• Silence: Erste Screens zum Spiel.
  • Silence: Erste Screens zum Spiel.
  • Silence: Erste Screens zum Spiel.
  • Silence: Erste Screens zum Spiel.
  • Silence: Erste Screens zum Spiel.
  • Silence: Erste Screens zum Spiel.
  • Silence: Erste Screens zum Spiel.
  • Silence: Erste Screens zum Spiel.
  • Silence: Erste Screens zum Spiel.
  • Silence: Erste Screens zum Spiel.
  • Silence: Erste Screens zum Spiel.
  • Silence: Erste Screens zum Spiel.
  • Silence: Erste Screens zum Spiel.
  • Silence: Erste Screens zum Spiel.
  • Silence: Erste Screens zum Spiel.
  • Silence: Erste Screens zum Spiel.
  • Silence: Erste Screens zum Spiel.
  • Silence: Erste Screens zum Spiel.
  • Silence: Erste Screens zum Spiel.
  • Silence: Erste Screens zum Spiel.
  • Silence: Erste Screens zum Spiel.
  • Silence: Erste Screens zum Spiel.
  • Silence: Erste Screens zum Spiel.
  • Silence: Erste Screens zum Spiel.


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  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 15.11.2016
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Preis Update 05.01.25

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Steam Nutzer-Reviews

558 Produkte im Account
32 Reviews
324 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.04.22 11:07
SIlence hat mich wirklich sehr überrascht und mitgenommen. Die Story ist sehr liebevoll und auch das Art-Design. Zudem ist das Spiel sehr niedlich und Spot (die Raupe) ist der wohl beste Bestandteil dieser Reihe. Die Ideen die für den Spielverlauf aufkommen, sind außergewöhnlich und abwechslungsreich. Etwas missfallen sind mir jedoch einige Charaktere wie z.B. Kyra und teilweise sogar Sadwick, sie wirkten teilweise unstimmig und zu grausam für mich. Die kleine Schwester Renie ist jedoch sehr süß und ihr Ehrgeiz ist außerordentlich hoch. :)

Nun gehe ich noch auf die Verbesserungen/Verschlechterungen bezüglich des Vorgängers The Whispered World ein

  • Bezüglich Grafik und Design ein riesen Meilenstein nach vorne
  • Spots Form kann schneller geändert werden

  • Weniger komplexes Denken von Nöten
  • Gegenstände können nicht kombiniert oder spezifisch aufgerufen/benutzt werden
  • Weniger Dialogmöglichkeiten
  • Kaum Herausforderungen

Silence ist dennoch ein sehr guter Nachfolger und absolut empfehlenswert.
74 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
481 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.02.22 01:25
* schlechte Steuerung
* schlechtes Ladebildschirm-Management
* Story und Rätsel sehr bescheiden -
Fazit : Da ist man von Daedalic weitaus Besseres gewohnt
504 Produkte im Account
239 Reviews
270 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.10.21 10:25
good sequel
9 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
334 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.10.21 10:23
Schönes Spiel.
regt zum Nachdenken an.
657 Produkte im Account
26 Reviews
381 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.07.21 16:14
Stimmiges Adventure, toll präsentierte Szenerie (trotz schwarzer Balken, die auf meinem weiten Monitor die eigentlich vorhandene Grafik abdecken, bis sie es noch weiter zum Rand hin nicht mehr tun und hier und da versteckte Figuren zeigen). Aber egal, die Atmosphäre stimmt, die Charaktere funktionieren und die Rätsel sind vorhanden, aber nicht zu anstrengend gekünstelt. Und nein, ich finde sechs Stunden sind nicht zu kurz für ein Adventure, man braucht sowas nicht ewig in die Länge ziehen, das machts nur zäh.

Ich mag wie die kleine Knutschkugel eingesetzt werden kann, da gibts immer wieder überraschende Momente und sogar das Kind nervt nicht. Toll vertont ist das Ganze auch noch.
573 Produkte im Account
18 Reviews
363 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.06.20 20:31
Klassisch Daedalic. Heißt, Point & Click mit fantastischer Story und relativ subtilen Anspielungen und Witzen. Dieses mal etwas ruhiger und langsamer als z. B. Deponia, dafür aber noch besser zum Entspannen geeignet.

Wat will man mehr :)
26 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
440 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.05.20 08:54
Wunderschönes Game. Tolles Gameplay. Hier ist von den Entwickler mal wieder eine Glanzleistung hergestellt worden!
293 Produkte im Account
20 Reviews
401 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.10.18 01:16
Silence ist für mich immer noch ein atemberaubendes Spiel mit einer wunderschönen Umgebung. Daedalic hat sich mit diesem Point & Click wieder einmal selbst übertroffen!

