• Spaceland: Screen zum Spiel Spaceland.
  • Spaceland: Screen zum Spiel Spaceland.
  • Spaceland: Screen zum Spiel Spaceland.
  • Spaceland: Screen zum Spiel Spaceland.
  • Spaceland: Screen zum Spiel Spaceland.
  • Spaceland: Screen zum Spiel Spaceland.
  • Spaceland: Screen zum Spiel Spaceland.
  • Spaceland: Screen zum Spiel Spaceland.
  • Spaceland: Screen zum Spiel Spaceland.
  • Spaceland: Screen zum Spiel Spaceland.
  • Spaceland: Screen zum Spiel Spaceland.
  • Spaceland: Screen zum Spiel Spaceland.
  • Spaceland: Screen zum Spiel Spaceland.
  • Spaceland: Screen zum Spiel Spaceland.
  • Spaceland: Screen zum Spiel Spaceland.
  • Spaceland: Screen zum Spiel Spaceland.
  • Spaceland: Screen zum Spiel Spaceland.
  • Spaceland: Screen zum Spiel Spaceland.
  • Spaceland: Screen zum Spiel Spaceland.
  • Spaceland: Screen zum Spiel Spaceland.
  • Spaceland: Screen zum Spiel Spaceland.
  • Spaceland: Screen zum Spiel Spaceland.
  • Spaceland: Screen zum Spiel Spaceland.
  • Spaceland: Screen zum Spiel Spaceland.


Du musst angemeldet sein
  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 30.09.2019
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Preis Update 20.01.25

Über das Spiel

Erlebe ein rundenbasiertes Taktik-Abenteuer. Führe dein Space Rangers-Team, finde die Geheimnisse eines unbekannten Planeten, besiege außerirdische Monster, erlebe die Geschichte und verbessere deine Helden durch neue Waffen und futuristische Ausrüstung.

Inspiriert von Old School-Strategien
Spaceland bietet rundenbasierte Strategie im Old School-Stil. Inspiriert von XCOM, Laser Squad, Incubation und fesselnden, klassischen Sci-Fi-Romanen.

Schnelle Taktik-Gefechte
Rasante Gefechte über 10 bis 15 Minuten. Eliminiere gefährliche Bewohner eines seltsamen Planeten. Unverwundbare Brontors, schnelle Creeper, Mutanten und mehr. Am Ende jedes Kapitels der Geschichte erwarten dich clevere Bosse

Finde in Dialogen auf deinem Raumschiff mehr über deine Charaktere heraus. Suche geheime Drohnen und fülle das Lexikon des Spiels mit wissenschaftlichen Geheimnissen der Basis.

Futuristische Ausrüstung für deine Truppe
Führe dein Team und überliste deinen Feind. Finde Waffen und rüste deine Truppe mit futuristischer Ausrüstung aus.


  • CPU: 2GHz Dual Core with x64 support
  • GFX: Nvidia GeForce GT 550 or AMD Radeon HD 5000
  • RAM: 4 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows 7
  • HD: 1 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • SFX: DirectX compatible
  • DX: Version 11
  • LANG: Deutsch, Englisch, Russisch, Chinesisch, Französisch
  • CPU: 2GHz Dual Core with x64 support
  • GFX: Nvidia GeForce GT 760 or AMD Radeon R9
  • RAM: 8 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows 10
  • HD: 1 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • SFX: DirectX compatible
  • DX: Version 11
  • LANG: Deutsch, Englisch, Russisch, Chinesisch, Französisch

Steam Nutzer-Reviews

1814 Produkte im Account
300 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
37 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.04.21 13:12
das spiel habe ich wegen CO-Op gekauft.

1.wen ich mein freund einlade geht das nicht mal - er kann aber zumindest beitretten .
2.Leider konnte ich keine spielfigur mir aussuchen geschweige , ne waffe oder eine fehigkeit da alles fest vorgegeben ist.
3.es wirt nicht gezeigt wer grade am zug ist
4.dann haben wir gemeinsam eine art Tutorial gemacht.
5.wir wurden von immer wieder neuen feinden in einer 4 quadratischen map umzingelt mit kaum Deckung und feinde spwannen immer um uns neu - das wir gezwungen waren uns immer zu verstecken .
6.nach mission ende wurden wir wieder aus der loby komplett getrennt und durften den seltsamen Prozess uns neu einladen. betz ( Beitretten )
Mission ( 2 ) war herrlich da man kaum eine chance hatte um zu einer muni , Lebenskiste zu kommen da der feind das weis zu verhindern
8. danach war Crash und das spiel ist im Grunde Gans nett aufgebaut
aber bietet nicht wirklich viel - geschweige neues ( es kommt rüber wie eine art demo )

