News Liste SolForge

Reign of Varna: Rising Darkness Released
31.03.15 01:14 Community Announcements
SolForge 5.1.0 Patch Notes (Released 3/30/2015)

The “Reign of Varna: Rising Darkness” release brings with it 8 new cards, including 1 Legendary and 1 Heroic card for each faction. These cards can be found in all packs that contain Reign of Varna cards as well as two new preconstructed decks. These preconstructed decks will replace the Onyxium Twlight and Umbruk Uprising decks in the store. Also, all Reign of Varna cards released prior to this patch will have their crafting prices reduced to the standard crafting prices.

Players may participate in a special event that allows them to compete with one of the new preconstructed decks, without needing to purchase a deck. This event will be available until April 1st, at 11:59pm pst.

Card Changes

Herald of Destruction will now also damage the opponent when it triggers.
Text changes for clarity.

New campaign missions will be unlocked on April 1st.
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Release:25.07.2016 Genre:keine Infos Entwickler:keine Infos Vertrieb:keine Infos Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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