• Skyhill: Screen zum Spiel.
  • Skyhill: Screen zum Spiel.
  • Skyhill: Screen zum Spiel.
  • Skyhill: Screen zum Spiel.
  • Skyhill: Screen zum Spiel.
  • Skyhill: Screen zum Spiel.
  • Skyhill: Screen zum Spiel.
  • Skyhill: Screen zum Spiel.
  • Skyhill: Screen zum Spiel.
  • Skyhill: Screen zum Spiel.
  • Skyhill: Screen zum Spiel.
  • Skyhill: Screen zum Spiel.
  • Skyhill: Screen zum Spiel.
  • Skyhill: Screen zum Spiel.
  • Skyhill: Screen zum Spiel.
  • Skyhill: Screen zum Spiel.
  • Skyhill: Screen zum Spiel.
  • Skyhill: Screen zum Spiel.
  • Skyhill: Screen zum Spiel.
  • Skyhill: Screen zum Spiel.


Du musst angemeldet sein
  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 06.10.2015
Zum Shop
Preis Update 06.01.25

Über das Spiel

Der Dritte Weltkrieg war eine grausame Tragödie. Für die anderen zumindest. Du hattest eigentlich eine ziemlich gute Zeit in deinem schicken Penthouse im Skyhill Hotel ... Zumindest bis mit einem großen Knall eine Biowaffe das Leben wie du es kanntest weggeblasen hat.

Jetzt sind überall Mutanten, die alles in Stücke reißen, was ihnen in die ungepflegten Klauen fällt. Und das Dümmste daran: Nicht nur die Monster haben Hunger. Deine Vorräte sind aufgebraucht.
Du musst dein luxuriöses Penthouse verlassen und dich auf die Suche nach etwas Essbarem machen.

Der Weg durch das Hochhaus ist wie ein Abstieg durch die Hölle. Alles hier will dich töten und du läufst jetzt schon auf dem Zahnfleisch. Aber im Ernst, niemand hatte dir gesagt, dass du jetzt fit sein musst. Und der PayTV-Kanal lief bis zur letzten Bombe ohne Zicken.
Aber all das ist jetzt nebensächlich, denn du hast keine Zeit mehr zu verlieren.

Mach die Tür auf.
  • Roguelike RPG Gameplay in apokalyptischem Setting
  • Jedes Mal ein anderes Spiel – dank zufallsgenerierter Maps
  • Sammle Erfahrung, baue Waffen und suche nach nützlichen Gegenständen
  • Stelle dich einer Armee aus grotesken Kreaturen auf deinem Weg nach unten
  • Kopfschuss oder Körpertreffer. Wähle schnell, wähle richtig!
  • Alles was du findest, hat seinen Wert
  • Mach den Überlebenskampf zu einem Spaziergang, oder überlebe unter schwierigsten Bedingungen, ganz wie du willst
  • Das Ende ist offen – Gibt es noch Hoffnung? Gib alles und finde es heraus
  • Mit vielen freischaltbaren Spezialfähigkeiten
  • Rundenbasierter Kampf, in dem Risikofreudigkeit belohnt wird
  • Schnellreisefunktion mit dem Aufzug


  • CPU: 2.2 Ghz Dual Core CPU
  • GFX: ATI Radeon HD 3400 Series, GeForce 205
  • RAM: 4 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows XP 32 bit SP3
  • HD: 1300 MB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • SFX: DirectX 9.0c Compatible Sound Card with Latest Drivers
  • DX: Version 9.0c
  • MISC: Using the Minimum Configuration, we strongly recommend to use minimal settings in order to not experience low frame rates.
  • LANG: Englisch
Dieser Beitrag hat noch keine Einträge.

Steam Nutzer-Reviews

84 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
772 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.12.21 19:00
Schön für Nebenher - zeitweilig sogar Suchtfaktor :) Try it!
291 Produkte im Account
45 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
104 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.10.15 16:15
Ein vielversprechender Anfang ist leider nicht genug.

Mit dieser Aussage kann man das Spielerlebniss von Skyhill ganz gut zusammenfassen. Ich habe die wirklich vorbildliche Gabe der Entwickler vorab die Demo spielen zu können genutzt und das Spiel danach sofort auf der Wunschliste gehabt. Auch gleich zum Release gekauft und gezockt.

Nun bietet die Demo im Prinzip bereits schon das ganze Erlebnis bis Level 80, also gut ein fünftel des Gesamtpaketes (wenn man jetzt mal von den 100 Etagen ausgeht, die das Ziel sind).

