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Über das Spiel

Das Radio ist tot, Lebensmittel sind knapp und die Maschinen halten sich für Menschen. Die Unterwasserinstitution PATHOS-II existiert in unzumutbarer Isolation. Wir werden um einige schwierige Entscheidungen nicht herumkommen. Was können wir tun? Was macht noch Sinn? Wofür sollen wir überhaupt noch kämpfen?
Betreten Sie die Welt von SOMA und stellen Sie sich dem Schrecken, der tief unter dem Meeresspiegel lauert. Durchstöbern Sie gesperrte Terminals und geheime Dokumente, um die Wahrheit hinter dem ganzen Chaos ans Licht zu bringen. Finden Sie die allerletzten Bewohner und werden Sie Teil der Ereignisse, die am Ende das Schicksal der Station besiegeln werden. Aber seien Sie vorsichtig - die Gefahr verbirgt sich hinter jeder Ecke: verdorbene Menschen, entartete Kreaturen, wahnsinnige Roboter und eine unergründliche, allgegenwärtige K.I.
Es liegt an Ihnen, mit all Ihren Widersachern fertigzuwerden. Denken Sie dran: Sie können nicht gegen Ihre Feinde ankämpfen. Wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingt, sie zu überlisten, dann legen Sie besser einen Sprint hin.
Steam Nutzer-Reviews
524 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.04.22 19:26
879 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.01.22 17:36
Wenn ich einmal alt werde, werde ich mich stets an dieses Spiel erinnern. Es hat mich so berührt wie ein Unglaublich toller Film oder Roman. Ich kann es kaum beschreiben. Dieses Meisterwerk ist einzigartig und seine Geschichte verdient es erlebt zu werden!
Absolute Kaufempfehlung und einen schönen Resttag meinerseits :)
809 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.08.21 21:11
634 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.07.21 19:36
Mit einem guten Kopfhörer ist die Soundkulisse unschlagbar.
Es ist eine verdammt düstere und traurige Dystopie, die stark zum nachdenken anregt.
An dieses Spiel erinnert man sich nach dem Durchspielen.
Kaufempfehlung 100%.
1889 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.05.21 11:42
642 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.04.21 07:42
Tief unter dem Meer
Mit “SOMA” haben die Entwickler ein Spiel auf ein völlig neues Niveau gebracht. Spoiler: Ich finde es ziemlich gut!
Wer in der Vergangenheit andere Spiele von Entwickler Frictional Games wie Penumbra oder das bekannte Amnesia gespielt hat, der wird spielerisch in “SOMA” wenig Neues erleben. In First-Person laufen wir durch dunkle Areale, müssen uns vor Gegnern verstecken und uns die Umgebung anschauen, um die kleinen Rätsel zu überwinden. Trotz der eigentlichen simplen Mechanik kann das Spiel seine gesamte Zeit gut unterhalten und glänzt sehr durch seine besondere Atmosphäre. Relativ einzigartig bei Spielen des Entwicklers ist auch die Mechnaik wie Türen, Schubladen oder Hebel benutzt werden, da man hier mit der Maus nicht nur klicken, sondern auch ziehen muss. Das Einzige, was ich wirklich bemängeln würde, ist manchmal die A.I. der Feinde, die zumindest teilweise bei mir Probleme mit der Wegfindung hatte. Spielerisch ist „SOMA“ ein relativ normales Adventure und legt besonderen Fokus auf seine Geschichte.
Simon hatte vor ein paar Monaten einen heftigen Autounfall und hat nicht nur den Tod seiner Freundin zu überwinden. Er leidet auch unter Hirnblutungen und hofft daher auf ein experimentelles Verfahren, dass ihm weitere Lebenszeit kaufen könnte. Jedoch findet er sich bereits nach kurzer Zeit an einem unbekannten Ort wieder, in der sich Maschinen wie Menschen verhalten und alles irgendwie verlassen ist. Da „SOMA“ zudem in der Dunkelheit der Meere spielt, hatte ich ganz schöne Bioshock-Vibes, was von den Entwicklern wohl auch beabsichtigt ist. Aber immerhin hat nicht Alles mit einem Leuchtturm angefangen! Ich will die Geschichte bewusst nicht weiter spoilern, aber sie fängt eine wirklich gute Stimmung ein und macht immer neugieriger. Außerdem wirft sie durchaus auch mal die eine oder andere philosophische Frage auf, die sich gerade darum ringen, was Bewusstsein eigentlich ist oder ab wann ein Leben wirklich lebenswert ist. Dazu gibt es teilweise harte Entscheidungen, die [spoiler] jedoch leider keinen Einfluss auf das Ende nehmen[/spoiler]. Wer sich übrigens weiterführend für das Spiel interessiert, der kann sich noch als „Prequel“ die Transmissions als Echtverfilmung mal anschauen. Schöne Idee, ich fand sie allerdings nur so semi gut umgesetzt.
Klingt komisch, aber tatsächlich hat mich die gute Grafik überrascht. Die vorherigen Spiele des Entwicklers hatten meist keine herausragende Grafik und das erste Spiel war damals eigentlich nur eine Demo für die Engine, welche „Frictional Games“ eigentlich verkaufen wollte. Aber dann entstand doch plötzlich Penumbra: Overture und die Welt war um ein gutes Studio reicher. „SOMA“ ist sicherlich nicht der Grafikhit, aber dieses Unterwasserszenario und einfach der Stil der Roboter und der gesamten Spielwelt ist phänomenal!
Auch die Geräuschkulisse ist absolut top und auch die englischen Sprecher sind gut. Die deutschen Untertitel sind auch ganz gut, weisen allerdings hier und da auch ein paar Fehler auf. Generell gibt es bei der deutschen Lokalisation gelegentlich mal Typos. Aber ingesamt sorgt dieses Umfeld einfach für die anspannende Stimmung und ich würde es zusammen mit der Story wohl als die größte Stärke des Spiels bezeichnen.
Ich bin ein echter Fan der Spiele von dem Entwickler. Trotz meiner Erwartungshaltung hat mich „SOMA“ aber positiv überrascht und ich habe mich bereits nach der ersten Spielstunde verliebt. Ich fand das Spiel tatsächlich nicht übertrieben angsteinflößend, aber die Atmosphäre hat mich einfach beeindruckt. Das Setting ist wirklich einzigartig. „SOMA“ ist mein neuer Liebling unter den Spielen des Entwicklers geworden und wer ein sehr gutes Adventure mit Horrorstimmung und einer tiefgreifenderen Geschichte erleben will, muss an dieser Stelle nicht mehr weitersuchen!
Na, wieder Lust auf Bioshock oder andere Spiele unter Wasser bekommen? Dann schau doch mal meiner Steamgruppe vorbei, in der ich noch viele weitere Spiele vorstelle.
492 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.03.21 12:13
Sehr viel kann und möchte ich gar nicht über dieses Spiel schreiben, bis auf die Tatsache, das dieses Spiel meiner Meinung nach das beste Gesamtpaket aus Horror, Atmosphäre und Story bietet.
Ich bin ein riesen Horrorspiel-Fan und ich mag gut geschriebene Geschichten wie jeder andere auch.
Das Thema von SOMA ist es aber, was es so besonders macht.
Diese Atmosphäre ist einfach so unfassbar gut, die Soundkulisse der Wahnsinn und die Grafik, zwar nicht mehr der Überknaller, aber alle male Wunderschön, für das was dargestellt werden soll.
Gameplay technisch ist dieses Spiel nicht wirklich abwechslungsreich. Die meiste Zeit wird gelaufen, gerätselt und zugehört, was aber überhaupt kein Problem ist, weil die Story halt der Oberhammer ist.
Mit knapp Acht Stunden ein eher kurzes Vergnügen, aber alle mal Wert.
Man hat nach dem Durchspielen auch alle Errungenschaften.
632 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.11.20 21:12
It was WORTH IT!
I enjoyed my 10,5 hours of gameplay. I got scared, I felt sad and I got mad. Well not necessarily mad but it was a nice sentence lol.
