Spacebase Startopia
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Über das Spiel

Meinen Aufzeichnungen zufolge wurde diese Station in den letzten 17 Jahren überhaupt nicht benutzt! Sehr merkwürdig. Außerdem scheinst du die einzige vernunftbegabte Lebensform in diesem Sektor zu sein. Nun gut, dann HERZLICHEN GLÜCKWUNSCH! Hiermit ernenne ich dich offiziell zum Kommandanten dieser Raumstation! Hoffentlich bist du erfolgreicher als dein Vorgänger, der laut Logbuch von wurmartigen Aliens ... Ach, nicht so wichtig!
Bevor dir gleiches widerfährt, gibt es noch einiges für dich zu erledigen. Unter anderem die Erschließung weiterer Sektoren, die Instandhaltung der drei überlebenswichtigen Decks sowie die Akquise und Bespaßung unserer außerirdischen Besucher, die uns stets mit ausreichend Energie für unsere weltverbessernden Pläne versorgen. Und, bevor ich es vergesse – vermutlich handelt es sich sowieso nur um einen Fehler in meinen Sicherheitsprotokollen, aber meine Sensoren zeigen allerlei feindliche Kreaturen in allen weiteren Sektoren an...
Also, worauf warten wir noch? Ran an die Aliens! Lasst uns gemeinsam den Weltraum erobern.“
Spacebase Startopia besticht durch seine originelle Mischung aus Wirtschaftssimulation und Aufbaustrategie, gepaart mit klassischen RTS-Scharmützeln sowie einer gehörigen Portion Humor. Zur herausfordernden Einzelspieler-Kampagne und dem abwechslungsreichen Gefechtsmodus gesellt sich ein kompetitiver und kooperativer Mehrspieler-Modus für bis zu vier Spieler. Und als wäre die Instandhaltung der drei Raumstationsdecks, die Bespaßung der acht extraterrestrischen Alien-Rassen und die Abwehr feindlicher Eindringlinge nicht Herausforderung genug, nimmt die dynamische Erzähler-KI „VAL“ kein Blatt vor den Mund und kommentiert scharfzüngig das Geschehen.
- Setzt 64-Bit-Prozessor und -Betriebssystem voraus
- CPU: AMD Ryzen 3 1300X @3.5 GHz / Intel Core i3-9100 @ 3.5 GHz
- GFX: AMD/Nvidia dedizierte GPU, 4 GB dedizierter VRAM und Shader Model 5.1 (Nvidia Geforce GTX 960 oder AMD Radeon r9 285)
- Software: Windows 10 (64bit Versionen)
- HD: 10 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
- SFX: DirectX kompatible Soundkarte mit aktuellen Treibern
- DX: Version 12
- LANG: Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch, Italienisch, Spanisch
- Setzt 64-Bit-Prozessor und -Betriebssystem voraus
- CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 3600X @3.6 GHz / Intel Core i3-9100 @ 3.6 GHz
- GFX: AMD/Nvidia dedizierte GPU, 6 GB dedizierter VRAM und Shader Model 6.1 (Nvidia Geforce GTX 980Ti oder AMD Radeon RX 5600XT)
- RAM: 16 GB RAM
- Software: Windows 10 (64bit Versionen)
- HD: 10 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
- SFX: DirectX kompatible Soundkarte mit aktuellen Treibern
- DX: Version 12
- LANG: Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch, Italienisch, Spanisch
Steam Nutzer-Reviews
1573 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.09.21 14:20
Leider sind auch nicht wie im Original alle Texte Synchronisiert und die solo Kampagne ist vom Ablauf genau wie vom original auch wenn die Grafik Neu und viele Kleinigkeiten hin zu gefügt wurden muss ich sagen
Doch ein schönes Spiel Aber mir fehlt noch eine priese Pfeffer.
1151 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.08.21 00:01
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631 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.07.21 20:13
Was mir gut gefallen hat, war das Reboot von Starbase Startopia.
Die Idee und die Details der Aliens fabelhaft.
Und der sarkastische Humor war ebenfalls sehr gelungen.
Zur Zeit keine Kaufempfehlung, bis diese und andere Dinge verbessert werden.
906 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.06.21 19:27
Ich habe das ursprüngliche Startopia geliebt und daher schon lange dem Release entgegengefiebert.