Leider sind viele Elemente der Spielmachnik ganz nett, aber dann eben doch nicht mehr als bloße Mausklicks. Nie hat man wirklich das Gefühl eine Entscheidung treffen zu können die dann auch längerfristige Konsequenzen nach sich zieht. Die Kämpfe z.B. sind rundenbasiert (toll) und man kann sogar einzelne Trefferzonen anvisieren (auch toll). Nur schnell merkt man, dass die Auswahl zwischen hoher Schaden wenig Trefferchance (Kopf) und niedrigster Schaden hohe Trefferchance (Körper) eben nicht wirklich spannend ist.
Ähnlich das Craftingsystem. Es ist toll, dass man ne Menge Gegenstände per Zufall verteilt finden kann. Nur das Freischalten weiterer Rezepte passiert immer und in jeder Partie gleich, nämlich per Erweiterung des Bettes oder der Werkbank oder der Kochnische. Mehr gibt es nicht! (Eine 4. Upgrademöglichkeit ist es, die Zimmertür zu verstärken, um während des Schlafens die Chance auf negative Ereignisse zu reduzieren.
Es ist zudem nicht möglich Gegenstände auch auseinander zu nehmen, um so evtl. die benötigten Materialien für eine Waffe zu bekommen. Einzig das Finderglück gibt vor, was ich am Ende für eine Waffe tragen werde.
So ist denn auch das Skillsystem (4 Punkte müssen pro levelup auf 4 Attribute verteilt werden) sehr oberflächlich.

Auf der Proseite steht eine schöne Atmosphäre die teilweise sehr gut vertonten, (per Zufall) zu findenden Audiologs stehen hierbei mit dem imo sehr netten Zeichentrick - Grafikstil auf einem Level.

Für Spieler die wenig Zeit investieren möchten, um ein Spiel zu verstehen, sich über oberflächliche Mechanik nicht all zu viele Gedanken machen oder eben noch nie ein Roguelike-Spiel gespielt haben, kann man das Spiel im Sale empfehlen.

Für alle Roguelike Liebhaber ist Skyhill leider nicht zu Ende gedacht worden und für den Angebotenen Preis eindeutig zu wenig wirkliches Spiel.
128 Produkte im Account
20 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1254 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.04.22 07:33
I used to love this game, but consider gambling gameplay and exploration, boring looting and build, chance to hit is unknown especially in Hardcore mode. Can't recommend this game, think first if you not into this type of gameplay
770 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
516 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.04.22 01:03
Lots of RNG involved.
103 Produkte im Account
23 Reviews
691 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.03.22 03:56
accuracy my ass
353 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
218 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.02.22 23:27
A very fun, deceptively deep survival game. Fairly streamlined in terms of combat, but enough going on with the crafting/scavenging systems to be entertaining for a decent chuck of time.
57 Produkte im Account
25 Reviews
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76 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.12.21 18:24
Not great. interesting concept.
Combat is biased against the player, enemies are way too likely to dodge.

Hunger is far too present, especially considering how much you lose just from simple walking.

Most materials are useless unless you're at a bench, of which the only one I can find is in your penthouse, and it's apparently not upgraded? Who has time to upgrade a bench during an apocalypse?

Most weapons are drastically underpowered.

This game is not good.
752 Produkte im Account
323 Reviews
85 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.12.21 02:59
This is a great time waster on your tablet on a flight somewhere. It doesn't take much talent to play and it's random as can be.
1354 Produkte im Account
20 Reviews
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9 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.10.21 02:02
Completely unplayable with the terribly low FPS, constant freezes, and complete lockups. Devs, PAY ATTENTION.
258 Produkte im Account
64 Reviews
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119 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.10.21 22:11
90% chance? Nah more like 50%
50%? Make it 30, take it or leave it.
If I wanna get scammed by the whacky RNG, I'd go to the casino instead.
71 Produkte im Account
19 Reviews
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271 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.10.21 04:32
If you don't understand what this game is about, play the demo first.
The game is good on the first 5 runs, but gets way toooo repetitive after that. Same man same suited zombie.
Worth the price ? : Might as well burn your cash. Unless it is on 90% sale, or else this game is shit.
(╹ڡ╹ )
948 Produkte im Account
114 Reviews
497 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.09.21 13:53
Gameplay: 7/10
Graphics: 6/10
Sound: 6/10
Story: 7/10
Replay/Value: 7/10

Overall: 6.6/10
121 Produkte im Account
22 Reviews
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310 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.09.21 00:47
Fun for your first run or two, too grindy and repetitive for anything beyond that.
162 Produkte im Account
112 Reviews
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1444 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.08.21 20:15
It turned out to be more minimalist than you would think. Also, it seemed both sparse in content and heavily RNG based, which is a bad combination. The crafting UI was unpolished and fiddly, which was annoying considering that the game is mostly about crafting. It did have some gambley, slot-machine appeal, and it's not a completely tragic game, but I just can't give it a thumbs up.
1719 Produkte im Account
189 Reviews
254 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.07.21 01:29
Living in a high-rise is dangerous.

고층아파트에서 사는게 위험한 이유
190 Produkte im Account
69 Reviews
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45 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.07.21 14:01
Not worth $15 makes sense why its always on sale for less than $1
130 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
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1126 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.07.21 01:17
Really cool how developers described this game on its steam page..

...until u launch it and realize how the things really look like.
Extremely repetetive after.. idk like first 10 rooms, boring turn-based combat, way too much RNG.
There are lots of free mobile games with better mechanics & development..
374 Produkte im Account
51 Reviews
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61 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.07.21 03:29
One hit left on an enemy, and I miss 5 times in a row, including an extra turn I got due to a high speed attribute.