Ich bin ehrlich, mich hat der erste Teil (The Whispered World) nicht so vom Hocker gehauen & für viel frustration gesorgt. Silence macht es um einiges besser, aber es ist nicht nur ein schönes Spiel, denn wer die Story von The Whispered World kennt, hat beim spielen wohl immer ein etwas mulmiges Gefühl. So ging es mir zumindest.

Wem Inszenierung & die Geschichte dahinter wichtiger sind als spielerische Herausforderungen, wird hier ein paar tolle Stunden verbringen.
225 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
390 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.02.17 20:51
Ich hab lange nachgedacht, ob ich was schreibe. Ich mag die p&c-spiele von daedalic und habe mich sehr auf das Spiel gefreut.
Die Grafik ist super und wirklich sehr schön moduliert.

Leider hat mir das Spiel sonst nicht gefallen, es ist sehr kurz und die meisten Rätsel verdienen diese Bezeichung nicht. Diese Balance-Tests passen auch nicht wirklich rein.
Das Schlimmste ist, dass es sich anfühlt als ob das Spiel einfach abgebrochen wurde. Viele lose Fäden von Geschichten tauchen auf, werden aber nicht weiter verfolgt. Es ist so, als ob das halbe Spiel fehlt.
532 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
315 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.11.16 06:47
Kann ich dieses Spiel empfehlen? JA .. .verdammte Scheiße ja!

Die Fortsetzung von The Whispered World ist definitiv ein MUSS für jeden Point & Klick Liebhaber.

Die Story ist vom ersten Moment an fesselnd und berührend. Die Charaktere liebevoll gestaltet und es gibt ein Wiedersehen mit alten Bekannten aus Teil eins.

Wieder hat Daedalic es geschafft das Point & Click Erlebnis auf eine neue Stufe zu stellen.

Der Grafikstil unterscheidet sich sehr von den vorangegangenen Teil und anderen Spielen aber auch hier merkt man die Liebe zu dem Gerene. Die einzelnen Screens sind liebevoll in Szene gesetzt und mit der passenden Musik untermalt.
Die Rätsel sind meist einfach zu lösen und nur wenige erfordern wirklich hartes Nachdenken.

Silence erzählt die Geschichte zweier Geschwister Noah und seiner kleinen Schwester Renie. Was die beiden in Silence erleben müsst ihr schon selbst raus finden. Aber es lohnt sich.
Da ich nicht spoilern möchte gibt es hier auch keine weiteren Worte zur Story.

Es gibt sicherlich schwächen denn kein Spiel ist perfekt. Die Helden rücken teils in den Hintergrund, doch das nimmt den Spiel überhaupt nichts, es bleibt ein Erlebnis und läd zum Träumen ein.

Also bitte Kaufen und das Spiel genießen!
818 Produkte im Account
130 Reviews
319 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.03.22 14:03
Silence is an impressive point & click title featuring stunning visuals and a heartfelt story. It is the best title I've played from Daedalic Entertainment and somewhat of a hidden gem on Steam. It commonly goes on a hefty sale or is bundled, finding its way into many Steam libraries already, but sadly falls victim to gamers backlogs. I highly recommend this title to all story and adventure enthusiasts; it is one that I will not easily forget.

  • Absolutely gorgeous visuals
  • Metaphorical cutesy fairy-tale story with dark and poignant undertones about war
  • Truly adorable characters & voice acting (Renie & Spot)
  • Cinematic experience with many cutscenes throughout

  • Some characters monologue comments became very repetitive
  • No chapter select


Silence is a sequel to the developers first title, The Whispered World (2009). As usual, I launched this game completely blind and was unaware it was a sequel. Luckily, Silence can be played without having any knowledge of its predecessor, although I imagine there are some extra references and Easter eggs for those with a broader understanding.

Silence’s opening scene absolutely took me by surprise. Beginning with a dramatic cinematic cutscene of children running to a bunker to escape an air raid. Having played Daedalic's previous famous titles (such as Deponia), I figured I knew what I was getting into with Silence, but I was quickly proven wrong. There are multiple protagonists in the game, with the main 3 being Spot (the cutest caterpillar shapeshifter you ever did see), Noah and Renie. Noah and Renie are siblings, Noah is the eldest and takes responsibility for his little sisters’ safety, dedicating his every decision with her wellbeing in mind.

Noah and Renie had conjured up a fairy-tale universe called Silence and seem to use this world as an escape to their war-ravaged reality. After the bunker gets ruthlessly bombarded with bombs, the game swiftly swaps to the world of Silence. The polar opposite of the characters real lives, a sunny place with signs of life, fantastical creatures and a castle that is not merely ruins. A place to escape. A place of hope. In this fantasy world, the siblings meet the resistance fighters who are battling the evil Seekers and the false queen. Renie and Noah must join forces to bring peace once more to the world of Silence and overthrow the false leader.


