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Über das Spiel

Shank verfügt über eine spezielle Koop-Kampagne, die lokal mit einem Freund gespielt werden kann und den Hintergrund der Rachegeschichte enthüllt. In dieser Prequel-Mission können die Spieler in die Rollen von Shank oder seinem Partner Falcone schlüpfen, mit tödlichen Team-Moves und einem Gameplay, das ganz auf Zusammenarbeit setzt.
Steam Nutzer-Reviews
438 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.01.22 12:39
Es ist wie ein alter Bud Spencer Film, nur wesentlich brutaler!
„Shank“ ist ein 2D Gemetzel, in dem wir uns mit unserem Helden eine blutige Bahn durch die Feinde schlagen. Viel kann ich eigentlich nicht sagen, nur dass das Kampfsystem sich mit seinen Griffen und seinen Möglichkeiten sehr rund anfühlt und so ein tolles Beat `em up entsteht. Spielerisch wird man belohnt, wenn man seine Angriffe kombiniert, was wiederum sehr viel Spaß macht. Generell bringt Shank ein kleines, aber abwechlungsreiches Arsenal mit, mit dem man immer wieder neue Wege findet, wie man seine Feinde zerstückeln kann.
Sehr empfehlenswert ist dabei allerdings ein Controller, sonst leidet die Spielerfahrung.
„Shank“ dauert zwar nur knapp 3 Stunden, bietet aber noch eine zusätzliche Kampagne für lokalen Co-Op mit knapp 2 Stunden Spielzeit und es gibt da ja auch noch Shank 2!
Hauptcharakter Shank ist verdammt sauer. Warum? Nun, dass erfahren wir im Verlauf der Geschichte. Die geht zwar nicht so tief, ermöglicht aber einen Amoklauf mit Geschichte, der ein wenig an Tarantinos Werk Kill Bill erinnern lässt. Rache ist ein Gericht, dass am besten kalt serviert wird!
Entwickler Klei setzt in den meisten seiner Spiele auf einen Zeichenstil, der oft auch spielübergreifend wiedererkennbar ist. So wirkt auch „Shank“ wie ein Cartoon, der das Spiel zudem sehr zeitlos macht.
Der Soundtrack erinnert an den wilden Westen, fügt sich aber thematisch sehr gut auch in den anderen Level ein. Er passt immer zum Spiel und klingt sehr gut.
Anders als das später erschienene Mark of the Ninja vom selben Entwickler setzt „Shank“ komplett auf brachiale Gewalt und ist vielleicht als Hommage an Rambo zu sehen. Ich bin eigentlich kein so großer Fan von dieser Art von Hack `n` Slay, „Shank“ lässt sich aber sehr gut spielen und gerade durch die Grafik würde ich dieses Spiel als auch den Nachfolger als zeitlosen Geheimtipp empfehlen. Ganz klare Kaufempfehlung!
Ich habe auch zum zweiten Teil ein Review geschrieben und kämpfe mich generell durch meine Steambibliothek. Wenn dir das Review gefallen hat, schau doch mal in meiner Steamgruppe vorbei und schließe dich dem Kampf an!
Mittlerweile veröffentliche ich meine Reviews auch in der German Review Group, in der sich viele unabhängige deutsche Autoren bemühen, euch gute Spiele näher zu bringen.
307 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.09.15 20:50
Das Ganze wird durch einen klasse Soundtrack und einen eigenen Stil verschärft.
Während der Spieler zu Beginn des Spiels mitten in das Geschehen hineingeworfen wird und das Ganze noch nicht wirklich nachvollziehen kann, klären sich die meisten Fragen um seine Motive und Hintergründe im Verlauf der Handlung. Einige Dinge wie um den Verbleib seiner Freundin bleiben offen, aber dafür gibt es ja den zweiten Teil. Abseits gibt es freischaltbare Concept Arts und neue Charaktere.