Nah, fam.
264 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
1509 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.06.21 04:45
simple but fun
473 Produkte im Account
83 Reviews
199 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.06.21 19:20
I was addicted for maybe 3-5 days and I seem to have stopped for now but... at least for a while it's good. Maybe if you're the kind of person who gets deeper into strategy then you will play it for longer but for me I reached a point where I found it pretty tricky to get further and my interest petered out a bit.

That being said it's very atmospheric and memorable and well-designed. The combat is simple but it's just a pleasing overall experience and a cool roguelike.

I'd recommend it if you can get it at a fairly low price because there's enough here to enjoy to make it worth it :)
173 Produkte im Account
29 Reviews
450 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.05.21 06:18
You like survival games?
You like inventory management?
You like point 'n click games?
You like rougelikes?

If yes you'll definetely like this game
620 Produkte im Account
105 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1170 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.05.21 12:54
SKYHILL is typically the game that looks very interesting (except for the zombie/mutant apocalypse premise) at first. Everyone seems to like games about survival and with crafting, but when a game only operates with the basics provided from the beginning it becomes dull. And that's how SKYHILL slowly goes downhill.

Our protagonist, Perry Jason arrives to a hotel to spend a night in a luxury suite there. After watching an alarming broadcast in the news, he sees a somewhat familiar mushroom-shaped cloud of an explosion through the window. Days later he gathers his courage and ventures out for food and water, only to find the hotel swarming with zombies. He aims to reach the ground floor of the hotel and since his room is on the top (the 100th) floor, it's by no means an easy task.

Every time we walk into a room or descend/ascend a floor, we lose 1 hunger point, when the hunger-meter depletes we lose 2 health points instead and of course when zombies hit us we also lose health. We gain health by sleeping, but we also lose hunger points while doing so, so hunger basically functions as the time limit.
The randomly generated level design seemingly works fine, but since the game is way too luck dependent, in truth, it doesn't (I've yet to play a game with randomly generated levels that's actually good). Our main activity within the game is item hunting (we can avoid most fights by leaving a room) and by items, I mean mostly food and better weapons. Due to the random item placement however, it is possible to run out of food (or health) even if we play optimally, no matter how carefully we try to balance them out. Same goes with weapons: we can acquire some really overpowered ones, but we can end up using a simple crowbar even late in the game.
Other than health and hunger, there are 4 attributes (strength, speed, dexterity, accuracy) we can put 4 points into, after gaining a level. A passive and an active perk can also be selected at start, but most passives have very serious downsides, like 'total mess' with which we can always find something, but we are also going to lose something in every 10 minutes (actually it's pretty good for speedrunning). Anyway, dexterity and accuracy are overpowered and much more useful than strength and speed, even with the chance to hit penalty due to low strength not meeting the requirements of powerful weapons.
Our room (on the top floor) functions as a safe haven, where we can sleep and upgrade weapons. These activities require certain upgrades to the related accessories (which also need items), such as reinforcing the door, so enemies won't disturb us while we are asleep, or making the workbench better so we can create more powerful weapons.
In order to get back to our room, without losing insane amounts of hunger we must also fix the broken elevator on certain floors to provide a shortcut back to our VIP suite. These of course also require hunger point investment (and items) in order to be repaired.
Each floor consists of a stairway and 2 rooms (1 to the left and 1 to the right). Besides the randomly placed zombies and objects containing items + vending machines (coins are required to use these), we can find smartphones providing clues to hidden stashes or story-related uniqe encounters with other survivors, cassette tapes and 52 notes in total (these probably won't appear all in a single playthrough).
The story-related collectibles and events are responsible for increasing the replay value somewhat, but the probability of replaying (or rather restarting) is higher due to dying, rather than interest.
The are a handful of enemy types ranging from the humanlike zombies to the scorpion-like women and the disfigured/bloated gigantic ones. We can also get poisoned, which happens rather frequently on the lower floors where more and more dangerous enemies reside, making things even harder.
Aiming at the body parts of our enemies lowers our chance to hit for a slight damage increase, but other than that, it does nothing else.

The game has 2 standard endings (one of them is rather convenient and foreseeable) + 2 secret endings depending on which collectibles we find and what we do. Due to its random nature though, not all of them are available in each playthrough :/

Graphics quality is basic with comic-book style cutscenes, but to be honest it didn't bother me, it's sufficient, could be called stylish even; the bland music and mediocre sound effects could have been better however. Our hero's voice reminded me of the psycho killer from Party Hard...

Despite all the negatives I've mentioned, SKYHILL isn't necessarily a bad game, it's even worth a playthrough. But due to the large amount of randomness it contains regarding everything, I'd still not give it a recommendation. People however, who like challenging games with procedural generation and crafting while they don't mind restarting a game (sometimes over and over) should give it a try, they might enjoy it.

+ plenty of stuff to craft
+ multiple endings
+ enjoyable gameplay at first...

