bugs. The rejoin feature is also 100% broken so even if you make it past the constant crashing you cannot make any progress and have to start from scratch every time
    300 Produkte im Account
    6 Reviews
    5328 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 27.11.20 14:51
    get it if you like trucking in the mud
    2 Produkte im Account
    2 Reviews
    2691 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 26.11.20 18:21
    It is an amazing game with several amazing free mods
    433 Produkte im Account
    7 Reviews
    95 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 26.11.20 05:50
    Okay, so I've played this for 45 minutes. Coming from racing games, I wasn't sure what to expect. After the tutorial, I skipped to the Challenges to learn more about the game. The first two were fine, basically slow paced fetch quests with interesting or silly and optional mini-achievements, such as scaring off 10 birds with your horn. The third challenge was, somehow even more simply, to climb a hill. Easy enough, right? No. You will slip. You will get stuck. You will watch, terrified, as your rear tire begins to droop over the edge of a cliff. You will turn on all wheel drive and pray to unknown gods. And you will plummet in a ball of fire to the game over screen, presented with the option of trying again. In my final attempt it took me four minutes to climb that hill, but they were some of the most information dense and engaging four minutes I've felt in a video game since... I don't know, ever. If you're afraid of driving on roads with unguarded cliffs to either side in real life, and looking for an easygoing thrill, you may have found it in an unexpected place with this game. Totally recommend it if you're looking for a different kind of fun.

    Note - I got it on sale for five bucks, so my expectations weren't high. Now I can say I'd buy it at full price, too. I'm probably going to end up checking out their 2020 game, SnowRunner. I assume it's more of the same, and in a good way.
    19 Produkte im Account
    6 Reviews
    2316 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 23.11.20 20:14
    Single Player = Death
    Multipiler = fun
    With friend jokes+mod hilux = great
    15 Produkte im Account
    1 Reviews
    15715 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 19.11.20 04:57
    Fun and Challenging at times, mundane at others. The user experience is overall pretty good. I have encountered a few glitches but not enough to degrade the game play. Be ready to invest some time in getting through the game.
    28 Produkte im Account
    1 Reviews
    4945 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 24.10.20 19:17
    best game ever
    187 Produkte im Account
    67 Reviews
    4096 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 20.10.20 10:43
    Who knew that logging and moving loads to lumber mills would be so much fun. This game is overall pretty well done. The challenge is there and will require you to think before you act as getting stuck is fairly easy. The choice of vehicles is pretty good and you can feel the weight of those big trucks. Beware that big does not imply you will not get stuck but a good winch can help you out. Overall, performance on nvidia surround (supported right out of the box) is excellent with all the details to the max on a GTX 1070. The game is no overly demanding and the graphics are pretty good. If you want a change from high pace racing or action game, try this game. It is simple in its principle but will keep you busy for hours. Truly recommend this one to anybody while waiting for the Snow Runner on Steam.
    101 Produkte im Account
    11 Reviews
    1717 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 16.10.20 13:38
    I prefer this to snowrunner because of the progression system. I just wanna drive through mud with my mates without having to worry too much about progression.
    Also mod support and not on epic games.
    9 Produkte im Account
    1 Reviews
    Nicht Empfohlen
    1052 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 11.10.20 04:55
    not buying snow runners in Epic $hit good job Devs
    7 Produkte im Account
    6 Reviews
    351 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 09.10.20 23:07
    good, modding is active and theres tons, be careful with some, if you have 2+ seconds of lag it gives a popup saying the game crashed
    168 Produkte im Account
    37 Reviews
    149667 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 09.10.20 12:35
    This game is very Realistic and fun
    174 Produkte im Account
    28 Reviews
    Nicht Empfohlen
    1597 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 01.10.20 17:41
    Snowrunner on Epic? Cringe.
    303 Produkte im Account
    31 Reviews
    1309 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 27.09.20 19:38
    This game is really good! The maps and the vehicles are well put together and the difficulty is balanced.

