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  • Sherlock Holmes Chapter One: Screen zum Spiel Sherlock Holmes Chapter One.
  • Sherlock Holmes Chapter One: Screen zum Spiel Sherlock Holmes Chapter One.
  • Sherlock Holmes Chapter One: Screen zum Spiel Sherlock Holmes Chapter One.
  • Sherlock Holmes Chapter One: Screen zum Spiel Sherlock Holmes Chapter One.
  • Sherlock Holmes Chapter One: Screen zum Spiel Sherlock Holmes Chapter One.
  • Sherlock Holmes Chapter One: Screen zum Spiel Sherlock Holmes Chapter One.
  • Sherlock Holmes Chapter One: Screen zum Spiel Sherlock Holmes Chapter One.
  • Sherlock Holmes Chapter One: Screen zum Spiel Sherlock Holmes Chapter One.
  • Sherlock Holmes Chapter One: Screen zum Spiel Sherlock Holmes Chapter One.
  • Sherlock Holmes Chapter One: Screen zum Spiel Sherlock Holmes Chapter One.
  • Sherlock Holmes Chapter One: Screen zum Spiel Sherlock Holmes Chapter One.
  • Sherlock Holmes Chapter One: Screen zum Spiel Sherlock Holmes Chapter One.
  • Sherlock Holmes Chapter One: Screen zum Spiel Sherlock Holmes Chapter One.
  • Sherlock Holmes Chapter One: Screen zum Spiel Sherlock Holmes Chapter One.
  • Sherlock Holmes Chapter One: Screen zum Spiel Sherlock Holmes Chapter One.
  • Sherlock Holmes Chapter One: Screen zum Spiel Sherlock Holmes Chapter One.
  • Sherlock Holmes Chapter One: Screen zum Spiel Sherlock Holmes Chapter One.
  • Sherlock Holmes Chapter One: Screen zum Spiel Sherlock Holmes Chapter One.
  • Sherlock Holmes Chapter One: Screen zum Spiel Sherlock Holmes Chapter One.
  • Sherlock Holmes Chapter One: Screen zum Spiel Sherlock Holmes Chapter One.
  • Sherlock Holmes Chapter One: Screen zum Spiel Sherlock Holmes Chapter One.
  • Sherlock Holmes Chapter One: Screen zum Spiel Sherlock Holmes Chapter One.
  • Sherlock Holmes Chapter One: Screen zum Spiel Sherlock Holmes Chapter One.


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  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 17.06.2021
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Preis Update 23.01.25

Über das Spiel

Bevor Sherlock Holmes der berühmteste Privatdetektiv der Welt wurde, war er ein brillanter junger Rebell, der sich unbedingt beweisen wollte. Als ihn eine alte Verletzung zurück an die Mittelmeerküste zwingt, wo seine Mutter starb, scheint es die perfekte Gelegenheit dafür zu sein. Doch hinter der lebhaften urbanen Fassade folgt das Inselleben einem unheilvolleren Rhythmus. Verbrechen und Korruption, eine verdrehte Vorstellung von Gerechtigkeit und Moral ... Das sind nur einige wenige Stolpersteine, auf die Holmes bei seiner Suche nach der Wahrheit stößt.

Als Sherlock Holmes zeichnet ihr mit euren Entscheidungen in dieser offenen Welt euren eigenen Weg. Täuschung, Gewalt und Schlussfolgerungen sind nur eine kleine Auswahl der Mittel, die euch zur Verfügung stehen – euer geheimnisvoller Begleiter und Vertrauter Jon ist ein anderes.

Ob ihr eure Probleme mit nackter Gewalt löst oder euren Widersachern immer einen Schritt voraus seid, indem ihr mit eurer scharfen Beobachtungsgabe ihre Schwachpunkte herausfindet – in jeder Situation habt ihr die Wahl, wie ihr vorgeht, während ihr dabei eure ermittlerischen Fähigkeiten weiter verbessert. Es ist an der Zeit, euch eurer Vergangenheit zu stellen, um schließlich zu der Legende zu werden, die ihr in der Zukunft sein werdet.


Noch haben wir keine Systemanforderungen für dieses Spiel eintragen können oder es sind noch keine bekannt.

