Space Crew
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Tritt jetzt der Space Crew bei!
Strategische Weltall-Survival-Simulation:
Erlebe taktische und tödliche Schiffskämpfe; verwalte deine Ressourcen und Crew, verhindere Invasionen, repariere Systeme, lösche Feuer und handle clever.
Stelle DEINE Crew zusammen:
Vom Captain zum Kommunikations- oder Waffenoffizier, bis zum Techniker und mehr – erstelle deine eigene Crew mit anpassbarerer Ausrüstung, Bewaffnung, Aussehen und Namen.
Die schnellste Schrottmühle in der Galaxie:
Die Anpassungsmöglichkeiten enden nicht bei deiner Crew, wähle für dein Raumschiff selbst die Waffen, Panzerung, Triebwerke, Fluchtkapseln, Anstrich und mehr.
Unheimliche Begegnungen der Space Crew-Art:
Gefährliche Asteroidenfelder, schädliche Strahlung, das kalte Vakuum des Weltalls und schwarze Löcher trachten nach den Leben selbst erfahrener Space Crews.
Die Wächter der Erde:
Reise durch die ganze Galaxis und besiege alle Gefahren für die Menschheit in verschiedenen Einzelspieler-Missionen, von Aufklärung bis Kopfgeldjagd, Rückeroberung und mehr.
- Setzt 64-Bit-Prozessor und -Betriebssystem voraus
- CPU: Intel Core i3-530 (4 * 3000) or equivalent
- GFX: Geforce 9800 GT (1024 MB)
- Software: Windows 7/8.1/10 x86/x64
- HD: 800 MB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
- LANG: Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch, Spanisch, Japanisch
- Setzt 64-Bit-Prozessor und -Betriebssystem voraus
- CPU: Intel Core i3-6300 (2*3800) or equivalent
- GFX: GeForce GTX 560 Ti (1024 MB)
- Software: Windows 7/8.1/10 x86/x64
- HD: 800 MB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
- LANG: Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch, Spanisch, Japanisch
Steam Nutzer-Reviews
725 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.02.22 04:34
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184 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.12.21 08:45
desweiteren gibt es wohl nur dieses eine schiff ( -_-)
take my €
17 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.06.21 09:50
1336 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.01.21 08:02
Besonders loben möchte ich, dass man das Mircomanagement ausgebaut hat. Ich bereue den Kauf nicht und hoffe nicht auf weitere DLC´s, wie bei Bombercrew.
80 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.11.20 15:36
3018 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.10.20 19:45
Ich persönlich finde es sogar besser als Bomber Crew, weil es coole Neuerungen, ein interessantes Setting und viele Möglichkeiten bietet deine Crew und Schiff anzupassen.
Ich empfehle jeden dieses Spiel zumindest einmal auszuprobieren!
3052 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.10.20 19:12
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173 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.10.20 11:09
aber ich sag nur: PERMA-DEATH
und ALLES Erreichte ist weg, die Crew tot, alle Erfahrungsstufen weg, das Schiff neu, alle Ausstattung weg
ok, jetzt kann man sagen: ist hart, heul nicht rum!
Ok, stimmt
aber ehrlich gesagt: ne, die Lernkurve ist unfair, es kommt maximal auf die richtige Ausstattung passend zur Mission an, dass die Crew die richtigen Items hat, und die Items im Schiff richtig verteilt sind UND vor allem erneuert/wieder aufgeladen wurden, das passiert NICHT von allein, logisch, auch die Enterprise muss ihre MedPaks und Feuerlöscher immer nachkaufen - und die gehen IMMER leer!
und ansonsten: es ist Hektik, pur, man agiert IMMER unter stress, die crew ohne Gravitation und damit sehr langsam, da die energie in den schilden oder waffen steckt, eigtl auch ohne antrieb, siehe vorher, der captain steuert sowieso nicht da er im schiff herumturnt alliens bekämpfen/feuer löschen/sachen reparieren/geschützturm, man macht quasi sein schiff sofort wenn feinde auftauchen zum stehenden Geschütztum, anders geht es nicht, und das ist wenig kreativ
und ansonsten: ja, viel einerlei und dasselbe
insgesamt: schade, hatte mir mehr erhofft, so ist es leider ein frustiger rohrkrepierer...
