- Spiele als bezahlter Auftragskiller und nimm dich vor feindlichen Scharfschützen in Acht, die nicht zögern werden, deine besten Pläne zu durchkreuzen.
- Verträge mit offenem Ende, Kopfgelder und Nebenmissionen sorgen für maximalen Wiederspielwert. Erfülle Ziele und sammle Geld, um dir dafür Upgrades zu holen.
- Der erweiterte Zielmodus garantiert maximalen Realismus bei intensiven Scharfschützengefechten.
- Ein System zur taktischen Markierung, durch das du deine Feinde dem Tod weihst.
- Eine Maske mit Augmented-Reality-Eigenschaften, mit der du deine Umgebung scanst, Wärmebilder aufnimmst und die über ein eingebautes Überwachungssystem mit Fernsicht verfügt.
- Ein Arsenal an neuem Spielzeug wie Drohnen, ferngesteuerten Scharfschützentürmen und Giftgas!
- Zeige, wie still und heimlich du deine Gegner ausschalten kannst, und hol dir Belohnungen für eine ruhige, strategische Spielweise.
- Kämpfe gegen die brutale Wildnis des russischen Sibiriens an und überlebe schneebedeckte Gipfel, üppige Wälder und geheime Basen, die tief in der Berglandschaft verborgen liegen.
- Spiele Team-Deathmatch-Modi online auf brandneuen, einzigartigen Karten und stelle deine Fähigkeiten als Scharfschütze unter Beweis.
Sniper Ghost Warrior Contracts
Du musst angemeldet sein
Über das Spiel

- Setzt 64-Bit-Prozessor und -Betriebssystem voraus
- CPU: Intel Core i5 4460 / AMD FX 6350
- GFX: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 760 or AMD Radeon HD 7870
- Software: Windows 7/8.1/10
- HD: 20 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
- DX: Version 11
- LANG: Englisch
- Setzt 64-Bit-Prozessor und -Betriebssystem voraus
- CPU: Intel Core i5 4690k / AMD Ryzen 5 1600X
- GFX: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970 or AMD Radeon RX 580x (4GB VRAM)
- RAM: 16 GB RAM
- Software: Windows 8.1 / 10
- HD: 20 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
- DX: Version 11
- LANG: Englisch
Steam Nutzer-Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
66 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.04.22 18:10
Vieeeel zu kompliziert in der Steuerung und das Missionhandling, BÄH - REFUND!
Es ist, als ob ein Entwicklerteam eines Flugsimulators einen Shooter versucht hat zu bauen und dabei sich einem ursprünglichen Rezepts bedient hat.
Teil 3 war schon grenzwertig aber das ist jetzt für mich das Ende und letzter Teil der Serie.
Schließt sich dann in Reihe von Splinter Cell, Assassins Creed und Doom ein. Serien zugrunde gerichtet durch Mainstream-Nonsens und nichts mehr mit dem ursprünglichen Flair und Inhalt zu tun haben ausser dem Namen. Gekauft von unwissenden oder welche die es nicht besser wissen.
Dont give something for this modernizer crap!
Nicht Empfohlen
2124 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.04.22 02:17
Nicht Empfohlen
463 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.08.21 15:23
Da das Spiel nur an bestimmten Punkten speichert, muss man sehr oft neu anfangen. Egal ob das Ziel zu 30% oder 98% erreicht ist. Das erzeugt mächtig Frust. Bitte vor Kauf bedenken.
Nicht Empfohlen
813 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.04.21 14:58
-Aus der Hüfte feuer zB mit pistole ist als ob man in alle richtungen schießt aber NICHT auf den Gegner welcher 3 meter vor einem steht.
-ganze 5... FÜNF Missionen gibts zu spielen und diese haben auch nicht wirklich wiederspielwert.
-Kein AntiAliasing
-einstellungen bewirken nichts. (FOV slider, KugelCam häufigkeit)
-Häufige Bugs (Grafikbugs, ständig bleibt man irgendwo hängen, Missionsgegenstände verschwinden, usw)
Wie dem auch sei, es gibt bestimmt noch einiges mehr was mir aber grade nicht alles einfällt.
Ansich ein wirklich nettes Spiel mit einer netten Idee aber grauenhafter Umsetzung.
Ein Glück gibts bald nen 2. Teil und das noch bevor Probleme behoben wurden... SGW3 wurde auch schon irgnoriert. Nichtmal Ubisoft sind so kacke und das ich sowas sage will schon was heißen. (für die die mich kennen :D ) Bin halt sehr pingelig aber auch zu recht. Immerhin zahle/n ich/wir dafür.
9€ hierfür im Sale bezahlt... im nachhinein sind mir auch diese zu viel für DAS da und der Tatsache das sich null gekümmert wird. Wie gesagt SGW3 hatte und hat immernoch Probleme welche hätten behoben werden können und sollen aber dies wurde nicht getan, stattdessen kam ein neues Spiel und hier ist es nun exakt das selbe Vorgehen. So wenig desinteresse an den Käufern gehört bestraft.
1222 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.03.21 22:58
Ich habe das Spiel auf Full Stealth durchgespielt. Ich bin also nur mit dem Scharfschützengewehr und der Pistole (beide mit Schalldämpfer) losgezogen, anderes habe ich nicht benutzt.
War zwar manchmal etwas tricky aber zu keiner Zeit hatte ich das Gefühl, das etwas nicht schaffbar ist.
Die Gegner KI könnte etwas besser sein und manchmal bleibt man an einer klitzekleinen Stufe hängen aber sonst war es ok.
Dadurch das man immer gewarnt wird, wenn Gegner, Kameras oder Geschütze einen sehen, waren die Level echt machbar.
Die Grafik ist echt schön und die Landschaften sehen toll aus, muss man sagen.
Das Einzige was mir gefehlt hat, war eine gute Story.
Daumen hoch ;)
Nicht Empfohlen
1086 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.02.21 11:53
Nicht Empfohlen
111 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.01.21 20:31
1528 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.01.21 05:40
Das Game an sich ist ne geile Sache. Was das Gameplay beeinträchtigt sind die Bugs die hin und wieder mal auftreten.
Was mega ankotzt ist dass man in der Steam-Version keine Glieder abtrennen / schießen kann. In der GOG-Version ist das aber kein Problem. Da fehlt mir der Sinn dahinter, da beide Games so in Deutschland erhältlich sind.
Das ist auf jeden Fall eines dieser Spiele in denen man sich wie bei Hitman auch, viel Zeit zum vorbereiten nehmen kann und sich in der Vorgehensweise verkünsteln kann. Sandbox Level mit Missionen die echt Bock machen. Die Level sind auch sehr groß was mich schon beeindruckt hat. Ich finde es ein gelungenes Konzept und freu mich schon auf den zweiten Teil den ich mir definitiv bei GOG holen werde.
Nicht Empfohlen
214 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.12.20 17:17
Macht genauso lange Spaß wie die Steam-Rückgabe Zeit, aber dann ist es schon zu spät ...
Nicht Empfohlen
987 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.11.20 01:16
Sadly though: the game has no depth (i don't care about the people i kill, i dont even know who i'm playing as or who i'm doing all these contracts for), a lot of bugs, not enough levels, and i have nothing to look forward for when finishing the game. I could replay all the missions or go for certain ridicoulous challenges. But for what? lmao
It's still fun for quite some time. So grab it while it's cheap and see for yourself. Don't pay full price though. The content is not worth it...
785 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.11.20 12:46
Ich kann es für Fans der Reihe nur weiter empfehlen.
Neu einsteiger sollten evtl Erst ältere teile der Reihe spielen z.b. Sniper Ghost Warrior 2 oder Sniper Ghost Warrior 3
104 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.11.20 23:53
Die Entwickler haben sich hier auf das Kernelement, dem Snipen, besonnen und die Welten kleiner gemacht, was dem Spielfluss echt zu Gute kommt.
Snipen, Schießen und auf der Lauer liegen machen gerade bei der guten Grafik echt eine Freude.
Klar, man kann sich auch durchballern, aber so macht es nicht mal halb so viel Spaß.
1927 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.11.20 20:23
3555 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.09.20 07:52
454 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.06.20 14:01
Nicht Empfohlen
851 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.03.20 22:54
Die KI ist unterirdisch beschränkt, die Story ist schlecht und lw und die meisten Fähigkeiten oder Gadgets sind lw und/oder total nutzlos.
Ich rate vom Kauf ab, da das Game zudem NOCH IMMER voller Bugs steckt!!!
354 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.03.20 19:24
Nicht Empfohlen
297 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.02.20 19:36
Ich hatte keine Probleme mit der Zensur dieses Spiels vermutlich wurde dieser Beschwerdepunkt bereits behoben.
Sniper Ghost Warrior ist eine Reihe die für mich immer etwas unter dem Radar lief aber dennoch neben Call of Duty, Battlefield und Co existiert hat, öfter hatte ich mir schon überlegt ob ich mir einen Teil der Reihe kaufe.
Nun war es soweit und was soll ich sagen? MITTELMAß ist denke ich ein Wort welches das Spiel ganz gut beschreibt.
- relativ offene Spielwelt in den einzelnen Missionen
- die Idee in den Missionen Punkte und Geld freizuspielen und diese in bessere Gadets und Waffen zu investieren motiviert (auch einzelne Missionen zu wiederholen um mehr Herausforderungen abzuschließen, Geld zu bekommen etc.)
