News Liste Soldat 2

Soldat 2
07.01.23 11:20 Community Announcements


Survival mode known from S1 and from games like Counter-Strike is finally here in S2!
It's a modifier so you can try it with all the gamemodes (especially Domination!).
Just select it from the modifiers in the Lobby menu and off you go!


Together with Norbo we are bringing a massive new change to ranked game modes. We can now have a totally unique custom game mode for ranked with a dedicated leaderboard.

A "playlist" is a ranked setting, e.g. CTF 3v3 is one playlist, DM Knife Only size 5 is another playlist. Players have separate ranks on each playlist, It's not shared between CTF 2v2 and CTF 3v3 for example.

Also, numerous bug fixes and improvments have been done to make ranked games more stable (thanks to Norbo and jrgp).


ctf_dusk by darDar

ctf_atlantis by darDar

ctf_voland by MM/Proto

dm_soldat - new default lobby map by Proto

And last but not least some improvements for better movement in:


RocketLauncher damage should be more consistent.
Most weapons use leg/torso/head modifiers.
Fixed Barret triple penetration
Lowered most weapon flag push forces
Most weapons have penetration
Detailed weapon mod changes (


Scripting allows for modifying every aspect of the game logic. As well as making new game modes and new modifiers. It's still very new, so it's briefly documented and there's little examples. But if you are dedicated enough and know a bit of C# and Unity you'll find it good to go!

Quick start from faq.txt:
Code Place your custom scripts in Soldat2/Scripts/Custom
Check console for errors (Alt + ~).
Use RELOAD command to recompile scripts.

Engine documentation

Unity documentation (most things in S2 engine are fundamentally Unity)

Check "Scripts/Standard/Climb.cs" for a very simple example.
"Rules/Standard/Climb.json" for the gamemode implementation.

Check "Scripts/Standard/Survival.cs" for a modifier script example.
"Modifiers/Standard/Survival.json" for the modifier implementation.


0.8.46a - 0.8.60a
(changes are displayed in inverse chronological order as they were released for testing)

[expand type=details]
[05.01.2023] 0.8.60a hotfix
ranked: fixed end game screen
ranked: fixed match history for DM
ranked: fixed stats not updating when changing playlist
fixed scoreboard ranks
fixed scoreboard player profile click

[03.01.2023] 0.8.60a
Deathmatch, TeamDeathmatch timelimit 5min->4min
Deathmatch minimum scorelimit 25->20 (but increases with more players)
fixed scorelimit scale to keep minimum
added ctf_dusk, ctf_atlantic, ctf_voland to CTF map pool
replaced ctf_ash-bettermovement, ctf_snakebite2 as default
added year/month/day timestamp to console logs
fixed survival script issue in deathmatch

[12.10.2022] 0.8.53t
fixed TDM issues when score limit set to 0
ranked: added global playlist selector in Career
ranked: fixed match history
ranked: added playlist name to Home rank
ranked: fixed ranks in scoreboard

[06.10.2022] 0.8.52t
added test maps (ctf_ash-bettermovement, ctf_dusk, ctf_atlantis, ctf_voland, ctf_snakebite2)
added dm_soldat by proto as default lobby map
fixed jets trail teleport issue
fixed /listmaps inconsistent response
fixed adding duplicate modifiers with /addmodifier

[21.09.2022] 0.8.51t
added link to players profile when clicked in scoreboard
added map cycle for domination
ranked: added tdm survival
ranked: added 2,4 player knife-only
ranked: added 2,3,5 player deathmatch
removed scoreboard ranks
main menu rank is last leaderboard playlist rank
server: fixed rcon addmodifier

[20.09.2022] 0.8.50t
ranked: fixed current games
ranked: fixed discord integration
ranked: fixed end game results
fixed flag glow not appearing if flag dropped in base

[14.09.2022] 0.8.49t
ranked: matches are now based on specific playlists
ranked: removed popup before ranked
ranked: darker filter dropdown colors
fixed carried flag desync issue
fixed players team not changing during loading/connecting
weapon mod changes (
most weapons use leg/torso/head modifiers
fixed Barret triple penetration
lowered most weapon flag push forces
most weapons have penetration
fixed json logs spam
fixed RGD5 network object logs spam

[6.09.2022] 0.8.48t
added working Survival for Domination
fixed ending screen in CTF showing 0:0 when tied round
fixed one team cheering when round tied
deadly polygon outline color changed to black

[31.08.2022] 0.8.47t
added Survival modifier
fixed announcer saying won/lost when spectating
fixed bot trying to shoot with overheated minigun
fixed RocketLauncher rocket damage tied to velocity
new ExperimentalWeapons modifier for testing
fixed spectator next/prev to dead


We have a Soldat 2 wiki!

Check out the Important Links section for some cool pages like Active Players Dashboard


Thanks to jrgp we have a mapping showcase webcase like in S1.


Stay tuned for Tournaments organized on Discord!

Price drop! It's $8,99 now, so much lower than it was but still higher than what you got during the Winter Sale. I hope this brings in more players.

Next update will be a bit later (few weeks, maybe months) unless there's a need for a hotfix or some weapon mod changes. As explained on Discord, I'm in big financial worries cause S2 isn't bringing that much money so I decided to quickly make another small single player game, telease it and return back to S2. My long term plans for S2 are still to make it F2P.

Can't wait, see you then.

And have fun!
Logo for Soldat 2
Release:22.09.2020 Genre: Actionspiel Entwickler:keine Infos Vertrieb:keine Infos Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
Einzelspieler Mehrspieler Koop

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