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182 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.10.20 10:57
Das markieren der Gegner finde ich total übel. Man hört nichts, man sieht es kaum, wenn der Gegner markiert wird, und mann kann irgenwie kaum erkennen wo jetzt noch Gegner sind,die noch zu markieren sind.Sehr unübersichtlich das Ganze. das war bei Bombercrew besser gelöst.
Das zurückfliegen, über die Navigationspunkte, ist sehr langweilig.Das gab es zwar auch bei Bombercrew, aber es war dort irgendwie spannender, weil das Spiel Flüssig war.
Bei Spacecrew fliegt man durch den Navi Punkt, und ist dann in einer anderen Umgebung, dort dann auch wieder den Navi Punkt anwählen usw.
Ich hatte nach dem 4 Anflug auf meine Heimatbasis schon langsam genug davon.
Ich persönlich, würde auch begrüssen, wenn man die Option hätte, das man das Spiel vor den Missionen abspeichern kann.
Momentan ist es wie bei Bombercrew auch, wie der Ironman Modus bei XCOM.
Wenn man seine Truppen verliert im Gefecht sind sie halt weg, und man muss neue Truppen hoch leveln.
Die hat durchaus seinen reiz, kann aber bei einem Gelegenheitsspieler auch schnell zu Frust führen.
Sollte doch jeder die Gelegenheit haben, zu wählen, ob er mit dem grösseren Nervenkitzel und dem damit eventuell verbundenen Frust spielt, oder halt vor den Missionen abspeichern kann, um diese dann halt auch irgendwann einmal zu schaffen.
Das fand ich auch schon bei Bombercrew sehr nervig, obwohl es ein super Spiel ist, habe ich es aus besagtem Grund dann doch nicht so sehr lange gespielt.
Ich habe nur knapp 13€ bezahlt dafür, da geht das gerade noch so, für 20€ hätte ich es sofort, erst mal wieder zurück gegeben.
76 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.10.20 14:19
Nichts desto trotz ist der Ableger auch hier relativ kurzweilig. Es wird nicht langweilig, die Missionen und Möglichkeiten sind weit und durchaus tiefgehend.
Aber die Spielmechanik wiederholt sich. Man kann es etwas spielen, braucht dann aber eine Pause um jedoch später wieder daran zu sitzen weil man doch sein Schiff oder Crew besser ausrüsten möchte.
Das Tutorial ist mir persönlich zu lang, leider kann man es (meines Wissens nach) nicht überspringen. Aber gut, das ist dann so.
Auch würde ich verschieden Schiffsdesigns/-typen gut finden. Bei Bombercrew kam das zwar DLC war aber dennoch etwas Abwechslungsreicher. Würde hier ebenso wenig schaden.
Alles in allem jedoch gelungen und seine 20 Euro (Einführungspreis 15 Euro) ist es auf jeden Fall wert.
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180 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.02.22 02:20
User interface is terrible and makes for a difficult experience. Aiming at enemies is nice but kinda trivial. Just playing through a few scenarios there's not much that's compelling you to keep going.
866 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.02.22 21:45
Space Crew: Legendary Editon
Dont let the charming graphics lull you into a false sense of security
First off do you like unforgiving squad based games with permadeath like XCOM?
If you answered yes you should probably give this a try.
A lot of people compare this to FTL but I have not played that so my review is unbiased.
I was unsure at first as it looked a bit simple. But after buying I was very happy with the game.
Despite its cute unsuspecting graphics this game can be brutal at time's. Being overwhelemed by enemy fighters your ship can be destroyed and you entire crew can be lost in a moment.
Manage your ship's upkeep and crews health during long range bombing runs. Upgrade your crew's ability and ship's equipment. Manage subsystems, retrieve items and even manage away teams for combat on enemy ships.
Fight a range of enemy fighters including enemy aces, motherships and outposts.
