• Shadows: Awakening: Screen zum Spiel Shadows: Awakening.
  • Shadows: Awakening: Screen zum Spiel Shadows: Awakening.
  • Shadows: Awakening: Screen zum Spiel Shadows: Awakening.
  • Shadows: Awakening: Screen zum Spiel Shadows: Awakening.
  • Shadows: Awakening: Screen zum Spiel Shadows: Awakening.
  • Shadows: Awakening: Screen zum Spiel Shadows: Awakening.
  • Shadows: Awakening: Screen zum Spiel Shadows: Awakening.
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  • Shadows: Awakening: Screen zum Spiel Shadows: Awakening.
  • Shadows: Awakening: Screen zum Spiel Shadows: Awakening.
  • Shadows: Awakening: Screen zum Spiel Shadows: Awakening.


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  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 31.08.2018
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Preis Update 21.01.25

Über das Spiel

„Ein altes Sprichwort sagt: ‚Traue keinem Dämon, denn Verrat ist seine Natur.‘
Die Sura, die mächtigen Oger des Ödlandes, haben eine andere Redensart: ‚Ein Dämon ehrt seinen Pakt.‘
Vielleicht sieht die Menschheit, wenn sie in die Augen der Hölle blickt, das Dunkel, das ihr selbst innewohnt ...”

– Carissa Cantrecht

Shadows: Awakening ist das neue Abenteuer in der Heretic Kingdoms-Reihe. Nachdem die Mitglieder des geheimen Rates, der auch als Penta Nera bekannt ist, ermordet wurden, werden ihr Seelen von einer Meute Devourer verschlungen – bösartige Dämonen, die die Fähigkeit besitzen, die Erinnerungen und die Persönlichkeit der verzehrten Seelen zu absorbieren, um diese dann als ihre Marionetten erneut zu materialisieren. Nach ihrer Rückkehr ins Reich der Lebenden hinterlassen die dämonischen Penta Nera auf ihrer immerwährenden Suche nach Macht und Unsterblichkeit nichts als Tod und Zerstörung.

Shadows: Awakening ist ein einzigartiges, isometrisches Singleplayer-RPG mit taktischen Echtzeitkämpfen. Du übernimmst die Kontrolle des Devourers – einem aus der Schattenwelt herbeigerufenen Dämonen, um die Seelen längst verstorbener Helden zu verschlingen. Begib dich auf eine abenteuerliche Reise mit herausforderndem Gameplay, einer fesselnden Geschichte und umwerfender Grafik. Hast du den Schneid und den Willen, dich den tödlichen Gefahren der Heretic Kingdoms zu stellen? Falle über die Seelen der Helden her und nutze deren Macht und Fähigkeiten zu deinem Vorteil. Doch wo Macht ist, ist auch Gefahr: Wer behält die Oberhand… der Dämon oder die Seelen, die er in sich vereint? Rettest du die Welt vor dem Untergang oder stürzt du sie ins totale Chaos – es liegt allein an dir!


  • Setzt 64-Bit-Prozessor und -Betriebssystem voraus
  • CPU: Intel Compatible 2.1 GHz Dual Core
  • GFX: GTX460 2GB or compatible
  • RAM: 4 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows 7/8/10 64Bit Versions
  • HD: 13 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • LANG: Deutsch, Englisch
  • Setzt 64-Bit-Prozessor und -Betriebssystem voraus
  • CPU: Intel Core i7 or better
  • GFX: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970 or better
  • RAM: 8 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows 7/8/10 64Bit Versions
  • HD: 13 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • LANG: Deutsch, Englisch

Steam Nutzer-Reviews

173 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
869 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.03.22 02:26
Eine absolut unterschätzte Perle!..Hier und da vielleicht Verbesserungs-würdig(Anvisieren von Kisten ect...)-aber ansonsten absolut genial!
...Und..bevor ich das Spiel angefangen hatte....hab ich mir erstmal 3-4 mal den genialen monumentalen Titelsong angehört!!!.Eine große Verneigung dem Schöpfer!!!
Die kleinen Rätsel,sowie das Einsetzten der Charaktere..Erwartung 50% bekommen: 150%!
443 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
1864 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.12.21 14:06
Schönes Spiel mit einer netten Geschichte. Der Wechsel zwischen den Charakteren ist auf jeden Fall etwas Frisches und hat mir viel Spaß gemacht.
11 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
1608 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.10.21 09:24
Good game.

Gameplay is not as fluent as Diablo and there are some clunky mechanics but overall it's a fun game with many possible ability-combinations and fun riddles. Story and world are interesting aswell.
6 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
6767 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.09.21 22:03

Ein sehr schönes Spiel, das ca. 20 bis 30 Stunden zum Durchspielen dauert und seinen Preis absolut wert ist. Nach drei Durchgängen ist dann aber die Luft raus, dazu ist die Story zu linear.
131 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
2795 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.05.21 13:34
sehr unterhaltsames, in meinen Augen tolles Spiel.... der Wechsel in die Schattenwelt in der man immer wieder vieles entdeckt...etwas rätseln... macht Laune und ermüdet nicht so wie Diablo , wo man irgendwann nur noch repetitiv durch die Akte läuft. Hab zwar erst 8 Stunden hinter mir... trotzdem war es mir ein Bedürfnis diesem Spiel ein Daumen hoch da zu lassen, nicht nur weil es für mich fast kostenlos war, sondern weil es erfrischend anders daher kommt!
470 Produkte im Account
16 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
561 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.04.21 09:13
Ehrlich gesagt wirkt das Spiel für mich sehr unausgegoren. Während das Kampfsystem in der normalen Welt ganz okay ist, ist das in der Schattenwelt völlig eintönig. Immer die gleichen Gegner, es gibt keine Skillshots.

