Sheltered 2
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Über das Spiel

Sheltered 2 baut auf dem ursprünglichen Fan-Liebling aus dem Jahr 2015 auf und hat neue Herausforderung sowie ein tiefgängiges strategisches Gameplay zu bieten. Deine Aufgabe ist es, einen Anführer zu erstellen und eine Fraktion aufzubauen, während du die Ressourcen verwaltest und dich sowohl um natürliche als auch menschliche Bedrohungen kümmerst. Hunger, Durst, Strahlung und Gegner – an jeder Ecke lauert der Tod.
Das neue Fraktionssystem von Sheltered 2 ist der Schlüssel zum Erfolg einer Basis. Schicke Expeditionen los, um das riesige Ödland zu erkunden und Beziehungen (oder Rivalitäten) aufzubauen. Handle mit Ressourcen, um zusammen aufzublühen, oder nutze das erweiterte Kampfsystem, um dich mit deinen Rivalen anzulegen und deine Dominanz über das Ödland auszubauen. Wirst du dich mit den anderen Fraktionen verbünden oder sie unterdrücken?
Fraktionen: Das neue Fraktionssystem von Sheltered 2 ermöglicht es dir, Beziehungen zu anderen Gruppen aufzubauen, durch die du Ressourcen und Unterstützung für deine Basis erhältst. Du kannst aber auch zu den Waffen greifen und die Dinge auf die alte Art regeln.
Ressourcen-Management: Finde eine Balance zwischen den Dingen, die deine Überlebenden brauchen und wollen, verwalte die knappen Ressourcen, stelle alles her, was du benötigst und warte die Ausrüstung des Unterschlupfs, um das Überleben der Gruppe sicherzustellen.
Permadeath: In Sheltered 2 ist dein Anführer die wichtigste Person des Unterschlupfs. Wenn er oder sie stirbt, ist das Spiel vorbei. Hunger, Sauerstoffmangel, extreme Temperaturen und Kämpfe sind nur einige der Herausforderungen, mit denen du im Ödland von Sheltered 2 konfrontiert wirst. Und ohne die Möglichkeit eines Respawns könnte jede Entscheidung tödlich sein.
Kampf & Waffen: Wenn die Verhandlungen scheitern, kannst du auf viele unterschiedliche provisorische Waffen zurückgreifen, um dich um deine Widersacher zu kümmern. Bestreite rundenbasierte Kämpfe, um an die wichtigen Ressourcen zu gelangen, die du zum Überleben benötigst.
Charaktere: Deine Überlebenden haben eigene Persönlichkeiten, Eigenschaften, Wünsche und Skills. Personalisiere sie nach Belieben und mache die Mitglieder deiner Fraktion einzigartig.
Fahrzeuge: Finde und repariere Fahrzeuge – von Fahrrädern bis hin zu Pick-up-Trucks – um das Ödland zu erkunden.
Noch haben wir keine Systemanforderungen für dieses Spiel eintragen können oder es sind noch keine bekannt.
Steam Nutzer-Reviews
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18086 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.03.22 10:17
1524 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.02.22 21:27
Natürlich hatte Sheltered 1 sein eigenen Charm und ich bin jetzt auch nicht der Fan von dem 3D look.
Auch fehlt es etwas am Lategame, aber insgesamt hatte ich viel Spaß.
20€ für 25h Spielzeit ist doch ein guter Deal...
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4060 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.01.22 10:10
The achievements are just designed to artificially extend the game time. The most annoying were the 50 bear kills.
If the game mechanics and world gets some polish, this would be a relatively good game. Hopefully the developers will stick with the game and continue to improve it. The roadmap already lets some hope shine through.
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918 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.12.21 10:36
Shelter-Inventar umfasst 2700kg
Recyclingstation sagt 150kg
somit sind 2550 kg an Items für mich nicht mehr zugänglich, weder zum bauen noch zum zerlegen
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6111 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.10.21 17:22
slebst wenn man mit einem älteren spielstand einen bug los wird taucht 2 oder 3 ingame tage der nächste auf.
und wenn ich jetzt sehe das neue features anstatt bugfixes angekündigt werden ist das eine riesen frechheit.
hier eine kurze liste der bugs die mir das spiel total verderben da manche echte gamebreaker sind:
1. es werden plötzlich 3 sterne ressourcen für tier 1 gegenstände und objekte zum herstellen benötigt.
2. feststeckende eindringlinge die den bunkereingang versperren (soll angeblich seit september gefixt sein...)
