• Shadwen: Screen zum Spiel Shadwen.
  • Shadwen: Screen zum Spiel Shadwen.
  • Shadwen: Screen zum Spiel Shadwen.
  • Shadwen: Screen zum Spiel Shadwen.
  • Shadwen: Screen zum Spiel Shadwen.
  • Shadwen: Screen zum Spiel Shadwen.
  • Shadwen: Screen zum Spiel Shadwen.
  • Shadwen: Screen zum Spiel Shadwen.
  • Shadwen: Screen zum Spiel Shadwen.
  • Shadwen: Screen zum Spiel Shadwen.
  • Shadwen: Screen zum Spiel Shadwen.
  • Shadwen: Screen zum Spiel Shadwen.
  • Shadwen: Screen zum Spiel Shadwen.
  • Shadwen: Screen zum Spiel Shadwen.
  • Shadwen: Screen zum Spiel Shadwen.
  • Shadwen: Screen zum Spiel Shadwen.
  • Shadwen: Screen zum Spiel Shadwen.
  • Shadwen: Screen zum Spiel Shadwen.
  • Shadwen: Screen zum Spiel Shadwen.
  • Shadwen: Screen zum Spiel Shadwen.
  • Shadwen: Screen zum Spiel Shadwen.
  • Shadwen: Screen zum Spiel Shadwen.
  • Shadwen: Screen zum Spiel Shadwen.
  • Shadwen: Screen zum Spiel Shadwen.


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  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 17.05.2016
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Preis Update 01.07.24

Über das Spiel

Shadwen is a 3rd person stealth-action game where the only rule is to remain unseen. Stay hidden - or the ruthless guards will kill you on sight!

Shadwen, an assassin on a quest to kill the king, has a chance encounter with an orphaned girl, Lily. She follows Shadwen on her dangerous journey, but when the ruthless guards get too close, Shadwen must take action right in front of Lily's eyes.

Will Shadwen risk the girl's budding trust by resorting to violence, or try and find another way while keeping her real purpose concealed?

To kill or not to kill - that is the question.

  • MOVE FREELY - Sneak and explore around the dark and gritty medieval province and use the environment to your advantage - use your rope to grapple onto rooftops, silently drop from ceilings, or veil yourself in the shadows.
  • STAY HIDDEN - Pick your assassinations carefully. Avoid being seen, heard or getting caught indirectly. Suspicious sights and noises will alert the guards - use it to your benefit.
  • TIME IS AN ACCOMPLICE - Time stands still when you are not moving Shadwen, allowing you to stop at any point mid-motion. Rewind time to manipulate your past and present actions!
  • USE PHYSICS - Use physics and a freely attachable rope to drag and topple objects. Make deaths look accidental; let gravity do the grave work.
  • CREATE TRAPS AND HAZARDS - set up traps and hazards to lure guards towards their untimely demise; discover new ways to eliminate or distract your foes by crafting items into deadly surprises, including poison traps, spike devices, decoy toys and more.
  • TWO CHARACTERS - Embrace the darkness with Shadwen and her abilities to protect Lily and create a safe passage for her.


  • CPU: Intel Core i3/i5/i7 1.8 GHz CPU dual-core. AMD 2.0 GHz dual-core.
  • GFX: NVIDIA GeForce 260 / Radeon HD 4000 Series / Intel HD Graphics 4000
  • RAM: 4 GB RAM
  • Software: (64 bit / 32 bit *) Windows 10 / 8 / 7 / Vista
  • HD: 6 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • DX: Version 10
  • MISC: Highest graphics detail levels are only available in 64 bit OS
  • LANG: Englisch
  • CPU: Intel quad-core 2.0 GHz or dual-core 2.6 GHz
  • GFX: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 560 2GB / Radeon HD 6850 2GB
  • RAM: 8 GB RAM
  • Software: (64 bit / 32 bit *) Windows 10 / 8 / 7 / Vista
  • HD: 6 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • DX: Version 10
  • MISC: Highest graphics detail levels are only available in 64 bit OS
  • LANG: Englisch

Steam Nutzer-Reviews

97 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
473 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.12.20 13:41
Wenn ich das Spiel kurz und knapp beschreiben müsste:


Für ein paar Euro kann man hier nicht falsch machen. Die Mechanik ist am Anfang extrem ungewohnt, aber nach ein paar Kapitel hat man die drin. Ich habe es einmal durch, ohne Wachen zu töten und manchmal war es schwierig, manchmal wollte ich einfach nicht mehr weiterspielen, weil ich nicht wusste, wie ich an den Wachen vorbeikommen.

Kurz und ganz okay, im Sale kann man es mal probieren.
628 Produkte im Account
107 Reviews
2388 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.02.20 16:05
Frozenbyte has already made a name for itself with their amazing Trine Games in the recent years. This game is different from what they usually make. And its good.

Shadwen is special in its game mechanics with an idea which isnt known from many other games.
It is a pure stealth game. But the time in Shadwen does not simply run as you are used to from most games or the real life. Instead, the game is in a permanent pause mode by default. Time runs only if you move or press RB/LB to alter the time forwards or backwards. This idea was really good because if you do a mistake and the enemie spots you, you just alter the time backwards and redo it correctly. That way we dont have annoying loading and restart screens, we have a fluent gameplay instead.

It remembers a lot in Plague Tale Innocent just without annoying Bugs and with more gameplay instead of cinematics. While we are on the quest to kill the King, a little girl called Lilly joins our adventure and we need to savely escort her. Every level is solvable without killing anyone cept for the target of course. But you can also decide to murder everyone who gets in your way. It affects the story.
The storytelling is relative irrelevant and emotionless, but apart of that its a really good game.