Es wirkt für mich an vielen Stellen, als wäre hier und da was nicht optimal gewesen, den Entwicklern ist aber keine Lösung eingefallen, also hat man es so gelassen.
Alles ist sehr schwergängig. Im Gegensatz zu anderen Rezensenten finde ich die Rätsel okay, aber es gibt kein wirkliches Belohnungssystem.
Schade, die grundlegende Idee mit den wechselnden Helden (quasi ähnlich wie Genshin etc.) ist gut. Die Umsetzung ist nicht gut gelungen.
259 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
343 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.06.20 21:29
one of the best arpg out there. It looks like d2, last epoch, grim dawn, poe but it is different. it is not the grindfest here. the game is very stroy driven and it is not about the char build and killing 2000 mobs n 5 secs. you can swap between 4 characters but there are more of them. you can choose from around 15. you have to find some of them via sidequests. every character has its own skills.

long story short, buy it, it is very cool.
140 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1723 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.01.20 10:30
So ein schlechtes RPG habe ich schon lange nicht mehr gespielt. Inventarsystem ist unbrauchbar, da ich für jeden Character und jeden Slot extra umschalten muss (d.h. wenn ich was verkaufen will, muss ich bis zu 24x klicken). Noch schlimmer sind die Rätsel: da gibt es nicht viel nachzudenken, sondern da hilft nur ein mehr als perfektes timing mit der Maustaste. Bei manchen Rätsel ist dies schier unlösbar, da die Karte nur ein beschränktes Sichtfeld hat und man mehr oder weniger raten muss, ob man jetzt den Hebel aktivieren soll oder nicht.
12 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
25261 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.01.20 21:37
Ansonsten ein gutes Spiel, wenn die lästigen und nervigen Einlagen nicht wären. Vor allem eine Kugel mit 4 Schaltern ans Ende zu bringen(600 Versuche, ein Erfolg). Hier sollten die Entwickler Abhilfe schaffen.
Zumindest für den leichten Schwierigkeitsgrad. Oder 5 Minuten im Kreis laufen, nur um weiter zu kommen.
265 Produkte im Account
48 Reviews
1961 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.12.19 18:57
Hat mir deutlich mehr Spaß gemacht als Diablo 3. Das Kampfsystem ist schön flott, die Spieldauer wirkt nie gestreckt und die Idee mit den verschiedenen Marionetten ist unterhaltsam und unverbraucht.
140 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
666 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.11.19 13:04
Wer auf Diablo, Titan Quest, Path of exile steht ist hier genau richtig! Schöne Grafik, schöne Story und ein etwas ungewohntes Charaktersystem machen dieses Spiel zu einem tollen Spieleerlebnis.
Die Dialoge der Charakter untereinander in manchen Situationen reichen von informativ bis witzig.
Der Soundtrack ist super gelungen
Die kleinen Rätsel und Wechsel zwischen den Welten um Hindernisse zu überwinden sind klasse!
851 Produkte im Account
89 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
209 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.03.22 16:41

I will NEVER buy anything published by Kalypso Media again.

I got a letter from their lawyers claiming i illegaly downloaded and distributed their newest game Deciples.
Wich i did not do, up to that point i didnt know of that games existance.

They have been doing this for over 10 years (you can look it up on google and find a lot of material on it)
So im sure that they know about it.

What a terrible way to treat your paying customers.
Falsely accusing them of piracy and fining them 2500€ (800€ out of court settlement).

I had to contact a lawyer and it was a very stressfull situation.

I hope for nothing but the worst for this company.
39 Produkte im Account
20 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
2179 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.03.22 20:54
I actually do recommend this for fans of isometric dungeon crawlers.

I will be getting rid of Shadows out of my Steam library, but not because I think it's a bad game. It really boils down to some bugs which won't allow me to complete paid DLC. For an isometric dungeon crawler it's fine, but I'm not into these types of games so this was an experiment.

My biggest complaints are too many pointless puppets of each class type which is a cheap gimmick to create the illusion of more content and predefined character builds. As you progress you will unlock more puppets for each class - warrior, hunter, mage, etc. - and then you learn you can't really spec them the way you may want since each additional character exists to fulfill a different build for that class.

Technically, you can spec any of the characters any way you want, however, you will learn it's a waste of time to go against their predefined build so let me give you an example. Evia is my main puppet and she's an offensive fire mage so I can give her a staff of a different elemental type such as water and I can imbue her equipment with elementalism attributes of any type, but all of her skills are fire skills and she is spec'd specifically for fire resistance. Then later on I unlock another puppet, some lizard guy, who is an air / lightning elemental with more defensive skills. That's right there is a mage character for each type of elementalism and they're all pointless.

I would much rather have a single mage with a diverse skill tree I can spec any way I want and then have multiple equipment sets with the elemental attributes I want that I can swap out for various situations.

Having multiple predefined character builds is just filler content and once I build up a character of each class who has skills I like I don't ever use the other puppets in the same class. They really are pointless.
144 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
2663 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.02.22 18:13
What a pleasant surprise this game was. It is an excellent ARPG with a decent story, nice graphics and cool puzzles. Using both worlds, shadow and regular, to fight enemies was fun and made for interesting fight strategies. I really hope we'll see a sequel one day, and hopefully it will be better publicised than this one so more gamers can enjoy it.
486 Produkte im Account
124 Reviews
1249 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.02.22 13:30
This is a fine game, but could be improved in several aspects.

The gameplay has some rough edges at times, navigating the inventory is a pain. Not fully polished.

On the other hand, it has a great art direction and world building.

The writing made it hard to feel involved. It's not because it wasn't developed enough, it is quite so, but because it all sort of happens without you? Only 2-3 characters I really cared about at the end.

The voice acting wasn't bad, but some things felt strange like it's not what they should sound like. And needs more work in the dialogue writing...

The game has unique designs and it's a strength. The many-characters-in-one is the opposite of what we usually see and it opens up interesting concepts. Would love to see it explored more.
The variety of the playable puppets is also unusual, as it goes away from humanoids-only we see everywhere.

Overall was a fine experience, bit awkward at times. Zaar is really fun to play as.
605 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
379 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.12.21 04:15
I put about 6 hours into it and meh. I felt like there was never a story hook. Its decently fun if you like looting and combat, but I need a reason to care.
488 Produkte im Account
49 Reviews
1082 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.11.21 19:39
I had a lot of fun with this ARPG; there's some simple puzzles in the dungeons to break up the pace a bit; enemies also don't respawn which I prefer. The world explored is relatively small, so this game won't take you an eternity to beat. I also have to give credit to the presentation which is just gorgeous; the characters are well done and the voice acting for everyone is just fantastic. Biggest issue I really had with it was the interface, which was clearly made with consoles in mind. It wasn't insurmountable, but sorting and selling loot was a pain (but like most ARPGs, money has no value after a while anway)
1149 Produkte im Account
148 Reviews
210 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.11.21 05:45
This is a well made diablo clone, with the ability to swap characters on the fly (between demon, mage, archer and warrior). That said, I stopped playing after 3 hours because I dislike the classic diablo control scheme (I prefer twinstick/wsad+mouse), and hence the game feels a bit too slow and cumbersome for me to enjoy. If it had a different control scheme, but it doesnt, so I wont.
418 Produkte im Account
66 Reviews
624 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.11.21 10:38
Excellent game! Gorgeous environments. Unique party mechanism, Balanced. Fun. 7 hours in and I am enjoying it.
632 Produkte im Account
31 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
235 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.10.21 23:48
I regret buying this game. The boulder puzzle in the beginning was terrible. I watched and read allot of walkthroughs, even cheated to speed up my characters, and still could not do it.

