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Über das Spiel

Song of Horror bietet eine dynamische Spielerfahrung voller Horror und Schrecken: Der Gegner, eine übernatürliche Entität, die nur als Die Präsenz bekannt ist, wird von einer fortschrittlichen KI (künstliche Intelligenz) kontrolliert, die sich an deine Handlungen und Entscheidungen anpasst. Erlebe ein unausstehliches Gefühl der Angst, wenn dieses übernatürliche Wesen auf deine Spielweise reagiert und dich auf unerwartete Weise jagt. Dadurch bietet sich jedem Spieler ein einzigartiges Spielerlebnis, da sich die Spannung auf natürliche Weise aufbaut, anstatt einem festen Skript zu folgen.
Als Spieler erlebst du diese Geschichte aus der Perspektive von verschiedenen Charakteren, die auf ihre eigene Weise mit der Geschichte in Verbindung stehen. Jeder Charakter ist anders und bringt seine einzigartige Sichtweise in die Untersuchung ein, so dass er Hinweise und Gegenstände unterschiedlich behandeln kann. Ihre Handlungen und Entscheidungen werden die Welt prägen: Einige von ihnen werden mehr oder weniger über bestimmte Aspekte der Geschichte wissen, andere sind effektiver gegen übernatürliche Erscheinungen. Aber sie alle können sterben, wenn die Präsenz sie erreicht — und der Tod ist endgültig. Wenn einer deiner Charaktere stirbt, musst du die Geschichte mit einem anderen Charakter aufgreifen und die Untersuchung fortsetzen, damit ihr Tod nicht umsonst war.
Ein mysteriöser Antiquitätenladen, eine vergessene Abtei, eine verlassene Nervenheilanstalt... Jeder Ort in Song of Horror ist von den Klassikern des Genres inspiriert. Erforsche und untersuche diese gespenstischen Orte, um Hinweise und Gegenstände zu sammeln, die dir helfen werden, herausfordernde Rätsel zu lösen, während du die quälende Spannung der Spielatmosphäre aushältst.
- Setzt 64-Bit-Prozessor und -Betriebssystem voraus
- CPU: Intel or AMD 64bit, 2.6 GHz.
- GFX: NVIDIA GeForce 660 GTX, Radeon HD 7950 or similar
- Software: Windows 7, 8 or 10
- HD: 25 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
- DX: Version 11
- LANG: Englisch
- Setzt 64-Bit-Prozessor und -Betriebssystem voraus
- CPU: Intel or AMD 64bit, 3.0 GHz.
- GFX: NVIDIA GeForce 980 GTX, Radeon RX 580 or similar
- RAM: 12 GB RAM
- Software: Windows 10
- HD: 25 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
- DX: Version 11
- LANG: Englisch
Steam Nutzer-Reviews
1325 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.01.22 14:56
Dieses wundervolle Prachtstück hatte ich für meinen Stream auf Twitch gewählt, dachte jedoch, dass ich maximal das erste Kapitel spielen und dann davon ablassen werde.
Falsch gedacht!
Song of Horror hat mich auf Anhieb an die älteren Silent Hill Teile bzw. Resident Evil erinnert.
Die Sicht und die daraus resultierende Steuerung ist deshalb erstmal gewöhnungsbedürftig, aber das lässt relativ schnell nach.
Die Atmosphäre ist einfach bombastisch. Das Zusammenspiel von Kameraführung, Geräuschen und Lichtverhältnissen ist einfach perfekt getroffen worden.
Während des Spiels hat man immer wieder eine Auswahl an Charakteren, neben unserem Hauptcharakter, die man spielen kann. Stirbt der Charakter, muss man den nächsten wählen - stirbt der Hauptcharakter, darf man das ganze Kapitel neu spielen. Das bringt natürlich zusätzliche Action rein - meine Befürchtung war, dass das eventuell den Spielspaß mindert und den Frust steigert, das konnte ich allerdings nicht bestätigen!
Das Spiel bietet einige Jumpscares, die teilweise ziemlich zufällig sind. Die Jumpscares sind teilweise, für Außenstehende, vielleicht vorhersehbar - als Spieler sind die allerdings einfach unglaublich gut gesetzt und man erleidet gerne mal einen kleinen Herzinfarkt. Dennoch legt Song of Horror mehr Wert auf Psychohorror, da man nicht einschätzen kann, wo die nächste Gefahr lauert.
Da sind wir auch schon bei dem nächsten Punkt: die Gefahren. Es gibt, um ein bisschen mehr Action reinzubringen, Events in denen etwas Händchen gefragt ist. Pro Kapitel kommt eine Gefahr mehr dazu, jede komplett unterschiedlich - kleiner Tipp: werdet nicht zu panisch dabei :D
Zudem, was natürlich das Wichtigste an Horrorspielen ist: die Story. Die Story ist relativ einfach gehalten, dennoch sehr spannend gemacht, mit einem mehr oder weniger nervenaufreibenden Ende.
Leider gibt es nur ein einziges Ende, da hätten die Entwickler vielleicht noch ausbauen können.
Dadurch dass das Gesamtpaket einfach so unglaublich gut harmoniert, ist Song of Horror einfach ein komplettes Meisterwerk für mich und gehört damit zu den besten neueren Horrorspielen.
478 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.01.22 20:33
Ich hätte niemals gedacht, das dieses Spiel ein so dermaßen aus die Socken haut.
Ich kann es kaum erwarten die nächsten 5 Episoden von Song of Horror zu Spielen.
Daher ein großen Lob an die Entwickler und ein fettes Positives Daumen hoch!
Nicht Empfohlen
916 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.07.21 20:49
1345 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.04.21 14:22
-tolle Soundkulisse
-fixe Kameraperspektive mit tollen Inszenierungen von Gruselmomenten, ohne zu sehr in flache Jumpscares abzudriften
-im Zeichen des Schauerromans und der schwarzen Romantik mit H.P. Lovecraft-
- mit Schnitzeljagdelementen (man braucht erst A, um damit bei B folgendes zu machen und erhält C, um damit etc.) über die Karte verteilt
-dazwischen wiederkehrende, AI gestützte Minigames, bei denen es auf das Überleben ankommt
Zum Thema Permadeath:
Ich denke, dass viele negative Rezensionen aufgrund von Frustration aufgrund des Permadeaths geschrieben wurden. ABER: Dieser ist abwählbar.
Ich habe zu Beginn mit der ursprünglichen Schwierigkeit begonnen und bereits in Episode II alle Charaktere verloren. (Zu Neugierig, Bug, Beim Weglaufen in eine Sackgasse manövriert) Zugegeben ist die Anspannung mit Permadeath höher, aber die Frustration und das nervige Nochmalspielen der Episoden beim Verlust von mehreren Charakteren will ich nicht akzeptieren. Der Schwierigkeitsgrad lässt sich aber jederzeit, auch im Spiel, wechseln.
Daher habe ich von nun an spätestens bei Verlust des zweiten Charakters auf Einfach ohne Permadeath geschaltet, um so die Episode in jedem Fall beenden zu können. War trotzdem genauso spannend! Und die Rätsel sind manchmal recht schwer, wenn man sich zu lange abmüht und der Nervfaktor größer wird, einfach in den Walkthrough gucken.
Ich rechne es den Entwicklern hoch an, dass sie ihr urprüngliches Konzept des Permadeaths aufweichen und die Entscheidung dem Spieler überlassen - immerhin soll ein Spiel Spaß machen, dem Achievment-Suchter genauso wie dem Ich-hab-Feierabend-und-möchte-Entspannen-Typen.
Von daher: klare Kaufempfehlung, passt es an eure Bedürfnisse an.
1274 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.04.21 18:09
Auch die Idee mit dem Perma Death einzelner Charaktere sieht vielversprechend aus, auch wenn es schon wehtut wegen Neugier gleich mal einen einzubüßen.
Nicht Empfohlen
223 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.01.21 23:47
Ist es umheimlich: Ja! (und das ohne Jump Scares!).
Es gibt einen Retry / easy Schwierigkeitsgrad.
Leider ist es spielerisch belanglos und repetitiv.
Die Panik (QTE) Minispiele nutzen sich ab.
Habe im Kapitel 2 aufgehört zu spielen, weil es wie Kapitel 1, nur labyrinth-artiger war, und ich den Verdacht hatte dass es in Kapitel 3 nicht anders wird.
Das Ende von Kapitel 1 war grauenhaft: Warum soll ich mir merken, wo ich die Puppen gefunden habe?Danach muss man trotz andersartigem Hint sinnlos rumlaufen und Mannequins suchen.
Ohne Walkthrough wäre ich hier gescheitert, weil es ansonsten sehr linear von statten ging.
In Kapitel 2 habe ich keinen spielerischen Sinn darin gesehen die Notiz aus dem Hof im Keller zu holen und wieder in den Hof zu gehen außer um die Spielzeit zu strecken.
Für Geduldige
1899 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.01.21 01:11
Dann überlege nicht lange und kauf das Spiel sofort!
Das hier ist seit langem mal wieder ein Horrorspiel das jeden Penny wert ist und viele coole Mechaniken einführt, immer wieder neu und spannend ist und auch gut ohne Jumpscarefest eine sehr bedrückende und gute Atmosphäre aufbaut!