/ man hätte mehr draus machen können.
( eigendlich daumen hoch aber es ist einfach zu unmotiviert ) grade durch immer einladen .
und zu wenig Spielspaß ( und das zeichnet ein game aus - spaß ! )
75 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
27 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.11.20 21:18
Achtung Coopfreunde: Das Spiel hat keinen Coop-Storymodus. Es gibt nur Überleben und Gegeneinander als Multiplayervarianten. Falschinformation. Rückgabe beantragt.
16 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
1176 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.01.20 00:09
Simples und cooles Layout. Sehr clever und funky umgesetzt. Macht echt viel Spaß auch in der Kombination mit dem Upgrade der einzelnen Spieler und Ausrüstungsgegenstände.
18 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
1360 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.12.19 22:11
It´s virtual X-COM light - I would recommend it for beginners and casual players.
865 Produkte im Account
116 Reviews
110 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.10.19 14:32

Spaceland - Ein vereinfachtes Sci-Fi X-Com in Comic-Grafik

Spaceland ist ein rundenbasiertes Taktikspiel bei dem man eine kleine Truppe von „Space Rangern“ durch diverse Areale lenkt. Dabei kämpfen wir gegen Aliens und versuchen dem Geheimnis auf die Spur zu kommen, dass den Planeten und den Stützpunkt umgibt, auf dem wir unverhofft gelandet sind.


Unsere Recken setzen bei den Einsätzen verschiedenen Waffen mit verschiedenen Mechaniken ein. Shotguns machen aus der Nähe mehr Schaden, Energiewaffen ignorieren physische Deckung. Andere Fähigkeiten wie Granaten, Teleportation oder Nahkampfansturmangriffe helfen uns aus schwierigen Lagen. Deckung kann ebenfalls genutzt werden, ist aber längst nicht so allumfänglich verfügbar, wie beim großen Vorbild X-Com.

Zwischen den Missionen können wir die erbeuteten Ressourcen zur Verbesserung des Teams einsetzen. Mit Geld können wir Waffen und Rüstungen upgraden, mit Forschungstokens die Skills unserer Charaktere verbessern. Wir können sogar kleine Gespräche zwischen den Protagonisten führen, die uns dabei helfen sie näher kennenzulernen. Die Story wird in Dialogen erzählt, die nicht vertont sind. Dabei sollte man nicht zu viel erwarten, Spaceland ist nur ein kleines Spiel und weit von X-Com entfernt was Inszenierung angeht. Die deutsche Übersetzung ist stellenweise etwas holprig, in der Regel weiß man aber was gemeint ist.

Süß aber giftig

Die Schwierigkeit der Missionen ergibt sich aus Deckungsmangel, einem eingeschränkten Munitionsvorrat und Gegnern mit Spezialmechaniken. Manche können von vorne keinen Schaden nehmen und müssen zuerst ausmanövriert werden. Bossgegner gibt es ebenfalls: Den ersten kann man mit normalen Waffen gar nicht erst beschädigen. Man muss auf die guten alten roten Sprengfässer zurückgreifen, die man erst in seine Richtung bugsieren muss. Ein Schuss sorgt dann für die Explosion, welche den Boss tatsächlich beschädigt.

Obwohl das Spiel im niedlichen Comic-Look daherkommt kann's, wenn man genretypisch 90%er nicht trifft, schnell mal brenzlig werden, wenn zu viele Gegner um einen herum stehen. Die Lernkurve ist sehr angenehm, die Einsätze schön kurz gehalten - definitiv ein Spiel dass man kurz mal zwischendurch spielen kann.


Auch wenn Spaceland mit Sicherheit kein echter Konkurrent für X-Com ist, so merkt man ihm zumindest seine Wurzeln kann. Die Strategiespieler-Gemeinde braucht dringend Nachwuchs und genau solche , leicht zugänglichen Spiele, könnten dafür sorgen. Für den hart gesottenen X-Com Veteranen ist das Spiel höchstens etwas, dass man auf einem iOS Gerät in der Bahn zum Zeitvertrieb mit dem linken Zeh durchspielen kann. Aber nicht jedes Spiel muss einen an den Rand der eigenen Leistungsfähigkeit reizen, manchmal reicht auch einfach etwas konventioneller Spaß.

Mein kleines Spaceland Angespielt:


Viele Grüße euer Toryn
213 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
155 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.09.19 17:18
Spacelands ist praktisch XCOM nur etwas simpler und im putzigen Comic-Style.

- taktisch herausfordernd
- viele Kombinationen von Helden, Fähigkeiten, Ausrüstungen
- klasse Humor und Anspielungen auf Pop-Kultur / andere Games
- spannende Boss-Gegner
- Punktesystem verleitet zu wiederholen von Maps
- absolut keine Bugs gefunden

- deutsche Lokalisation ist nur Mittelmaß
- Story ist etwas flach
- beim zocken mit Controller verschwindet der Mauszeiger nicht

Kurz und knapp:
Auch wenn es niedlich ausschaut steckt eine ganze Menge Strategie in Spaceland. Sobald man auch nur ansatzweise das Gefühl bekommt, dass es langweilig werden könnte kommt schon wieder eine neue Mechanik, ein neuer Held oder eine neue Fähigkeit um die Ecke, die wieder zig neue Kombinationsmöglichkeiten frei schaltet.
Taktisch macht das Game einiges her ohne das man je das Gefühl hat von einer Unzahl an Spielmechaniken überwältigt zu werden. Ebenfalls fühlt es sich selten unfair an.

