Snowtopia: Ski Resort Tycoon
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Über das Spiel

Lege das perfekte Skigebiet an, damit deine Skifahrer fröhlich den Berg hinuntersausen. Lerne beim Planen der Pisten jeden Felsvorsprung und jede Felsspalte kennen, platziere Lifte und baue wichtige Gebäude und Einrichtungen. Stell dich der Herausforderung und erschaffe ein Skigebiet, in dem das Leben einfach immer schön ist!
Plane deine Pisten
Platziere mithilfe des ganz einfach zu bedienenden Bautools mit nur wenigen Klicks neue Pisten. Sieh dir das Gelände an und wähle die besten Strecken für die unterschiedlichen Fähigkeiten der Skifahrer.
11 Arten von Skiliften bieten dir eine Vielzahl von Möglichkeiten. 12-Personen-Gondeln sind schnell, aber nur schwer auf steilen Berghängen zu bauen. Ein 2er-Sessellift ist hier vielleicht die bessere Wahl, verursacht unten beim Einstieg aber möglicherweise lange Schlangen!
Zum Glück bietet die sich laufend verbessernde Skilifttechnologie immer neue Möglichkeiten. Die neuesten Modelle bringen dich in kürzester Zeit auf die höchsten Gipfel.
Plane, baue und verbessere, um das Skigebiet deiner Träume zu erschaffen.
Heiße Skifahrer aus allen Gruppen willkommen
Du denkst vielleicht, dass perfekte Pisten ausreichen, um Skifahrer glücklich zu machen, aber so einfach ist es nicht. Bei insgesamt 12 verschiedenen Skifahrerprofilen sind die einen eher an einem guten Raclette interessiert, während die anderen kommen, um die Natur zu genießen. Und dann gibt es auch noch die hochgradigen Skifanatiker, die sich nur mit der längsten Piste zufriedengeben, die der Berg zu bieten hat.
In Snowtopia gibt es kein Geld. Sorge einfach dafür, dass deine Skifahrer glücklich sind, dann treten sie vielleicht deinem Team aus Freiwilligen bei, die das Skigebiet am Laufen halten. Teile deine Arbeitskräfte für das Betreiben der Lifte, die Wartung, den Service und die Verbesserung des Skigebiets ein.
Wenn sich der Ruf deines Skigebiets verbessert, kommen mehr Skifahrer auf deine Pisten. Aber vergiss nicht: Mehr Skifahrer bedeuten auch mehr Unfälle! Sorge dafür, dass immer genügend Pistenraupen und Mitglieder der Skiwacht vor Ort sind, um die Pisten sicher zu halten.
Und denk daran: Kaputte Sessellifte kann niemand ausstehen, aber alle lieben das Sonnenbaden auf der Terrasse!
Gönn dir eine Pause auf dem Berg
Wenn du dein Skigebiet gebaut hast und deine Skifahrer glücklich sind, hast du dir eine kleine Pause verdient. Such dir also ein perfektes Plätzchen auf dem Berg, um alles in Ruhe zu betrachten – vielleicht neben einer wunderschönen Waldpiste in der Nähe eines Skilifts auf einer malerischen Felskuppe.
Du bist in den Bergen! Genieße die kalte Luft auf deinem Gesicht und entspanne dich bei cooler Musik.
Willkommen bei Snowtopia! Hier ist es absolut okay, einfach mal zu entspannen.
- Setzt 64-Bit-Prozessor und -Betriebssystem voraus
- CPU: Intel i5-2300/AMD FX-4300
- GFX: nVidia GTX 560 (2GB)/AMD Radeon 7850 (2GB)
- Software: Windows 7 (SP1+)/8.1/10 64bit
- HD: 1 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
- SFX: Any
- DX: Version 11
- LANG: Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch, Italienisch, Japanisch
- Setzt 64-Bit-Prozessor und -Betriebssystem voraus
- CPU: Intel i7-4770/AMD FX-8350
- GFX: nVidia GTX 980 (4GB)/AMD R9 380 (4GB)
- Software: Windows 7 (SP1+)/8.1/10 64bit
- HD: 1 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
- SFX: Any
- DX: Version 11
- LANG: Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch, Italienisch, Japanisch
Steam Nutzer-Reviews
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231 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.06.21 17:21
Es stürzt zwar hier und da mal ab aber da es Early Access ist sei das verziehen.
Aber die Sache mit dem Geld.
Am Anfang dacht ich noch ist wohl ein Tutorial und deswegen kann ich einfach alles Bauen.
Dann aber merkt man nein das scheint so gewollt.