1431 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.11.20 12:24
Let´s get the lows out of the way. The first episode is gold but 2 and 3 are kind of very bad: boring, not cinematic at all, repetitive and just not fun. Some of the riddles in this game are ridiculous and the developers know that. Some bugs cause you to loose one of your few characters.
But if you can look over this ( and maybe hang up a punching bag for all occasiation ) you get yourself a pretty, well written and extremely scary horror experience. Many ominous locations, threatening enemies and a creepy feeling everytime you open a door. Even if some things repeat themselves over the episodes, they are still spooky at worst and terrifying at best. There is a good balance of jumpscares and psychological horror. This game feels like the Resident Evil remakes but exept of the action and shooting you get true horror. Mostly everything i want from a horror hgame.
Give this game a try and you will fall in love with it and hate it at the same time.
1364 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.11.20 23:07
Das Spiel hat mich schnell überzeugt, trotz seichtem Beginn.
Wer ein actiongeladenes Horror-Survival sucht, sollte sich das vielleicht nochmal überlegen - wer aber stattdessen auf Story, Rätsel gepaart mit Horror steht, sollte zuschlagen!
619 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.11.20 11:59
Song of Horror schafft es aber genau diese Stimmung zu erzeugen, durch seine Lichtstimmung, die Musik und den Permadeath weiß Song of Horror seine Stimmung aufzubauen.
Auch wenn es spielerisch etwas repetativ ist und der Permadeath nicht wirklich in die Story eingeflochten wurde macht es doch vieles richtig und sollte daher von jedem Horror Fan zumindest mal angeschaut werden.
2980 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.10.20 18:21
Nicht Empfohlen
372 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.07.20 04:41
1194 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.07.20 17:49
Gameplay-technisch erkundet ihr die Gegend, sammelt Gegenstände auf und benutzt diese an irgendetwas oder kombiniert sie miteinander, um Rätsel zu lösen. Im Spielverlauf stoßt ihr auf Notizen, Bücher oder Audiologs, durch diese ihr mehr über die Geschichte und/oder über des jeweiligen Rätsels Lösung erfahrt. Je nach Kapitel stehen euch verschiedene Charaktere zur Auswahl. Jeder Charakter hat Vor- und Nachteile. Der eine ist unauffälliger und gelassener in Stresssituationen, der andere hingegen kann schnell laufen und ist stärker.
Während des Spielverlaufs stoßt ihr auf verschiedene Gefahren, diese oftmals mit einem Quick-Time-Event verbunden sind. Es ist von den Entwicklern so gewollt, dass ihr beim Scheitern einen Permadeath erleidet. Somit ist der zurzeit ausgewählte Charakter tot und ihr könnt ihn für das aktuelle Kapitel nicht mehr spielen. Ihr könnt nun einen anderen für das jeweilige Kapitel zur Verfügung stehenden Charakter auswählen. Keine Sorge, der zuvor verstorbene Charakter lässt alle Gegenstände am Todesort fallen. Somit könnt ihr diese mit dem neuen Charakter einfach wieder aufheben. Sterben bei euch in dem jeweiligen Kapitel aber alle Charaktere, müsst ihr dieses Kapitel komplett von vorne beginnen.
(Vorsicht: Manche Charaktere sind für ein jeweiliges Kapitel von besonderer Bedeutung. Wenn ihr diesen Charakter zuerst ausgewählt habt und dieser stirbt, dann müsst ihr das komplette Kapitel von vorne beginnen. Bei der Auswahl dieses besonderen Charakters werdet ihr aber ausdrücklich darauf hingewiesen und ihr müsstet die Auswahl dieses Charakters explizit nochmal bestätigen.)
Wem das alles zu nervig ist, kann den Schwierigkeitsgrad umstellen, sodass der Charakter beim Scheitern des Quick-Time-Events zwar erstmal stirbt, ihr dann aber den letzten Kontrollpunkt laden könnt. Somit könnt ihr euch an dem Quick-Time-Event, an diesem ihr zuvor gestorben seid, erneut versuchen und habt dementsprechend den Charakter nicht verloren.
Zu bemängeln ist, dass das Heartbeat-Quick-Time-Event zu schwer ist. Es ist nicht transparent genug. Egal, was ich in diesem Event mache, ich weiß nie, ob ich es gerade richtig mache oder nicht. Das bedeutet nicht, dass ich diese Events nie schaffe, aber ich bin schon sehr oft an diesem Event gestorben und habe unnötig Charaktere verloren. Selbst wenn ich die Events dann mal geschafft habe, weiß ich immer noch nicht genau, was ich richtig gemacht habe, um das Event zu bestehen. Das alles kann sehr frustrierend sein. Hier hilft aber auch die Umstellung des Schwierigkeitsgrades, weil dadurch diese Events weniger häufig auftauchen. Zudem verzeiht der leichtere Schwierigkeitsgrad mehrere Fehler, sodass man sich erstmal an das jeweilige Event rantasten kann. Wenn man scheitern sollte, kann man so wenigstens den Kontrollpunkt laden und verliert nicht seinen Charakter.
Die Rätsel sind meiner Meinung kein Standard, sondern eher komplexer und durchdachter, zumindest teilweise. Ich habe viele der Rätsel jedenfalls nicht auf Anhieb lösen können und habe dementsprechend länger dafür gebraucht. Also gut für alle, die gerne knobeln.
Tipp für alle, die Probleme mit Quick-Time-Events haben: Stellt den Schwierigkeitsgrad auf E.T.A. Hofmann um, das hilft.
Bugs sind mir bisher keine aufgefallen.
Das Spiel wird auch weiterhin mit Updates versorgt.
Zusammenfassend kann ich Song of Horror jedem Horror-Liebhaber empfehlen. Ihr bekommt eine Menge geboten, schaurige Story, Erkundung der abwechslungsreichen Areale, schöne Grafik, interessante Charaktere, Rätsel, gruselige Atmosphäre durch an jeder Ecke möglicherweise lauernden Gefahren, Sounds bzw. Musik unterstreichen die Atmosphäre.
8 / 10
416 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.06.20 21:34
Horror wie früher
Ich erinnere mich noch, wie gern ich früher Spiele im Stile von Silent Hill 2 / 3 gespielt habe.
Orte Erkunden, Stückchen für Stückchen weiterkommen und dabei immer einen Blick auf die Karte werfen.
Das aber nie in Ruhe, weil man selten wusste, was hinter der nächsten Ecke lauert.
Lange habe ich solche Spiele vermisst.
Und als es im Angebot war, wurde ich auf dieses kleine Schätzchen aufmerksam.
Es gibt einem direkt wieder dieses Feeling von damals.
Alles wirkt bedrückend, dunkel, einsam.
Ich bin erst in der zweiten Episode von insgesamt fünf, aber ich kann dieses Spiel jetzt schon bedenkenlos empfehlen.
Die Geschichte um eine Spieluhr, die ihrem Besitzer in den Wahnsinn treiben lässt, ist schön spannend.
660 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.03.20 14:00
Es klingt so zwischen wie Alone in the Dark und Silent Hill, welche ich kenne. Aber diese dunkle Atmosphäre ist genauso wie The Evil Within, auch wie Resident Evil.
Es macht mir Angst, wie ich fühle. Dabei ich fühle, ich kann nicht vor diesen dunklen, schrecklichen Monster weglaufen oder entkommen.
Noch nicht fertig. Ich muss nur noch die Episode 1 weiterspielen, bis es fertig ist. Dann sehe ich, ob ich gern neue Episoden kaufe.
Nicht Empfohlen
743 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.05.22 14:57
1596 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.03.22 00:08
It introduces a story with a mystery that become a rabbit hole the further you play, with several scenarions and chapters for you to explore and put the pieces together. If you play the game as it's 'intended to be' you get a high risk and high reward horror experience. That barely holds your hand and keeps introducing different obstacles and enemies for you be aware of.
It's the constant panic of losing and the numerous threats that could show up at any time, that make it a perfect way to keep you on edge throughout the whole thing.
The multiple characters to choose from and the different types of puzzles you had to put a lot of thought into kept the gameplay fresh and engaging with how careful you try to play and how much thought you put into each clue or puzzle.
If played the right way, you get a truly intense and amazing horror game.
Absolutely worth playing.
1662 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.02.22 13:48
so what is this game exactly? Song of Horror is an adventure horror game with heavy puzzles focus and exploration gameplay , you spend most of the time solving puzzles to advance to next areas while surviving a certain entity you get to know while playing.
the story and voice acting and the writing overall is pretty weak , but you play this game for its atmosphere and immersive-ness and its strong creepy puzzles and enemies , the game can be terrifying at times.
the bad in this game consists of some things that increases the frustration factor , first of all , some of the puzzles are very challenging and senseless especially in the second half of the game , that 90% of players will need to open a guide to know how to solve them , unless you are a lore freak who reads every collectible in the game , you won't know what to do ,
the second issue here that this game introduce a perma-death mechanic , unlike any game i've played before , you are introduced to more than one playable character per episode , the character that dies during you playthrough is gone for the rest of the game unless restarted from a fresh save , the gimmick makes the game way more stressful , especially that the attacks are not scripted and seemingly random , and thats good for a horror game , well up until you die from a bs insta kill or a failed QTE's sequence , which is the game full of , thankfully this gimmick can be avoided by either restarting the episode or using this guide over here :
the game doesn't get a good discount , its usually get hit only with a 40% , by the time i posted this , even though i think its a good experience , i recommend you to wait until it gets a better discount.