There is a point where games become to tedious or difficult to be even worth playing. Modify or remove the boulder puzzle with a patch. I regret spending 15$ on this game and the DLC.

The boulder puzzle, look it up, makes this game a pile of shit.
261 Produkte im Account
21 Reviews
1770 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.10.21 21:12
Shadows: Awakening the backtracking kingdom.
This game is an original take on the ARPG genre. It have isometric combat, loot, stat distribution and skills as expected from a Diablolike game, but is much more story heavy and have the addition of environmental puzzle, a multy character mechanic (like the more modern Genshin impact) and a two world switching like soul reaver. It also have the seeds for a bit or replay ability to test different team composition main characters story choice and different endings.

I like quite a lot the idea a bit less the execution. Fight gameplay is a bit clunky, puzzle are repetitive, story choices limited and not so impactful… and most of all there is too too much backtracking and walking through zone already emptied from monsters.
Too bad because I would really like to replay it with different character, as story and character interaction are quite enjoyable, but I would make a second run-through only if a real fastravel… there is not in the game.

Verdict: at the end a barely obtained thumbs up for originality and as the first run is sufficiently enjoyable… but mostly because I would like to see in future a game like this but better executed.
really hope developer will have a second chance on this and more founding.
1171 Produkte im Account
218 Reviews
1392 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.09.21 12:00
Really good RPG game i have to say.
Mostly pretty unique, here you can play with more players not just 1 like 98% of RPG, you can switch with 4 classes and unlock more.
Great selection of weapons and armor, beautiful world and environment, great enemy design.
The story is also interesting, not like great, but it keeps me going, but the best is gameplay really fun and to play and slash everyone.
Still playing it, but so far love it.
95 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
1006 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.09.21 23:21
This is a beautiful game with a smooth combat system.
241 Produkte im Account
21 Reviews
147 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.09.21 15:10
Good, but not mind-blowing. Grab it on sale, and you will not regret it.
Warning, this is a ,,choices matter” game - you should read the wikia to plan your playthrough before bad choices give bad returns.
121 Produkte im Account
31 Reviews
2047 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.08.21 19:53
Isometric WALKING Simulator. A lot of walking around, so much puzzle (some interesting, some annoying), very few fights (but combat is fun), deep story, voice acting is amazing, some quest have choice and consequence, multiple ending.

Very underrated game.
24 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
664 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.07.21 20:21
9 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
702 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.07.21 04:45
Bought this game during summer sale, definitely worth it. The game is fun, I can play for 2 hours straight without getting bored. The game has a unique mechanic of exploring in 2 world and I genuinely wonder why this hasn't spread over to other RPGs. Now for the negative, due to nature of having 3 different characters in the real world, mage is just the optimal build here. Having 3 mages allows you to cast 3 spells on each and switch to the next character and cast the next 3 spells and so on, most of the time bosses die after 2 rounds of spells cast. Also, the map is very linear and I mean very linear to the point where you don't have to try to kill everyone on a map, you just naturally kill everyone as you move through the map. The terrain is really cool though, no two terrains are similar and you can also hear the background music complementing the terrain to make it even more immersive. Oh and also, some puzzles are batshit hard but you can google it dont worry.

My take : Buy on sale! definitely worth it.
253 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
594 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.07.21 01:45
Bought the game on summer sale long after its release and I have been surprised in an a most positive way. It turned out to be the exact game that I was looking for. It straddles the line between RPG and ARPG. It is not as story driven as a true RPG, but it's a much better single player experience than a typical ARPG. Plus I really enjoyed the setting and the art style. The puzzles are not at all as bas as the reviews make them out to be and they are a nice refresher in between the monster slaying.
347 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
365 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.06.21 21:13
At its core, the game is mediocre. The combat is fine, the characters are fine, the story is lacking (which is on par for the genre). The character-switching mechanic is interesting and I appreciate that it allows swapping between different builds, but that is balanced by limited individual character customization.

The reason I don't recommend the game, beyond its mediocre core mechanics, is that it is full of boring puzzles that really break up game play and require more precision than the game's movement easily allows.
453 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
851 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.06.21 04:20
I found this on game pass on Xbox and was enjoying it a little. Then it popped up on the steam sale for $10. ARPGs are made for mouse and keyboard, so i grabbed it. Fantastic single-player experience thus far. The range of characters and main gameplay mechanic really make this stand out in the genre. Not much in the way of skill tree depth, but learning the synergy between the Devourer and your Puppets is hella fun. I'd recommend it at full price, but on sale it's a steal.
599 Produkte im Account
180 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
455 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.06.21 00:41
The gimmick is fun at first but gets old. More annoying is the constant backtracking though.
712 Produkte im Account
32 Reviews
3273 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.05.21 14:32
I simply love this game, the lore of Heretic Kingdoms is awesome.
115 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1281 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.05.21 18:35
Shadows: Awakening would have been a pretty playable ARPG if they had trimmed the crud from it. Unfortunately, the game is choke full of annoyances that sucks the fun from the otherwise pretty ok combat system.

To name some of the worst offenders: the required backtracking is atrocious when the way-points are far between and you walk at a snail's pace, actively discouraging exploration. The loot management is terrible with arbitrary restrictions on gear, making swapping between in-party and out-of-party characters a massive pain. The puzzles are mind-numbingly stupid. You spend more time walking around the map, solving dull, uninspired puzzles and managing the inventory than you do on actual combat.

The combat and progression is just ok, not particularly good nor particularly bad. The character swapping system leads to a very narrow kind of build: since swapping in and out is instant, you'd almost always end up with a main tank/fighter sort, and two mages on rotation. Swap to mage, cast all your spells, swap to other mage, cast all your spells, swap to tank, wait for cooldowns. Interesting enough until you realize that at it'll be the same until the end of the game, just with bigger spells and bigger numbers. If not for all the time-wasters, I might have enjoyed it more.
265 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
246 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.05.21 12:27
There is gated content that can only be played if you buy the physical copy - not only that, nowhere is it stated that there is locked content (I checked Steam, their website, retailers that sell physical copies, etc.). One of the devs said it would be released later as a DLC but after 7 years, it's still nowhere to be found so there, negative review from me since I find this unacceptable which is a pity since I was enjoying the game.
330 Produkte im Account
15 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
2105 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.04.21 12:34
Character cycling and mixing of persistent powers was fun. The two worlds aspect was interesting. The story kept me playing until the end. None of it was enough to make up for the gameplay issues. My major problems were:

1) Inventory management is painful, as noted by many other reviewers. This is especially true when you are carrying inventory for non-active characters that you want to give them. A side by side comparison option would made things a lot easier, as would being able to equip from inside the shop screen.
2) The shop screen also sucks. It's way too easy to accidentally sell something you want to keep, and no obvious option to undo it.
3) There is a lot of running back and forth across sprawling maps for no good reason. Sometimes you have to fight all the way across a map with multiple twists and turns, then trudge all the way back to the other side of the map to do objective 2, then have to trudge all the way back again to get to the next area.
4) The focus is way too right. I wanted to pull back so I could see some of the path options around me without having to go back to the map screen.
5) Boulder pushing puzzles are sheer torture. All you are doing is moving a boulder to a certain spot. There is no skill or thinking involved. Making it so slow and annoying serves no purpose.
1611 Produkte im Account
335 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
29 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.12.20 19:38
This is a really unique take on the isometric hack and slash genre, just not a unique take that I like. I prefer having one guy or gal to level up, the party and world-swapping was new, but I just didn't like the gameplay mechanic at all.
119 Produkte im Account
17 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
2652 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.12.20 13:20
The game is good.....but alas......