Und wie mir scheint, wurde bei diesem - Relaunch - alles richtig gemacht. Komplexe Wirtschaftssimuliation im Weltall gewürzt mit jeder Menge Humor und skurilen Einfällen. Dazu die staubtrockenen Gehässigkeiten von VAL, der künstlichen Intelligenz, die es einfach nicht lassen kann, einen ständig zu beleidigen, herrlich !!! (Auch wenn ich die ursprüngliche Stimme von VAL, diesen volltönenden Bariton vermisse)
Ich hoffe es kommen noch zahlreiche Erweiterungen und neue Einfälle (oder andere Spezies) hinzu, die vor allem mehr auf die Geschichte oder Kultur der einzelnen Alienvölker eingehen.
Bisher aber voll zufrieden.
127 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.05.21 16:32
Die knuffelige Grafik und die lustigen Details machen das Spiel zu einem freudigen Abenteuer :-)
Ein grosses Plus ist der Mehrspielermodus, welches Startopia einen Wiederspielwert vermittelt.
Für alle die gerne Wirtschaftssimulation mit einem Schuss Humor dazu haben und sich voll und ganz durch vorgelesene Texte amüsieren und unterhalten wollen, ist es genau das richtige Spiel
463 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.03.21 13:57
653 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.03.21 19:02
8852 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.03.21 12:57
ich Lese hier die Bewertungen und frage mich: In welcher Welt Lebt ihr?
Das Spiel hat einen Bug, deswegen Negativ bewertung.
Sagt mir doch mal welches Spiel keine Bugs hat.
Hier sind Bugs noch was Sinnvolles, sie bedienen die Kommunikationszentrale.
Ok, kleinere Bugs sind wirklich vorhanden, sie hindern einen aber nicht am Spielen und weiter kommen. Gebt dem Entwickler doch mal kurz zeit diese zu beheben wenn Ihr sie meldet.
Die Stimme von Val ist so nervig!
Cool, dauert aber nichtmal eine Minute diese zu ändern. Auf das Feedback wurde sehr früh bereits in der Beta reagiert aber das bleibt gerne unerwähnt.
Ich für meinen Teil kann nur sagen, geht voreingenommen an das Spiel ran, es macht Mega Spaß wenn man es einmal verstanden hat und hier ist das Problem.
Einige der Kommentare zeigen offensichtlich das Leute überfordert sind weil nicht gleich alles auf Anhieb funktioniert und schon ist das Spiel schuld. Wie VAL Sagen würde: Minderwertige Kohlenstoffeinheiten scheitern oft an einfachsten Aufgaben.
Wir müssen bedenken was uns vom Entwickler versprochen wurde, und genau das wurde auch eingehalten.
Ich selbst habe in dem Spiel nicht nur die angezeigten 52 Std, sondern noch einiges mehr aus der Beta.
Ich kann euch dieses Spiel nur ans Herz legen und euch ein eigenes Bild machen.
Die Kampagne dient in meinen Augen auch in erster Linie dazu euch auf die Richtig harten Herrausforderungen im Weltall vorzubereiten. Die Skirmisch Matches. Und wenn ihr damit anfangt werdet ihr merken wie viel Abwechslung dieses Spiel wirklich bietet und lasst euch nicht von jemandem sagen das Spiel sei nicht herrausferdernd, der das Tutorial und die ersten 4-5 Missionen der Kampagne gespielt hat. Denn der bewertet meist negativ weil er ab da nicht mehr weiter kommt.
So und wenn ihr jetzt noch dabei seid und ein Paar Grundlagen zu dem Spiel erfahren wollt auf was man so alles Achten sollte, dann lege ich euch mein Tipps und Tricks Video für Einsteiger dazu:
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15 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.03.22 13:03
But there are a few good things! The new soundtrack, while it certainly isn't the moody and sci-fi music from Startopia, has a lot going for it. The new buildings are a great and innovative addition...but...that's about it!
If you want a new Startopia, stay away from this game.
If you only want a simple space station management game, get it on a fat discount.
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528 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.03.22 15:25
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35 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.02.22 04:47
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197 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.01.22 10:09
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3012 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.12.21 16:44
Got this at 40% off but honestly it's still not even worth the price. Please stay away from this game.
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435 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.12.21 17:46
I loved the original Startopia, it really hit the vibe of a different type of Dungeon Keeper or Theme Hospital style game. It had a lot of heart, goofy british humor, and really fun scenarios.