It actually had a good/bad ending. Depends how you look at it. Got me buffled. Really. I think It was one of the best story games I played so far. The voice acting was really on point as well. It was just so original and it really felt like you would react to certain things like Simon did.
82 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.07.20 18:40
SOMA ist ein packendes First-Person-Survival-Horror-Game, welches von Frictional Games entwickelt wurde.
Der Spieler übernimmt die Rolle des Kanadiers Simon Jarrett, der im Jahr 2015 nach einem Autounfall gesundheitliche Probleme hat und sich in Toronto einer experimentellen neurologischen Untersuchung seines Gehirns unterziehen will. Das Experiment geht schief, und Simon findet sich in einer futuristischen, bedrückenden Welt voller Maschinenwesen wieder.
+ Spektakuläre Optik & Beleuchtung
+ Liebe zum Detail ist vorhanden
+ imposante Unterwasserwelten
+ Level-Design ist auch in jeder Hinsicht ausgezeichnet
+ gute Puzzles
+ keine FPS Einbrüche
+ reichlich, spannende Atmosphäre vorhanden
+ Errungenschaften und Trading Cards
- schlechte Monster KI
- keinerlei Nebenaktivitäten
- Wiederspielwert fällt gering aus
- Schwierigkeitsgrad nicht anpassbar
SOMA bietet dir Survival Horror mit einer Atmosphäre von ständiger Bedrohung und tödlicher Gefahr vom feinsten. Klare Kaufempfehlung.
638 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.04.22 08:23
893 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.04.22 19:47
+ Story
+ environment and experience
+ the horror and jump scares
+ the moral dilemma of and for humans, AI and Robots.
- for some players there is a performance issue with the game.
11/10 will get or get back to Existential crisis.
played this game previously via other means
playtime - around 7H
441 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.04.22 02:05
SOMA has one of the best narratives in a video game.
SOMA is such a good game that I’m preempting this review with a 10/10 and telling you to outright stop reading. Buy it, preferably in the Frictional Collection because you get the Amnesia series bundled in nicely with it and it goes for a very cheap price (about $20) when on sale. I’ll probably end up reviewing other games in the bundle to sweeten the deal in the future if you aren’t convinced. But the point is: play this game and go through blind. Reading this review, other reviews, or watching videos on the game ruins so much of the experience for both the gameplay and story. Please stop what you’re doing, play the game, and then come back to the review later. You’ll thank me for telling you this.
If you’ve put the massive spoiler warning I gave in the introductory paragraph aside, I hope you’re ready to have important story beats described in detail. [spoiler]First off, SOMA’s story has so many twists and turns yet none of them feel cheap or unpredictable. The story starts out in Canada as protagonist Simon Jarett is getting a brain scan in hopes of curing a terminal brain injury. And then bam, you’re miles under the ocean’s surface in a research facility. The open-ended nature of the intro leads to dozens of questions: Am I dreaming? Am I suffering from amnesia? Is this the brain-scan malfunctioning? Was that an event that’ll happen in the future? The player can piece together the answers to these questions almost immediately through observing clues found in the environment. The actual answer is that you’re now playing as a diving suit with a computer chip in it that has the brain scan of the original Simon uploaded into it 200 years in the future. You’re able to figure this out ahead of time along with other story beats like getting coerced into making another Simon that you also end up playing as. It’s another twist so brilliantly executed, yet someone who’s paying attention will see it coming. The shock will still be there from you asking “Are they really going to do that?”[/spoiler]Especially with that ending, I really wish I went in blind. So in the event you ignored the last warning, I’m still not describing it. But damn, that ending.
And oh my God the characters. The cast is small with only 2 major characters, Simon and Catherine, with a small supporting cast. However, SOMA takes time to fully develop them into the most fleshed-out leading cast in a video game. Simon isn’t just the player character, he has an interesting backstory and conflicted opinions about his goal and the means he takes to achieve it. He is one of the most compelling protagonists in a video game because of how human he feels despite being a few lines of code. Catherine is also a really interesting character. Especially with how she connects back to the theming. Catherine finds it liberating to transcend her humanity, while Simon is frustrated and often appalled over the process and experience of transferred consciousness. The outstanding voice acting only helps showcase the emotion behind their ideals.
The theming and environments of SOMA are so good, oh my God. Keeping it simple, let’s start with the environment. The underwater setting would immediately start comparisons to Bioshock, but their contexts couldn’t be more different. Rapture is filled with deranged lunatics and remnants of a failed meritocratic utopia, while the facilities in SOMA serve as humankind’s last bastion despite there being no signs of human life. It’s a completely isolated experience which connects back to the theme of SOMA: transhumanism. Is a robot with a human consciousness a person? Is a copy of another human being its own person? Is a copy of you truly you? Do you live on through digital immortality? All of these topics were tackled wonderfully in SOMA. It isn’t the typical scary horror that spooks you with a scary monster; SOMA is focused entirely on existential horror. It’s a post-apocalyptic story with no survival, just the aftermath of the annihilation of all life on Earth. It is one of the grimmest and most depressing stories, and by far one of the most well-crafted ones.
Let’s get into the reasoning behind the spoiler warning for the gameplay of all things. With the way some mechanics are implemented, I genuinely wonder why SOMA is a video game and not a movie or a show sometimes. There’s a unique perspective shift when taking control of a different version of Simon and there’s stuff like realizing the horror of your actions after spending a variable amount of attempts with a puzzle creating and deleting an AI over and over again. Joseph Anderson talks about it in more detail in his review than Steam will allow me to do because of the character limit, so I’m just gonna say check him out too. A lot of experiences like that are only achievable in a video game. And then there are the usual optional audio logs that flood every game with expansive lore. And there are a few choices that slightly change minor things, they more so reflect your own outlook on the story rather than affecting the actual plot. I’d argue it’s another case of the illusion of choice, but it’s still substantially better than games that outright lie to you about an alternate choice existing. But that level of storytelling for a video game is few and far between. Especially when the gameplay is so weak if you look at it through a better pair of glasses.
The puzzles that don’t connect back to the story’s theme are all rather weak. Honestly, the game’s puzzles are really forgettable, I barely remember any of them. They all boil down to grabbing a set of items to progress or figuring out how to navigate a tight area while a monster chases you. And man those monsters are pushovers despite being so visually terrifying. The Proxies are probably the best enemies in the game, as they throw a lot of them at you in such a tight space that they pose an actual constant threat. Especially when their unique gimmick has to deal with them being blind but having really good hearing. The Frictional Engine really lends itself well to them; throwing around objects to create distractions at a whim was a genius way to weaponize your environment. Unfortunately, they are the only creatures with this level of polish to them. You probably won’t notice this if no one points it out for you, but every monster has a very crippling weakness that is very easy to take advantage of. Don’t look at the monster, look at the monster and he slows down, don’t walk when she’s yelling and she can’t hurt you. This is even more jarring when you can toggle the minimal difficulty the game has completely off with the Safe Mode. It was so jarring playing through every game by the studio and seeing unique puzzles sacrificed more and more as the storytelling got better and better. I may not remember a thing about Penumbra, but that doesn’t mean we can’t take basic gameplay elements and add them to a masterpiece like SOMA.
SOMA has one of the most memorable narratives in a game. I know I went off on the gameplay, but it’s more so weak when other games just have bad gameplay. It doesn’t get in the way of the actual storytelling, and as I’ve already said, it’s one of the best stories in a video game currently. I just wish the gameplay could reflect the amazing story. Despite that, it’s still a masterpiece. As I said at the start of this review SOMA is a 10/10, but hopefully you’ve already figured that out for yourself.
960 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.03.22 23:00
Part of the story (side characters, events and explanations) is told by finding the corpses, use computers and finding notes. While these can be easily skipped I would advise to look for them. It will make the playthrough longer, but it adds so much to the horror of the story.
Besides the great horror aspect the game houses a decent looking, sometimes a little repetitive, atmosphere and incredible voice acting. If I do have to name a downside of the game it would be a rather linear story. While there is a slight variation due player choices, there isnt much of a replay need. Once you finish the game you are done.
