• SpellForce 3: Screenshot zum Titel.
  • SpellForce 3: Screenshot zum Titel.
  • SpellForce 3: Screenshot zum Titel.
  • SpellForce 3: Screenshot zum Titel.
  • SpellForce 3: Screenshot zum Titel.
  • SpellForce 3: Screenshot zum Titel.
  • SpellForce 3: Screenshot zum Titel.
  • SpellForce 3: Screenshot zum Titel.
  • SpellForce 3: Screenshot zum Titel.
  • SpellForce 3: Screenshot zum Titel.
  • SpellForce 3: Screenshot zum Titel.
  • SpellForce 3: Screenshot zum Titel.
  • SpellForce 3: Screenshot zum Titel.
  • SpellForce 3: Screenshot zum Titel.
  • SpellForce 3: Screenshot zum Titel.
  • SpellForce 3: Screenshot zum Titel.
  • SpellForce 3: Screenshot zum Titel.
  • SpellForce 3: Screenshot zum Titel.


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  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 29.12.2017
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Preis Update 15.09.24

Über das Spiel

SpellForce 3: Die perfekte Mischung aus Echtzeit-Strategie und Rollenspiel!

SpellForce 3 besinnt sich wieder auf die Anfänge der SpellForce-Saga. Die Handlung spielt vor dem hochgelobten SpellForce: The Order of Dawn und die Spieler tauchen in eine opulente Fantasy-Welt namens Eo ein.

  • Mischung aus Echtzeit-Strategie und Rollenspiel: Das einzigartige Gameplay verbindet die Genres Echtzeit-Strategie und Top-down-Rollenspiel.
  • Erstellen und anpassen: Erstelle deinen eigenen Helden und entwickle seine Fähigkeiten ganz nach deinen Wünschen!
  • Für den Kampf gemacht: Stelle deine eigene Armee zusammen und kämpfe mit ihr in epischen, riesigen Schlachten.
  • Epische Handlung: Die tiefgründige und epische Geschichte im SpellForce-Universum kann ohne Vorkenntnis der bisherigen SpellForce-Titel gespielt werden. Echte Fans werden trotzdem viele interessante Querverbindungen entdecken.
  • Umfangreiches Universum mit viel Beute: Erkunde die Welt Eo, decke Intrigen und Geheimnisse auf und sammle jede Menge Beute für deinen Helden.
  • Taktisches Vorgehen: Benutze fortschrittliche Taktiken, um mit deiner RTS-Armee deine Gegner zu besiegen.
  • Solo-Modus: Lange Einzelspieler-Kampagne mit über 30 Stunden Spielzeit.
  • Multiplayer: Starke Multiplayer-Komponente mit verschiedenen Modi. Spiele kooperativ oder tritt gegen andere Spieler an.


  • Setzt 64-Bit-Prozessor und -Betriebssystem voraus
  • CPU: Intel Core 2 Duo @ 2Ghz / AMD Athlon 64 X2 equivalent
  • GFX: 1024 MB Direct3D 11 capable video card (GeForce GTX 470 or Radeon HD 5850)
  • RAM: 2 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows 7, 8, Windows 10 (64 bit)
  • HD: 10 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • SFX: DirectX compatible Sound card
  • DX: Version 11
  • LANG: Deutsch, Englisch
  • Setzt 64-Bit-Prozessor und -Betriebssystem voraus
  • CPU: Intel Core i7-4790, AMD FX-8350
  • GFX: NVIDIA GTX 970 4GB, AMD Radeon R9 290 4GB
  • RAM: 8 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows 7, 8, Windows 10 (64 bit)
  • HD: 15 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • SFX: DirectX compatible Sound card
  • DX: Version 11
  • LANG: Deutsch, Englisch

Steam Nutzer-Reviews

246 Produkte im Account
20 Reviews
3757 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.04.22 22:15
Für alle die damals genau wie ich das Game erstmal zur Seite gelegt haben und darauf gewartet haben das Sie endlich mal wieder was geschissen kriegen... Nun es ist soweit das Spiel wieder runterzuladen und ihm eine neue Chance zu geben.

Wir haben hier die Auswahl von 6 Völkern die sich in der Spielweise komplett unterscheiden. Jedes Volk hat auf seine Art und weiße gewisse Vorteile und bietet dir die Möglichkeit deinen Spielstil auszuleben.

Durch die Auswahl von leider nur 2 Helden wirkt es Anfangs echt eingeschränkt doch wenn man sich anschauen kann wie man die Skillen kann und wie Unterschiedlich die Helden sind dann weis man direkt das selbst der gleiche Held 10 Runden hintereinander noch anders gespielt werden kann.

Nun mal zu der absolut nervigen und grausamen KI. Dies ist aber im guten gemeint und zwar greift Sie dich immer irgendwo an wo deine Armee nicht ist. Schnell wird dir klar das das übliche einmauern und verstecken nicht lange hilft weil dir die Ressourcen ausgehen.Ab diesen Moment merkst du das du am Arsch bist xD.

353 Produkte im Account
188 Reviews
4952 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.03.22 15:46


SpellForce III - Reforced ist ein Mix aus echtzeitstrategie und Rollenspiel


Einfach Heldenhaft- Charaktererstellung und anderer RPG Kram
Bevor man sich in die Kampagne stürzt, erstellt man sich einen Helden, dem man einige Skillbäume zuweist, die seine späteren Fähigkeiten bestimmen. Die meisten Fähigkeiten lassen sich in drei oder mehr Stufen ausbauen und sind je nach Spielstil mehr oder weniger Sinnvoll.
Im Verlauf der Handlung schließen sich immer mehr Mitstreiter der Gruppe an, die aus bis zu vier Leuten bestehen kann. Jeder Held hat einen oder Zweil spezielle Skillbäume, die nur er hat.
Jeder Spielercharakter kann frei ausgerüstet werden.
Allerdings verlangen viele stärkere Ausrüstungsgegenstände vom Benutzer einen Mindestwert in bestimmten Statuswerten. Erfahrung für einzelne Charaktere gibt es nicht.
Viel mehr leveln alle Charaktere gleichzeitig auf, da es ein globales Gruppenlevel gibt.
Nach dem Level-Up erhält jeder Charakter einen Skillpunkt, den er in seine Skillbäume stecken kann und alle paar Level-Ups kann ein Attributpunkt erhöht werden.
Die Skills aller Charaktere in der Gruppe kann man in eine Schnellleiste einfügen, die etwas wenig Platz bietet, aber man kann zwei Leisten belegen, zwischen denen man herumschalten kann.

Mit Strategie und Taktik - Der Strategie Teil
Oft reichen die mächtigen Helden nicht aus und man benötigt seine Armee, um den Feind zu bezwingen. Im Hauptspiel stehen drei Völker zur Verfügung, von denen man immer eines pro Mission in die Schlacht führen kann. Menschen, Elfen und Orks.
Jedes Volk hat andere Stärken und eignet sich mehr oder weniger für bestimmte Spielstile.
Die Heldengruppe kann während des Strategiesegments wie im RPG Segment frei befehligt werden.
Während der Strategiesegmente ist es das Ziel, das Haupthaus des Feindes zu zerstören. Geleichzeitig verliert man, wenn das eigene zerstört wird. Je nach Schwierigkeitsgrad und Skillung der Heldengruppe kann ein präziser Angriff auf das Hauptgebäude des Gegners schon den Sieg bringen, auch wenn die Helden allein dafür im seltensten Fall ausreichen. Gegnerische Vorposten kann man allerdings recht zuverlässig auf diese Weise einebnen.
Ressourcen erlangt man, indem man wichtige Punkte auf der Karte einnimmt und so ein Gebiet der Karte für sich beansprucht. Nun kann man Ressourcengebäude wie Steinbrüche aufstellen, die dann die entsprechende Ressource abbauen, wofür allerdings Arbeiter benötigt werden.
Arbeiter erhält man, indem man seine Vorposten und das Haupthaus im entsprechenden Gebiet ausbaut. Arbeiter können nicht gebietsübergreifend eingesetzt werden und jedes Gebäude braucht mindestens einen Arbeiter, um halbwegs zu funktionieren.


Der Schwierigkeitsgrad kann in vier Stufen eingestellt und während des Spiels jeder Zeit verändert werden.
Das Spiel speichert alle paar Minuten automatisch und man kann auch manuell Speichern.

Soundtrack, Grafik, Steuerung

Der Soundtrack ist gelungen umgesetzt
Die Grafik ist detailreich und sieht sehr gut aus.


  • Drei Völker, die man in die Schlacht führen kann
  • Viele verschiedene Helden mit recht tiefen Hintergründen
  • Viele Items und Ausrüstungsgegenstände

  • Kämpfe im Strategiesegment teils hektisch und unübersichtlich
  • Während der Dialoge im Strategie Segment wird im Hintergrund munter weitergekämpft (man kommt nicht dazu, in Ruhe zu lesen)

SpellForce III Reforced ist ein würdiger Nachfolger der SpellForce Reihe, der wie schon seine Vorgänger Strategie und RPG Elemente beinhaltet. Wer ein Fan der Reihe oder der Genres Strategie und RPG ist, kann ohne große bedenken zugreifen.


Wenn ihr weitere ansprechende Reviews lesen wollt,
dann folgt doch der https://store.steampowered.com/curator/32139821/}" target="_blank">GermanReviewGroup.

157 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
6446 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.02.22 01:10
2 Anläufe gebraucht um die Spieltaktiken zu Verstehen aber wen man sie begriffen hat macht es Richtig Laune.
Spielspaß und gute Grafik sind auf jedenfall Garantiert.
412 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1721 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.02.22 11:31
They managed to turn the campaign into a complete joke. It's a real clown fiesta now. You get your base and from minute 1 on you will get spammed until you either worked through the map (extra annoying as it seems the more sectors you have the higher population limit the AI seems to get as it joyfully spams your whole pop cap but spread over multiple sectors). Meaning you have 100 troops and can count on seeing 300+ units attacking several sectors at once at times. If you like tower defense games then i can tell you there are far better tower defense games. Because that's all the campaign is by now. Don't even try to enjoy the story. It's just not good enough to compensate for this clown fiesta. You're just paying to work. That's the campaign. A job you don't get paid but have to pay to do.
89 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
3890 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.02.22 22:41
Schon ein gutes Spiel aber nicht für Leute die ein chilliges RPG suchen. Ich persönlich finde den RTS Part unübersichtlich, da gibt es bessere Strategiespiele
158 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
1714 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.01.22 19:43
Ich hab alle 2 Addons und das Basegame nacheinander durchgespielt und muss ehrlich sagen, dass ich diese Story wirklich liebe. Der Mix aus RPG und RTS mit so einer guten Story, hands down wirklich sehr gut gelungen. Ich freue mich schon auf mehr Story driven games von Grimlore Games. Macht weiter so ;)
216 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
4783 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.12.21 09:24
Jetzt noch besser bzw. endlich wirklich gut! Ausprobieren! :-).
341 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
7784 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.12.21 04:18
Nach all der Zeit hauen die Devs nochmal so ein Update raus, geil!

Wers noch nicht gespielt hat: Story, Grafik, Vertonung in englisch und deutsch, das abwechslungsreiche Gameplay und der Soundtrack -alles geil!
509 Produkte im Account
99 Reviews
6748 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.10.21 15:22
Ich kann es nur weiterempfehlen sehr gutes Spiel.