Hab auch gerade extra noch mal die Spielbeschreibung durchgelesen und ja das ist tatsächlich ein Teil vom Konzept.
Das wiederum macht dann aber null Spass.
Es ist komplett langweilig und man hat gar keine Herausforderung,
wenn man einfach alles bauen kann ohne Wirtschaftlich Planen zu müssen.
Und da dies das Konzept vom Spiel ist kann ich es nicht Empfehlen.
Ich hoffe aber das wird überdacht weil so macht das Spiel ja gar kein Sinn.
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320 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.06.21 21:38
704 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.05.21 06:48
es gibt nur ein paar Performance-Probleme wenn man in die nähe von einigen Skifahrern kommt und aus irgendeinem Grund stürtzt mir das Spiel immer wieder ab
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478 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.04.21 14:55
Es bekommt keine Updates und Bugs sind immer noch da.
Auch kein Game-Play ist in diesem Spiel zu entdecken!
666 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.04.21 19:02
- Grafik
- Spieldesign
- Spielidee
- Forschungsbaum, bisschen simpel
- Fehlender Karrieremodus?
- Diversifizierung von Levelzielen
- Verschiedene Level im Sinne von Aufbaumodus fehlt
- Kein Management nötig
- Diversifizierung der Pistenunterhaltung (leveln von Gebäude, Mitarbeiter, verschiedene FZ nicht gleicher Stufe/Können)
- Veranstaltungen (Skirennen, Bobrennen, Skicross, Snowboard…)
- Leveln – Verbesserungen von einzelnen Bahnen
- Talstation – ausbaufähig gestalten mit Hotel und Freizeitaktivitäten
- Alarmsystem – ausbaufähig gestalten mit Krankenhaus, Rettungsschlitten, Schneemobil, Rettungshelikopter, etc.
- Terraforming..
310 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.03.21 22:09
Einfache Handhabung, niedliches Design.
Leider gibt es aktuell noch kein Cashmanagement, sodass man eigentlich direkt bauen kann was man möchte - wie man es möchte.
Aktuell sind die meisten Berge zu steil / zu flach um wirklich effiziente und riesige Strecken zu bauen.
Vorschläge die m.E.n. noch im Game fehlen:
+ Cashmanagement
+ Risikomanagement (Lawinen etc.)
+ Tag / Nacht
+ Preiseinstellung pro Eintritt, Lift, Gastronomie
+ mehr Dekomöglichkeit
+ Ebenenebnung
+ die Erweiterung des „Dorfes“, sodass man mehr bauen kann
+ Kostenmanagement für Werbung vom eigenen Skigebiet
+ Bots gegen die man spielen kann
+ Möglichkeit Intrigen gegen die Bots zu fahren (Sabotage, etc.)
Alles in allem macht das Spiel aber sehr viel Spaß und ich bin sehr gespannt was da noch kommt! :)
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716 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.02.21 20:02
339 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.01.21 11:10
This game is simuilary to planet coaster and other tycoon games.
- This game is my childhood dream
- to fewer cableways
- to fewer buildings
- no economy system (just sandbox system)
- to fewer things to do
- too many injured people (pls fix this)
Some ideas for the developers':
- Add much more buildings, cableways, updates to discover in this game.
- For some buildings, they have a range where there work, add something that we can see how big this range is.
- I really want to personalize my cableways and building. It would be nice to change their design or change the color
- Add a bigger village. It would be nice to build some hotels with spas and some houses for the workers, a hospital (with a helicopter stadion), a train stadion, parking,.. etc.
- Multiplayer? (for example: maybe two or more players start to build their ski area from the other starting village and then they can connect this, but have together to watch for the economy and when one player has no money, the other can buy his cableways. And, crative)
- ...
- ...
- ...
Pls be creative
794 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.01.21 08:05
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530 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.01.21 22:29
185 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.01.21 16:20
286 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.01.21 16:14
es wird auch deutsch unterstützt und ist auch bislang ziemlich gut umgesetzt. bei derzeitigem stand kann ich das spiel ruhigen gewissens empfehlen. ein enstpannter titel, der spaß macht.
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56 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.04.22 19:38
No Money
No Goals
Just a pure ski buggy simulator game
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2443 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.03.22 18:17
Instead of making the source code available to the community (which helped them create the game before it was published on Steam), they created some rudimentary modding support that I was not able to get working.
I would avoid buying anything from this Developer and Publisher in the future.
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281 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.02.22 04:32
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114 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.02.22 10:26
Stay clear.
PC Spec: AMD 5900x, GTX 3080, 32GB Ram
419 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.01.22 20:48
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432 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.01.22 03:10
They have updated and ruined what was once a fun game.