1171 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.02.22 17:04
1601 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.02.22 02:49
The graphics are gorgeous. I loved all the details. You can see a lot of work went into levels.
Voice acting and overall sounds are very well done. The little bit of music you get is also well placed and well done.
Lovecraftian style which is a no brainer for many.
Its a horror game but not over the top terror like a lot of horror games are. Just the right amount of creepiness imo.
The story is what kept me going to finally finish this game. By the end it was THE ONLY thing that kept me going.
So the damn mini games. Despite earlier reviews, they all work now. They are not that hard. I'd say the only one I'd ever lose on is hiding. Not sure if I'm right but seemed every time I hid under a table or desk instead of a closet it was that much harder to complete that mini game. The larger issue is during the mini games are the most horrific parts that look great and bring on excitement. So why make a mini game that makes you focus so hard on icons at the bottom of the screen so you have no way to pay attention to the actual horror taking place? The only ones that you sort of can still see the horror going on is keeping the door closed game and the presence folk dragging you away mini game. And they all get more tedious as the game drags on.
So speaking of dragging on. God its slow. I don't mind slow. I actually look for slow. But this is snail slow. Especially if you're trying to beat the game without a walkthrough. The collecting of things to proceed sometimes has you go through an entire area over again because you needed to do or get a certain thing before you could do or get a certain thing somewhere else that you've already been to, probably more than once.
The puzzles. Some were fun. But some just felt like work. People play games to enjoy and not feel like they're at a real job or working on some irl project or whatever. Its not that they cannot be solved, thankfully. For me they just tried my patience. By episode 5 I was using a walkthrough because between the mini games, puzzles, and permadeath, the game had just dragged on too long to appreciate the story anymore if I hadn't used walkthroughs to get through quicker.
Yet in the end I did want to complete it and see the story through. And now I have, 26.7 hrs later. If there was more depth to the story I could understand being dragged through this long. But all the elements that kept the game moving along slowly were just not enjoyable enough for a story that, although fantastic, could've been explained in a third of that time or less.
So much potential to be wasted on things that have been complained about since release. I appreciate the devs constantly working to improve the game and yet they overlook the major areas where the game starts to fail. But it was a unique game to play and I am grateful to all devs that think outside the box to bring us new experiences instead of the same ol' polished up with updated graphics and sound.
I got this on sale but it wasn't a great sale. Still feel like I overpaid. In the end I think everyone has their own preferences so I just felt I had to share my own personal struggle with this game. And again, in the end, if we had a rating system beyond thumbs up and thumbs down, if thumbs up is above 5/10 and thumbs down below, I will recommend it at 6/10.
1354 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.02.22 17:38
I had no clue this game existed, came across it randomly and decided to give it a go. It gave me heavy RE2/SH vibes, except the permadeath. I wasn't a big fan of the permadeath the first few times I died, then I realised it really adds another layer of immersion and tension because I don't mess around with the monsters and doors anymore. If I started without the permadeath I'd certainly not understand what the permadeath adds to the game. In a few acts, my previous dead characters haunted my new character and that was one hell of an experience of mixed emotions and confusion.
Some puzzles are very vague and as I was playing permadeath mode I had to cheat for a clue here and there although I never solved a puzzle entirely by cheating. As a very experienced horror fan, I can not recommend it enough. Even if permadeath isn't your thing, you can easily turn it off.
The game is quite long, so definitely the bang for the buck is there. Hope this review will make you consider picking up the game. A solid 8.5/10.
1995 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.01.22 23:34
This game was as horrifying as it was amazing. It's very different from a lot of other horror I've encountered and does what it sets out to do exceptionally well. The high stakes of losing your character is half the dread in this game. It puts you on the edge of your seat, forcing you to think twice about every decision, meanwhile your hands sweat and your heart raises to the incredibly tense atmosphere, which they nail perfectly. As such, it is also exhausting and the reason it took a while for me to get around to finish it XD.
If you consider playing this, do. And if you do play using a controller, don't go wireless, you can't afford losing any millisecond on those blood-curdling quick time events D: I would also recommend playing each episode one at a time. Stopping in the middle of one to later return having forgotten all info and clues you've gathered makes the game much harder. And talking about hard, some of the puzzles in this game.. geez. If you get stuck and find yourself spending half an hour without progress, just peek at that walkthrough, because sometimes you just don't have the time to waste ;)
It's a slow pace, high intensity horror experience. Play the characters as if it was your life on the line and you will embrace the horror.
827 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.01.22 04:54
P.S., do NOT look through the peephole in Episode 2. It is still broken (known bug) and you will have no choice but to force quit.
Nicht Empfohlen
27 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.01.22 20:25
1. Instakill interactions. There are objects in the environment that kill you outright if you interact with them. Given that your main method of progressing through the game is just interacting with everything you come across until you find the next part of the game, this kind of sucks.
2. A character dying sets you back to the beginning of the chapter, which can take over an hour to complete.
It ends up being more exhausting than scary, which is a shame because I like the large cast/permadeath aspects, but I think the instakill environmental interactions and lack of checkpointing dragon down the rest of the game.
3318 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.01.22 04:49
Song of Horror is one of the most addictive and satisfying horror games in recent years because of the novelty of playing as a variety of characters. New adventures of the characters each time you restart make the game more exciting and enjoyable to play than playing the protagonist alone. Several points look so unreliable that it might discourage many people from putting the characters at risk...
✔️ Unravel mystery cursed song, classic horror, permadeath
✔️ Graphics environments look fantastic, creepy backdrops
✔️ Sound ratchet up the tension
✔️ AI entity is unpredictable, each playthrough will feel different
❌ Fixed-camera can make navigation tricky some times
❌ Voice acting is weird
❌ A game giving little clues as to when things change & requiring
I'll buy it whether it's discounted or not.
Nicht Empfohlen
420 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.12.21 17:18
Nicht Empfohlen
1440 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.10.21 20:35
1. The mini-games. Some were done quite well. Others seemed more annoying. There is one in episode 2, that will haunt you the rest of the game, where it tells you to gently press the trigger buttons(hugely recommend getting a controller for this). When I personally think it should have said gradually or partially. This may be due to me not using controllers very much, but it resulted in some stressful times. In a horror game, stress should be due to scares, not due to gameplay mechanics that are more frustrating than interesting.
2. The puzzles. There are a metric ton of puzzles in this game. Some are okay and interesting, while others(especially in episodes after 3) just seem like they exist to consume your time without actually adding anything good to the game. Whether the clues are too vague(There exists a puzzle in episode 5 that was so vague, the devs had to change it and still it was a bit of a pain in the ass) By the time I was halfway through episode 4, I was done with trying to figure out puzzles. I looked up spoiler free walkthroughs and just did things that way. Which the cause of leads me to the next problem.
3 Run time. Now usually I enjoy longer games. They typically result in more bang for your buck. Well, in horror games there is a need for pacing. Which I think this game is good at doing, assuming you can skip all the puzzles. Which I did, I had a walkthrough and I just made some puzzles that would have tacked on 15-30 minutes per puzzle. I still clocked in at 24 hours when I finished the game(3 of which were due to losing all my characters in episodes 1 and 2. 1 due to my idiocy, and 2 due to the aforementioned mini game regarding the -gently- pushed trigger buttons) and it felt like far.. far too much. I feel if it was 8 hours shorter, I'd have enjoyed it. Of course these means removing puzzles galore. As well as.. My last problem with the game.
4. Episode 4. Episode far did contain some GOOD story, however it was wrapped up in keycard-esque puzzles/things to do. When I say keycard, my mind goes far back to quake 2. Where you need to get the blue keycard. but to get the blue keycard, you must get the yellow one. but to get the yellow one, you must go near the blue keycard door, find a little hidden wall, and get the red keycard. BUT to get that keycard you need a green... you get my point. That was episode 4. Eventually it got to where there were no scares, besides me dealing with boring minigames designed to just slow down the whole episode and artificially increase the length of the game.
The things I DID enjoy? Episode 1-3 were wonderful. Again, if you remove one of those minigames and a few puzzles. The story was interesting, the ending was fun, horrifying, if a bit lacking in content and answers.
I can't reliably recommend this game. Though I'd prefer to give it a rating rather than a simple yes or no. I'd say a high 50s low 60s type rating. If you find the complete edition on sale, go ahead. But episode 4+5 you're going to want to have a guide for some of the puzzles. Or don't. This is just what I thought of the game. Enjoy
Edit: Also there is a mini game EARLY in the game that follows you throughout the game. It requires you to hide, or you die. When you hide you have another mini game where if you fail you die. These event is random, and based on difficulty. In episode 5. It happened in a room with one exit and nowhere to hide within the room. Meaning I died, with no possible way out.
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372 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.10.21 06:58
Why i never went back and finished it.
1191 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.10.21 18:50
Bravo. An excellent spooky game with a setting that will leave you turning the lights/tv on to go to sleep at night.