+ Deutsche Sprachausgabe
+ Spannende Geschichte
+ Interessante Charaktere
+ Schön designte Spielwelt
+ Abwechslungsreiche Schauplätze
+ Tolle Atmosphäre
+ Wunderschöne Grafik
+ Viele Waffen, Rüstungen & Gegenstände
+ Gute Steuerung (Tastatur & Maus)
+ Performance (Keine Hänger oder Ruckler)

- Bugs
464 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
39 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.09.21 20:47
needs a community patch to bring an essential part of the franchise back
245 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
6863 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.09.21 17:27
Schönes RTS welches man heute noch gut spielen kann!. Von der Coop Steuerung sollten sich alle Coop-RTS-Spiele mal was abschneiden, oder es wenigstens versuchen zu kopieren ...
143 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
1549 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.08.21 13:10
634 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
5543 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.05.21 12:51
Nach einigen Jahren Wartezeit habe ich mir als damaliger SpellForce 1 & 2 Fan endlich den 3. Teil mit allen derzeit verfügbaren Erweiterung gegönnt und wurde vom Hauptspiel nicht enttäuscht. Eine großartige und ausgedehnte Hauptstory und viele Nebengeschichten zu allen rekrutierbaren Gruppenmitgliedern, haben mich positiv überrascht. Wer mehr Story vor SF1 sucht, wird hier absolut fündig und glücklich. Mit dem neuen RTS-Part konnte ich mich schnell anfreunden. Der RPG-Teil ist wie gewohnt super gelungen. Schön ist auch, dass wie bei vielen modernen Spielen Entscheidungen getroffen werden können, die eine Auswirkung auf den nachfolgenden Spielverlauf haben. Die spielbaren Fraktionen Menschen, Elfen und Orks, spielen sich klasse, jedoch nur mit feinen Unterschieden. Wenn nun noch die Dialogfehler zum Ende des Spiels überarbeitet werden, trüben auch diese Bugs nicht mehr die Spielatmosphäre. Schön wäre allerdings auch, wenn wie früher alle Einheiten Beute einsammeln könnten.
Danke für die Storynostalgier und das zusätzliche Szanrio zu Sentenza und Isamo Tahar, welche ich, wnen ich mich richtig erinnere, schon in der Betaphase kennenlernen durfte.
Ein paar Steamerfolge werde ich jetzt noch versuchen nachzuholen und dann auf in die erste Erweiterung.
Unbeingt erwähnenswert ist noch der klasse Soundtrack aller 3 Teile. Ich höre diese gern zur Arbeit oder auch so nebenbei. Im Spiel gab es immer wieder großartige Gänsehautmomente. Wer die Musik mutet, ist selbst schuld. <3
Sobald das Hauptspiel wie von Freunden angekündigt, noch einmal überarbeitet wurde, geht es in die zweite Spielrunde. :-)
18 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
6862 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.04.21 15:10
nach 4 Jahren gib es immer noch bugs, auch solche die schon mal behoben wurden, erscheinen wieder
8 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
2956 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.03.21 14:23
Das Speil gefällt mir sehe gut.
27 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
2934 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.02.21 17:12
Spielbar aber total verbugt. Kein Vergleich zu den Vörgängern. Items sehen alle gleich aus und teilweise ergeben die Icons überhaupt keinen Sinn. Manche Quest scheitern einfach und sind dann unwiderruflich weg und andere wird man nicht mehr los.
51 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
2267 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.01.21 07:17
+ sieht gut aus
+ angenehm zu steuern
+ gut vertont
+ viel Content

- kleine Skilltrees
- nur 3 aktive Fähigkeiten pro Held
- nur 3 Völker

Ich würde das Spiel gerne empfehlen, es hat es zumindest geschafft, mich wieder ins Spellforce-Fieber zu versetzen, aber ich kann leider nicht. Warum? Nicht wegen den angeführten Minuspunkten, die sind nicht soo tragisch und es macht auch an sich vom Spielgefühl her Laune - aber leider ist mir die Fantasy hier viel zu 'grimdarky':
Jeder Held den ihr in eure Gruppe aufnehmt hat eine finstere, tragische Hintergrundgeschichte, also wirklich jeder. Sie hassen ihre Eltern, sie wurden gezwungen ihre Frau zu töten, sie haben Vergewaltigungen mit angesehen oder sollten an einen alten Mann zum heiraten verkauft werden, ihre Mutter wurde über Jahre vergewaltigt während sie ein Kind waren ... oder, oder, oder. Man selbst hasst natürlich auch seinen eigenen Vater, der ein Verrückter war und der (kleiner Spoileralarm) die eigene Mutter vergewaltigt und gefangen gehalten hat.

Ganz schön oft von Vergewaltigungen gehört? Fand ich beim Spielen auch. Muss für mich jetzt nicht alle fünf Minuten sein aber gut. Und entsprechend sind natürlich alle Charaktere auch emotional mehr oder minder gestört und hören nicht auf ihre zynischen und defätistischen Lebensanschauungen zum Besten zu geben. Ganz ehrlich, liebes Entwicklerteam: Ich brauch mich nicht laufend von euren Charakteren über das Übel der Religion, die Falschheit und Gefährlichkeit sämtlicher Ideale und die generelle Verdorbenheit und Hoffnungslosigkeit der Welt im Allgemeinen belehren zu lassen. Mag sein, dass das manchen gefällt und denen sei es auch gegönnt aber ich konnte mir das Gebrabbel irgendwann nicht mehr anhören.

Urteil: 3edgy5me zum Quadrat.

Hier auf Steam gibt es auch Spellforce (1) als Platinum Edition für 9 Euro, ich empfehle eher das (man muss aber über die natürlich sehr in die Jahre gekommene Grafik wegsehen können und nicht zu viel Wert auf attack move click legen ;) ).
59 Produkte im Account
19 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
3521 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.01.21 17:40
Eigentlich ist Spellforce 3 zu einem wirklich guten Spiel geworden, es hat kaum noch Bugs und ich hatte bisher keinen einzigen Crash. Die Story ist sehr Spannend und die Abwechslung zwischen RTS und RPG ist angenehm abwechslungsreich und die Spielwelt schön designt.

So jetzt kommt das große ´Aber´ oder besser gesagt zwei große ´Aber´

1. Die Ladezeiten zwischen den Maps sind einfach der Horror, selbst wenn du den besten High End PC hast bekommt du Ladebildschirme vorgesetzt die einfach ätzend lange sind. Ich kann einfach nicht glauben das man sowas nicht irgendwie gepatcht bekommt.

2. Keine Pause Funktion. Dieser Punkt gilt eher für den Strategischen RTS Aspekt des Spiels. Man muss wirklich so viele Dinge gleichzeitig machen. Bauen, forschen, Heldenfähigkeiten einsetzen, rekrutieren, Armeen befehligen u.s.w. Klar es gibt ein Click and Fight Menü aber das ist nur für das einsetzen der Heldenfähigkeiten praktisch, welches aber auch leider nicht die Möglichkeit bietet Items einzusetzen. Gerade auf Maps wo der Gegner von 4-5 Seiten angreifen kann ist das echt die Hölle du weißt einfach nicht was du zuerst machen sollst. Das ging so weit das ich in der Schlacht Cheaten musste was ich normal nie in Spielen mache aber ich wäre sonst einfach nicht mehr weiter gekommen.

Ich hab die beiden Nachfolger von Spellforce 3 noch nicht gespielt, besitze sie aber schon weil ich mir im Sale gleich alle drei Ableger gehjolt habe . Ich hoffe das es in den beiden Nachfolgern besser gelöst ist aber für das normale Spellforce 3 kann ich kein Positiv Daumen da lassen tut mir leid.
64 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
383 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.12.20 09:43
Looks like it might be a fine game, but I could not yet explore much of it since my savegames keep getting corrupted by some kind of error, and even on a decent computer, it does not run fluently. Shame
18 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
3125 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.12.20 16:56
Ich liebe dieses Spiel, zumindest die Kampagne; die Add-Ons sind auch sehr gut, aber die Spielmechanik hier im RTS-Part mit den Nachschub-Ketten fand ich richtig gelungen. Ich würde mir gerne noch mehr Kampagnen-Inhalt oder Szenarios wünschen, die Zufallspartien gegen AI-Gegner finde ich hingegen nicht so spannend.
569 Produkte im Account
163 Reviews
6286 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.12.20 10:14
You are Isamo Tahar's child. The child of the mage that started the war against the crown of Nortander and that left the lands of Eo devastated. The war is over, your father dead, the queen of Nortander lies in a coma and a mysterious plague, the bloodburn, spreads throughout the country. A new sect, the ‘Purity of Light’ gradually kills all magicians and everyone with magic powers. It’s a complex world Spellforce 3 throws you in, matching the extent of the story.

Spellforce 3 consists of three major elements. The story, the role-playing game, and the real-time strategy game. The story is essential and it’s huge. I spent more than 100 hours in campaign mode to complete it once.

The plot is mainly told in dialogues by professional voice actors. The game is fully dubbed and the effort put into voice acting is outstanding. I would estimate that I have listened to 10 to 15 hours of dialogues during the campaign. The perfectionism and the passion applied to the voices makes the story an emotional and extraordinary experience.

During the course of the plot, your main goals change several times and while you start the game alone, you gradually gather allies to support you. In the end, you have nine heroes to choose from.

- Yria, a talented elven lady huntress with impressive archery and white magic skills
- Isgrimm, a dwarven scholar and earth shaper
- Gor, an orc mage, and shaman
- Ianna, a lady assassin and Dreamweaver who enjoys taking life's
- Undergast, a human dual-element mage of both black and white magic
- Rohen, a mage and former master of The Phoenix Bearer
- Uram, a powerful occultist and a profound mage of black magic
- Angar Arandir, the former Lord Marshal of the royal army of Nortander

Every task you complete and every battle you fight grants you experience. Collecting experience gradually rises your level and unlocks points that you can spend in your hero's skills trees. This, however, should be done wisely. You can easily waste your points because the game only allows you to select three active talents per hero. Choosing the best setup can influence your hero's strength dramatically.

The more quests you complete the further you will level up, gaining strength. More quests also lead to increased chances of finding valuable loot that will further increase your power. Finally, the main story requires you to find allied tribes for the final battle. If you complete all of the game's objectives you grow overwhelmingly strong. If you skip too many, you may be too weak to tackle the challenges ahead.

While the difficulty of the RPG part of the game is entirely determined by the strength of your hero’s, the RTS part of the game is completely unpredictable because the AI, in general, is far too strong.

The real-time strategy mode, in my opinion, is the weakest part of the game. It’s unintuitive to learn because it’s different compared to other RTS games and the tutorial does a rather poor job explaining things.

Instead of telling you that you don't have enough resources, construction tasks end up in a queue and are only completed after sufficient raw materials are available.

Each map is separated into different sectors that need to be conquered by building outposts. In order to gather a workforce, outposts need to be upgraded. Each sector only provides a specific resource.

Once you got used to the RTS mode it’s enjoyable but not as much fun as the role-playing mode.

Spellforce 3 is first and foremost a role-playing game. Although battles can be played in real-time strategy mode, you are not always forced to do so. Instead, you can remain in RPG mode and fight with your heroes alone. This, of course, is extremely difficult at the beginning of the game, but gets easier the longer you play, after leveling up, defining your skills wisely, and collecting the best equipment.