I give it a 9/10
For that price in the sales i wouldnt think twice about getting it.

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152 Produkte im Account
18 Reviews
580 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.10.19 23:12
Von mir kurz und knapp:

- Im Sale zu empfehlen.

- Die ersten ein, zwei Level etwas hakelig, bis man reinkommt, danach macht es super viel Spaß!

- Auch wenn man das Mädchen sicher durch die Gegner von einem Ende der Mission zum anderen bringen muss, ist es nicht frustrierend, da das Mädchen nicht geschnappt werden kann. Wird sie entdeckt rennt sie schnell zum nächsten Versteck und wartet, bis man den Weg freigemacht hat - durch Ablenkung oder Neutralisation der Gegner.

- Insgesamt stehen einem glaube ich 9 Items (Fallen/Waffen) zur Verfügung, die man aber nicht zwingend nutzen muss um weiter zu kommen.

- (Kernelement des Spiels) Wer Prince of Persia The sands of time mag, wird auch hier seine Freude daran haben, da man die Zeit beliebig oft zurückspulen kann und so nicht die ganze Mission neu machen muss.

Nach einmaligem Durchspielen, kann man alle Levels nochmal rückwärts spielen, was das ganze nach längerer Pause bestimmt interessant macht. Schade, dass keine Fortsetzung geplant ist.
471 Produkte im Account
19 Reviews
304 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.03.17 12:26
Das Spiel ist bei weitem nicht perfekt, aber ich hatte Spaß damit und kann trotzdem gut nachvolzziehen, wenn man es nicht mag.

+Die Zeitanhalt-zurückspul-Mechanik hat mir sehr gefallen, da so Fehler sofort korrigiert werden können und der Spielfluss nicht durch ein Checkpoint-Laden unterbrochen wird. Außerdem sieht man das nicht soo oft.
+ Verschiedene Wege zum Ende des Levels
+ Verschiedene Enden. Nicht direkt Konsequenzen aus wichtigen Entscheidungen, aber doch nett.
+ Es gab eine Demo
+ Läuft auch auf Linux (Arch/ApricityOS)

Der Grafikstil ist bestimmt nicht jedermanns Sache

- Die KI. Das Mädchen geht oft nicht, obwohl der weg frei ist und huscht dann manchmal direkt vor den Wachen vorbei. Auch diese sind strunzdumm und folgen nur einfachen Mustern. Geräusch -> hingehen -> umsehen -> zurück gehen
- Die craftbaren Items habe ich nie gebraucht. Nett aber überflüssig.
- Es entsteht nach einiger Zeit eine Ermüdung der Spielmechanik. Irgenwo hochklettern, Sachen umschmeißen, warten, weiter.
- Man kann nicht alles greifen und nicht auf alles klettern, was man erwarten würde
1099 Produkte im Account
50 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
946 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.04.22 09:29
Have to say that I was rather disappointed by Shadwen, although the game isn't per se bad. My expectation is to be blamed for it, because I thought it will be something more like my favorite Thief… only similarity is that your main objective is to remain unseen.

Most distinctive part of the game is the time control, when you are able to rewind all your actions. More precisely you are required to use this feature, because you will get in tight spots sooner than later and the only way out of them is gonna be the rewind. Also the time is frozen when you stop moving, if you are waiting for the guard to go away you have to hold a button to make the time run or you need to move. Like this you can freeze even in the air. Ledges too far away from each other for you to jump on them? No worries, just jump, freeze the time and then pull yourself forward with your rope. Need some adjusting to this system as the constant motionless can be somehow frustrating.

Game begins with a little girl Lily making her way through a city full of guards towards an old cemetery where she finally finds something to eat. As she stuffs a few apples inside her pockets she gets accused of thievery by a grumpy guard. Before something terrible can happen to Lily, a mysterious woman rescues her. She has a mission, a vendetta against the king, which now gets more complicated as little Lily decides to accompany her.

So, the game is divided into 15 stages and your main goal is to get to the end of each stage with both of the girls without raising any alarms. You can control only Shadwen, Lily will act on her own. You can select Lily's behavior in the main menu - she will stay on the spot until you command her to move or she will follow you all the time (could be problematic if you aim for everyone dead without letting Lily know). This doesn't have any particular disadvantages, because only Shadwen's presence can make guards suspicious. If some guard gets in Lily's way, she just turns around and runs back to the nearest safe spot, so you don't have to be overprotective of her.
As Shadwen you can sneak around on the ground, hiding behind barrels or staying basically invisible in haystacks or bushes even if the guard is almost standing on your toes. Most sneaking games make hiding rather ridiculous, but this is just too much, see my screenshot. The best approach is from above, like this you can easily observe moving patterns of the guards and wreak an havoc among them.


You are gonna meet only two types of enemy - a simple unit with the same look all the time and an armored one. Shadwen has two possible ways of dealing with them - kill or let live. Guards can be killed directly only from behind or above. You can also push some boxes on their heads or lure them near an explosive barrel. No killing is more complicated as you can't just stun them, you have to lure them away by making a noise or moving some boxes in their field of view. After their suspicion calms down they return to their previous spot, that means that you can move with Lily only by short sections as she wouldn't be able to run for so long uninterrupted.
Shadwen has only a dagger for her protection and rope with a grapple with which she can attach to any wooden surfaces, like that she can get above guards or use items for distraction. You are able to build deadly traps or decoys from items you find in chests hidden around in each stage, if you want to spice things up. Truth is that I haven't used it, not even once. If you are making a peaceful run most of the things will be useless, when on a killing spree I found it quicker to just jump or drop something on them. There are also no achievements for trap kills that would inspire you to play with them a little… and as you have to make two full playthroughs, which are completely the same… I just wanted it to be quickly over.