The Good
+ Absolutely fantastic and chilling horror story. Tell this one by the campfire
+ Excellent use of Fixed cameras
+ Gameplay adds a lot of tension
+ Visuals are gorgeous
+ Tons of incredible animation polish and details. I can't get enough of seeing a character run and them breathing physically hard in the mouth animations because of it. Makes you wonder why they added this much polish in the animations but then ignored the lip syncing
+ Puzzle design is overall solid
+ Each level has tons of Lore to further understand what is actually going on
+ Collectibles have very useful gameplay mechanics depending on which one(s) you decide to bring with you (once you find them that is)
+ Permadeath has a use to this game and its story. You'll see people hating on it, but most permadeath moments can be avoided if you use your brain.
The Neutral
+/- Voice acting is acceptable. Some of it is great, and some of it is not. But overall it doesn't hinder the tale being told here.
+/- There is one very Cryptic puzzle in this game. I won't say where. I managed to solve it but it grinded my gears for a solid hour. Compared to the rest of the puzzles in this game, this specific very cryptic one I think could've had a mild rework.
+/- Jump scares. Normally I immediately stick Jump Scares right into the negative for horror games. I dislike them and think they're cheesy scare tactics. This game has a use for them when it comes to encountering enemies or certain moments in the game, which is why I think the jump scares in this title, minus a couple specific ones, are really well used. I still won't put them in The Good, but just know that this game's jump scares (again, minus a couple specific ones) are actually a part of the experience in a decently good way. They certainly do add the right kind of tension.
The Bad
- Lack of lip syncing.
- Danger moments become a bit predictable once you learn each enemy type.
- Those two specific jump scares that were actually cheesy and unnecessary.
- This game screams Tank Controls but does not have Tank Controls. Baffles me why the developers decided not to include them as an option. Don't let this dissuade you. I got used to it, and so can you.
If you like the fixed camera angles, or just love a great juicy horror story (that is actually good and overall well written), then pick this guy up. I started, and almost couldn't stop.
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502 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.10.21 22:22
Here's some of what I liked:
- In some ways, it really captures the spirit of classic survival horror games with its atmosphere and presentation. The writing and voice acting aren't exactly the best, but they've got a bit of a schlocky charm, to me at least.
- I like the puzzles and exploration. It hit scratches the same itch for me that classic Resident Evil games do. Some of the puzzles are a bit vague (the lock in the gallery in Episode 2, for instance), but in the end, they weren't anything I wasn't able to figure out for myself in a reasonable amount of time, and I'm pretty dumb.
- Each character has something unique to say about everything. It could've been easy to write up a couple of generic lines to shuffle between for the characters, but here, what every individual says reflects back to their character and role in the story, and I appreciate that. I will note however that you do get more out of playing some characters over others (i.e. it was more fun to play Erica in Episode 2 than, say, the cop who doesn't live and work there.)
Now, what I didn't like:
- I don't like the choices they've made in regards to the permadeath mechanic. I'm not opposed to the idea. In fact- I think it elevates the game to a certain degree by raising the stakes. My problem with it lies with the fact that it is at odds with other things in the game, such as...
- The insta-kills. These were kind of goofy fun at first. A lot of these are avoidable if you stop and consider what you are doing for a moment. It's the ones that seemingly blindside you that are infuriating, especially if it results in a death that makes you restart the episode and lose nearly 2 hours of progress.
- There is no combat in this game. Instead, there are random QTEs that feel janky at best and broken at worst. If you fail, you die. At it's worst, I've failed these minigames and not understood exactly why. I did exactly what I should've done, and still lost.
- In all honesty, I only encountered one glitch in my play time, but for me it was substantial. There is a puzzle that involves feeding a pet spider some food so that you can safely reach into its enclosure and retrieve an item. I did just that, except I still got bitten and died. I'm fairly certain that I did everything right. The game itself indicated as such and having searched it I haven't seen anyone else die there following those steps. A glitch like that wouldn't be an issue in a game that didn't punish you for severely for dying.
Overall, I don't feel like I can recommend this game. On a personal level I feel as if the game needs something to prevent the tedium that comes from restarting multiple times, because after being forced to restart Episode 2 for a 4th time now, I don't feel like starting from the beginning again. It feels like a chore. I feel like there's a satisfying way to mix a checkpoint system into the game as it is right now to improve it.
892 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.10.21 04:22
1049 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.10.21 19:49
+Fantastic storytelling.
+Gameplay that is both terrifying and intense.
+Amazing use of sound for both gameplay and ambiance.
+Beautiful visual design.
-Performance issues in the last two episodes.
-Controls feel a bit stiff.
-Permadeath can be cruel and infuriating.
Song of Horror is a phenomenal Lovecraftian horror game as well as one of the most panic-inducing and intense games I've ever played. Everything from the superbly detailed environments to the impeccable sound design brings together a gorgeous, foreboding, and sinister atmosphere.
There is no combat, so the gameplay is all exploration, puzzle-solving, hiding, and QTE's to fight off the Presence. You play as multiple characters, each with their own unique quirks and abilities, throughout a five episode journey facing off against the unstoppable Presence that haunts you at every corner and behind every door. Headphones are a must in this game as listening for audio cues in the environment and behind doors will be the difference between life and death. Controlling the character takes some getting used to as I felt the controls were very stiff, almost like classic Resident Evil tank controls, and when camera angles change, the character will either lock in one direction or turn around instantly. Some actions also feel delayed.
One issue that a lot of players have in this game is the permadeath. From a storytelling aspect I can understand, and it adds a tremendous sense of urgency, but it can be extremely frustrating especially after investing so much time into one character only to have them die because of one mistake (or even a bugged QTE which I experienced in the final episode), forcing you to restart the entire chapter. The developers added a lower difficulty that removes the permadeath and restarts you at checkpoints for those who don't want to start the episode all over again.
Also, in the last two episodes I experienced some strange performance problems. The first three episodes I had no issues, then suddenly when I start episode 4 the frame rate tanked and nothing would fix the issue. After powering through, I was relieved to see episode 5 went back to normal, but I still experienced some strange bugs in the gameplay.
Overall, Song of Horror is wonderfully chilling experience. Once you've grown accustomed to the controls and come to terms with the permadeath mechanic, you will find yourself engrossed in the story and it's characters. Without a doubt, it's a horror masterpiece.
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213 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.08.21 01:09
But then there is this simple looking quick-time-event, where you have to hide and keep calm, by pressing buttons to a heart beat. You'll die, if you fail, and I died twice somehow in the first episode to the same qte.
I lost the last character pretty far into the episode to this said qte, when this happens, the whole episode restarts. There is no saving. So you have to do all the puzzles again, get all the items, jog slowly through these places, and nothing is even a bit randomized or different. Except the entity and maybe the spooky moments and jump-scares, which are not scripted as far as I understood it.
This can really stomp your motivation to replay the whole episode, if you die a cheap death, and I really wished the devs would’ve reworked some qtes. They're simply not good designed.
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423 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.08.21 00:17
1143 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.08.21 19:16
Of course, there's space for criticism, but this gem just ticks so many boxes, led by an interesting, original story that doesn't have you constantly think of how often you've come across this particular fate or that over-used cliché. Of course, you recognize the many inspirations and come across loads of references to horror classics, but I don't think I ever got bored of what the game threw at me - except for the following:
- There are plenty of (party very cheap) jump scares. I don't exactly consider jump scares quality work of horror, but in this case, I learned to live with them.
- Quick Time Events aren't the best choice of challenge mechanics in my opinion, and if you're unlucky (or run a lot), there can be loads of them. However, I understand the choice to go for these to get some main causes of death into the game.
Apart from these two points, I don't think there's anything that really stood out to me as bad (there are unavoidable bugs and glitches of course, but nothing really annoying or game-breaking).
What really stood out for me in this game were the subtle scares, those you could easily miss - where suddenly, someone's standing in the hallways, fingerprints appear where no fingerprints have been before, something's scurrying about the background or you're being watched from the shadows behind you. The atmosphere in this game is just perfect and your heart starts racing with that of your character's.
I also loved how the player can actually benefit later on in the game from how closely they follow the story. Usually, in games it doesn't really matter if you pay attention to the lore at all, so that's a big plus for me.
The puzzles are very enjoyable as well. They range from fairly easy to quite challenging. A lot of variety and creativity has been put into them, and the game won't try to aid you too much.
All in all, this has been a real highlight in my collection of horror games and I'm looking forward any games from Protocol that will follow.
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909 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.08.21 19:14
-Graphics are nice.
-Interesting concept of gameplay. You feel somewhat immersed and into the tense situations
-Atmosphere is unsettling
-UI looks great
-In terms of the enemy, the creature looks cool and terrifying
-Areas to visit and the mystery of the situation is great
-If any of your characters die, they can reappear in whatever location as you play your new character. They can either be friend or foe.
-Character animations are clunky and movement is a bit odd
-Facial animations and speaking is kind of hilarious. Sometimes frightening
-You lose your character completely on death and if all characters die, episode is completely restarted (I understand this is appealing to a lot of gamers but not to me. Especially if you die due to bugs.)
-Bugs that can kill your character. There are points in the game where you have to play a crappy minigame to escape or keep calm. There is a bug that killed my character since the enemy was spazzing out in animation in the same spot over and over. When I restarted the game, my character died.
-Minigames and puzzles are sort of terrible. Some are okay but some are just vague along with the worst ideas for them. You have to search up just to figure out why they even implemented these.