We used to be able to build slopes however we would like and have multiple connections points and how ever many junctions we would like. This is what made the game fun and the freedom to design the resort how you would like.
Now they have made it so connecting slopes is a pain and overlapping slopes to create wider slopes is now impossible for some reason. Its as if the developers don't even play the game and down graded it for some reason. super frustrating and annoying to have a once fun and relaxing game ruined. Unless they revert this update on the slope building mechanics do not bother wasting your money.
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368 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.01.22 22:48
Positives : There aren't a lot of them so this will be quick.
- The music: it is very relaxing and you'll have a great time just listening to it while building.
- The look of the game: everything is very well modeled and looks cool, props to the devs.
- The simplicity: snowtopia is very easy to grasp and will not require you to take 12 classes of calculus and algebra to understand it's mechanics.
Negatives: settle down with some popcorn because this is about to get salty.
First of all, if you plan on buying this game, know that development will stop after early 2022, so what I'm about to describe is pretty much the final product you'll be getting. The developpers have decided to end development for personal reasons and that's totally understandable, but the game just isn't finished and is pretty much barebones, with only a few gameplay elements that i can guarantee will be boring after a few hours. For example, to maintain your slopes and help your skiers, you'll place repair sheds and safety stations, but you'll never see your staff in action, the only thing you'll see are your skiers on their sides that then magically come back to life once they're saved.
Let's get to the research tree now. I used to play hours at a time of this game when it was only a playtest you could download for free and just enjoyed building a giant ski resort with tons of slopes and everything unlocked at the start, but that has now changed. Now, everybody is stuck with a research tree that unlocks about as fast as a grandma driving. This might suit most players, but forcing everybody to follow this tree by not giving us a sandbox mode before abandoning development just feels like a huge downgrade and slap in the face to the creatives who just enjoy the resort building part. I don't want to have to wait 30min to have the reputation to finally unlock the first level of research.
This is now the part that makes me the most salty, and which I just consider as a huge IDGAF by the devs. In snowtopia, we used to be able to place a ski run, and then connect ski lifts to it, even in the old playtest version. But now, you CAN'T. This means that if you have an already existing slope, you have to place the new connection far enough from the runway to be allowed to build a small slope to connect to the big one. This might not seem like much, but i can assure that it makes for very ugly mountain peaks, and considering we used to be able to just connect a new intrastructure to a slope more THAN A YEAR AGO, this is another one of the downgrades that i cannot wrap my f*cking head around.
In conclusion, is this game worth buying ? maybe, if you enjoy BDSM, c*ck and ball torture and have no other alternative. In more seriousness, I would only recommend buying this game in it's current state if you're willing to put up with a long and i mean LONG research process to have better infrastructure.
It's a shame because I actually really loved this game, but it just isn't as fun as it used to be.
367 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.11.21 18:56
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152 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.10.21 19:04
Hate to say it but unless development picks back up, I would stay away from this game.
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264 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.08.21 21:07
1) no progression past a very finite point. the maps are small, and can be completely filled in maybe 5 hours of playtime. the research tree is small and progresses way too fast. there arent any consequences for researching; its pretty much free minus about 2 minutes of time.
2) the lack of economy. the game operates on volunteers, which are earned just as easily as research, with time. in about a minute of play-time you get a new worker, free of charge. the ski runs, lifts, and all buildings are completely free to build which takes away from the experience. there is no money in the game. a system similar to planet-coaster should be put into the game, where all new buildings and staff costs money, as well as money for maintaining equipment and runs. they should allow an adjustable entry price for guests, as well as the ability for guests to spend money on food and possibly lodging.
3) optimization. once you get past around 800 guests at the resort, the frame rate drops to the 20's. the game becomes completely unplayable at 1200 guests.
i really want to like this game and i cant say i had a bad experience playing it, with a few years of development this game could be really fun.
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711 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.08.21 19:32
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220 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.08.21 01:41
1) Optimization. I don't know if perhaps it's something on my end, but once I got to about 600 guests the game began to lag quite badly. Against other sandbox game (Cities: Skylines, Planet Coaster, etc.) it's very noticeable and ruined the experience of a big resort.
2) No Economy. The economy is based upon volunteers, which are needed to run the various lifts, support buildings and restaurants / shelters you build on the mountain. However, you don't pay for anything, so you can expand forever and, in theory, pay a small penalty in the form of slow grooming / ski patrol. It takes away from the challenge after a couple of games.