- that can get repetitive in the long run
- too luck dependant
- inbalanced attributes

968 Produkte im Account
24 Reviews
2423 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.05.21 06:37
It's simple.

You are on the highest floor of an expensive hotel when the world turns upside down. To have some chance for survival you have to get out. All it requires is to go through 100 floors.

Now the hard side.

Each step costs you 1 hunger point, so you better search other hotel rooms for some food or things that can be turned into food. Beware the ripped ones or you want to get sick? You have nothing else to eat? Hard choice then, eat it and risk losing some health points or slowly starve to death (no food means -1 point of health each step).
What about those monsters in the rooms? Well, you can run away from them… if they let you. What about the monsters blocking your way on the stairs? Hm, is the elevator functioning? If you are lucky, you can go around them, if you are unlucky, you have to fight them. Again, it would be wise to search the rooms for any items that can be used as weapons or turned into weapons in your president suite. Don't get fooled by those weak monsters at the beginning, bring some serious stuff with you to the lower floors.
You got hurt in the fight? Quickly, use medkit, pills, bandages… anything! You have nothing? Oh my… go into your room to sleep then. And pray that your doors are secure enough to protect you from uninvited visitors… they can eat your food, steal your best weapon, destroy random items, cause that you lose more health than you gain….

You are still alive?
Just 10 floors to the main entrance?
Wanna tell me of the horrors you have seen? No.. okay, I understand. Some serious stuff going on here. Okay then, good luck.
Just… just be careful that the RNG God doesn't kick your right between your eyes.

Oh well, who am I fooling around. It will happen. More than once.
Be prepared.

Great game. I have really enjoyed it, although it can be pretty frustrating, especially when you are going for the hardcore run. But I have never rage quitted and still pushed for more. There are a lot of things that you can uncover. I am still not sure what is the truth here. Also the modes and perks you open offer great replayability and fun!
115 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
1466 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.04.21 00:55

☑️ Custom


???? MS Paint
???? Bad
???? Meh
???? Graphics don't matter in this game
☑️ Good
???? Beautiful
???? Masterpiece


☑️ No music
???? Bad
???? Not special
???? Beautiful


???? This game has no story
☑️ It's there for the people who want it
???? Well written
???? Epic story
???? You choose your fate


???? Under price
???? Perfect Price
☑️ Could be cheaper
???? Overpriced
???? Complete waste of money


????You can run it on a microwave
☑️ Average
???? High end
???? NASA computer


???? Very Short (0 - 3 hours)
???? Short (3 - 15 hours)
???? Average (15-50 hours)
???? Long (50-90 hours)
???? Extremely long (90-110 hours)
☑️ No ending

~ FUN ~

???? I'd rather watch paint dry
???? Hard to enjoy
???? Repetitive
☑️ Actually pretty amusing
???? Ride of your life


???? It's a one-time experience
???? Only for achievements
???? If you wait a few months/years
???? Definitely
☑️ Infinitely replayable


???? Not as good as the previous one/s
???? Better than the previous one/s
☑️ Doesnt apply


???? No
☑️ Wait for sale
???? Yes
375 Produkte im Account
19 Reviews
415 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.03.21 07:51
It's got some neat stuff. A good game to just kind of chill with for a while. Pretty satisfying to upgrade your character and weapons. It can get repetitive, but if you dig the concept of escaping a skyscraper during a zombie outbreak you'll have some fun.
598 Produkte im Account
80 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
6 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.03.21 04:48
Dear Steam: Please stop letting developers release mobile apps on your platform.
1211 Produkte im Account
41 Reviews
567 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.03.21 06:49
surprisingly good. fairly fun, very basic. nice to play while multitasking. i hate point and click games, but enjoyed this
55 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
221 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.03.21 19:51
Guessed the plot of this game when I got the first clue. I am honestly on the fence about this game. Its an idle survival sim. Honestly hated the combat of this game. Powerful weapons became instantly useless due to a low accuracy score. The only reason I beat this was by using the skill that randomly assigns skill points every level. I recommend this game to anyone who wants something simple they can play while waiting or working on other projects. As a fan of the zombie genre I was kinda left burnt by the narrative. I was expecting the cliches of the zombie genre, but was left with a plot twist that undermined my enjoyment of this game. If it's on sale I recommend it.
974 Produkte im Account
144 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
363 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.02.21 18:36
Bad game
959 Produkte im Account
71 Reviews
364 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.02.21 15:48
Reasonable game that you can play with Mouse Only. However, the game play is a bit lacking in my opinion. Nothing over the top special that really stands out. Probably worth a few play throughs, for Achievement Hunters. Otherwise it's sort of a wash rinse repeat.
328 Produkte im Account
23 Reviews
402 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.12.20 04:59
This is a fun but quite challenging Roguelike.

I highly recommend this game when its on a sale.
With the price being as low as it is when it is on sale, really you got nothing to loose but time and you will
get some kind of enjoyment out of this fun little game!
While I have not been able to finish it I have enjoyed my time thus far with it!

There is a demo so you can`t go wrong with that!