1. Sluggish movement and combat
2. Tedious backtracking cause the fast travel isnt sufficient
3. My game crushed a few times
4. Bad performance even though my pc was more than capable to play it but
the game has frame drops and long loading times.

Honestly the game is good i enjoyed it and that because i didnt expect a diablo game. What i found was a diablo/baldurs gate game. But 40 euro at the state it is and without the support of the devs to fix all these things? No just no. Buy ONLY in deep sale.
176 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
1366 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.12.20 20:18
A really good arpg!! Interesting level design, good graphics and quite good puzzles.
Cool mechanics between demon and its puppets.
And the strongest point - the story. Quite engaging, great final fight and outcome of the story.
Solid game overall :D
103 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
662 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.12.20 22:58
Very cool hack and slay RPG type game. If you've liked the Champions games on PS2 you'll love it.
61 Produkte im Account
42 Reviews
2251 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.12.20 21:35
I love it
312 Produkte im Account
29 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
430 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.12.20 13:58
Controls are rather unprecise and this makes a lot of fights and puzzles frustrating.
Could've been a good game if it was polished or the interesting mechanics went anywhere.

Good voice acting, engaging story that's about it, the rest is a very vanilla ARPG.
231 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
1280 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.11.20 13:48
Very enjoyable. At first I had no idea what to think. It keeps getting better. Not quite a Diablo clone, it has some very different game mechanics. Story is good and battles can be won in a multitude of ways. Not 100% hack and slash. There are puzzles and the like. Nothing insane, but a nice way to keep you on your toes. 12 hours in and I am really liking it.
1679 Produkte im Account
40 Reviews
3280 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.11.20 06:04
It's budget Diablo, so you know how it goes. It's plenty of fun with decent characters and story with good lore. It's also a bit rough around the edges and not really breaking any new ground beyond the puppet system. Speaking of, the puppet system is fun, and forces you to play through your roster to prevent monotony. The skill system is nothing special and loot is looty.

Overall, solid 7/10.
484 Produkte im Account
48 Reviews
1068 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.11.20 02:10
Rating: good

Decent action RPG. The combat is smooth and the environments are well done.

Relies extensively on its switching gimmicks. You need to constantly switch between party members to access skills and switch between normal/shadow realms to find all the mobs and loot. I found this amusing, but you have to like that mechanic to enjoy the game.

Notable issues that keep this game from being great:
  • No respawns. Foes drop randomized Diablo-esque gear but do not respawn so you can't farm gear. Better hope you get lucky or you could end up fighting a boss with nothing but a Lame Stick of Fail and harsh language. Spoiler: Bosses are immune to harsh language.
  • Horrible inventory UI with no way to see all items. Being unable to compare or equip gear of inactive party members without tediously reactivating them doesn't help.
  • Boulders. The devs love boulders. Far too many of the incessant dungeon puzzles involve rolling boulders around. [spoiler]Including the finale. Nothing says epic boss fight like rolling boulders around.[/spoiler]

The loading screens have the most useless tips ever. Weapons can be equipped! Armor can be sold to merchants! The devs are trolls!
139 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
1416 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.11.20 03:34
Got this from Humble Bundle and I would say that it a great 24 hours journey. Its a decent game with:
- A game mechanic that allows you to fight in two dimensions (Shadow and Mortal Realm)
- Some puzzles to give a change of pace from the usual dungeon run
- Multiple story lines --> different characters for each story line
- Simple story with adequate books,journal,notes to help with world building

That being said, I got the Good Ending out of the 3 endings possible for the game. If you want to achieve the True End, do consider reading the guide for it. Not worth it for me to go back to achieve the criteria for the True End but it was fun while it lasted.
355 Produkte im Account
27 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
194 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.11.20 17:25
For a hack and slash game this feels really slow in the beginning.

The approach of shifting through characters as puppets is interesting but I realized it is not something I really want in such a game. I want to have an unique character to have some kind of replayability. The skill system here is really shallow which is often one of the most important thing in such games like PoE and Wolcen.

This is a review after only a few hours of gameplay but I don't intend to play it any further. So I can't really talk about the lategame here.
34 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
629 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.10.20 19:47
This is a pretty fun game- way more fun than Grim Dawn which is somewhat similar gameplay. The puzzles and being able to change between different characters with different attributes makes it fun.
380 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1226 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.10.20 02:05
It's just next level boring. Controls are awkward, skills/spells are not novel or done with a way where progression feels worthwhile or visually represented, game is linear and uses it's only half-novelty of hot swapping your possessed character to make you back track to a random glowing orb so you can switch to a shittier avatar to bypass a puzzle, etc... i couldn't stay awake if you released wasps in the same room.
1333 Produkte im Account
44 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
201 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.10.20 17:32
The people behind this game are clearly skilled in what they do, but sadly they do not  know how to make a proper hack and slash. Some of the game mechanics are just frustrating which degrades the whole experience to the point that I found it annoying.

Perhaps I am spoiled by fast paced games like Diablo, Torchlight or Path of Exile; and in that regard this is clearly closer to slow paced games, like Titan Quest , which is OK but I prefer the former. They could have gone to something in within, like Grim Dawn or Van Helsing.

What bothered me with Shadows Awakening are mainly the puzzles, which are not too complex but they interrupt the natural course of a game of this nature and they take time. The UI and inventory system are both subpar. The character movement and attack skills are too slow. I did not enjoy combat, at least in the few hours I played (reached level 5), perhaps it gets better later but I am not sticking around to find out.

On the other hand the graphics, ambient, sound effects, dialogue, characters, voice over, story, cinematics, all that is perfectly fine, even above average. This game could have been something special with just some polishing and better design choices.

As a side note, I sometimes look at the achievements to find out for how long people play a game, just to see if it was just me not liking a game too early or if it was something general. So in this case, the TOP 3 achievements are unlocked by 88%, 48% and 33%. I have unlocked the first two. This shows that a lot of people that own the game did start playing, but the majority of players are dropping early enough. Obviously this indicates high interest followed by lose of interest, and is a pity.