Space Base: Startopia checks all the boxes but misses the heart of it. The tutorial basically takes you through all the scenarios of the original, but doesn't really teach you the game. The sound design is lacking which I think is what breaks the immersion. The original Startopia had sound effects for almost anything going on, the larger your station got, the more hectic it sounded. The background ambient of a station droned on and it really sucked me in. Going to the terraforming deck was a peaceful experience that felt different from the other decks.
Not so much with this version. It just feels like it drags on and I'm watching numbers tick up, there doesn't seem to have the same personality and charm, the camera feels worse than the original, and while checking all the boxes to have the same features, it's 2021, a lot has changed in these games and could have been done so much better. The art direction is adequate and the graphics are okay, but even the lighting lacks any character.
It's an adequate game to bring what was around in 2001 to 2021, but honestly I'd probably just enjoy going back to the original more.
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638 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.11.21 00:04
game, it is a remake by people who didn't understand what made the original good. I miss the real VAL and Arona
291 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.11.21 22:00
I played the previous game an awful lot back in the day and was happy to see that this game is remade.
Spacebase Startopia is a juggling simulator just like Startopia was where you have to make your citizens happy and give them proper things to keep them busy like a SCI-FI Disneyland.
It unfortunately has a lot of content removed such as the Memau, Skrasher, Grekka Targ, Kasvagorian, Turraken, Zedem Monk, and Polvakian Gem Slugs.
But the Dryads in game look exactly like the Karmarama did.
Also the Greys are the same, and the Groulien Salt Hogs are the exact same as the version in this game.
I personally liked the original names for most of them and species wish they included them as variants in this game or at least skins.
For example: The new replacer for the Gem Slugs is definitely much cooler than it was, but I'd still like the Jabba The Hutt style slugs to be in the game for more variety.
The siren replacer being giant fuzzy moths in hipster clothing is a welcome change though, I absolutely love their design.
One of the main issues with the game is the obsession with the garbage script, if you don't take care of garbage at the beginning of each match it's already over due to the 30 Vermin spawning out of every single coke can. I get the mechanic but it's very annoying and takes away from the game's overall feel to it.
The next issue is by far removing the Memaus, they were incredibly immersive and to have them completely taken away and the jumpscare of a giant Skrasher bursting out of an infected person who got bit by one that was sick is sad, because that added incredible urgency to curing sick people.
Another thing like the original is the enemy CPU advancing way too fast and instant research glitch by them being able to research more than 4 things from a single science station, but that was in the original so that's true to the content.
Also the lack of diversity in the races of the game which the original game also had is very jarring. I get the set amount of races but I wish there were at least 20-30 different races. That may be asking too much as mechanics change that, but it would make the game really warrant its 40$ Price Tag.
As it stands it's got decent gameplay, very good for livestreamers and I wish that more people would pick it up.
25$-20$ is a good price for it watch it when on sale.
262 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.11.21 21:03
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10283 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.11.21 19:45
1897 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.10.21 20:35
In regards to the bugs, are there some? Sure are! The game crashed once on my randomly during the last mission and once I lost sound for a few minutes. I went to save and reload, but after saving, the sound was back on! I had no real bugs besides that but like I said, I was just progressing through the missions. If you enjoyed the original, I think you will enjoy this one just as much. There are a few differences in game play, but I think it is an improvement overall.
The BioDeck is much less micro managing but serves a far larger importance than the original. Trading is still here, but I didn't make a ton of energy like I did in the original. I found the key to this game was using the factory and BioDeck. I like the unlocking of tech/items feature and the research feels good. Combat is better than the first, but still not the point of the game imo, so I was fine with it. I kind of fell in love with the FunDeck's music as well.
Overall, I would recommend this game to others. It has potential for addons in the future and with 10 hours in the books, only one crash. I had fun playing and look forward to sinking some more time into the game, isn't that what its all about?! Cheers!
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3287 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.10.21 07:14
Somethings are nicer than the original, like the research and factory system...but rest is meh.
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28 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.08.21 17:54
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528 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.08.21 22:54
P.S. Also game is still buggy too. When switching decks, audio will randomly cut off and after 5-10min of playing also randomly decide to return. And this is the only game where I got this issue and regardless, I did make sure drivers are up to date, checked all the settings to ensure it was set properly to my headphones, even tried disabling audio over HDMI, just in case, so it wouldn't get multiple choices to somehow confuse.