The RPG part of the game is brilliant. The beautiful maps in combination with the adept voice acting, the epic soundtrack, the intriguing story, and the perfect weather and sound effects are simply gorgeous. Spellforce 3 pulls you deep into the world of Eos and offers one of the best real-life escapes you can find. The game is reminiscent of Baldur's Gate and I love it.

If you avoid the RTS part, you can spend approximately 80% of the game in RPG mode, maybe more. In most cases, RTS mode is triggered by conquering outposts or upgrading buildings. If you don’t do that, you remain in role-playing mode and can take on all enemies by your heroes alone. Some enemy castles have backdoors with weaker defenses. It’s always worth exploring the map before confronting your foes.

Spellforce 3 offers a lot of fantastic loot and there are many great amulets, rings, armor, weapons, helmets, and potions to be found throughout Eos. But in order to find the best equipment, you need to search the maps thoroughly. If you simply concentrate on your mission, you will likely miss a lot of great loot. Searching maps is time-consuming but for true collectors, it's highly satisfying and rewarding.

The game inventory is perfectly designed, allowing you to sort loot by value with a click of a button. And as long as you don’t click it, you can conveniently investigate all your new items that will be added at the end of the list.

Sounds underlining magic attacks carry a strong bass. You can literally feel it when a fireball hits the earth and burns your enemies in glowing columns of heat. Combat is highly satisfying due to supporting sound effects.

When Spellforce 3 was released in December 2017 it was plagued with bugs. Even for the best of games, it’s very difficult to overcome a negative first impression. And there were so many bugs that game magazines refused to test the game before the studio didn’t fix the worst of them. Spellforce 3 left a devastating impression after release.

But the developers did not give up and released patch after patch after patch to fix things. Today, the game runs fine. Except for being vulnerable to outside interference, the game shows no weakness. All game-breaking quest bugs have been fixed and I didn’t see any issues related to the game itself. However, what I did experience were a few crashes.

After more than 30 hours of play-time without any problems whatsoever, the game started crashing to Windows. It happened four times within two hours. After thinking about what has changed, it turned out that Gigabytes App Center, a software providing tools for CPU, fan settings, BIOS, and backup, required an update. The pop-up message aimed to inform me about the available update, somehow interfered with Spellforce 3 forcing the game to crash. After installing the requested update, the crashing stopped. It remains questionable which software is to blame for the crashes. Other than that, Spellforce 3 runs outspokenly stable.

Spellforce 3 is a wonderful game that I can’t praise enough. If it wasn't for the failed release, I assume the game would surely have an average rating of 85 to 90.


- extremely beautiful
- wonderful, strong, atmosphere
- fantastic, mature story
- professional voice acting
- realistic dialogs
- fully dubbed
- very deep and exciting lore
- extensive campaign with very long playtime
- epic soundtrack
- great sound effects
- free character design
- very well-designed skill trees
- perfectly controllable unlimited inventory
- great map/level design
- lots of loot, well designed
- very good controls
- very fast loading times on SSD
- large zoom factor
- a work of love


- unintuitive RTS mechanics
- RTS AI often overwhelmingly strong
- some completely unpredictable achievements
- the game is vulnerable to outside interference
- the hero often turns his back to people he talks to, then turns his head to address them (weird)
376 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
3389 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.12.20 04:11
cooles game
169 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
4446 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.12.20 04:55
Ganz nett OwO
225 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
5015 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.10.20 08:43
SP1 > SP3 > .............. > SP2
132 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
3211 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.10.20 07:47
Tja, was... soll man sagen? Die meisten vor mir haben es bereits moniert: Unfassbar lange Ladezeiten, auch für Karten, auf denen es genau eine Möglichkeit der Interaktion gibt, Bugs wie Sand am eher lieblos animierten Meer (unklickbare Ereignisse und Schätze, nicht fortschreitende Quests trotz Lösung derselben, geblockte Zugänge, obwohl man die Karte betreten sollen könnte, unsichtbare Barrieren, Vertonungs-/Rechtschreib- und Grammatikfehler, nicht fertig implementierte Dialoge und Beschreibungen etc.) und das leider doch sehr repetitive bewältigen von Quests.

Die Maps sind schön gestaltet, aber etwas unübersichtlich und auch wenn es nett gemeint ist, erst beim Hineinzoomen ordentliche Konturen zu haben, leidet die Übersicht und Schärfe doch ziemlich darunter.

Die Story ist einigermaßen Standard, die Dialoge liebevoll vertont aber halt auch richtig viele. Was da an Romanen vertont wurde, LQBT inklusive. An der Graphik gibt es nichts zu meckern, die sieht toll aus. Auch die vorher geliebten RPG Elemente mit RTS wurden ganz gut verbunden. Auch Eastereggs gibt es einige schöne zu entdecken :)

Doch das ganze tritt leider deutlich hinter den Bugs, den ultralangen Ladezeiten jeder Map und der temporären Blockade ganzer Questabschnitte zurück. Wenn ich neu laden möchte, dann bitte nur, weil ich versagt habe und es nicht wert bin, mit dieser Leistung weiter zu kommen, aber nicht, weil ich erst nochmal schnell meine Zwergenrüstung upgraden wollte anstatt direkt nach Mulandir zu kommen.

Wenn ihr es der Nostalgie wegen kauft - speichert viel, missbraucht die fünf quicksave spots nach allen Regeln der Kunst und nehmt ordentlich Zeit mit. Nicht wegen des Schwierigkeitsgrades, sondern wegen der Ladezeiten...
216 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
2142 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.10.20 15:54
Kampagne im Koop spielend und auch noch am spielen. Sehr schöner Soundtrack der ab und an auch zu Gänsehaut führt. Super Dialoge und Super Synchronsprecher ( Spiele auf deutsch ). Kann nicht meckern. Kann ich auf jedenfall für Koop empfehlen ;)
29 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
4030 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.10.20 21:48
Das Erste Spellforce ist mir in sehr positiver Erinnerung geblieben.
Nach einigen Jahren PC Abwesenheit war SPF 3 ein Titel, bei dem ich ohne nachzudenken zugegriffen habe.
Die sehr negativen Rezessionen habe ich erst nach dem Kauf gelesen und war erst sehr skeptisch, dennoch ist mir kein Bug aufgefallen. Grafik und Soundtrack sind m.E. herausragend, der Spielfluss ist sicherlich gewoehnungsbedürftig allerdings für Fantasy Fans auf jeden Fall einen Versuch wert.
Für mich hat sich die negative Berichterstattung nicht bewahrheitet, das Spiel ist kein AAA Titel aber m.E. auch nicht soooo weit davon entfernt.

34 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
56 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.10.20 17:08
Leider keine Empfehlung. Auch wenn ich ein großer Fan der vorhergegangenen Versionen bin, hat THQ hier meiner Meinung nach wieder einen Titel in den Sand gesetzt, bei dem andere Studios mit den früheren Serienteilen großartige Arbeit geleistet haben.
Gleicher, riesiger Kritikpunkt wie auch schon bei Guild 3 - dieser extreme Wuselfaktor hat meiner Meinung nach absolut nichts in einem RPG zu suchen. Wenn ich permanent nah heranzoomen muss, um Charaktere überhaupt zu erkennen, wenn ein Baumenü trotz maximaler Hudskalierung so stark im rechten unteren Eck zusammengequetscht wird, dass einzelne Texte nicht lesbar sind, dann sorry - aber dann habe ich da eine schlechte Variante eines Strategiespiels á la Warhammer 40k, aber sicher kein RPG / RTS.

Im Vergleich mit den Vorgängern - Spellforce 2 oder Gilde 2 - ist das einfach mehr als mangelhaft. Aus diesem Grund gibts den Daumen nach unten und das Spiel wieder retour. Schade, aber wohl der letzte THQ Nordic Titel, den ich mir angetan habe.
171 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
2993 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.10.20 18:16
Achja, Spellforce 3.. wie soll ich da anfangen?

Ich habe bisher schon RPGs und auch das ein oder andere RTS-Spiel gespielt, aber die Spellforce-Formel, die beides miteinander vereint (oder auch vereinen will), war mir bisher noch neu.
Ohne also allzu große Erwartungen zu haben habe ich die Kampagne gestartet und war von der Story auch schnell überzeugt. Die Charaktere haben wie ich finde alle eine eigene und klare Persönlichkeit, sodass nicht einfach ein Schwarz-/Weiß-Bild von Helden und Anti-Helden gezeichnet wird, sondern sich im Laufe der Geschichte eigentlich bei jedem auftretenden Charakter sich (meist) glaubwürdige Motive für das jeweilige Handeln offenbaren.
Generell muss ich sagen, dass die Charaktere die große Stärke der Geschichte sind und keine großen Action-Sequenzen oder Ähnliches.
Leider kommt es genau dort, genauer gesagt bei den Dialogen oft zu mehr oder weniger kleinen Bugs und Fehlern wie plötzlich englischer Text/Vertonung oder dass der Text von der falschen Person gesprochen wird, was zumindest die Immersion etwas beeinträchtigt.

Die Quests, die man im Laufe der Kampagne erledigt sind m. M. n. anfangs sehr abwechslungsreich, gerade wo man erst noch Erfahrung für die beste Strategie / die besten Skills für die Charaktere sammelt.
Im weiteren Verlauf der Haupthandlung besteht die Abwechslung eher in den unterschiedlichen Begleitercharakteren, die man bei Betreten eines neuen Gebiets von der Weltkarte aus auswählt, wohingegen die Missionsziele sich eher auf Zerstörung der gegnerischen Basis einpendeln.
Dafür gibt es aber auch immer wieder gut eingestreute Nebenquests, von denen zumindest der Großteil abwechslungsreich und interessant für mich war. Hinzu kommt, dass es hin und wieder mehrere Lösungs- bzw. Entscheidungsmöglichkeiten gibt, was verschiedene Herangehensweisen belohnt.

Neben der starken Charakterpräsentation sind auch die Plot-Twists gut gelungen. Auch wenn sie manchmal etwas vorhersehbar sind, sorgen sie doch immer wieder für frischen Wind in der Story.
Der RTS-Teil hat mir auch Spaß gemacht, aber leider artet er gegen die Kampagnen-KI oft in Kämpfe aus, wo schlicht die größere Armee gewinnt, bzw. man mit genügend Einheiten einfach alle Verteidigungstürme des Gegners links liegen lassen kann und nur zum gegnerischen Hauptgebäude durchmarschieren braucht um zu gewinnen.