If you really like slow paced old school hack slash games and you are not too demanding on the genre then you may like this game. If you have played the best in the genre then you will probably find this game disappointing.
224 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
4330 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.10.20 21:01
everything's fine except for the bozo timed puzzles in main quest line. you can figure them out, problem is actually doing them, camera angles and other issues literally get in the way. if you can deal with this fun game otherwise.
1301 Produkte im Account
17 Reviews
1392 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.10.20 06:31

What Diablo 3 Should've Been

As a lover of ARPG's, I have not found any dungeon crawler that has scratched my itch for Diablo 2 and Vampire: The Masquerade - Redemption since their release in 2000... until I started playing Shadows: Awakening, the third installment of the Heretic Kingdoms franchise. Admittedly, I have not played the game's predecessors to make a comparison to, except to say that it has definitely managed to set itself apart from other games in the genre with its high production value, design and the well executed uniqueness of challenging missions and puzzles that provides respite from the typical grinding associated with RPG's.

Did you know [spoiler]that the recognizable voice of the narrator and NPC that starts the ball rolling, following you throughout the game is none other than Tom Baker - the Fourth Doctor from the Doctor Who series[/spoiler]?
690 Produkte im Account
93 Reviews
613 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.10.20 02:47
Overall I like this game . It updates a lot that was in Heretic and from what I gather finishes the story. I liike the graphics and the puppet system. Its a unique take on the genre so there is that. The one thing that makes the whole thing longer is the puzzles. Most are not bad but the the quick reaction puzzles don't really add to the game. I have played some puzzle heavy rpg but when you have to watch youtube for some of the puzzles its silly. Some won't have a problem , To me if if they lightened up even a bit on this it would be an awesome game. I still recommend this game but keep the puzzle thing in mind if that is not your thing.
3945 Produkte im Account
213 Reviews
1531 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.10.20 12:19
1 Playthrough while doing majority of the side quests took me 25 Hours to complete. There are 3 different endings as well as 3 different main characters.

Its an ARPG (Diablo,Torchlight) game. It has a decent story and a different take on character classes. Instead of 1 character with different skill trees, its now several characters with different skills. Its a new take on it which works for the most part but you may need to swicth characters a bit for the game to not be stale gameplay wise.

The story is quite good. With decent voice actors for all main characters. Lots of lore to read but not needed to be read to understand the main quests. Enemies do not respawn once you pass trough an area which makes it that the leveling system is easier since there is no need to Grind, which is a huge time saver but at a cost of having RNG decide some of your items.

- Decent price when bought in a bundle either from Humble or Fanatical
- Unique take on the Character classes
- I didn't encounter any Bugs which majority of the reviews i first saw lists

Needs improvement
-For the sequel a bit of character skill trees might still be needed

- If you like certain chacrters it will get stale for a bit since there are no skill trees
2015 Produkte im Account
544 Reviews
30 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.10.20 06:27
I played this game at a friends house some time ago and finally was able to get this game as part of a bundle which I was happy about, The game is quite fun and the graphics are decent, and the maps are decently sized.
I would still suggest getting this title on sale unless you really really feel like paying normal price.
482 Produkte im Account
83 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
31 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.09.20 14:54
only paid 2 bucks for it and yet it feels like too much money.
combat and movement are horrible!
360 Produkte im Account
24 Reviews
2668 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.09.20 23:03
Max points: 1-10 | Story: 7 | Graphics: 6 | Gameplay: 9 | In this game you can be more then one hero at once. You can not unlock all heros in one walkthrough. Each of them is unique and they have 3 separated main storys - so this is one motivation to play the game more then once. The Gameplay in this game is innovative.
180 Produkte im Account
25 Reviews
838 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.09.20 08:20
A sensational little game. If you're an ARPG fan this is a must.
It's unique character setup makes playing all classes an option via one game!
668 Produkte im Account
16 Reviews
1725 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.09.20 08:05
This was alot more fun than I expected.. the voice acting can use a lil polish but overall i really enjoyed it.
112 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
282 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.09.20 20:19
The game has really nice visuals and great voice acting, but the combat is so awkward and flows poorly. It almost feels like playing with latency sometimes. After 4 hours one of the quests bugged out and so I'm pretty sure I'm done with this game for good.
293 Produkte im Account
20 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
855 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.09.20 13:26
Certainly unique, More of a puzzle game than a diablo clone. Some puzzles are easy and others are virtually impossible without looking them up. Loads of backtracking.

Get it on sale if anything; though I was burnt out by chapter 3...
131 Produkte im Account
24 Reviews
1633 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.08.20 16:11
Pretty damn good game so far.

Lots of characters to choose from and build your team, decisions have consequences and there is so much loot.

Artwork and sound are pretty good, voice acting is a bit iffy but the action is nice.

Abilities are flashy, armour looks amazing and some of the weapons are epic.
254 Produkte im Account
42 Reviews
297 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.08.20 00:21
A very good isometric ARPG.
142 Produkte im Account
33 Reviews
227 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.07.20 06:59



- Extensive system of weapons and armor
- Intresting combat
- Beautiful visuals
- Big maps


- Bad movimentation
- Bad animations


- Regular


It had been a while since I last played a game like Shadows: Awakening. An action-RPG that will simply pull you into a giant quest.

The game starts with you being summoned by a old man, since you are a demon named Devourer. It gives you the choice to consume the soul of three great heroes buried in the place where you were summoned. That way the game lets you choose your class, warrior, assassin or wizard. During your adventure you will be able to consume more souls, and then you will be able to change your party. And so begin your adventure through the world of Shadows: Awakening.

The game has a vast system of equipment, and really almost something out of this world. Your enemies don't drop items with a regularity like Diablo, but if we look at things differently, in a way it makes each item more unique. All this to complement the immersive combat that the game contains.

Being an ARPG, we should already know that the action is well marked in this game, since the places you go through will see different enemies with different skills and weaknesses, giving a great variety to the game without any doubt. Knowing that Devourer can contain 3 souls within him at the same time, and that you can change souls, you must already calculate that you can do combos with your different characters, combining their skills to try from the One Shoot a great one group of enemies, or to simply take more life to a boss.

The first time I entered Thole, the first city that you visit in the game, I was impressed, since the game contains beautiful visuals and has a relatively large map, as it contains several dungeons to explore. One of the points that left me most impressed, is in Thole was where I could feel it for the first time, was that the game doesn’t immediately tell you which NPC has the quest, or the NPC you need to find, you have to be yourself memorizing the names and later looking around.