Obwohl Shank mit etwa fünf Stunden für einen Koop und einen Einzelspielerdurchlauf etwas kurz ist, sind die 10 Euro eine gute Investition für alle, die auf 2D Hack 'n' Slays, einen sehr launischen Kooptitel oder auf eine Menge Gewalt und einen großartigen Stil stehen.
216 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.04.13 16:46
319 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.03.22 22:56
This game really encompasses dumb fun at its core, the plot is comical with how over-the-top badass or edgy it portrays itself at times, but that was clearly an intended choice. So many action movie tropes/lines find their way into this game, and with that being said, while I found it cheesy/funny, I think it can be triggering or too mature of content for others. Within the story, the MC is tracking done and brutally executing everyone who was involved in his gf's murder (and implied rape), so if any of that content is not something you want to deal with, skip this one. It is definitely not friendly for children either, obviously. You also have to fight against guard dogs, and you can accidentally shoot bats/rats too, so warning for that.
The gameplay itself isn't groundbreaking but it's such ridiculous fun. Every time I install this game and close after a session, I readily reload it up to do another scene lmao. I think it's a great beginner entry into beat 'em ups as well, it doesn't expect crazy comboing or timing, and the bosses all have a gimmick to exploit. Honestly the dogs in this game are the most op. I think the checkpoints are very fair and losing any scene will never put you farther than two-three screens away, in my experience.
I also played this game over four years, from 2018-2022 and in that the game took 5 hours total to 100%, and I was at disadvantage of not knowing any controls but that only added to the sheer fun I had while playing. For whatever reason, when I would reinstall this title, I would find that previous me had left it at a boss chapter, and I'd go into the bosses without any memory of the controls/gameplay. Needless to say, this game is finishable even if you only use your daggers and have no idea how to pounce/grapple/block/etc.
However, one issue is the length of the game. I played over a LONG period of time and still completed in 5 hours, someone playing in one session will probably finish in three hours or so. There is an additional hard more and a coop mode, but still, I can't see hours in this game reaching 10 hours or more. So keep that in mind if you're expecting to find a game to sink countless hours into.
I didn't experience any lag with comboing or any glitches/bugs in general, and the achievements are all really manageable. All and all, it's another good experience from Klei and I look forward to supporting them in the future.
734 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.02.22 14:33
548 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.01.22 04:33
376 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.11.21 13:56
1. Totally Hardcore Action Packed game.
2. Decent Story like (John Wick)
3. Very good Optimize for Low Specs
4. Kick-ass Villains
(-) Points
1. Mehhh , There is nothing about it.
Verditct : Its a damm good action packed game. You will enjoy it.
Rating : 10 / 10
779 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.07.21 11:06
☐ Try not to get addicted
☑️ Very good
☐ Good
☐ Nothing special
☐ Ehh
☐ Bad
☐ Just dont
☐ Eargasm
☐ Very good
☑️ Good
☐ Decent
☐ Not too bad
☐ Bad
☐ Earrape
☐ Kids
☑️ Teens
☑️ Adults
☐ Everyone
---{PC Requirements}---
☐ Check if you can run paint
☐ Potato
☑️ Decent
☐ Fast
☐ Rich boi
☐ Ask NASA if they have a spare computer
☐ Just press a bunch of buttons
☐ Easy
☑️ Significant brain usage
☐ Easy to learn / Hard to master
☐ Not so easy
☐ Difficult
☐ Dark Souls
---{Game Time}---
☐ Long enough for a cup of tea
☑️ Short
☐ Average
☐ Long
☐ Depends on you
☐ Endless
☐ Just buy it
☑️ Worth the price
☑️ Wait for sale
☐ Maybe if you have some spare money left
☐ Not recommended
☐ Dont throw money into a rubbish bin
☑️ Never had any
☐ Minor bugs
☐ Few bugs
☐ Can get annoying
☐ Ruining the game
☐ The game itself is a big terrarium for bugs
672 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.07.21 05:15
If you're after a game with a deep and meaningful story line, you will be disappointed.