Alleine die Anzahl (und auch der Inhalt) der Negativ-Punkte gibt Aufschluss darüber, dass es sich hier um ein solides Game handelt. Gameplay steht bei mir immer an erster Stelle und damit kann Spaceland auch trumpfen!

Klare Kaufempfehlung für alle die an XCOM und ähnlichen Games Spaß hatten - und auch für die, denen genau das doch noch etwas zu kompliziert war.
32 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
146 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.04.22 21:09
Misleading .. not a turn based strategy. Its a turn based adventure ...
56 Produkte im Account
42 Reviews
1481 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.01.22 14:29
It's a blend of X-Com, Aliens and Space Hulk with child friendly graphics. Having said that it is not a super easy game, as some of the maps do make you think, as you have to contend with a fog of war system that hides parts of the map you can't see. This includes the exit point. Be prepared for several attempts to achieve a 100% pass on a mission. If you choose to change the difficulty, you will not be made to restart the story and will still have all your currently unlocked items.

Even though there are 2 in game currencies - coins and chips, neither requires real world money. You get chips from completing 4 mission criteria: successful completion (1), inside turn limit (1), no casualties (2), find the secret item (3), Each achievement pays out once. You will also receive coins for completing the objectives (paid once) and for killing foes (always, even on re-plays of 100% clearance levels). Coins allow you to upgrade your weapons & armour; chips allow for skills upgrades. Note: There are not enough chips to fully upgrade everyone.

The main story features 29 chapters with number 29 locked behind a minimum performance standards barrier (you will need skilled troops for it). There are currently 14 daily missions at present with the potential for 20 (you pay coins to unlock #13 - #20) and there is 6 mission a co-op campaign.

The daily missions are fixed scenarios that can award up to 7 upgrade chips as per the story missions, for use in the main story campaign. Each day one is chosen at random with no guarantee you won't be given one you've already completed as of 28-1-22. The big difference is they have preset squads with NO upgrades from story mode allowed. The biggest difference is seen with Jim the scout; he can occasionally be given a laser rifle that can't perform a burst fire attack. I've not yet played co-op.

The squad has 7 hero types in total: Recon scout with light rifle; soldier with shotgun & light grenades; Medic with medium rifle; Heavy machine-gunner; Grenadier (launcher & high explosives); Heavy Sniper; Support pistolier.
56 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
74 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.11.21 06:54
I'd say 6/10 at the moment.

Steam really needs a mixed review option rather than just a yes or no. The art and gameplay at the surface is really neat and polished, but after playing for sometime you understand that there isn't a whole lot of depth to the game loop. There is no freedom of customization or skill trees involved that I can look forward to as rewards after a battle. We do get scripted story characters after certain missions, but it doesn't really feel exciting. XCom is clearly the inspiration, but it's a more reductive version of it than something that can stand out on it's own to recommend others.

If someone never played XCom or other similar tactical games, then I can see this being enjoyable. Those who tasted the grand depth of the best tactical games might not get their itch scratched by spaceland, as I was hoping it would achieve to an extent. As others mentioned, it's more puzzle than a tactical battle.
324 Produkte im Account
100 Reviews
199 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.08.21 07:26
Very nice game. It is very similar to the old Braveland trio (which were also great).
But there is not that much difference either, except for the space theme and square grid based levels (has an XCOM feel to it), it's more or less the same game again. Don't expect any big innovations.
But it's a fun game nevertheless!

I haven't tried co-op mode (and most likely never will), so I can't say anything about that.
174 Produkte im Account
15 Reviews
1298 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.04.21 14:54
لعبة جميلة
33 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
1778 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.03.21 23:06

Spaceland review

Quick Review: Spaceland is a surprisingly fun game with some fun surprises, but only if you crank up the difficulty. It’s a very simple and straight forward turn-based strategy experience. The simplicity and bare-bones nature of the early game might turn players away. But those who stick with it will be rewarded with a bit more of a robust game than what initially meets the eye.

Important Note**:
First and foremost, you have to set the difficulty to the hardest setting: Normal. I played through the game on this difficulty, so my review is based on this. But I did replay the last two levels on Easy just to collect a couple things, and it was an absolute snore. You can play sloppy and rush decisions with no repercussions. There is just no challenge on Easy, meaning no strategy, meaning no game. In my opinion, Easy mode reduces Spaceland from a game to a “series of actions”. Please play it on Normal.