This game is going to leave a stain of your mind for a while. It will make you think. I love it. Very worth the time and mony spend on it.
As for game details, it take about 7-10 hours to complete but increases to 12-15 hours if you spend some time to find the corpses, notes and computers hidden around (I advise to do so). After the credits there is a tiny bit of gameplay, so be sure to watch the credits.
Nicht Empfohlen
569 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.03.22 05:08
'SOMA is one of the most philosophical, incredible, and darkest games I have ever seen. The game is reminiscent of novelist Michael Crichton's Sphere, but is even more profound, disturbing, and mind-blowing. It's just incredible.'
'One of the best, most amazingly mind-f*cking, deep stories you will ever EVER experience. You will end up questioning your entire existence, and what life itself truly is.'
idk what these guys are on, for real. i didn't expect very much, i just expected something, like a twist or a statement, and then nothing happened. it's not the devs fault. they didn't sell their game as a super thought provoking mind boggling existential thought experiment, they just made something they thought was interesting, and to their credit, and to general positive reviews, it definitely is.
it's fine. the gameplay is as tedious as you would expect. people play for the story, but i just didn't really think it was anything special. if you're interested in what is essentially a short story with atmosphere, you might enjoy it more than i did because the game is mostly neat moments, but i feel like i made a mistake in assuming there would be more than that.
511 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.03.22 00:49
Score: 94/100.
702 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.02.22 11:08
Interestingly, the walking simulator parts are the best bits, the questions raised are deeply interesting; however, the creeping around a badly or even purposefully annoyingly pathed monster in 3 or 4 tedious encounters felt so old, out-line-of-sighting them and waiting patiently for them to stop slurping in my vicinity and bugger off so the game can proceed. And then when I lost my patience and took some shortcuts and ended up getting whacked, this horrible post-processing effect lingers that gave me a massive headache. Game punishments shouldn't include actual physical harm, I am not the masochist they told me I was once in a Miami dungeon! I knew they were lying!
421 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.01.22 21:04
At first I thought we were in deep space, but when a huge hammerhead shark appear I was revived. The pace of the game is beautiful too.
The sounds, environments, dialogues and storytelling clearly survive on it's own. It was amazing, truly, to be immersed in an sci-fi experience that did not lack on strange and horror packed scenes but was also much more than just that.
The cut scenes and dialogues add to the experience of the game and aid you in feeling a sense of belonging. Also sometimes I felt that I missed some door, locker or something due to running away from monsters, which added to the feeling of being able to replay the game and still be awed.
Options and moral decisions also play a part in this and added to the psychological thrill.
All in all SOMA is an amazing experience. It is yet one powerful piece of art and should be played with intense openness and respect. Absolutely amazing Frictional.
1029 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.01.22 13:12
The meaning behind the plot and all the stuff going on feels like The Weight of An Ocean pounding at You and smashing any Parts of Your hUmAnITy as you seeking answers for all the questions. Masterpiece of writing.
What is 'life' and what is 'to be alive'?
I used to know that...
661 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.01.22 18:46
1462 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.01.22 21:23
Even by today’s standards the game is a masterpiece in terms of ambience. Sound, lighting and visibility in different environments are perfectly crafted.
This is one of the games that I will remember for a long time. Because of how immersed I was and because of how it made me think about our own existence.
642 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.01.22 16:41
Game was great & gives you a good scare. There aren't alot of jumpscares but, the environment, AI & sound design hugely make up for this. The game loves having you solve puzzles while being chased around by a monster, forcing you to hide in the darkness as it passes by. The story is nicely written & can make the player reflect on certain aspects of the game & of their own lives.
One issue I have with the game is how some puzzles or certain objectives are unclear. Sometimes, you start scratching your head on where to go & make you question whether or not you missed something. Though, do note, this isn't the case for the whole playthrough & only happens once or twice.
Overall: 4.7/5
297 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.12.21 07:43
Excellent story and atmosphere. You can even play with story mode, which doesn't include any monster during the playthrough, to experience the story without dirtying your pant.
One of the best games ever.
528 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.12.21 04:36
It's one of the greatest games I've ever had the pleasure of playing.
Total playtime was around 9 hours.
---Here's what I loved about it:
✅ The story delves deep into what it means to be human and what artificial intelligence is. They did a really amazing job on it. There are epic plot twists. It's a sci-fi philosophers wet dream turned into a living nightmare
✅ The setting the story takes place in could not be more perfect
✅ It was at times so terrifying I had to stop and take a break
✅ You have to explore every nook and cranny of your surroundings if you want to advance and I kept wanting to absorb every bit of information
✅ The ending was so good it made me cry
✅ The visual distortions were extremely trippy and disorienting which fit the setting and experience quite perfectly
✅ You have to make some hard decisions which really make you stop and think
---So what didn't I like about it?
Nothing. I thought everything about it was flawless. This is a game I'm not going to forget anytime soon or ever.
508 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.11.21 01:46
685 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.11.21 19:28
Not only that, it also has a well written story and an interesting philosophical topic about identity, consciousness, and what makes us human.
At different points, you will have to make difficult moral choices; unfortunately the decisions you make won't have any impact on the story, but it is still interesting to know what you will do if you are ever confronted to a similar situation.
In terms of gameplay, it's pretty much straightforward, most of it consists of hiding, avoiding enemies, exploring and solving puzzles which can sometimes be a bit hard to solve but nothing too complicated.
The graphics are quite good, as previously mentioned the heavy atmosphere is very well made and immersive.
890 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.11.21 13:20
From mommy Amnesia it gets the classic Frictional game play style and horror. There is no combat, you must stick to the shadows and sneak your way past enemies who hunt you down but you can't look at, the puzzles are relatively simple, most game play revolves around exploration. There is a lot of atmospheric horror and tension with very few jump scares here and there. The horror elements are not overbearing, the game eases you into it, and failure is not very punishing, thus encouraging you to take risks. If you are a wimp there is also an option to turn it all off. From daddy Bioshock it gets the underwater setting and uncle System Shock gives it the sci-fi elements.
But unlike its honorary parents, this one has an excellent story that packs a serious philosophical and psychological punch. The choices you make along the way are yours alone, no different endings or statistics, it's just you and your conscience. It'll have your head spinning about the definition of life and the meaning of existence in a way few other games ever did. The world building is completed by great visuals and sound design in order to deliver an unforgettable experience.
Buy it. Play it. Enjoy the existential dread that follows.
846 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.09.21 23:38
Shortish game, around 15 hours playthrough. Graphics are really well done and the game excels at atmosphere and immersion. Excellent music and sound effects which add to the tension. It does feel a bit stuttery when playing, so would probably need a good pc to play it smoothly with everything set to high.
Great story, abit confusing at times but has a good ending. Lots of scary and stressful moments. as it borrows alot of elements from Alien Isolation mixed in with some System Shock 2, Bioshock and even Outlast for its scarier parts.
My only criticism is it's a one-time playthrough type game, pretty linear and you would get the same story playing it again... but saying that, it was a great experience and I will probably go through it again sometime just to see what I missed.
Very good game and a very stressful 8.5 / 10
643 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.09.21 02:15
Took me like 4 or 5 days to get over it. ????
796 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.08.21 20:35
Overall, Soma is one of the best horror games out there, and it's undoubtedly a must-buy.
689 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.08.21 06:30
481 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.08.21 23:53
The underwater world actually looks great, but you really often have bad view.
Besides, you move very sluggishly and when monsters appear, the movement is even more restricted.
However, the story is awesome and makes everything negative disappear :3
Das Spiel war ziemlich anstrengend.
Die Unterwasserwelt sieht eigentlich toll aus, aber man hat doch wirklich sehr oft eine extrem schlechte Sicht.
Außerdem bewegt man sich sehr träge und wenn Monster auftauchen, ist die Bewegung noch eingeschränkter.
Allerdings ist die Geschichte genial und lässt alles Negative verschwinden :3
695 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.07.21 21:15
Despite all that, the game forces the player to think on how to cope with perhaps the worst imaginable scenario for a human. The sound design is wonderful and the visual aesthetics are gorgeous and eerie.