Insgesamt habe ich aber dann doch eine Menge Spaß mit Spellforce 3 (hauptsächlich der Kampagne) und wenn man großzügig über einige kleinere Bugs hinwegsehen kann (Game-breaking bugs sind mir zum Glück jetzt keine mehr untergekommen, obwohl es davon anfangs auch welche gab), ein Faible für Mittelalter-Fantasy, RPGs und ein wenig Basisbau-Management hat, ist dieses Spiel auf jeden Fall einen Blick wert!
153 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
2300 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.10.20 14:37
also ich wüsste nicht was mir nicht gefallen sollte, der alte makabere humor wie zu den vorgänger, natürlich alte bugs wie eh und je. aber das beeinträchtigt in keinsterweise das gameplay.
Ich liebe spellforce einfach, und hoffe das auch in zukunft weitere teile rauskommen, mit einer genausop großen karte wie spellforce 3, wenn nicht sogar größer. mehr missionen. oder auch sich ständig ändernde karten, zufallsgenerierte. Hammer, einfach hammer.
478 Produkte im Account
43 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1329 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.10.20 14:02
Rollenspiel- und der Strategiepart machen Spaß. Aber die Erzählweise der Story ist einfach nur katastrophal. Das ist so als würde euch euer Opa eine Geschichte aus seiner Jugend erzählen. Man geht mit Vorfreude ran, doch die Geschichte wird immer länger, verschachtelt sich in immer weitere unwichtige Nebendetails und irgendwann weiß man gar nicht mehr, um welches Thema sich ursprünglich die Geschichte gedreht hat... kurzum man muss verdammt viel lesen bzw. kann auch zuhören, aber das dauert eigentlich noch viel länger. Irgendwann habe ich nur noch auf weiter geklickt. Blöderweise muss ich dann irgendein Detail verpasst haben, weil ich es nicht geschafft habe auf die unbekannte Insel zu kommen, so dass ich nach erfolgloser Suche abbrechen musste (ich wollt auch nicht mehr in den Logs nachlesen... ich wollte in dem Spiel einfach nichts mehr lesen, sonst wäre ich durchgedreht ^^).
43 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
2718 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.09.20 19:17
Die ersten Spielstunden macht das Game wirklich Spaß. Nach 5 Stunden bekommt man die zweite Ausbaustufe der Gebäude und kann sich hinein vertiefen, diese zu perfektionieren. Als wir dann merkten, dass die dritte Stufe einfach niemals kommen wird und man im Endeffekt die Kampagne zweimal durch spielt waren wir ziemlich enttäuscht. Langweilige Dialoge, langweiliger Warcraft Abklatsch, nach 45h vollständig durchgespielt mit fast allen Sidemissions. Was als sehr vielversprechendes Abenteuer begann entpuppte sich als völlige Enttäuschung. Schade, wirklich...hätte unglaublich großes Potenzial gehabt.
219 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
1730 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.08.20 08:58
Super :) Macht spass wenn man RPGs und Strategie mag.
105 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
699 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.05.20 17:56
Tolle Geschichte und fesselnde Charaktere. Und nicht zu schwierig. Lohnt sich auf jeden Fall, der die Kombi aus Strategie und RPG mag. Sehr viel Liebe für das Detail.
256 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
3384 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.03.20 13:47
Spellforce 3

Eigentlich hätte Ich diese Rezension gerne schon 2017 geschrieben. Denn ich hatte mich sehr auf das Spiel gefreut. Aber wie so oft, war der Release eine (Bug) Katastrophe. So dass ich es links liegen ließ. Dank eines Spaziergangs, bei dem ich einen Podcast der GameStar hörte und Maurice das Spiel erwähnte, habe ich ihm nochmal eine Chance gegeben und ich bin froh, dass ich es getan habe. Denn Spellforce 3 unterhält für ca. 60 Stunden ganz ordentlich. Perfekt ist es aber nicht. Wer aber ein Faible für klassische Rollenspiele hat und Echtzeitstrategie nicht abgeneigt ist, findet hier einen interessanten Hybriden, der beides vereinigt.

Spellforce 3 funktioniert am besten, wenn es beim Rollenspiel bleibt. Das vollkommen freie Charaktersystem, ist erstaunlich komplex und vielseitig. Ohne allerdings übermäßig kompliziert zu sein. Es funktioniert innovativ, so dass keine lange Einarbeitung nötig ist. Das Spiel belohnt einen, mit einer wahren Item Flut, so dass man sich wirklich seinen Avatar so aufstellen kann, wie man möchte. Passt etwas nicht, lassen sich die Fähigkeiten, sehr einfach zurücksetzen. Die Welt sieht fantastisch aus. Unglaublich viele Details lassen sich entdecken, es macht Spaß die Karte zu erkunden und oft erzeugt Spellforce 3 auch eine angenehme RPG Atmosphäre. Leider bleibt es hier hinter seinen Möglichkeiten zurück. Die Welt sieht gut aus und hat eigentlich alles, was das RPG Herz begehrt: Ruinen, Kerker, Hölen, Gräber (usw.). Aber nicht genug (Neben)Quest, die die Welt auch nutzt. Hier verschenkt Spellforce wirklich Potential. Gerne wäre Ich tiefer in die Welt eingetaucht. Ich hätte Geschichten in ihr erlebt. Stattdessen bleibt alles recht oberflächlich.

Der Echtzeitstrategiepart macht Spaß. Er ist nicht übermäßig komplex, so dass auch hier keine hohe Einarbeitung benötigt wird. Der Schwierigkeitsgrad steigt langsam an, ohne jedoch übermäßig herausfordernd zu werden. Fand ich persönlich ok. Man muss ein wenig mit den Rohstoffen und den zu Verfügung stehenden Arbeitern haushalten gerade am Anfang. Aber den Dreh hat man schnell raus. Ein Tipp: Schritt für Schritt aufbauen und nicht alles auf einmal. Geht deutlich schneller.

Mich hat etwas gestört, dass es ein Zonensystem gibt. Um alle Rohstoffe zu erhalten, muss man unterschiedliche Zonen erobern und halten. Was manchmal in Stress ausartet. Wobei die Gegner feste Routen haben, so dass man sich gut drauf vorbereiten kann. Mehr als zwei Routen waren es nie.

Das einzige was mich genervt hat, dass die einzelnen Karten regelmäßig recycelt werden. Auf jeder Hauptkarte kämpft man mindestens zwei Mal. Jedes Mal mit neuem Nebel des Krieges (warum???) Ich kenne das Gebiet) und jedes Mal, muss man die Basis neu aufbauen.
Gegen Ende hin, zieht sich Spellforce etwas…aber sei es drum.

Die Geschichte ist Fantasy Standard, nimmt einige Wendungen, die allerdings recht vorhersehbar sind. Sie unterhält aber und das ist das wichtigste. Es ist nun einmal kein Baldurs Gate 2 oder ein Pillars of Eternity. Muss es auch nicht sein. Respekt zolle ich den Entwicklern, dass Sie auch unangenehme Themen ansprechen. Wenn auch in etwas naiver Weise. Aber immerhin, tun Sie es. Das hat mir gut gefallen.

Auch wenn die einzelnen Teile des Spiels, sicher hinter „reinen“ Vertretern (RPG/RTS) des Genres zurücktreten muss, funktioniert es als Einheit ganz hervorragend. Mir hat es großen Spaß gemacht und ich bin froh, Spellforce 3 nochmal eine Chance gegeben zu haben.
19 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
2379 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.03.20 13:17
Hab beide Teile davor gespielt. Dieser Teil legt leicht weniger wert auf das Basebuilding, kompensiert es jedoch MASSIV mit den Story elementen. Soweit der beste Teil der Serie denk ich. Auf jeden Fall spielen geeignet die RPG und Strategie mögen.
241 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
1294 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.02.20 19:36
Very good fantasy game with an interesting story, good optics and different gameplay.
83 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
3468 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.02.20 05:16
Ich finde das Spiel in seiner Atmosphäre und Design sehr gut, Story ist gut gelungen, die Welt ist wahnsinnig schön. Leider gefällt mir der RTS Teil weniger gut, aber das Spiel ist trotzdem eine klare Empfehlung wert. Besonders erwähnenswert ist der Super Soundtrack und das Sounddesign, auch die deutsche Sprachausgabe ist recht gut umgesetzt.
371 Produkte im Account
48 Reviews
1491 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.01.20 11:56
Ich bin zwar noch nicht sehr weit, da ich ein gemütlicher Spieler bin und mir schön Zeit lasse. Aber verdammt, die Geschichte ist richtig interessant und gut erzählt, dazu noch diese epische Musik. Ich hätte total Bock auf eine Verfilmung von Spellforce 3, noch nie hat mich ein Strategie-Spiel so sehr interessiert, dass ich sogar lieber die Geschichte verfolge, als irgendwas aufzubauen. Und ich baue oder skille sehr gerne, bei sowas kann ich Stunden verbringen.

Für jeden Fantasy -und Strategie Fan einfach ein Must Play!
12 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
9901 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.01.20 21:30
Auch nach Jahren vom Release ist die Sammlung der Bugs trotz Patch nicht wirklich behoben. Ich selbst habe ein Bug, der bis Heute nicht erwähnt wurde. Stotternder Sound ist schon was besonderes in einem Spiel.
343 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
4039 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.12.19 15:39
Ein hervorragendes Spiel und für mich der beste Teil der Serie.

Was mir besonders gut an SF3 gefallen hat, ist zum einen der gelungene Mix aus Rollenspiel und Echtzeitstrategie. Beide Genres spiele ich sehr gerne, von daher ist diese Mischung einfach perfekt, wobei ich hier den Rollenspielteil viel abwechslungsreicher und spannender fand. Die Spielwelt besteht aus mehreren Karten, die man immer wieder bereisen kann (oder muss). Die Karten sind teilweise echt riesig, aber es lohnt sich, sie genauer zu erkunden, da einem sonst Nebenquests, Items oder Artefaktteile entgehen. Überhaupt ist alles sehr detailliert und eindrucksvoll gestaltet. Ich denke da z.B. an die Stadt Immerlicht, die mich sehr an die Anno-Spiele erinnert hat.

Alle spielbaren Charaktere, die man im Verlauf des Spiels kennenlernt, besitzen verschiedene nützliche Fähigkeiten, Attribute und kleine Skillbäume (die man mit besonderen Tränken sogar wieder zurücksetzen kann!) und können mit verschiedenen Items ausgerüstet werden. Dass hierbei das Inventar wirklich unendlich ist und somit der Sammelei keine Grenzen gesetzt sind, fand ich schon echt klasse. Natürlich kann man unnützen Kram auch bei Händlern in der Spielwelt verkaufen.

Erfreulicherweise sind mir während der ganzen Spielzeit keine größeren Bugs aufgefallen. Alle Quests ließen sich auf Anhieb lösen.

Mein einziger Kritikpunkt an diesem sonst so tollen Spiel ist die KI, die nicht immer das macht, was sie soll. Manchmal blieben meine Einheiten einfach irgendwo hängen. Das war echt nervig!

Alles in allem ein sehr empfehlenswertes Spiel.
336 Produkte im Account
76 Reviews
3600 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.03.22 09:29
Grimlore Games guys you are the best in what you do !
Game is awesome, keep it up, we want even more :)
414 Produkte im Account
25 Reviews
1297 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.01.22 11:06
Spellforce 3 feels like a modern Warcraft 3 or even Warcraft 4. Lots of content including campaigns, skirmish PvP or Player vs AI mode, journey mode, arena mode and majority of these modes have co-op. Try the Spellforce 3 Versus edition for free if you want to try a demo.

