Silo is a focused and lightning-fast standalone 3D modeler. Its deep modeling and UV mapping toolset has made it a favorite of pros for making game assets, movie characters, and objects for 3D printing. It?s a huge upgrade over the modeling tools of bloated all-in-one packages, and works hand-in-hand with industry standards like Maya, Blender, and ZBrush, and game engines like Unity and Unreal.

Advanced context-sensitive tools reduce the number of keys required to work fast, and sticky keys let you hop into and out of tools on the fly. From Spin Edge to advanced mirroring to LSCM UV Unwrapping, Silo has the tools pros request most. All accessible via a 100% customizable mouse.

Silo is currently being used at top studios worldwide as both a stand-alone design tool and as a versatile element of a multi-software 3D graphics workflow.


Support and Resources

Help, tutorials, and videos for Silo are all maintained online on the official Silo website. You can find hours of training videos on their tutorials page and other content on the Nevercenter 3D Modeling Wiki, which offers many resources for modelers using any application. The Silo user forums are also a great place to search, share, and find answers to your questions.">

Silo is a focused and lightning-fast standalone 3D modeler. Its deep modeling and UV mapping toolset has made it a favorite of pros for making game assets, movie characters, and objects for 3D printing. It?s a huge upgrade over the modeling tools of bloated all-in-one packages, and works hand-in-hand with industry standards like Maya, Blender, and ZBrush, and game engines like Unity and Unreal.

Advanced context-sensitive tools reduce the number of keys required to work fast, and sticky keys let you hop into and out of tools on the fly. From Spin Edge to advanced mirroring to LSCM UV Unwrapping, Silo has the tools pros request most. All accessible via a 100% customizable mouse.

Silo is currently being used at top studios worldwide as both a stand-alone design tool and as a versatile element of a multi-software 3D graphics workflow.


Support and Resources

Help, tutorials, and videos for Silo are all maintained online on the official Silo website. You can find hours of training videos on their tutorials page and other content on the Nevercenter 3D Modeling Wiki, which offers many resources for modelers using any application. The Silo user forums are also a great place to search, share, and find answers to your questions.">

Silo is a focused and lightning-fast standalone 3D modeler. Its deep modeling and UV mapping toolset has made it a favorite of pros for making game assets, movie characters, and objects for 3D printing. It?s a huge upgrade over the modeling tools of bloated all-in-one packages, and works hand-in-hand with industry standards like Maya, Blender, and ZBrush, and game engines like Unity and Unreal.

Advanced context-sensitive tools reduce the number of keys required to work fast, and sticky keys let you hop into and out of tools on the fly. From Spin Edge to advanced mirroring to LSCM UV Unwrapping, Silo has the tools pros request most. All accessible via a 100% customizable mouse.

Silo is currently being used at top studios worldwide as both a stand-alone design tool and as a versatile element of a multi-software 3D graphics workflow.


Support and Resources

Help, tutorials, and videos for Silo are all maintained online on the official Silo website. You can find hours of training videos on their tutorials page and other content on the Nevercenter 3D Modeling Wiki, which offers many resources for modelers using any application. The Silo user forums are also a great place to search, share, and find answers to your questions.">


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  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 19.12.2020
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Preis Update 07.02.22

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Silo is a focused and lightning-fast standalone 3D modeler. Its deep modeling and UV mapping toolset has made it a favorite of pros for making game assets, movie characters, and objects for 3D printing. It?s a huge upgrade over the modeling tools of bloated all-in-one packages, and works hand-in-hand with industry standards like Maya, Blender, and ZBrush, and game engines like Unity and Unreal.

Advanced context-sensitive tools reduce the number of keys required to work fast, and sticky keys let you hop into and out of tools on the fly. From Spin Edge to advanced mirroring to LSCM UV Unwrapping, Silo has the tools pros request most. All accessible via a 100% customizable mouse.

Silo is currently being used at top studios worldwide as both a stand-alone design tool and as a versatile element of a multi-software 3D graphics workflow.


  • Zen Workflow - Silo's careful design and its focus on pure modeling allows it to have a free, uncluttered feeling which is simply not possible in larger applications. Whether you are working to precise specifications or sketching out your thoughts, it is much easier to do so in a calm, focused modeling environment. This benefits professionals who are coming to Silo to escape slower, more complex software. It also benefits hobbyists and students, who are able to learn everything they need without having to deal with anything they don't need.

  • File Formats - Silo supports import and export of .sia, .sib, .obj, .3ds, .dxf, and .fac, as well as the export only of .stl, .pov, and .rib.