- unterschiedliche Möglichkeiten eine Mission zu gestalten (schleichen, ballern oder eine Mischung aus beiden)
- unterschiedliche Möglichkeiten in eine Basis zu gelangen z.b. durch das Minenfeld schleichen, durch den Abfluss, durch eine kaputte Mauer, Haupteingang, usw.
- einige Kleinigkeiten in den Missionen wie Nebenmissionen, Sammelbares,....
- Gegner versuchen einen zu flankieren, ändern auch mal die Position, aber auch nichts weltbewegendes
- Story ist relativ durchschnittlich (á la CoD) und hat bisher auch relativ wenig Zusammenhang (Ziel ist xy mit etwas Geschichte, mehr nicht) aber vielleicht ändert sich das noch im Verlauf des Spieles
- Musik nichts umwerfendes, aber passend
- Waffen feeling ist leider in der Konkurrenz sehr viel besser und benötigt dringend Überarbeitung, die Sounds sind sehr lasch und nicht wuchtig - bis auf die Sniper die ist ok. Aber leider in Sniper Elite auch schon besser gesehen - wenn man mit ner AK ein ganzes Magazin aus der Hüfte verballert mit nicht vorhanden Rückstoß und nem Knattern das man mit CoD1 vergleichen könnte, fragt man sich schon warum das nicht etwas überarbeitet wurde
- Man bleibt oft an den kleinsten Dingen hängen, das nervt teilweise sehr
- Movement des Charakters fühlt sich nicht sehr gut an
- Klettern ist merkwürdig und nur an manchen (von den Entwicklern vorgesehenen Stellen) möglich was nicht gerade verbessert wird wenn man mal wieder an einem Steinhaufen hängt und wie ein Depp herumhüpfen muss um wieder raus zu kommen während die nächste Patrollie der Gegner um die Ecke gelaufen kommt
- Gegner KI ist größtenteils nicht besonders schlau wenn man sich auf eine Sniper Position vercampt kann man eigentlich mit genug Munition gemütlich alles umschießen was einem so vor die Flinte rennt, da sich Gegner oft genug auch bei bekannter Position auf ein Duell AK gegen Sniper auf 300m+ einlassen
Fazit: durschnittlicher Shooter, wenn man CoD, Bf und andere Spiele gewohnt ist ein klarer Rückschritt im Punkt Waffenhandling und Atmosphäre. Gut gefällt mir dennoch das open Level Design ähnlich wie in Sniper Elite. Was die stealth Elemente angeht so ist es ähnlich wie in Sniper Elite (zumindest für mich).Machbar, aber nach ein paar sneaky Kills geht das geballer trotzdem wieder los ^^. Richtig schleichen kann man oft eh nur dann wenn man die Positionen der Gegner und das Gebiet schon mal gespielt hat, da man vieles nur durch Trial and Error bemerkt. Das Spiel hätte mit mehr feinschliff sehr gut werden können so bleibt es Mittelmaß. Nur leider hat es das Spiel gegen die aktuelle Konkurrenz meiner Meinung nach noch zu wenig Stich. Sniper Elite macht das snipen besser, CoD und Bf sind glattpolierter (wenn auch vielleicht nicht ganz vergleichbar) und Spiele wie Metal Gear, Splinter Cell, Metro machen das schleichen und das Gameplay allgemein etwas besser.
1103 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.02.20 08:53
Man muss sich etwas Zeit nehmen und vorsichtig vorgehen, und falls man von den letzten 3 Gegnern noch gesehen wird, kann mal sie auch wegballern. Der Spass liegt aber ganz klar im nicht gesehen werden und darin, die Gegner ausfzuspühren.
Von mir eine klare Kaufempfehlung.
25004 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.02.20 19:53
2933 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.02.20 20:47
Zu dem Spiel hier es ist ein anderer Charakter der da agiert aber auch gut da es ja noch ein paar andere Möglichkeiten und Waffen gibt die Aufträge haben andere heraus Forderungen und mann muß sich ein bisschen umstellen aber kein Problem für Leute die da schon gespielt haben.
Was ich blöd finde ist das mann bei jeder neuen Mission die man Anfängt erst wieder in den Übungsraum landet und dann erst beginnen kann aber sonst alles super Daumen hoch.
794 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.05.22 06:27
you will spend a lot of time completing each contract, and you will be asked to exit and continue later with a percentage of how much you have accomplished on the map.
what I love about this game is I completely forget the surrounding and focus on the mission at hand.
you have freedom to roam within each area as you eliminate foes and get to areas, map is decent, and you will always have your mission goals accessible.
I got it on sale and I feel extremely happy with my purchase!
I highly recommend it.
2223 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.04.22 16:46
Enemy detect blood pool and recent snow footprint track.
Enemy also curious about moving bushes sound and jump landing noise.
Enemy also equipped with drones and turrets and having their own of snipers team.
Enemy use binoculars to find you from afar.
While most expert player usually abuse mechanic most of time. At least it gives a proper challenge as a snipes.
The cinematic kill is so statisfying to see.
While theres little mission like 7 or so. The map huge for you go around finding collectables.
Hope there were more maps and weapon. Weapon stat matter less or so since its a sniper. 1 shot every enemy out there with the correct bullet type usage.
1002 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.03.22 11:47
Nicht Empfohlen
237 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.03.22 02:36
Nicht Empfohlen
830 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.03.22 14:07
Its first-person Hitman. You have a large maps with large zones with hits or challenges to accomplish in each area, and a skill tree in a pre-game briefing screen. You can upgrade your sniper rifle, secondary, side-arm and gadgets as you finish hits and challenges as you earn credits for everything you complete. You can exfiltrate anytime you want during a mission at exfiltration points and upgrade your gear there and reload at these points with the same progress you had when you saved and quit at.
Nice things:
-1st Person Hitman format.
-Nice large and detailed maps. Open-world feel to linear mission-centered design. Like Crysis 1 tbh.
-Exfiltration zones for early upgrading after finishing hits/challenges. No need to finish whole level.
-Minimalistic interface(doesnt look lazy and unfitting. It looks Hitman 2 inspired. Beautiful.), briefing screen, ambient ominous wind gushes
-Suppressed and unsuppressed gun sounds
-Graphics are nice. Reflections. Shadows. Shaders. You know. Its modern and realistic... I had it all on very high but I turned some shadows down to save frames. It still looked fine to me. I'm not picky with graphics.
-Checkpoints and autosaves are consistent where you move to and after kills. If you kill someone after detection you DO have a window to pause and reload a checkpoint before sniping.
-The rangefinder is great.
-The different ammo types are good for taking on turrets, heavy juggernauts soldiers
My Issues:
-Many X-Ray Vision perks. Hand-holdy perks. You arent hiding from the enemy cause you can see them from miles away. So this isnt a stealth game. End of story. (Its also a final perk)
-Tags (The bane of all stealth game mechanics. They should be locked to easy modes, but Normal? Hard? Veteran? Give us a hardcore experience. No tags. Easier detection. Same kind of weapon damage. Just narrower detection windows. THAT'S HOW IT SHOULD BE.)
-I uninstalled because I got all the perks I felt I needed. It felt too easy on level 4 since I took my time upgrading everything and doing all challenges.
-I think the old Hitman games did it better: No perks, Weapons and gear have more importance. Upgrading your stealth detection reduction stat... will just sound like its tied to difficulty.
-Peak-a-boo stealth alarm meter is a joke now.
(I remember playing Thief thinking this meter is an annoying mini-game but I did feel like an assassin hiding in the dark waiting to strike. In this game, I'm dueling with snipers that think they are spotting me. Reloading checkpoints is the mini-game with killing snipers)
-It has a Multiplayer. Which is dead. Since release in 2019.
-Not enough levels. It has only 5 of them... 5.
-Takedowns and chain kills feel awkward. Not like Dishonored.
My Conclusion on Sniper Ghost Warrior Contracts (maybe its sequels based on this new direction they started with): Get SGWC1 on large sales for a 1-time playthrough.
My Rating: 6/10 Some design mistakes that limit the game to being an experience, rather than a game.
Note: I am NOT uninstalling. I'm on level 4 and I still want to finish all levels. No plans to touch MP since its dead now. I'll change my review after I'm done.
1268 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.03.22 02:51
-It's a little short: only five missions/areas to play through
-Most of the upgrades feel utterly useless if you're playing it ULTRA SNEAKY (which, why WOULDN'T you? It's a game about SNIPING)
-The return fire if you DO get spotted is RIDICULOUS. E.G. Heavy soldiers firing an LMG from standing position nailing pin-point bursts from 300+ meters away INSTANTLY on getting spotted is just...laughable.
-The autosave system is GAAAAAARBAGE. FREQUENTLY putting the player in the MIDDLE of an area once more swarming with enemies AND re-enabling any and all de-activated enemy equipment regardless of how long ago it was de-activated
But, all in all, it IS fun and it IS probably worth a play if you like sniping games. Depending on your value scale, you might want to wait for a sale though. I sunk 21 hours into it and that was ULTRA sneaky-mans style (+ smoke breaks).