The first game has 3 races, Humans, Elves and Orcs. The expansions add the Dwarves, Dark Elves and Trolls totalling to 6 asymetrical factions / races. On top of this each faction has 2 heroes in the skirmish mode. Heroes have their own skill trees with spells, passives and gear/items as they level up. Each faction is very unique in their own way and even has their seperate resources on the map to collect. For example the standard economic resources that villagers gather are wood, stone , food and iron. However one faction such as the dwarves burns the wood into charcoal instead and also their late game resource is Moonsilver which needs to be mined then smelted. Meanwhile the Orcs late game resource is Black Ash.
259 Produkte im Account
35 Reviews
631 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.12.21 08:56
Had the game on my wishlist for years and actually concluded a few days ago I would never buy it and would move on.
And then the reforced edition came out and I thought screw it and purchased all 3 games on a whim.
The game is pretty solid figured I would put down a few points.
The graphics are good, character customisation is pretty barebones but ultimately irrelevent considering all you see of your character is a little model anyways. (Wish it had more portraits though)
The skillsystem is interesting and I havnt done too much with it yet my only letdown is there is only one summoning skill and its just to raise up 3 zombies basically still any summoning capability is a plus.
Combat is fun as is the RTS element I actually found the particular style of the RTS part managing resources, territory and armies a refreshing change compared to other RTS games I have played, and ive played a lot.
The voiceacting is disappointing but tolerable and the story has so far continued to intrigue.
My initial thoughts playing the prologue were I hate how this game works but I quickly got used to it and have mostly only enjoyed myself since.
My only serious grievance with the game (im more just really annoyed) is that maybe due to me owning everything when I play the reforced edition (you can play the other 2 expansions through the same launcher) my recorded game time is split for some reason.
For example I only play reforced edition campaign and yet steam tells me ive put 2 minutes into one expansion and 3.1 hours into the versus mode which I havnt even downloaded. So it tells me presently I only have 2.4 hours in the reforced edition when I have actually been in game playing it for 5.5 hours or so.
Anyways thats my take so far on the game I would definitely recommend it on sale never full price.
392 Produkte im Account
98 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1634 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.12.21 08:27
Search Glasswire on steam (its free)
Tell it to block this, or anything using Epig spyware shit that infests your machine.
113 Produkte im Account
50 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
694 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.12.21 07:30
Adding spyware to games after people buy it, and then forcing it's use, seems to becoming standard practise now. Just gotta learn what companies not to trust again.
11969 Produkte im Account
53 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
273 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.12.21 05:42
They added the Epic Online Services Spyware.
497 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
2557 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.12.21 00:12
Reforced version is Spellforce 3 like how it should have been done from start on. Polished gameplay, all the improvements from addons merged back into base game. Feels like a new game and I'm eager to finish it again with a new playthrough.

Really appreciate the effort, this is how updates and long term support should be done. Double thumbs up.
1036 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
2845 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.11.21 22:52
I've always loved the Spellforce series. They are definitely not for all, and this one also has it's weird things and crazy difficulty spikes, but I'll still wholeheartedly recommend it.
611 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
852 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.11.21 19:03
The combination of a deep fantasy setting, rich story, great voice-acting and the meld of RTS and Squad-based RPG make this game stand out among the rest in the genre for me. A pleasant surprise for sure!
381 Produkte im Account
16 Reviews
7393 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.11.21 13:26
A hidden gem of a game, it's hard to overpraise this game. Music, writing, visuals, atmosphere, voice acting, story are all way better than they have the right to be.
652 Produkte im Account
45 Reviews
7935 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.11.21 02:47
This really blurs the line between RTS and RPG and makes you feel like it really is an RPG. It actually has a decent storyline, and I adore games with base-building. Enjoying it lots
37 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
3283 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.11.21 05:43
Everyone is entitled to their opinion, and I believe the opinion of many that don't wish to invest the time to learn the mechanics of the game are unfair. This game is deep, VERY DEEP. The amount of lore in this game is amazing and the value you get from this game is fantastic. I have only played the single player campaigns and it has been worth every dollar. The music, the artwork, the amount of detail in this game is awe inspiring. Great job Grimlore Games and THQ Nordic for making this, in my honest opinion, masterpiece.
324 Produkte im Account
47 Reviews
4211 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.10.21 05:38
Remember Warcraft 3?
Do you miss the story rich RTS campaigns of the old?
Are you waiting for something like Warcraft 4 or Starcraft 3?

Yeah, thats never happening, blizzard died in 2013, this is the next best thing. Play it for the campaign.
539 Produkte im Account
159 Reviews
1243 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.09.21 16:05
More of a first impression thing, given the current sale:


No, seriously. 6 hours in, the story is fair, the characters are ok and the production value is just exceptional. Massive, insanely detailed maps, with hand-placed characters doing little things everywhere. It might not add gameplay to have that carpenter repairing a small hole as you walk past, but it adds immersion.
Add to that a very solid soundscape (the goddamn Wight Song gives me chills every darn time), fully voiced dialogues everywhere (with VERY good voice actors, especially the... more special characters).

If you read this whilst the whole bundle of SpellForce 3 (with both campaign expansions) is at a sale for 30 bucks... might be worth it.
59 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
3085 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.09.21 15:54
Personally, I like role-playing games the most, the question was whether I would also like SpellForce 3 with its strategy elements. I can recommend the game to all those who are also more into the RPG part of the game and for whom the feeling of battles and conquests is more important than the complexity of the RTS component. I liked the story, music, controls and graphical presentation.
40 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
2524 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.09.21 15:34
While i had a great time playing this game, i can not unconditionally recommend it.

The story is good, the music great, the graphics are beautiful. Every line had good voiceacting. For the first few levels, i LOVED the game.

But the longer you play it, the more the cracks are showing. The fantastic music gets stale after a while, and the poor gameplay starts to show more and more. Most importantly, the difficulty does hardly scale. While you need to carefully hit and run and actually think about what to spend your focus on in the first 2-3 hours, your heros become incredibly overpowered very soon. My tank could solokill entire armies. The final RTS mission is beaten in 2 Minutes by just moving your heroparty to the enemy base - on the highest difficulty.

Playing the game with a co-op, we still had fun, laughing at minor bugs, admiring the setting etc. But the final straw were the loading screens. In coop, you will spend ages on every loading screen as player2 only starts loading when p1 finished. And there are LOTS of loading screens. Handing in a quest and progressing to the next part of the story takes 6-8 loading screens due to the way areas are structured.

Overall, if you wanna play solo and just enjoy a good story in a beautiful setting - go ahead. If you look for a challenging co-op game, play something else.
301 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
6958 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.09.21 09:04
Took me some years to finally play this but as an og fan of the series it was a fun campaign. I am not interesting in pvp so no comments there.

Shame that there were some bugs though. As well as sucky load times I understand from reading forums that my CPU has to many cores/threads for the game to handle lol
195 Produkte im Account
75 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
467 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.08.21 16:54
Honestly, the game is kind of boring.
250 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
3638 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.07.21 19:57
Take Starcraft 2 and Divinity Original Sin 2, have them make love, do drugs and alcohol for the entire pregnancy and Spellforce 3 is the bastard baby you get.

It's a really cool concept, just with TERRIBLE execution.

RTS 3/10 - build up army and throw it at enemy, no strategy involved
Tactical RPG 3/10 - Different classes but little synergy between them, they force you to into a box.
pace 0/10 - so god damn slow
story 7/10 - only redeeming quality
voice acting 5/10 - meh
overall game 5/10

Pick it up on sale - don't pay more than 15 for it.
264 Produkte im Account
16 Reviews
2347 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.07.21 23:24
Spell force 3 is a combination of a RST game and a RPG game that I can NOT recommend enough. The best and shortest way to explain is its Warcraft 3 Spiritual successor+. Now let's get into the good and the bad. I like starting with the good news so were start there.

1_Sweet mother of god the game is gorgeous. The maps & landscapes are all nice while some are beautiful. The character models are again all decent with some being bloody cool. A good example of this is how many unique models there are not none player/ faction models. Its a fantasy world, you're gonna bump into a good chunk of demons, undead, monsters and there are a LOT of models. Even the entity's that use the same model are tweaked so they are still different.
2_Story- It's surprisingly good. I'll add more to this once I beat the game.
3_The RTS aspect ya get three factions with the base game. Elves, Orcs, Human. Elves and Orcs are a blast to play while the humans are while balanced are a bit bland. each mission (once you get past the start of the game) you can choose what army to bring, this makes each mission feel a bit different. Also it's funny when ya bring a bunch of orcs to save a holy order and they flip the hell out afterwards because they've been saved by orcs.
4_ The writing -There are a lot of lil gems in the game. As well as funny moments.
5_ voice acting- Again it is shockingly good. not much else to say.

Da bad-
1_The beginning prologue-it's bloody BORING! I don't know what the hell the team was thinking. So much of this game is great! but the beginning just sucks. and I don't think it can be skipped sadly.
2_Dialogue disparities- Ok this ones weird but hear me out. Some characters just have WAY more lines than others. to the point where I feel like it's a waste to bring them along on missions. And it's a bloody shame. granted i have not beat the game yet but it seems to be the case.
3_Missions can be very long. Now this is not a bad thing per se. But it can be annoying at times.
4_All the loading. There will be times when you have to travel between point A,B,C, a lot to talk to people...and damn those loading times become annoying.
5_Awful default keybindings-No lie your gonna wanna rebind some keys

I bloody love this game and i'm liking it more i play it. Will add final thoughts once i've beat it.
324 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
332 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.07.21 16:09
An amazing, ambitious game. I recommend to anyone who is a fan of RPG and RTS games. Spellforce III and the Grimlore Games Studio deserve all the support they can get!

-Interesting Story
-Gritty Atmosphere
-Alluring Soundtrack
-Nice RPG Mechanics
-Amazing Graphics

Things that could use some work:

RTS Mechanics

Most RTS games lack any REAL strategy, and it's as true here as everywhere else. Just mass a blob of soldiers and throw them at the enemy until their dead - done. I'd love for the RTS mechanics to be fleshed out and involve SOME form of strategy/tactics; Even so, I really enjoy the game as is.

Next, the writing. Most of the writing is decent, but there are a lot of moments that break the immersion. The dialogue can come off as cheesy, and there are too many typical, predictable characters and moments. More thought could have gone into the writing.

I'm really enjoying the game so far. I'm looking forward to the two expansions. I expect to consider this game one of my favorites by the time I'm done with it.
169 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
4862 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.07.21 03:14
Fun and simple game play. The hybrid rtsp/rpg mechanics has a small learning curve, the narration and story line is straightforward and linear. Its the opposite of an open world exploration but i like it. Has built in reset of player skills and attributes via a potion which negates mistakes made during character building.
9 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
6126 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.07.21 23:04
Great visuals and good RTS and RPG mix.
19 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
902 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.07.21 18:29
awesome game great story line loving it fell like old style rts games
343 Produkte im Account
80 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
821 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.07.21 19:06
The setting is really generic, but the writing overall kept me interested. The maps are really detailed for an RTS, which adds to the game in the diablo-clone mode. But.
The RTS-phase is unthought, the AI has infinite resources and keeps rushing. I'm too old to keep up with building upkeep, terrorial battles, item upkeep, leveling, while the AI does whatever it wants. I gave up by the third rts combat.
134 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
3569 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.06.21 04:04
I wish that I could simply recommend this game, but I cannot. Although Spellforce 3 has many shining moments, after just shy of 60 hours of playtime, the flaws of this game finally piled too high. I realized I simply wasn't having fun anymore.


The campaign story is great. I very much enjoyed unraveling the plot and learning more about the fantasy world. It is a nice mix of established fantasy tropes, as well as interesting fresh interpretations of the genre. I especially enjoyed the orc factions and their unique philosophy.

The characters are also fantastic. You meet a diverse cast of truly unique personalities and perspectives. No one in the party is a tired trope. Their dialogue is well written and engaging. My feelings about characters truly evolved over time. I grew very attached to one party member early on, only to later find that I could no longer abide the path they were heading down. It felt legitimately dramatic and melancholic. Another party member began as less than appealing to me, but over time as I came to understand them I found that I really appreciated them.