3. minuspunkte bei der auftraggebenden Fraktion für erledigte aufgaben. wtf???
4. nicht lagerbare ressourcen (z.b. holz) lässt sich sammeln und vom händler kaufen aber landet nie im lager.
5. festgefranste chars die man nur noch aus dem bunker rauswerfen kann (unpraktisch nach 80 tagen training und entwicklung)
6. nicht verschwindende Infofahnen an aussenposten. man hat keinen überblick mehr wer wen wo wann angreift.
7. ressourcen oft nach einer weile nicht mehr zu recyceln.
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1880 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.10.21 04:42
Dennoch hätte es eine Kaufempfehlung gegeben, wenn nicht die vielen Bugs wären, die einem das Spiel vergällen. Ein schönes Spiel, leider zum derzeitigen Zeitpunkt nicht fertig.
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1418 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.04.22 18:00
The reason for that is it's very light on game info. You can assign people to rooms, but there is no explanation for what it does, the status messages are minimal so had many people die with no explanation of why.
I like it, I wish I could get further into it, but I can't put any more hours into it just to have my leader die of a heart attack for no reason.
5885 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.03.22 20:56
Only criticism, I wish there were a few more outfits for customization of your survivors and the clothing colours you select are not how they appear on the screen and are quite the opposite.
Fun game :D
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2498 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.03.22 12:19
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661 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.03.22 23:33
-you need dexterity (and a lot of it) to even be able to hold the pistol
-a guy with a spiked bat attacked my shelter, he was dealing 22 damage with the bat and 55 damage kicking my characters with the foot (a character has ~100 hp)
-absolutely everyone wants to fight you when you leave the shelter, even if you are fully armed and they are 1 person with fists.
-my expedition characters returned 1 second after the breach started, so they just stood outside and watched. in the same raid my only character that doesn't have enough dexterity to hold the pistol was caught by these guys, and there is no option to run away from the fight so he was killed.
-i failed 2 trades in a row with 96% chance of winning, so I think this is probably a bug.
-trained my characters' strength,dexterity and fortitude for like 1-2 hours, went out in an expedition, dealing the same 12 damage with a lot more strength
-my character's attack costs 4 stamina every turn and he only has 3.
-my characters cannot escape any fight as it costs 5 stamina, they only have 3.
-my leader died and apparently is game over if he dies.
-every skill learned in the skill tree is completely useless as they cost 5-6 stamina and every character has 3 max.
All of this in 5 hours of gameplay. Jesus.
35206 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.02.22 18:24
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5213 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.01.22 10:17
WHAT TO EXPECT: Post-apocalyptic part strategy, part simulation. Randomly generated open world on a hexagonal grid to explore in real-time. Driven by a factional conflict for domination of the wasteland. Character fulfilment with automation. Comprehensive base building in 2D and real-time. Static screen, menu-driven, turn-based isometric combat. Detailed character customisation. Action based RPG skill system. Lots of crafting. Factional goals to unlock aspects of gameplay. Challenging gameplay, with dynamic events. Can be micromanagement heavy without automation. Unbalanced elements that need a lot of QoL. Missing features from first game. Single-player only.
Sheltered 2 is the sequel to the 2015 original of the same name. A feature-packed strategy game of management and simulation set in a post-apocalyptic world, twenty years after the fall of mankind. Gameplay combines three strategic tracks that bring together a comprehensive survival-themed experience. At its core is the struggle for domination of the wasteland against rival factions that requires resolution by conflict or diplomacy. This plays out over the longer-term with an emphasis on task allocation and character fulfilment taking place while base-building, exploring the world and accumulating resources.
The player takes ownership of a base that begins in the same shape at the start of every game. One that takes the form of a bunker that sits at the centre of a randomly generated game world, populated with locations and factions. Players create their own faction of three members; a leader and two subordinates, using a detailed customisation system to set the faction flag and name, but also set character appearance, traits, stats and skills to their preference.
+ A randomly generated world map with a fog of war divided into territories and full of locations for the party to find and scavenge for resources. Encounters with other groups can lead to trade, combat or quests from factions or other sources.
+ Comprehensive character creation using 8x categories: name, body, features, hair, accessories, clothing, stats and traits.
+ Extensive shelter components for building facilities that deliver: accommodation, energy provisioning, resource generation, storage containers, character stat upgrading and crafting platforms.