As for the story… there is some. There are short spoken intermezzos between each stage, also the guards talk among themselves about the events that were leading towards this night, but it's not enough. Later in the game they also repeat quite a lot. I thought that there would be hidden messages or some lore that we would uncover, sadly not. We won't properly learn Shadwen's background story too, it's all said only in hints. For me it wasn’t really satisfying.


All in all, the game isn't really bad and I liked the scenery, there is just a lot of wasted potential. You basically have 15 logic puzzles of getting an object from point A to point B with the same mechanic all the time. There is no real cooperation between Shadwen and Lily besides the necessity of being together at level checkpoints, where you need to open the door together (only twice will Lily actually help you to progress as she can squeeze through small spaces), this could have been developed so much better. Enemies don’t offer any proper challenge and they move horribly slowly. There are no extra challenges or time limits, no hidden secrets or collectibles, the story is rather shallow. If you aim for 100% achievements you have to play it one more time without any difference except for the fate of the guards. Same stages, same tactic… sadly it can quickly turn into a chore instead of fun.
119 Produkte im Account
120 Reviews
810 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.01.22 07:21
If you want to experience low-budget Dishonored, it's a game that I can recommend.

The only difference from Dishonored is that the game is 3rd person and when you get caught, you have the power to turn back time. Of course, it has a lot of shortcomings, but as I said, we have to respect a labor that is in the middle, because it is a product with both its price and low budget.

I recommend it, but it is also useful not to enter with high expectations.
218 Produkte im Account
18 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
47 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.01.22 07:24
Another complete failure from the creators of Starbase. Unlike stealth games should be, it not only encourages, it forces you to kill every single enemy so the stupid little girl can come along and open doors for you. Not to mention the enemy AI are complete idiots, but the second they see you, they instantly kill you.
The time stop mechanic is terrible, and is antithetical to a stealth game. You don't need to think or plan, as you can just sit in stopped time or rewind time. It's also annoying. I wish I could turn it off, because I basically have to hold down Q the entire time to actually play the game.
The time control ability also seems completely unexplained, unless it's talked about in one of the poorly drawn cutscenes.
The art design and voice acting is also hot garbage. Guards have like 3 voice lines, there are only 2 kill animations, and Shadwen is vomit inducing.
I was going to try and speedrun it as a joke, but it's so bad I can't even do that.
393 Produkte im Account
56 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
619 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.11.21 21:48
Shadwen is a fine game, it did keep me playing until the end after all... begrudgingly though. I wanted it to end far earlier than the 15 levels it gave. Sometimes it felt like an endless slog.
If i'm going to have to escort Lily from the start till the end, then Shadwen and Lily needed more. There is some talk between levels, and sometimes that's the only thing I enjoyed about the game, but there needed to be more. Maybe something while playing the levels aswell. A whisper when you're hiding the same bush or haystack. A thanks when you distract the 9999 guards along the way. Just something more. Maybe Lily could even help Shadwen sometimes. There was only 1 instance where Lily had to open a door for Shadwen and not the other way around, and it went by without comment.
So close to a recommendation, but I just can't do it.
670 Produkte im Account
220 Reviews
839 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.11.21 21:10

Overall = 4 / 10

A functional and challenging stealth game let down by a severe lack of polish and depth. The AI is laughably bad, which is a good thing as the game is very janky in every respect, especially the grappling hook and enemy search patterns. Being able to rewind time is a cool feature, but time only moving when you do makes for a slow and disjointed game, especially as the guards move at a snail’s pace and new tools are slow to be unlocked. The setting is ok, but the minimal plot, similar looking dull grey levels, limited guard barks and basic menus make for a repetitive and uninspiring experience, especially as you only fight 1 type of enemy throughout. There’s plenty of levels and the game encourages replay with kill/no kill runs, but it’s not enough to make up for the lack of variety and cheap production values.
1181 Produkte im Account
49 Reviews
106 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.10.21 17:18
It's okay, but it's lacking anything unique or memorable. The levels are pretty linear, and the rope physics are just weird. You might as well replay any Assassin's Creed for a better experience. It's been a while since I tried Styx, but I'd recommend that over this game as well.
596 Produkte im Account
95 Reviews
45 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.10.21 05:07
A mix between Prince of Persia & Assassin's creed. Like it was when both series started a couple of years before. You should really try it. The main character has charisma and the content is unique & great !
747 Produkte im Account
25 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
17 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.09.21 15:10
The game is too focused on stealth and have too much limitation on play. Actually I am more fond of exploring a medieval city than hiding and seeking. Maybe this game is not suitable for me.
147 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
1011 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.09.21 14:35
Shadowen is a charming stealth game with an inventive time rewind mechanic, like visualizing your path and executing it. If you love sneaking around and a medieval setting, if you grew up playing Thief - definitely grab this gem!
I believe what sold me the most on it however was the setting. You don't need much to fully go with the intent of the game. It doesn't soak you in world lore, it doesn't feel like you miss any information either. It's an event happening during the time of one night and all you need to know is there. Truly charming if you just go with it!
I also believe the game is the right length to allow an enjoyable replabayility. Sneaking around unnoticed is really fun but so is taking care of the guards in inventive ways!
1108 Produkte im Account
158 Reviews
568 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.08.21 11:33
Shadwen is a stealth game where you are playing as a female assassin called Shadwen, it comes from the company that create the amazing trine games. At the begging you save a girl named Lily who stick with you at your journey to enter the castle and kill the king. There are 15 levels, and you have to either kill or avoid the guards to get closer to the castle. You have a dagger and a grapplehook as weapon/item and as you proceed through the game you can colect from chest items and schematics for new items(i personally only used graplehook), the the hook you use it for climbing or to drag items to get the attetion of the guards, you also have the power to reverse time so you can correct any mistake or to change an action you did. Lilly can only move through save paths that you create for her. Your decision to kill everyone or avoid everyone and kill or spare the king will affect little girls actions and ending. Even though i really wanted to kill everyone at certain times, i chhoose to take the stealth-0 kills path and spare the king. I notice some issues with the AI, especially with Lilly's movement and decisions, that were torelably low. The graphics were good and the sory was ok. It took me around 6 hours to finish the game