Despite this dark contrast, majority of Silence is light-hearted, cute and bright. It could easily be mistaken for a children’s movie, judging solely by the characters and visuals, yet it is so much more.


Gameplay is quite simple, as opposed to the previous Daedalic titles I had played. It maintains the point & click style but there is no inventory system, thus the puzzles are immediately solvable. There is a heavy cinematic and narrative focus which alters the pacing and puzzle difficulty level. I must admit, I was never a fan of Daedalic's most prominent titles and found them to be over convoluted and frustrating, but I adore the direction they took with Silence.

There are 3 playable characters, and each have their own abilities, especially Spot. Spot is a caterpillar that can shapeshift into a flat and bulbous form. It also can ingest certain liquids to gain new abilities such as water, fire etc. Puzzles are fairly straight forward, and I never found myself completely stuck. There are some choices throughout the game which can lead to different achievements (pacifist or sadist). There are also general conversational choices, but these seemed to have little impact on the story overall. Regardless, I liked their addition, and it made the characters feel more personal.

Silence is a very short casual game, ranging from 3-6 hours for one playthrough, but has a staggering number of achievements for such a short game. Although there is no chapter select, so the whole game would need to be played from the beginning for achievement hunters and those looking to unlock a different ending.


As mentioned earlier, puzzles are relatively simple, and most will revolve around Spot. An example is when Spot has to navigate a dragon to obtain a shard fragment. To do this, Spot must change forms multiple times and avoid being pushed backwards by the many obstacles in his way. There is no inventory system, so every item is usable within the section the item was found. This is typically displayed with a highlight, so there is no frustration of endlessly clicking on objects and trying to combine them. Furthermore, there are occasional balance minigames where players must centre the mouse to avoid falling, or to move an item players must hold M1 and move the mouse in the specified direction (like Quantic Dream games).

Personally, I loved the casual puzzle design and lack of frustrating moments. It draws the focus to the narrative whilst keeping players engaged.

Visuals & Sound

The universe of Silence is gorgeous, there is no denying it. Most settings have soft pastel hues, and the long-range shots are breathtaking. A great contrast to the ferociously cold and drab reality for Renie and Noah. The character designs are adorable. Renie and Spot are extremely charming in their cute, child-like way. Renie's naivety and pure innocence reflect in both her appearance and her voice. Further exaggerated by her trusting and forgiving demeanour.


The audio is another big positive, especially the voice actors. Each voice is so vibrant and dramatic, mimicking that of a children’s fairy tale. Especially the British talking stones! The standout for me was definitely Renie's voice. Her unfeigned innocence in the face of war was both uplifting yet simultaneously melancholic.

Technical & Stats

[quote]This game was played using a controller and with the following PC specs.:
Intel i5-9400 2.9 GHz
GeForce RTX 2060 6GB
2560x1440 resolution
Windows 10[/quote]
Playtime: 5.5 hours, can be finished in as little as 3 hours.
Controller Recommended? Player choice. It does feature full controller support.
Replayability value: Yes, to obtain the other endings or unlock the many achievements. However, there is no chapter select.


Silence is a standout point & click title. Its poignant story shines right through from the very beginning. It has a cinematic approach and therefore has less of a focus on complex puzzles, perfect for a casual narrative experience.
Despite its cutesy art style and fantastical story, the harsh undertones of war are ever present, and Silence's emotional narrative will stay with me for some time. In a world savaged by conflict, Silence's portrayal of innocence and war is forever relevant, and I highly recommend this to all story lovers. This will be one of my favourites that I have played this year and if it is sitting, forgotten in your library already, do yourself a favour and put it at the top of your to play list.

Disclaimer: Received for free from AEG. Thank you, Glenn!

[url=https://store.steampowered.com/curator/34936724][quote]Follow my curator page, Cookie Reviews, if you enjoyed this review and want to see more like it.
61 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
321 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.02.22 14:09
One of the most enjoyable point-and-click adventures I've played. It has beautiful locations, interesting creatures, excellent voice-acting. I was never feeling bored (and that means something, because usually I do get bored while playing this type of games).
It is rather short though, but then, a fairytale isn't supposed to be long. And Silence is just that – a fairytale (well, may be a bit dark one, but it still has hope, and hope is the most important thing in a fairytale).
217 Produkte im Account
184 Reviews
583 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.02.22 03:42
595 Produkte im Account
34 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
206 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.02.22 19:42
I've played a variety of point and click games. This one's incredibly slow. Takes forever for actions to finish cause every character moves so slowly. Some puzzles don't really make sense so you have to try everything on a level, which combined with the dialogues and slow pace, takes forever. Wasn't able to finish it, got bored pretty early in the game.
212 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
274 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.02.22 18:13
I really wanted to enjoy this game. I really did.
It has beautiful graphics, story is interesting, but the gameplay itself is incredibly dull and boring.
There is no inventory, so anything you pick up you use right away. Puzzles are almost non existent. There's not really much to do but walk around and click on objects and listen to the story.
It's not that I hate the game, I just wish there was more to it.
802 Produkte im Account
299 Reviews
330 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.01.22 21:31
Highly recommended for fans of point and click adventures, art, and a good story.