The gameplay is simple and straight forward. This doesn’t make it the most interesting game, but it’s still quite fun and enjoyable. Most levels require you to go in, access some objective, and then get out. Characters have action points to spend on their turn, which are replenished every turn, so there’s no strategy about hoarding points for a big turn.

The most unique mechanic about the game is that ammo is limited. Ammo is a super valuable resource in this game. Main weapons have limited ammo, while secondary weapons are unlimited but deal less damage with less chance to hit. It’s not gonna click with everyone, but it was different, added some extra difficulty, and was always on my mind in each level. It makes you ask questions like: Is this enemy worth using a bullet to kill? Or is it better to risk combining a few secondary attacks? I thought this mechanic worked for the scope of the game.

Finding a secret or finishing within a turn limit will give you bonus rewards, which you really need to upgrade your characters and equipment. The upgrade system is basic, but does make a difference.

Characters have their own abilities including: damaging enemies, healing team members, movement, etc. Sometimes eliminating all the enemies isn’t in your best interest, so certain stalling abilities really save your butt. Most abilities have cooldowns, and some have a limited quantity per level.

Most levels allow you to choose a character or two to bring in to a mission along with one or two that are required for the level. Sometimes they’re all preset.

Most of the levels are similar, but there are a couple of missions that are a bit different, and I really wish they doubled down on these moments and incorporated them throughout the game. It would have turned it from being a simple game to something more unique. Though exceedingly few, I really enjoyed those particular moments for their variety.

User Interface:
Overall the UI is pretty simple and straight forward. You won’t be inundated with numbers, stats, messages, etc. So it can make for a clean look. The menu buttons are big and obvious. Menus tend to have a lot of empty space. How much ammo each character has left is easy to read. The movement grid makes it clear where you can and cannot move.

However, I’d argue the UI is too simple...

If you want to see what missions you did or didn’t 100% you have to click each individual one on the world map. I wish that information was shown above each level or something. It’s a pain to keep track of.

The game does not provide you with a useful visual interface when it comes to dealing damage and healing your characters. When you hover your cursor to attack an enemy, their health shows up as a number and a visual slider, but the damage you will inflict only shows up as a blinking portion of their visual slider. It would be much more useful to include your damage as a number, or show a number for their resulting health. Instead, you have to look at the damage stat in your weapon and apply that mentally. It might seem like a small thing, but it was not clear to me that the number on your gun was the actual damage it inflicted. So I went most of the game approximating by looking at the blinking bar. Plus, sometimes your damage is reduced by distance via a percentage. I’m not going to sit and calculate what 58% or 43% of my damage is.

The loadout screens are separated by weapon and character. I wish they were combined in a single overview menu that showed all of your characters and a quick summary of their stats and equipment in one easy to read place. The game is simple enough where it’s not a big deal, but it would have been nice to compare the different characters and what equipment they had to best decide how to equipped each character per battle. It’s too cumbersome to have to memorize what one character has, back out of its menu, and then go to the next one and recall that information.

There is also no keyboard layout included. The game is simple enough with only a mouse, but it seems like a rather basic thing to overlook. So to save you the trouble here are some shortcuts I discovered:
- F1-F4: switches to the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, or 4th character specifically
- Tab: switches to the next character
- 1-6: selects the respective ability
- Spacebar: end turn
- Arrow keys/WASD: move the camera
- Esc: back out of a selection or menu
- right clicking an enemy shows you their stats

I like it when a game has a unique feeling, and this game has it, albeit a simple one. The story, character development, and relationships a just tacked on, and there’s not much lore. But I thought the planet, enemies, and maps came together to form this environment that I was exploring and conquering. Overall a charming experience.

Personally I really enjoyed the stylized look of the 3D maps and characters. They looked clean and solid. The FX looked nice too.

The 2D implemented art style grows on you. The 2D animated cinematics look cheap. But the text conversations feel appropriate for it and for the production level, and eventually fits in and adds to the charm.

The world map music is serviceable, and has an eerie yet calm vibe which is nice. The battle music is fine the first time, and extremely repetitive after that. There are a few tracks but they all sound the same, so it’s rather disappointing. Not the best music.

I did not try the multiplayer, so cannot comment on that.

This is the first game I tried to play hands-free, using only an the air mouse I attached to a hat and VoiceAttack. It’s a simple enough game where that’s possible. There is no time limit or anything to pressure you with any reaction time. There are no adjustability settings, however, outside of difficulty and resolution. If you want to customize controls you'll need some kind of third party software.