Το Shadwen είναι ένα stealth παιχνίδι που χειρίζεσαι την πρωταγωνίστρια Shadwen, από την εταιρεία που έχει βγάλει τα αγαπημένα Trine. Ξεκινάς σώζοντας ένα κοριτσάκι τη Lily το οποίο σε ακολουθά στη διαδρομή σου να σκοτώσεις τον βασιλιά. Αποτελείται από 15 επίπεδα, και σκοπός σου είναι είτε αποφεύγοντας του φρουρούς είτε σκοτώνοντας κάποιους ή όλους, εσύ και η Lily να ολοκληρώσετε το κάθε επίπεδο που θα σας φέρει όλο και πιο κοντά στο κάστρο και στον βασιλιά. Ξεκινάς με ένα μαχαίρι και ένα γάντζο και όσο περνάει το παιχνίδι μαζεύοντας υλικά και σχέδια που βρίσκονται μέσα σε σεντούκια σκόρπια σε κάθε επίπεδο ξεκλειδώνεις και άλλα αντικείμενα ( προσωπικά πέρα από το γάντζο δε μπορώ να πω πως χρησιμοποίησα κάτι άλλο ), με το γάντζο μπορείς είτε να σκαρφαλώσεις σε διάφορα σημεία ή να σύρεις αντικείμενα (π.χ. βαρέλι) για να αποσπάσεις τη προσοχή των φρουρών. Επίσης, καθόλα τη διάρκεια του παιχνιδιού έχεις την ικανότητα να γυρίσεις τον χρόνο προς τα πίσω και να αλλάξεις κάποια κίνηση σου ή να ακυρώσεις κάποιο θάνατο. Η Lily για να μετακινηθεί πρέπει να έχεις δημιουργήσει πρώτα μια ασφαλή διαδρομή γι’ αυτήν από μια κρυψώνα σε άλλη. H επιλογή σου να σκοτώσεις ή μη τους φρουρούς και το βασιλιά στο τέλος επηρεάζει τη συμπεριφορά του μικρού κοριτσιού καθώς και το τέλος του παιχνιδιού. Αν και ήθελα κατά διαστήματα πολύ απλά να καθαρίσω τους πάντες είπα να δοκιμάσω το δύσκολο δρόμο και να βγάλω το παιχνίδι 100% stealth χωρίς σκοτωμούς και να χαρίσω τη ζωή σε βασιλιά. Παρατήρησα αρκετά θέματα στην AI κυρίως στο χαρακτήρα της Lily, αλλά θα τα χαρακτήριζα οριακά ανεκτά. Τα γραφικά ήταν σχετικά καλά και η ιστορία ήταν σχετικά οκ. Η συνολική διάρκεια του παιχνιδιού ήταν περίπου 6 ώρες.
754 Produkte im Account
94 Reviews
686 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.07.21 23:40
Casual third-person stealth game with a 'rewind' mechanic that allows you to backtrack without reloading from a prior save point. While interesting, the game would have arguably worked better with traditional real-time movement. Level design is solid and the impressive visuals provide for an immersive setting. Like most modern stealth games, you can choose between lethal and non-lethal approaches. My biggest issue is that there are very few non-lethal options aside from manipulating objects to distract guards -- almost all of the gadgets in the game are designed to kill. The result is that a non-lethal approach, while more challenging, involves the tedious shifting of barrels and crates in level after level.
281 Produkte im Account
42 Reviews
443 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.06.21 14:28
About 6.5 hours worth of content here on one run. The hints at different endings aren't enough for me to replay it but the mechanics are fun. A great entry to the third-person stealth genre. Well worth it on sale, not sure if I'd say the same at full price (24 AUD).
228 Produkte im Account
54 Reviews
334 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.05.21 18:08
It's the dark spirits :)
Could have been a great game
Cool mechanics, funny gameplay, however repetitive level design and very bad AI with blind monkey guards ????
791 Produkte im Account
187 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
132 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.05.21 20:46
A very forgivable Stealth game, great for people (like me) who love the Stealth genre but aren't very good at it. There's essentially no reason to be careful because you can always reverse time and try again without having to start the level over. This really allows for experimentation with all the different items and game physics, allowing you to enjoy everything the game has to offer without fear of punishment for making mistakes.

Your choice to play through the game murdering everyone or trying to remain unseen.

Despite the freedom the game offers, it really isn't fun. Several levels in I started to feel like I was merely doing the same thing over and over again.
299 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
508 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.05.21 02:13
Sometimes you don't want to give thumbs up or down but something in between. The game is not great but but still a solid game from an indie dev.