3) Managing Lifts / Runs. When you start building, everything kinda flows. You build a lift, then a couple of runs, and you're in business. The problem comes when upgrading. Unless I missed it, it's not something that's immediately available in any menu. I found myself deleting and then rebuilding better. This becomes annoying if, like me, you allowed runs to start and end at the lifts. You have to line up the lift EXACTLY to get the snap points to fit, and when they do they ultimately look wonky as the terrain doesn't smooth out. And since I couldn't find an option to modify an existing run, I either needed to delete it (which is annoying since I find myself spending time to find homogeneous Green / Blue runs) or I have to add a gap run which then takes up resources to maintain. As each lift has a different loading / unloading footprint, expansion felt like a chore instead of an exciting improvement.
All in all, I want to like this game, and perhaps with a couple of quality-of-life improvements I'd play again! But for now, I found myself getting frustrated as the game progressed and ultimately put it down.
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1293 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.07.21 22:53
-UI is extremely clear and accessible
-Creating trails is very easy
-extensive amounts of chairlift types
-itches that nostalgia feeling (ski resort tycoon)
-Constant Crashes
-Unlock tree seems wrong (lift progression seems out of order, surface lifts should be first, chairlifts second, gondolas last)
-gondola placement is typically laggy
-skier AI constantly glitches out (a restart of the game typically fixes this)
I will attempt to submit a crash report tonight, but these bugs/crashes need to be fixed! Hopefully they will be addressed in the next patch.
137 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.07.21 18:10
569 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.06.21 04:51
1377 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.06.21 16:33
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445 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.06.21 17:02
The gameplay is fun for about 10 minutes but it is sadly about as deep as a puddle. there is no currency, you have only a handful of maps with negligible differences between them. The trouble here is, it doesn't work as a 'just be creative' game either; the Research means that in order to build a half decent resort, you have to pass through something resembling a f2p game waitwall, but without the monetised bypass. The game falls short of being both a Tycoon game and of being a creative game.
Finally, the visuals are unpolished and unimpressive, following the generic cute cartoon aesthetic of shallow indie tycoon games. The skiers are poorly animated and have poor AI.
This considered, a £20 charge is simply too much for a game of this calibre. For just £3 more, you could buy Parkitect instead, which is an incredibly polished experience, far better than this glorified open alpha.
I understand that the game is being developed by a small team, and is very young, but sadly not enough has been done to make this fit the frankly high price tag.
1934 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.05.21 06:31
I miss skiing so much this year !
What is lacking the most is some sort of management or you can get bored by only building slopes. Mind, it is still in 'early release'.
Thanks Teafortwo for the Linux support !
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672 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.04.21 22:33
Keep on your wishlist untill there are major changes or updates.
Wish I spent my money on a different game.
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864 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.04.21 18:29
Game gets borring after 1h playtime and repeats itself on every map.
I really hope the keep on working on the game because i like the idea and the vibe the game has but currently not worth the money. Not yet
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92 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.04.21 09:20
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494 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.04.21 10:45
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855 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.04.21 21:07
Doubt the game is going to be updated so I would wait until a definitive update before purchasing.
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354 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.04.21 12:04
Snowtopia Review Eng
What is Snowtopia about:
Snowtopia is an animated ski slope simulator in
which the aim is to develop and build lifts, as well as slope service,
catering, build ski slopes and to satisfy skiers.
Technical Aspects:
- Soundquality? Good!
- Animated grafic? Is ok.
- Lags or freezes? Didn't happen to me!
- Crashes? No!
- Gameplay? In principle it's fun, but there is a lack of content and long-term motivation
What i like: [i]
- to build and develop new lifts
- to give my skiers some drinks and foods
- Good mechanics to build the ski slopes and the difficulty levels can be differentiated by color
- easy to learn
- you need to build services for the skiers and ski slopes
[i] What i don't like:
- The game hardly offers long-term motivation
- skiers often need first aid help and it seems that this service don't work very well
- [strike] since february the 4th no hotfix or new cotent upodate [/strike]
- high price for short fun
- Lifts can only be built according to the height of the terrain, so they are limited
- no money or anything to stop you spaming out buildings in anyform, so you don't need to care about a ressource
Buy recommendation:In moment NO!
???? Powered by HoI 4 Deu Curators group in German / English ????⠀⠀⠀
- Follow Main group
- Follow Second group
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171 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.03.21 19:59
and despite building a lot of snow patrols 1 hour into the game your mountain is full of skiers which need help (350 of 880 skiers on the mountain - gg). you can buy as much snow patrols as you want its literally impossible to get a good rating on safety. even if you mark the slopes black or red. green skiers go down and fall.
last news end of january, i hope its not just another cash grab and we see actual development happening.
