News Liste SpeedRunners
Make sure to sign up and join us next Saturday!
CLICK ME to sign up for the SR Monthly: The King of Speed 2025 LCQ!
You might not be able to "win" your way in to The King of Speed at this point but what if I told you that Salem the Witch would like to know who is the most LOVED in the SR community!
To show your love, please mention THREE DIFFERENT NAMES in the steam community thread below.
The three most mentioned names at the end of the SR Monthly happening next Saturday will make it into The King of Speed as the 11th, 12, and 13th seed respectively based on amount of LOVE received.
Salem's Valentine's Day Contest <3
Last but not least, Announcing "The King of Speed 2025: Digital Supporter Badge"
Yup, We did it for Lord of the Runs last year and it's BACK again for KoS.
You can pay $5 or more to help support the prize pool of the upcoming King of Speed 2025.
If you're interested in getting a new shiny silver badge on your in-game profile, then click the link below and support the prize pool, will ya?
(Note: this page will remain open from today until the FINAL day of The King of Speed 2025 on March 23th.)
Purchase YOUR Digital Supporter Badge HERE
DoubleDutch Games
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