News Liste Shadows on the Vatican

Shadows on the Vatican
08.07.21 14:39 Community Announcements
We know that many of you are interested in the "health status" of Shadows on the Vatican.
We can tell you that the production of Act III is proceeding, with lots of news that we can't wait to share with you.

Meanwhile, as testament that the series is alive and well, we're about to publish NIGHTINGALE (release date: July 27), an interactive short story set in the SotV universe (recounting events that occurred two years before Act I).

The adventure goes deep into certain aspects of the series and, above all, provides some glimpses into what we are going to explore further in Act III and IV.

Don't forget to add it to your STEAM WISHLIST!

OFFICIAL SITE[previewyoutube=OMD2m0ap-zE;full][/previewyoutube]