-Alt tabbing wasn't a smart idea. Apparently, your game isn't paused and standing in one area can get you killed when you get back in the game. Nice.
-Voice acting is meh
-Later chapters, you start to care less about the initial reason to go through with this and wonder why these idiots even try to care. Just like every horror game I guess.
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347 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.07.21 13:36
i play & finish only first free chapter .
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453 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.07.21 23:43
Unfortunately this tremendous effort seems wasted on the gameplay. The gameplay is extremely slow, and punishing for all the wrong reasons. The player is actively punished with permadeath for taking any sort of risk, which means if you're stuck on a puzzle, you better keep bashing your head against it instead of daring to explore and trying something new. The minigames and QTEs one has to do to fight the monsters are annoying and don't add to the suspense.
The story, one-and-a-half chapters of which I made it through, does nothing to pull the player in. The initial main character whom the plot revolves around is unlikeable, characters' motivations for going places are unclear, and no interesting/likeable/charming/original ideas or premises can be seen within the first 8 hours of gameplay.
The 'horror' in Song of Horror is perhaps the most disappointing part. The environments and sound design do a good job of creating an atmosphere, but the actual horrors one faces at climactic moments seem very uninspired. I shudder to think that clearly talented artists and animators were put to work on a grey zombie with bandages around its face, which isn't given as much as a name ('The Silence'), that looks like it could belong in a thousand other games or movies. This already disappointingly indistinct character is then given the even more annoyingly trope-y ability of 'hearing you but not seeing you'. All of the monsters, entities, and paranormalities I've seen in this game are colourless, nameless, voiceless; There's no interesting character to them, and I feel like I've seen them all before.
Perhaps in wanting to be an ode to all of the horror media that came before it, it doesn't find the space to bring anything original-looking to the table.
844 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.07.21 04:25
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252 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.07.21 00:17
I do applaud the developers for making really nice looking environments, it is on par with AAA games from a couple years ago. The only miss is the characters faces, which look pretty bad but luckily not animated in the cutscenes and instead are simply replaced with visual novel style cutscenes.
The game's permadeath mechanic seemed interesting at first, but it really is just a fancy lives system. If you die 4 times on anything but the lowest difficulty, you have to restart the whole episode, which can be extremely frustrating if you spent 2-3 hours on a level. This is made even more annoying by the fact that you can die simply by investigating an object in a room, no warning or way to save yourself. In the end, I just turned the difficulty down to the lowest so I wouldn't have to reset my progress after 3 of my characters had died. I wish the devs kept the high difficulty but let you keep the last character alive, it would lead to much less frustration among players.
Overall, I had a decent time with the game so far, it just doesn't have an interesting enough story to keep me playing. The lack of interesting gameplay other than wandering around and completing QTEs also didn't help. I think there are some good aspects of this game and I look forward to checking out what this team does in the future, but it's just not worth my time right now.
985 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.05.21 12:51
Sentence: Hold The Door!/10
1240 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.05.21 20:13
Overall, the horror atmosphere is set and maintained very well throughout the game with help in doing so from the story and something that I can only seem to be able to describe as procedural horror that causes certain events to occur either randomly or depending on the way you play and the character you are playing as.
I don't hear much about this game anywhere and so I am making the assumption that it's a bit underrated and not very well known, unfortunately. Having played it, I think it deserves to be better known and I recommend checking it out.
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582 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.01.21 01:43
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126 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.01.21 12:49
Gonna wait till they fix it which is unlikely but till then don't waste your time since you will be disappointed.
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744 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.12.20 23:55
A lot of care has obviously gone to the visual aspect of the game: environments are detailed and feel lived-in. Not so much the writing, which is basically an endless sequence of flavourless, generic, almost tautological observations.
Definitely has its creepy moments but when what scares you the most is not the thing lurking in the darkness but the mind-numbing prospect of having to replay an hour of unchanging exploration and puzzle-solving, then Protocol probably need to rethink how they implement death in their next effort.
360 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.12.20 03:20
*Play that character to around the end of the chapter*
*Hold the door mini game begins*
*Character dies*
*Pick new character and play the last 5 minutes of the chapter*
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141 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.11.20 17:20
On one hand, I like the idea of roaming around in an abandoned building with the horror feel added to it. It makes you think and ask questions to what has happened to this place and why there is a unknown presence lurking around. The atmosphere is sinister.
On the other hand, there are few things I didn't like, which resulted me to start over a few times. Keep in mind that the game has permadeaths (unless you switch to an easier difficulty), so when you die, you 'continue' the story with a different character. The whole story restarts if every character has died.
Here are the things I didn't like:
- Like I mentioned above, it's a very slow-paced game where you enter room by room, examining things and figure out puzzles by interacting the objects on them. You will also have to find an item which it is used for completing the puzzle then find another item to complete another puzzle. Most puzzles require you to backtrack often.
- QTE is the major problem, atleast for me. If you fail any QTE, your character dies. There is a heartbeat QTE which caused some of my characters die because of it. Even following the heartbeat rhythm properly, the game decides to punish me for being precise. I read the hints and tips, but it doesn't work out for me, I don't know why.
- There isn't much horror other than the spooky environment. Certain moments were predictable. However, the game is 'somewhat' similar to Layers Of Fear with all the wall and room changes.
169 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.11.20 18:37
602 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.11.20 20:13
2092 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.11.20 16:02
From the beginning till the end, you sit on the edge of your seat.
This game also has a good story and you want to go further and further to know how it ends.
The sound effects and music are a very great match to the places you are in.
Also, i like it that you have a max. of lives. If you die on 1 episode with all the characters you have then, you need to replay the whole episode again. It makes it more challenging.
This game is, i think, one of the best and creepiest horror games i've played so far.
I really would recommend this game if you like horror, puzzles, creepy atmosphere, moments that you need to act quickly and still carefully.
1117 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.11.20 18:34
Song of Horror Review
Song of Horror is a third-person survival horror game that features a unique system that will adapt to the player's playstyle. Featuring environments with a sense of dread and the classic horror of the unknown, it encompasses an experience that is ultimately unique to each individual that dares to listen to its melody. Complex puzzles accompanied with instances that rely on reaction and strategizing how to navigate the layout using your map makes up for a terrific ride that will make your heart skip every few seconds.
Will you listen to its melody, knowing the price?
I find it interesting how Song of Horror incorporates surprises into its gameplay that the player is not aware of it while making every choice play a role in their journey into the game. Characters that die during your run can still make a difference as they might appear as ghosts or something far worse…making you not only care about your favorites but also keep tabs on the consequences of failure. With each of them having their stats plus specific perks and their dialogue, it arranges a great cast with lots of options to choose from.
During my time with the game, I lost two characters. The game was brutal, dispatching them before I realize what was going on, and reminding me of it through the gameplay. Moving around the map I saw one of them and was instantly filled with a sense of impending doom as I avoided that room for a while. It adds a lot to the horror theme and some events can occur at any time in any form, like a door closing and opening out of nowhere or the sound of something sinister creeping on you. It sucks you into the game and forces you to be aware of your surroundings, and that is a fantastic design choice!
Each of the episodes has its twist into them: introducing new mechanics that stack on one another, layouts that need to be traverse with a tactful approach, and their distinctive feel. Episode 1 is a house that resembles a Rubik puzzle, Episode 2 is a big open area with lots to explore, Episode 3 has good ideas but fails in their execution, being close quarters. Episode 4 was the hardest for me, with some of the clever puzzles and scares! Lastly, Episode 5, adds the most to the story and narrative.
The Presence enjoys playing with its food, in cruel ways.
The biggest highlight of the title is The Presence, an entity that will give you it is undivided attention as it learns your playstyle and harasses you. Hate dark rooms? Noted. Afraid of emergency exits? Do not mind if I lay a surprise there! The Presence gets to know you as you get to know about it, and it will feed on your weaknesses to make your life harder. Spending too much time in a place or wandering without a purpose will increase your chances of dying which adds a bit of strategy into moving around the map as well as keeping everything fresh with a sense of wonder and despair.
As a player, it shapes how you will experience the game and is not so much of a pure horror thing as it is more of an anxiety simulator. Doors can become death traps, monsters can go after you by hearing your breathing and even a close, a sanctuary in horror games where you can catch a break, might just become the final nail in the coffin for your funeral. Song of Horror is exciting as it plays with ideas and adds a spin to classic tropes of the genre, creating a mix of unexpected twists and throwing you into a spiral of danger. Keeping tabs on where the hidden spots on the map can be the difference between losing your favorite character or keeping them.
Issues and glitches have been placating the game since launch, and despite a lot of fixes, there is still a lot of wrong going on around it. I suffered from two issues as in one instance a door got stuck and thus, I couldn't leave the area while in another a key item would not work, prompting me to close and re-open the game. The glitches tend to be rare but reading the discussion post made me realize that the dev team still needs to polish a lot of things and some things are not even being addressed. If you run into a problem, try to close and re-open as most of the time it will fix the issue and the auto-saving is excellent!
Strong and Weak Points
The strong point of Song of Horror is that the atmosphere pulls you right into it, and it does it in a hard-significant way. Your sense of wonder starts to fill your head with ideas of what might be coming for you and the randomness of it will always keep you on your toes, glaring at the screen as whatever hides in the darkness is glaring back at you. I streamed the game with a friend, and I had a good time with it (despite all the nerve-wreaking and scares I got from it) so playing with a buddy watching can be good support. Some of the things I saw made it hard to sleep at night, so the game did its job!