Shadwen looks like a Thief game at first maybe similar to A Plague Tale with your protégé but you have one major difference. I needed some moments to understand Lily's role. She is neither the usual damsel in distress nor a useful companion. But when she starts running from one brush into the next one I had my personal aha! moment. The game is a combination of a stealth game with genre-known physics features and a puzzle game where you have to open the way for Lily with distractions against the soldiers. At least that's one way of playing the game, you have also the freedom to slaughter yourself through the game.

Going silent without killing anyone, or killing everyone and let Lily witness the death changes the dialogue in the loading screens and the end cinematic of the game. Something A Plague Tale copied like several other things, It doesn't change anything for the gameplay though so you are free to do what you want but don't expect real side effects.

The game is clean overall, no crashes, no major bugs, good controls and an open environment. I really liked that the character moved freely most of the time without the sticky hands and feed of something like Assassin's Creed. One thing I didn't like was Lily's behavior in several moments. She leaves the brush when she has a free road to cross but struggles on longer runs. Also she has some kind of checkpoint when she enters another brush. Problem is that she also loves to leave out brushes on the way and when she crosses a soldier she runs back to the last checkpoint even if there are brushes on the way she didn't enter though cause the road was free. That's pretty annyoing sometimes and ends up in some annoying try and error. On the other side she also reacts pretty smart, crosses the soldiers fast using the smallest windows and angles to reach the next checkpoint. The system works though she needed a bit more refinement. I also didn't like that she only took the straight road forward where she could have gone around some chests etc. Sounds easy but I bet that's hard to compile but still Lily is taking a major part in the game and her behavior is struggling sometimes.

The artstyle of the game and world is really pretty but you can't go around the fact that it's repetitive like most parts of the gameplay. They change the features of the sections but it's always the same alley, with the same white houses and the same kegs and boxes lying around. While all enemies look the same. As you cross a whole city it would have been nice to visit different parts of it like you start in the slums and later enter the middle class districts and upper class district maybe some red light district or whatever. Variation.

The gadgets look really nice but as I played a pacifists playthrough I couldn't use most. Maybe they should have added more non leathal stuff instead of so many tools of death. The crafting looks really nice and artsy. I always love games which offer the hook to swing around like Batman. It was already nice in LAU Tomb Raider games etc.

Overall it's a solid game cause the gameplay is pretty clean and free to control. I liked the puzzle idea for Lily and the freedom to go around it if you need more action. Also funny how much A Plague Tale took from this game. It looks like a nice start for a first game with these features. But yeah, it's really repetitive and design and gameplay. It's the typical first game when a dev has a nice idea but they want to fill the whole game with this one idea with some different gadgets. I would love to see if Frozenbyte would go one step further in a successor. Sadly it seems that the reception wasn't well enough and that they went back to only making Trine games. I hope they didn't give up the stealth gaming world completely.
624 Produkte im Account
35 Reviews
659 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.03.21 13:56
513 Produkte im Account
268 Reviews
688 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.03.21 14:48
Shadwen is not Styx: Shards of Darkness but it doesn’t have to be. It is still a fun stealth based adventure game with charming characters and nice graphics. I especially like that it has different endings depending on how you have played the game (Did you kill anyone or did you sneak your way across each level). There are lots of ways to make your way through a level and the game even gives you the opportunity to rewind time to correct mistakes.

The levels could use some variety (the main part of the game plays in the same city) and the AI is really dumb at times.
3881 Produkte im Account
342 Reviews
1638 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.01.21 05:41
Fun stealth game made by Frozenbyte, the developers who brought us the Trine series. In Shadwen, you play as the title character and you must find the king as you have been wronged. On your adventure, you quickly meet up with a young orphaned girl, Lily, who tags along. You must help either distract the guards or kill the guards so she can navigate through the levels of the game safely.

It is your choice whether or not to kill, either way, you must use stealth as alerting the guards will end the level. Since stealth is such a huge part of the game and since there can be many guards all at once, the devs have decided that if you stop moving your character, then the world around you pauses so you can think of your next move. At first I found this quite distracting and killing the immersion, but eventually I got used to it and used it to my advantage immensely. Also, there's a button you can press for real time to move forward.

The graphics are decent, nothing to truly brag about, and since it's a stealth game, it really pushes the dark palettes as the story is based on you sneaking through the night until dawn. The sounds are good, but again nothing innovative or spectacular. There are 15 levels to go through with some taking maybe 45 minutes. The little girl's AI is not the best. Sometimes she'll go to places you didn't expect her to go, and other times she seems to ignore guards entirely and runs right by them going to the next hiding spot.

Hiding spots are found all around the levels such as hay stacks or bushes. You and the young girl can hide in there, and if you kill any guards you can drag them to the hiding spots so that other guards patrolling the map do not see them. Throughout the game you will find chests filled with miscellaneous objects. In some you will find blueprints for items that can help you distract or kill the guards. You also have a grappling hook of sorts to help access objects, platforms, and more. Moving objects can get the attention of the guards. The grappling hook is a strange mechanic that could have been made so much easier to use as it never seems smooth since you must pause the game's movement in order to truly aim correctly for where you want to go next.

I did enjoy the game, and definitely recommend it as it is a fun game, albeit a bit repetitive in the latter levels. However, what I found interesting is that this game seems to have been copied a newer game call A Plague's Tale. It heavy takes influences from Shadwen. A medieval time period, a female protagonist who helps to navigate a young orphaned child through the dangerous landscape. I would suggest that A Plague's Tale does a better job in most departments, however, that's unfair to Shadwen since it did come quite a few years earlier.

