A plushie isn't simply a lifeless husk filled with cotton. For instance, you can ask Neow to give you advice and you can choose which one of three choices will impact the rest of your [strike]run[/strike] day.
"Choose... wisely..."
Wow, very useful. Thanks Neow! You can get one of your own by simply clicking on any of these high quality drawings of Neow:
Help Neow explore social media!
We're uploading Neow with a transparent background to explore the world outside the Spire!
"I... want... to be... free"
Just download the image and make your own!
Some High Quality Examples
Let us know via e-mail (devs@megacrit.com) or our Twitter (@MegaCrit) and we'll give you a shoutout even if you're evil!
That's all for now, have a nice day.
Oh, are you still scrolling? Well, here's Neow exploring the overgrowths.
Little known fact. Neow is also a ruthless mahjong shark.
Okay, we took all these pictures for you. Be sure to buy one!