+Visuals, art style, environments
+Full voice acting
+Characters, story
+Some meaningful choices

-Autosave only
-Some puzzles are unclear and repetitive
-Some fake choices
-Side characters are underdeveloped
-Assumes too much from its lackluster prequel, The Whispered World
114 Produkte im Account
137 Reviews
133 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.01.22 10:30
Such a cute game!
328 Produkte im Account
278 Reviews
357 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.01.22 19:49

+ touching story of two siblings
+ gorgeous looking and detailed hand-drawn background artwork
+ immersive fantasy world and atmosphere
+ enjoyable puzzles. they are not too easy or overly complicated.
+ nice and relaxing soundtrack
+ three playable character
+ there is auto save
+ well made, long and fun to watch cinematic cut scenes
+ good voice acting
+ likeable and charming characters
+ when you press to space, hotspots is highlighted
+ hint system and tutorial very helpful
+ there are steam achievements and cards
+ there are two ending


- frequent and long loading screens halts game's pace. narrative also could do with a little more pace
- controls and interface mechanics made for gamepad so playing this game with mouse and keyboard quite frustrating
- characters and their relationships with each other could have been developed more

Overall, this is an pretty good point and click adventure game and decent sequel to first game. i quite enjoyed and i really recommended those who are fan of first game.
1894 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
595 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.01.22 23:34
Nice Point'n'Click adventure! Interesting characters and world, but rather short story. The bitter narrative of the real world is nicely framed in contrast to the beauty of the imaginary world. Please notice the alternative endings and their interpretation!
27 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
353 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.01.22 06:55
What attracted me to this game was it's visuals.
Since the game was published in 2016, the game might have been such an achievement back then. However, when I played it in 2022, the rest was just okay.

Being the sequel of The Whispered World, people said that this is a stand-alone video game, which makes me disagree for the rest of 6 hours playing this game. The story was super fast; there are so many details untold, especially with the characters. I can't even empathize with what happened to them. The game's mechanics were too simple; it bores me, and the voice acting so flat it hurts me.
207 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
499 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.01.22 11:00

Such a cute game!

Short version:

I would recommend this game to you if you like cute graphics and puzzle games, and you are patient! Because in some places it took me a good 30 minutes to solve a puzzle... It's just not obvious what to do sometimes, and there are minor bugs as well. These aside, I really enjoyed the game, the story is great, and it left and open question at the end that made me think and appreciat the game more.

Long version:

Alrighty, so you need more details. I get it, let's go: This game was real fun to play, although I wouldn't consider this a one-sitting game, as in some parts it took me so much time to figure out what to do that I just needed a break. For example, in one part you have to switch between 2 of your characters and interact with the map at the same time. For some reason, for the first try everything worked fine, but I messed up the sequence, so I had to restart the moves. And for the second time, my character wouldn't do that same exact interaction it did 5 minutes ago. I had to leave that area and go back in order for it to work. Minor bugs like this can make the puzzles a little bit more time-consuming, but luckily this was the only one I encountered.

Otherwise the story is fascinating, the game itself requires absolutely no skill (it's a click&collect, duh!) so it can be played with a friend by passing the controller to eachother etc. I really liked the multiple-choice parts, although I read here that the choices don't actually change the plot, which would be a pity! Though I didn't test this part, so cannot say for sure.

The graphics are also amazing, and the musical parts were really enjoyable! I liked playing with this game, and I might re-play the whole thing in some time.

110 Produkte im Account
27 Reviews
494 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.01.22 13:19
Very touching story and beautiful graphics
16 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
431 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.01.22 13:16
It's a nice puzzle game with beautiful graphics.
225 Produkte im Account
92 Reviews
800 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.01.22 22:31
Find your sis..lots of exploring solve the challenges which are quite easy, Short game . Around 20 hours or less but enjoyable and pretty graphics. Daedalic games are always fun and interesting good story telling games.
14 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
233 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.11.21 11:02
Too many unskippable cinematic scenes, not fun enough to play. It's more a film than a game
917 Produkte im Account
109 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
113 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.11.21 15:46
Yet another beautiful game from Daedalic, with a compelling story, ruined by poor logic and bad interface decisions.