Steam Nutzer-Reviews

25 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
3612 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.04.22 13:23
ein Spiel, das mir sehr viel Spaß macht. Die offene Welt der Insel erkunden zu können, ist mal etwas anderes, die vielen verschiedenen Fälle lassen einen in diese Welt eintauchen. Ich mag überhaupt keine Kämpfe und habe nur nach ewigen Versuchen geschafft die Polizeiprüfung zu bestehen. Aber man darf die Kämpfe überspringen, deshalb ist es kein Problem für mich. Die Spielzeit ist recht lang, so dass man auf seine Kosten kommt.
47 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
1480 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.03.22 19:02
Sehr schönes Spiel
198 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
2501 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.03.22 22:03
Als großer Freund der Adventure und Detektiv Spiele kam Ich natürlich nicht an diesem Spiel vorbei.
Tatsächlich ist dieser Sherlock Holmes Teil mein erster aus der Reihe. War ich vorher von dem Entwickler nicht begeistert ( The Sinking City, tolle Idee, schlechte durchführung, mein armes Cthulhu Herz hat geblutet), so hat mich Sherlock Holmes Chapter One vollkommen in seinen Bann geworfen. Nach der Art von L.A. Noir wird man hier von Fall zu Fall geworfen, ( Ich erfreue mich gerade an die Nebenquests die genauso spannend wie die Hauptquests sind. ) darf Beweise Sammeln und Zeugen befragen, sich verkleiden und auch die wunderbare Stadt erkunden und dessen Geheimnisse Lüften. Dazu kümmert man sich um das Haus seiner Mutter, richtet es wieder her und ergründet durch Flashbacks so langsam Sherlocks Kindheit.

Sachen die Ich nicht gut fand:
-Kämpfe.....ja gut, ab und an muss Sherlock auch mal Kämpfen, aber Ich habe nur die ersten 5 Kämpfe mitgemacht, dann fand Ich sie langweilig und nervend. Aber der Entwickler hat uns die Möglichkeit gegeben die Kämpfe ohne Nachteil zu überspringen. Super!!!

- Chemie. Im Grunde ist es ein Matherätsel. Für den einen sicher spannend ( ja, ich kenne welche die haben Spaß an Mathe....ohne Scheiss, wirklich!!! ), für den anderen....naja, ich hab dann doch lieber gekämpft :-D
Cool wäre ein Labor im Haus zu benutzen oder ein Mobiles dabei zu haben, wie zum Beispiel bei Kingdom Come Deliverance.

Aber sonst, im Großen und ganzen bin Ich super zufrieden und erwische mich dabei im schönen Cordona einfach herumzuschlendern und diese Britisch / Orientalische Stimmung zu genießen während ich plötzlich ein Gespräch belausche welches mich zu meinem nächsten Fall bringt.

Auf dann,

euer Sherry
82 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
2532 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.03.22 21:50
Bisher bester Teil der Holmes-Reihe. Ich komme mit dem Bedienkonzept und der Steuerungstiefe sehr gut zurecht. Man muss nun einen Sachverhalt anwählen, um einer Sache auf den Grund zu gehen, um Schlussfolgerungen ziehen zu können. Genau dies hat mir bei den Vorgängern gefehlt. Da gab es nur einen strikten Handungsstrang. Nun ist dies flexibel gestaltet und verleiht viel mehr Spieltiefe.
1120 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
53 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.05.22 13:53
My first refund.

Final Fantasy meets Sherlock Holmes. Underwhelming graphics. Horrible lip synching and controls.

Buy if you don't mind having 2/3 of your screen covered by the UI (hints, etc) and without any possibility to either hide or resize it. I don't know about you, but I usually don't play on PC on a sofa, 2 meters away from the monitor.

F this game. Buy Crime and Punishements instead. Or don't buy any from Frogwares, as we are all just encouraging this new shitty direction the franchise has taken.
1292 Produkte im Account
93 Reviews
1108 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.05.22 17:09
Sherlock hot.
445 Produkte im Account
40 Reviews
1284 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.05.22 01:43
I technically like this game, it deserves a positive review for the time I played. It was worth finishing and I overall enjoyed the game play, but I have some problems with its delivery.