- Fun and unforgiving
- I love the graphics style
- Good amount of variation and control
- Good music
- Very Disapointing that the DLC does not have achievements, doesn't give me an awful lot of reason to play it
378 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.01.22 02:51
Mission types are quite varied from hostage rescue, escort, seek and destroy, ace hunting, exploration, data recovery and more. You also have away missions which are short little excursions involving some of the crew shooting Phasmids (the main alien threat) on different stations with some light puzzling. Your crew can be decked out with new equipment for different tasks and hey you can even paint and name your cruiser for that personal touch.
Honestly the only real criticism I have of the game and this goes for bomber crew as well, is the lack of any other ships to unlock. It would be cool to have different styles of play by giving you smaller more nimble vessels up to large carrier ships with their own fighters for support. After a while when you find the weapon setup that works for you combined with the skills you know to rotate when a fight gets hairy, the game can be fairly rinse and repeat. It does offer up more enemy types and challenges as it goes but without some new ships of your own to command the progress can feel a little stifled.
Still as a budget title it is worth the look if you want something to play during the odd break or limited time to play a game.
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325 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.12.21 20:46
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25 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.12.21 12:38
as for me I found the game to frustrating to play,so I am asking for a refund.I don't like stress in my stage of life and bad health.controls are to clunky and I could not even get out of the tutorial without wanting to rage quit.So if you don't like games that are unnecessarily hard I would recommend a pass on this game (add some hot keys for bloody sake!,game developers!)
3184 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.11.21 04:20
My opinion, its a very enjoyable game. The space scenes are great and the action will keep you engaged.
Once I got started, I was playing every day. I beat the game and continued playing further to rebuilt my space ship.
Then they came out with a game extension with new content. I am looking forward to the holidays for some time to sit down and play the new content.
3823 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.10.21 02:17
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72 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.10.21 16:07
And while it improved a bit versus Bomber Crew, you don't get the same feeling you had when you brought back your bomber on one engine, with half your crew having bailed out.
1267 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.10.21 21:21
I really like the concept of this game, but gosh its repetitive. You do the same things over and over again, you get attacked, have to clear out the whole sector, jump, rinse, repeat. It would be nice if there was more than just one station you could land at, more legs to a trip (deliver a package to a station, pick up scientists there, bring them to another station etc), or even more battles involving other ships in your faction to make the world seem more alive. Being able to navigate the space lanes to pick our own routes would be a massive improvement as well. But it's still a pretty good game as it stands right now and very much worth playing.
1327 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.08.21 06:14
I have played 21 hours so far on the default settings and (so far) have only killed 2 crewmen by accident myself, I haven't lost a ship or crew to enemy action which was a frequent event in Bomber crew.
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774 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.08.21 15:42
Some examples where strategic depth would have been possible but was prevented by design decisions:
* Tagging a priority target is useless: prioritizing enemy heroes does nothing, since he will escape anyway until you are on the right mission; prioritizing boarding pods, if you manage to do it fast enough, does nothing since you won't manage to destroy it before it boards you
* Escaping storms is not possible: you might want to cut your losses and regroup before attempting to reach the gate again, but you can't because storms affect an entire sector. Can't move out of range like with asteroids. This is a shame because asteroids do nothing anyway.
* Trying to use a gate while enemies are present, to run or abort the missions when things look bad, is impossible because the jump timer goes up to multiple minutes when there are enemies near, and the engines use all the power, bringing all systems offline. Retreating is an important strategic move that gives a lot of depth to titles like FTL, where you will sacrifice your loot in exchange for a better chance of survival. Because you have to stand still while charging, this would still be a risky tradeoff as you'd take much damage trying to escape. The developers took that possibility completely out with the way the jump timer works.
* The ship problems themselves don't have much depths, they all force you to take care of them right away. Impossible to go on in a crippled state for the sake of the mission. Example: engine breaking down allowing you to go on but at reduced speed? Nope, the engine leaks deadly radiation so you have to click on it right away.
* Changing loadouts for a given missions is impossible because of cost
* Changing crew composition is impossible, the game enforces 1 captain 1 comms 1 engineer 1 security 2 gunners. Secondary classes help a little I guess
* Picking crew members has no point, every recruit has the same stats, only their background changes (age/education/hobbies, none of those affect gameplay)
The game has a lot of potential and looks great on paper but was explicitly designed to not have depth.