As I learned what the story was about along the way, I stopped a few times to think over on what I consider to be morally and practically correct, the two conflicting at times.
A very solid experience and a cute game all the way through. Although ... I didn't really enjoy it for the game parts, but rather the exposition of the story. The stuff you learn and question are like the treat for passing through the puzzles and enemy encounters which can be both good and bad, depending on individual preferences.
969 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.07.21 17:22
Now the real question is, is it worth it's full price of 29.99$? idk, 19.99$ certainly, but 29.99$ only if u feel like supporting frictional games so they can keep making masterpieces of psychological horror game that are always a pleasure of mind to play.
A great experience followed by an even greater story that holds a place in my heart now !
I give this game a donald trump out of 5
760 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.07.21 17:47
The story is decent but it's not fundamentally groundbreaking. That movie with the magic tricks precedes the game by a decade and is still superior in its exploration of the subject matter. This is because in the movie the character acts with full awareness of the consequences of his actions and he still does the thing, repeatedly and without remorse. This makes it even more terrifying. In contrast to that, in the game you are driving this 90 IQ naive Canadian who doesn't get it even until the end, while you the player get it. So you just become frustrated and angry towards the brain-dead-stupid protagonist.
The whole gimmick with the monsters is a bit annoying, just like in Amnesia. Hiding and waiting is never going to be exciting for me. If you relate to this, play the game in easy-mode where you don't die. Otherwise it's just a waste of time.
The best thing about the game are the visuals, the sound design, and the overall design of the environments. It's immersive, it's unique, it transports you to a place you might have never experienced before in a video game. The artists here have created a world that could very well be a real place and is yet completely alien, beautiful, and at the same time _deeply_ terrifying. I recommend SOMA just for this reason alone, and a little bit for the ok story.
796 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.06.21 15:14
There is almost no choice in what we can do, and the story will always end with the same outcome. But there is so much choice in what to think about the events of the game. It's only for you to decide if the ending is happy or not. It's only for you to give answers to all the philosophical questions the game is trying to ask you.
And as always with philosophy, there are no right answers. Some things are left unexplained, left to your own interpretation.
I just hope this is not our real future.
1124 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.06.21 03:48
I know this was designed to be a stealth/horror game. But, I do not game well when being chased by growling monsters in a dark and unfamiliar place. For this gamer, playing SOMA in 'Safe Mode' let me experience this wonderful game as an adventurer ... taking time to explore, absorb the backstory, and concentrate on puzzle solutions. Had I played in the traditional mode, I might not have finished the game and I would have missed so much.
Even in 'Safe Mode,' there is enough menace and darkness to make your heart pound. I still found myself crouching in the dark, hoping the monsters would pass me by. The sound track really adds to the sense of panic that comes when the monsters appear.
As a first person, 3D adventure, SOMA is a 'top shelf' game... complex story, likable characters with true depth (and pleasing voices), moments of shock/surprise, lots to explore, immersive video/sound, 'save' on demand, some 'deep thoughts' on what it means to be human, and an ending that put me through a wide range of emotions in quick succession.
I highly recommend this to anyone looking for a great adventure. If stealth is not your cup of tea, then don't hesitate to select 'Safe Mode' and jump into SOMA. My only complaint is that my time with Simon and Catherine has come to an end and I will miss them!
595 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.06.21 06:26
For me, the game took roughly 9 hours long and there was times where i'd be sitting in a corner too scared to move :) For the $8.50 i payed on sale, it was definitely worth it, story had a lot of depth and has you questioning everything you had known to a prior point.
Ending is poetic and completes the story perfectly (although i wish they somehow made Soma 2).
Final rating; is a 7/10 for Horror, only low because the main thing that's scary is not knowing what you'll encounter, but once you know (for me) it made it more calming.
Story - 9.5/10 would be a 10, but no game is a perfect game :) although this was so close!
Sound - 10, already went in depth on the ambient noises, all the sounds were perfect and complimented the areas you were in, and had you on the edge of your seat all the time.
Puzzles - 9.5, They're difficult, and sometimes can leave you in an awkward situation, but do have things in place to help you out if you are lost due to others talking to you in game & if you quit your save, then load back in it'll tell you your main objective!
Graphics are a 10, was as real as i feel you can get considering you're under water, it has the murky look when you're going through the water, but it's still clear to see everything, but watch out for what may be in the water ;)
Game is a 9.5/10, i know it's not the average, but a 9 is too low, and a 10 is a bit too much.
Good luck to whoever plays it!
822 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.06.21 02:39
1166 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.06.21 10:40
a horror game that has no waeapon, stealth is your best chance to survive
not a jumpscare horror game its really good made storry, its unforgettable experience 10/10
636 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.05.21 22:45
883 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.04.21 21:59
- science fiction story
- 'fair' horror
- sounds
I let a friend play this with me present, so I am not the best source for a review. However if you are interested to play this, I recommend to not read any reviews but just play this game.
Top notch sci-fi!
When Simon has taken a brain scan, the world has drastically changed somehow. Something is amiss, and throughout the game you get bits of information what has and is happening. My friend and I often debated the possibilities of what could have happened, but we were never spot on. The game doesn't deliberately put you on the wrong track though.
The game is first person, and you are not able to combat. Technically a walking simulator, but that gives me the wrong association because of the intensity.
I am a bit of a wuss, this game was very scary at times. It gets really dark, and you are confronted with ominous sounds! There are jumpscares, always within limits. And the game is very forgiving, if you die you are respawn at or close to the location and can retry it. You can even turn death completely off, I really like that option! It really feels like the devs just want to tell this story, and not let anything else take the foreground. Finishing the game gives 100% achievements, so for that there's no point using a guide and being spoiled!
If you want to experience the story, but can't stand horror (I understand), I recommend watching a 'let's play' video. I believe this game will be on the menu during CohhCarnages 'Nopetober' 2021, where he plays horrorgames throughout October.
More reviews at Omnivore Gamer, games that are easy to control (for handicapped gamers). | [/tr]
551 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.04.21 07:21
First the games story line is hands down what makes the game so amazing. It's a story that always questions your brain about reality and philosophy. And whats even better A.I comes into play, something personally humans have always found intriguing. Frictional Games did an amazing job merging what humans have actually thought about simulations and our consciousness into an amazing story capturing game. If you're like me who likes to go really deep in thought about things that the human brain just finds bizarre to understand i.e space, A.I.. etc, you'll love soma. When i finished the game it kept me thinking hours and even days about what our reality is around us. Mind you this is a game i only brought to play just to tick off a bucket list and delete straight away. WOW. I honestly don't want to give away spoilers because i think if you want to play this game, go for it, experience it all, read all the dialogue read everything and explore everything you can about this game.
The games atmosphere is perfect. The environment in parts of the game are extraordinary, and the transition from place to place is really well done. I found the puzzles quite easy there was 1 or 2 puzzles i was confused about but got over it with no stress, the monsters i think were really well designed but i thought they were more of a nuisance, they really didn't do anything for the game they were quite easy to get around or run away from, but the games amazing 10/10 score was solely on the games gripping roller coaster story line.
The dialogue and characters were enjoyable and likeable, i feel like i actually took an interest in almost all characters to better understand the story. Its a very well made game and an amazing experience i probably will never forget.
950 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.04.21 21:04
Overall, good experience, must have if you like Frictional games.
739 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.03.21 00:27
This will be a non-spoiler review of the video game “SOMA” which I just finished
This game is...something that can’t be described with words, what feels simple at first, discovering why you are where you are, and how to escape, quickly becomes a story about characters, humanity, and a coin toss.
One of this games several twists has a similar feel to one of the 2 twists in the movie the prestige, my second favorite movie ever, and while similar in feel, they hit you entirely different. Showing just how creative and original it can be
This games makes opinions change, early in the game I had some clear cut views about certain far reaching bounds of science, what should or shouldn’t be done, but by the end it’s clear science needs it’s limits in certain areas, or it can lead to cruelty, horror, and unfair fates.