The weak points are the number of issues it suffers from and that Episode 3 and 5 have some bumpy roads. The third chapter brought in some spectacular ideas but didn't know how to implement them in the game, as it went around its nature of a single map that needs to be resolve like a puzzle to segmented areas that downplayed the title strengths. Meanwhile, chapter 5 has a puzzle so vague and hard, that is almost impossible to crack open without searching for the answer on the internet. I understand the developer team wanted to make something special for the last episode, but it sort of backfired on them and while it was bothersome, I still appreciate the gesture of not being afraid to move past their comfort zone.
X Notes
It was tested on an RTX 2070 S, I played with my friend GhostRice during my run and the following is their experience as a spectator:
“My friend streamed Song of Horror to me, and it ended up turning into a thrilling experience of solving puzzles, avoiding death traps, and comforting them on the pause screen when they got anxious. It was a fun co-op adventure; quite frankly, I feel like streaming it to a friend can make some parts even more horrifying but also make the puzzles more enjoyable since you are trying to solve it together. The death traps were the best part because, in some situations, I would completely freak out and tell them to do something that may or may not have been smart with the power of hindsight.”
PS: Sorry about getting two of your characters killed. Whoops.
Song of Horror suffers from some technical problems, but apart from that is for sure a terrific experience like no other. It manages to create its own identity and make a space to be differentiated from its peers. While the first-person games give you jump scares and dark narratives poke at your head, Song of Horror crawls to your back and gives you some pure anxiety as you move around its maze-like a mouse in the kitchen. I recommend the title to everyone who enjoys horror, and dismiss it if you are faint of heart, for The Presence gives no quarter. If you like this review, give it a thumbs up! If you want to add your own opinion or share something informative, do it below in the comments!
998 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.11.20 14:09
Game Features:
- Very puzzle-heavy game.
- Relys entirely on mini games in the form of quick-time events for all 'combat'.
- Sometimes rather than QTE combat, you need to find a spot to hide.
- You get to choose between 3 to 4 characters to play each episode. If one dies, you get to choose another character to continue from where your last character died.
- The game is designed to kill off characters, or 'encourages' it. There are plenty of death traps (instant kills). I tried to alt-f4 once during an event (before the character dies), but the game considered my character dead when i reloaded. You need a guide if you dislike dying or repeating a chapter (when all your characters die)
- No manual save slots. That means you can only go forward and live with every decision you make. I do not like this but i can appreciate the game design decision.
- Running increases the occurrences of scary events.
- You can listen through doors to see if the room is a death trap. And you should.
- Beautiful visuals. This is the first game I've seen that perfectly aligns the character's feet with the steps on staircases.
- Super scary game with a scary atmosphere. Easily my top 3 scariest game of all time.
- Great story!
- Innovate horror game!
- The first chapter was the scariest. They dropped the 'creepy white ghost' theme after chapter 1. WHY?
- Drops in FPS when an event is about to occur.
- Experienced 2 bugs that forced me to ALT-F4.
- Puzzles can get way too hard or time-consuming.
- Characters walk really slow. I rarely run since I wanted to reduce the number of scary occurrences that could kill off my character. So it was a super slow game for me.
I initially thought this was another budget horror game but it is most definitely NOT like the other horror games. Easily a 10 out of 10 for me!
1829 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.10.20 20:17
Each of the 5 levels in this game feel interesting and unique from one another. They are also very well thought out and re-playable. I feel like I could re-play the first and fourth levels 100 times and still have fun.
The atmosphere in this game is also very good. The background noise is eerie. The lights dim and flicker occasionally. Paranormal events randomly happen (it is actually random). All of these things combined create a tense and foreboding atmosphere.
The story is simple, but compelling. The main character, Daniel, is a recovering alcoholic that currently works for a publishing firm. When on a mission to discover the whereabouts of the famous author, Dr. Sebastian Husher (Fatal Frame anyone?) he becomes cursed after listening to the song that came from a music box owned by Dr. Husher. He now has to solve the mystery of the the song and escape the curse. The other playable characters also feel unique with their own little backstories and opinions about the various items that can be examened in the game. Characters that are more familiar with the environment can even give the player extra clues that other characters are not able to give.
The game also has a unique permanent death mechanic. Your failures have consequences, as characters that die in the level die in the story. Unless you restart the chapter, that character is dead. When a character dies, the items that they collected will appear at the point of death, allowing the player to continue where they left off. The amount of characters you have left kind of represent how many lives or continues you have left until you have to restart the level. This can make for an interestingly intense experience. If you decide to play as the main character, Daniel, you only get one chance. If he dies, you must start from the beginning of the level, which creates it's own breed of tension.
The one place where the game falls flat though is with the main enemy; The Presence. Like the other paranormal events in the game, it appears randomly. The frequency of encounters is determined by the actions of the player, as well as the current character's stats. when encountered, the player must play one of five mini games to fight it off. The mini games do a good job at conveying the characters feelings to the player, whether that being a desperate fight for survival or the struggle to remain calm. The main problem with these games is that they are easy. Once you master them, the presence poses almost no threat, which drastically reduces the tension. Let's take take a look at another game that the dev team obviously loves and handles this aspect much better; Fatal Frame 1. In the game, combat is centered around the player using a camera to ward off spirits. like in Song of Horror, ghosts in this game are encountered randomly (minus a few scripted encounters). The main difference is that combat is hard with a steep learning curve. The game throws every advantage it can at the enemy. The ghosts are fast and can run circles around the player. They can also hide in the walls, allowing them to attack the player while they are invulnerable. This makes encounters in tight places, such as hallways, extremely hazardous. Most of the time the player has the option to flee, either to try and get away or find a more open area to fight the ghost, but this poses it's own problems. The ghosts are hard to get away from, as they can sometimes seemingly follow you forever and you always run the risk of having one of its other ghostly buddies showing up to cash in on the fun of making you miserable. For all of these reasons, in Fatal Frame 1, you never feel safe. The Presence in Song of Horror fails to do this.
Overall, I feel that this is a modern horror classic, and would recommend it to anyone who is a fan of classic survival horror games. Even after the initial failed kickstarter a few years back, the devs were still able to push on through and bring this game to life.
2147 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.10.20 14:55
The story is pretty much set in stone, as you are uncovering the mystery surrounding an old music box. However, a lot of what you experience along the way is actually a bit more procedural than what a scripted story would suggest. It’s like a heart monitor keeping track of your pulse, feeding you bits of scary atmosphere and jump scares at just the right moments. It makes the story feel a lot more organic. Unpredictable too -- maybe more so in its content than timing.
What it ultimately does though, is underline a sense of uncertainty and madness -- knowing that you’ve experienced specific parts of the game before, only to have the rug pulled from under you. It’s got that special kind of Eternal Darkness twist, where the deeper you dig, the weirder it gets. Often, it’s punishing in that unceremonious way as well, where the story of a character can end abruptly just because you didn’t take precautions as you barged through an unlocked door with something waiting on the other side.
That’s one of the great things Song of Horror has got going for it: how it handles the issues of tension in video games. It knows how inquisitive we are as a player, and our inability to control ourselves. We want to explore. We want to push buttons. But that’s not always a smart move here. In fact, often, it feels like the developers prey on our sense of curiousness, which is a brilliant seed to plant in a horror game like this.
All this lends itself to a pretty unique narrative. Each death, a new character is sent into the fray. Often with a little twist in characteristics or toolset to enforce the idea that these poor souls are just stumbling onto each other’s tracks; picking up where the last one left off. There’s a game over screen eventually. But failure feels a lot less dissonant to the story when your first couple of tries are tied together. And often, that’s all you need to finish any given chapter. It’s not a hard game to master on a purely mechanical level -- it’s all about figuring out where to go next and what utility different items have.
I love it. It’s got great attention to details, and some of the most disturbingly fun puzzles I’ve seen in the genre. After having played through it, I get the sense that the designers have had a lot of fun with all the twists and horror clichés that permeate the game. Two solid thumbs up, recommended.
1513 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.10.20 09:38
I've seen some people complaining about bugs and glitches ruining their experience, but for me, in the 25 hours I've spent with the game I didn't even encounter a single bug. Not even a crash. I suppose your mileage may vary, but I don't tend to experience a lot of glitches on my PC in any game and this one was no exception.
I've also heard some complaints about the controls, but I didn't see an issue with them. If you played some of the PS2 era horror games (which SoH is CONSTANTLY dropping little Easter eggs and homages to for the keen eyed player), you are used to the way this game handles already. Use a controller.
My only beef is that I wish it was a bit scarier. To be fair, horror is one of my favorite genres, both movies and games, so I'm probably more hardened than some. But I did feel like the games scariness kind of peeked in the 1st episode and then took a back seat for the other 4.
This isn't a game to go for the cheap scares. Aside from one isolated segment in the 2nd episode nobody ever chases you (and even then it's not really a chase), there's very few jump scares, and the monsters are few and far between. Instead, the game relies on an omnipresent oppressive feeling to generate most of its dread.