Overall Impression:
Overall I’d recommend checking this game out, but only if you crank up the difficulty. It’s clearly a budget game, but I think it fills itself out nicely in a simple sort of way. The higher difficulty can sometimes be challenging, with a few of the last levels making me reevaluate my strategy. The visual atmosphere was fun when it didn’t look like a budget title, the UI was clean if not a bit too simple, and the gameplay became a little more varied and challenging by the end. If you go in to it expecting a budget title, you’ll be pleasantly surprised.
110 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
24 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.02.21 21:48
Co-op was sadly misleading. I thought i was going to be clearing multiple rooms in co-op like you do in the campaign. Not just dropped in a single room surrounded by enemies. Had minimal expectations and was still let down.
5 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
374 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.02.21 14:40
Boring and repetitive.
311 Produkte im Account
45 Reviews
969 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.01.21 01:02
This game is so much fun! The different team members are awesome, from sniping to grenade launchers, to miniguns, to swords! The levels are challenging and have different ways to complete each one, it really makes you use your noggin. The upgrades and different gear feel great to level up and use. The storyline is fun, the sfx and music are great, and farming money and chips are simply a pleasure. I recommend this game to anyone who likes rts and a challenge.
126 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
2518 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.01.21 22:13
A linear, a very linear, x-com lite style game. Story is a simple plot but feels like its apart of a greater thing, like the whole game feels like a side quest in the real Spaceland game. Stages/battles are replayable and are meant to be as you simply can't get the $ for all upgrades just going straight thru it. I actually liked that as it gives for different options and play styles. But its all simple, remarkably so and that can be a turn off for a lot of people. If you're a fan of roguelikes and xcom style combat, then this might be right up your alley. It was mine. but it did leave me wanting more. I kinda dig the style too, the weapons, the mutants, the tone and all. Kinda like Mario Rabids if you know that game
284 Produkte im Account
194 Reviews
485 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.12.20 23:02
This is a very light yes. Only because it looks good and the levels play fast and effectively. I really hated Braveland so I'm a little annoyed at myself for trying out this game but it is a vast improvement.
Honestly, buy yourself Halfway if you want a better experience all round. This isnt really XCOM at all (I've seen comparisons). At first, I actually thought the game was going to grow and get better than it did. The mission design is all very linear and the tactical combat is too rehearsed. The RPG elements is a missed opportunity too as its overly simplistic. This game could have been superb if it let you use all your marines and had much bigger areas to fight over with random challenges ahead. The story is awful.

So, in a nutshell.
Its good for a car journey if you are on a tablet. Its not a full rig experience.
203 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
203 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.09.20 20:16
Do not be fooled: This is not a tactical game, it is a puzzle game with randomness and a timer.
350 Produkte im Account
252 Reviews
42 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.09.20 08:13
7/10 - An ok mobile game. Minor superficial tactical encounters with mobile UI/art.
Did not draw me in after the first few encounters
570 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
179 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.09.20 21:37
This game is well worth it if you like turn based combat. I have found it to be stable and fun. The characters don't have a lot of depth at first, but the game keeps the story to the minimum necessary to establish the mission parameters. Overall, I feel like this game punches above its price level.
172 Produkte im Account
25 Reviews
176 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.09.20 17:26
I sincerely and confidently did not expect that I would be able to get stuck in this kind of game, but this creation clearly convinced me of the opposite. Dynamic and extremely exciting turn-based strategy game with its own plot and nice graphics. I was 100% satisfied and if I had the opportunity, I would have purchased it again to support developers. I definitely recommend to try it, in a cozy evening, with a cat in your arms and a Cup of tea. Thank you Tortuga Team for a great game!
1117 Produkte im Account
156 Reviews
1307 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.09.20 19:20

Bite-Sized Turn-Based Tactics

Spaceland has the look and feel of an activity you'd find on the back of a cereal box. It's not going to blow your mind or anything, but it's a good way to spend 5-15 minutes at a time when you want something decently challenging, lighthearted, and forgettable.

Everything is small-scale. You'll be commanding 1-4 characters and engaging enemies at 1-4 tiles away (maybe up to 8 if you use the sniper). It's all very casual, but in a good way. Each level is self-contained, so there's no need to form campaign-long strategies or internalize byzantine systems of weapons and upgrade trees. I took a months-long hiatus from this game, and was able to pick it right back up, hardly missing a step.

Even at the full price of $15 I'd say it's a solid bargain for the 20-hour runtime. Getting it on sale is a bonus.

135 Produkte im Account
18 Reviews
268 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.09.20 15:00
A cool atmospheric game that immerses you in the good old fantasy worlds from the books you loved so much as a child.
I especially liked the puzzle levels, where you need not only to place fighters and shoot monsters, but also to close the entrances/exits to these monsters and move the barrels :)
Pleased with the comments of the characters during the game, by the middle of the first part, I'm already saying-iiha! - if hit %)

On the easy level, the game is played completely without tension, with the head turned off, on the difficult one, you will have to think a little.
I definitely recommend it to fans of XCOM, science fiction, and strategy.
1213 Produkte im Account
35 Reviews
487 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.07.20 11:44
Эта игра способна порадовать интересными миссиями и непростыми сражениями.

Плюсы: обилие уникальных миссий; богатый выбор бойцов; действительно непростые бои; неплохие возможности по развитию персонажей; приятные графика и музыка.