1016 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.02.22 09:58
Nicht Empfohlen
1007 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.02.22 08:18
1224 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.02.22 05:58
A mostly inconsequential story about oil companies, international espionage, and vague politics loosely connects 25 contract objectives across five enormous sandbox-style maps. A forgettable prologue explains why it’s morally okay to assassinate each target for money. It was nice getting some context for why I’m being asked to murder dozens of people, but at the end of the day the game is called Sniper and it gives me a long gun with slow-mo powers so I don’t need much other motivation beyond that. From there it’s just a matter of completing your objectives and cashing the check. Sometimes you’re also hacking computer terminals, planting bombs, or stealing intel – all basic stuff.
Since the levels are so huge and mostly free of restrictions, it didn’t feel necessary or interesting to pay attention to the story. What makes completing a contract challenging, though, is the scope of the maps. They’re staggering in size and require fast-travel to get around in any reasonable amount of time. They range from urban coastlines full of cargo ships lining the harbor with massive oil rigs spread about, to enormous fortresses built into the side of glaciers, all the way to private mansions tucked away between forests. There’s a lot of variety, both visually and in terms of the environments forcing you to adapt your approach based on terrain and layout.
There is a litany of gadgets at your disposal, too. You can spend cash you earn from completing contracts to unlock powerful new guns and upgrades for your suit and visor, such as the ability to spot climbable objects and traps or zoom your binoculars farther to tag more enemies. Plus, there’s an assortment of gadgetry – everything from grenades and C4 to drones that help mark targets, and even remote-controlled sniper turrets that can fire at enemies on your command. Using these to line up simultaneous kill shots is a lot of fun and all of the gadgets really open up the ways to complete contracts. Tagging enemies with the drone, setting up the turret on the edge of a cliff, ziplining down to enemies, then dropping tagged enemies with your turret just by pressing a button on your approach feels really powerful.
Completing all of the base-level contracts on the five maps can take around 12 hours if you’re a capable marksman. Beyond the core objectives there are some side challenges to offer replayability (like completing contracts without alerting enemies, getting chain kills rapidly, or completing all contracts on a map without loading a checkpoint) but nothing all that interesting to me. There wasn’t enough incentive to care much personally – once I checked off the contracts I moved on without hesitation.
Sniper Ghost Warrior Contracts is a streamlined sniping simulator focused on specific objectives within open-ended mini sandbox levels. It gets off to a weak start with its forgettable story and tedious backtracking, but more than makes up for it with satisfying bullet physics, a delectable kill cam, and plenty of gadgets to help you kill from a distance.
1108 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.01.22 12:17
The in-game Sniper character greets us in a completely newly designed carbon fiber-clad customized suit. The renewed artificial intelligence has become even better than the 3rd game. Added new weapons and add-ons also create an impression as if you are playing with a real weapon. Finally, intros that exist in contract transitions are amazing.
If you want to have a real Sniper experience, you are at the right place. I can't wait to play the continue game which name is Sniper Ghost Warrior Contracts 2.
2948 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.01.22 22:36
1154 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.01.22 20:31
Nicht Empfohlen
2864 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.12.21 15:40
This is my first game from this developer, and I got it as it was on sale and also picked up every single DLC available to support the devs and also to get the 'full experience'.
When I first started playing, this was the best game I had ever played. Absolutely loved it! However the thing about this game is, the more you play it, the more the disappointment and frustration really sets it and just really brings you down.
Im not sure how to list the issues I have faced, so in no particular order. I apolagise in advance for how random this may be structured, Im just going to try and get my thoughts down as best I can. I have many.
Im not going to go into too much detail on this as from previous reviews, the devs are well aware the save system needs a complete overhaul. The single player game should have a save function when the player sees fit to save. At the moment, the totally unpredictable and inconsistent 'checkpoint' mechanic is just absolutely awful. Basically the game saves whenever it feels like it. Playing through the same level twice, the game could save at a location, then the next time it wouldnt. I had this recently where I died, and the game sent me back a good hours worth of progress. Totally demoralising and not in the slightest bit fun.
There are three types of tokens in this game. Contract tokens are useful for buying weapons. If you are like me you buy the best weapons and then never use anything else. In my particular case I bought the DLC so already had the best weapons so in my case contract tokens are entirely useless, although for a normal player they do have limited use. You cant use them for anything else other than weapons, you cant unlock gadgets or anything of that nature.
Next we have the Intel/Collectible tokens. These are 100% completely and utterly useless. There is no point in them whatsoever other than seeing them increase in number. They help unlock nothing. Total waste of time having them displayed along with the other tokens.
Lastly we have the challenge tokens. Challenge tokens are literally the only thing that really matters in this game, as apart from very early on, money becomes not an issue as you just have enough of it progressing through the game. And here is the issue - the game becomes completely choked with the gaining of challenge tokens. They are used for all the good gadget and gear unlocks. Without them you cant unlock anything! And they are so painfully annoying to get. Challenges should be fun side things that you can do if you wish, not an absolute cornerstone for gear unlocks. We should be able to unlock gear / gadgets using the other tokens as well, so that progression helps you with unlocks, not completing annoying challenges.
Some of the latter unlocks require 3 tokens each. And specifically 3 challenge tokens. This is too much. Considering there are two other types of tokens, either make the unlocks cheaper, or make use of the other tokens that are literally building up and have absolutely no use whatsoever. Again I will say, the game is totally strangled with this idea of challenge tokens. I feel like a prisoner to them.
You cannot start a contract to simply complete challenges. Completed challenges are only saved when you exfiltrate, and you can only exfiltrate when you complete a contract. Once you exfiltrate to save your completed challenge, you then need to complete an other contract and the pain continues. Awful awful system. Painful.
The drone is a fantastic gadget. I probably use it more than any other gadget, but 70% of time when I launch it, it wont work due to the insane amount of drone towers! Whats the point in giving us this gadget if we cant use it most of the time! Not to mention the pitiful battery life/range when its not upgraded, or the painful lack of potential. Why cant I upgrade it to shoot? Or a 'mask' upgrade that allows the drone to scan like the seekers mask does?
-Stupidly accurate heavy gunner. I was just killed, by a Heavy machine gunner, from a distance of 280m. So a guy carrying an LMG at waist height, just landed a killer shot on me from 280m away. No. Just no. I mean seriously, no. Snipers are less lethal!!
-Unexpected death. On the topic of dying, many times I have experienced being totally fine one minute, then my health drops to zero. No sound of a gunshot, nothing, im just dead. Incredibly frustrating.
-Impossible physics. Bodies floating in midair after they have been killed. Also when placing the remote sniper turret, I have yet to see it actually properly sit on the ground, its always floating in some comical fashion.
-Warping enemies. Enemies that you are looking at in your binos are there one minute, then instantaneously warp to a different location several meters away. Yesterday I was marking an enemy and he warped about 10 metres INSIDE a cliff!
-Base alert. In the mountains contract, where you need to kill the scientist in his lab, so many times doing this contract, has the base went on full alert for the most insane and nonsensical reasons. The last time I played that mission, I headshot an enemy who was completely isolated, the NEXT SECOND, the base alarm went off. Even if somehow someone had seen that, it should at least take a couple of minutes for them to realise what is going on. But this was like a switch. To make it even better, 80% of the enemies in the base remained 'white' (not in alert mode)...while the base alarm was going off... Makes no sense.
-Inconsistent bullet penetration. So when you line up a shot and you watch the bullet cam, you will notice the bullet, many times, fly through metal poles, edges or rocks and other terrain, straight into the targets head. Insane. But yet I cannot shoot someone that is behind a similar obstacle? Makes zero sense.
Ohhhhh boy, does this game have some absolute cracking bugs. Impressive even! Which is sad as its a 2019 game and the devs are clearly still working on it releasing DLC and a sequel, but yet the bugs remain in this one.
-Drone bugs. It seems that when you have to 'load a checkpoint' thats when bugs really come out in force. To give an example with the drone, if you have the perk that allows the drone to hack CCTV, or to emit an EMP blast etc, these functions just stop working after reloading from a checkpoint. You fly the drone up to the CCTV and there is no prompt. It just doesnt work.
Another drone bug which ive just experienced in the last 30 mins - this is an amazing one actually - I launched my drone to get eyes on an enemy base, it was the mission where there are the two females that look the exact same - so I launch the drone and suddenly there are literally no enemies there! Everyone has disappeared! So I go back to my binos and scan the base, and low and behold everyone is back! Launch the drone again and they have gone again!! So when viewing through the drone, no enemies, when viewing through binos, enemies are present! I mean...how that bug even exists at all is super impressive.
-Map bugs. When you open the map and click on an objective, the map then moves itself to the area containing that particular objective. This just randomly stops working! Just out of the blue, bam - doesnt work. Probably after loading a checkpoint like the drone bug but it need to test this.
-Gadget bugs. With the remote sniper turret, pressing J should self destruct it as per the instructions in the game. I have yet to get this to work. It simply doesnt.
I started off loving this game. Honestly. It actually made me fall in love with gaming again, then slowly but surely it just drained away my enthusiasm, bug by bug. I simply could not recommend it as it currently is.
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1198 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.12.21 20:27
It's you VS the world in a corridor type shooter with a terrible, none existent auto save system.
No silencers on any secondary weapon. Useless gun turrets and an upgrade system which lets you chose one or the other upgrade, but not both.
Its like an amalgamation of all the other shooters, but with extra broken, useless features.
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1389 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.12.21 08:07
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848 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.12.21 06:19
Does everything it advertises.