I think the gameplay is at its best in the giant RTS set piece moments, of which there are many. I'm not a hardcore RTS guy, so I can't give detailed insight, but I found it very fun and I would enjoy much more of it.

The visuals are simply beautiful. The environments are detailed and appropriately grand for high fantasy. The art direction is great, and every faction has something to love about their visual design.


Unlike the RTS sections of the game, I did not care much for the gameplay mechanics of controlling the party of heroes. I found the sections that focused solely on marching your four man squad around to be a bit of a chore, mostly consisting of spamming abilities on cooldowns. It was the interesting character dialogue that pulled me through.

This game can get tedious at times. Very tedious. Walking your small group of heroes on foot across a giant map meant to accommodate RTS armies takes forever. There are teleportation portals on every map, but they don't resolve the issue. Crossing back through areas you have already cleared out just so you can go talk to a character again, or running all the way across a huge city just to make it to the right merchant is excruciating and nothing more than a waste of your time. Far too much of my 60 hours was spent this way.

Finally, let's talk about the final nail in this game's coffin for me. Bugs.

Spellforce 3 is riddled with a host of minor annoyances that pile higher and higher over time. Some are relatively minor, like realizing that you can't interact with certain map scenery if your heroes are accidentally toggled into defensive mode. Others are more significant, like the ability to accidentally sell off important quest items with no warning at all. I had to waste time backtracking through merchants more than once because I realized I had accidentally sold an important item necessary for a quest. This shouldn't even be possible, at least not while the quest is active.

The worst bug of all involves breaking quests. I had multiple main quests that stayed in my quest log despite successfully completing them. I would talk to a character to complete a quest, but it simply wouldn't register. Thankfully, it would still trigger the next quest, but it left a trail of junk notifications and icons clogging up my log and UI.

I was thankful, that is, until my luck ran out. Eventually, only a few levels before the end of the game, I hit a game breaking bug that prevented me from clicking on a character to speak with them to advance the main quest. I tried every trick I had picked up during my playtime to get around this, but nothing worked. Finally, my patience had run out. Rather than reload an old save and have to replay several hours of content in hopes that I didn't hit the bug a second time, I gave up on Spellforce 3. I ended up watching the rest of the campaign on YouTube.

Final Verdict

At its best, Spellforce 3 is a beautiful, fun RTS with a compelling RPG narrative. At it's worst, it wastes your time or frustrates you with potentially game breaking bugs. There is a lot to love here, but proceed with caution. I would not recommend this game unless you have patience enough to tolerate its lows in pursuit of the next high.
165 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
73 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.06.21 19:18
I can't recommend it. I think it's a cool concept, but I thought the combat and story were quite boring. I didn't get too far into it, but even the prologue wasn't very entertaining for me. Untapped potential.
54 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
1572 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.06.21 17:32
this game feels old in game play but looks alright, its kinda chill and laid back and basic with out being hard

some how this combo works pretty well if you like rts rpg type games. its worth it if on sale.
808 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
3657 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.06.21 01:41
This game was actually the biggest surprise of the year for me. Picked it up on a sale a while ago and only now got around to playing it. It certainly has a few bugs which are a little annoying, however there was nothing that killed the immersion for me. I loved the story and I loved the seamless merging of RTS and RPG gameplay. At moments i felt like I was playing through a Dragon Age Origins style RPG while at other times, I felt as if I was back playing the Warcraft 3 campaign. I think this really nailed the two genres and honestly it has set a new bar as to what an RTS campaign should feel like.

I really recommend this to anyone who might be in either RPG's or RTS.
150 Produkte im Account
17 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1839 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.06.21 05:36
Spellforce 3 has an identity crisis, it has great elements of an rpg that are still rough and unpolished, same goes for the RTS aspects, the game tries to toe a line inbetween by simplyfing gameplay aspects that end up making things MORE needlessly complex in a horrible tedious manner.

The story, interesting characters and exploration that you do with your party are by far the best part of the SF3, but are held back by the way the RTs system is implemented.

SF3 very obviousily has taken inspiration from Warcraft with it's mixed genre's but is lacking compared to a 10+ year old game in almost all RTS aspects that made me dread having to slog through mess every time.
The most headache inducing mechanic is the worker system that you use to gather resources, SF3 tries to simplify this by automating everything and in the process makes it needlessly tedious AND complex.

- The way base management works is you have a base camp with a limited number of workers that automatically get assigned to resources gathering buildings when you construct them. You can only increase your workers per base by upgrading them. Once upgraded to the max base level the only way to increase your resources gain is by expanding.
- Expanding invovles creating half a dozen outposts every goddam time you deal with the RTS gameplay so that you have more workers available to gather resources and increase your army population. Every resources building Ex. lumber mill you can assign a max of 3 workers, each base can be upgraded about 3 or so times each time giving you 3-4 more workers.
- This RTS aspect has you expanding across almost 1/4 to 1-2 of the goddam map, upgrading 6 outposts, building multiple resources gathering buildings and managing all the workers, repeat for food, stone, metal & late game mana pools.
- There is a point to be made of the base/outpost Quantity VS Quality. Swinging back to WC3 where you focused on creating a quality base and pump out as many workers as you see fit to increase your resource production AND do it all in a SINGLE base. It is not tedious like in SF3 where you have to juggle half a dozen goddam outposts for the same exact effect.

SF3 makes resources gathering, tedious, boring & unecessarily complex which is my biggest gripe with it, they tried to make it simple and made it WORSE. *Facepalm*
The same workers you have to use to populate a barracks, forge for upgrades and even watchtowers, yes we are sending seasoned pitchfork wielders into a watch tower.

- Actual RTS gameplay involves you wasting your time juggling outposts to get resources flowing then building a small army, CTRL+RMB to attack move towards the enemy citadel, while your meatshields tank use your heroes to nuke all the enemy waves. Set the difficulty to easy and steamroll to the enemy base to get it over with ASAP.

The game kept my interest for the first 30 hours with pretty decent story, characters & ability levelling but at this point the only content left is multiple RTS battle's on the previous maps that you have already explored doing the same thing over and over, I just can't.
In short, the basic base & resource expansion mechanics add nothing but negatives to the RTS aspect when compared to something I played almost a decade ago WC3, the RTS and story are great but not good enough to overcome the repetitve RTS grind. The RPG aspects are inferior to other RPGS & the RTS ones are inferior to full fledged RTS's, compared to RPG RTS hybrids like WC3 it's also a much worse experience.
141 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
422 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.06.21 18:43
The games RTS components are awful and the balancing of the hero units leaves alot to be desired.
184 Produkte im Account
69 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
419 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.06.21 07:56
First impression of this game was great. Graphics are good, maps are spectacular, setting of the story and story itself seems interesting. It didn't take long for me to lose my interest since combat felt braindead as F, just watching your troops autocombat enemies. This game is also not very well polished.
1286 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
5095 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.02.21 21:50
Great characters, story, and amazing voice acting. If you are here because of previous Spellforces - know that RTS part is not worthwhile, but the game is still great. Totally recommend for the RPG part.
442 Produkte im Account
24 Reviews
9273 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.01.21 21:38
Nice game as far as the campaign goes. However, once you finish the campaign it becomes hollow and there is no replay value unless you want to play the campaign again.

The campaign is worth the money and a great base for campaigns with many options for expansion with other campaigns. My advice in playing is do all the optional quests possible along the way as once the main campaign ends it falls off a cliff.
183 Produkte im Account
30 Reviews
823 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.01.21 03:25
this game brings me back to warcraft 3 reign of chaos with mixed gameplay like warhammer 40k dawn of war and warcraft 3 and starcraft 2 all got together and had this little gem. its definitely worth playing. just wish the game and its expansions didn't cost an arm and a leg.
207 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
749 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.01.21 15:57
The RPG and RTS blend really fits well. Very enjoyable and challening.
126 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
1647 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.01.21 20:20
Its a RTS with city building elements.
Only down side is the limit on army size. lol.
if they had a way to gather as many citizens to gather it would be great. Over all this game is very well balanced.
Sorry for the shit review, the game is great though. Got it on sale 12 bucks. i would value this game at 30 bucks. Dont be stingy, spend a little more to get it with the expansions. its like 40 something with both on sale.
315 Produkte im Account
23 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
987 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.01.21 17:41
I do not enjoy this game. It is 90% personal preference, I have nothing bad to say about the quality of the game. It was pretty, sounded nice, and I didn't experience any notable bugs. I just found the experience to be boring.

I got to this game via an RPG recommendation. It is underwhelming. From a game mechanics it is light on both RPG and RTS but it is more RTS as its core. If you like RPGs, don't play this. If you want an RTS with some light RPG mechanics and extended breaks between RTS then this is for you.

172 Produkte im Account
20 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
2918 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.12.20 01:11
Despite all the things I truly like about this game and they are numerous, the voice acting is great, the storyline is pretty good, the gameplay mechanics are fun. However ... the further you get in this game the more bugs you will start to encounter, quests that cannot be complete. Where quest triggers do not happen, old quests you didn't want to do because they were actually a detriment to you staying on your quest log till the end of time on a section of you screen. As you try to give the good push to finish this game you find yourself being pulled out of the immersion time and time again by a relatively stupid bug, that becomes extremely glaring. Can't find your quest npc and searched the whole map? you found them, but you can't talk to them ... their event trigger can't go on. Save someones family members, well one of them on return didn't stand close enough so it counted them as dead for completion of the quest. This game has pretty solid mechanics, a good storyline, and a fun world .... I just wish they could have made it more functional.
107 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
4936 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.12.20 14:34
Imagine a story and style like Baldur's Gate 2, but with less complicated but still interesting RPG combat.

Then add in an RTS factor, which you can steamroll with your RPG party if you get bored and want to focus on RPG.

9/10 since I love the story, art, presentation and RPG combat. RTS is actually quite nice as well if you prepare, scout and steamroll using your heroes.
1580 Produkte im Account
28 Reviews
1861 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.12.20 21:36
[Writing this part around 19 hours in of total gameplay, including lots of in-pause]
So far I've basically only started the first act of the campaign.
This game is, so far, a great mix of RPG and RTS, a true evolution of the RTS+RPG genre. I enjoy it very much.

SpellForce 3 campaign, so far, gives me everything I'd want from Warcraft III successor that delved deeper into the RPG side. It's also a quicker game than what I remember Spellforce I and Spellforce II to be, which is very good, as the older games are awfully slow to me. The first one allows to bypass that problem though! ;)

What else to say - I feel like the RPG part also has the story/decision-making aspect influencing the whole ga me. I'll verify that later on. :)

I'll probably update the review as I go through the game.
147 Produkte im Account
18 Reviews
3546 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.12.20 09:56
Best party-based RPG experience you can get since Original Sin.
In fact, this is even better in some regards - like writing in general and dialogues in particular.
1044 Produkte im Account
52 Reviews
1256 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.12.20 07:19
It's a fun rpg/rts game. If you liked warcraft get this game.
217 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
3765 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.11.20 04:29



This review was written about the base game BEFORE the massive rework update, which at the time of writing this, is expected within the next year. Gameplay may be drastically improved or changed with the update.

ohhhh Spellforce 3, Spellforce 3. This game is, in my opinion, a flawed masterpiece. The writing is fantastic and tells a compelling story from start to end as a prequel to the original Spellforce games, the music is moving and provides a perfect fantasy atmosphere, and the graphics are really quite good, with setpieces on a scale I haven't even seen before. The companions are fun and interesting, each of them with their own story and personality, with fantastic voice acting to boot. The RPG side of the game is also very fun, with a lot of hero customization leading to cool builds and synergies. But... the RTS mode isn't very good in a lot of places. They're not terrible, but at many points in the game it was a struggle to get through to get to the good parts.