  • Advanced Polygonal Modeling - Silo offers a comprehensive set of interactive, context-sensitive tools for rapid polygonal modeling. The workflow is focused on having a few powerful, intelligent tools, rather than a separate command or option for every conceivable function. Additionally, "sticky key" functionality allows tools to behave differently if a hotkey is held down. Key modeling tools include Break, Tweak, Cut, Bevel, Slide, Scale, Extrude, Polygon Tool, Edge Tool, unlimited Undo and Redo, and more. Modeling can be performed with or without manipulators, including the Universal Manipulator which combines rotate, scale, and translate into a single manipulator.

  • Comprehensive Selection Tools - Robust selection tools are the key to great modeling, and a quick look at the Selection menu shows Silo's development has focused heavily on this area. Some highlights? Multi Select mode allows users to select vertices, edges and faces without changing selection modes. Tweak selection allows a user to grab, move, and deselect a component with a single click. That and many other tools work with Soft Selection, which smoothly distributes changes throughout a shape. Paint, Area, and Lasso selection types are supported. Select Visible and Select Thru functions are both available - by default, use the left mouse button for Select Visible commands, and the middle mouse button for Select Thru. A separate Undo is available for cycling through recent selections.

  • Subdivision Surfaces - Subdivision surfaces offer a smooth, high polygon shape, and are easily accessible in Silo. Using default shortcuts, simply press c to subdivide as many levels as you want, and v to unsubdivide. Modeling can be performed in real time at any subdivision level with updates shown directly on the subdivided shape. Edges can be creased to keep them sharp at all subdivision levels.

  • Unparalleled Customization - Designed to fit into any pipeline, Silo is the most customizable modeler available. That includes complete customization of the mouse, keyboard, and graphical interface, allowing it to closely emulate other applications a user may be familiar with, or perform tasks (such as assigning up to 40 different commands to a typical mouse with keyboard modifiers) which no other application can. Favorite tricks include assigning undo/redo, grow/shrink selection, and to the scrollwheel, or simply putting frequently used commands on the right mouse button with modifiers. Silo's button pages allow users to create their own multi-page interfaces, and assign any command to any image. The interface and color scheme are also highly customizable. Customizations can be easily imported, exported, and shared. Even the Primitives menu can be customized with frequently used models or settings.

  • Advanced UV Editing - Silo offers multiple types of unwrapping, including LSCM, Planar Region, XYZ, Per Face, and By Neighbors, which heals UVs based on the UVs based on the surrounding area. Different unwrapping methods can even be used on parts of the same mesh for optimal results. UVs are preserved during modeling operations, so modeling and UV editing can be freely interchanged with little to no cleanup. (This is particularly useful when a last-minute modeling change needs to be made to a "finished" model.) Clutter is significantly reduced by allowing regular geometry editing tools (such as Break, Merge, Tweak, Slide, and Soft Selection) to be used to edit UVs wherever it makes sense. Even the displacement brushes, particularly the Smooth brush, are very useful when applied to smoothing out UVs.

  • Displacement Painting - Finally, brush-based displacement painting has been well-integrated into a traditional modeling environement. Silo's brushes integrate seamlessly with the rest of the modeling toolset. If the model is subdivided, the brushes will affect the subdivided shape directly, otherwise they will affect regular geometry. As with UVs, displacement is preserved where possible during modeling changes, so the brushes can be used alongside other tools as the model develops, rather than solely at the end of the process. Painting is smooth and natural, and works well with tablets. Displacement maps and normal maps can be generated and exported from any subdivision level, or even from two completely separate objects.

  • Retopology - With the popularity of displacement painting in Silo and other applications, as well as the common usage of 3d scanners, modelers are frequently asked to create a new, well-formed model with a high-poly shape for reference. This process is frequently known as retopologization, and Silo's Topology Tool provides an innovative solution by allowing users to directly draw new topology onto an object using a pen-like tool. Silo also offers Surface Snapping, which effectively turns every tool into a topology tool by snapping edited geometry to an underlying shape, and the Surface Tool, which allows users to quickly in interactively draw out and tweak strips of polygons.

  • Scene Editor - Complex Scenes can be easily managed in Silo via the Scene Editor, which displays the scene in a tree-like structure and allows layer-like editing of objects and groups. Selection, display mode, locking, and visibility can all be quickly modified from the editor.

  • Numerical Editor - Silo offers precise numerical control of the position, rotation, scale, size, distance, and angle of selected geometry via the Numerical Editor.

  • Snapping - Three powerful snapping modes are available in Silo. Grid snapping snaps to the customizable workgrid, Component snapping snaps to the vertices, edges, and faces of an object, and Surface snapping smoothly snaps to the surface of unselected objects. These snapping modes affect nearly all geometry editing commands.

Support and Resources

Help, tutorials, and videos for Silo are all maintained online on the official Silo website. You can find hours of training videos on their tutorials page and other content on the Nevercenter 3D Modeling Wiki, which offers many resources for modelers using any application. The Silo user forums are also a great place to search, share, and find answers to your questions.