527 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.02.21 19:22
Buyers should be warned that this game still has a long way to go, though! Definitely see this as a work in progress.
465 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.02.21 13:01
Snowtopia: Ski Resort Tycoon:
You were on a pair of skies as soon as you could walk. Your love of fresh air and snow-covered mountains is your life. After all, there is nothing as majestic and thrilling as standing at the top of a slope, launching yourself onto it and making your way down to the finish line. Having been born in Europe, I was lucky enough to personally experience these feelings in Montana, Val-d'Isère and Saint Moritz! But that was, of course, as a holidaying skier who loved the feel of speed and danger. Nonetheless, I was always curious to find out what it would be like to manage one of these resorts. If you’re like me, look no further and have a go at creating and managing a ski resort from scratch, in the wonderful world of Snowtopia!
Snowtopia is simulation/management game developed by TeaForTwo and published by
Goblinz Studio and Maple Whispering Limited as an early access on the Steam platform on the 27th of January 2021.
At this stage of development, the game has 7 maps that you can choose from. Each of these maps has a level of complexity represented by layout of the terrain, as well as how difficult it is to find the right place to build your chairlifts and create the right experience for your skiers in terms of slopes. Make sure they have enough places to buy food, to take a break if they need to, and most importantly, that the slopes are well maintained, and that the skiers don't have to wait too long at the lifts on their way to their favourite slopes. Your job is to facilitate all of that so your guests can keep they fabulous ear-to-ear smile all day long.
Each map will have one or more resorts. In front of the main building will be displayed a semi-circle in black dots; this is where you can build several maintenance and service buildings as well as your chairlifts and decide where your slopes finish.
At the start of each game, you'll have to complete a few tasks in three to four sessions to have a good grasp of both how the game works and it features. It is actually a good tutorial, and it will repeat itself each time you start a new game and on whichever map you decide to play, unless you disable the tutorial from the settings menu if you don't need it anymore.
To run a thriving ski resort, you'll need plenty of personnel to help you out. They will appear as volunteers and on a time frame. One volunteer will arrive at your resort every so often, and you can assign each of them to a specific job/building. The other key to success is in making sure you have the right combination of slopes available for your guests to accommodate the various levels of experience. The skiers with green and blue vests are the novices, and they will want to ride on slower and wider slopes, while the skiers with the red or black vest will be more inclined to ride on faster and narrow slopes. It is also very important to build mechanics' workshops for repairs, a Snow Groomer hangar to keep your slopes in good nick, a Ski lodge patrol to help people after their falls, and research labs to upgrade your equipment and create new buildings and technology.
I really like this game because it is more casual in terms of management than other games of this genre. After all, you don't need to worry about money in Snowtopia; your goal is simply to build the best sky resort and receive the top mark, which is 5 golden stars. It’s vital that you have enough volunteers to run and operate all your buildings, lifts and services. I really enjoyed the planning and the mixture of chairlifts I had to create to reach the highest tip of some mountains, which took a while to figure it out, to be honest. The other part is to create the slopes for each category of skiers; you can even merge slopes together, which is great. On one map, I had 4 different chairlifts; one was going through the entire map . . . what a construction! And I had 8 slopes of which three were joined to the main slopes. Let me tell you, the ski patrols were out there in force as many of my guests found themselves on their backsides throughout their rides, and more often when the slopes joined together.
Being an early access, you would expect issues, and there are a few. Placing buildings and lifts is a bit awkward. Loading a saved game is not working properly; yes, it loads the saved game, but all the guests seem to be stuck waiting for a lift, and I had to restart from scratch. To be honest, it is not a big deal as you probably will have all the research done in around 2:30 minutes on the easiest map, but it is annoying when you play on the larger, more complex maps. For me, the issue was with the camera, especially at the start of the game. The combination with the keyboard and the mouse was just horrible until I clicked on my mouse's wheel button, moved the camera to a top-down position for a few seconds, and moved it back down to set it. This needs to be fixed.
The graphics are good, and the soundtrack is enjoyable. The game can be played in 8 different languages, and there are plenty of options in the settings. I really enjoyed what I experienced so far, but the game still needs a bit of work. It's a good early access.
+ Good graphics
+ Casual, fun to play and addictive
+ 7 different maps to choose from
+ Good tutorial
+ Plenty of falls
- No trading cards and achievements
- Issues with loading a saved game
- The camera needs to be more stable
Design the slopes and infrastructures of the best ski resort in Snowtopia: Ski Resort Tycoon!
Key provided by the developer/publisher for review purposes. Any opinions expressed are entirely my own!
Entwickler:keine Infos
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