    + Legendary soviet era vehicles (and some from USA if you own the DLC)
    + Challenging maps
    + The graphics are amazing
    + The sound design is cool too
    + American Wilds DLC is really good
    + Steam Workshop

    - Bugs
    - Multiplayer feels unfinished in some aspects
    12 Produkte im Account
    1 Reviews
    12629 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 26.09.20 04:36
    greaat game
    3 Produkte im Account
    2 Reviews
    1349 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 25.09.20 01:00
    if you have mods its a great game
    85 Produkte im Account
    1 Reviews
    505 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 20.09.20 01:55
    is gud
    93 Produkte im Account
    11 Reviews
    957 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 19.09.20 20:51
    Takes some time to master, but incredible fun with friends.
    205 Produkte im Account
    3 Reviews
    1888 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 14.09.20 18:54
    Just get the logs from A to B. Seems easy until you drive into the pond of water in the middle of the forest... More fun than it might seem, fun to play also with friends and if you are a fan of russian trucks and big beasts, doble fun game. Tripled by the heaps of community mods for vehicles and machines.
    71 Produkte im Account
    3 Reviews
    2875 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 13.09.20 15:56
    Would I recommend this game? Yeah, if you enjoy simulation driving games (not a racing sim but more utility-work driving sim) and enjoy the slow precise driving with the chance of getting stuck in mud, or the possibility of being swept away by river currents, then this is a game for you.

    Mudrunner is very similar to the previous game Spintires (not made by the same developer), however having briefly played Spintires. I can agree that this game is better looking and slightly better simulation wise. One slight disappointment was Mudrunner not having the ability to deflate wheels for traction (Spintires had this option on a few trucks).

    A couple features that Mudrunner has over Spintires is a first person camera and IMO a much better and quite frankly less painful to work with, third person camera system. The mud in Mudrunner is far easier to drive through than Spintires, maybe that's in the titles and I've just not noticed? :/

    Mudrunners is certainly enjoyable with different maps to play and on different difficulties, and many trucks and cars to unlock too. Each map introduces new challenges and the chance to find new vehicles which you might have not unlocked. There is also a challenges page to attempt up to 9 challenges, each rated up to 3 stars. There is somewhat ~60 achievements to unlock, I have been grinding through most of them (some of which challenging) which adds to the things to do in this game.

    One great thing about this game is its free DLC. As I write this there are 3 free DLCs and one half price (during a sale for Focus). I am yet to play the maps however I have used the vehicles from the free DLCs and think they are cool to have. In most cases these vehicles may not be an upgrade to the base game vehicles but they are nice to have.
    138 Produkte im Account
    3 Reviews
    2140 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 11.09.20 07:53
    Drive trucks through Mud and maybe find out a little something about yourself along the way. Once you learn to do the manual gear box on the Hill Climb challenge it becomes pure bliss... and free DLC? 10/10
    11 Produkte im Account
    1 Reviews
    11168 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 21.08.20 17:40
    Great game; the gameplay is slow but methodical. You have to keep your eyes on the road ahead of you, and not do anything stupid that'll flip your truck, and lose your load. Graphics are beautiful; I play on a potato computer with with intel hd graphics 3000, and the game still looks great and plays at a playable framerate, with graphics at the lowest setting. I bought the game with all the dlc, which was all worth it, and that was enough to keep me playing for about 15 hours. But what has really kept me around are the mods; you can easily download mods for the game, from the steam workshop. I've spent hours and hours just exploring new maps and driving new trucks, and I can't see myself stopping anytime soon. Great game to relax and burn through all your free time, though things can get really tense when driving on dangerous roads; overall 10/10 Soviet trucks are cool as heck.
    7 Produkte im Account
    1 Reviews
    18368 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 15.08.20 07:03
    This is one of my top rated offroad games that i played on steam thanks to the creators, not just the modding community featuring extreme 4x4 trucks and suvs and variety of trailing, mudding, and rock crawling maps, but also the physics when your are in a virtual driving simulator that features real-life rock crawling. I giving a positive recomendation on the original Spintires and its sequel Mudrunner
    13 Produkte im Account
    1 Reviews
    5240 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 14.08.20 00:29
    A really good game especially if you have the wheel setup, and installing the mods is super easy.
    220 Produkte im Account
    2 Reviews
    1419 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 13.08.20 20:33
    Belgium simulator. Would recommend. Just like driving to the cinema in Antwerpen.
    21 Produkte im Account
    3 Reviews
    1845 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 02.08.20 08:08
    Trucks get dirty, yeah.
    88 Produkte im Account
    6 Reviews
    765 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 26.07.20 23:39
    It's very muddy and one of the most fun games i've played :D
    76 Produkte im Account
    5 Reviews
    3384 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 26.07.20 18:42
    What a game, simple but awesome, simply awesome :) a slow burning game. Each map takes atleast 2hrs.... simple objective, awesome gameplay, awesome physics, awesome graphics and sounds, massive maps and all it takes just 1.36GB. What a compression technology. As for my feedback more maps or DLCs, a weather system, maybe a wild life system, vehicle info, depending on the time of the day or weather for river tide to rise and some rich colours because it looks like they missed a filter or didn't polish or finish the game properly so the colours look dull. Otherwise I loved the game, time flew by.......
    628 Produkte im Account
    84 Reviews
    408 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 25.07.20 12:51
    ☐ You forget what reality is
    ☑ Beautiful
    ☐ Good
    ☐ Decent
    ☐ Bad
    ☐ Don‘t look too long at it
    ☐ MS-DOS