860 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.08.21 10:18
The price though is way too expensive, £45 when it first came out and now £35 or £40 with the sound track. I got it for £12 with soundtrack from a alternative supplier with a steam activation code.
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336 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.08.21 13:32
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1096 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.08.21 15:36
Or keep reading for the written version:)
Starbase Startopia is a real time strategy and management game that let’s you build and manage an alien space station by creating rooms, collecting garbage, fending off attacks from pirates and generally trying to full fill the needs of your demanding alien guests.
It was released in March this year and it’s based on the original Startopia from 2001. Some of the developers that worked on the original game came from Bulldog Productions, the guys that made Theme Hospital, and you can definitely see some similarities between them, like the way you plan certain rooms using a blueprint and the larger than life animations that help bring the game to life.
Now where most RTS games take place from a birds eye view looking down on a flat map, Startopia uses a circular map filled with compartments spread across 3 decks, and each compartment is divided by bulkheads which you can unlock to expand your base. You place all your buildings and furniture in a fairly narrow, ring shaped corridor that effectively loops all the way around to form a circle, with elevators taking your guests and workers between the 3 decks.
Still with me? I hope so, because trying to make this make sense is hard work. Now each of the 3 decks has a speciality that limits which buildings and rooms can be placed there. The first deck is the sub deck area with essential stuff like medical rooms, charging bays for your robotic workers known as fuzzies, security buildings where criminals are detained and so on.
The second level is the fun deck where more upper class guests can go to enjoy a disco, play in the arcade to satisfy their need for gaming, win hats in the lootbox lottery and grab a drink at the cat cafe. The third deck is the bio deck where you can do some light terraforming to grow different types of plants to produce stuff like oxygen to keep the air flowing, aswell as minerals to make circuit boards and a few other different things that can be turned into finished products in the factory.
The shape of the map is a bit weird and at first it can feel really weird as you pan around and the walls and floor curve around you, and I can’t help but think that making it a flat surface would just work better all around, since as it is it’s a pretty narrow building area that makes it difficult to fit in all the different rooms you need to run a successful base, and things like billboards and plant pots take up an enormous amount of the already limited space.
After going through the 5 or 6 optional tutorial missions you’re let loose to run your own starbase in the 10 mission campaign, with each mission generally giving you a different goal or aspect of your tourists needs to manage, but every mission basically involves building a very similar base to the last just with a slightly different objective at the end of it like researching a certain amount of building upgrades or building a robust security network with the goal of rehabilitating criminals which really isn’t very advanced or difficult to achieve.
One of the most disappointing aspects of the game for me was the combat which feels extremely clunky, unresponsive and basically offers little to no challenge since you just tell your security drones or mech where to go and basically just leave them to it. Drones are produced automatically at the security station and there’s 3 different types of mechs to build with each one having a slightly different weapon load out and taking a trivial amount of resources to build.
Some of the other issues I have with it is the room designs which feel crowded with random machines placed anywhere and everywhere to try to fit in as many as possible to maximise efficiency without any thought giving to beautification since there’s not even a basic selection of furniture to make your rooms your own which ends up just looking overly simple and a bit lazy.
There’s no way to prioritize certain tasks or set up a schedule for your workers either so they often just walk around picking up garbage instead of prioritizing the rapidly decaying crate on the bio deck. To be fair though, garbage is recycled into energy at the recycling plant, and since energy is basically your money it’s still good to have, but it would be nice to be able to set certain workers to only carry out certain tasks rather than having no control over them whatsoever.
The micro management is a bit extreme too mostly because of how fast garbage accumulates, aswell as having to deal with an almost constant supply of staff promotions and pop-ups from different events taking place around the base, and you should expect to have to pick up a lot of crates and garbage yourself by left clicking and dropping them where you want them.
There’s also a plethora of pretty serious bugs too like when I lost camera control and had to restart the game, or when all the sound disappeared twice and I had to restart.. Twice. And to top it all off, the AI helper known as VAL insults you non-stop to the point where it goes a bit overboard with the negative waves. There’s no humour, it literally just insults you.
Overall maybe fans of the original will enjoy it but for someone like me who never played the first game and has no nostalgic attachment to the series the whole thing felt pretty lacklustre and generic and we don’t recommend it.