This is a simple slash , dodge, hack and shoot type game.
Put your brain in cruise control and go and kill some bad guys.
The couch co-op function is great as you can play multiple with a mate and an extra controller.
I got it on sale for the price of a coffee and wasn't disappointed.
Nicht Empfohlen
204 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.06.21 19:30
354 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.05.21 20:02
Nicht Empfohlen
213 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.04.21 22:26
The story is alright, a parody of action and taratino films, but there also appears to be a bunch of censoring you need to fiddle around by using the classic mode in the beta options, which is indicated nowhere.
It does have a local 2 player mode however, which is nice to see in this day and age, even if it is from 2010.
4/10 Only get it if you have absolutely nothing else you want, or have a buddy to get drunk and play it with. Even then, I'd think about getting another game.
Nicht Empfohlen
163 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.04.21 18:55
-Shank is a cinematic beat em up that is absolutely breath taking visually. You are a badass character straight out of Desperado that makes it look easy to throw a grenade, slam an enemy, shoot him in the face, and then slice his head off in one quick motion. It's a real shame that Shank has some tediously nonsensical platforming sections, mindlessly easy challenges, and gameplay that grows stale far too quickly.
What's Good:
-The very best part of this game is the art direction and cut scenes. Everything is hand-drawn and looks exceptional. All the animations and movement look great and feel very fluid. Explosions, fires, and blood splatter all have that cartoonish realism that is really great to look at. The cut scenes are really fun to watch and give you more context for the story.
-There are a bunch of different weapon types and all of them are really nice to look at and pack a punch. You really feel the impact as you slice and dice your way through enemies w/ chainsaws, knives, and katanas, as well as blast your way through bosses w/ handguns, shotguns, and assault rifles. You can also throw grenades and molotov cocktails and watch them die brutal deaths.
-This is a well polished beat em up and movement feels really good when fending off enemies. This is a fairly fast acting beat em up but b/c your character can respond quickly, I never had problems dealing w/ enemies from multiple sides.
-It runs well at 60 fps, I didn't encounter any bugs, and I never got stuck on surfaces. It's a really fundamentally solid game.
Could Use a Few Changes:
-The biggest problem is how easy the game is. I figured out within the first hr that you could just hit the block button and it would switch from side to side of any enemy and it made every boss an absolute cake-walk. I was barely paying attention near the end and just kept mashing block, melee attack 3-4x, rinse and repeat. I legit did this same combo for several minutes straight defeating one of the last bosses. This is a real shame b/c the presentation, movement, and fundamental mechanics are so good, but the entire experience is ruined by boring, repetitive, and insanely easy AI.
-There were several bizarre platforming sequences near the beginning and middle of the game that were both confusing and tedious that offered very little to the experience. This was the only part of the game that I found confusing, and I fell off over and over again and would eventually get past the section w/ dumb luck and persistence.
-Very short game and extremely repetitive. I would have been okay w/ a short game (3 hrs) if it was a really challenging and fun experience, but this wasn't the case. It's so simple that it takes away all the joy and fun from the game. I would have rather played a less polished game w/ a less interesting aesthetic if the game offered a more reasonable challenge. I don't expect every game to be extremely difficult, but I also don't want to be bored b/c there's no tension whatsoever.
-Shank looks great and feels great for the first 45 minutes, but falls apart quickly. I can't recommend this game to anyone being that there are so many great beat em ups out there. I'm not sure if I'll give the sequel a chance, but it's possible that they are able to fix some of these problems in Shank 2.
-Bottom Shelf Game (Tier 5 and makes up 10% of my games). This was quite a disappointment and if you are looking for a fun beat em up, I'd recommend Mother Russia Bleeds, Wulverblade, Ninjin, or Streets of Rage 4, those are all significantly more challenging and engaging than Shank.