Either way, I recommend this game and hope you get to enjoy it as well. Frozenbyte is an amazing developer and I was happy to see them venture off into new territory with this stealth game.

858 Produkte im Account
52 Reviews
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58 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.01.21 00:55
Some people experience a glitch in which Lily (your permanent NPC escort companion) will continuously follow you into dangerous areas *even if you order her to stay behind.*

I really can't recommend a game with a glitch that insanity-inducing that hasn't been fixed.
3557 Produkte im Account
33 Reviews
184 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.01.21 19:38
My first review of 2021 and its clearly just for the potential awards.
The game looks beautiful tho.
364 Produkte im Account
191 Reviews
684 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.01.21 22:12
Indie stealth game with nice graphic style.
With interesting time-bending mechanic.
The world only moves when you do, and if you fail you can rewind time or you can rewind any time you want.
Sometimes contorls are clunky when youre trying to get on higher place or beam (I fell down many times)
Game quickly gets repetitive and there is only 2 kind of enemys.
Luckily game isnt long and not difficult and definitely game is not about story.
Overal its simple game good for relax.
449 Produkte im Account
53 Reviews
478 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.12.20 09:50
Playing through the game once not worrying about achievements was great!

The game has fun mechanics and cool sneak/puzzle elements, even kind of well laid-out characters.

The achievements however get tedious fast. I recommend just playing through the game not worrying about them.

I'd say you get 4 to 5 hours of good to great content, and many more of challenging content.
475 Produkte im Account
17 Reviews
54 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.12.20 02:18
Time moves when you do. This mechanic is great for players like me who aren't the best at stealth. There is an option to toggle time on and off, so if that's not a pro to you, you can play real time by just keeping time toggled on. Only issue I had was that a sprint key not bound to crouch would crouch me, but maybe it's a feature? You have the ability to rewind time, which is nice.

Graphics are pretty decent. Gameplay mechanics so far are pretty nice. First level does a great job giving you a feel for how to best play the game. I made a choice that affected the storyline, and the game told me I could go back and redo it for a timeline that I liked more. Since I thought I did what the game wanted me to do, I realized that some choices matter, and that while the levels seem like they'll be linear (not necessarily a bad thing), the choice in it are not fixed.
321 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
1634 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.11.20 13:04
I got this game on sale for less than 4 bucks so I wasn't expecting too much. But to be completely honest, I was pleasantly surprised! I enjoyed the game and even wanted to play again to get all the Achievements. Played though the 1st time not killing anybody, which is the more challenging option by far. To 100% the game, did a 2nd play though and its so much quicker doing it the other way. Graphics are decent, good frame rate. The instant pause game mechanic is quite good. Took me a bit to get use to but it's an amazing feature. The game is very forgiving with the time control instant rewind, which I found good because the guards never miss and its 1 hit game over. The game does have some crafting in it. You can make some gadgets and traps designed to distract or kill guards, but for the most part, I found you don't need them. Not much in the way of story really, quite generic, very little cut scenes. The game is basically Shadwen (you) getting the little girl, Lily, from the beginning of the level to the end without getting caught by the guards. The game gets repetitive yes, but for the price, I didn't mind at all. Some bugs, but nothing I thought was game breaking. This biggest one being that the guards never see Lily. She can walk right though them and still nothing happens. Maybe they just don't care about the little girl haha! Lily is programmed to run for it if the coast is clear or the guards are distracted. More than once I said to myself, Man, this little girl has balls of steal! lol! All in all, I enjoyed this stealth game and if you can get it for less than 5 bucks, then its a steal of a deal.
195 Produkte im Account
43 Reviews
303 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.11.20 12:02
As difficult as the limits you impose on yourself.
292 Produkte im Account
34 Reviews
983 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.11.20 11:19
I got it in the sale for 4€ - so i would say it´s worth the money.
I would not recommend to buy it at full pric - 17€.

What i found outstanding in this game is:
- The movement and actions of the player are not smooth and appear a bit shaky and you´ll make accidentally mistakes that are fatal.
- They found a very unique way to deal with this issue - it´s one of the best things and mechanics that are outstanding there: You can rewind your current game back, correct mistakes, avoid being detected, plan differently, make a different choice, experiment with the situations and challenges. This is a very big positive point.
- The AI of the guards is well meant, some concepts i understand but often it´s just frustrating and idiotic (i.e. guards that kill themselves and cause me to be a 'Killer'
- The animations of the guards are like wooden mannequins in slow motion
- It´s truly designed to be a 'sneak' game and can be challenging if not killing anyone and getting past.
- It´s very easy to just obliterate every enemy and progress, i did the 'kill-em-all' in my second run and was done in about 1 hour play-through (already knew how to swing, move and act - i felt like an unstoppable super assassin)
- If you sit in a corner and in some bushes, the 3rd person view truly fucks you, as it automatically zooms in and you see ... literally nothing.
- Oh it´s amusing to kill everyone, spare the king and watch the little girl that called you evil monster the whole game, suddenly forgive you and come with you as your child. Lets train her to be the next killer!

It´s a fun game that is not too long but it can be tedious if you do the silent non-killer approach. Overall i can recommend it as a game for a weekend if there is nothing else to do.
40 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
1531 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.11.20 00:10
I enjoyed this game as did my son watching me play. I very much liked the challenge of not letting lilly seeing bodies and or shadwen kill. now i might achievement hunt.
443 Produkte im Account
54 Reviews
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374 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.10.20 20:13
Conceptually interesting. But the execution is poor. Cumbersome and awkward stealth based game play with horrendous AI.
270 Produkte im Account
17 Reviews
721 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.10.20 07:44
4 different endings, 2 different playthroughs. Little Lilly can be a problem if you try to finish the game without killing anyone. Sometimes, she doesn't follow orders or doesn't move even if there is no threat around her. If you wanna kill everyone or most of the guards, Lilly won't be a problem since there won't be many guards around her.