329 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
309 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.11.20 14:06
Tekrar tekrar sıkılmadan oynayacağınız bir oyun olmasa da indirimdeyken alınabilecek çerezlik bir oyun.
113 Produkte im Account
138 Reviews
167 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.10.20 05:08

Game type Adventure Turn-based
Story ★★★★☆
Graphic ★★★☆☆
Fun ★★★☆☆
Difficulty ★★★★☆
Play time ★★★☆☆
614 Produkte im Account
33 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
296 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.10.20 17:07
its freezing all the time, unplayable
1182 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
26 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.10.20 13:17
Could be fun if it did not freeze on the menu and starting a new run for like 4 mins each making it a 8 mins wait time between each death makes the game very hard to like and looks like its been abandoned for there new game.
A possible good game broken by bad opimisation.
622 Produkte im Account
18 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
634 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.10.20 04:06
am sorry but can not like with all the slow down at start screen and at the beginning of the game. it is fun over all
361 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
79 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.10.20 17:29
I like the game, it's a lot of fun, but the 2 minute long wait for the game to unfreeze while it loads for the main menu + a new game is a little annoying. Idk if everyone has this issue, but some are, and I guess I'm unfortunately one of them.
1900 Produkte im Account
28 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
288 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.10.20 12:49
I actually like the game a lot.
Everytime I go to main menu or start a game, it freezes (stops working) and I have to wait for a minute or so for literally no reason. Saw people getting similar errors pretty commonly, there's no known reason or fix for it... It is hella annoying.
544 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
177 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.10.20 06:05
A lovely distillation of survival horror mechanics in a neat little bite sized replayable package. Can get repetitive at times, especially in the beginning, but it picks up after a couple runs once you unlock perks to experiment with. Nice spooky music and overall atmosphere. The story is sparse but fascinating for what it is, told through a combination of cutscenes, audio logs, journals, and random events/characters. Certainly worth a full price purchase!
610 Produkte im Account
39 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
68 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.09.20 07:39
I can't figure it out, but it seems this game is poorly optimized. I get constant frame drops on a seemingly very low-load game. Otherwise it's a cool rogue-like similar to 60 seconds!
1128 Produkte im Account
228 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
26 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.08.20 14:11
Occasionally, combat will freeze on me. The main solution I've found for this is to exit to the main menu and return. The problem with this approach is that my health is saved at its current value, but the health of the monster I'm fighting is fully restored! I haven't gotten further down than floor 80 thanks to this, and it's enough of a problem that I won't be playing more.

Outside of the above issue, Skyhill is an interesting premise with competent but dull execution. You spend 1 hunger to move between rooms, you fight by smashing your character against enemies until one of you falls over, you gain experience, find food, and constantly want more health items. Skyhill looks and feels like someone's first roguelike, and I hope they learned something from it.
183 Produkte im Account
64 Reviews
3147 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.08.20 07:01
And now on today's criminal news.
The culprit behind the massacre at the SKYHILL hotel has been shoot dead by the police forces, arriving to the scene eleven days late, since the first signs of distress.
The man has yet to be identified, since his entire body is covered in bloodstained bandages, that are, presumably, covering the multiple wounds he might have got, while murdering everyone he met using two by four.
There are, however, one, who have survived this gruesome incident. A senior citizen, who, by his own admission, has offered the culprit an overripe banana in exchange for a handmade saw-sword, after former chased one of the victims into his room and proceeded to bash them in the head, missing multiple times. The culprit politely declined, stating that he had nothing of the sort, but the man insist, that the real reason lies elsewhere.
603 Produkte im Account
108 Reviews
92 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.07.20 09:47
A real fun roguelike that starts a bit slow but once you get a hang of the mechanics and gameplay, it's a fun way to kill time
1923 Produkte im Account
228 Reviews
704 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.07.20 10:32
This game is so amazing. It worth my money even on full price.

The random of enemies and supply are not too variant so if you play cautiously you can not die so easily. The story are quite short but you can understand in no time.

Overall, my rating for this game is 9/10
751 Produkte im Account
97 Reviews
2584 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.07.20 00:47
A fun casual game where you have to move from the top floor of a 99 floor skyscraper down to the base floor while collecting items and killing mutants. You can craft weapons, workshop upgrades, food and medicine with the resources you find. Moving and makes you hungry , so be sure to stay fed! Once your hunger meter reaches zero, you will lose heal points instead! (goes down fast!)