Here are the two things that made me give up:

Being a Point & Click, you'd expect it to work nicely with a gyroscope mouse - as do other games of this genre. Not so, because of those balance challenges, and those pull or wiggle prompts.

I was expecting it to be a bit of a puzzle game, yet you can't deviate much from the predefined trail - meaning, sometimes you can only do an action (like picking an item that's just lying there) after doing something not reasonably related (like removing something elsewhere).
So, thinking in advance is definitely discouraged, and some riddles are rendered needlessly more difficult due to having to retry actions at different times to try to get different outcomes.

Having tried most Point & Click games from Daedalic, i advise you to steer clear from all of them - including this one.
439 Produkte im Account
71 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
353 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.10.21 17:50
The game is full of those annoying timed sequences. The puzzles were easy. Really ended up hating this game.
169 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
302 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.10.21 12:23
I absolutely adored this game. It will take a few times to complete to get the 100% as one of the trophies is complete without dying and the other is make (character) die 4 times.
The graphics were amazing and so was the story line, by chapter 3 I was heartbroken but accepted the outcome.
I also ended up with plenty of awesome screenshots to hold onto and look back on.
94 Produkte im Account
20 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
450 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.10.21 20:22
so beautiful game! and so boring one...
26 Produkte im Account
26 Reviews
15052 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.08.21 10:09
Nice story and good graphics, immersive game!
585 Produkte im Account
41 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
413 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.07.21 04:40
This is an upsetting squeal to The Whispered World. I was hoping to play a game with the same quality as the first with story with some nice updated graphics. The story was .... ok. The characters that is where the problems are they are just completely unrealistic. For example a character gets mad at you viciously points a knife at you and angrily says I'm not a murderer. The main heroes are kind of pathetic but not in the funny way Sadwik was from the original. There is no inventory system so most of what you have to do is too easy to figure out. The animation of characters was jerky and had a hard time expressing motions with out hand movements. Like those underbudget need to produce a show every week CGI cartoons that used to air on tv.

If your looking for a chill stream that doesn't stick to one game check me out at https://www.twitch.tv/justthepassenger !
145 Produkte im Account
77 Reviews
465 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.07.21 18:38
Silence is a wonderful fantasy adventure game with beautiful 3D graphics. It is definitely one of the best games I've played. Spot is such a cute character.
180 Produkte im Account
104 Reviews
5330 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.06.21 11:03
This Point & Click Adventure game set in the world of Silence is a sequel to Daedalic’s 2009 game The Whispered World. Though there are some references to its predecessor, this game is entirely playable without ever having heard of the previous one. Those who loved The Whispered World will find references to it throughout the game, including some returning characters. Despite taking place in the same world, Silence has a very different feel and aesthetic.

One of the things that I really enjoyed from The Whispered World was the graphics. The game was made using more traditional 2D animation in a style reminiscent of a 1990s cartoon. It was very well animated and though some content was a bit depressing, the animation style lightened the mood. For Silence, they decided to use 3D animation. I don’t have anything against 3D animation, however, the aesthetic is quite different. The sprites in general have decent rigging and walkpaths, but I found the textures to be an odd mix of smooth yet still angular. The design, overall, wasn’t bad, but was more what I expect in a console game as opposed to a PC game. As a fan of the first game, I would have preferred if more of it's aesthetics were carried over into this sequel.

In Silence, Noah and his sister Renie start off running to a bomb shelter in what seems reminiscent of a World War II plane bombing. Though they make it safely to the shelter, neither is particularly excited to have to stay there for an extended time. In order to comfort Rennie, Noah retells her the story of his time as Sadwick the clown in the world of Silence. After another bomb drops, caving in the shelter, Noah has to look around for Rennie. He follows her voice only to find himself, once again, in Silence. Noah must now embark on a journey find and save his sister. Throughout the game you switch between controlling Noah, Rennie, or Spot.

The story and writing weren't terrible, but it was more than a little predictable. Some of the writing seemed a little off. For example the main character, Renie, just wasn’t written well to actually sound like a child her age would. Sometimes, her dialogue sounds like a much older than her age and others like a much younger. While I personally found that a little annoying, it didn’t make the game or story entirely unenjoyable. There are quite a few places in the game where you are given two different dialogue options. This gives the illusion of choice, but doesn't generally have an impact on the overall story arc. At best, you may hear a slight difference in dialogue or see a slightly different animation. The only choice that really makes a difference is at the end of the game, pick between two endings. Neither ending seems to be a “true” ending, and personally, I didn’t find either of them satisfying.