The feel of this game is quite complicated. There are times when the RTS mode feels natural and fine, but other times the game completely breaks down when going into this mode. The AI is weird and unpredictable, with the only certain thing being that you will be raided, CONSTANTLY. Certain missions will be frustrating due to hordes of enemies attacking constantly with very few resources to properly defend yourself. Now, this is nowhere near as bad as some of the past Spellforce games have been, but it is still quite annoying. Another thing that hurts the game is how slow the RTS sections can get. With the mechanics (which are supposed to be overhauled to fit Fallen God and Soul Harvest) being what they are, resources take forever to actually get up and going due to workers having to lug them around to the base that you're working on. This only amplifies the problem where enemies zerg rush your base, because it can take forever for you to get a stable economy to field an army and win.
On the flip side, the RPG is great. Akin to something like Grim Dawn, you have multiple ability trees that you can choose from and at character creation you get access to 3 of them, which can lead to super interesting character builds and unique synergies. I myself went for a strange 2-H Brutality/Archery/Black Magic nuker. It was all hilariously good fun! It is honestly quite daunting to stare at the screen and see the sheer amount of choices and abilities to pick, but the game is quite forgiving in terms of your character build. The game hands out many potions that allow you to completely re-spec your character, so you can feel free to try out any wacky idea you have without fear of having to re-start the game! There are plenty of magic items that have unique and creative buffs that can also feed into the builds of your characters. One problem, however, is that good items for mage-centred builds are fairly scarce and only come around later in the game, but most mages are powerful enough that it doesn't matter too much.

Rating for RPG: 8/10
Rating for RTS: 4.5/10


The story is the real draw of this game, and damn if it isn't a good draw. The story for this game is great, and it is a grand, massive-scale story with plenty of nooks and crannies to explore and find cool things in. As a prequel to the other Spellforce games, long-time fans will find quite a large amount of cool nods to the original games, as well as more context and story explaining the events that led up to Spellforce 1. Along the way, you'll have plenty of twists and turns, hard choices, and epic adventures that really make it worth the price tag. It can drag a little in a few spots, but nothing egregious and it always picks back up quite quickly. The companions are all extremely well fleshed out (which many Spellforce 1 & 2 fans will be quite interested in) and are extremely unique in lore, personality, and mechanics. Over the course of the game, you really start to care about each of the characters and want to learn more about them as the game progresses. It all ties up in the end in a satisfying way, having actually impacted me the way a great, well told story does. I cannot stress enough how interesting the world is, how great the characters are, and how awesome the story is in this game!



The graphics in this game are honestly quite good, especially the landscapes. I frequently spent my time just exploring the areas to marvel at how peaceful the coast looks, or how beautiful that waterfall is, or how gorgeous the mountainous forests look. The sheer scale of some of the areas (like Greykeep, Everlight, and POTENTIAL SPOILERS: [spoiler]Mulandir[/spoiler]) actually floored me the first time I saw them, especially Greykeep. My only gripe is that most of the colour palette in this game is quite drab which, to be honest, is not that bad as it is a stylistic choice and one that I don't mind in entertainment, but it does leave some desire for a splash of more vibrant colours.


Sound Design and Music

Straight out of the gate, the music in this game is fantastic. The game sets a theme right in the opening menu of the game and that theme sticks throughout the game, changing and shaping the atmosphere of the locations around you. The soundtrack is diverse and memorable, and honestly contains one of the most touching pieces of video game music ever imo: Fragile. It is one that I would honestly recommend to anyone to just listen to and I use it all the time for my TTRPG games with my buddies. MAJOR props to the composer Bastian Kieslinger for this one. The sound design is also very good, nothing sounds out of place or cheesy, and it fits into the overall atmosphere of the game. Another thing I have to talk about is the voice acting, because oh man is it good. I was actually shocked at how natural and realistic the voice acting was when I first opened the game. For the vast majority of the game, it really felt like these were real people in real situations. When people are having casual conversation, it sounds like two people relaxed and having an organic discussion. When someone is angry, it reflects in their voice quite realistically. Overall, absolutely A+++ in the voice acting department.


Summary: Summarized

Overall, I really enjoyed my experience with this game as it is unlike most any other game I've played so far. The story is interesting and has me engaged, the voice acting is phenomenal and immerses me into the world far more than it realistically should, the music is hands down a masterpiece and always hits the right spot: beautiful and light when it needs to but can also be bombastic and imposing when the situation arises, and the gameplay (for the most part) is quite fun and has me craving more. Unfortunately, the game is really held back by things like bugs (which, to be fair, I didn't experience that much of), some pretty terrible feeling RTS mechanics and frustrating situations, and a lack of polish on the mechanical side of things. Overall, though, the experience of Spellforce 3 is one like no other and is one that I would recommend to anyone that enjoys RPG/fantasy RPG games.

Overall Score: 7.5/10
439 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
3942 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.11.20 15:37
A really good mix of RPG/RTS but after half of the game you are so strong that you can do the RTS part without building a single unit/building.
And that was on hard without reading any guides.

Had a blast but will not finish.
52 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
5083 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.10.20 00:46

Overall, fantastic...

On the whole, Spellforce 3 is a fantastic game. Very in-depth, strategic, challenging and rewarding. A lot of love and dedication went into it, considering the game is fully voice-acted by a recognizable cast. And the graphics are very pleasing.

The campaign took me about 50 hours to complete. It had many, many twists and solid character development along the way.

The skirmish setting will keep you occupied for a while as well. The RTS portion is growing on me despite the steep learning curve. The multiplayer settings are basically for show, but I have fun skirmishing CPUs.

... but it has its flaws.

That said, the game has a fair amount of minor inconveniences that may start to get to you as they add up.

For example:

- A few minor quests aren't able to be completed.
- Some RTS elements are broken/imbalanced (resources are tied to individual bases and aren't universal, and end-game CPUs pump out neverending armies).
- Lots of typos.

I personally was able to roll with them because I was genuinely enjoying the game. But if you're less forgiving than I, you may not be able to tolerate them.


Despite its flaws, I would still play it again as is, and I suggest you do the same. I highly recommend it. It's up there with my all-time favorite RPGs, alongside Witcher 3, Pillars of Eternity and Divinity OS series.

63 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
6171 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.10.20 15:38
Spellforce 3. I will write short review.

Buy this game on discount if you love RPG's with a decent story. Replay rate not that high Multiplayer non existent.

As i said play for the story and if your a spellforce / RPG fan.

10/10 would buy on discount.

89 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
3758 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.09.20 00:05
Old gamer here with lots of time in RPG titles, some in the RTS categories.
I tend to avoid the multiplayer or PVP components, so I can't speak to this aspect of the game.
Overall I would give it about 4/5, a game worth trying out.

Good graphics. Some of the areas are just plain beautiful with good detail.
Interesting story. The main story line is good, and each of the possible player / character backstories is worth a read. I almost wish they would put it in a book format, it would make a good series.
Different playstyles. Although some form of tank, dps, dps, healer is usually needed; the way you accomplish this is highly variable.

Switching zones. This takes a while loading each time, and some zone changes a just to talk to a character to advance a quest line.
Repetitive combat. Most characters specialize in a few abilities (only 3 to use at a given battle). So most fights play out the same after a while unless you change the group composition.
RTS controls. The only other RTS type games I have played were Starcraft and C&C. The controls seem a little more difficult as far as grouping. Also, the player characters seem to be the only important characters. The units you build otherwise are just fodder, but you can almost get by without them. (Normal mode comment, I have not done harder modes).

I think it is worth a play through. I bought the sequel, so obviously I thought it was good enough to give them some more money. I hope they continue to refine the game, I think the storytelling is good and I'm interested to see where it can go.
41 Produkte im Account
37 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
7858 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.09.20 09:00
Although it had some good sights to see and story lines, due to the impact of the cons below, I could not find the entertainment I'd expect from a polished RPG during the ~100 hours that I played SF3 and RTS was practically a disaster. THQ Nordic disappointed for the first time and I certainly hope this is not the intended quality of their future products. I'll detail why below.
  • You see the scenes on the screenshots, those are real
  • There is no inventory weight/space limit! This is absolutely amazing. Finally one of many RPG developers realized that warehouse management in an RPG does not add to the fun!
  • The story feels quite solid
  • Controlling a customizable character taking whichever role you want to play in a battle is a fantastic thing
  • Save/Load mechanism and some basic parts of the game work okay, making you feel you are in front of a stable software, in turn allowing you to play your game instead of fiddling with unnecessary settings or workarounds

  • You never see another cutscene like the one in the advertisement in the game and the graphics are nowhere close to that either.
  • Every once a 10 minutes you come across some bug like outlines being available on menu but not actually working in game
  • Fundamental gaming elements are also bugged. Monsters are not attacking your camps when they should, instead linger around randomly and your units simply ignoring your orders with their terrible AI,
  • There are some really badly implemented features like characters getting stuck and making lots of looped loud armor clunking noises,
  • Lively scenes are, in reality consisting of space filling clutter, there is a very low level of interaction on the map,
  • Among this much map clutter, there are fundamental items that you must find but are not able to, highlighting function is not provided and shading, if you look closely is pretty bad. It will be disturbing for your eyes on high resolutions if not alone distasteful,
  • Despite you can create a character and put it on the field, your character will have a fugly portrait sharing it with 40 other NPCs(Yes, really and even if you customize using third party tools, it will still be shared across npcs)
  • If you want to play a male, you do not have an option to look under 60, and if you want to play a female, you can not look over 25.
  • RTS is very shabby, your units will never go where you would assumed that they would and they should, ranged units will charge on the front line randomly and they will never stop trying to, in short, you do not have effective control over your units
  • Player is not informed on certain things or outright misinformed, like upgrading an elven city center kills all workers instantly; not upgrading allows you to initiate building construction, take away resources HOWEVER does not start or complete it - stacked up resources just wait there silently(it's as weird as it sounds)
  • Story is solid and it is there. But player does not affect it. 90% of the dialogs are player passing chatter judgement on their companion's pasts or events that have already transpired, slightly short of idle gossip. 10% of the time it feels like an actual RPG

To conclude other negative comments about RTS are quite accurate and this game may be experienced at a discounted price but I would strongly advise against buying at its full price because of disappointments it will entail.
137 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
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2542 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.09.20 09:47
I am not normally one to write game reviews. I'm content enough to shrug off games that I did not enjoy, and I'm forgiving enough to not criticize developers for most kinds of errors. I really cannot stay silent here however. This game has issues with game balance, QoL, and other minor annoyances. I honestly could overlook these for a game I only intended to play through once. Sadly, there are deeper technical issues that I faced more than once in different ways, and it either roots back to developer laziness or lack of publisher funding. My guess is the latter, but since from a customer perspective the discrepancy is moot, I place the blame on them both and let that run its course.