I really enjoy playing this. Still did not make it to the first floor. The randomness of the game can be a pain sometimes, (for example when you encounter a high lvl mutant at the start of the game), but the simplicity makes it relaxing to play. I challenged a few friends to race me to the first floor. Making this also an entertaining kind of party game:P

Got this on the Steam sale for 1,50 eur. Already having played about 6 hours and still enjoying it...and still did not make it to the first floor. I do not see a lot of replay value once the goal is reached. Maybe for achievement completion or to collect all the journals or to try out the different perks. But it is quite repetitive, so for me reaching the first floor will be end game:D
188 Produkte im Account
22 Reviews
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66 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.07.20 13:07
kind of random and frustrating. if the combat was better this would be a decent game.
3035 Produkte im Account
137 Reviews
173 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.07.20 22:00


As you set out on a 100 floor descent in order to escape from hotel's VIP suite as the entire place is now infested with mutants of unknown origin, you quickly discover Skyhill is quite lacking in the variety department. No matter how many weapons dependent on upgradable stats you find, or how much food you gobble and cook to stay satiated, each floor is exactly the same with two rooms and stairway there for you to scavenge through. Taking turns with the uglies in combat is on the simple side as well. There's nothing really WRONG with the game so I can't fault it, but keep in mind there's little here after those initial few runs are behind you and you have a tighter grip on how to build your protagonist. This is one of those titles where you are expected to die and learn from experience. There's just very little reason to replay Skyhill and even multiple endings do little to alleviate that fact.

Full Review

You could say there's very little to expound upon when it comes to Skyhill. Probably due to lack of general variety for a sort of game it sets out to be. Is that necessarily so bad when you observe the offering as a complete package? Well, I guess that's what we're here to find out.

Guy rents a VIP suite in a 100 floor hotel and is extremely fortunate seeing it has “the latest bio-hazard protection installed” because come tomorrow everything seems to have gone totally bonkers. Discovering the elevator system is malfunctioning he realizes there's an arduous descent awaiting him if he wants to reach the bottom floor and escape. Along the way some monsters, mutants or whatever lurk in the rooms on the lookout for their latest victim. Putting together all the resources he can muster, with only his VIP suite as safe haven, our protagonist embarks on his merry way hoping to retain fragments of sanity.

You know I'm a story kind of guy, but as far as direct plot goes that's kinda it – escape. There's a bit more in what you scrounge over the course of playing, though. Game drops stuff like New Europe info early on and you can tell this isn't exactly our world anymore. What really fleshes out Skyhill are notes you find. In fact, piecing [parts] of the bigger picture is how you get alternate endings. I actually fairly liked how different all three of those are even if the game is arbitrary about it in a sense they're independent of one another, but can be unlocked in a single run. For example, I made both alternate endings available, but one overrides the other so you don't get to choose. If you ask me the default ending is probably the most effective seeing as it's heavily hinted at if you pay attention to audio recordings protagonist comes across. I remember the initial crowdfunding pitch numbered three playable characters so maybe they would have expanded the story more had that come to fruition as intended.

Setup we're operating with here gameplay-wise is that every floor has a stairwell/elevator area + two rooms, one to each side. Moving from room-to-room costs you one unit of food, which feeds into the survival element because you have to keep your hunger in check lest you start losing health. I'll go into it later on when I talk about specific systems, but in each of these rooms are almost always containers holding everything from weapons, ingredients for all your crafting needs or consumables like low-tier food and health kits. You can move between your VIP and any floor with operational elevator access by spending two units of food which is a lifesaver when you're nearing the exit and need to craft and rest to heal. Trick is that sometimes a panel has to be fixed and you have to keep doing this whenever you see one because if the chain of working elevators is broken you won't be able to use them at all. Game does throw you a bone by not requiring a specific skill or to fix things, but rather putting a certain part requirement up OR you can improvise, spend some time and lose a random item from inventory with a chance of failure. In practical terms this was never an issue for me because you have plenty of stuff in your backpack and losing some wiring won't immediately kill you.

What just might kill you is combat, though. Rooms I talked about can also be populated by enemies you need to do away with before you can loot and they're also your main source of experience. I counted handful of enemy types, but considering how long a run takes I didn't find that terribly restrictive. Skyhill also decides to throw more dangerous enemies at you as you descend further and further while keeping in mind you CAN backtrack to the VIP room if you need a quick upgrade. You fight enemies by either simply clicking on them and letting the skill/weapon formula do its thing or you can enable the aimed attack mode where you choose three body parts to attack, each with differing percentage-to-hit and damage. Latter seems like a reasonable choice to go with as most of the time you want that fine control in order to optimize. If there was one enemy I dreaded coming across it was the toxic bloated one who would attempt to poison you if you didn't kill him fast enough. That's quite the problem as it sends your health ticking down without an antidote you must to craft. Speaking of which...

Crafting is a thing that I, much to my own embarrassment, didn't get the importance of while I was doing so well early on. Reaching low 20s and I understood not returning to the suite where crafting station and bed are located was a mistake. You see, you can upgrade your “home base” which lets you unlock more recipes and such. Those are key to acquiring better weapons and actually filling food because what you find as loot is just enough to get you by. Taking into account weapons depend on stat(s) you may want to plan ahead and work with those points you get with each level to put into Strength, Speed, Dexterity or Accuracy so you don't suffer handling penalties if one or more isn't up to snuff. Especially since some advanced weapons require you to have not only crafting ingredients but also other weapons. One issue that stood out was how final damage output could have been a bit more transparent. You can only see what effective damage, with skill bonuses factored in, your weapon will do once you actually equip it seeing as base damage is more of a guideline. It just leads to unnecessary back and forth until you find the best one.