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Steam Nutzer-Reviews

411 Produkte im Account
108 Reviews
1393 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.11.17 22:00
Recht günstiges, einfach & intuitiv zu bedienendes 3D modellierungs Programm um einzelne Objekte zu erstellen.

Probleme mit Export/Import in Unreal:
UVs sind falsch obwohl die in Silo richtig aussehen, nach Triangulate kam das^^
Das was man in Silo sieht kann schonmal vermurkst in Unreal aussehen.
Kommt öfters vor das Silo sich beim FXB Export aufhängt, manchmal behebt es sich durch neu starten, manchmal darf man raten welches Objekt es verursacht.
UV Übergänge (UV Seams) sollte man in Silo beachten.
Instancen Objekte werden nicht importiert, z.B. 1 Original und 3 Instancen landen beim Import als nur als 1 Objekt.
Habe heute mehr Zeit verbracht ein Objekt zu reparieren das es richtig in Unreal aussieht wie es zu erstellen^^

Andere Probleme:
Instancen Objekte lassen sich nicht per Menü ran zommen oder fokuszieren wie das original Objekt.
Oberflächen Normalen sind schwer zu erkennen wenn sich Flächen nah gegenüber stehen.
Keine Autosaves zu finden obwohl die alle 15 Min. hätten erstellt werden müssen^^
Auch schon abgestürzt beim speichern der .sib Datei^^

Bei Line Segment Subdivide abgestürzt, waren 2 Umrisse.

Undo: Wenn man Bevel abgebrochen hat muss man 2x Undo klicken obwohl sichtbar beim ersten Undo das Objekt wie vorher aussieht, nur 1x Undo danach geht Bevel nicht an der gleichen Kante.

Auswahl Farben: Bei Kanten z.B. ist eine Farbe oft nicht zu erkennen, besser wären 2 gestrichelt.

Anwendungsbereich bei mir ist Spieleentwicklung.
Der .FBX Import in Unity sah gut aus.
Beim .FBX Import in Unreal fand ich eine Übergangslösung.

(Ähnlich in dieser Preis Kategorie sind Cheetah 3D 7 für MAC, AC3D , Shade 16 Basic für PC.)

viele Bugs sind weg,
nun Abstürze beim UV Mapping ^^
300 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
17 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.08.17 02:56
Habe diese Software in einem Sonderangebot hier bei Steam für 27 € erworben und musste feststellen, dass sie nicht funktioniert.
Das Programm kann zwar über Steam gestartet werden, jedoch arbeitet es nicht.
Es wird danach der Hinweis gegeben, dass man sich bei Problemen an den Softwarehersteller wenden sollte.
Außerdem werden benötigte Verzeichnisse für die Funktion der Software nicht an den entsprechenden Stellen des Computers angelegt.

313 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
29206 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.06.21 13:13
It was sold as a full version, and has since become unsupported and defunct, which leaves paying customers in the dark.

I'd rather not buy it again just to use what I already bought and paid for at full price.
105 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
286 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.12.20 04:05
This 3D modeling software is very user friendly, simply and usefull.. It's awesome!!
606 Produkte im Account
56 Reviews
38588 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.06.18 20:21
The nicest modeling tool ive ever tried, used to be long time user of maya before trying silo, and max before that. Never really taken to blender but wanted to ditch the monthly fees coming out of my bank, and im glad i did :)
234 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
9956 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.09.17 01:42
I work professionally in games as an artist. While I use Maya, Max, Zbrush, and Mudbox for Modeling at the studio, I love using this at home. It has all the basic tools for most folks and is increadably intuitive. Plus you just can't beat the price for how good this is! Definitely recommend.
159 Produkte im Account
28 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
731 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.08.16 21:52
I bought Silo back when it was only $80 and during a 40% off sale, so I didn't spend much. But now it's $100. That is too much. I cannot recommend Silo at it's current price.

Instead I'd recommend Blender (free). The new Blender 2.8 update has a massive UI update making Blender much easier to use.
385 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
7697 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.12.14 17:05
If it were free, I would recommend it, but it is not. I bought it for 30 while it was on sale, so I found that to be money well spent. However, when the price is 80 US dollars, making it only 10 dollars away from something as powerful as 3D Coat, which does modeling like magic and mixes in sculpting and among other things. It is very very hard to recommend this relic to anyone when for 10, 20 or 30 dollars more you get much much more useful software like Modo Indie or Substance Painter. This was an astounding and flexible piece of software 5 years ago, that’s for sure. Now? It's old, it's buggy and overpriced.
361 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
51286 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.06.14 03:12
As you can see I've played this game a lot. Unfortunately I'm not sure how one would win this game with over 300 hours played it remains a mystery.