It also leads you to question the definition of what makes someone a human, or how you define humanity, as we see 3 characters define it very differently, resulting in very different choices by the 3 of them, and also letting you decide for yourself, never telling you to settle on an anwser
I know this review doesn’t go into what actually happened in the game literally at all, but that’s because I encourage you, please play it for yourself. All I’ll say is it’s about science, the apocalypse, and a research base under the Atlantic sea. This is going in my top 5 games ever, fuck maybe even top 3. This is an experience I’ll never regret, 10/10.
630 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.03.21 21:37
SOMA is an incredibly thought provoking experience. I'm not a big fan of first person games but I don't completely disregard them as long as the story is interesting. In this case the story was very intriguing and the two main characters Simon and Catherine were very well written. It raises some philosophical questions which I loved. Going too much into the story details would probably ruin the experience for some so I'll leave it at that. This game is truly psychological horror at it's finest.
484 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.03.21 03:03
SOMA can be described as a narratively driven sci-fi horror game, however there is no combat and the term 'walking simulator with puzzles' could also apply. Bioshock without guns? Sure. While there are of course a number of enemies - make no mistake they are deeply uncomfortable - you will never engage them; it is all about avoidance.
Indeed, there's a particularly interesting encounter where you can't even look at it directly or you'll die. What? Creepy shit.
The game relies on the narrative to carry it, and my goodness, it succeeds in this like few other games ever do. Whenever I felt myself being worn out by the oppressively unpleasant (in a fantastic way!) environments I'd push through it just to see where the story goes next and ended up finishing this in just 3 sessions.
While the story is really nothing new, especially if you're in any way a sci-fi fan, I don't hold it against the game at all.
Because the absolute masterclass in pacing that SOMA is, the brilliant voice acting, and fantastic sound and evironment design - it all comes together in a really tight and compelling package in a showcase of 'greater than the sum of its parts.'
1727 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.02.21 04:14
With its previous releases, Frictional Games had built up a lot of good will for its next project. But the values it'd become known for didn't represent the fullest extent of its ambitions. While the Penumbra duology and Amnesia: The Dark Descent were acclaimed for their atmospheric, suspenseful presentation and innovative survival-horror mechanics, internally the company strove to unify profound themes and emotions with gameplay and presentation in an accessible way that would be compelling for its average player-base. In this regard, Amnesia received limited reception, and its third-party sequel A Machine For Pigs was heavily criticized in spite of its fuller focus on narrative and themes. The pressure to resign to a formula, and produce another tense adventure puzzler with even more focus on paralyzing and arousing the player, must have been impossible to ignore.
But for Frictional, its creative ambitions were too exciting not to pursue. SOMA is the end result of this restless creative innovation, a dangerous and adventurous blockbuster thriller that uses its terrifying stealth and survival mechanics to tell a story that impresses a desire upon every player to contemplate the harrowing, existential elements of the story. The work put into it was holistically polished, every fraction of the whole created as distinct pieces of a complete vision. But these disparate creative pressures put strain on the finished game, resulting in something that feels divided across its moving story and its frightening monsters. The Frictional-formula lets SOMA down at key points, even as this entry in the company’s catalog provides the most inspired realization of that formula's strengths to date.
From a narrative perspective, SOMA is Frictional's best written work by a mile. The characterization of our limited cast is strong and fascinating and lends itself to effective drama. Across the player's journey, the script portrays two subtle and powerful character arcs leading to a finale that left me speechless. The voice acting, too, is excellent, far surpassing the industry standard, with motivated direction and real emotion even from the most minor roles. Frictional always finds a way to get the most out of its voice actors, and the weight added by these charismatic and raw performances is indescribable. The sound and visual design as well contribute to the narrative and atmosphere, painting a lived-in facility with hundreds of stories to tell. The world-building of SOMA is possibly my favorite of science-fiction gaming, some of my favorite within the genre at large.
What really pushes the narrative to its impressive level is the pacing and escalation of its core themes. Through a series of moral and philosophical dilemmas, SOMA gradually pulls the rug out from under the player, asking progressively meaningful questions in a way that is natural to the environment and story. The story itself produces more questions than it asks, lingering in the mind and provoking further distinct perspectives on its events. There's a subtlety and a weight here which is missing from most of the greatest stories in the medium, as powerful here as some of the best classic science-fiction.
Even as no element is left ignored or independent, certain parts of the game fail to contribute to the greater whole as much as others. While I love the monsters from a narrative and aesthetic perspective, they fail to add much to the gameplay experience very meaningfully. The creatures the player will be hiding from are alarming and sympathetic but their grotesquerie amounts to tense stealth gameplay sequences that fail to linger in the imagination as long as the narrative's questions; fail even to live up to the heights of terror of Frictional's previous titles. There's nothing quite so hopeless or debilitating as the prison from Amnesia, from a gameplay perspective.
Ultimately, SOMA is a breath of fresh air, one of the most polished and profound horror adventures in the gaming medium. Its contributions to the science-fiction genre and to Frictional's creative catalogue are insurmountable, even as this gem remains less universally renowned as Amnesia or its contemporary cousins, such as Outlast. It’s a tiny creative project in many ways, and while I think most of its significant elements surpass the standards set by the gaming industry at large, the ambitions of the game as a whole are relatively minor. It’s this limited focus, however, that allows it to be as polished and masterful as it is. With a limited scope, SOMA succeeds in being bigger and more impactful than most AAA releases. If you're a fan of horror and classic science-fiction, don't pass up on this title.
788 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.01.21 08:44
462 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.01.21 21:38
The only thing i could possibly rag on are the visuals, these tended to strain my eyes after about an hour or more of playing and breaks in between are reccomended. The audio however is great and fits the atmosphere really well. All be it a bit short and some puzzles a bit unclear at first, i fully reccomend you play the game at least once as thats all it will even take if you are an achievement hunter.
777 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.01.21 20:46
Underrated game, and not a single stupid jumpscare. Good horror.
I have a handful of nitpicks, but most come from certain aspects of the gameplay.
The script may not be for anyone(I expected different resolutions at multiple times through the game, yet I'm happy with the ending result)
The ambience and sound are absolutely top notch.
498 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.01.21 20:27
As far as I could tell, there are no missable achievements in this game, as I got 100% in a single playthrough.
605 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.01.21 07:20
☐ Replayability tO THE EXTREME!
☐ Hours upon hours of fun!
☐ Good stuff!
☑ Good at parts.
☐ Nothing to remember.
☐ Ping Pong is better.
It's a classic horror game. Run and hide from the bad guy. In this case, multiple bad guys. And each has their own unique trick up their sleeve. But it's still pretty basic. Some monsters can be easily avoided, while others can't seem to practice social distancing.
☐ A reflection of reality!
☐ Gorgeous!
☑ Great!
☐ Better than Minecraft.
☐ It barely passes the test.
☐ PS1 graphics are better.
For the most part, the interior itself is like any other sci-fi. It's the outside parts that really get to you. You never know if what awaits you on the outside is worse then in the inside.
☐ Better then actual music!
☑ Pretty great!
☐ Better then most games!
☐ About average.
☐ Nothing special.
☐ As bad as nails against a chalk board.
As with any good horror game, the audio has to immerse you, enhance the spook, and make you regret wearing headphones. And this game is no exception!
☐ Buy the soundtrack. Just buy it!
☐ I listen to it in my spare time!
☑ Good!
☐ Eeeeehhh.
☐ Just mute it in options.
☐ Nothing. Silence.
For the most part, the music was quiet, and sometimes non-existent. Which is good for horror games. But when the time comes, the music sure does know how to get your blood pumping.
☐ It's so dense you could cut it with a knife!
☑ I take a moment to appreciate it every now and then!
☐ Quite enjoyable!
☐ It works well enough.
☐ Welp... they tried.
☐ Little to none.
Something pretty unique about this game is it's atmosphere. (Or lack of one. Har Har) It's a mix of Bioshock, Alien: Isolation, and Amnesia. The horror is definitely there, but is probably the weakest from Frictional Games. If you've played any of those games, chances are you'll still enjoy this one!