I hope you found t his review helpful and if you did then check out some of our other game reviews, subscribe to the channel and let us know in the comments which games you’d like us to review next. Thanks for reading, have fun and don’t forget to save.
635 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.07.21 21:24
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389 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.07.21 15:25
Unlike VAL of the original, the VAL in this game lacks any humour, it is simply a constant stream of snide remarks that don't come across as humorous but more condescending and tactless. The Voice Actors should of studied the original VAL, as should the writers.
Gameplay wise it gets super repetitive after a while. Even more than the original Startopia. Buildings deteriorate at a shocking pace, and the need to build energy transmitters on the Fun Deck makes planning it out a chore.
Fuzzies (This games silly name for Scuzzers) aren't very intelligent. You cant set their priorities like you could in the old game so what they do is up to them and they don't always prioritise things in a logical manner. Leading to a lot of spoiled goods, broken buildings and uncollected waste.
Visitors and Staff don't use the bins either, and trash accumulates at an unusually high rate, meaning you'll be frequently doing a clean up of your station every 5-10 minuets. Which gets worse as you take over more sectors.
Staff AI isn't very Intelligent either. They won't get treated for their sickness until the very last moment, at which point the station is in its own pandemic, everyones angry and you start wishing you could open the airlocks and blow them all out into space.
There isn't any proper way to manage work shifts either, so buildings are staffed whenever staff remember they have a job. Meaning you'll often hire more staff than you need to be sure you'll have something working.
The Devs really did try, I can't fault them there. But their understanding on what made the original game so unique and beloved is clearly lacking. The Dark humour, the sarcasm etc that was so heavily influenced by Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy, Red Dwarf etc is non-existent here and that gives this game very little soul.
Giving your races quirky information is not the same, here it comes across as shallow and silly for the sake of being silly, and only works to belittle the game this one seeks to reimagine, remake and give new life to. And also only serves to make this game less enjoyable.
I should also note that this game is still quite buggy and really should still be considered early access.
Quite often you'll get the sense this game is unfinished, features feel unpolished, the build menu feels a little empty.
Over all I'd say give this a miss for now, and come back in 6 months. But don't hold your breath. The Devs have a lot of work ahead of themselves to give this game some life back. That includes giving it that Red Dwarf or Hitchhikers feel. Some Sirens. Love Nests and Shops, Decor etc. Especially since the Fun Deck and Sub Deck just feel a little bland. The Fun Deck feels like a cheap amusement park and the Sub Deck a little meh.
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149 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.07.21 10:41
Lets start off with the base game play. This game is truly beautiful. From the overall graphics to the unique designs of the buildings, each designed uniquely for its purpose. That is unfortunately where the good points stop. This game had so much potential, but I had no idea that they'd remove so many themes from the first game.
One of the issues they plagued this game with, was a heavy amount of micro management for the sake of micro management. You can only build so much before you are over-cumbered with soaring the floors with an eagle eye to call out every shot and pick up litter. Yes, you apparently are a part time bin man. This doesn't just affect litter though, you also have to micro manage every single building for when they need repairs because now in this game, they just lose durability over time (at a rather fast pace) leaving you flustered with so many tasks to do and you haven't even unlocked your third room for all your floors yet. This takes away the ability to be able to look at what you've crafted becoming slowly self sufficient.
Now lets move on to other players (AI mainly). Not only do they advance and unlock rooms at an incredibly fast rate (leaving you feeling like you need to rush to expand your total space) but they also cause a lot of issues when you want to expand. The AI of the visitors/workers is actually broken, where any unique colour textures they have get instantly removed when you hire them because they only designed the uniform for that particular species with the one skin. Not only that, but they also have the tendency to leave their disease until it's gotten out of hand before getting treated, meaning that they are infecting more and more of the population. Now this will cause you a lot of issues, but because you're still trying to keep up with all the micro managing you do, you start to find it difficult to keep up. You cannot force them to get treated either, they have to go by their own choice. This often will leave you getting annoyed when people get mad when they're hungry etc, even though you have plenty of facilities to satisfy them, it's just the AI is ridiculously bad. Also P.s no matter how many workers you hire, the rooms they need to fill will never be full at once, so yeah, that's not annoying at all.