+ Intimate turn-based tactical combat fought on isometrically viewed, static locations. Menu-driven tactical options derived from character skills and carried equipment. Personal hit locations determine applied damage and statuses.
+ A large inventory of useable items and resources to find and use. Split into numerous classes such as: food, crafting resources, weapons & ammo, medical supplies, armour, character equipment and junk to disassemble.
+ Scores of simple animations portray shelter activity that are makes the bunker seem alive.
+ Achievable faction goals open up advanced gameplay elements such as: crafting tiers.
- No game continuation on leader death with the faction falls apart. Could have done with nominating a new leader.
- Combat encounters require balancing. Some are terminal with the leader dying without the ability to flee or perform any actions against superior enemy parties.
- Minor GUI issues. Unable to choose multiple options to eat from the same screen. Losing a character does not update a reduction in party carry weight. Cannot tailor actions on the action queue. Cannot select specific resources to use.
- ‘Soft-lock are possible,’ by not having the resources to keep your survivors alive. Water conservation especially can overly punish progress, wasting many hours of play and requiring a reload at the very least.
- There exist a number of bugs some of which can be game-breaking. Bug encountered: characters can get stuck upgrading shelter facilities and stops them from being reassigned tasks. No amount of restarting or loading previous saved helped.
- Significant micromanagement occurs when fulfilment automation is set to off.
- Other issues exist. GPU workload can fluctuate to extremely high. Some players have reported black screens and problems when changing resolutions and using windowed mode.
* Automated fulfilment allows the AI to take control of mundane aspects of the game. Reduces micro-management but can use up resources to quickly.
* Remains a work in progress with fans of the original reporting that some features missing from the original game. Such as no children or pets.
* Some repetitive mechanics make base-building play out essentially the same in every game. There is some nuance to the experience. i.e. blueprints and floppy discs add to build options inside shelter. Fires can cause facilities to burn.
* Characters can increase character stats by gaining experience points in disciplines through action. I.e. taking part in combat, reading books, using exercise equipment etc.
* Finding the appropriate blueprints and components allows for the construction of vehicles.
Sheltered 2 does not looks like it was ready for release even if it retains a good share of content. With so many issues to deal with, it is in no way complete. A feat that also afflicted the original game, released in a similar unfinished state, to be fixed and completed post release. In all fairness the game should be marked as an Early Access title, with the amount of work that remains.
The Experience
When it was possible to play Sheltered 2, it demonstrated some enjoyable elements. Only being affected periodically by unintentional pitfalls that stalled gameplay. The biggest being a real need to conserve every drop of water at the start of games. A handful of games of one to three game months were attempted. All but one of these concluded in unfinished restarts. Either due to early leader death or a crippling design aspect such as the need to conserve water or having my leader killed by an overly powerful enemy party. The last prematurely ended with a game-breaking bug, potentially one of several that were present at the time of playing. Potentially there are workarounds for some issues, but no way to tell if these work for everyone, every time. Developers are doing what they can to help bypass these problems.
Sheltered 2 is not perfect. A game with the potential to be a very good survival management sim. Albeit not completely turn-based, it possesses the right blend of features and activities to make it a WORTHWHILE play, but needs more QoL and balancing. It remains playable but under-developed in certain areas, missing features that were present in the first game. There are game breaking bugs but not as many as when first released.
Given Steam's restrictions on character limits, you can read the rest of this review by using the link below:
Thank you for reading. | Follow my curator here. | Key provided by Turnbased Lovers
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2314 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.01.22 01:56
Things that need to be fixed:
- UI inconsistencies. Buttons vary from screen to screen, often causing you to click the wrong thing. Things like the recycler don't have the ability to sort by junk. Its just a mess.
- Complex bases just light on fire all the time because you can't keep things in running order. Even if your survivors have the perk to automatically repair, they simply don't do the task. Either you have to spend all your time manually sending people around to repair stuff (super boring) or things break and light on fire.
- Fires happen so quickly, that you often don't have time to even respond, or it takes to long to get there in large bases.
- Crafting higher level materials is just a gamble. Even in late game, its nearly impossible to get the required materials to craft top tier things. After 40 hours I still hadn't been able to construct any T4 base stuff.
- There are mechanics in the game that seem to be impossible to trigger. Such as the top int tree skill that supposedly gives the ability to raise another survivors max stat, I never found a way to actually access it.
- Certain points in the game you can't get to the menu. For instance, if you start a combat that you know you're going to loose, you cant open the menu. I resorted to force quitting the game and reloading so I didn't waste my time in the slow combat.