While I'm on the topic of character development I should also briefly bring up active and passive Perks. Those are all locked at first, but as you play through the game they open up and can be quite the game changers. Lucky Bastard, for example, lets you one-shot anything and then goes on extensive cooldown making it something you save. Or Rampage where you always strike first, but cannot retreat from fights. Perks somewhat alleviate that absent degree of major differences across multiple runs in that they can also alter non-combat functionality like make you see through what's on other floors, start off with a strong medpack, etc.

On the production end Skyhill definitely subscribes to making good use of the chosen art style. Visual highlights peak at dramatically drawn shadows once combat is met for higher tension, but presentation also reveals mobile version as the likely baseline. Some detail work like weapon types having their own attack animations pleasantly surprised me and what is in the game certainly looks polished enough. Audio offering is sparse albeit functional, especially with creepy mutant noises. Ominous and moody exploration track is the one you'll grow accustomed to the most as it follows your every step and loops eternally.
104 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
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506 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.06.20 06:40
Honestly a little surprised to see so many thumbs up for the game. In my opinion it is almost a thumbs up but I have some gripes with the game.

I love the style and idea of the game, but the RNG in this game is SO bad. The game is considered challenging but really it isnt. It is VERY hard to beat but really, you just need a lucky game. For example, some games you dont find a weapon before the first or even second enemy. Making for a super long, tedious and slow start which is hard to recover from, especially when I lose on even amazing starts. I have had games that went nearly perfect but for whatever reason I got no health/food due to RNG and just simply could not continue. Another perfect run I got poisoned and the whole run I could not find antibiotics to make antivenom. There is some skill but really you just have to get lucky. Some weapons are also super OP. Got some random crazy high level sword one run early on that was doing like 20 damage a hit average. While other items do 2. Not balanced. Not sure if my version is glitched but elevator wont ever work, regardless of power on floor and doors not broken. So going back up is not economical and upgrading your base seems to serve almost no purpose. The game needs lots of tuning.
2089 Produkte im Account
1115 Reviews
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108 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.06.20 05:44
mediocre. zombies + roguelike + crafting. could you possibly be more generic
2318 Produkte im Account
175 Reviews
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360 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.06.20 14:57
This is a shorter, less in-depth review than I usually do. The reason is that I really don't enjoy SKYHILL, and I really don't see the depth that could be explored by playing more.

Others already wrote the basics. You start on 100th floor in your room, climb down, check 2 side rooms, get loot, craft items and food in your room, get to the first floor and finish the game.

I found the game tedious, boring, unimaginative and uninspiring. The combat is about tapping on enemy to do an unaimed attack, or various types of aimed attack where the only difference is that the higher-damaging hits have lower chance to hit, no other effect.
There is no charm to gameplay, no strategies to explore, no options. You're at the mercy of RNGesus for loot, ingredients and combat alike. Most of starting perks give small boons/bonuses, more special ones (like the ones that makes you hit weaker in the staircase, and stronger in rooms) are also heavily luck-reliant. This is not Binding of Isaac, or Enter the Gungeon where you can kite enemies and eventually win even with super low attack power. Here you have no HP upgrade, no armor, no healing in combat, and no powerups, only HP and hunger. It's minimalistic, it's simplistic, it's lacking.

I don't intend to ever play this again, and likely remove it from my library because of how much of a disappointment it is, while we have so many great roguelikes on Steam/PC. It's a 15€ game where most of the positive reviews praising it have around 6 hours of gameplay time, because that's how much content the devs could make out from a roguelike.
708 Produkte im Account
110 Reviews
81 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.05.20 09:39
Short but nice
473 Produkte im Account
45 Reviews
528 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.04.20 03:50
Por 1$, qué más se puede pedir. Bastante adictivo y buenas (y simples) mecanicas. 9/10
189 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
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267 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.04.20 15:00
Cool concept. Everything else is poor at best. The gameplay was made for mobile devices and it shows badly. The amount of randomization in both what you can scavenge and in the combat ensures you will lose constantly through no fault of your own. The unlocks you can get are not rewarding and don't generally help with the game. All in all, a nice idea done very poorly. Not to mention I faced multiple crashes when loading into a run. Play something else with your time.
264 Produkte im Account
21 Reviews
749 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.04.20 17:06
This is a great game! Every time I play I notice something different, love it!
1264 Produkte im Account
139 Reviews
365 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.04.20 15:59
Pretty entertaining.
The game itself is very straight forward; You just need to get to the 1st floor to win.
Once I got to the bottom, I did not want to play again because it feels like same old Sxxx but it takes more than some minutes to figure out how to get to 1st floor and it was worth it. Lots of strategy and randomness here. So pretty good rogue-lite i guess.
Also, there are several endings too for replayability.
In short, A good game! I was having a good time playing this.
게임 자체는 굉장히 직관적임. 1층까지 가면 게임이 끝남.
1층 한번 가니까 다시 할 엄두가 안났긴 했는데, 1층까지 가기 위한 방법을 고안해내는데 시간이 꽤 걸리고 재밌었다. 나름의 전략과 랜덤이 어느정도 공존해서 좋은 로그라이트라 생각한다.
엔딩도 여러개라 다시 할만할듯?
좋은 게임이었다. 하면서 재밌었음.
485 Produkte im Account
39 Reviews
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4255 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.04.20 15:39
This should be a free browser game. It's very simplistic, there aren't many choices. For example there is no retreat, and it's mostly a one way path. I find it very difficult, which is not a bad thing, but I do say it's bad that there isn't much I can choose, it's either going to be a good run or bad, and I don't appear to have much influence in that.
3162 Produkte im Account
235 Reviews
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1249 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.01.20 07:08
Yet another one of those mobile games, in which you just move from room to room by tapping on your phone's screen, and search the drawers for loot (The Notorious B.I.G. approves). Some games try to hide the repetitive mobile gameplay under the deep atmosphere. Some, like This War of Mine, succeed. This one? Well........ it sure tries. There's a post-apocalyptic setting, there's some sort of the hidden story, there are some diaries to find, etc, but somehow... all that just doesn't work well enough. I mean, yeah, The Matrix has yet another Mr. Anderson and stuff, but all that feels kind of cheap and... kind of pathetic, really. And since, even though the game revolves around 100 floors, you won't do anything more than a couple of taps on each of them... let's just say that's exactly what you may expect from a cheap mobile game. Tap, tap, tap, die, tap again, repeat until you'll reach the exit.