Now on to war. One of the most fun attributes to the first game was being able to get an army of workers to fight the enemy to take their rooms and expand. This has been replaced with something that actually made me rage quit when I first discovered how the takeover process works. The workers do not arm themselves, not even the brutes. Nope, the brutes are just some fat Sci-Fi build-a-bear looking species that only operate machines via the station. So drones, sounds fun, right? Nope. The drones are actually awful. They will occasionally arrest criminals, but they aren't something you can just build on command, so you will find you are heavily limited. Not only that, but they added this war command table for you to control that is essentially completely useless and could be literally replaced with a right click. It is so awful to use that even when I was forcing myself to use it, it was just god awful.
So verdict. As a whole, this game is just an unbelievable disappointment. Lacking in many areas it's first instalment thrived, removing the subtle humour and replacing it with a really cringe bot voice. I wouldn't recommend this to anyone. In fact, I'd honestly get my money back if I could. I honestly suggest the original Startopia as its far superior and while the graphics are certainly out of date, the game play is spot on and everything I wanted this game to be. Honestly devastated. Honestly, you could pay double the amount of this games value for the first instalment and you'd get more value out of it.
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917 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.07.21 22:38
There is a poorly written G.L.A.D.O.S. narrator, which in retrospect should have told me to reach for the refund button right away. There is one map. It is cut up into thirds. Each third has only one set of buildings you will build over and over and over. Others have described the odd build restrictions, meaning little build creativity. There is no unit variety. It is too easy, until it becomes a save-spamming exercise in blind puzzle fiddling.
When I start the game in 2021 I get a welcome mesage with developer news from a year ago, and they certainly were not leaving the game in a good place.
I rarely write reviews, even more rarely write bad reviews. This game deserves one.
If you can get it on sale, there is probably $5.99 worth of decent time-wasting in the first couple levels.
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1669 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.06.21 18:07
RTS wise: it's like Starcraft 2 with only 1 playable race with only 1 combat unit - the Thor. When you fight an enemy, whoever has more mechs will win. Security droids do nothing against mechs so it's just: you have 2, enemy has 3 = you lose. You have 3, enemy has 2 = you win. You have an aqual amount of mechs: usually you win because AI sucks at controling them. If you just pull out low hp mechs and repair them you should be fine. Remember how you could defend in the orginal startopia by hiring 20 workers provided you had enough cash? In this game your regular employees just do nothing and die. It's all down to mechs and nothing else. Only 3 types, melee, mid range, long range. Slow, sluggish, poorly animated. Just uninteresting overall.
Sim wise: remember how dungeon 3 FPS dips hard when you pick up 20 creatures and drop them on the dungeon exit? This might be the same engine but as soon as you build up to 3 sectors, there's constantly more than 20 createures on screen. Ryzen 5 3600 + GTX 1060 6GB should not choke on this game yet I've heard even much stronger specs like 1080 Ti are also struggling here.
Other than that it's just Startopia so if you really loved the original game, you should give this one a spin. Running a free play scenario with no oponnents is always an option. Though as soon as your base gets large performance will make it almost unplayable. Pathing also sucks. When I've got a full ring base employees kept quiting because they went for a drink to the other end of the station and while walking they got so thirsty that they quit. Room sizes make it impossible to have everything near everything so as your base grows, people will start quitting.
3789 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.05.21 14:25
As of patch 1.3, I can recommend the game. The developer has shown that they are very interested in improving the game and providing long term support. Small changes have improved the UI and the small tweaks have made the game more enjoyable overall.
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786 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.05.21 03:34
5112 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.05.21 07:54
Developers: It's the factory code slowing it down as my CPU and GPU is practically idling. As soon as I open up the UI for a factory all UI seems to be slowing down. Please fix
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2103 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.05.21 18:08
The idea is ok, Gameplay did not much change in 20 years. The graphics are nicer, sound as well, but the engine seems to have massive problems. Without slowing down the game speed it is nearly impossible to get thru the later missions with more than one opponent. There is just too much micro management going on while fighting. You need to harvest any plant/tree manually on the bio deck to have sufficient resources at the beginning. Money is usually not a problem in this game, with every innovation you get a lot of money to build the new building and hire employes.
But the bugs really made me dislike the game. It is in early access at best. Not a game that you can charge the full price for.
The bugs that really annoyed me:
- Research and Factory. Even if you have researched an Item, the factory will not let you build it and say it is not researched yet. Even worse, if you have many factories. Some will let you build the new item, some others not. If you save the game, go back to the main menu and load it again it fixes it. Until you research something new or move the factories to a different place. Then you have to do it over again.