The first time I encountered an issue was early on, with a loading screen. Never mind that I'm sick of hearing about the poor in Everlight, but when the game freezes during a loading screen and I have to restart my computer to fix it because it caused windows task manager to corrupt while loading, I really can't be so forgiving. This however only happened once and I was going to just forget about it.

Until a few missions later when I had an issue where workers would just not move. They just stand still, won't build new structures, won't gather resources, won't send couriers, nothing. I had hoped reloading would fix it, but it seems that whatever causes it saves with the save file, and so the only fix was to load my last autosave before the mission and restart it again and again until that didn't happen. I spent nearly 2 hours on this. Any game with bugs that cause a core function to stop running need to fix that. We're not talking about graphical issues, or minor annoyances with workarounds; we're talking about being unable to actually do the thing I spent money to do. I cannot play the game. Strike 2, I just want to finish the damn thing and maybe file a bug report.

Until I got to the last mission and now quest items aren't being recognized in my inventory, a whole side quest does *literally nothing,* and I cannot progress because access to the areas needed to progress with the quest don't become available when they seemingly should. I had to stop playing because after spending a good 30 minutes rechecking every area and looking online for a solution, it was clear that moving beyond that point in the game was effectively impossible, and I wasn't going to spend another who knows how many hours restarting and redoing the first half the missions just to see if it worked right eventually. No, that's it for me. Strike three.

A full system crash, a serious bug that stops nearly all progression gameplay, and another bug that stops you from finishing the game on the last quest of the last mission. This just reeks of *rush to publish it so we can rob customers and not lose money.* I've never had an issue with THQ Nordic games before, but it wouldn't be the first time that a publisher forced a developer to rush a game to meet financial deadlines, and it also wouldn't be the first time that a developer took shortcuts to get done quicker and meet those deadlines. I don't know which is at fault, and I honestly don't care. The fact remains that I spent money on a game that I cannot even play through once. So I'm afraid I cannot recommend this game. I want to, so badly. It has a lot of potential to be amazing but it fails to deliver on the basic needs of a game: It needs to be playable. I hate using this phrase for how exaggerated it always is, but as far as I'm concerned, this game is literally unplayable.
74 Produkte im Account
24 Reviews
119 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.09.20 07:55
Loving it, really good game, Just at the start but hooked on it. I haven't encountered any bugs yet but yes if there are bugs I will be very disappointed as the game is great and looks beautiful.
351 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
6842 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.09.20 02:49
It's a fun game most of the time some of the rpg elements clash with the rts aspects, which is weird because this game came out after warcraft 3. As an rts this game is pretty gud, as an rpg it's alright
217 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
4841 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.09.20 11:02
A very nice RTS RPG blend - a little of both, but somehow adds up to more than the sum of their parts.Fantastic graphics, good and polished gamplay, and outstanding soundtrack! Like, I haven't played since February, but I often find myself humming along to the game's Main Theme.If you're into RTS game with RPG elements, but not sure if you should get it, definitely wishlist it, look a some vids on youtube and get it on sale. I had a blast with this game, and I love RPGs and RTS games.
158 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
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4109 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.09.20 21:43
This game would of been awesome as an RPG only.

It is such a life-like little RPG world. The graphics and story are both great.

The RTS portion of the game sucks big time. I find my self dreading the next RTS part.
134 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
5496 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.09.20 09:19
Very nice RPG, with a slightly unusual storyline and choices to make, rounded up with beautiful atmosphere and music. You can even play the story in Coop.
15 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
13829 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.09.20 09:44
i have been addicted to this game ever since it was release been playing it for 2 years and still love it. im so glad i have the opportunity to experience the game itself ^^
65 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
4903 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.08.20 02:04
Ever heard it's a good game, but terrible SpellForce? Nothing can describe this game better than that. You can enjoy the ride, so long as You treat it as standalone game, rathen than a prequel.
756 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
3171 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.07.20 08:27
better than spellforce 2
I liked magic spells in the game and in necromancy being able to summon pretty powerful flesh golem.
but that spell also made my mage really op and I didn't need to recruit units unless I was being attack from multiple sides.

But it was fun seeing that golem destroy so many enemies units by himself. That allowed my hero pretty much hold entire flank by himself and my units were dealing with whatever my mage was not able to do at the time.

Companions were alright.

Biggest downside for me who loved spellforce 1 was that there was no third person mode I always enjoyed going into it and looking at shit I build. Also I was using it sometimes in combat to see my enemies getting destroyed by my army while still casting spells.

118 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
4763 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.07.20 16:46
act 3 is throw away but everything leading up to it was brilliant
339 Produkte im Account
44 Reviews
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845 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.07.20 03:56
This game blows. I'm a huge RTS and RPG lover. This combination was poorly implemented. Skirmish mode you HAVE to play with other players (no AI). Campaign has a decent back story. And the plot progress makes sense and its fun. But the RTS aspect ruins it. resource gathering is so cumbersome, resources run out fast and lands become completely useless. Progress is just terrible for new units and buildings. Enemy waves seem to never end like they have endless supply of resources to maintain expensive armies over and over. The spells are few and weak. I can't believe I wasted 14 hours for nothing.
158 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
3957 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.07.20 13:03
The story war quite interesting, but the gameplay. Oh Lord the Gameplay is the dumbest sh*t ive ever seen:

the map is seperated in sectors. Each sector has its own ressources.

you need to capture it build your outpost and sign your workers(which divide in actual workers and carriers, who carry the ressources to your outpost). when you capture a new sector you need to send ressources from your main or neighbouring sector first before being able to built it.

Soul Harvest, the Standalone Expansion solves this crappy Gameplay. But still i think they shouldve stick to the gameplay and base building from Spellforce 2 Shadow wars.

You could play it for the story, but bear in mind the gameplay.. only because of the gameplay itself some missions take way too long
186 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
3428 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.07.20 09:07
The depth of world lore in this game is hugely satisfying and well thought out. The game play is like most RTS games and is very easy to pick up on when playing through the story with many RPG elements thrown in. Picture playing The Witcher 3 but controlling Geralt and an army from an aerial view while managing the local economy of the village you are defending. This game is one of my favorites and it has one of the best stories out there right now.
217 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
2948 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.07.20 02:08
2nd play through during covid is just as fun as the 1st
91 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
2876 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.07.20 02:13
The best way I can describe this game is if Age of Empires implemented elements from warcraft 3, with heavy story-orientation. Almost lord of the rings-esque kind of detailed story. You spend a lot of time listening the characters chat, but the gameplay is fun. You have the option to slow down time and choose your abilities without worrying too much about timing, but I chose to play it in true RTS format. Combat feels like age of empires, with resource collection and costs for upgrades/buildings/units with the added bonus of heroes in your army that have a maximum of 3 abilities and are chosen by applying points to a tech tree.

I loved the game a lot more than I expected to, sinking 30 hours and expecting to play something like 10-15 and get bored of it.
422 Produkte im Account
43 Reviews
3714 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.07.20 12:25
I keep it short. The ending was abit meh, short on aftermath information, what happend with your companions and whatnot. You notice a handful of things went missing, along with the bugs, as near the end it seemed the dev was rushed to finish the game.

But the adventure, is SO BLOODY WORTH IT. The story, characters and voice acting is near-perfect. Controls are fine, if you ask me, im not a professional RTS gamer but unlike most complaints i had near to no issues.
Picked this game up during sale tho i wouldnt have minded the full price.
76 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
2478 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.06.20 01:17
It was a good 41 hours of campaign.
660 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
3084 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.06.20 19:02
If you are looking for a game with a well crafted setting and story then this is a good game for you. If gameplay is important for you, which would be understandable, then I recommend looking at some videos with gameplay first before making your decision.

This game has a beautiful setting and a great story. However, all the areas are separate maps that make the world feel fairly small. The gameplay switches between you controlling a party of 4 heroes and sections where besides having those heroes you also have a base to control in RTS style. As your heroes level up you can pick which abilities and stats they learn and improve. For me the combat felt a bit empty. Each hero can only use 3 abilities during combat despite being able to learn many more and for the most part you can only use them sparingly which means that they're mostly just auto attacking. This also meant that I didn't really know what to do with my ability points once I had 3 good abilities as many heroes don't have that many passives and some passives use one of your 3 slots.

I personally think that the RTS gameplay is a nice touch, but if you are an experienced rts player then you might find it lacking. Despite the gameplay being a bit mediocre, especially since I'm used to games like DOS 2 where you have a lot of abilities and battles require planning, I still enjoyed playing this game quite a bit.

If you explore the world and complete most or all of the side quests then this game has about 40-50+ hours of gameplay. If you just want to rush through the main story then you're probably looking at around 20 hours depending on how fast you win the battles.
65 Produkte im Account
19 Reviews
3794 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.06.20 22:02
I loved the original Spellforce and though this is different in a lot of ways it does preserve a part of it's essence.
I enjoyed it.
239 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
10035 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.06.20 09:15
Very Enjoyable
45 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
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2192 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.06.20 01:47
After 35 hours, I'm throwing in the towel. I really tried to like this game, but I just can't keep playing.

The set pieces are beautiful, the characters and story are actually pretty good with fully voiced lines, and the RPG element isn't too bad. The RTS is horrible, though. Seriously, trust the negative reviews on this one.
127 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
2638 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.06.20 08:43
Good game
503 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
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7 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.05.20 18:18
You read about the nightmarish release full of game-breaking bugs? Think that over two years later these bugs have finally been patched? That the game is safe to play now? Think again!

I wasted hours of my life on a game that I can never finish (hours on record is not accurate, offline mode) . . .
432 Produkte im Account
20 Reviews
345 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.05.20 13:22
Good stuff.
364 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
18825 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.04.20 16:42
It's a solid RPG game with character development and RTS/Settlers elements.
It has HoMM IV syndrome where well developed heroes are your main and immortal army.
118 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
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1177 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.04.20 05:17
First I will say I did not finish the game. The story is good. Fully voiced etc. The RPG is not bad, the combat for the heros gets a little boring, activate a spell when you have enough focus. The RTS is atrocious and makes the game unplayable. The entire strategy is to crank out unit after unit. If you do not aggressively attack from turn 1 the computer overwhelms you. They just spawn unit after unit after unit non stop. You cannot build your base or do anything but defend against non stop waves of enemies. And the combat is so boring, it is simply crank out masses of units and send them into the enemy's base.
80 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
3693 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.04.20 11:41
Very immersive wold and presentation: graphics + sound + voice acting.
Nice RPG system blended with strategy.
333 Produkte im Account
145 Reviews
3189 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.04.20 18:11
Waited for a long time for this and boy was I not disappointed. Great graphics, absolutely beautiful environments and maps, great story, amazing voice acting, well written characters, great gameplay. What a great job done here. A very worthy successor in this franchise. Bravo.
517 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
3363 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.04.20 10:58
Wow. That was one hell of a ride. Beautiful graphics, enthralling soundtrack and great story. It's nice to know how The Circle came to be. I hope Soul Harvest will be at least as good.
3 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
3623 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.03.20 01:39
good graphics and fun to play, a little glitchy on some missions, but still a great game
54 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
4921 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.02.20 17:52
Excelent combination of RPG and strategy
188 Produkte im Account
16 Reviews
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8 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.02.20 03:07
WARNING: CURRENTLY DOES NOT WORK ON 5700XT (will update review if this changes).
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Release:29.12.2017 Genre: Action-Rollenspiel Entwickler:keine Infos Vertrieb: THQ Nordic Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise: SpellForce
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