Don't get me wrong, though, SKYHILL isn't that bad. Sure, it feels like a boring mess when you try to play it as a proper computer game on your huge 8K TV, but when you play it on go, in the way it was supposed to be, it feels totally fine. I kind of like playing such games while waiting for something, while cooking, or doing some other stuff, which doesn't give me enough freedom to read the book. The problem is – $14.99 / £11.99 for something like this? It's a joke. Pretty sad one too. If you're going to buy this – buy it for your mobile device of choice. And even then, wait for at least 50% off. Dixi.
1242 Produkte im Account
74 Reviews
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396 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.01.20 21:42
Survival Roguelike Bingo
821 Produkte im Account
256 Reviews
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17 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.01.20 21:19
Lackluster survival game. the concept is cool, but its too expensive for a small flash game you play in the web.

Combat is also hot steaming garbage, needs better production and lots of more content to be worth my time and my money.
395 Produkte im Account
321 Reviews
1194 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.01.20 22:18
Seemingly a mystery about apocalypse or a mad man's rampage down a skyscraper.
The first playthrough may be exciting but gradually,
alittle disappointed, much into the game.
Truthfully rather lacking in content.

RePlayability are few story plots but is purely to grind off
collection of the journals or to get redundantly get yourself killed '100' times for achievements.

Just a Click Fest, three points of entry on every level, RNG melee fights,
luck and random based collection of loots with majority which are 'empty'...

Playable but can't see it worthy at full price,
glad the game was on 90% discount.

2725 Produkte im Account
20 Reviews
1197 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.01.20 08:53
This game had been on my wishlist for awhile, but I was always hesitant to get it because of the mixed reviews. I'm really glad I finally ignored that instinct and grabbed it on sale as it's actually a pretty fun game.

Those claiming high RNG factor are not wrong, however I found that it was a lot more fun than it sounds. For me it always felt fresh and interesting seeing how far I could get with the combinations the game threw at me and that is where skill and strategy actually do come into play - especially on Hardcore mode. I had a similar feeling when I played The Binding of Isaac, although that game was a lot more difficult.

Overall I would say this is a decent little casual game, one that I probably wouldn't spend its full price on but if you can grab it on a sale it's worth it.
43 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
195 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.12.19 19:11
This game is fun, but the reviews saying it's 120% RNG are completely true. You'll probably play a couple rounds ever now and again to see how far the dice rolls get you, and you'll likely play on the x4 speed setting after your first couple of runs just to make the thing go faster. Only one thing I fucking HATE about it is the fact that to use the elevator, ALL BROKEN FUSEBOXES ON/ABOVE THE FLOOR YOU ARE ON HAVE TO BE REPAIRED. In my experience this almost NEVER happens.

Get stuck with one that requires a generator early on? You're fucked. You can trying chancing it, but there's no guarantee and you'll likely lose some stuff. Plus you'll lose hunger, and since the items you find are COMPLETELY random you need every drop of hunger you can get.

I can forgive a lot of stuff about this game because it's just a short timekiller. That's fine for the price (especially on sale). It just seems like there's a lot of stuff that could have been tweaked or improved that would make it less frustrating to play over and over. Combat also starts to be a bit of a drag, especially if a weapon doesn't spawn for the first fight. If it doesn't for the first two, just start over.

Overall, get it on sale. Great idea with some bad design elements. 6.5/10
1543 Produkte im Account
43 Reviews
50 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.12.19 02:18
Would only recommend if you get it for like -90% like I did. The concept is nice but gets boring really fast.
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Rating auf Steam Ausgeglichen
68.63% 466 213
Release:06.10.2015 Genre: Actionspiel Entwickler: Mandragora Vertrieb: Daedalic Entertainment Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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