My biggest issues with this game were its interface and mechanics. While The Whispered World was designed exclusively for PC, Silence was developed for both PC and console systems. This led to a lot of interface and mechanic choices that favor consoles and make for a very different feel in gameplay compared to most Point & Click Adventure games. When I play Point & Clicks, I generally expect to have an inventory that I can interact with, and Silence doesn’t have one. You may pick something up, but you cannot view your inventory or randomly combine an item. If you can use something, it will show up as you mouse over the object/character. You also can’t utilize a traditional save game system. Instead, the game autosaves at checkpoints. Unfortunately, it doesn’t tell you where exactly those checkpoints are. This can lead to losing a fair amount of progress. These interface issues seem largely tied to making it more playable for consoles, but can somewhat alienate PC Point & Click fans like myself.

The other issue I have with the mechanics is mostly win regard to the annoying balance checks and push/pull objectives they put in the game. There are several places where your character will need to balance on something by moving the cursor to counterbalance. There are also several times when you must grab onto something and drag the cursor to push or pull something. These seem optimized for a console controller. I played this game on a laptop, and these parts we’re extremely difficult to accomplish on a laptop’s trackpad. My trackpad simply doesn’t have enough distance (at 6 inches/15 cm wide) to cover in order to complete a pull/push or balance well. Many players in the forums recommend playing with an Xbox controller. Being that I don't have that type of controller, I ended up attaching an external mouse instead. I felt, even with the mouse, the controls for these parts were unusually difficult. It still required dragging my mouse in the extreme from one end of my mouse pad to the other end (and sometimes past the end of my mouse pad) in order to complete the action. Using a mouse, however, was still easier than the laptop trackpad for these tasks..

Some of the good things about the interface and mechanics are that, like many Daedalic games, there is an option to highlight hotspots. This can really help you out if you are struggling to figure out what to do next. You can also fast click to the next screen as well as through some of the dialogues. Unfortunately, if you are playing multiple playthroughs the many unskippable dialogues will feel even longer to go through. An option to skip through all dialogues would have made it much more enjoyable for replays.

For a Point & Click Adventure game, puzzles were lacking. It didn’t have very many puzzles (or mini-games) and the ones it did have, were too easy. They simply didn’t feel satisfying to complete. If you don’t like puzzles and mini-games, this may be a positive aspect for you. If you struggle with a mini-game, there is an option to skip it.

Achievement hunters will both love and hate this game. On the one hand, Silence has 46 achievements, giving you plenty to go after. Most Point & Clicks average only 20-30 in a game. It also boasts a nice mix of different types of achievements including ones that are story unlocked, collections, sequence based, repeated action based, and unusual action-dependent based achievements. On the other hand, you cannot get all the achievements in only one playthrough, several achievements are buggy, and there’s several either-or achievements. If you utilize the checkpoint save feature and a walkthrough/guide, you could probably get all the achievements in two playthroughs. However, you’ll have to complete two whole playthroughs at the minimum, to get them all. I ended up having to play through many times to reach 100%, and it quickly became tedious. The good news is that many of the achievements which require multiple things are cumulative over all your playthroughs.

Your first playthrough is likely to take about 9-10 hours. Subsequent playthroughs may be slightly shorter, but not a whole lot due to unskippable cutscenes and dialogue. At full price, that makes this game around $2/hr of playtime if you play through once. It’s a reasonable price for how much time you get out of it, as long as you enjoy playing the game. This is, unfortunately, one of the games I wish Steam had a “meh” rating for. I don’t know if I’d really recommend it much except for those who really loved The Whispered World and want to revisit it in a new adventure. I would warn them though that it's also likely to be a bit of a disappointment.
765 Produkte im Account
54 Reviews
338 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.05.21 17:12
[spoiler] Why didnt he wake up :( [/spoiler] :(
1832 Produkte im Account
25 Reviews
301 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.05.21 18:04
Puta dum joguinho bom
202 Produkte im Account
21 Reviews
234 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.02.21 10:41
This game is a sequel so make sure you play through the Whispered World first!
414 Produkte im Account
128 Reviews
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443 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.01.21 20:29
seems unfinished game. missed gameplay scenes ((
518 Produkte im Account
20 Reviews
372 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.01.21 23:50
A great story, followed by a stunning visuals and alongside an amazing soundtracks.
754 Produkte im Account
153 Reviews
496 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.08.20 23:54
This is the first point & click adventure game I've enjoyed enough to finish in a long time. This game features a captivating story and some great animations to accompany it. The point & click puzzles are very light and serve more as a means to keep you engaged as the story is told rather than the primary mechanic to keep you engaged. I personally really enjoyed that I didn't have to spend hours clicking on every item in a scene to hear some trite dialog and instead was able to keep the story moving rather quickly. Many point & click fans may find this to be a detriment, though, as there really aren't any meaningful or difficult puzzles.