+ It has a nice companion story.
+You can climb almost everywhere, that makes you feel free.
+Different killing options(e.g. posion dart, mine, etc.)
+Easy to access, it's worth its price

-Terrible AI, can't tell you now, you just need to see it yourself.
-Hard to play as a ghost(thanks to Little Lilly)
-The game has some glitches. Guards doesn't even see you while you walk in front of them(sometimes)
-Not fully optimized, can be a problematic game for low spec pcs
592 Produkte im Account
49 Reviews
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263 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.10.20 20:42
A Plague Tale meets SUPERHOT

Shadwen it's a stealth game that allows you to manipulate time while baby sitting.
Sounds cool? Well, it isn't.

The gameplay is dull and repetitive. You have to reach the end of each level escorting a little girl. You only have two options to pass the guards: distracting or killing them. There are only two ways to distract them (making noise or moving the same three objects), which after a couple of levels becomes immediately annoying. Guards use the same moving pattern and the level design is small and mostly the same. If they spot you it's not game over though, you can rewind time and try again until you get bored of trying to be a pacifist. The second way consist in killing guards which is much easier, but if Lily sees the corpses the story will change and you will probably get the bad ending. The grappling hook you have at the beginning is imperfect and often bugged. If you find the correct materials you can also craft new gadgets (like darts), which are useless cause the game is so easy that you can finish it even without crafting a thing.

AI is completely broken. Lily is invisible to guards so she can just go in front of their face, say hi and then come back. Then when you tell her to move she doesn't obey. She's the main reason gameplay is so annoying.

Story is lame and poorly narrated. Even main objectives are shown on the upper screen in a poorly designed way. Except for the animated intro there are no cutscenes between levels, just voice overs during the loading screen. The connection between Shadwen and Lily feels forced. There's no reason for Shadwen to bring along such a little girl during her mission to kill the King.

Overall it's a mediocre stealth game I wouldn't recommend to anyone.
1915 Produkte im Account
297 Reviews
358 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.10.20 04:45
It's repetitive, it's bad. The hilarity of it kept me playing.

Use a single box to make noise, herd all the sentries on the map into one place. Then use the same box to send them to kingdom come by connecting rope to it and swing over a horizontal pillar. Previously having extended said rope propelling yourself UPWARDS to get over said pillar.

The game is easy az but I went for the passive playthrough.
Little did I know I'd have to babysit not only the lil girl but all the guards too! These guys will, more often than not, kill themselves and it's fucking hilarious.
That meant I'd actually have to stealth and at a pace. Before one of the guards can finish his suicide note.

Every time you get caught it's an instant arrow to the head, if not just one. Same with the girl, as soon as she's seen it's an instant no-scope and had me laughing hysterically the entire time.
3 knighty bois just swing around and dome a little girl in a split of a second.

Thankfully most things are movable, so you can improvise cover and attempt to desperately cheese it by moving quickly. Baiting guardsmen around haystacks while simultaneously dragging them and whatnot.

If you love to mess around with physics, it's a fun game.
707 Produkte im Account
64 Reviews
260 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.09.20 22:50
Surprisingly Brilliant. By far the most underrated game I've played this Year! Well worth a playthrough!
441 Produkte im Account
63 Reviews
1141 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.08.20 20:26
This game has the basis of a really strong stealth experience. Its just missing so much! Just a little bit of detail in the mechanics could go a long way. Like, crouching just making you totally silent too simple. Certain surfaces that create more noise, light and dark, AI that will actually search hiding places, a more complex alert system, etc. These kinds of things would take this admittedly fun but very shallow and overly easy stealth system to a genuinely great stealth experience on a level with the likes of Styx and possibly even Splinter Cell if they really nail a good sound system.
382 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
439 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.08.20 18:56
Stab guards in the back simulator
1455 Produkte im Account
148 Reviews
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15 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.07.20 05:15
There's something conceptually wrong with the whole idea of this game. See, there are differences in speed between game genres. Turn-based vs real-time is an obvious one, but it extends to just about everything. Since this game's been (not unreasonably) compared to SUPERHOT, let's look at that. With the fast pace, high difficulty and focus on dodging enemy bullets, SUPERHOT is closest to an arena FPS, a genre that's usually very fast. By making time only move when you move, the speed of all events is placed partly, but not totally, under your control, turning a fast-paced action game into a sort of simultaneous-turn combat puzzle.

So Arena FPS games are fast, and you can create a new type of game by making it slow. The thing is, stealth games are already slow. You already spend a lot of time waiting for guards to pass by on their patrol cycles, things like that. And they're already very trial-and-error as well. Stealth games like Mark of the Ninja and Aragami take this process and speed it up in various ways. What Shadwen does is take a slow gameplay loop, and make it *even slower.* So you're still hiding in bushes, but now you have to hold Q to let time progress. You can rewind your mistakes, but it feels like less of an option and more of an obligation when every guard is armed with European Extreme crossbows. All the innovations just seem to make basic stealth gameplay worse.
63 Produkte im Account
29 Reviews
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90 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.07.20 00:14
I really like this game, I really do. It's a nice stealth game where you can swing yourself, spiderman style, across the ceiling and sneak pass guards. Would be really fun

Would be, if you didn't have to escort a little girl. She's completely invisible to guards, making you wonder why you even bother and she's absolutely necessary for progress, meaning if the AI buggers up and decides staring at the wall is more important than following you, you're stuck where you are.