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3976 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.08.21 06:22
Pros: The game is a similar formula to the old bomber crew, and I think it's a very unique perspective on said formula. They've even added 'weather' to the game in the form of Ion and neutrino storms. The conditions of the game change constantly, and the enemies come in many shapes and sizes, and try to do different things to your ship.
Cons: The start of the game is where you will find the least problems, the enemies are just challenging enough in my opinion, it isn't too easy and it isn't too hard. When you reach the middle of the game, things start to become problematic. First, the enemies are starting to be spammed. Instead of giving you new and challenging, section unique enemies, you get old enemies from the previous zone that just have more health, and they're spammed. The geography in the second section of the game is cool, you can undergo ion storms, and the black hole presents a unique challenge. Ion storms disable EVERY ship around you, and I quite like them, it presents a unique challenge while being fair. However, it's the neutrino storms in the last section where you have a problem. It's unfair when all of your power conduits burst every 30 seconds, and you have to micromanage your engineer while ignoring everything else. I do not believe the neutrino storm has any negative effects on enemy ships, so you're basically just stuck there micromanaging. Now, the last section is where most of my problems are. First of all, the spam and armor problem from before becomes more apparent. They just spam more powerful and armored versions of the enemies you fought before. On top of that, when enemies board your ship it's practically a death sentence. Sure you can armor your crew up, but it takes forever to kill the boarders in this stage. This allows them to shut the shields down, destroy conduits, etc. You have to focus on those assholes, and meanwhile, outside there's one of those radiation mine dropping guys that have now irradiated your entire crew.
Conclusion: Play bomber crew, this game has some fun moments, but bomber crew is a lot more enjoyable due to the fact that you don't have annoying shit like neutrino storms and it's not just enemy spam most of the time.
1557 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.07.21 18:24
After some review, I've narrowed the issue down to 3 sources:
freedom, fragility, efficiency, and environmental connection.
Freedom: In Bomber Crew, you could chart your own course to the target. It was a major aspect of mastery, using your accumulated knowledge of enemy installations to slip the net, or using some geographic feature like a river to eyeball your way to a target even when the navigator was down.
Fragility: In Bomber Crew, every part of the plane can get shot off, and losing almost any part results in an emergency crash/bail. In space crew, your ship is a f---ing tank, and all the hull structure is there to do is cover the reactor core. No hull ruptures, no system link breakdowns, nada. Its simplified to the point of detriment. An improvement would be putting external stuff on the ship that can be shot off, thereby limiting some stations abilities without crew powers, or reintroducing system dependence like in Bomber Crew. Everyone remembers desperately trying to get hydrolics working while the plane was crash landing. Great stuff. There is some spirit of that here with gravity at least.
Efficiency: Ok the goal here was clearly to create some big sci-fi space battles ala starwars. Later on in the game, that becomes an aspect, and you learn some cool techniques with your load out (EMP and missiles) to win. However its too much at the beginning. Land in zone, fight for 10 minutes, land in next zone, fight for 10 minutes. Again and Again and again. Granted this is eased by increasing powers which allow you to stealth through a system or develop your own combos, requiring you to plan ahead when crew members are going to combine powers to pull off that maneuver, and there are some patched in mechanics to waylay some assaults. However, this is a fun sucking slog at the beginning of the game.
Link to Environment: OK as others have said, your altitude is a big part of Bomber Crew. Low you can navigate and the crew are warm, but you get divebombed. High, your safer from attack but the crew freezes and only a top navigator can nav there, and only at night. There's not so much of that here, because its space. The developers tried to address this with asteroid fields, meteor showers, and various kinds of storms, but that amounts to increasing engines, having fire extinguishers at the ready, and running for the zone exit.
All in all, I had fun playing the game. However, I'm sorry to report it pales in comparison to bomber crew with regards to mechanics. Take confidence in yourselves to build a better spaceship lads, you've proven yourself capable before.