Can't bring myself to play through a whole mission - Feels way too clunky to actually enjoy it, ADS and hand to hand feels like everything has been chopped together with no flow.
Has a lot of potential though!
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461 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.12.21 12:32
First impression was marvelous, you can easily spend an hour or two enjoying the environmental texture and play around with your sniper. BUT that's just a trap to keep you past the return limit.
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1675 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.12.21 07:48
some stats:
- only 58% of players finished 1. mission
- only 41% of players finished 2. mission
- only 41% of players bought first skill
- 26% of players found 7 collectibles (~6 per region)
- 25% of players finished 13 contracts (3 missions)
- only 18% of players finished 5 of 6 regions
- only 13% of players finished last mission
- only 7% of players did 500m+ kill
- only 1,8% of players eliminated main target with SniperTurret ^^
BIG Reasons against buying:
-bad AI, always knows where you are
-enemies often detect you through objects
-tons of glitches
-some bugs
-even got stuck multiple times (had to reload)
-ballistics are way off (if you ever shot for real)
-enemies spot you through obstacles/ from behind cover
-enemies still hit you at 200m with standard weapons
-after respawn: enemies tend to know where you are ..lol
-climbing only works where Devs allow you to climb
-most maps feel quite restricted (despite appearance) ;((
-since they copied so much from other games, should have done Recon right (Binoculars feel almost stupid, marker resets)
On the positive side, Grafics and scenery is nice, but sudden fps-drops and hardly visible interactive objects really pull the plug.. feels like unfinished BETA!!
>>> Summary:
If anything this game still lives from the cinematic bullet-time, but falls short in many aspects. In direct Comparison SniperElite 3 /SniperElite 4 are much better overall..
or for most semi-Casual players who like solid physics, but hate wind/weather effects, just go Hitman2 or GR:Breakpoint (if you don´t mind always online), otherwise the previous GR: Wildlands with open-world tactical stealth & sniper fun.
All this is coming from someone with 60-70% Headshot-ratio plus One-Man-Army Achievement in first 5 hours ^^
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1400 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.12.21 16:37
Second, the game encourages close quarters action despite being centered around stealth and sniping. The map may appear big but most of the time you're forced to be positioned at awkward angles whether vertically or horizontally, and with foliage and snowstorm obstructing you half the time. Granted, your polygonal eagle eye skill helps a little.
What does not help however, thirdly, is that enemies disappear at a distance! You finally find the perfect sniping spot with a clear view of the enemy base only to find it completely devoid of activity! Back to sneaking and meleeing.
Fourthly, mines travel like 2 cm when thrown, which means you basically must be directly on the spot in order to set mine, which means that if you enjoy trapping you'll often end up screwing yourself because you cannot disarm it when backtracking or even mark its location. Enemies also rarely send units to investigate when you're detected and instead just hide behind cover for all eternity. Meaning less chance your traps get triggered.
Finally, Bounties tend to be right in your exfil location so quite often you'd end up activating the mission just as you wish to end your gaming session by approaching the exfil. You're forced to do the bounty then and there, otherwise countdown ends with you failing. You'll then have re-enter the map again later just for the bounties.
Pros: The high tech gadgets are fun and being a CryEngine game gunshots feel very satisfying.
Cons: Previous installments felt more enjoyable, but if I wanted to play a sniper game it's still Sniper Elite. If I wanted to play an action game on CryEngine I'd just go back to Crysis, which still had better sniping. It's an action shooter where every mission is a sniping mission.
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928 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.11.21 03:13
So if you do not follow the script and decide to take out all operatives, it does not save your progress.
Playing for an hour only to have to redo the same area becomes a bore very quickly.
From my perspective, I bought the game for recreation fun, why is there no auto-save every 5 minutes?
Many of my hours player are re-do's of what I just competed.
UI is uninformative in my option.
If you complete a mission you'd expect it to say mission complete and take you back to the contracts.
Instead you are presented a warning to proceed not confirm the mission completion, this is not clear as to what is happening.
No silencer on secondary weapons or pistols, that I could find.
The conversations between the seeker (you) and HQ is fine, nothing witty but passable.
Again, that actual game is fun.
1424 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.10.21 22:54
positive stuff
-graphics mostly
-overall sniper feeling
-big open maps, but no open world, but still a lot of freedom
-no stupid story as in SGW3
bad stuff
-performance is not always great, the game did stutter quite regulary
-a few bugs, with one very annoying bug where I often couldn't reload the latest save, nor restart the map, so what I had to do when I wanted to reload a save because I got detected for example is to literally kill myself with a grenade
-most gadgets are useless or gimicky at most, same with the skills, except some very good skills which you basically need asp
-I like the idea of different ammo types but this idea is not implemented well in this game: a sniper rifle only supports 3 special ammo types; but some of them are really useless, only a couple are good; when I remember correctly you even need a skill to be able to choose one of those special ammo types you can take with you and then another skill so you can choose 2; then you can only carry 5 bullets of the special ammo type (you can increase it to 10 with a skill but then can't take another special ammo type with you); the best ammo type is only available for I think 3 rifles and all those aren't great rifles; all this means I mostly ignored special ammo types, which is a real shame
-in a lot of areas are just way too many enemies, it's often impossible to stay undetected, a lot of times I was detected where I never should have been, the stealth system is quite unreliable
-ai is not that great
902 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.10.21 06:11
You can just take you time scouting the area for enemies and admire the maps beauty.
The Gameplay is cool and I haven't encountered any bug except for the last mission where the camera is indestructible.
Combat music is great and makes the Gameplay more fun.
The only thing i found missing was 1000m shots you can shoot enemies up to 500m
894 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.08.21 01:15
33 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.08.21 16:48
Anyway, I suggest to people who like to experience the sniper ghost warrior series.
1249 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.06.21 18:04
670 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.06.21 02:58
However the game could still use some improvements in terms of weapon upgrades, general UI and AI - sometimes, the AI feels quite buggy and out of place.
You should be aware that there's no save system in place. The game is based on checkpoints and the game itself decides when to initiate a checkpoint for you which is unpleasant the least to say.
Overall I would give it an 7.5/10 most of that being for preserving the core definition of what a stealth game should be like.
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80 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.06.21 12:45
So, yeah, better spend your money on a better optimized game such as Sniper Elite 4.
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942 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.06.21 15:10
At it's basic level, Sniper Ghost Warrior Contracts is the same game as most other similar sniping games. You creep around a map throwing things at walls to tempt people over, kill them in stealth, then move on to the next person and repeat until you've either killed everyone, or enough to complete the level and save the hostages, or collect the items you were sent for.
You play to earn money for your character and obtain upgrade rewards to get 'better' weapons and add attachments and gadgets to help improve your performance and to make things easier on yourself. Be that a silencer, zoom, drone or similar.
I should love the game, but the number of bugs and issues are just too much to make it more annoying than fun. Firstly, it suffers from the same issue that most of these types of games suffer from - you get seen, or someone finds a dead body, enemies all hide and are really alert for 5 minutes, then go back to business and forget that anything ever happened! People are able to see you through walls, snipers can see you through walls that you can't see them through. You can get stuck in trees unable to move (usually due to trying to do a takedown on someone and your character model jumping to their location), people can warp - you see them in one location, them instantly they are somewhere else! Crashes to desktops, invisible walls, being in the water swimming and being unable to climb out onto the smallest of ledges! Being unable to take someone down because they are on a tiny ledge a few centimetres high!!! (EDIT: also want to add in the really helpful stealth mechanic of not being able to crouch crawl downstairs and getting stuck on the ledge, meaning you have to either walk away and walk back or jump... and the best getting stuck standing in a doorway so you have to restart your checkpoint!)
The list of bugs just go on and on and on and they really ruin the fun.
There is no save system, you get ONE checkpoint that you get put back to if you die. But note that if you die, you MAY get re spawned in the path of enemies that you originally snuck past, so your save is ruined and you need to start from scratch on that entire level. There are only a handful of maps, all with several objectives and you will have to play them over and over to get all the objectives, to upgrade all your guns, etc.
In the end, I really wanted to like the game, but the bugs really make it un-enjoyable. I only have it because it came from a Humble Bundle, I really do think it would have been a refunded item if it had been bought from the store! :(
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427 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.06.21 04:24
Here are just some of the issues and annoyances I encountered:
- The game saves completely randomly. You'd think it would save after each objective is completed, like any other game, but it doesn't. Sometimes it saves after an objective, sometimes it saves at the beginning of a new area, sometimes it saves twice in a row, who knows when it'll save! Sometimes it won't even bring you back to the most recent save.
- Sometimes the game doesn't count kills for the challenges correctly.
- You can't see the available customization slots of a weapon before you buy it, meaning you'll never know if a weapon is silenceable or not unless you waste money on it.
- The game has no anti-aliasing of any kind, and everything looks crusty and ugly as a result.
- There are a lot of graphical glitches like textures on walls popping in right in front of you.
- The game frequently hitches up and freezes for a fraction of a second.
- Armored vehicles chew through your health before you even realize that something is shooting at you.
- You hear the bullet hit your enemy even if you're 500+ meters away.
- If an enemy shoots a mine you throw before it hits the ground it freezes in midair.
All in all it's just annoying to play and will most likely make you want to pull your hair out by the end of the 2nd map. I reeeeeally tried to like it, but it's just not polished enough to be fun.