- Tons of arbitrary waits and button clicks in the UI. Takes way to many clicks to do basic things like having an exploration party try and flee combat.
907 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.01.22 17:49
Pro Tips:
-dont get more than 5 people before day 40 (water will run low)
-focus on training before going out further
-always attack the head of the enemies
-get one dude with max intelligence and have him build everything
242 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.01.22 14:05
7255 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.01.22 23:49
This kind of survival games, with base building, are always at the top of my list. I did not play first game in this series, so I expected some mediocre game, by reading negative reviews, but decided to try it after devloper updated the game with many patches and balancing fixes. In its current state game is fully playable but still lacks balancing and UI overhaul.
Here are the highlights:
- Interesting map and settings
- Ability to use vehicles
- Different factions with their own identities
- Very deep resorce managment
- Interesting craftable objects
- Automated tasks of survivors
- Wide range of stats and skills for each survivor
- Good graphics
- Very, very clunky UI, like on old DOS games, needs overhaul (disastrous items container and sorting)
- Some of the Tier 2 resources (and Tier 3) are too rare which defeats ability to craft Tier 3 items
- Faction territories on map are poorly visible and hard to distinguish
- Weather gives almost none of survival problems except at the beginning with water
- No information that new faction jobs are available or new map events (traders, etc)
- Skill trees should be revisited and reworked, some skills are forced but useless on specific build
- Traders always have same items, should be reworked to add ability to ocasionally buy rare Tier 2 and 3 items
- Shelter building could be much better and interesting
I did not include any negative points which are mentioned on next roadmap updates, like character customization. Overall, Sheltered 2 is not a bad game, it has certainly great potential to grow in a great game in the near future. Because it is interesting, now perfectly playable and stable, I do recommend it for survival gamers.
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1036 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.12.21 20:54
TL DR: Sheltered (first game) is better. Good looks mean shit when you lose the feeling of the game.
The best aspect of Sheltered was the desperation and gloomy feeling you get about the atmosphere and trying to keep your family safe at all costs.
You take out the best 2 things about your game and turn it into a polished TRASH.
Your faction-focused approach is a travesty and all the factions are far from being realistic they are too cartoony and every one of their backstories are based on clichés. This completely destroys the ambiance and keeps you from getting into that desperate survival feeling you had in the first game.
Why the HELL did you remove the family set up? Jesus.... Who is your content designer seriously?
It is a difficult thing to make a game worse in the sequel and you have done it successfully Gratz guys!
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3017 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.10.21 02:02
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4361 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.10.21 21:39
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1743 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.10.21 04:04
This game is both tedious and hard and in none of the good ways.
Game was/is extremely buggy
Interactions with other survivors, quests and factions is extremely basic and generic to the point of it being easily comparable to the first game
And frankly its quite, very, boring.
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451 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.10.21 18:05
1. Resource farming is just a pain and boring (excludes via traders)... you get to a location, your guys will 'auto-search' and you take what you can. or you kill someone, but....
2. when you kill someone (from an encounter), your dude will get a -1000000 mood. Yeah, I get that killing is bad, but most encounters you are given 2 choices... Flee or Attack, and Flee is based on chance %.
3. Progression in the game is soooooooooooo slow, and there are no mechanics to feed you the urgency. Of the few hours I had, I'm just stuck at a certain point... basically doing nothing but moving around the map and scavenging of parts to craft. Survival of my characters are just tied to repetitively planting seeds and placing traps for food...
4. When any of your survivors die.. well, it's just that... you would just recruit or accept another. There are no attachment/ personality to any of them. The traits they have doesn't feel like it does anything.
5. factions?? yeah, they are there... and that's all there... there are no urgency or motives to fight/ alliance with any of them... and the only thing I get the impression to do is complete jobs (by scavenging parts... over and over and over) in order to get them to the good side.
6. You are going to get busy in the shelter, repairing stuff... like everything everyday.
7. Crafting... erm, you craft what you can with what you scavenged and with almost with no reasons or objectives to do any of that. You could probably last 100 hours just crafting traps to continuously trap and burn eat rabbits for food.
8. There are only rabbits as meats... or at least that's the only type I see.
tl/dr: it's boring, spend hours repairing stuff and eating broccoli soup w/ burnt rabbit.
Even my review of this game is a bore to write... let alone for anyone to read. So that's that. Go play This War of Mine.
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