- Aliens at the wrong place. I noticed some Aliens laying around somewhere on the ground. Then I clicked on them to see what is wrong the screen changed to a different level and they where sleeping in a hotel actually. Sometimes hats are stuck somewhere, just the hats, not with aliens.
And some more stuff, not sure if they are actually bugs or just a bad engine:
- Aliens are angry and complain about disco, but the large disco is not even utilized to 10%.
- Aliens are angry about thirst or sleep, but again the buildings that provide drinks/slurps or the stasis chamber/hotels are empty.
- resources are rotten on the bio deck while my fuzzy are lines up on the wall doing nothing.
Navigating thru the station is a pain. The camera has to be a the right angle/height to move from one sector to another and you get stuck at every gate.
I think a fair price would ne 19,99€ once the bugs are fixed. After Port Royal 4 this is the 2nd bad game from Kalypso.
875 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.05.21 23:51
Love the garbage bots. They cute.
638 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.05.21 20:31
It doesnt quite catch the humor of the original game, though it does try to. What it lacks in humor though it more than makes up for in scope - there is a lot to this game - many constructions on the first two decks, easy customization of the top deck and each mission as you progress takes some time.
It does grow a little tedious and repetitive if you play a marathon session, but if you take it in chunks each mission brings a little extra to the game. There ARE some bugs in this still but I found saving and reloading was enough to clear them.
In summary this is a great game, but DO NOT buy at full price. It is far too expensive.
615 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.05.21 12:46
688 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.04.21 17:36
454 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.04.21 18:24
Its not a bad game, it’s just very plain.
I don’t feel the entire concept is used, there’s so much that could have been implemented.
The mission are very much the same, but expand on new things, which is okay, but I find the whole unlocking thing tedious. Like build 3 things of this to unlock the next building. Why did it have to be like that?
I have just played the spiritual quest, where the spiritual leaders get introduced and I swear to god, oh my god I was annoyed of the some xxx has planted bombs on the fun deck all the fracking time. There’s no fun in it if it happens every 5 minutes. And that basically it, bombs, and trash those are the events. Occasionally you get a solar flare or some pirates but that’s basically it. The game needs way more events, and the pick this over this kind of events are not fun. Things need to happen to your star base, AI needs to be better and the combat is boring to look at.
I am afraid that this will be a one playthrough kind of game and that’s it, there’s just not much pulling me into the game. In my 7 hours of game play, I don’t think I have seen any alien interact with any of the probs I have put down. Like the benches, billboards ect ect. Not once.
Nicht Empfohlen
720 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.04.21 03:21
But sadly I can't recommend this game.
I never played the original so I'm unaware and thus unable to be upset by changes and such. So that isn't a factor.
Overall I found the game fairly charming. The idea is novel and it's right up my alley.
Sadly all of the stuff the game does well is rendered irrelevant by the simple fact that it doesn't really work.
A quick rundown:
You manage a space station, aliens will arrive and you have to hire some as well ass see to their needs, such as food, sleep and entertainment. That's all fine, that's what the game is about.
The problem is the station takes a fair while to traverse, it's set up in this neat ring with three levels.
When an an alien(or robot) decides it needs to do something it'll call dibs on that thing, and head for it. This means if a piece of trash is on the ground somewhere, the game will check who is available to pick it up, and then assign them to it. This can be someone on the other end of the station, and they'll then spend four years slowly walking over there, waiting in line for elevators, before finally getting there and doing the job.
There might be someone else right next to said piece of trash picking up another piece of trash, and then not pick up the other one right next to them because it's suddenly been reserved by someone else far away.
This is mitigated a tiny bit by some stations having queues in front of them, so more people can head to them at the time. Those are the exception though.
It makes everything horribly inefficient. And there is very little you can do about it. Aliens will stand around and fail to fulfil their needs even if they're right next to a thing that could fix it. Workers will completely ignore buildings that need repairs because someone somewhere has already called dibs on that job. It's frustrating.
You'll later have aliens that constantly quit their jobs or die because they fail to fulfil their needs. Despite the fact you put everything they need within very close range. They just won't use it. And then you'll have to hire and train a new one, until that one quits, for reasons you can't do anything about because the tools don't work.
It's a shame because I think it could very easily be a fun game, if it worked as intended.
Kalypso Media
Engine:keine Infos
Kopierschutz:keine Infos
Franchise:keine Infos