1237 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.06.21 14:06
The reason I don't hard recommend this game is because a lot of this game actively discourages sniping, since you have to move around so much to go through levels to accomplish tasks like stealing harddrives, hacking computers, etc. etc., that turn it more into a first person Splinter Cell, but with a far less refined stealth system.
I really wanted a sniper game that involved a lot of sniping, and while there are parts of the game where that is the case, there are a lot more that just involve sneaking around and doing stealth take downs and shooting people with your pistol.
Also, the conditions for setting off alarms in a compound are not always clear, so sometimes you'll be in a really nice concealed position far away from everything, only for the whole base to go on alert from someone you sniped through a window in their office, and having absolutely no clue who saw the dead body, or from where.
1143 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.05.21 19:36
Well done CI Games, I always knew you had it in you!
This developer has been deep into ‘so bad, it’s good’ territory for a long time, which is a lot of fun in it’s own right. However this game is actually a quality title with good level design, nice visuals and fun gameplay. The performance is totally fine too with just a few minor issues here and there but nothing too annoying. The only gripe that I have with this game is the checkpoints which put you too far back and undo too much of your progress each time you die.
The signature ‘so bad, it’s good’ vibe is still included here too though with crazy shit happening just for the hell of it. In the previous game in this series, Sniper Ghost Warrior 3 the developers put in a funny detail towards the end of the game. When you buy a .50 Cal sniper rifle, head-shots with this weapon explode the target's whole head into pieces which looks crazy and is hilariously over-kill. In this game the heads explode from the start, so that every time you get a head-shot the head is blown straight off in spectacular fashion. CI games are taking head-shots to a whole new level with this game.
It's hilarious!
Even though they have raised their design standards with this game, I think they should continue to play into this crazy vibe. This type of silly humor gives their games a sense of identity that other military shooters don’t always have. I’m very impressed with what CI games have achieved with Sniper Ghost Warrior Contracts. When I played their previous game, I could tell that they had great potential. This game is a huge step forward in realising that potential and I highly recommend that you check it out. While I would also recommend that you try out some other games from this developer. They are not half as bad as people say and they are actually very entertaining (even if it’s sometimes not exactly in the way that the developer intended).
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2090 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.05.21 23:44
The shooting is fun, but by no means difficult or realistic, even on the highest difficulty.
For some reason there is wind inside buildings, which effects your shots, even from less than 20 meters.
The longest distance I ever shot from was 525 meters (1 time)...the vast majority (99.6%) of shots are 350 meters or less.
Even though I'm only 200 meters away, I have to lead running targets by a good 4 feet.
Overall the ballistics are...less than accurate (realistic).
But if you are looking for a simple, easy, sniper/stealth game, it fits the bill...just wait for it to be marked way down, like 75% or more.
Other issues include...
1. Clipping...by far worse than any other game I've played.
2. Map glitches you get stuck in...lots of them.
3. Inconsistent design. Sometimes you can low crawl under a truck or train car, and sometimes you can't.
4. Even though there are numerous places a player should be able to climb, it is limited to what the Devs want, meaning you are limited on ways to complete missions.
5. AI will often detect you no matter what.
6. You have to complete challenges to earn tokens to upgrade things like your mask, suit, gadgets, etc. The problem is that most of the challenges are fucking retarded---like COD on steroids retarded, and most do not fit a game that is supposed to be a stealth game, and totally destroys the immersion
7. Checkpoint save system is broken and screws you often.
8. The scripted events are pretty painful; to trigger them you have to take a very specific path, like enter through a specific door, or approach from a specific direction or area, or else the guards don't move, or some other NPC won't move, etc.
On one mission you have to kill a doctor, and not her body double. The challenge is to get the real doctor only.
Well, 1st time I shot the wrong one, on my 2nd play through I shot the other, but still no challenge completion.
Turns out you have to do one of the other contracts first. After you kill the guy and loot his thumb drive, the info on it tells you how to identify the real doctor....the challenge works after that.
Problem is, you are not informed about this at all, and this is typical of how this studio makes its games.
They are trying to do open world, or semi open world, but then they do things listed above, which screws up your mission because you did not do it the way they want you to.
And now the Developers have perma banned me. Both posts they used for the ban were posts I made about problems, issues, glitches, etc that I found in the game (see my screenshots).
My intent was to show them issues that should be avoided in the new game. Butr I guess these guys just can't handle any type of criticism, even when it's well intended.
Well, not only did they ban me, but then they went and deleted every single comment I made, no matter haw small or insignificant.....These guys really are amateur little snowflakes.
A few friends of mine warned me of things like this----seems I'm not the only one they have banned for not being a boot licking fanboi.
Well,, at least they can't censor peoples reviews like they censor the forums.
Overall it seems these guys don't care, which is probably why all their games have an approval rating in the mid 70% or lower.
They do 2nd rate work, and seem to be satisfied with it.
If you have to get it, wait for a sale of no less than 75% off.
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1738 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.05.21 16:59
Considering you're new to the series, Contracts is the next volume after Sniper Ghost Warrior 3, which is, obviously, a sniper-trade game line. It's not marked with the '4th' number because on the basic terms level, it's more a standalone mission pack to the SGW 3, which wasn't that big on its own. But, there's a serious twist, not only in the story plot but rather in the gameplay. Since SGW 3 is borrowing the game process from the Ubisoft Far Cry series, I'd say it is about the same difference proportion between SGW 3 and SGW Contracts, as it was between Far Cry 3 and Blood Dragon. Another game pace, many high-tech devices... In fact, SGW Contracts feels Very Much like Crysis. You don't wear a nanosuit, but all of its main features are there... except maybe cloak mode and sprint boost. Oh, and speaking of my comparison with Blood Dragon, I have a big warning. Blood Dragon was full of grotesque and irony, while Contracts, like the other 99% of CI Games titles, is too damn serious. Even when some humor is really needed to cut some edges, CI scriptwriters prefer to add more cliches and drama.
And that's my main issue with CI Games in general. They are not capable to do AAA-class products, just because of their budgets, and yet they still keep that poker face, they are pretending like they are doing top-notch stuff... Without a slightest dim of a fair smile. Without a single try to make something different than majors like Activision or Ubisoft. So, obviously, I'm quite biased with my negative mark. Would there be a gray middle thing in markings, I'd take that, but... Let's speak of the game already!
First of all, it looks really good. I've heard of some technical issues for the red GPU users, but it was all well and shiny on my end. Except for some instant crushes to OS, thanks to the additional DRM, EasyAntiCheat, the game was running perfectly. I know that EAC is not a good deal from other games where it was implemented. Especially if you're, like, trying to record or stream your gametime. But, in those other cases, EAC is the needed evil because it prevents cheating in multiplayer. Why do we need EAC running in solo campaign mode, is somewhat I don't understand. But! Get me right, I'm not downvoting Contracts because of EAC, just saying it's there.
The next major thing to mention is the gunplay and weapon detalization level. I'd say it's quite decent. Everything except tweaked gravity. That's not a problem for pistols and almost not a problem for assault rifles. But as for the main tools, the sniper rifles, the bullet dropping rate, and overall flight behavior is a very strange issue. My guess, it's a game balance thing tied to the inability of the game engine to render objects like enemies farther than 500-600 meters away. So, you have so many tools to hit the objects on the 1-2 clicks away... but the game can only provide distances where SVD or the same marksman level rifles are more than enough. that's really disappointing, because previously, in SGW 2, the devs were able to construct such maps where you could use heavy hardware properly, without the need to artificially twist ballistics, scaling it with the render distances.
Finally, the story is crappy as always, where both your protagonist and antagonists don't look anyhow realistic, more like Barbie and Ken dolls dressed into other suits. Maybe the crimelord level was more believable than the others, but... Well, I never played CI Games for the stories, as they are too wrong serious. I mean, why are they always trying to tie the game events to our real world, and then add those totally unrealistic details, worse than Tom Clancy's ravings? They can't think out of the box? Like, create a game with people like us, but living on the other planet, with different scope of global powers, maybe different physics thanks to some other gravity mode of the planet? That would fix all the main issues, I guess. And I even know some IPs, fictional books with such stories.
Speaking of the overall mark, let's say 6.5/10. I'd love to play this game more... But it is like some slim shirt on a dense body - it bursts at the seams from any careless movement.
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272 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.05.21 16:41
2231 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.05.21 07:14
736 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.04.21 12:59
It is not bad but it does several things wrong that stop it from being awesome instead of becoming a chore.
The graphics are really neat and everything is great to looks at.
The guns have a real feel of power and oomph behind shots.
Maps are huge and likely take up 2 hours to complete one.
enemies seem to have been placed at random on the map. compared that with SE4 where it was really fun to find a weakness in the enemies defense and from there on pick them further apart if necessary.
Enemies are always the same and their AI is really just meh at best.
So to compensate for that it feels to me that the AI was given really awesometecular AK47.
For me it takes careful aim to take a shot from 200 meters, taking into consideration wind and distance.
For the AI they keep blasting you with ak47 or even minigun fire from the SAME distance with amazing accuracy and it will take you out on several occasions, leaving you frustrated.
These 2 things make the game slowly become a chore and with each mission, you will lose more and more interest.