Минусы: простенький сюжет.
77 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
236 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.07.20 15:28
Reminds me of a facebook browser game. The storyline is very boring. You find yourself following a path that exceedingly, even on easy mode, gets to the point if you do not follow the exact steps to succeed you will find yourself constantly restarting. Then you retrace your steps and correct your mistake. I kept waiting to find a stopping point where I could actually make some decisions; work to rebuild the base or something only to find myself further following the path (they actually draw it out for you) and Mario Brothers hopping around to find the secret stuff and whack the monsters.
818 Produkte im Account
98 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
329 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.06.20 13:23
This not a turn-based strategy, but more of a puzzle. Missions are completely linear and there is almost no freedom od choice. You just need to learn what to do EXACTLY on every turn.
1624 Produkte im Account
38 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
20 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.06.20 16:50
Terrible gameplay, if you are under 12 and have never played any turn based games and it's on a deep deep sale then this is your game.
126 Produkte im Account
61 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
149 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.05.20 22:21
This game looks very good but that's about it. its a rather dull take on the turn based games like x com and Laser squad. I recommend you look else where if you like this type of game. Very very boring. 3/10
116 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
629 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.05.20 00:33
It started out quite fun, but lost my interest completely in the second half.

The game starts off with a reasonable ramp-up of challenge, and choices all around for what you want to spend money/upgrade points on. Characters are well defined in their roles.

Having to do many levels multiple times to get all the chips is tedious, especially on some levels which require precision in addition to some luck to get.
Midway through the game, the difficulty suddenly spikes to a point where I found much of my strategy was replaced with luck, and sometimes frustrating amounts of enemies to deal with in a game with limited ammunition and skill uses.
187 Produkte im Account
17 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
427 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.05.20 19:54
This game is fun, but has HUGE balancing issues. It makes you have to replay each map multiple times, so you can figure out the correct order to move. Which ends up killing the rest of the fun.

Probably the biggest balancing issue is the ammo. You are penalized to easily for trying to shoot something, just to then have to waste moves to get to ammo.
16406 Produkte im Account
846 Reviews
414 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.05.20 04:30
Squads with upgradable weapons, turn-based tactical box kicking, simple multiplayer co-op, colorful art, dialogue, and story. Lots of fun for fans of the genre, and a nice starting point for newbies
9 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
504 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.04.20 11:24
Game is good looking, but the thing is that the enemies are always on the same positions
So all you need is to repeat the same right steps all over again until the end of the level
This is boring
672 Produkte im Account
24 Reviews
62 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.04.20 07:04
I really enjoyed this game! The turn-based strategy flows extremely well and I love how the different characters mesh together. The game does a really great job explaining the mechanics. It also introduces characters at a wonderful pace! I plan on playing a ton more of this game for sure.
I streamed it @ mixer.com/AdventurersQuarters if you want to check out vods.
15 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
428 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.04.20 04:20
Marvelous game, i like it, it worth the money.
Various teammates, weapon, ammo system - everything is good.

But! Saving system is annoying; if you do a mistake (and this is very possible on higher levels), you should restart level from the beginning. And at this point game becomes booooooring - you repeat and repeat same steps to reach the point where mistake was made.
Come on guys add at least auto saves on the level!
55 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
30 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.03.20 18:45
huge dissapointment. We we're on the hunt for an awesome strategy game like jagged alliance
/UFO/Incubation for 2 players and thought this is the one. It isnt. no choices/customization, nothing.
123 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
534 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.03.20 05:44
old school tactics RPG WITH MOVEMENT PUZZLES BUILT INTO THE MISSIONS . A great value for the price .
74 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
442 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.02.20 00:04
It's not so much a strategy game more of a figure out how to do it perfectly or it wont work. You constantly have to back track and grind for more money or gear to finish the next quest. Has potential but I just found it agrevating than fun.
9343 Produkte im Account
167 Reviews
355 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.02.20 10:48
Review by Gaming Masterpieces - The greatest games of all time on Steam.

Is this game a masterpiece? When you search for an easy-to-play turn-based tactical RPG with a cheesy sci-fi story, the answer is YES.

Having already played the older games from Tortuga Team (the Braveland games), I did not really expect a complex strategy game. It turned out I was wrong, the game gets more complex with every mission. It won't reach X-Com levels of complexity, of course. I really enjoy this game. The game starts with small maps, but they get larger the further you progress. You learn new abilities, get new weapons, encounter new enemies.

Reacting to a distress signal, you begin to explore an unknown base on an alien planet. While the base seems to be abandoned, you soon find aggressive aliens and a small squad of soldiers sent on a reconnaissance mission. They are in need of your help. Mission after mission you dive deeper into the story and find parts of the background story, surviving soldiers, new aliens.