239 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.10.20 19:57
Not much of a story, but a very solid presentation in the best traditions of Mexican cliche revenge stories as well as Tarantino level of gore and violence. Features a good local, hotseat coop campaign with its own narrative, the game also has unlockable costumes and concept art.
Good game, yet mediocre PC port.
Sadly PC keyboard controls are awkward and need to be memorized by heart. Also, one needs to have 2 keyboards and/or 1 gamepad to play or you need to use Steam Remote play. Sadly this makes it impossible to unlock the Coop achievement at the same time for both players. No online coop.
Shooting can be weird when using the keyboard against enemies not on the same height as the PC. The game right away recommends using a gamepad, but since I am a diehard keyboard user, I can confirm that this game is playable without a gamepad.
Some encounters are way too hard, but most of the time checkpoint saves are found often around so as not to become too frustrated.
Wonderful soundtrack.
Nicht Empfohlen
516 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.08.20 15:01
173 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.07.20 09:39
Very cool art style, but extremely repetitive gameplay, the combat lacks enough depth to be fun in the long run. Fortunatly the game is extremely short so it never manages to overstay his welcome. If it was a couple of hours longer I wouldn't recomend it.
387 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.06.20 15:26
I love simpler and smaller games like Shank, whenver I just want to play something chill to pass the time and have some fun this is the type of game I go to, Shank is an AMAZING 2d Beat'em up game with styllistic art design and a top-notch violent and frenetic gameplay, the combat here is really satisfying, the game doesnt wait to throw at you many enemies and test your skills, while its short, I finished it in 2-3 hours, theres two campaign, a solo and a coop one, theyre separated and have their own story and levels, firstly I finished the solo campaign by myself and had tons of fun thanks to the great gameplay, then I jumped to the coop and finished it wit ha friend of mine, which took around the same time, I also loved the game's badass personality, it had a nice action, good and challenging bosses, fluid controls the type of stuff you want to play when you just want something simple and functionally effective, shank is a great pick, its a cheap choice and you can either play it by yourself or with a friend coop, now excuse me, I am going directly to the sequel now, hope its as good as the first one, Klei is a really talented studio.
62 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.06.20 20:36
164 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.05.20 04:45
This is another great game from Klei! These are the same people that made Mark of the Ninja, I think that is the name of the game.
Long story short you play Shank, who is out for revenge. Let me start by saying you will kill a lot of baddies in order to get his revenge. A lot. But the fun part is he gets a lot of different guns to and weapons to help him along the way. I thought it was just a simple button masher but there are some mechanics involved which I didn't figure out until towards the very end.
It took me around 2.5 hours to complete and there is some replay value if you are the type that like to collect outfits and what not. There is also a Co-op mode which I have not tried yet. Probably won't because I typically play games late at night and don't have too many friends on Steam.
If you want a good beat em up, correction, a good hack and slash side scrolling game with a mature tone and cool story cut scenes to put a couple of hours into, then I would recommend you check out this game.
Don't feel like I wasted 2+ hours at all will be playing Shank 2 tomorrow as I have that too. I don't remember buying it but hey that's the days and time we live in with all these bundles and sales and what not.
164 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.03.20 16:01
This one hit the sweet spot between fun and challenge. The action is fast and furious, controls were tight, and it”s length felt just right. Story was, for the most part, just there to push the action along. It was less corny than part 2’s story, so I guess that’s a plus.
Thought the graphics were solid, for the most part. Character animations were great, but the backgrounds were static and kind of boring. Found myself wishing there was a little more ornamentation to them, but at least they don’t distract from the constant action. Sound design was good, music was scarce but appropriate when it did rear its head.
This is an easy one to recommend to those who like their 2D beat ‘em ups frantic and violent. Goes on sale frequently, so if you’ve missed this title and are a fan of the genre, check it out. ????
2D Shooter
Klei Entertainment
Electronic Arts
Engine:keine Infos
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Franchise:keine Infos
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