1040 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.04.21 08:46
This feels like Hitman with less variety and that's okay. You're a sniper at the end of the day and this should be your weapon of choice. You won't be throwing homing briefcases in this one. However you can still go in guns blazing and grenades exploding or try to get right up and personal with your knife to their throat which adds some freedom and replayability.
I think the biggest thing it has going for it is the aiming is easy enough to kill multiple targets in quick succession but still feels like you're putting in the work and not letting the game do everything for you. Now this might be a negative if you're looking for something more realistic like working out the drop and wind speed yourself with no HUD because you're a masochist. This still requires patience if you want to do things stealthily and pick off people one by one without anyone being the wiser. It just also lets you quickly pop off an extra head in a panic when someone hears the body drop behind them and that feels great to do.
There are just so many awkward moments like chain kills not activating despite the second target being right next to the first, melee from above not activating, enemies being alerted to your tiny hop off the ground even if they can't hear you sprinting (with a perk), having state of the art systems to help you hit every headshot but not being able to tell where you're throwing something right in front of you, enemies being able to instantly alert entire compounds of people in an instant, etc.
I think the biggest nuisance and what would save so much sanity (other than fixing all the bugs of course) would be the ability to quick save. The auto save system has a mind of its own but that mind has been rotting in a bog. You could go half an hour or longer of not seeing one and inevitably have something fail and need to do it all over again. Or you could slightly adjust your prone position and have an auto save for each inch moved. I had an auto save while I was stabbing someone in the neck and their buddy was watching and screaming into their comms to tell everyone else I was stabbing someone in the neck. That's not a safe place to save.
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123 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.04.21 04:57
1136 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.04.21 18:52
After an playing an hour to review for the Humble Choice April 2021 Bundle:
This feels like a mixture between Sniper Elite, Metal Gear Solid 5, and Hitman, and that mix is pretty good. It has extremely detailed bullet physics and large open world designs for its mission areas.
But make no mistake, this is a stealth game with a focus on taking down targets and getting away cleanly, rather than a close combat simulator. While the personal approach can work, having large groups of enemies chase you will usually end up with one of them scoring a kill eventually, such as using the grenade here had bad results.
Still, the experience is good, there are a lot of different mission objectives, collectibles, challenges, and more. The guards seem to talk quite a bit, but with the game focused on Siberian separatists in Russia, everyone speaks pure English with no explanation for it.
Pick this up if you enjoy stealth and want to see how they handle large open-world maps. It’s an interesting game, and the first area feels huge with a lot to explore.
If you enjoyed this review or want to know what I think of other games in the bundle, check out the full review on or subscribe to my youtube channel:
1357 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.04.21 20:12
2473 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.03.21 13:07
Instead of the very realistic sniping, I got a fun experience that wasn't as deep as I expected. Don't get me wrong, the sniping mechanisms are deep and require thorough planning and aiming of your shots, they just weren't deep enough as I see it. The game was fun as heck though. The sniper rifles choices were varied and offered multiple stealthy and non stealthy playstyles. The skill points and mask system were excellent too, and came in handy many many times. Maps vary in the game between snowy and forested areas, and I personally loved the snowy ones more.
I played on Deadeye (the hardest difficulty) and I can say that it was sufficiently hard especially in the first 3 levels but grew much easier by the final one. I got used to the difficulty in the end.
As for the story, I liked and enjoyed the Russian theme and setting but didn't fall in love with it. I don't like video games that target a certain country, it feels too real-life political to me.
Overall the game is excellent, well designed and incredibly fun! Sniping is excellent and deeply satisfying.
All I want in the next one is way more maps!
9/10 solid!
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311 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.03.21 18:18
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288 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.02.21 22:30
Save yourselves and avoid this madness.
3377 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.02.21 01:17
The story was pretty good too. I'd love to see a sequel.
Ok, time for another run, using different options.
1656 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.02.21 00:30
I standardized my load out on a couple guns, never got a hang of the remote turrets, and the drone is nerfed big time compared the others in this series, which is kinda good? I worked so hard to get the remote items and then barely or never used them. Some times I would just get frustrated and run for it, and I would occasionally make it unseen. Other times I thought I had an area clear, and I would be ambushed and have to do it all over again (not fun) so I got to the point of just clearing out entire train yards so I could get to my goal.
Like others said, you can skip stealth and slug it out (if you have good cover and enough ammo) but sometimes there will be one or more mortar pits to break up the action and then its best to get moving. You don't have the armor to stay in the line of fire and shoot back.
I try to shoot suppressed as much as possible, and rarely when I've gone loud with my assault rifle to get out of a jam has it worked, unless its like the last two guys. This isn't CoD and you don't have the ammo to take on geared up soldiers for too long. I actually felt this was kind of realistic and cool.
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76 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.02.21 17:16
Refunded the game while I still could. So much worse than the Sniper Elite series, unfortunately :(
1130 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.01.21 05:25
CI games are back again with their Sniper Ghost Warrior series, with their newest iteration Sniper Ghost Warrior Contracts. Following the gameplay and gameplay style footsteps of it’s predecessor Sniper Ghost Warrior 3, and learning from it’s past mistakes, Contracts turned out to be much more refined and polished.
Having played through every single Sniper Ghost Warrior I must say am thoroughly impressed with the gameplay style of Contracts. From it’s well-narrated story to it’s versatile gameplay. Learning from the mistakes of Sniper Ghost 3, Contracts is going for a much-focused sandbox-style gameplay.
Giving the player a great spectrum of options to go through during each mission, Contracts felt much more flexible during each mission than any other before.
Obviously, your main goal is to snipe from a distance and stalk your targets for the right moment but contracts also gave a lot of options when it comes to getting up-close and personal with enough flexibility to remain undetected if you choose so.
Contracts is also giving the player a good number of side actions to go through each mission to give the game a better flavor in the form of it’s multiple challenges throughout each mission.
Plot: Siberia has claimed its independence after a war with Russia and Mongolia. Nergui Kurchatov, Siberia's Prime Minister, is skeptical of the people's hope for a fair distribution of wealth, and soon becomes an autocratic ruler. In the face of corruption and abuse of power of the new government, an armed opposition is established, called the Siberian Wolves. A sniper code-name ‘’ Seeker’’ is sent on a series of dangerous missions by a mysterious sponsor and controlled by a mysterious AI handler. After terminating several major targets, Kurchatov is the final one on the list.
Gameplay: At the first glance it Sniper Ghost Warrior Contracts overall vibe and gameplay style felt similar to Sniper Ghost Warrior 3, but I soon realized it’s much much different and refined.
Different in terms of execution of the project and how it all came together. Unlike Ghost Warrior 3’s open-world game design, Contract is going from a sandbox focused gameplay.
Although yes, it’s a sandbox with a limited gameplay area but due to it being so you can create a much more refined and steady experience for the player with game-themed originated map layout, elements, structure, etc. Which Contracts did an excellent job of.
Having played through Warrior 3 and having faced all of it’s issues I have much more at ease with it’s approach with the sandbox experience. And not for a single time that I felt like the playable area is short and I didn’t have the room to be flexible with my gameplay.
The map layout was pretty well put together giving the players multiple waypoints and openings. Which played out great for contracts sniper assassin gameplay.
Now coming to the gunplay, every sniper game’s main theme the long-distance marksmanship. And my god CI Games did a number with this one's long-range engagements. The Shooting, aim, and environmental hazards felt much more refined and somewhat close to simulating the real deal.
While aiming I had consider a lot of things from my gun being silent or not to wind, distance of travel, bullet drop, etc. which made things a bit complicated at first but I believe it added a great flavor to the game.
And the variety of weapons and adjustments were a pleasant sight as well. Although I would’ve preferred seeing a bit more variety in the adjustments and gear.
As much as I am happy with the game's approach to Sniper rifles and it’s simulated marksmanship, am also unhappy with how it’s secondary assault weapons and handguns felt. It’s kinda hard to explain how I felt about this, but I didn’t like the choice of implemented weapons, adjustments, their sound effects, and how the overall thing played out.
And the amount of flexibility Contracts provided when it comes to dealing with targets was just off the charts, so much better than all of the previous Sniper Ghost Warrior titles. From silent close-up takedowns to Insanely long-ranged shots and now you can use multiple gadgets at your disposal to do the job as well.
Initially, I was actually pretty upset with the number of implemented gadgets, but I soon got over it after seeing how short the game is. The game is divided into five areas, each are unique and comes with their own unique challenges and hazards.
Although there are only these five missions but each of them takes a decent amount of time and brainstorming to complete. And I must say although its short but there’s a decent amount of replay ability value added to it.
World design: The world of Sniper Ghost Warrior Contracts world was divided into five unique sandbox areas. Each are unique and implements a unique design and environmental identity.
From dark snowy mountain region to bright forest regions, each are well designed and well set for the sniper assassin gameplay.
Music and sound effects: Well-selected background music, which playout nicely with the theme of the game.
Sound design well-built and implemented. Playout nicely with the gameplay and added a great sense of tension and built up. The only downside being the assault rifles and secondary weapons sound effects, which felt load, dull, and poorly constructed.
Performance: Having a great deal of experience playing titles from CI Games I am truly surprised at how few issues I faced while playing contracts!! It’s like a tradition that the CI Games title will have issues and I’ll have to wait for fixes and patches. But not quite with this one although ya I faced some issues but it’s so much more polished than the past titles.