☐ You'll deeply invest yourself into it!
☑ Really good!
☐ Enough to not skip the cut-scene!
☐ Glimpses of good writing.
☐ Better then Hotel Mario.
☐ No story anywhere.
No game has a right to have this good of a story. And yet I don't think it would have worked as a book or movie. The story isn't a gem in the rough. It's a diamond in the gems. And even if that doesn't make any sense, it's still true. Lovable characters, enticing and dark mystery. And an ending that surpasses most.
☐ Almost as hard as breathing!
☐ Need an IQ higher then 60.
☐ Nintendo levels of difficulty.
☑ A good challenge.
☐ A lot of skill to pass the first level.
☐ Superhuman AI has trouble with this!
The difficulty of this game isn't to avoid enemies. It's the knowing how to avoid them. You'll have to experiment, observe and run away. But once you know how to out-smart your enemies, it can get relatively simple. I was 'caught' quite a bit in the game. But only ever killed once in the entire playthrough.
☐ Perfect, almost zero toxicity!
☑ Once in a while it can be bad!
☐ Above average, but don't expect a lot!
☐ A lot of good, a lot of bad.
☐ Pretty toxic, every good player = 10 bad.
☐ They'll kill you first chance they get.
Can't say much for this one. Haven't really come across anyone rude. I tend to find that scarier the game, nicer the community.
☐ Not one. Not a single one!
☑ Noticed a few
☐ Can happen often.
☐ Persistent in the game.
☐ Too many to count.
Not bad, the AI worked good most the time. I managed to soft-lock myself between a wall and some equipment once though. Lost several minutes of progress there.
---{PC Requirements}---
☐ You could use your monitor to play.
☐ Anything past Windows 98.
☑ The average computer can play it.
☐ It's gotta be decently good.
☐ You're gonna have to be rich.
☐ Be a NASA employee to play.
Pretty sure most computers could run this. I never had any fps issues.
☐ It's free to play!
☐ Free, but has micro-transactions.
☑ Full price!
☐ Wait for a sale.
☐ Wait for a MEGA sale.
☐ Only if you've bought everything else.
I'd certainly buy it for full price. But it goes on sale a lot. So maybe you can catch one of those!
☑ G.O.T.Y!
☐ 8/10!
☐ Better then average!
☐ It was OK.
☐ Eh, not for me.
☐ Don't bother even looking at it.
Is it the best horror game? Nope. But it is a very special, memorable, and enjoyable game all-round. Highly recommend for anyone who isn't scared of the word: [spoiler]BOO[/spoiler]
426 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.01.21 06:30
Where do I start? The game launches you into a modern-day atmosphere transpiring slowly into a strange, unusual landscape of futuristic machinery and nautical scenery. The aesthetic of this is beautiful; everything is unique moulded to fit the advanced style of the surroundings you're in. I had to take a second to explore every nook and cranny of each area I was given, there's always little tidbits and small details adding to landscape and development of the area.
The pace of the game is absolutely perfect, finds the perfect balance of puzzle solving, story development and tense, action sequences contained within. Speaking of which, the story of the game is incredible and is really in-depth and interesting. I craved to know more about what was going on, reading journals and looking at notes to discover more. As well as this, it also hints towards future events and sequences of what's to come in the game, so you know what you expect but still are curious to find out what awaits you. Expectations are exceeded thoroughly, and absolutely no area in this game did I feel like I was on a boring 'find an item and bring it to the place' treatment. Everything I did felt like it had meaning and purpose, which developed the experience further.
As mentioned earlier, the tense areas in this game are incredible. There's a wide variety of enemies and obstacles you come across and you're constantly on the edge of your seat, manoeuvring carefully to bypass them. You're not given an easy pass for just sneaking, you have to understand how the enemy you're faced against works. You might have to throw something to bait it away, or use the monster's lack of vision to aid you. It's not a recycled situation looping over and over, and it really assists in making the game full of variety and a fresh experience with each hurdle you're thrown.
The story is incredibly well written and is so in-depth and interesting, I've never played a game with a story this unique and fresh. I always wanted to know more about X or Y, and the game leads you on smaller conclusive paths about the backstory of tinier details - like what happened to certain bases, or crews that resided there. The antagonist of the game felt eccentric and individual, always there in the background - never certain of when it'll strike. A cancer of the whole world overseeing and watching, not certain of its motive, but careful of its actions. Nothing story-driven felt rushed or forced, it had a natural, pleasing flow to it. Accelerating moments at the perfect time to suit the atmosphere, such as bringing things up a notch in dire situations, and easing the speed as you explore the environment and your surroundings.
Furthermore, the narrative is driven in a direction that is unexpected. There's no cliché 'happy ever after' scenario going, you're the man in charge that has to save the world, not everything will go your way. It's satisfying, but also not displeasing when things go wrong. Your character (Simon Jarrett) is assisted along the way by Catherine, learning more about her and what happened to her project of the ARK. As you do progress, you learn more about what her motives were and actions that leave you wondering if you're able to put trust into her. It really compliments the story and gives you something to think about.
Overall, another amazing title from Frictional Games, and just talking about it doesn't do it justice. If you love the survival horror genre of games, this is definitely not one to skip out on. Amazingly unique style and story, backed up by the atmosphere and design. Seriously, buy it.
403 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.12.20 15:26
readable-interactive items, realistic structers... i explore
everything on my way
A horror game that is for me, a game with a very good scenario! the same style of play that once finished, you continue to think about all the things you did! a game that allows everyone to interpret it as they want, or understand it!
The game does not rely on jumpscare, only by pure fear
A game to have!
679 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.12.20 09:10
1. Stellar storyline. Emotional roller coaster ride. Leaves you with a hangover after the end.
2. Amazing voice acting.
3. Brilliant sound effects. Can't stress this enough. Wear headphones for the best experience.
4. Music.
5. Great setting and theme.
6. Perfect atmosphere. It's a little like a mash-up of Subnautica and Dead Space 1. Still feels original and fresh.
7. Game is scary but not unrelenting, it let's you breathe and take the story in. However, an opinion of how scary the monsters are is extremely subjective. I found the scariness perfect. Got my heart racing but I couldn't look away because I was so invested in the game. Thoroughly enjoyed it.
8. Short. Takes only 11 hours for one play-through.
9. No achievements/completion-conditions tied to collectibles(data mines) and optional objectives. So in an intense moment, you won't find yourself wandering/exploring and looking for unimportant stuff that takes you out of the moment. In short, it's superbly immersive.
10. Optimized and resource friendly game. Doesn't turn your PC into a heater.
1. A few bugs here and there. I once got stuck into a wall and then fell through the floor. Had to restart.
2. Loading times can be slow sometimes and FPS might drop for a few seconds. I'd still say that the game is optimized because none of the problems are too serious and are rare occurences.
3. Mouse controls are extremely sluggish. It makes throwing and moving objects look like they're being done by a 5 year old - with barely any strength. Also, the game has plenty of sliding doors which you have to 'grab' and move with your mouse. And because the mouse controls are so pathetic even at full sensitivity, you have to pick up your mouse and slide it multiple times to fully open a door.
I still think this game is worth it. The description on the store page is 100% accurate. The game takes you through a journey and makes you question your existence, meaning of life, and morality.
991 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.12.20 14:01
619 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.11.20 15:53
887 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.11.20 04:00
Honestly can't really review the game without spoiling too much, so if you like horror games and don't mind a bit of puzzle solving, get this one. Don't look up spoilers and play alone in a dark room for the best experience.
913 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.11.20 18:16
Title: SOMA
Developer(s): Frictional Games
Publisher(s): Frictional Games
Genre(s): Survival horror
Game Engine: HPL Engine 3
Release Date: 22 Sep, 2015
Mode(s): Single-player
I don't know what's eerier, the eldritch creatures roaming PATHOS-II, or the sinistrous methodology used by the game to demonstrate the connotation of existence. After completing SOMA, the ideological impact was powerful in magnitude, yet the direction may differ based on the way the player perceives its Philosophy. Without spoiling anything related to the story, it's the momentous element of the game in addition to being pre-eminent in the first place. Unlike Amnesia, SOMA deceives the player with its creepy atmospheric tone without introducing any challenges; gradually, it ramps up the chilling factor making its levels as horrifying as they can be.