Big aspect I did not appreciate is an unnecessary use of profanity throughout the game.
1398 Produkte im Account
15 Reviews
868 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.07.20 17:39
Silence, like The Whispered World before it, is a compensatory fairy-tale and, like all compensatory fairy-tales, has a strong undertone of tragedy beneath its colourful, happy-go-lucky fantasy. A powerful and well played metaphor for the tragedy underlining the gleeful world of Silence is Sadwick, “the tragic clown”, “the clown that never laughed”, The Whispered World’s depressive protagonist and also a central character in Silence. But, unlike in the first game, which had to carefully and subtly build up for the big reveal at the end, here the story’s compensatory nature is made explicit from the very beginning and the fact that you know this and the game doesn’t have to restrain itself in order to conceal it makes it ten times better and allows for some moments of unbridled creativity and adventure game design brilliance that aren’t usually possible when the developers constrain themselves, committing to the strictness of building a “proper” story. Although it has its share of plot twists and big reveals, the story in Silence is only sketched in thin lines and the developers’ imagination runs freely, creating many memorable moments of pure adventure happiness. Like, for example, when Rennie dives through the clouds with moth Spot at her side, which is so gratuitous and surreal, so out of context and unrelated to the already darkening plot that you immediately sense it for what it is: the last moment of serene, overplayed happiness, before the unavoidable tragedy sets in. A moment of pure joy, when you know tragedy is closer than ever, you feel it lurking in the background, you’re aware that all that joy is in fact the game softening a terrible blow which you are already beginning to feel in your stomach, but you’re happy all the same, you’re flying with Spot through the clouds and you’re happy for that fleeting moment, you wish for it to last a little bit longer and you’re grateful that the game offered it to you before dragging you through the bitter ending.

I loved Silence for many reasons, but I especially loved it for that moment which is one of the finest adventure games can craft and offer these days.
511 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
334 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.07.20 17:40
I've enjoyed playing this game just, It's too short. Amazing graphics and acting...

Puzzles...? Puzzles? It had puzzles!? No real challenge.

At the very end was left with so many questions about the characters. SAD! This game has so much potential...
596 Produkte im Account
23 Reviews
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536 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.07.20 15:45
The problems are simple
- There's only about 3 actual puzzles in the whole game. The rest is a matter of click here, click there, with very little actual deduction required. This is exacerbated by the lack of inventory screen; instead the uber-modern context-sensitive controls will automatically prompt the use of each item on whatever thing you need to use it on, just to provide maximum assurance that you won't have to think for yourself at any point.
- One of the main characters is a little girl who you're clearly meant to think is sooo cute and find the sight of her getting upset to be so emotionally distressing that it provides you all the motivation you need to save the day. Unfortunately, she does not have this effect due to her voice actor, who is probably an actual child so I don't want to be too harsh, but she barely seems to understand the words that she's saying, resulting in most of her lines being read in a flat, emotionless manner that just makes her kinda annoying.
- The ending is pretty much just a retread of the ending to The Whispered World. There's actually two endings to choose from, but you don't really learn anything new. You're clearly meant to see both in order to get the full picture, but to me that somewhat lessens the impact of them both. One of them could be interpreted as a sequel hook, but sadly I'm not sure I care enough anymore.
473 Produkte im Account
45 Reviews
348 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.06.20 21:28
I would recommend it if you want an easy and cute game, but don't expect too much !

++ Beautiful graphics
++ Renie and Spot are cool
+ Good narration and main characters expressions

--- Everything is way too slow, sometimes it makes you feel asleep !
-- The side characters are insignificant ectoplasms
- Cool background with lots of side stories that could be told, yet the game itself feels empty
- Too easy
- The music is too discrete
922 Produkte im Account
22 Reviews
644 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.06.20 14:59
Silence is a direct sequel to a game called The Whispered World and it takes place in the same dream world where you'll meet some returning characters, including Sadwick (the previous protagonist). This game is beautifully made and it offers breathtaking art style, interesting story and enjoyable gameplay with some pretty cool mechanics and ideas. Very enjoyable overall and very well worth the price and your time!

632 Produkte im Account
589 Reviews
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848 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.04.20 09:50

Silence, The Whispered World 2

The game will be played from 3 diffrent perspective, for one from a little girls,
for the second from a teenage boys and lastly from a little green creatures.
This game has no inventory like in most other Daedalic point&click games, this is neither good nor bad,
because in most other Daedalic games there are inventories which can be filled with 20 items
and this can be annoying to find out what you can do with them.