    ☑ Very good
    ☐ Good
    ☐ It‘s just gameplay
    ☐ Mehh
    ☐ Watch paint dry instead
    ☐ Just don't

    ☐ Eargasm
    ☑ Very good
    ☐ Good
    ☐ Not too bad
    ☐ Bad
    ☐ I'm now deaf

    ☐ Kids
    ☐ Teens
    ☐ Adults
    ☑ All

    ---{PC Requirements}---
    ☐ Check if you can run paint
    ☐ Potato
    ☐ Decent
    ☑ Fast
    ☐ Rich boi
    ☐ Ask NASA if they have a spare computer

    ☐ Just press 'W'
    ☑ Easy
    ☐ Significant brain usage
    ☐ Easy to learn / Hard to master
    ☐ Difficult
    ☐ Dark Souls

    ☐ Nothing to grind
    ☐ Only if u care about leaderboards/ranks
    ☐ Isnt necessary to progress
    ☑ Average grind level
    ☐ Too much grind
    ☐ You‘ll need a second live for grinding

    ☑ No Story
    ☐ Some lore
    ☐ Average
    ☐ Good
    ☐ Lovely
    ☐ It‘ll replace your life

    ---{Game Time}---
    ☐ Long enough for a cup of coffee
    ☐ Short
    ☑ Average
    ☐ Long
    ☐ To infinity and beyond

    ☐ It’s free!
    ☑ Worth the price
    ☐ If u have some spare money left
    ☐ Not recommended
    ☐ You could also just burn your money

    ☑ Never heard of
    ☐ Minor bugs
    ☐ Can get annoying
    ☐ ARK: Survival Evolved
    ☐ The game itself is a big terrarium for bugs

    181 Produkte im Account
    5 Reviews
    3921 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 23.07.20 21:17
    This game is just so satisfying.
    796 Produkte im Account
    31 Reviews
    1409 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 22.07.20 15:39
    Good game but Spintires is much better when it comes to physics
    111 Produkte im Account
    13 Reviews
    2012 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 20.07.20 07:33
    Great ASMR feelings when driving through the mud and crossing deep creeks
    8 Produkte im Account
    1 Reviews
    7114 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 27.06.20 16:24
    577 Produkte im Account
    2 Reviews
    4582 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 26.06.20 16:54
    Look..... this isn't going to blow anyone's hair back. The vibe is similar to other sim driving games where speed is often your enemy.