Missions play out on maps in variable sizes in turn-based combat. Move, shoot, open doors, hack computers, plunder ammo boxes, use abilities… the usual stuff. Sometimes your characters comment on the action during the missions. There are 2 difficulty settings, the first mission I did not win on my first try was mission 8. Later it does get more difficult, even on easy. If you want a challenge, start the game on normal difficulty setting.

Between the missions you can upgrade your skills & gear, talk with your characters, and read entries about discoveries you made during the missions in the encyclopedia.

Enjoyable turn-based tactical fights with linear background story.
549 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
1010 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.01.20 18:15
I had fun with it. It is 28 levels and I completed it in 16 hours with 100% achievements. I wouldn't say it is casual, since the missions get pretty tough (on Normal, which is the highest difficulty). You start with only 1 person in the squad and that increases as you find more people. However, eventually you can't bring everyone on each mission so you need to pick the team that is best suited. Some (or all) of the slots will be locked into specific members.

There are 2 upgrades, equipment (weapons and armor) and abilities. You need cash for equipment and chips for abilities. Each mission has a set of objectives, which gets you cash and chips. However, you only get the bonus the first time you complete them in a mission. You can replay missions for missed objectives, or to grind cash (killing monsters always gives cash). They also added daily missions in, that you can run to get more chips and cash (one per day).

With that said, you'll likely not have enough of either to upgrade everyone. You can respec the usage of chips for 300 cash. This might be my biggest complaint, because you don't really know who you are going to use and with both chips and cash being limited, it makes it a little hard to know if you picked the right upgrades. I suppose that could lead to some replayability...

Weapons and armor are sometimes shared between the team (i.e. some people use medium armor) and you only get one upgraded piece, so you have to chose who uses it. I found that before I went on a mission, I'd have to figure out the team and then go swap in the better gear. This seems like it could have been handled better.

Tactical choices seem pretty good, not enough RNG to get in the way and you see hit percentages and damage you will do, which allows you to make good choices.

They have Easy and Normal difficulties. Normal gets pretty tough. I used easy a couple times when I was looking for secrets, and it is quite a bit easier than Normal.

Tough one to know how to recommend. I would say that if you don't like it, you'd probably know within the 2 hour refund period...
161 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
1260 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.12.19 15:06
if you love xcom kinda games this one pretty funny starts off easy but till later gets a bit hard so you gotta use your brain due to the ammo and etc in the game but onuce you get it youll get it i dont write much reviews cuz my grammer poo poo but gg game
99 Produkte im Account
53 Reviews
1368 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.12.19 02:11
Good tactical game with lovely artwork!

Very nice tactical game, really enjoyable. I only wish it had a little more depth with weapon develoment and items. 7/10
1543 Produkte im Account
301 Reviews
223 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.12.19 21:18
I am glad I finally got around to checking out Spaceland. It's one of those game I tend to let fall through the cracks and never play. It's a turn based strategy game from Tortuga Team, that's got a lot of character and a very tight field of play. While this might seem linear to some people, I enjoy it when a game focuses in on doing a few things really well and not branching into a million game mechanic's / genre's and over complicating things. For the $15 asking price I think anyone who enjoys strategy turn-based games will be happy.
I made video covering the first 40 minutes of game play, please check it out and let me know what you think.

⠀⠀⠀ If you enjoyed my review please consider following and joining my Steam group.

⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Mature Minded Gamers

11 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
1215 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.12.19 15:45
Its an old fashioned strategy game in the vein of the old x.com games. I don't like the cartoon graphics but I love turn based strategy game play. It starts out dead easy but the difficulty increases as you progress with some big problems to solve. Would recommend to the casual gamer who wants to kill an hour or two.
211 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
622 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.11.19 11:54
not enough of everything. tactical choices are limited. upgrades are +1/+2/+x, only two skills per char and upgrades are the same +1/+2/+x. low action pool limits mobility and majority of mobs one shot characters, which means no risk taking no different strats. glorified puzzle game. and for puzzle game not enough of puzzle
819 Produkte im Account
413 Reviews
589 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.10.19 19:59


Spaceland is a turn-based tactical game taking heavy inspiration from classics of the genre, such as the XCOM Series or the less known Incubation, to give an idea of how it plays out. Developed by indie studio Tortuga Team, this title will narrate the events revolving around a duo of Space Rangers, stranded on a glacial planet after responding to a distress signal, where a routine mission turns into a struggle for survival.

The game plays out in a simpler manner compared to others of the same genre, for example all the management mechanics customary to XCOM are not present here, and also character development is rather limited, consisting only in upgrading gear and weapons, and also abilities in basic skill-trees. As for missions, other than a main objective of course, they have turn-based mechanics typical of this genre, such as each character having a set amount of AP per turn, usable for both movement and actions, a destructible cover system, distance-based damage falloff and precision reduction, and different damage types / resistances. Unusually, characters falling to the enemy cannot be revived, but instead stay KO until the mission ends.