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216 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.06.21 06:48
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88 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.06.21 21:18
In Bomber Crew, there's at least some strategy to be had in how you set up your bomber. The bomber's weight limits how much you put on it: you can have reliable systems, tons of armor, tons of guns, ammo feeds so your gunners don't need to leave their stations to reload, safety equipment or parachutes for your crew so they survive your bomber getting torn apart... but you can't have *all* of those things. I didn't get any of that in Space Crew's hangar; you just spend money on better systems. Going back and playing the original also reminded me of all kinds of little mechanics and interactions that Space Crew just doesn't have.
In Bomber Crew, your altitude plays a big role- it determines where enemies attack you from, affects how well your navigator can lead you to objectives, determines how much room your pilot has to do evasive maneuvers or dive to put out engine fires, can help you avoid ground fire, and can expose your crew to lethal cold or lack of oxygen. Space Crew just has you drift in a beeline towards objectives. In Bomber Crew, there's also usually more guns than there are people to man them, so it's a juggling act to keep the right gun turrets manned without preventing your crew from getting other jobs done. In Space Crew, this frantic need to hop crewmen between guns and their normal stations just isn't there. In Bomber Crew, dropping the bombs themselves is so immensely satisfying- and requires you stay focused on your bombardier during the bombing run, lest you not pay attention, miss your opportunity, and have to circle back and try again while your bomber is under fire. In Space Crew, there's nothing similar- just waiting until all your enemies are dead before you jump through the next warp gate, or dock onto a space station.
Space Crew feels like Bomber Crew, but less. If you think you want to play Space Crew, go play Bomber Crew instead. If you've already played Bomber Crew, buy the USAAF or Secret Weapons DLC. If you've already done that, try replaying it with a different meta. Playing Space Crew just reminded me of how much better Bomber Crew is.
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156 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.06.21 05:54
Things the Same:
Combat system
Crew management system
Basic gameplay loop
Things Missing:
Mission variety
3D movement - no up and down for you
Engine destruction (damage only)
The majority of non-cosmetic customization
Good art design
Landings hampered by damage
Enemy variety (at least while I played)
Feeling of vulnerability
Things Added:
Alien boarding
Radiation damage
If you haven't played Bomber Crew, get that instead. It's a great game, and has everything good about this game already in it. If you have, you already own this game but with more good stuff. Either way, there is no circumstance whatsoever under which I would recommend this game.
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419 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.05.21 11:55
This Game is not much fun past the first few minutes. There are glaring imbalances to everything, and it is intentionally designed for you to loose and loose a lot, badly. You can not outrun the Boarding Party, and unless you have luck on your side you can not destroy them before reaching you ever. Your weapons Crew Can Not Hit A Moving Target unless using Cool Down Perks. Or unless the enemy is right on top of you not moving, which happens all the time because you Can Not Out Run Anything. Your Turrets are very poorly placed and the limitations of their fire arc means they shoot at things KNOWING they can not be hit. The Crew AI target selection defaults are moronic. They do not prioritize closest target or most damaged target. Just seem to shoot at whatever they feel like unless you Tag and Select a Target to Focus on. The limitation of Crew Size means you never have enough to do everything and when issues stack up you will not be able to handle them, which guarantees disaster at any time things do not go perfectly.
I hate this game and was denied a Refund. If I could have played a Demo or had longer to decide just how terrible it was I would have never bought it, even on sale.
3484 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.05.21 18:24
The game is bomber crew but somehow less content. This doesn't feel like a full game and updates are slow. This is a DLC to bomber crew, until there are more updates.
If you enjoyed the first game and want more, buy it. If you want another game, this ain't it chief.
863 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.05.21 11:31
The game does add some neat features like auto-tag and a button to return everyone to their assigned stations. You can vent the atmosphere to eject boarding parties or stop fires and there are some new sidemissions like retrieving escape pods. I also like the graphics and for €20 it's good enough, maybe a 7/10. Though I still think bomber crew is much better. Its a shame that some of the quality of life features in this aren't in bomber crew.
738 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.04.21 21:28
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1750 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.04.21 08:51
1. There is no challenge mode here!
2. If my crew dies and I need to re-gear them there is no easy way of knowing what helmets, suits etc I have in storage
3. Although the new elements are nice, for the time being it feels like a kind of broken-bomber-crew.
On the possitive side, at least the game doesn't freeze now when you unfocus the window!