    If that makes sense to you, this game's great.
    159 Produkte im Account
    9 Reviews
    1230 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 25.06.20 07:51
    Nice game with good physics.
    46 Produkte im Account
    5 Reviews
    769 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 13.06.20 08:01
    mad game with mad amounts of mad mods, even better/difficult/fun with a wheel
    138 Produkte im Account
    21 Reviews
    698 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 10.06.20 19:18
    Fantastic game.

    Levels take some time (About 2-3 hours), but it can be very fun.
    It's annoying when your vehicle falls over, but that's part of the challenge.

    Also filling the vehicles with logs is much easier in this game compared to Spintires.
    You just click a button at log stations. I prefer it.
    But it still gives you the option to do it the original way, by crane.

    This game can be satisfying, but also tedious.
    127 Produkte im Account
    13 Reviews
    23 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 08.06.20 08:19
    This game is still fun today. better than Snowrunner.
    463 Produkte im Account
    26 Reviews
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    2596 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 06.06.20 12:35
    Would much rather be playing Snowrunner... too bad the publisher is in EGS pocket.
    15 Produkte im Account
    8 Reviews
    2816 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 31.05.20 14:19
    This is one of the few games that I have enjoyed alone, and would definetely recommend to other people who like simple simulators. Controller support is great and I'm also able to run it on an absolute potato, which is a huge plus for me.
    106 Produkte im Account
    3 Reviews
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    693 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 01.05.20 03:45
    We are the people that helped pay your way to build this franchise up and your thanks is to not allow Snowrunner on steam? Nice job devs. Drown in your greed.
    58 Produkte im Account
    1 Reviews
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    547 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 29.04.20 23:10
    So first, Spintires. That shit the bed, so the company took it and rebranded into Mudrunner, while promising everything would be much better.
    Now theyve made Snowrunner into what Mudrunner should have been, put it on a different launcher and are charging even more. Making me buy this game 3 times. Not cool man, not cool.
    92 Produkte im Account
    16 Reviews
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    6647 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 29.04.20 20:08
    I purchased glitchy Spintires, then I bought Glitchy Mudrunner and finally when developer collected enough money in steam market to make decent game they won't sell it to us on steam??? Workshop is the best thing about this game and most players bought it only because hundreds of unofficial mods they can download/upload. And the thanks from the devs is invite to buy their new game somewhere else for $40+ or premium for $60+? Mudrunner game will stay glitchy/unstable forever and no more updates i guess. Don't waste your money!
    19 Produkte im Account
    1 Reviews
    4596 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 29.04.20 00:18
    Great game! Physics are amazing and the maps/trucks look great! It's way to easy to get lost in the difficult but fun offroad logging expeditions this game is all about. Snowrunner came out today, and I can't wait to get my hands on that sucker!
    353 Produkte im Account
    21 Reviews
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    1247 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 27.04.20 16:36
    releasing snow runner on an other launcher with upgrades announced for mud runner is why you deserve a negative review now
    5 Produkte im Account
    2 Reviews
    886 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 15.04.20 23:38
    it is really fun especially if u download mods from the workshop and then they will go straight into the game so u don't have to mess around with files.
    59 Produkte im Account
    1 Reviews
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    1472 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 29.03.20 21:13
    After the desaster with the original Spintires the comunity bought into the idea of Mudrunner but only because improvements were said to come. However Mudrunner is basically Spintires with 2 more DLCs and after all that time after release not much changed. Now Snowrunner was announced with all the features and improvements that were already promised for Mudrunner. And as a cherry on top it only will be released in a gamestore that should not be named.