Even without very complex mechanics, Spaceland manages to offer interesting gameplay choices, putting different objective types, new abilities or other variables in each mission, preventing the experience from becoming repetitive. The fact each level has secondary objectives, namely Secrets, Par Time and Heroes Alive, makes it worthwhile to replay a mission multiple times in order to get all those sweet extra upgrades and cash, certainly needed further on to not be under-powered.

This game also has some issues, two of which are most prominent: at the moment, extensive grinding of already cleared missions is mandatory to unlock late-game items, because even completing all side-tasks will not grant enough money to get top-grade gear, while a particular mission nearing the end of the game is currently extremely unbalanced and relies more on sheer luck / RNG rather than skill to be beaten.

Overall, Spaceland is a pretty good turn-based tactics game that gets the core elements of this genre right, offering a simpler experience than most competition, yet also manages to make it interesting and fresh enough to not be generic. It has some problems, but still in the end the positive sides overcome the bad ones by a good margin, and for the price of 15€, offering around 8-11 hours of content, is definitely a fair deal.



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Pros & Cons

???? Pros
+ Solid base gameplay formula, united with new mechanics every few levels, make for an interesting experience.
+ Simple but pleasant, clean graphical style.
+ Overall adequate challenge level, becoming considerably more difficult in late-game stages.
+ Good weapon and skill balance, none of the characters stand out as under or over powered.

???? Cons
- Excessive grinding of already completed missions is required for having enough coin to unlock all late-game gear.
- A specific mission is currently extremely unbalanced and needs a rework.
- Storyline is rather uninteresting and not very involving for the player.

In-Depth Breakdown

???? Gameplay Analysis
The gameplay of Spaceland branches into Team Management, Exploration and Combat.

Team Management consists in choosing the gear setup for each of the fighters, upgrading their abilities and items, and also deciding which ones of them are better suited for the current mission. Each team member can only use specific weapons and armors, divided into categories, while the same secondary weapons can be used by several characters: every once in a while some events will lead the squad to finding better weapons, armor, however putting them back into service condition requires coins, earned by completing missions, defeating enemies, and fulfilling secondary objectives. Skills are upgraded via chips, awarded almost only by secondary mission targets, in simple skill trees consisting of two skills per character, each upgrade making said abilities better in range, power or number of uses. At first players are unable to select party composition, a function only unlocked later on in the campaign. Each team member is completely restored between missions.

Exploration in mission levels is done in a turn-based fashion, with a fog of war mechanic barring unexplored areas into a grey mist that regenerates when a certain area is out of sight. On one side, exploring levels carefully leads to more ammo crates, health supplies and also secrets found, but on the other hand, especially in later missions, it is sometimes better to speed up the pace and not face every single enemy the game throws at you, as it can be very dangerous, not to mention time consuming in case you are going for the Par Time objective. In many levels, several doors are opened by activating a variety of terminals, power nodes and contraptions, forming up proper puzzles in some instances. Exploring can also trigger enemies to surface without warning, leaving your team members vulnerable, so being careful in exploring is a good idea.

Combat is as well turn-based, with characters having a set number of AP usable for both movement and firing. Each hero has a limited number of ammo and no spare magazines: to refill bullets, ammo crates are the primary means, completely regenerating munitions - they are however fairly sparse and need to be used with wisdom, as ammo conservation and damage efficiency are two fundamental mechanics of Spaceland's combat. Secondary weapons have unlimited ammo, but also deal much lower damage, have less accuracy, or in some cases are melee only, so are better used for weak enemies or as last resort. Character abilities cost AP to use, have limited charges in some cases and are not refilled by any means, or instead some other ones depend on regular ammo to function, but have no charge limit.
Enemies generally are melee-based, with ranged foes becoming common only in late-game stages, and all of them hit pretty hard, only a few hits mean death for any hero especially early on - but the same goes for most enemies, except the toughest ones. A cover system is present as well, but only is viable against ranged enemies, which also can use it all the same against you - melee ignores cover completely however. Generally, the rule for successful combat in Spaceland is choosing the right heroes for the right missions, and using them effectively by learning their strengths and weaknesses.

???? Performance Analysis
The game presents no performance or technical problems, and runs without any issue in 1440p, 144hz [RTX 2080Ti, Ryzen 9 3900X, 32GB RAM]. Given the rather simple visuals and lack of any elaborate effect or other demanding graphical features, this game can safely run even on low-end systems without problems, especially if the target is 1080p@60fps.

Final Thoughts

Spaceland is an overall solid turn-based tactical game that manages to not be too generic thanks to varied gameplay mechanics and solid base concepts done well. Even with some issues, is still definitely a good one for this genre.

This product was reviewed using a free key provided by the Developers.
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Rating auf Steam Größtenteils positiv
72.29% 120 46
Release:30.09.2019 Genre: Action-Strategie Entwickler:keine Infos Vertrieb:keine Infos Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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