To be honest, I don't think that in terms of animations, Shadows: Awakening is a good game, some NPCs just looked like robots moving. It doesn't affect you in any way, but it does take some of the magic out of the game. I also didn't like the control of the movement very much, I didn't think it was bad to be the base of the click, but even so I would like to use the W, A, D, S more, since several times while I was deriving skills I would click without believing in a skill of my character and I would stand still.

In short, Shadows: Awakening is a good action-RPG, it has everything you really need to be good, but some problems are still easy to see.

Final Evaluation: 82/100

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Code Please don't be rude saying that my english is bad, ins't my natural language. If you see some errors please comment, I will love to read real critcts and correct any problem
1486 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
1692 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.07.20 14:26
This is the sequel to Heretic Kingdoms which was a kinda Diablo 2 sort of game with the ability to switch to the spirit world anytime. Well, this is a kinda Diablo 3 soft of a game with the ability to switch to the spirit world anytime :p
It's mostly okay - some tedious backtracking through empty areas, some annoying puzzles and the most convoluted method to get the true end I've seen since Persona 4. It's designed to play through with all the characters to see everything, but it's not really a tight enough package for that. Some fun to be had. Get it on sale for some Diablo 3-esque fun.
13 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
100 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.06.20 08:47
Its not a really good game but its not bad
11 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
482 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.06.20 00:24
I really like this game. Rather than other diablo-like games You have 4 man in your army and you can build each them as you like and create a well synergized one man army.Some skills can apply other characters.There is so many re-playable option for this value.
686 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1111 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.06.20 20:51
the puzzles are not hard but very irritating i feel their purpose is to increase the game time and not have fun
261 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
900 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.06.20 19:24
Excellent dungeon crawler that is a refreshing change of pace from similar games in the genre such as Diablo, Path Of Exile, Grim Dawn, etc.
You have the ability to hot swap puppets with a simple key press of ASDF for the Devourer, a mage, archer, or warrior that each have their own variety, (e.g. Tank or Dual Wield for the warrior) that allows for customization to suit your play style, or the situation.
Each puppet has it's own set of skills, 3 of which can be equipped concurrently, can be ranked up, and swapped at any time.
Talents are also available that provide a slight boost to attack speed, each stat, hp, defense, damage, etc. while also having the ability to reset at a specific vendor.
The power curve is steady enough to not feel completely overpowered, or under equipped in relation to the activity that was being completed.
510 Produkte im Account
171 Reviews
131 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.06.20 17:28
I was looking for a game like Torchlight and this is pretty much the closest I could find. I'd say it's a slow paced hack and slash game. There are side quests and main quests so there's plenty of things to do. The art style is just perfect and the game itself is very unique. You can switch between many characters (their souls) while just playing alone. You are many characters not just one. You don't have to decide which class you want to play because you can be them all. This is what I like the most about this game. I have always had a hard time picking my RPG game class and this just made it easier and more enjoyable.

In the beginning of the game you get to pick your first character. You're given 3 choices - warrior (the buff guy who swings heavy swords, hammers, etc.), archer (long range, you don't get to touch me kind of type) and the mage (woman who controls the spells with her staff).

There's not much you need to know about this game except that you should get it if you have played hack and slash or RPG games before. It might be quite difficult to get into if you're new to these kinds of games.
27 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
211 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.06.20 21:57
Shadows: Awakening (SA) is a mix of a Diablo style rpg intertwined with puzzle solving quests. SA is a very enjoyable game with gorgeous graphics and music. The voice acting is very well done, and you can tell the developers took their time in making a quality game. I especially enjoy the dual -realm aspect of SA, as it gives the player an added dimension to an already fun and immersive experience. Highly recommend!
371 Produkte im Account
17 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
279 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.05.20 17:10
I found it lacking enough substance to continue playing after approximately 3 hours. It might be good enough for some people but I would not recommend it for 40 euro.
3394 Produkte im Account
281 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
2213 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.05.20 15:06
So, you made a bad game. Heck, you failed so hard you weren't even able to finish it. What should you do now to regain your customers' trust? Why, sell them the same game again! The f***rs were stupid enough to pay you the first time, they don't deserve any better! That's pretty much the logic here. I mean, sure, Shadows: Heretic Kingdoms (AKA Shadows: The Book I) was a very bad, unfinished and half-broken game. One of those that barely work. But it was in the past. Let's just forget about it, learn from our mistakes and make the next game actually good? Well... unfortunately, 3D People (or whatever they call themselves nowadays) just can't learn from their mistakes. They... just... can't...

I must admit it, though, they actually did some work on Shadows: Heretic Kingdoms and fixed it quite a lot. The game became more comfortable, less confusing, less bugged and, well, the guys even added some new puzzles. Pretty annoying ones that will pop up for quite some times, but still, it's something. The problem is... OK, let me just start asking questions. Question number one – why in the name of all f***s out there did they make all that a part of the new game instead of just fixing the game they've already sold to us? Question number two – why can't we import our old character from previous game? I mean, come on! The previous game had an achievement for reaching level 30. And the new game? It seriously wants us to play through all the content from previous one from scratch? Is it some sort of joke? And question number three – why there's no option to skip Heretic Kingdoms content?! I've already finished all that crap! All I want is to get the rest of the story! You know... the book f*****g two! Why in the f*****g world should I start from very beginning?! Do you seriously think I didn't suffer enough? Do you?!

*SIGH* But OK, OK. F**k all that crap, but at least they didn't make us pay extra for it. O-o-or did they? Even though Shadows: Awakening costs the same exact $39.99 / £34.99 they've asked for Heretic Kingdoms and you even get full copy of Heretic Kingdoms as a bonus (having it makes no sense at all at this point, but OK, thank you), it also comes with $12 of painfully lame and forced DLC, so... yeah. Still looks kind of shady. But OK, let's just pretend that it's all good and nothing's wrong here. Let's just forget about everything I've said so far for a moment and focus on the reason we all gathered here. You know. The freakin' Book II. Is it good? Why, silly you! Silly, silly you... Of course, it isn't! I mean, sure, it's better than the Book I. But mostly because it freakin' works now without crashing every five minutes. Like I've said, the original Heretic Kingdoms was heavily polished and pretty much everything works as intended now. Yes, even gamepad support. Heck, there's even a rumble feature now! How cool is that?! The problem is... aside from that and some minor changes (for example, swapping party members is way easier now), it's the same exact thing. And the three new chapters we've got in Awakening (yes, there are only three)? They're not any better. It's just more of exactly the same. The only difference is that you actually do meet that Mara lady at the end and there'll even be KULT-like choice at the end. But that's pretty much it.