  • Interesting Puzzles and Minigames
    Code For once it's something new: Balancing minigame, pulling things to the side minigame, etc. Puzzles are not challenging, but neither boring


  • Mostly the generic point & clicking
  • Code When it comes to the P&C it's overall the same thing for 2 decades...
    There are multiple P&C games each year coming out, but in the end (beside the story) it felt just being the same


  • Beautiful Visuals and World, but...
  • Code Gorgeous world and characters are decent animated, but at some locations you have these big creatures
    and the best thing to let them look like their moving is to move/stretch outlines


    In conclusion a good game, but in the end it's just your usual point & click adventure.
    258 Produkte im Account
    31 Reviews
    361 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 25.03.20 17:47
    The game is very short and it feels like there are some missing parts, but it is still nice (simple) story in world with quite nice graphic.
    177 Produkte im Account
    11 Reviews
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    750 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 22.03.20 04:01
    I've played so many of Daedalic's games, and some of them rank among my favorite Point-n-Click titles. I was very excited when this game was announced, and I struggled to wait for it to go on sale for a price I could swallow.

    The visuals in this game are stunning, and I loved the art. I kept getting distracted staring at some of the details of Renie's costume, and it was a treat to see. And the story was the sort of heart tugging content that you would expect from the developer.

    BUT.... but... from what I hear, sacrifices had to be made to cover the hefty price tag of producing this game, with its stunning visuals. And that sacrifice was the very thing that makes me love Daedalic's titles: engaging puzzles and story rich content.

    Now, if you're not a fan of the point n click genre, then this review might not mean anything to you, and you might actually greatly enjoy the game.
    But if you are a fan, keep reading:

    This title has done away with player inventory--instead, if you pick something up, it is automatically applied if you interact with something related. And areas/interactions were greatly limited (excepting the time exploring the town, which was a highlight). Essentially, it was so easy to 'solve' game puzzles, that it felt more like playing a visual novel, rather than actually solving anything. And I really missed that. (I left the game running in the background quite a bit, but my actual playtime must have been less than 2hrs).

    In addition to restricting available areas to explore/engage in, the story seems like it was significantly pared down. There were all these lovely character designs, and I loved their initial impressions. Daedalic is wonderful at making you care about characters. Hell--the animation/quirks of Spot are enough to make you love him. But the characters are cut short. The story scratches a surface and brings up questions, but then it ends--it surprised me, how quickly it happened.

    As much as I loved, loved, loooooooved the visuals of this game... the simple truth is I would trade them for a full story and actual point-n-click puzzles. I missed those. I really missed them.
    577 Produkte im Account
    23 Reviews
    541 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 03.03.20 14:14
    not every game has to be fast.. this game is nice and slow
    218 Produkte im Account
    6 Reviews
    326 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 29.02.20 09:23
    Good story.
    59 Produkte im Account
    6 Reviews
    473 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 23.01.20 19:06
    Enjoyable game, but rather short - and long delays between scenes whilst it saves.
    1244 Produkte im Account
    426 Reviews
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    297 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 08.01.20 18:25
    Silence has nice graphics, cute characters and okay voice acting. The controls are non responsive half of the time, the story is slow and the game as a whole is just boring. I really wanted to like this game but MEH. Not recommended
    290 Produkte im Account
    66 Reviews
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    1279 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 09.11.19 08:46

    Daedalic Entertainment Are You Serious?

    This game is the sequel for Whispering World which was one of my favorite puzzle/adventure games of all times. I was very happy to play this game and was very satisfied with the story,art and music but yes gameplay is super odd where you need to drag all the way to the other edge of your desk with your mouse to push something. The story is also kinda short and endings are pretty vague. And obviously and mostly what really made me angry was the fact that the achievements are bugged Here i played the same game about 3 times not knowing why on earth im not getting the achievements, and playing all over again thinking that I probably missed something. Then desperately I searched the forums and found out that the achievements were bugged, I tried many many workarounds found in the forums and in the internet. But none worked for me and I'm not a person who would use a software to get achievements. I tried deleting all my saves and starting all over fbut that never worked either. I heard this is indeed has been reported to the developers but in vain they never did anything about it which is disappointing. Thus, I cannot recommend this game to any achievement hunter maybe for the story itself I will strongly recommend it to anyone but yeah for the achievements just nope. An incredible waste of my time to be honest and a lot of frustration.
    1118 Produkte im Account
    60 Reviews
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    470 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 05.11.19 20:17
    While I liked it a bit more than its prequel, it's really disappointing to see that it classic point and click gameplay was dropped for something closer to a Telltale game. The choices don't really matter, the side characters are barely fleshed out and the story is predictable, especially if you've finished the first game.

    At least the visuals and the music were flawless.
    Logo for Silence
    Rating auf Steam Sehr positiv
    81.06% 702 164
    Release:15.11.2016 Genre: Adventure Entwickler: Daedalic Entertainment Vertrieb: Daedalic Entertainment Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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