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111 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.04.21 06:39
Waypoints keep disengaging for no apparent reason (with no hint of what is expected that you do next). Whole 'waypoint' setting system becomes nothing but confusing when it apparently do not work - at least in some cases.
Game send you on a 'beginners' 'easy' mission into an asteroid field from where there is no escape because of the waypoint 'crap' , then after several minutes of frustrating attempts to get the crappy game to do what you want it to do and having had the ship attacked several times by enemies which hurts crew then the medical bay suddenly doesn't work - with of course no apparent explanation of why it stopped working either - at which point , of course , the enemies makes an overwhelming attack that kills of all the crew on a mission that is labeled 'easy'. All of course with no way of escaping because the waypoint crap doesn't work and with no healing for crew because the medic bay doesn't work (not that it would have been sufficient either).
I am sure that a lot of people will say that the game is so easy that their grandma could play it. But well , I am not their grandma and I think that this game is a piece of crap that I will un-install ASAP. I can't ask for a refund since I got the game from a key but it's not a game that's begging me to be played again ever !!!
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155 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.03.21 02:09
I want to like the game. Like it's predecessor Bomber Crew, it has a lot of things in it that I go giddy for. But, like Bomber Crew, my brain doesn't work that way. I rage deleted the game on the fourth mission. The previous three were tutorials.
Without a dedicated pause, I can't play this. You got me with Bomber Crew, and again with Space Crew. You will not get me to buy another game like this, no matter the how much I adore the concepts.
Maybe I can find a mod somewhere that will make this game fun for me.
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122 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.03.21 09:16
With a half decent interface and some keyboard shortcuts, this would probably be playable, but as it is, it's not.
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180 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.02.21 13:17
708 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.02.21 17:28
Micromanagement, miss click punisher and frustration generator.
Not so hard, but very grindy game.
You command band of fluffy bobbleheads trying to not destroy precious space ship. And failing repeatedly.
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362 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.02.21 03:05
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918 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.01.21 10:48
790 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.01.21 16:40
???? My 90 year old grandma could play it
✅ Easy
???? Normal/Adjustable
???? Hard
???? Hardcore
???? MS Paint
???? Bad
✅ Meh
???? Average
???? Good
???? Beautiful
???? Masterpiece
???? Bad
✅ Nothing special
???? Good
???? Beautiful
✅ No voice acting
???? ‘Ride to Hell: Retribution’ bad
???? Acceptable
???? Good
???? Pure talent
???? This game has no story
✅ Like playing Counter Strike for the story
???? It's there for the people who want it
???? Well written
???? Epic story
✅ You can run it on a potato
???? Average
???? High end
???? NASA computer
???? Very Short (0 - 2 hours)
???? Short (2 - 15 hours)
✅ Average (15-50 hours)
???? Long (50-90 hours)
???? Extremely long (90-110 hours)
???? No ending
~ FUN ~
???? I'd rather watch paint dry
???? Hard to enjoy
✅ Repetitive
???? Actually pretty amusing
???? The kind of fun you’ll remember
???? Ride of your life
✅ It's a one-time experience
???? Only for achievements
???? Different story arcs
???? Infinitely replayable
???? No
✅ Wait for sale
???? Yes
???? It's FREE!
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111 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.01.21 01:44
This game is not the same and its like they took the best parts of that game and threw all that away!
in the original you had to request to position the craft timing attack runs and use the bomb resource carefully.
Ammo reloading is gone in favour of a dull energy bar game, which feels like very little is happening.
In this you travel from slowly A to B and wait for the stupid jump gate to charge (charge of course is slower inside combat for no good reason), terrain is meaningless you get attacked just because we as in the other games the planes where avoidable or you knew they came from airfield, these UFOs just appear form no wear.
In the bomber crew bit of the ship could be lost, engines would die and you had to risk landing the aircraft but that's all gone.
They added boarding which is just dumb, load your crew member up with space suits and weapons and click the kill button. the game play loop is just repetitive.
263 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.12.20 01:23
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332 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.12.20 01:31
- Every mission is exactly the same (go to a place, either though the 'fast' route which has one stop but more enemies, or the slow route which has 2 stops but the enemies are split between them)
- Heat-seeking asteroids???