Faced a few minor issues such as screen tearing and Sluggish behavior but other than that, the game ran perfectly.
+ Decent Plot
+ Flexible Sandbox gameplay
+ A good attempt at simulating Sniping
+ Well put together background music and sound effects
+ Well designed map layout
+ Good number of weapons to choose from
+ Decent selection of gadgets and accessories
+ Decent replay ability value
- Minor issues here and there
- Poor Secondary gunplay
- Needs more content
A fine addition to the Sniper Warrior franchise. From it’s close to reality simulated sniping, to its well-designed sandbox maps, to it’s environment overall a great Sniper Ghost experience.
2055 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.01.21 05:24
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79 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.01.21 03:44
This game is not them. There is almost zero element of actual 'sniping' left, there is so much high tech gadgetry that you couldn't screw up if you tried.
Very disappointed for what was once a really enjoyable series.
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5 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.12.20 17:58
This game requires that cancerous spyware made by braindead incompetents.
EAC, you can't even run the game (via Steam and not the separated executable) to play single-player without having to install that God damn piece of junk.
That's one good reason to not pay for this, unless they change it, which they probably never will.
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56 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.11.20 06:36
See Edit: ((Firstly, unskippable scenes. Especially frustrating in the wake of point three.))
Secondly, controls bound to holding another button that I can't rebind. I realise that it was made for consoles, but I have a whole keyboard; let me bind all keys to press or hold whatever.
Thirdly, checkpoint saves only. No quick save, nor manual save. If you want to quit and haven't hit a checkpoint in a while it's rather frustrating. Especially combined with point the first.
Altogether it became a deal-breaker for me.
EDIT: I have been informed that the cutscenes are apparently skippable and merely mask load times. It seems to have been my poor luck that led me to believe otherwise. In the interest of honesty I am updating my review. All other points stand as-is.
862 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.11.20 03:06
If you want to be a Hitman that mainly focuses on Sniping and uses futuristic technology to get ahead of the overwhelming amount of enemies, this is a must buy. And its really nice to see that CI Games keep improving and building on a solid formula.
839 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.11.20 06:50
1401 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.11.20 07:51
plenty of solutions around the large maps, stealthy and/or violent; as a matter of fact, with the necessary patience, it can be played, just like a puzzle, like it was for the Thief series: and it's the best part, in my opinion: going the ninja way: sneak in, hit, sneak out (actually, I was able to accomplish this way, not so many times...too hasty, likely)
good AI, the scope shooting is easier on the player (compared to Sniper Elite hard settings): windage and elevation are calculated by the Crysis-ish suit perks, visuals are good
a good walk, overall
2178 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.10.20 16:57
< PROS >
< Graphics
< Sniping feels on point
< Contract system seems to work well
< CONS >
< Too short
< Inconsequential story
< Auto saves, way too often ( Resulting in temporary fps hit )
Hopefully SGWC 2 will be a much improved game / Rating 8/10
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746 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.10.20 21:36
2527 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.09.20 18:07
-The gunplay is good. I used the MKA-12 as my secondary weapon and it feels great to shoot ingame. The sound design is fantastic. The sniper rifles also had great impact to them.
-The level design was very good. Especially the final level, which took me multiple play sessions to get through.
-I like the world they set up. A newly independent Siberia is a setting I haven't seen before and was very interesting. I loved how much you could learn from hearing the enemy soldiers talking to one another.
-The gadgets are fun to use. Although there are some problems with them tied to other negatives I'll get into later. Catching a crowd of enemies in a gas mine is highly satisfying. The throwing knives were game changing. They have a high skill ceiling, and after practicing with them I could round a corner and headshot a soldier with one no sweat. It made every encounter using them much tenser since, if I missed, I would have to rely on my gun and raise the alarm. A lot of the other items I never used though, including warning devices, anti-vehicle mines, and the turret. I never saw an opportunity to use anti-vehicle mines.
-The game is too handhold-y. The game makes it too easy to make a shot through a sniper rifle. It tracks the bullet drift for every hundred meters and gives you the enemy's location after tagging them. With this you can kill any enemy you see without thinking. One of the main gameplay aspects that separates sniper games from regular fps is the amount of thought that goes into firing long distance. By giving the player so much information, the game removes that core engagement. I would get headshot after headshot from 300m+ away. I think this would have been solved by only telling you the distance away a target is when you look at them through the binoculars and by showing bullet drift separately from distance markers through the scope (or not at all like on a real rifle and you would have to infer wind from the environment).
-Some of the upgrades break the game. As I mentioned before, I played very knife heavy in my playthroughs. To help with that, I picked up the running/walking silently perk so I could close the distance easier. This resulted in me simply running back and forth across an open field knifing everyone the second they look away and shooting them if they see me. It ruined the game for me. Another bad perk is the one that tags all enemies in a 25m radius when you enter mask mode. Now, as I run back and forth across the map, I can spam ctrl and instantly know where everyone is. If you play the game, don't get these perks.
-The physics system is wonky. The parkour system works great (except ladders are too clingy sometimes), but parkouring outside the set system causes some weird physics. Any sloped service you jump onto (rocks, pipes, guard rails) will cause your character to float and hover in mid air for a bit before falling, this can get you killed and is very frustrating. Especially on levels with large grated stairways with massive drops like area 1 and 2.
-There have been moments where I've reloaded an area and all the enemies have changed places. I don't know what causes this, but I think it's some automatic diffuculty adjustment system. It happened most notably on area 4, where I was trying to go for the challenge where you complete all contracts without reloading checkpoints. The first enemy would change position after 8 or 9 times retrying the mission and I would have to go to the main menu and back in to set it right.
Overall not the best sniper game but far from the worst. The studio will be releasing a new installment soon and I look forward to it.
965 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.09.20 10:34
2233 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.09.20 12:24
995 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.08.20 06:03
It turned out to be a great game(even though it's shorter than i would've liked).
The mechanics are well done, the gadgets are fun to play with too.
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581 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.08.20 22:01
699 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.08.20 02:28
1348 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.08.20 17:01
think of this as a less-sandbox version of hitman, all in first person
definitely has its fair share of bugs but nothing that makes it unplayable. the audio isn't balanced well, and sometimes the environment sounds just cut off. there's also frame drops, at first i thought it was because i had it on a HDD but reinstalled it on an SSD and it still gave issues (a simple restart of the game would fix it).
839 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.08.20 01:56
144 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.07.20 03:17
Playing in the easiest difficulty.
In short:
1. This game is like Hitman Sniper but more... open.
2. There are many contracts/bounties in one Map. Yes, you can finish ALL of them first then proceed to exfil. These contracts or bounties are spread throughout the map in sections. So, it is very easy to 'organize' your bounties. Just find which are closest to you.
3. No, being 'spotted' does NOT mean ALL enemies will come to you like some reviewers said. Only few enemies in the area will respond to backup.
4. You can be a horny sniper (fast paced) or take your time slowly. Hitting two or three enemies with silenced weapon as fast as you can before they call for backup or open fire will not alert nearby enemies. However, if you don't hide the bodies, patrolling ones will become alert and therefore alerting more enemies.
5. Yes, AIs are intelligent. They use binocs to find you and coordinate they attacks. Such as flanking. But at some point, they just hid while i shot their team mates. Super fun!
2302 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.06.20 04:52
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98 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.06.20 13:57
7622 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.06.20 06:47
Let me start by saying that as an old person getting back into playing games I really enjoyed this one. First time through was excellent and I replayed all the levels a couple of times as well. Quick to get the game going ( no endless scenes to sit through, you could skip them if you wished.) I liked how you could go full Rambo if you wished or , and this is my preference, you could sneak/crawl about and take your time. No reflexes you see ( old)
I really did enjoy this game.
There was a couple of annoying little things though. I got stuck quiet a few times between rocks , bits of scenery , doorways. I even got stuck in the ammo refill once. The only way I could get out was to swap weapons, that is, from rifle to pistol etc. It took awhile to discover this. I had to exit the game a few times before I stumbled across the trick. A tad annoying.
Something that was really annoying was the difficulty in crawling over bits of ice, small rocks and the occasional step. You would have to go to crouch to get over the thing and usually be shot. No big deal but annoying all the same.
BUT, apart from those little things its a great game and I had a ball playing it.
715 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.06.20 18:24
( ) Everyone
( ) Kids
(X) Teens
(X) Adults
( ) Dark souls
( ) Hard
(X) Easy to learn / Hard to master
( ) Easy
( ) Mindless head banging keyboard to win
( ) Grind is everything you do
( ) Grindy
( ) Every MMO ever type of grindy
( ) Bareable
(X) Is necessary to progress
( ) Isnt necessary to progress
( ) No grind
---{Game Time}---
( ) Endless
( ) Addictive
( ) Long
(X) Average
( ) Short
( ) Long enough for a cup of tea
( ) Masterpiece
(X) Beautiful
( ) Good
( ) Decent
( ) OK
( ) Bad
( ) Awful
( ) Made on paint
( ) Eargasm
( ) Amazing
(X) Good
( ) Decent
( ) Not too bad
( ) Bad
( ) Earrape
---{PC Requirements}---
( ) Ask NASA if they have a spare computer
(X) High
( ) Medium
( ) Low
( ) Ultra low
( ) Game boy advance
( ) Daytime New York
(X) Always some people around
( ) Hard to find people
( ) Few people still alive
( ) You are the only person alive
(X) No issues
( ) Minor lag every few hours
( ) Can get laggy sometimes
( ) 1.99$ Servers
( ) Unplayable
( ) Never had any
(X) Minor bugs
( ) Few bugs
( ) Can get annoying
( ) Ruining the game
( ) The game itself is a big terrarium for bugs
( ) Just buy it
(X) Worth the price
( ) Wait for sale
( ) Maybe if u have some spare money left
( ) Not recommended
( ) You can have more fun burning that money instead
( ) Free
---{Worth playing?}---
(X) Yes
( ) No
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539 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.06.20 23:19
First, some things I did like:
-The gunplay is good. The shooting mechanics are fun, and reward practice.