In other words, what we have here is a fixed version of Shadows: Heretic Kingdoms that actually works. With some new chapters to finally give it a length of a proper ARPG. With no way to import your character from previous game and / or skip the old chapters. That's pretty much it. You've played and finished previous game? You're screwed. What's really sad here is that the decision to start with the remake of Heretic Kingdoms is exactly what killed the Awakening. Starting with all that boring stuff from very beginning? It just sucks. And a couple of new puzzles? It's a very lame excuse for that. Sure, the updated game doesn't feel as bad as before. The new players? Even though there's still no way to love this game, at least there's a chance for them not to hate it now. You can clearly see some potential here. But wasting all the time on re-making the failed game instead of working on a proper new one? It was a wrong decision. If only 3D People actually made a proper new game instead of three new chapters, that new game would actually had a chance. If... only...
580 Produkte im Account
15 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1782 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.04.20 20:50
This was a tough one for me. I really love the setting, the characters, and the whole concept of playing as a demon that steals souls which you can then play as. The cast of playable characters is one of the most unique in any game I've ever played. There's a lot of depth to upgrading a caste of bizarre characters with unique gameplay mechanics (such as a golem made of bones and guts that can eat smaller enemies, a venomous wasp that flies around and creates multiple poisonous effects, etc.) but the amount of glitches and crashes I experienced in this game was just impossible for me to give it a recommendation.

The world of Shadows: Awakening is definitely a game that put a lot of care into it's setting, lore, characters and design, but there's a lot of things that don't quite hit the mark. While the unique aspects of the game were enough to keep me playing as long as it did, I couldn't tell you about what exactly is going on in the plot, let alone many of the characters names. Some of the areas and chapters are definitely more memorable than others, such as one of the middle chapters that takes place in a kingdom of werewolves, but the story basically boils down to being an unlikely band of heroes that has to save the world. All of that is fine since the gameplay is fun enough, similar to Diablo 3 but with more characters to play as and more strategies on chaining their abilities together.

I didn't get any crashes or glitches until I made it to the later chapters of the game. The game would hang on loading between areas and then just boot me out of the game. It happened maybe once every few hours of game play, but then as soon as I progressed to another chapter, it was every other loading screen I would be booted out, having to rely on a save much earlier and all progress in an area being nullified. I got so fed up that I just couldn't finish the game, which sucks because I think I was near the end. I can't recommend this game because of those hang ups, and it just makes the other glaring issues that much more annoying.

Gold is the only way you can upgrade you weapons, even if you have the attachments for them. You have to pay to slot them in. That's a dumb mechanic that doesn't add any depth, it's just teasing me with my attachments being unusable. There's almost not enough gold generation in the game, I found myself grinding more for gold than experience. The puzzles in this game range from obvious or tedious to annoying or broken. The puzzles are something a lot of people have complained about, and while I don't mind some extra gameplay elements in my hack and slash RPG's, most of these puzzles destroyed the pacing of the game.

If the game wasn't as broken as it was with the crashing issues, I'd give it a 6/10 since it scratches that hack and slash RPG itch and has such a unique approach to it's characters. The puzzles are mostly a chore and just not fun, and the progression/gold system is pretty broken. Since I can't beat the game because of some of the worst crashing I've ever experienced in a game, I have to give a 3/10. Might be a little salty because of the time I invested in the game and it only having cases of crashing so close to the end, but that's just ridiculous- I've never encountered a game that's crashed as often as this in a specific part near the endgame.
1069 Produkte im Account
197 Reviews
562 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.04.20 15:08
You play as the demon. In this one, the demon is a devourer of the souls of lost heroes. By devouring a soul, the demon can give that hero life again, basically swapping into their body and running around as a sword-swinging fighter or fireball-flinging spellcaster or, the archer one. You can have a handful of puppets (the game’s terminology) at any given time. It’s a party-based RPG but your party is mashed into one person.

That person includes the demon. The demon can jump into the realm of shadows, which not only means more chances to kill things and take their stuff, it can also provide new avenues around the level, additional chances to make money or upgrade, and story tidbits. And everyone levels up, unlocks skills and abilities, and otherwise progresses.

The fun twist on this is that swapping happens instantly, which means you can effectively swap characters mid-combat. Learning how to make this work is when the game really opens up. Initiate combat as a spellcaster, swap to the fast-moving demon to get back out of range, jump to an archer/ranger type and pepper them with arrows, then switch to one of the fighter types to finish them off. Enemies are tough, even at low levels. You’ve got to work every angle, not just charge forward face-first.

Shadows: Awakening follows the Diablo script: Journey to a hub, go through the hub and do all the quests and find out what’s going on, beat up monsters, kill them and take their loot. As in Diablo, it’s a good idea to smash everything you can because it’s full of silver, and then explore every last nook and cranny for secrets. The main story clocks in at around 15 hours with 15 hours of side quests coming to 30 hours total for one playthrough. With each character and mission, there is new dialogue and a new path. While isometric RPGs can be a negative to some, Shadows: Awakening absolutely nails it in the artistic department for environments, enemies, and overall immersion.

- Replayability is high
- Intuitive Controls
- Puzzles and synchronized attacks
- Talented voice actors
- Immersive atmosphere

- Gameplay can get repetitive
- Progression feels controlled



If you like this review, then please consider giving it a thumbs up. I've also reviewed other games that you might find interesting. If so please follow Top of the Chart.

Reviewed on: Win10 Home 64-bit, Intel i7, GeForce GTX 1050 Ti 4MB GDDR5, 8MB RAM
265 Produkte im Account
64 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
212 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.03.20 17:18
everything about this game is bad. I played heretic kingdoms before. this is really bad :(
2941 Produkte im Account
289 Reviews
2756 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.03.20 20:05

Thou art already dead...

Shadows: Awakening may look like a Diablo-like on its face. But it has its own thing going on. Let me qualify that, as far as it being an isometric hack and slash with loot and levels — that's exactly what it is, however you play as a demon with other people inside of them — a devourer of souls.

Shadows is a bit more story driven than its contemporaries. And while you will be picking up loot and leveling, the game places significant importance on dialogue decisions as well as quests taken and completed. Some areas will have lite puzzle solving as well, additionally, many side dungeon/caves are available. — Now, enemies to do not respawn should you decide to travel back to a completed area stay for a few enemies that pop out of jars or some other environmental object. So, there isn't much reason to return unless you want to satiate the completionist in you that missed a side quest. You won't need — or even be able to grind levels or gear out of those areas once you've moved on.

You primarily control the Devourer, and up to three active puppets at any given time. There are more than three throughout the game to find and recruit but you cannot ever take more than three with you.

There can only be one. —
Much akin to dissociative identity disorder, someone has to take the helm of the vessel. The game is structured in such a way that both the mortal and shadow realms are accessible at any time. However, only the Devourer can interact with shadow objects and needs at least one puppet to interact with the mortal realm. This is true for enemies as well, however, there are some enemies that exist in both realms. Death — or failure, really — is either when all three active puppets die or the Devourer themselves does.