- You are given meaningless choices on which direction to take the ship which ultimately have no impact on the gameplay
- The combat isn't interesting
- The skills are literally a copy paste of bomber crew
- The equipment functions the same as bomber crew
- Lack of diverse weaponry/low effort upgrades (do you want the pulse laser mk1 mk2 or mk3)
- Only one ship
- Theres no standard control options, im unable to bind the move command to my rightclick (like is standard with every unit command related game that exists)
I really wish they had attempted to implement new ideas instead of just remaking the first game and adding space
In summary I was initially excited that they were going to incorporate a bunch of star trek/star wars themes into the game but its unfortunately just bomber crew.
I think the gameplay is supposed to feel like FTL because of the way the rooms function but, its not remotely close.
995 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.12.20 14:09
CrewChaos Management x Roguelike x Simulation
???? Playability
Played on a Surface Pro 7 (i5-1035G4,8GB)
30 FPS
Very playable
???? Enjoyability
Gameplay: ✯✯✯✯✯
Story: ✯✯✯☆☆
Graphics: ✯✯✯✯☆
Audio: ✯✯✯✯☆
???? Completability
Achievements: Easy
Difficulty: Easy (as long as you don't rush the main quest)
Bugs: None
1310 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.11.20 18:46
Space Crew is a Management Simulator game that lets you manage all aspects of a space crew.
And i mean every aspect, from crew members and their jobs/professions including their default gear/loadout on missions to your very own space ship in every little detail. By completing missions you earn currency and research to buy new equipment and gain access to better gear. Its up to you to balance your ship and adjust it to overcome your enemies. Do you want a shield generator with a high capacity or a faster recharge rate? Do you want weapon systems to damage the shield or the hull of enemy ships or why not mount a weapon system that can switch damage types?
Once prepared, you start your mission and manage all actions and talents of your crew like docking, diverting energy to certain systems, repair broken equipment, man turrets, fight of intruders and use lots of neat special abilities. If you prepared good enough you will destroy all enemy ships and complete your mission and maybe even defeat a Champion. Otherwise..... back to the drawing board. The level of difficulty is worth mentioning because it gives you a vast amount of options to adjust the game to your wishes.
Nicht Empfohlen
1046 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.11.20 15:26
it lacks content so bad. Only one ship??? Plz come on...
Other things were already said.
I will come back to this game and happily change my review,
but in this state it´s lame, imho...
510 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.11.20 02:18
The mission variety lacks some spice, with most missions shaking out to be either a combat patrol, an escort mission, or a cargo run. While these generic mission types are given some different set dressings to add perceived variety, it usually amounts to me struggling to play more than 2 missions in a single setting or risk burning out on the game.
Players looking to Space Crew for an experience that emulates a 3D FTL or thinking that the game may attempt to offer a Star Trek-esque adventure of the week formula will likely be disappointed by the game's inherent simplicity. In that regard, Space Crew is betrayed by its science-fiction setting when players realize that there is a staggering lack of science or fiction beyond the inclusion of some cheeky dialog, alien enemies, and the military space setting.
Regardless of any failings on a storytelling and mission variety basis, Space Crew manages to hold on to a fun core gameplay loop, with lots of frantic combat encounters and a meaningful tech tree that kept me adequately motivated through my time with game. A definite purchase recommendation for fans of Bomber Crew, but uncertain players should likely wait for a sale.
494 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.11.20 10:43
584 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.11.20 07:20
I have played Bomber Crew which was quite enjoyable, and this is the sequel where it as the title suggests, is set in space. It is a decent simulation and management game where you pilot and manage a crew on a spaceship and go out on missions. Gameplay is decent as you set your crew members with various tasks from within the ship, such as manning the weaponry to face the enemies and fixing and adjusting certain rooms so that they don't fail and be taken down. There are also a bunch of different missions to take on from gathering loots to explorations to taking on enemies. The fights themselves are decent but could be better as for the most part, it is just zooming in on the targets and having the ship shoot at them. But within the ship can get quite interesting when a lot of things are going causing there to be many things to be taken care of. Customisation is also quite neat where when you recruit members and assign various roles to them, you can also customise how they look with their appearance and clothing. Along with the characters, customising the spaceship is also possible, giving it several different components and features such as armour and escape pods. The visuals looks nice too with the cartoony and blocky look and design of the characters as well as the environment of space itself when you go out. Overall it is a decent strategy game, and can rec it to those interested in checking out a silly space sim, as well as those who enjoyed the previous game, bomber crew.