-There are multiple ways to approach objectives.
-The story and its role in the objectives is interesting.
-Pretty graphics. Detailed character models.
-Detailed NPC dialogue.
What I didn't like:
-Omniscient enemies. If you shoot someone with a suppressor from 400 m. away, and someone sees them die, they immediately know where you are.
-Enemies have godlike aim. That enemy 400 m. away can shoot you reliably with his AK-47.
-Gadgets are useless, because they aren't nearly as lethal or effective as you would think, and trying to use them will immediately alert all the enemies, who will then proceed to murder you.
-No matter how well you plan and sneak, the first time you miss a shot, the entire mission devolves into a machine gun brawl.
-All the side objectives are tedious and boring. There is no good reason for them to exist.
-If you don't want to get caught, you have to spend the ENTIRE mission sneaking around, at half speed, across large maps. I like large maps, but in this game, they just make every mission tedious.
-On some missions, you start surrounded by about a dozen enemies between 10m and 300m away from you, and the second you kill one, they all start shooting, with the aforementioned omniscience and accuracy.
I'm sorry to say that this game just isn't fun. Don't buy it.
3184 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.05.20 18:44
2141 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.05.20 18:33
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85 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.05.20 10:20
Checkpoints are hit-and-miss. You can lose 20 minutes of stealth work, or find yourself stuck with a checkpoint just as you get shot. Unfortunately this ruins the whole experience.
EDIT (following developer feedback) - apologies, I wasn't clear in my review. The save system breaks the game for me. I enjoyed the first part of the first mission. Checkpoint systems can work in the vast majority of games, but this is not one of them. The punishment in terms of lost progress is unacceptable. Standard openworld games use checkpoints, but keep lost progress to a minimum by maintaining progress (collected items, marked targets etc). Stealth games are often played far slower, so a death would see me lose 40 minutes of work. Even limited saves would be preferable, to allow me to save at key moments when I know I'm not about to be spotted.
The downvote system exists for exactly this purpose. To point out flaws that prevent me from recommending (or even playing) the game.
I would be more than happy to switch to a recommend if a better save system is being worked on. But I do not believe that is the case.
1714 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.04.20 00:38
The enemy AI (been playing on Sniper difficulty) is pretty good and for the missions I have played they are smart enough that when one gets alerted they seem to pass this to the rest of the soldiers in the area. There was some difficulty getting used to the mechanics for the sniping (breathing, wind, and bullet drop). Once you get a feel for it, you get used to it fairly quickly. The tutorial gets you up to speed on this for the most part, but for me it really was trial and error.
The missions are really as long as you wish to make them. While I try to get most of the missions completed, there really are a lot of goals / challenges to accomplish.
First and foremost, the movement. While crouching there are so many point where you get stuck on just a small little ridge, like going down stairs from guard towers. Why? This makes so little sense. To get past you have to stand (often detrimental to your position while giving the enemy a chance to be alerted). Add to this the inability to get over things quickly by running and jumping. This will often get you trapped between textures with no way to get free resulting in a restart from previous checkpoint. It is so infuriating.
Secondly, it took me until my third mission before I noticed the ability to upgrade your gear (guns, suit, gadgets). Maybe I missed this in the initial tutorial and while not game breaking, it would have made the previous missions a bit easier.
Lastly, targeting. The use of the binoculars allows you to tag enemies and their gear (gun turrets, cameras, etc). What I have run into numerous times is the inability to tag anything. Enemy sniper across the way in full view? Nope. I had to move to three different positions before this would work and until you tag them you have no real indication of the distance.
All in all, this is still a game worth playing and I am enjoying it, but the cons I described really do detract from the game's fun. Would give it a 7 out of 10.
22455 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.03.20 02:52
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66 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.03.20 12:18
I played this game for a bit and already faced its numerous issues.
Beginning with the positives of the game, the graphics and atmosphere are great. You have really nice details all around you and it looks very realistic. The sound quality is also top notch. I can hear voices and the environment crystal clear. There are also a decent number of sniper features such as the distance finder and the wind direction curve, which are surprisingly realistic. However, that is where the positive side of the game concludes.
There are so many aspects of the game I disliked, I will only point out the most significant ones. Firstly the AI. It is ridiculous. Shooting somebody right next to them would not alert them. Sometimes you shoot the ground next to them, then you shoot right past their head and they still stand around wondering whether this is a threat. That is just ridiculous! They should take cover as soon as there is a shot missed and then start to scout for your position. Secondly, realism. I was not expecting an Arma like experience here, but that was not even close to simulating sniping. Everything is being shown to you and it is all very linear. Can't climb on every object, just the ones that the game wants you to. Hitting an enemy in the torso takes a third of a regular soldier's health which is stupid. Also the climbing and jumping is unrealistic and clunky.
Overall, I did not spend much time on that one, as I already have a good amount of experience to distinguish between a good game and a bad one. At least it is not overpriced. But for me this is still not a good purchase to make.
998 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.02.20 09:01
Only few downsides I noticed for those who are super picky: 1: there is no form of a range finder so if your trying to shoot a panel or object or wall from far away you just have to kind of eye the distance and hope you're right. 2: You cant suppress any of the assault rifles or shotguns so you cant just sneak up to a base and quietly blast your way through (I personally liked that though because it means to stealth the area you have to either be at a distance and snipe or be really good at picking headshots with a pistol because the pistol with highest damage that you're able to suppress still takes 4-5 shots to kill an enemy and by then hes alerted the base so you have to pretty much headshot with pistol every time to avoid alert. I liked it because I thought it was a good add-on to the challenge of the game) 3: You cant use all the skills you buy, it follows a basic tree then you have to select one of two options for skills and sometimes both the skills are really usefull and good so its hard to decide which one to pick when you want to have both. (Again I personally wasn't too bothered cause like I said the game doesn't make you OP it keeps a nice balance with difficulty even when you get the better gear) and that's about all the downs I can think of off the top of my head. They're not really a big deal I just figured i'd put em out there for the people who are REALLY nitpicky about their games.
P.S. the takedowns are suuuuper satisfying :D
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1118 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.02.20 07:42
I think I may have died just as many times from getting killed by the enemy as I did falling down things I tried to climb down, get off edges, or while jumping. With the way that the game does check points, walking up to an edge to get down can easily mean death and then having to start over really far back and resetting your progress and making you work at moving forward the same short distance and kill the same 20 enemies again and then heaven forbid you fall again and now you have to repeat the process again. You're also basically stuck in thermal vision for 90% of game play if you want to have any idea of where the enemies are otherwise you'll just start hearing the beeping and the system to point you toward who's seeing you is not very good at its job.
Overall, I put a lot of time into this game and am uninstalling it partway through the last map location because I'm tired of having to fight the same section of map over and over and over and over and over again because of things like jumping a small gap being such a 50/50 on dying or making it. Not to mention the bugs like getting stuck in place from time to time or being stuck crawling and the C key not registering for awhile to let you stand up, or trying to loot a body and changing guns instead and then the gun you dropped (which could be your highly customized gun) just being lost for the whole rest of that entire map. Another annoying bug while I'm thinking about it, climbing down a ladder you don't just get off at the bottom you just stop in place and hang there inches off the ground and have leap off of the ladder with the jump button which only seems to work properly some of the time, and this has also led to my death by falling in this game when trying to jump off a ladder led to leaping off a ledge to my death.
I normally feel good and accomplished getting so far into a game and so close to finishing it, but this one has just left me frustrated with how bad the things mentioned above are and how they just get in the way of playing the game. There's so much potential here for a great game and this mix of realistic sniper action with close up combat should have essentially been a modern era version of sniper elite meets hitman which would make it an A+ title but it lacks the polish to be enjoyable.
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1176 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.02.20 13:43
This game is easily finished, I played for 13 hours and I have already completed the entire game.
However, there is a good story behind it and it's good gameplay.
I would not recommend buying it as it is now.
Too expensive for this little amount of gameplay.
Too much game breaking bugs.
I would recommend buying SGW3 if you want to have a good sniper game.
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457 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.02.20 02:57
-The enemies can see you from insane distances without scopes or binoculars.
-On some missions all enemies are part of a hive mind.
-Despite the fact that this is a sniper game you always have to go and collect something near or off the target, making sniping them pretty meaningless.
-You, a professional sniper, can hold your breath for around 4 seconds (it's like six but time slows down so 4)
-Hip firing anything has a 10% chance of hitting a target from point blank range.
-Loud weapons and explosives serve no purpose as stealth is objectively better.
-The mechanics push you into playing a melee character rather than a sniper.
CI Games
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Sniper Ghost Warrior