The game play was actually overall very enjoyable. I enjoyed solving the mysteries, the writing of the puzzles really left you to make your own decisions. Even though there was technically correct answers, you can easily draw the wrong conclusions from the pieces given. I think whoever is setting up these puzzles really does know what they're doing. The world feels very 2009 Assassin's Creed-y, big open world that mostly operates for you to traverse, the problem is that you just jog everywhere with a very unrealistic run animation. Be ready to fast travel a lot once you've actually been most places once. It's very pretty but there's not a lot to do there.

My problems come up while listening to dialogue. The voice acting is overall pretty flat. I understand, good voice actors are expensive. The problem is that the writing is often equally flat. As a point of example, jokes that would have probably had a mixed response if voiced by one of the top paid voice actors out now come out as embarrassing when spoken by the actors hired for this game. They were barely funny on paper, and would've taken the best possible performance to make them funny. Unfortunately, and tellingly, the funniest scene in the game for me was the emotional reveal at the end of the game, which I have no intention of spoiling. The tragic emotional scenes were either boring or comical, and the comical scenes were awkward or, well, tragic. Interestingly enough, this whole time the mystery itself was actually very intriguing. That's what feels so frustrating, the writers clearly know how to write a mystery but can't write interpersonal dialogue without it sounding forced.

I hope I'm not too overly critical with this review. Very fun experience, consistent fan of Frogware's Sherlock Holmes games, but this game definitely stretched the writers' capabilities. Most likely they'll learn a lot from this, so I would imagine their next game will be much better written. This seems like their first major attempt at writing a Holmes story 100% from scratch, so I definitely want to give them some slack. At the same time, I did have strong criticisms and I wanted to share them. Frogware most likely won't see this review but I felt like they deserved actual constructive criticism, since I do like their work and I want to see it improve.
218 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
2609 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.05.22 13:05
선요약 (English translation is at the bottom of this article)

장점 Pros
- 게임의 배경이 되는 코르도나 섬의 생동감: 정말로 사람이 사는 듯한 느낌을 물씬 풍김
Lifelike scenery and environment of the main background of the game, Cordona Island: Really feels like it's an island which people live.
- 컨셉에 충실한 게임성: 셜록 홈즈의 방식으로 단서를 수집하고, 증언을 청취하며, 여러 단서들을 조합해서 결론을 도출
Concept-bonded gamestyle: Collect the evidences, testimony, and deducting in Sherlock Holmes style
- 매력적인 캐릭터들: 스토리의 중심을 이루는 캐릭터들에게 각자 부여된 개성이 뚜렷하면서도 매력적
Attractive Characters: Characteristics on main characters are quite distictive, also attractive
- 전작에 비해 낮은 추리 난이도: 개연성의 증가로 따라온 부차적인 특징으로 기존 플레이어들은 편안하게, 신규 플레이어들에게는 낮은 진입장벽
Easier difficulty than before: as the result of increased probability, continuous players feel comfortable, new players get lower entry hurdle
- 몰입되는 연출: 스토리가 전개되며 몰입하도록 하는 강렬한 연출 스타일
Immersive scene directions: Strong, yet delicate
- 충분한 그래픽 퀄리티
Enoughly-great graphic quality
- 사소하지만 퀄리티를 높여주는 작은 요소들
little points which increases the whole quality of the game
- 그 외 등등등..

단점 Cons
- 단조롭고 반복적인 전투: 개성있는 전투시스템이지만 액션게임을 기대한다면 다소 실망하게 될 것
Simple and repeatitive combat system: Don't expect the action game
- 간혹 있는 불친절한 요소: 특정 정보를 제공해줄 수 있는 부류의 행인을 찾기 위해 한참을 뛰어다니게 될 수 있음
Some unfriendly points: May have to run around for minutes looking for correct kind/class of people, like sailors
- 매우 드물게 있는 번역 오류
Really rare, but some minor translating errors(only in Korean)
- 다소 짧게 느껴질 수 있는 DLC 시나리오
Somewhat may feels like kinda short on DLC scenarios

추천하는 플레이어 Recommend to these people
- 셜록홈즈 소설/드라마/영화/게임 팬
Fan of Sherlock Holmes novels/tv series/movies/games
- 경쟁 없이 느긋하게 머리쓰는 게임이 땡기는 플레이어
Players who looking for brain teasing game without competitive elements
- 한 편의 미스터리 드라마/영화 같은 게임을 찾는 플레이어
Players who looking for a game which is like a well-made mystery tv series or movie.
- 모험을 즐기고, 스스로 게임 내부를 탐색하며 모든 것을 찾아내 즐기는 유형의 플레이어
Players who enjoys adventures and actively seeks for elements of the game.
- 그 외 등등등, 누가 해도 최소 중간은 갈 것
etc..., it'll be at least a fair game for whomever play this