And I don't know why they make time stop when you stop moving. It's annoying as hell when you're waiting for the guard to patrol somewhere else only to realise you've been sitting there for 5 minutes only to realise the game was paused.

In short, there is a good game in there, but its soured by a stupid escort mission and a stupid game mechanic.
213 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
797 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.07.20 05:14
5/10. super easy. can be finished in one sitting. sneak up on enemy ,kill enemy rinse repeat. good game for those who want to play a stealth game but don't want to play a stealth game because right off the bat you can annihilate everything & everyone as long as they don't see you. game has different endings based on whether or not you kill the enemies but all is bland with each chapter.
66 Produkte im Account
43 Reviews
923 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.07.20 13:54
A very decent game. You get what you pay for. I can even buy this game in whole price.
The only sad part is there's no sequel or prequel.
20 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
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773 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.04.20 18:44
This game feels empty. The first five minutes are fine until you realize that there is never going to be more game than this. Each level is just a repeat of the last. Nothing new is ever added to mechanics or story that make it feel like a new challenge. Speaking of story, you're there to kill the king and there's an annoying little girl tagging along.-That's it. All of the characterization between you and the girl happens in loading screens.

TLDR; just buy Dishonored or Thief if you have a stealth itch.
73 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
1960 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.04.20 22:40
One of my favourite games. I love stealth and hate combat games - I also suck at fps games. This was a refreshing and fun game with little puzzles. There are different endings (2) available and you can change how the little girl views you. She is sometimes kind of annoying but the main character is really cool. Swinging around from beams, frightening soldiers and neatly stacking bodies in haystacks is a great way to pass the time.
408 Produkte im Account
18 Reviews
772 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.04.20 22:13
great game story gameplay great but was a little disappointed with the ending and im not a fan of the reversed levels thought the devs might of added new levels or put a new dlc on.
31 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
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21 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.04.20 04:43
It had the Apple symbol so I bought it thinking it would work. Found AFTER purchasing that it is not working for 64 bit.
13 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
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722 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.04.20 01:14
Way too repetitive, boring stealth, and the tools barely add anything. On top of that add brain dead AI. This was a chore to finish.
67 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
791 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.04.20 17:50
About 6 hours of gameplay if you go the killing route. Simple game with easy guards and cool rewind time if you make a mistake, no need to reload. If you're looking for something simple or want to get some easy achivs this is it.
1992 Produkte im Account
1054 Reviews
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113 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.03.20 20:00
I absolutely love the Trine games, but this game just is not for me. I can seem some of the physics elements from those games, but controls for the rope are so jank and level design isn't that convincing. Always feels like I'm playing a video game level and not actually going through a living breathing town
66 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
1398 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.03.20 09:23
This story is excellent, and you learn more about the story the more types of play-thrus you attempt. The dialog is compelling, which is good because you have to hear it over and over and over.
321 Produkte im Account
137 Reviews
65 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.01.20 20:09
3/5 Decent.
59 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
1866 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.01.20 04:54
This game makes you feel like medieval, dagger-wielding Spider Man.
Replayability is good, since there are a lot of challenge routes you can come up with very easily (such as killing all enemies but not letting Lilly see any)
The campaign is short and sweet. The story is relatively good, I like that most of it comes from idle conversation between guards.
I like the dynamic between Lilly and Shadwen.
All of it. I like all of it.
Solid game. I'm a fan.
198 Produkte im Account
83 Reviews
343 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.01.20 13:31
It's not a bad game but it has many problems with the AI and the physics. I can recommend it for the sale price (4€). This is an OK stealth game with an OK story.
250 Produkte im Account
49 Reviews
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847 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.12.19 15:19
Sorry, but that's a ''no'' from me.
Despite some potential here and there, it was a dull, monotonous experience. The controls feel awkward, the levels and mechanics are extremely repetitive, the endings felt unbelievable and unsatisfying. Some of the characters' decisions appeared to me as illogical, while their changes of heart seemed to come out of nowhere, because... I don't know, morals out of the blue? Or because the plot wished for it? Also, I've encountered so many bugs and glitches (some kinda game breaking, such as enemies spawning dead in the level during a no-kills playthrough), that it left me feeling drained and irritated.
I've tried to search for some redeeming qualities, testing out both the ruthless assassin path as well as a peaceful way of living, but no, not much of silver lining to be found in any of those.
Honestly, if you want to play a game where you can be either a killer or a stealthy peace-lover, there are much better choices out there. Try Dishonored, for instance. Shadwen did it best and perhaps it could feel more enjoyable if a few (many) things were tweaked and/or changed, but there is simply too little substance, too little room for improvement.
All in all, I'm really sorry, but I have to downvote it. But I wish best of luck to the developpers. I know they have it in them, as they have some really well-done games among their titles. So, maybe next time.
418 Produkte im Account
32 Reviews
919 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.11.19 19:33
Not a bad stealth game, AI could have used some more work though.
The small dialogues -during the loading missions screen- between the 2 girls are cute.
137 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
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604 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.10.19 13:32
Although it has a good atmosphere, the game-play system is really monotonic and boring. You may be very happy to play first 2~3 hours, but soon you would be not so interested.
Logo for Shadwen
Rating auf Steam Größtenteils positiv
77.05% 544 162
Release:17.05.2016 Genre: Action-Adventure Entwickler: Frozenbyte Vertrieb:keine Infos Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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