SoH uses an AI system called The Presence that randomly doles out frights, but even that didn't really scare me too much. The first time you have to hold a door shut and keep the evil from bursting forth, it's pretty intense, but the 8th time, not so much. Same with the other main Presence actions, which take the form of 5 different minigames. SoH relies on this AI for much of its scares. While it's an interesting system, I can't help but feel the game would have benefited from a little more custom, pre-baked horror moments.
I know it sounds like I'm being hard on SoH, but in honesty I really enjoyed my time with it. Once I picked it up, I didn't stop until the credits rolled. As stated above, the main draw is its very interesting lore and distinct puzzles. Some of the puzzles can be a bit obtuse at times (especially one really hard puzzle in the 5th episode), but they were still fun to solve.
The graphics were nice, the environments were full of little details, and the background music was written by the masterful Atrium Carceri, whose music I personally use when I run my horror tabletop RPG games. SoH is a joy to walk through and just experience.
All and all, this is a very good game. Maybe not as scary as some of the more aggressive horror games in recent memory (Amnesia or Outlast for example), but it doesn't have to be. There's different types of horror and SoH found a flavor of its own. You could do much much worse than to spend your time this Halloween with Song of Horror. Give it a go. You'll like it.
1032 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.10.20 07:48
Imagine old school Resident Evil minus gunplay, zombies, and puzzles that don't make sense, but add otherworldly supernatural horror, multiple characters, permadeath, sanity mechanics, and a weaving narrative told over a prelude and 5 chapters (themselves like mini-standalone games).
Actually replayable, as each character has unique attributes, and completely different takes on the situation than other ones, as well as personal items.
I thought this would be a pretty good game, but I wound up thinking it's excellent for everything it sets out to do. Very creepy and tense, with great pacing!
294 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.10.20 19:28
But all that aside, this game merges atmospheric horror that's great for building tension with adventure style puzzles and the occasional jump scare to great effect in telling it's interesting story. This game is so much better than the recent trend in horror games of constantly running from some bad guy.
If you are looking for a slow burn horror story in beautiful environments, this is the game for you.
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1020 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.10.20 13:27
203 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.10.20 03:48
3938 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.09.20 23:19
It doesn't need to be pointed out this game takes inspiration from many other games and literature such as the Resident Evil series, Silent Hill, and H.P Lovecraft. Rather than being samey or uninspired I find that these influences only strengthen and make the game more enjoyable. Hostile encounters only get more varied the further you progress into the game, and remain entirely unpredictable and deadly on the hardest difficulty you unlock after beating the game. Song of Horror's permadeath and multi-character system also make for very interesting mechanics. Characters are not invincible heroes but just unfortunate souls who have been roped into the story in one way or another. Each character has their own point of view, personality and take on the story, with unique stats and items that cater to certain playstyles. Furthermore, certain characters can stick with you through multiple episodes if you keep them alive and finish the episode as them, or in the place of other characters who have died. In my opinion this creates high replay value as I'm one of the types who likes to experience every little bit of dialogue, decision and event in the game. Speaking of events, Song of Horror continues to get me with new, unseen and unsettling scares or background events in each episode, which is certainly to its merit as a horror game. Without delving into spoilers, the game manages to maintain the Lovecraft style of horror, as you never truly feel like you understand the horrors or their motives even after completing the game.
Admittedly, there are some annoyances in the game, such as some prevalent bugs that are currently being ironed out at the time of writing, and some situations where you can die that leave you feeling as if it was unfair or undeserved, but most of the time this is due to the player letting their guard down or simply making a poor decision, and as stated the devs are working hard on getting rid of any bugs that stick around. After a time you begin to become familiar and even experienced with the hostile encounters, which is why it was such a wonderful surprise that H.P Lovecraft difficulty isn't just a simple hard mode but actually greatly impacts the game. With Lovecraft difficulty you'll be facing enemies you never expected to face in certain parts of the game, each encounter is harder in a way that can tickle the fancy of any veteran of the game, and even if you lose a character or two this can play into your favour, as certain characters take precedence over others, and if you wish to experience later episodes as a certain character, their death can mean your desired character's entry into later episodes as well as unlocking exclusive spooks and dangers that can only be activated with a character death.
I would even go so far as to say Song of Horror is one of the best new horror games we have, taking (at least personally) much loved elements such as permadeath, vulnerable player characters, great story telling, Lovecraftian horror and interesting puzzles and combining them into a unique and interesting experience I haven't been able to get enough of. It's odd that the game seems to have partially flown under the radar - sadly some youtubers who started series on it simply abandoned them (perhaps due to the bugs present on launch?).
Overall, I would definitely recommend Song of Horror, and I'm very excited to see if anything more will be coming (perhaps a bonus episode in the future? DLC? Sequel, perhaps?). One can only hope..
1075 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.09.20 03:42
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304 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.09.20 16:17
1553 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.09.20 09:55
Review by Gaming Masterpieces - The greatest games of all time on Steam. |
Is this game a masterpiece? YES. It scared the shi.t out of me. Sometimes.
After the success of games like Amnesia or Slender, Steam was flooded by so-called horror survival games. You have no effective weapons and some monsters/ghosts/paranormal beings are out to hunt and kill you. Although there seems to be an audience for such games, many of them looked and played like some kid's first programming experiements. The overall quality of those games was low, most were scary only because of the many bugs and glitches, awful story and low production values. There are exeptions, but they are rare. This is one of them.
So what can you expect? A survival horror game. High production values (even though this is still an indie game). A long, multi-faceted story from different viewpoints with different characters. Exploring. Puzzeling. Jump-scares. No weapons (more or less). QTEs.
Let's start with the story. A rather famous novel writer, living in an old mansion with wife and his two kids, acquires a music box - whose melody seems to evoke something evil, sinister... or just drive people to insantity. Suddenly doors appear in the house where no door should be... and of course you should not enter them. Anyway, the agent of the author is anxious for the next novel and a bit disturbed to haven't heard anything from the author, so he sends one of his employes to the author's mansion to see what is going on. And so the game starts... with you entering the house in the evening, a large, old house full of antiques. Quite a labyrinth as well. The electric power is off. Many doors are locked. Noone seems there... although you hear strange sounds, some even from humans... or not? Strange things happen, don't be afraid of jump-scares. And soon you discover, there is SOMETHING inside the house, which wants to kill you.
You don't play one character, but different ones. When one dies, you play the next one and can find the inventory from the deceased character. The game only ends when all your characters are dead. Everyone sees things from his own perspective, so while one might be disgusted by hunting trophies, the next one may like them. While a horror game, the most important thing is to explore the environement. Solve puzzles, like finding glue to repair a key. Finding a pole to open the attic. Use fuses in the right place. Light the fireplace. Or what does this remote control open? You get the picture. All this time, you have to stay alive. Prevent the evil from killing you in small QTEs. Or die at certain places... and restart or play with the next character. No saves during the game combined with instadeath is not a good thing, especially if death means... permadeath. You should be aware that there are about a dozen playable characters, and all of them (but Daniel) can die and you still can finish the game. So I guess it is part of the designed experience that some of your characters die, like in a RTS when one of your units gets killed. While the atmosphere is a bit like in Resident Evil 7, there are no regular fights against monsters. Just hide or win a QTE. Actually, you don't die too often once you understand the basics of the game (apart from a few instadeaths that you might have been able to avoid if you had found/understood the correct clue), but you will spend most of your time trying to solve the puzzles. Find letters, notes or other items to help you understand what is going on. Combine items, either from the inventory or with hotspots. Use the correct character for certain puzzles.
The game is divided into 5 chapters, all taking inspiration from horror classics. There are quite a few references to different works of horror, I just mentioned those that came to my mind immideately. The short epilogue and chapter 1 play in a haunted mansion (Alone in the Dark). The next chapter plays in an antique shop and some flats (Silent Hill), then inside an university (Obscure), a monastery (Amnesia) and finally ... a mental home (Outlast). Soon you can choose between different characters to play even if the old one did not die, and meet characters from previous episodes (if the have survived).
The graphic is in third person (no movement sickness for me) with fixed camera perspectives (Alone in the Dark style), and the house is very detailled. No room looks the same, there are many things to look at. Things you can examine/interact with are marked. Although the game plays during the night, your characters carry a light-source and you can generally see everything rather clear. This is no walk-in-the-dark game, just a bit gloomily. You have an automap right from the start, every room you visit gets added to it and some important hotspots get marked. Quite helpful. The automap also stays with you when your character dies and you play the next one.
I was using a controller to play the game. Ultrawidescreen is not supported.
High quality survival adventure in a forbidding horror atmosphere. Play with different characters through 5 chapters taking place in classic horror locations.
568 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.08.20 10:27
I haven't been this unsettled since the first 3 Silent Hill games way back.
The unsettling camera angles really get to me, the creepy paranoid-indusing sounds and visuals trigger me and make my armpits smellier than my grandmother's stew.
People complain that the perma-death mechanic ruins the game. But I say that makes it even scarier and it ups the stakes. You actually feel like your life is in the line.
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1054 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.08.20 03:51
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1359 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.08.20 22:05
The developers seem to understand this from a story perspective, but fail to utilize it in gameplay.
There's nothing scary about quick time events.
They are predictable, repetitive, overused and annoying. As a game obviously inspired by the likes of H.P. Lovecraft, Silent Hill and many others (yes, I've found your little easter eggs), it manages to capture the looks, sounds and feels, but fails to grasp what truly makes such works send chills down the spine.