    The game is good. As was Spintires. But as a player who bought both games to support the devs I highly dislike this behaviour of promising, but not deliviering and finally publishing on another gamestore. I believe the devs can't be trusted with what they say and promise. So I can't recommend buying any of their games.
    59 Produkte im Account
    4 Reviews
    4002 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 28.03.20 17:08
    Krásně spracovaná hra své hráče si to určitě najde
    12 Produkte im Account
    2 Reviews
    315 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 28.03.20 16:25
    it is real ! amazing dynamics and realism, though graphics can be more better. its mechanical features of the vehicles used in the game are superb. just that it should be more user friendly when using the mouse. using the winch is not that easy. some functions needs to be added.
    146 Produkte im Account
    2 Reviews
    350 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 26.03.20 19:08
    Rammed a tree, engine destroyed. Used a spare tyre to fix it, 10/10
    48 Produkte im Account
    3 Reviews
    5353 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 26.03.20 01:32
    easy to pick up with what you would expect of a hardcore sim for those who want it.
    50 Produkte im Account
    3 Reviews
    2814 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 19.03.20 22:56
    104 Produkte im Account
    2 Reviews
    5975 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 14.03.20 12:30
    96 hrs in and still havent got bored of it.
    2 Produkte im Account
    1 Reviews
    4358 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 12.03.20 02:30
    awesome game with great mod support
    19 Produkte im Account
    1 Reviews
    4634 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 15.02.20 01:06
    good looking game.... lots of mud. lots of fun.
    131 Produkte im Account
    11 Reviews
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    2793 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 11.02.20 19:36
    So i played the original quite a bit when it was in early stages and got mudrunner a long time ago on steam. I recently turned back to it and I was kind of flubbergasted, so i wrote this review.

    The game is bugged beyond belief, whenever you alt tab the entire game resets. Even worse, you can't run borderless windowed without use of external programms. You can however run a normal windowed, but it's not perfect. When you switch back to fullscreen (i did a few times to test some things) the game will crash most of the times. Something important to note is that the game in general can be choppy and does feel very unoptimized at parts (no it's not my pc, even ark runs properly). Another thing which has been there since the launch of the game is that the mouse cursor will dissapear, the game has controller support but the detection for it is dreadfull. If you are incapable to fix that for 4 years maybe just add a button so we can fix it and switch mouse cursor off ourselves. To me the game became unplayable with keyboard and mouse because I can't click buttons properly like this, especially when you are trying to change settings its very frustrating.
    Beyond that, when you actually start a game, the camera behaviour is awfull, feels like it's made for controller. Last thing I want to note is that the interior of trucks is really unrealistic and looks like it was made with some basic tools by a big tool in a couple of minutes.
    Shame, since it is a fun concept and relaxing to plough through the mud with your truck.
    17 Produkte im Account
    2 Reviews
    8902 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 01.02.20 19:06
    Yes,its a fun relaxing game you can set back to an enjoy (with or without mods) :)
    17 Produkte im Account
    1 Reviews
    38943 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 30.01.20 21:56
    probably the best offroad simulator ever.
    77 Produkte im Account
    10 Reviews
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    1052 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 27.01.20 03:41
    i can honestly say i have no idea what is happening with this or spintires. now after we where told this will continue where spintires left off, i was like ok fine, but NOW spintires has started up again, and now these guys seem to take the profits from what they took from the work from spintires and polish a few things, send it out and rake money to fund the next project that looks like they should be expansions INSTEAD of NEW games. Snowrunner? and mudrunner 2? really? You and spintires need to figure your $#!t out. i feel betrayed by the both of you. even selling expansions for this is disgraceful and the same goes for the the other game. i vow you nor them will get another cent from my pocket.
    130 Produkte im Account
    28 Reviews
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    8389 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 26.01.20 12:56
    Devs abandoned it's playerbase.

    Greed is all that this game was made for...

    Game is plagued with many bugs and errors that the Devs refused to fix and instead fled to the Epic Game Store for some sweet Fortnite money...
    Logo for Spintires: MudRunner
    Rating auf Steam Sehr positiv
    89.89% 9057 1019
    Release:31.10.2017 Genre: Rennspiel Entwickler: Saber Interactive Vertrieb: Focus Home Interactive Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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