추천하지 않는 플레이어 Not recommend to these players
- 일방형 진행 게임을 선호하는 플레이어
Players who prefer one-way game style
- 화려한 액션게임을 원하는 플레이어
Players who want fancy action game
- 완전히 확실한 것이 아니면 불편한 플레이어: 게임에서 제공되는 단서들은 사건의 전말이 100% 완벽하게 밝혀지도록 주어지지 않습니다. 상황에 따라서는 정황 증거들로 넘겨짚는 능력이 필요합니다.
Players who feel uncomfortable when everything is not perfectly clear: Clues in this game don't let you know about the case 100% clear. Sometimes you have to guess with limited clues and circumstantial evidences.

하지만 개인적으로는 정말 강력히 추천하는 작품입니다. 정가는 물론 할인 기회가 있다면 더욱더 무조건 구매해서 일단 즐겨보시라 하고 싶은 작품
But personally, I strongly recommend this game. I recommend to try it on full price, but of course, if there is a discount opportunity, much more strongly recommend to try it first.
2719 Produkte im Account
105 Reviews
1486 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.04.22 07:02

I've been waiting for the release of this game since it was announced

Since I am a big fan of the Sherlock series of games from this developer, I was interested not only to try, but to completely beat this game and see what has changed compared to previous games from Frogwares. Spoiler: I was not disappointed


For me, almost the fundamental criterion for evaluating games is a good graphic component, and here at first I did not believe that the amazing Sherlock from the developer's screenshots would really be so amazing in the game. Yes, of course there are some nuances here, but in general everything meets my expectations and in terms of graphics these guys have surpassed themselves. I'm proud


The image of the main character is in good harmony with the style of England of those years. Also, the island of Cordona, on which he arrives, is worked out as detailed and realistic as possible. Wandering these streets, it's like you're walking into a whole new world


The story in this project is (in my opinion) much better than in previous Sherlock games. There is no magic or strange otherworldly creatures that came to us from another world. Fortunately, the story is quite concise and understandable. The developer tried to make an interesting twists and turns with a character named Jon (already suspicious, isn't it?) [spoiler] But after a couple of hours it became clear to me that this character is an imaginary friend of the protagonist, since no one sees or hears him except Sherlock. [/spoiler] I liked the ending and its options. It was really unexpected even for me!


The gameplay of Sherlock hasn't changed much when compared to previous (latest) games about him. A good combat system has been added to the game, which perfectly complements the main gameplay in the form of searching for clues and reconstructing various memories. Now it has become really interesting to participate not only in investigations, but also in fights

Side quests

I want to single out side quests, as they are very diverse. Each story is unique and interesting in its own way. It doesn't feel like I've seen it somewhere before. All the characters are well thought out and encourage the player to empathize


As with any other game, there are some downsides here. I will list them below:
As I noted earlier, the plot twist with Jon is too obvious. He constantly finds himself in the strangest places of the location and no one notices him. Yes, this is offset by one of the unexpected endings, but still I would like this twist to be less obvious
The island looks lifeless. Yes, it is inhabited by people, they walk and do something, but the player does not get the feeling that all this is real. NPCs are too similar, move the same way and all their activities tend to just wander around. If you push a passerby, then nothing happens, the reaction of all passers-by is the same. All cities feel dead