There is a decent resemblance between SOMA and Amnesia in terms of primitive gameplay mechanics; it's roaming the unknown to discover the unknown while doing your best to avoid being devoured by the unknown. In SOMA, there is a noticeable improvement in the horror factor, enemies' AI and variety, and technical aspects. The trepidation is amplified by the inclusion of stubborn enemies; they don't get bored easily and disappear as they did in Amnesia, nor they have predictable behavior. Their AI is quite interesting; it's uncertain whether they are cretinous or using stupidity as a cover to seek the player's underestimation.
Overall, it seems that the game has trickstering conduct in its strategy. The top-notch appalling sound effects play a grave role in revitalizing the ghastly atmospheric setting, hence filling the player's mind with disquietude and precariousness; he will reconsider his move several times before heading to that ill-lit corridor where he heard a displeasing sound come from. Voice acting stands on high ground in quality, and so does the dialogue in content. The game principally relies on voice performances and dialogue in portraying the characters' dimensions and enhancing their appeal to the player.
Immersion is perfected by SOMA thanks to its engrossing environmental design, excellent usage of lighting effects, dreadful audio design, and a formidable tale that keeps fueling the player's interest until its conclusion. Frictional Games believe that death penalty is a critical element that affects the player's relationship with the game. To them, death is a merciful outcome and isn't punishing enough. So they decided to implement a death mechanic that allows the player to respawn monotonously after termination, but with a tolling effect that takes the protagonist closer to a very disturbing state of being.
In other words, the player respawns in the same place where he was caught, but the character’s movement becomes labored, his vision is blurred, and his hearing is altered. This toll lasts until the player finds a WAU flower to heal him. In my point of view, this death penalty is frightful psychologically, but technically isn't; having the thought of eternal retribution is nerve-racking, but all this falls apart after realizing that death isn't the end, and there is always a chance to escape. It really depends on the player's perception.
Screen tearing is the most tedious monster to encounter in this game. Luckily, I was able to eliminate such an issue by turning off VSync from the game's menu and enabling it in Nvidia's control panel along with triple buffering. Keep in mind that enabling VSync without triple buffering will result in frame rate drops. As luck would have it for the faint of heart, the game features a safe mode that allows the player to roam as he pleases without worrying about any monsters attacking him for the sake of exploration and enjoying the story.
> Verdict:
I think that categorizing SOMA as an interactive horror movie with a substantial story serves it right. It's a remarkable experience that combines science fiction with tenets in a way that provokes many thoughts about the universe, existence, and what it means to be human. It's more than just a game; it's a perfect field for heated debates and sharing opinions about the points it underlines. In addition to all this, it provides a nightmarish journey in places where the atmospheric setting alone is bone-chilling enough.
Aspects Rating
General Quality (60% Overall Score):
- Technical Optimization: 8
- Controls: 9
- Graphics: 8
- Audio: 10
- Soundtrack: 8
Single-player (40% Overall Score):
- Gameplay Satisfaction: 9
- Level Design: 9
- Story: 10
- Character Design: 9
- Dialogue: 10
- Replay Value: 6
Overall Score
8.7 | [/tr]
1399 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.11.20 06:02
Have played both Normal and Safe mode and happy to report that Safe mode is still pretty scary. Better if you really wanna be able to snoop around without having to worry about getting brutally murdered.
703 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.11.20 00:14
You are Simon Jarrett who survived a car accident, but sustains severe brain damage. Due to his injuries, he agrees to undergo an experimental brain scan. During the scan, Simon appears to black out, and regains consciousness on Site Upsilon of PATHOS-II, an apparently-abandoned submarine research center, in the year 2104.
It has an amazing story, great looking visuals and the sound effects are well processed.
SOMA is a wonderful game and one of the best psychological horror games I have ever played. It is definitely worth to get it. I can highly recommend it.
Sounds 9/10
Graphics 9/10
Gameplay 7/10
Atmosphere 10/10
If you liked my review, please feel free to follow me and/or my curator group:
1199 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.10.20 03:54
Like one of the recommendations said; Played for scares, left with an existential crisis. - caev37
I think that sums it up nicely. When I first got SOMA back in 2015, the main reason was the horror part. Up until then, I had played all of the games from Frictional, and while they did have stories to follow, it was never the strongest part of the games for me. SOMA flipped that, and while originally I got it for the spooks, I sat through the entire game in a day because of the story. The questions it brings up, and the feelings you are left with as the credits roll was something that stuck with me for weeks after I finished it. And 5 years later, I still think about it.
Questions about your own humanity, about identity and consciousness. Things that will be relevant in the decades to come in terms of our current technological development. All of this has been played with in sci-fi before, but SOMA knocks it out of the park, and in the end, you might very well be sitting with some existential dread, something far more horrifying to confront than a few jumpscares and chase sequences.
I do think you need to be in the right state of mind to appreciate it. If you're looking for a quick-fix horror game, you'll definitely still get scares to tide you over, while having a story to push you forward. But I still think that, unlike Frictional's previous games, the story should be the main reason to play this game.
In the end, though, this is just my opinion on it. You'll find a great game here regardless of what mode you play it in. Enjoy! :)
1014 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.10.20 09:03
717 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.10.20 08:23
Frictional Games definitely know how to make a scary and immersive game.
Visuals are still nice, not perfect, but just right.
Story is absolutely amazing. During playthrough you will ask yourself a lot of questions, think about interesting and sometimes hard topics about our existence, self-perception, consequences of upcoming technologies.
Audio design is top-notch. You will always think that you're not alone. Constantly analyzing what you hear.
To be honest, it is one of the most immersive games I've ever played. And if you like diving, underwater experience - you will definitely love SOMA.
And that ending.. [spoiler]I can't remember any other games that gave good and bad ending simultaneously.[/spoiler]
Masterpiece. It is worth even full price.
1931 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.10.20 20:15
That's the only negative thing I have to say about this game. The true art here is the story, it's very personal and every individual will play it having different thoughts and opinions on the subjects that Frictional Games touch on. Story aside, you get a serious feeling of being alone and claustrophobic in the underwater research facility, Pathos-II. Not everything or everyone in this game is what they seem to be, but you'll take help from just about anyone. The game runs flawlessly, I never had any issues with the game that weren't patched out after the first few days. The way to play this game is definitely at night, lights off with no distractions.
3578 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.09.20 00:12
482 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.09.20 14:07
I don't want to spoil too much but the narrative's take on AI and sentience is incredible, and the twists and turns the story takes are, in my opinion, some of the best ever made. The atmosphere and artstyle are fantastic as well, really helping to draw the player in and making the experience even more nerve-racking. The stealth sections could have been better, but they're barely present and the only thing I actively don't like in this game.
All things considered, SOMA is a brilliant and thought-provoking game that I see myself replaying now and then to remind myself of what a good story-driven game is like. It was absolutely worth the anxiety attack I had at the halfway point, and I'm glad I gave it a go.
637 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.09.20 08:23
I have played horror games for like a good 4+ years now, and i usually go into each one expecting jumpscares and a spooky story. This game took everything I knew about a horror game and completely obliterated it. I suffer from a very unique fear called apeirophobia, which is the fear of the idea of eternity or afterlife. This game had some difficult triggering moments for that, but it showed just how much thought can go into the idea of living forever. How long until you're in that state of immortality until you feel.... not real anymore. Needless to say this game was an experience that i will never forget and i do hope anyone who experiences the fears i feel... had some sort of comfort in the way this game tells it story. Incredible. 10/10. <3
635 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.09.20 11:03
+ Fantastic horror experience
+ Undeniable great story
+ Great Graphics
+ Atmospheric sounds
- On the last scene Simon's desperation still haunting me to these days
- AI encounters sometimes were frustrating
1218 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.09.20 14:07
SOMA at first feels like if Ken Levine turned Bioshock into horror game. You are underwater and you are completely alone. It just you and the building and WAU. I would like to compared it to Dead Space, for I feel the same feeling, but later after a few hours in SOMA, I feel wrong to compared it to Dead Space. Simon is really alone in here. No human and Catherine can not always be with you. It sometimes feels death will be a better option. Stranded alone in an empy building deep under sea.
