Sigma Theory is finally out of Early Access!
The 1.0 update is available to download from Steam now!
The current game has nothing in common with the one we've released 7 months ago. We've worked hard fixing bugs, improving feedbacks, adding content, fine-tuning mechanics and balancing gameplay with your feedback and support to come up with the best version of the game you get today!
Making a game like this with so much novelty is not an easy task and we're grateful you've sticked up with us during the past months.
Some of you hated the game, some of you loved the game. But we've listened to everyone because, at the end of the day, we're making games for the players, not for ourselves.
The experience of developing the game with you along was enlightening for the whole team and it is something we'll do again for our next game *cough* Out There: Oceans of Time *cough*.
So, again, on behalf of the team: THANK YOU.
Development is not stopping as we're already working on the new playable country that will be available in the next update.
**Full patchnote**
----1.0 ----
- New agent : Jahrein
- New character : Spy drone operator
- 9 new achievements
- All countries now have their own buildings in exfiltration scenes
- Added portal to show when the agent uses the trait GATE in exfiltrations
- Other various UI improvements
- Agents SCAR, MORRIGH4N, MAESTRO and TSUBA become elite
- Player can now chose whose which agent(s) and scientist(s) gain a trait during events
- AI now steals more scientists from countries which lost sigma race
- Actions are now possible in a country at war, but agents only have to be spotted once to be forced to flee the country, and fleeing is slow instead of fast
- Prisoners now only need to be located before exfiltration, preparation is no longer needed
- Player now has 3 choices when recruiting an agent mid-game
- Added a discretion score to exfiltrations
- No more than 2 organizations will give tasks at any given time
- Travel is now possible to a country at war, but only infiltration
- Added doomsday clock bonus when refusing to work with organisation
- Added events for warning player when losing sigma race
- Added indication of diplomatic cost/benefit on request/offers button tooltips in diplomacy meetings
- Added a popup to explain why the player gets an ending
- Added new sounds
- Added common keyboard shortcuts
- Added resolution choice in options
- Added arrows to navigate easily between agents
- Available spouses are now limited to unlocked agents
- Added button to cancel ongoing recruitment in recruitment screen
- Added tooltip for weapon types
- Don't show progress report for double agents that were just recruited
- Fixed wrong reaction text when agents are ordered to capture or counter a spy
- Fixed bug where a meeting could still take place with a country that was eliminated
- Fixed bugs where wrong text or character was displayed in organisation missions
- Fixed rare game freeze when spouse is kidnapped and country asks for ransom
- Fixed bug where cancelling a mission and assigning it again could result in a different duration
- Fixed bug where agent sometimes didn't explain when quitting because of injury
- Fixed bug where expired contracts could stay in contracts window
- Fixed bug where last Opus Mariae mission had the wrong summary
- Fixed bug where refused or failed mission could still be accomplished afterwards