I'm gonna say it again; it's not quick time events, that's for sure.
While Song of Horror deserves all the praise when it comes to everything from the amount of pure effort that went into details (every room is full and alive), the atmosphere so thick you could cut it with a knife. A soundtrack on par with the best of them. Even a great and thought-through story... but it fails on a fundamental level:
It's unfortunately not fun to play, it doesn't manage to keep up the fear factor without resorting to jump scares (good type though). It's not even entertaining.
Instead, it suffocates you with at least 100+ times you are going to have to stop and listen to a random pattern-less door, just so you wouldn't have to restart a level. (yes, not listening to every possible door can cost you lives)
It becomes blatantly obvious during the first chapter, that you are never in any real danger, that there's nothing hiding anywhere, that there's nothing out to get you...
Random placed insta-kill doors, random insta-kill QTEs (of three different types) and one...only one silly little minigame type of enemy encounter that also relies on gimmick mechanics instead of gameplay.
The only gameplay that I found worthwhile are the puzzles. Hats off to the genuine, difficult and amazing puzzles.
TLDR; I can't wrap my head around to figure out how they did everything right and then decided to ruin it with such terrible gameplay choices. Yes, those were not coincidental flaws or lacks of budget. It was a matter of wrong choice.
I would love to give it a positive review, but if I ever saw a sequel with the same mechanics implemented...I'd never regret it.
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547 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.07.20 23:50
But the “lives” mechanic keeps me from recommending this one right now. I love the idea: if a character dies, you start again from the same point with another unique character (after finding the last character’s drops) and continue on with the game from where the last character died. This game introduces lives and permadeath into a horror game in a very interesting way. However, while I kind of love this mechanic, it’s the reason I can’t give the game a glowing review.
Long story short, I’ve played the second chapter three times without succeeding. This game likes to hand out instant deaths like candy on Halloween. That’s fine. In chapter two, you only have three lives. That’s fine. But every time I’ve gotten a game over in chapter two, I’ve been at least 40 minutes into the chapter. The thing is, once you lose all of your lives, you have to restart the chapter. So that means I’ve lost at least two hours on the second level and, currently, have to restart it again. With the instant deaths, I might end up trying again more than once to finish it. That’s a huge loss of time.
I’ve loved a lot about this game. I will finish chapter two and I will beat the game. After that, I will update this review to reflect my feelings upon completion. Until then, this game has taught me something:
I really fucking hate instant deaths.
(edit: punctuation)
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856 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.06.20 14:31
The game, is genuilly a great experience with amazing polish. However, is seems marred by the dumpster fire of QTE's.
To paraphrase the Watch out for Fireballs! team, Permadeath + QTE = NO
I'll keep attempting to play and hopefully get it, but i'm dissapointed with the purchase to be honest. I thought i'd be able to enjoy the game more. I know sometimes you just gotta kick the bucket in the game, and I'm fine with that. I just want to be able to understand what i'm doing wrong. I even tried troubleshooting with a couple friends on their rigs. They didn't have as much trouble as I did, however they noted a serious distaste for the QTE's as well.
I think it's important to be fair to the game in that it's pretty damn amazing. But, be well aware of what you're getting into. For those of us who absolutely think that Permadeath + QTE's = NO. I think you should steer clear unless the team addresses that area. I'll definitely be on the lookout for any future games though.
1243 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.06.20 19:18
2196 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.05.20 19:25
1701 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.05.20 21:28
I know the game itself recommend controller, but I use keyboard and mouse and I have no problem at all, in fact from what I seen in other playthroughs, it seems easier to use than a controller.
1305 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.05.20 11:27
919 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.05.20 12:38
Without going into too much detail I had some issues with the DLC contents of the game. I contacted the publisher – Raiser Games – who responded quickly and fixed the issues I was having in the nicest way possible. Whilst I have not finished the game yet (I have only completed episode 1 so far) I felt the correspondence with the publisher has only made me happier and more excited to play their game. It is always nice to know they care about the people who play their games and their experiences with it. The story telling in episode 1 is thematic, rich and gradually builds in suspense. I was actually scared of opening doors, and even if it appeared safe I would always enter with trepidation, watching the corners and under stairs so they wont make me jump again (I always did). I like how every object feels important, even if it isn’t, because not only does it add depth to the story but each character will see something different in each object making me want to play the episode through multiple times. I like the slower speed that the game takes, because when things need to go fast there is a real sense of urgency! My first play-through I lost all characters, and I was punished for wanting to see what happens (If it feels iffy...just don't do it!). The second play-through I was more cautious, and I completed it with no deaths, having learned that curiosity definitely kills the cat and running away always works. I highly recommend this game if you are a fan of well told, slow building and suspenseful story telling within the horror genre. I have joy (and fear) knowing I have more to play!
898 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.05.20 04:37
This is top quality, amazing atmosphere and sound design, interesting story and characters and great puzzles, it really can’t get any better than this!
936 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.04.20 22:26
The QTE events are a bit confusing at first, because of how they're worded, and can unfortunately result in you losing your character. Add this to the fact that you can lose characters by inspecting certain items and by sometimes interacting with dead characters, and some reason they added in end episode sections that are very easy to die in, then you're likely going to repeat episodes again. The only way to avoid this is by following a wallkthrough. It does add tension and makes every action matter, but they went a bit far with it.
There's a lot of passion in this game and it shows. Well worth the money if you like horror games. The episodes are a good length also.
366 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.03.20 01:00
628 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.02.20 16:52
323 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.02.20 04:06
I've also seen a lot of comments about unfair deaths, even people that seem to have managed to lose all 4 of the episode 1 characters within the first couple hours. Honestly, just pay close attention to the environment, and the overall clues you are given. NEVER enter through a door without listening if it gives you the prompt. If you find these sorts of repeated actions tedious, then this game really isnt for you, and you should move on. But if you enjoy slow paced, very atmospheric horror with a lot of subtle scares and a huge focus on audio, then you are in for a massive treat with this game, and I strongly recomend at least the first episode, as I havent yet tried the other episodes.
1260 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.02.20 22:42
+basically all the core design ideas. The fact that you can play with several characters in each chapter (some of whom change every episode and others who only carry over if they survive), each with their own unique lines for absolutely every examinable object in the environment, is truly remarkable. Moreover, they all have well-written specificities that single them out from one another. The level of attention paid to giving them all a unique personality is astounding, almost matching the quality of an AAA title.
+the level design, albeit somewhat confusing at times, is excellent. There is a diegetic explanation for every room being where it is and every object having a specific place, which each of the characters perceives differently.
+it has an intense and scary atmosphere through most of the game (I admit that it does miss some good opportunities for pulling off some scares, though)
+the soundtrack is spot-on to create a memorable atmosphere
+the locations, combining typical gothic influences with modern-day settings, are diverse and exciting to explore
+the story, albeit repeating some very familiar horror tropes (along with whole dialogue lines at certain points), is still mysterious and captivating enough to keep you wanting to know more
-Oh boy, oh boy. The permadeath mechanic. This really turns the game into a love-hate relationship. I mean, yes, on the surface, it's really cool, especially when forcing you to use a different character and all. However, it can get terribly frustrating at points. For example, it took me 7 tries to actually learn how to resist the Silence, which, if I had not backed my save files offline, would have meant that I had to restart the whole episode 3 times. And, at that point, it really becomes a chore, because you have to go through all the puzzles again. Moreover, some deaths are really not that easy to avoid (such as simply touching a certain object) or can have unexpected consequences. Not to mention the fact that, because I really wanted a certain character to stay alive, I felt constrained to play with a different character that I liked less, only because I wanted the first to get more chances to survive. Therefore, I REALLY REALLY RECOMMEND THE DEVELOPERS TO INTRODUCE A STORY MODE, which would have permadeath disabled and offer standard saving.
-some puzzles are really convoluted and not easy to solve (I lost half an hour for a single one).
-the voice acting is not that good at certain points, which can be really distracting.
Overall, the game by far deserves an 8/10. I would give it a 9.5/10 or even a 10/10 if it included a story mode.
TL; DR: An exceptional gem of survival horror, which often reaches the quality of AAA releases. Definitely recommended, even at full price, but either make peace with having to restart the whole game due to permadeath or be prepared to backup your save files offline every now and then.
797 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.02.20 00:09
Will be following these developers for as long as I live, they itched the old school Silent Hill vibe perfectly.
813 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.02.20 10:40
However, the instant death mechanism kills the game in my opinion, and you can do nothing about it. Even opening a door (without the option to listen what's behind first) can lead you to a cut scene where the Darkness takes your life. If you played as Daniel or the last character available, well, good luck going through the whole chore of the episode. This is frustrating and not fun because you have no clue at all that you might be dying right away the next minute.
There are also other times when the game is unfair towards the player, during the quick action events where you have to keep pressing some keys. Even though you might be doing it correctly, sometimes you have the feeling the Darkness overplays you, ultimately leading you to death.
I'd love to recommend this game but with the issues I described above it's a big NO for me.
Update 2.7.2020:
I admit I was pissed at the game when I first wrote this review. The frustration occurred after an insta-death in Episode 3, right after quitting one of the microfiche rooms.
All in all, I still enjoy the game and I think the good points overcome the bad ones so I finally changed my judgement.
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