SOMA makes you rethinking the meaning of life. What is life? What is the definition of life? I know how the ending would be like that. But part of me refused to believe it. Later on the ending, I don't know how to feel about it. Should I be happy or should I be sad. Are we still a human, if we are not looking like a human, but still think and feel like a human? Even after finishing the game, i can't answer it. The story is so WAU ehm
I love horror game, but I can't find a gut to finish it. So as the alternative, I watched other people play it instead. I only play some that I want to experience with my own hand, and SOMA is one of them. But this is the first time ever I paused the game and take a deep breath. That part where Simon need to walk at the abyss and follow the light to survive, while it is so dark and the storm and the creatures. It just makes my stomach hurt and I need to take 5 minutes to calm myself. Outlast maybe can made my hands shake, but only SOMA that can make take a pause.
This review is so long, so please bare with me. The design is an important thing in horror game. And SOMA feels like something from Junji Ito. Go search Junji Ito on Google and it will give you a glimpse on what you will experience in SOMA. I outrun those bitches and hide from them for 20 hours. I never want to play this on normal mode again. I can't. The sound also. Please play it with headphone to really enjoying it. The scoring gives this game a whole new experience. It is scary, but it is magical. It feels like I just open a big window somewhere deep down under the sea and watched a glimpse of the future.
I can't tell how amazing this game is because this review is getting too long. SOMA deserve much more. Is it a sin if I call SOMA better than Amnesia? SOMA you make my expectation for horror game become higher. 100/10; so WAU
2283 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.09.20 15:06
604 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.09.20 22:35
577 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.08.20 02:51
1080 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.08.20 21:03
The story had me hooked from the start as I progressed trough different locations and finding notes and recordings to try and piece things together. Characters in the game feel alive because of the great voice acting, and the sound design is top notch, which adds a lot to the overall feel and helped me get totally immersed.
The game had many scary moments, but it's more of an eerie feeling that something is lurking around the next corner and that you are being watched as opposed to a barrage of jump scares. The game does feature some of those but it's not obnoxious.
I stopped multiple times when I was playing just to contemplate what was happening and during the choices that you make. I can definitely recommend this game for people who are looking for a thought provoking, intriguing, scary - sci fi adventure that will keep your blood pumping and your brain thinking.
838 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.07.20 22:08
485 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.07.20 09:43
1370 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.07.20 14:04
With an intense and surprising narrative, this game doesn't work very well as a horror game. It ends up being left to the interesting story, well-refined gameplay and challenging puzzles, the responsibilities for maintaining the good level of the game. It has a superb atmosphere, an impressive visual style and an original concept. The audio is also very well produced.
In reality, SOMA was designed to stimulate reflection, and not to really scare as a typical horror game, and this becomes more and more evident as we approach to the end.
604 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.07.20 03:52
Edit: I just finished the game and it was amazing! Great story. I am much more into fps games and i have tried several of these no weapon survival horrors and I typically don't go for them, but I try to give em a chance every now and then.. But this game was absolutely great. It came recommended by a friend that knows what I typically play and told me I had to try it anyway... Man was he right!
912 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.07.20 16:03
And just one advice: write down or remember your answers for survey in the beginning of the game, and wait for closing credits to finish in the end.
755 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.07.20 11:32
512 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.06.20 10:24
745 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.06.20 21:59
It should not be defined as a horror game, its somethig more than this genre.
Its like the little kid of bioshock but not in the way that it copies it but takes inspiration from Rapture and makes it its own game with his own philosophy.
A masterpiece and a game everyone who wants more from his games should experience.
454 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.06.20 10:19
In a spectacularly immersive setting supported by masterful sound design, SOMA is solid evidence that the Friction Games is still in total control when it comes to horror.
511 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.04.20 15:20
665 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.04.20 19:20
I'd recommend buying.
568 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.04.20 22:49
It plays heavily into my fear of deep murky water and the horrors it hides, and my existential dread at our place in the universe.
It's gorgeous, depressing, and at times frustrating. The plot is deeply melancholy, but something I'll be thinking about for some time after finishing it, I imagine.
The moment to moment gameplay is barebones but functional. Pretty much just a walking simulator. Sometimes monsters show up that chase and smack you, just like Amnesia. I'll be honest, I'm not a big fan of the monsters in this game and was happy to get past them to the rest of the plot. The oppressive atmosphere is much more effective than the monsters, to me. And what an atmosphere it is. Everything is in a beautiful state of decay, the very ocean is working against you, and everyone is dead or dour.
If you're like me, you won't like playing it but you will like having played it.
623 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.04.20 19:23
926 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.04.20 21:53
interesting story, very well fleshed out characters, and a lot of little bits of information scattered around providing a nice back story about different places and people. setting and atmosphere are perfect. it was a pleasure exploring all the levels. you actually feel like you're 4 kilometers below the sea level. there's really no jumpscares (maybe a couple), but tension is always there and it gets under your skin. and yeah, the ending could not have been better.
774 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.04.20 16:57
( •_•)>⌐■-■
867 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.03.20 22:33
I got this game in a bundle and it sat in my library for a while, untouched because I didn't know anything about it. I then looked at some of the trailers, which sparked my interest in the game and I decided to give it a shot.
First time I played it, it seemed interesting, but I didn't get far before I stopped playing. I wasn't really understanding the story and the monster encounters got a bit too much. After a while I decided to give it another shot while trying to immerse myself in the story and atmosphere. And I'm glad I did.
The story was absolutely astonishing. And the ending, oh boy, what an ending. There is so much philosophy that ties into the story, and it leaves with many great questions. Throughout the game you are also faced with several moral choices, which really make you think.
Now, getting to the gameplay. Well, it's not great. At times you can be left around wandering for many minutes to figure out what you're supposed to do next. There are certainly improvements to be made, but the story partially makes up for it. The horror in this game is very well done though (typical Frictional Games!). The monster encounters are scary, the psychological horror is great and the atmosphere is creepy.
Overall, playing SOMA was a fantastic experience and I highly recommend you play it too.
612 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.03.20 09:57
This is a well balanced, dark, sci-fi horror game with fun puzzles, amazing enviroments and interesting monsters and characters. Nice story and atmosphere and it's well balanced game difficulty wise -and it offers you to play with or without monsters.
A beautiful experience!
100% achievements done as you complete the game.
648 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.03.20 05:31
What i can say, somehow i forgot to write a review.
It's an amazing game from Frictional Games, like other of their games! And in autumn 2020 new Amnesia is coming out! I believe that this game will be great too.
SOMA has amazing atmosphere,really good graphics and unbelievable sounds design!. Monster's scream sounds so realistic, really scary...
If you're looking for an horror game where you are located somewhere in underwater (basically Subnautica Horror), buy this! (Also there is a safe mode if you are really not into very scary horror games, its great difficulty for people that want enjoy more story than chasing monsters.)
Even this game is worth for full price. Worth it !
350 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.02.20 11:09
1080 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.02.20 03:39
The game plays with the psyche by asking deep, uncommon and uncomfortable questions about AI and existence and manifests them perfectly as a story. You'll be jiving what answers to give.
794 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.02.20 22:12
Philip K. Di ck:
Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away
Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away
SOMA is a fantastic sci-fi horror game.
In my opinion, the best part of the game is the story. It is magnificently well written, has a good pacing, it's very engaging, and it deals with such interesting topics as consciousness, the meaning of being human or the transhumanism.
The remarkable graphic section, the nice voice-acting and soundtracks, create a perfect atmosphere.
Recommended for every fans of survival horror games or sci-fi.
8.4 / 10
=^._.^= ∫
Frictional Games
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