Nicht Empfohlen
900 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.10.20 21:11
Make the ship near-invulnerable a quarter of the game in and make every part tedious and eye-rolling. This game snowballs early on, and you go from every encounter being exciting to being overloaded with cheap get out of jail free cards where you're literally watching the game play itself, one eye on your clock, as your stormtrooper gunners finally manage to kill an enemy you've seen a thousand times before. There are so many ways to be completely invulnerable, with pretty short cooldowns, that all the tension is gone -- press a button, your shields come up, another witheringly dull fight plays out. The original was tense and claustrophobic BECAUSE you were just a flying piece of wood with engines, where you were micromanaging putting fires out, repairing, and trying to pilot. In this, you're simply... there, protected by quickly unbeatable shields, with an occasional minor hiccup. There's also no customisation, which made sense in a bomber because how do you change the layout much? In this there is NO ship customisation in terms of gunner positions, playstyle, anything like that. It's essentially a reskin of the original. You play the game as you're told -- two side gunners and one at the fore and aft. There's also next to no variety to the missions you go through apart from the occasional boss ship; you'll be escorting a freighter, deploying a probe, or fighting an enemy ace. Oh, don't bother trying to do the 'optional' objective of killing an ace in a normal mission, because they always retreat. Fun!
Every part of this game is instanced. In the first game you seamlessly flew from coast to coast, where you could be attacked any time but it wasn't telegraphed. Now you jump, gate to gate, and 90% of the time you're in combat. It becomes routine around 30 minutes in, where you use your gunner's abilities to increase aim and damage, fly to the next gate, wait for the enemy ships you've memorised out of lack of variety to die, then progress. It's not fun and it's not enthralling -- you'll have a film on at the same time because, whilst they can't hurt you, you'll be firing aimlessly at them for far longer than necessary. Why not just leave and go to the next area? Because more enemies means more time waiting to charge your engines to go. You get an ability fairly late game that essentially lets you skip this... once. Per mission. Now with rogue-lites you always want to fight the most enemies, get the most XP and rewards, which works for a while in this game, but by the end third you've literally unlocked everything. There's nothing to play for but the ending, which--
[spoiler] Is one of the worst endings I've ever seen in a game. Essentially, having battled the odds, carried your crew and ship through everything, had things explained away by 'because' (drop a probe that collects antimatter and somehow you have a working weapon next level? Just because!) you're then told told to destroy your ship and kill everyone on it to kill the end boss. No alternatives, no build-up, no real story. It doesn't matter how attached you got, how you kept everyone alive throughout the odds, because the game says everyone has to die at the end. What's the logic in that? It's a game based around upgrading, levelling up and surviving. Sorry though, that didn't matter! Thanks for playing! [/spoiler]
Nicht Empfohlen
267 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.10.20 21:43
Nicht Empfohlen
1014 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.10.20 16:07
The enemies are almost too much, which is fine for a hard or medium mission, but there's no reason I have to clear enemies every jump point for an easy mission.
While I'm on the topic, it feels just tedious having to deal with enemies every single hyperjump. It makes what should be a short romp drag out way too long. I've had this game for 3 days now and I'm already burnt out. An easy mission for research and quick credits ends up taking 35+ minutes.
The hyperjump itself can be annoying, I get to the gate, I start the charge, use my stealth or shields to buy time for the charge....annnd more enemies show up which pushes the timer further. If I already started to charge, new enemies should NOT push the timer further. Very VERY frustrating when you have 33 seconds left and it jumps up to 4 and a half minutes because new enemies decided to spawn in. At that point, I just close the game.
Runner Duck
Curve Digital
Engine:keine Infos
Kopierschutz:keine Infos
Franchise:keine Infos