Joking aside Silo 2 is a very competent low poly modeler with fairly easy to use UV unwrap tools.

On the downside its clearly no longer updated or in development (although the company that owns it always denies this despite years of no bug fixes or version changes) so if you do happen upon a bug you will have to learn to work around it.

Generally its cheap entry price and simple approach to low poly modelling is refreshing enough its worth picking up when on sale for sure ; otherwise you might want to check out other options like Blender 3D while complex, with overtly complex UI it is constantly being improved upon and free.

UPDATE : March 2017

Nevercenter has started updating this software adding some very long awaited features such as PSD support, smoothing groups, watching your texture map for updates so you don't have to manually refresh it every time. FBX and Collada support.
515 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
5275 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.01.14 05:33
Silo is a modeling package that is designed to do modeling and nothing else. By focusing on just modeling however, it's able to make itself into an intuitive tool used for quick modeling and UV mapping.

The interface has some very smart, intuitive features (hitting a hotkey combo while hovering over a menu option will assign that hotkey to the menu option for example) that make using the program quick and easy.

With it being a smaller program with less community than, say Maya, 3ds Max, or even Blender, finding help on line for modeling beginners or Silo newcomers can be troublesome. Other issues include the fact that it can be fairly easy to crash the program if you're not careful.

However the ease of use the program brings to the table, not to mention it's incredibly fair price make it a program to look into if you're in the market for a affordable helpful modeling program.
199 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
1454 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.12.13 23:30
Good program for beginers and industry standards also used in Digital Tutors as one of the best easy and fast modeling programs out there, UI is clean and solid , the performance is great

Modeling Tool only, Poor coding within the program its self, the program is very hardware dependant and also crashes when any model is at 1mil polycount so be warned when modeling in this program, program is no longer supported | abandoned from the company

Apart from the crashing when you hit 1mil polycount, this program is a decent modeling tool for the price its at, with all the others being extremly high cost. the program is good for people wanting to start in the industry for beginers or for artists wanting to freelance or sell there models online.

Important Side Note:
because its no longer supported | abandoned there is no support for it if you have any issues.
(excluding the 1mil poly count crash)

Side Note:
If you cant afford to buy any 3d software there are 2 free to use alternatives to get you started which are
you will need to research if there only for personal, commercial use or both

15,07,2014 Update
I was surprised yesterday on the 14th, I noticed a update from silo 2 -
v2.3 that was posted on july 2nd

Note: This update focuses mostly on Silo for Linux (our most-requested update), plus small bug fixes and internal optimizations that should benefit all users. We've also added .stl import and an updated windowing system. Much of this update is internal code optimization to pave the way for future updates. (So even though we've added support for a whole new operating system, we've kept the version increase small--just 2.2 to 2.3.)


only took them over a year to release a update
694 Produkte im Account
46 Reviews
7412 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.12.13 09:25
Silo 2 is a pretty neat modeler, although unfortunately, nothing else. Still, I find myself really enjoying working in it, as it's a lot easier to use than most commercial software out there. The basic interface is pretty self explanitory, and isn't cluttered with things you won't need, however, you can pretty much customize it to your preference, so migrating from other software won't make you feel that out of place. I've used the demo first, for 30 days, and only had 1 crash happen, so far, It has been pretty stable for me.

If you want to buy this, try it out first, as some people don't seem to like it (but that's pretty common with everything anyways). You have to keep in mind, that everyone's preferences are different, so you have to find the right tool for you. There's a similar software called Voidworld, which is free, and was practically created to be a replacement for Silo, you can try that too and make comparrisons yourself. However, it's not as optimized, so it eats quite a lot of your resources, and might not run as good on your computer as on anyone elses (I practically couldn't use it, because it kept crashing, but I have a crappy laptop).

If you're looking for other, similar commercial software, you can also give Hexagon 2.5 a go (from Daz3D). It can do pretty much the same thing, with the addition of directly painting onto models, althought not as good in that field as 3D-Coat, as some parts of the UV need tweaking before you can begin painting (if you don't want to have streched textures on certain verticles). Unfortunately, that too, like Silo, is not being updated anymore. Still, don't let the lack of updates discourage you from software if you enjoy working with them. At the end of the day, it's all about what you like, and how you can utilize your tool anyways.

Also, If you're new to 3D modeling, make sure that you understand the basics. These are universal, and not exclusive to any kind of application. If you don't know your foundations, you might feel uncomfortable and let down, after a few failed attemps at translating your thoughts into a model.
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Rating auf Steam Größtenteils positiv
70.37% 38 16
Release:19.12.2020 Genre:keine Infos Entwickler:keine Infos Vertrieb:keine Infos Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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