Despite the fact that there are tangible cons in the game, there are still more pros. The idea is amazing, the execution is not perfect. But I cannot name a single game in which all its aspects could be called ideal. The cons here in no way make the game worse. Thus, we conclude that this is indeed a worthy project. The best project of the Sherlock series of games, worthy of the attention of every player who is in love with these wonderful stories about this amazing character. I liked the new interpretation of Sherlock, I fell in love with this character and I see with what love the developers approached this project. Thank you from the bottom of my heart, and I hope that the next project will be no less worthy
84 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
1954 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.04.22 21:38
Fantastic game.
Decent story, spectacular environment, great voice acting, fun dialogues.
472 Produkte im Account
16 Reviews
1113 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.04.22 14:16
Always wanted to play some good detective game. This one surprised me and I have been enjoying the story and solving crime/mystery so far. Liked that the game doesn't always default into one choice, you can decide who to help and who to collude. There is no right or wrong answer, there is only one that you believe in.
51 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
1997 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.04.22 18:10
I'd say gameplay is quite fun as always. As for story, I don't like current trend of making every decision moraly hard, especially when I (being much more stupid than any Holmes) can come up with more logical compromise solution. Ending left me a bit bitter and frankly killed part of good feeling from game. Especially since last SH games had quite wholesome endings. And I feel like each ending required much smarter people than me to act quite irrationaly. Overall I'd still say it's good game but I liked the others more. What I liked quite a lot was Jon and I'm afraid from now on I'll feel that Watson isn't good enough compared to him.
97 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
135 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.04.22 01:35
It is horribly optimized. Chugs on the lowest settings.
117 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
671 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.04.22 22:34
This game just misses the mark. The open world is pretty closed. The combat is really poor, it would have been better to not been implemented, every fight is in a warehouse and it is boring and wave based, other than income there is no incentive to take them alive, nor can you fight, you just shoot objects to stun the baddies. Boring. More evidence in a case does not lead you to make a better choice of outcome and there is no consequence of picking the wrong answer. It would seem the developer wanted to make a rich vibrant world full of lore, but they forgot the lore, the life, and the world building. The main story is the least interesting part of the entire game.
1031 Produkte im Account
203 Reviews
876 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.03.22 03:05
i'm really shocked about Sherlock Holmes Chapter One this is the most dramatic game i ever played in my life
the story was amazing and the soundtracks are perfect but two things make me hate this game it's 80% text and reading and 99% repetitive game 2nd thing if you are looking for actions and guns i don't recommend buying it because guns and actions are just side missions nothing else but the story mode and Dialog's make you love the game. here is pros and cons list

pros list
+open world
+trading cards
+ voice actors
+dramatic story

- as i said 99% repetitive game , 80% text and reading
- complicated gameplay you don't know where is the next mission or what to do. sometimes you are in right place but you just have to active missions .
-frame drops
- some missions are boring
552 Produkte im Account
87 Reviews
4316 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.03.22 10:23
I'm one of those who loved Crimes and Punishments and hated Devil's Daughter and so I went into this game very tentatively, but trusted Frogwares enough to go ahead and buy the game and season pass to all the DLC. After completing all the cases and extras, I absolutely loved this game!
Did I like the combat? Nope! But other than some easy training and one bad guy, all combat is skippable from the outset, so I didn't have to struggle before skipping or deal with it at all. There is a ton of cases, city history quests, and the cases/stories that tell us what makes Sherlock who he is. A lot of variety in length and type of cases. The Jon character didn't bother me at all and in fact I enjoyed having him around and his comments.
The game world is gorgeous, controls are easy to use, and has both manual and autosaves. I enjoyed this game from start to finish. Would love more Sherlock games like this!
332 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
128 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.03.22 19:40
I have been with Steam for over 15 years and never bothered to write a single review – either good or bad. For most bad games, either the reviews were already telling or I could always see appeal for some players. This one “game” finally did it for me. The disappointment is proportionate to the price – almost AAA like – and the supposedly ooohhh-so-great reviews.

I finished the first case (a 2 hour introduction or tutorial of sort) and gave up there - My main grief with the game isn’t graphics, story, controls or basic gameplay – it’s just that there is no good or bad answer to the case – you are left with accusing any of the 2 related protagonists … without consequence. This is problematic for 2 reasons
  • This is so fake - interviewing 1 or 2 additional NPC should help you nail the right answer and find the culprit. But no, for whatever reason you cannot do that. So you are forced into accusing someone - knowing you might be wrong and this is totally subjective. What sort of detective in is right mind would do that? Sherlock really?
  • As a player there is no satisfaction / reward / feedback loop to working hard for 1 hour or 2 – your choice really doesn’t matter – there is no right or wrong supposedly. Why are we even playing this game?
Logo for Sherlock Holmes Chapter One
Rating auf Steam Sehr positiv
81.83% 545 121
Release:17.06.2021 Genre: Adventure Entwickler: Frogwares Vertrieb:keine Infos Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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