Choose your pokemon!

At the start of the game, you get to choose from three traditional archetypes. A warrior, mage or a hunter. This person, alongside the Devourer will be set on their adventure that Krenze, another mage, sets out for you. You'll run into more characters but you can only absorb certain ones. Some of them are missable. And some are required to interact with certain clans or NPCs within a city.

Gear is not shared. But, soulstones are — soulstones can augment the entire party's makeup. I was a little confused as to the precise nature of how the soulstones worked at first. Each soulstone has a specific amount of charges it holds and each time you use a charge it will replenish either your HP or MP for one character. There are no potions in the game. The soulstones are the only way to heal. Stay for the passive trait of regeneration which you can acquire through XP. But that won't help in battle much. The only way to recharge the soulstone is to either kill enemies until one of its sections is filled or simply recharge it through Shadow Traders in exchange for a substantial portion of gold. No need to fret, you'll be finding a lot of junk loot you can sell — I never found keeping any of my soulstones charged very difficult. Shadow Traders usually hang out around sanctuaries in the Shadow Realm which will heal the whole party just by standing in it. This won't charge the soulstone, but it's a free action. Any fallen puppet can also be revived at sanctuaries.

Shadows is a decent loot/story driven hack and slash that isn't necessarily focused on character builds, but more team composition. The voice acting is decent and the lore doesn't take itself that seriously. It's even funny at times. I didn't find it necessary to have played Heretic Kingdoms before this, though I'd venture you'd get a bit more out of the story had you done so. The art design is also pretty good with its weapon/armor design as well as having varied and interesting environments.

If you've read this far, consider following my curation — Station Argus

41 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
2215 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.03.20 04:47
Its a fun game overall and you will sink a good amount of hours into it if you get invested. Its a little tedious from time to time with its annoying puzzles and a lot of walking around from time to time but honestly don't let that stop you. The combat is unique and fun and the story in interesting and well written. I only did one play through but its suppose to be played 3 times to get all the scenarios and characters I believe. I only played as Evia and she was very fun to play with and I loved her fiery personality.
165 Produkte im Account
17 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1523 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.03.20 08:35
It seems that the developers worked a lot on the core gameplay gimmick (the character switching, which is smooth and unique and I like it) but didn't really have a plan for actual content. The story and quests are spread extremely thin over various nicely crafted set-piece maps. If there was a town portal or any travel/mobility skills, the game would be over in an evening.

Which brings me to my main complaint: the absolutely huge, insane amount of backtracking required all the time no matter what you do. There is no way to move fast or teleport, and the quests and puzzles have you constantly go back and forth between places. There are only a few map waypoints which are one per map, usually placed on one end of the map. This means you have to walk through a huge empty map multiple times. Usually you get a quest, work through a map to complete it, walk all the way back to turn it in, then walk all the way again to the next area. Now add to that quests with multiple steps, side-quests, and locked doors which need you to go look for an item in another map before you can walk up to them again to open them.

While I am here: the stats feel meaningless, just max one. The passive talents are the most boring possible - increase this or that 5% or 10%. There is random loot but really boring, just keep upgrading when you get a better item (usually from a quest or a puzzle) for minor damage/armor increases. The game would have been better off as a traditional RPG rather than trying to be an ARPG hybrid, except it lacks content for either.
756 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
1125 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.03.20 20:15
Before playing this game, I had never heard of it or its predecessors in the Heretic Kingdoms series. I got this game on a whim because I'm a big fan of ARPGs and dungeon crawlers. I went in with no expectations and had an absolute blast. The game gives a feeling of nostalgia akin to playing Baldur's Gate and Diablo when I was younger. I had no prior knowledge of the series so the lore felt a bit overwhelming, however the writing and voice acting still sucked me in. Biggest things I noticed were the character and equipment design. Each piece of armor was unique to characters and changed them aesthetically. I have no gripes other than needing to complete the game multiple times to play as all the Puppets. Would highly recommend this game and will add this to my list of games that I rave about from now on.
68 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
1995 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.03.20 19:23
Thank you for creating this great experience.
534 Produkte im Account
147 Reviews
2441 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.02.20 09:49
You've been summoned from death, pulled back into life by a demon. As a puppet of his goodwill you fight side by side to prevent the world from total destruction.

Shadows Awakening is an action roll playing game. It's hack and slay in an isometric perspective with beautiful graphics, satisfying combat, an extremely deep story, very well balanced difficulty, tons of collectables, great puzzles, many different heroes with unique upgrade possibilities and highly enjoyable boss fights. The game does an awful lot very well but sucks when it comes to quest design and story telling.

In Shadows Awakening you take control of a group of up to four characters at a time. The demon and one main character are always part of the group and can not be removed. During your journey the demon can summon up to 14 more characters that you can add to your group.

Each character is unique with a different personality, abilities, strength, weaknesses and history. It's fun to play with the different heroes. You will get attached to some of them, while you probably reject others. This allows you to form a group you really like and that complements each other perfectly in combat.

You play in two different worlds at the same time. While the demon lives in the world of shadows all other characters life in the real world. Having the demon and one real world character in your group at all times, allows you to switch between both worlds at any time.

The game comes with an extremely complex story. The story's overwhelming and it's difficult to follow because of it's many groups and tribes and people, past events and wars. I really like a good story. But the many outlandish names of the many different groups make it very hard to understand the story, especially in the beginning of the game. It gets easier the longer you play, but it really puts you off in the beginning.

While I enjoyed the whole game very much, the end of the game left my very disappointed. Not because the story ends in a bad way - it doesn't. But I had tried to complete every main and side quest in the game and still missed more than 50% of the quests.
How is that possible?
Well, quests in shadow awakening are designed as a string of tasks. If you miss or fail a single task you can't complete the quest. And failing or missing a task is very, very easy. Please let me explain.

For one particular quest you have to collect several pieces to forge a scepter. You can easily miss pieces if you don't search everywhere and the world is huge.

Sometimes necessary parts have to be collected from the real world and the shadow world. In order to prevent to miss parts you therefore need to constantly switch between both worlds with the demon and another hero. After a while this gets pretty annoying and if you don't want to risk missing something you have to do that everywhere.

Additionally, finding all pieces and accessing all areas, requires you to solve puzzles. And while some puzzles are easy, others can be very difficult, blocking access to areas you need to enter.

After you found the pieces for the scepter you need to find an anvil to forge it. The scepter is only one piece required to open a tomb in another part of the kingdom. But in order to open that tomb you additionally need three more keys.

If you managed to find the first key, it will open a door in a completely different area of the world, granting access to the second key. Together with the second key the first key allows you to open another tomb somewhere else. If you manage to find the tomb that you can open with the first and second key, you will have to fight a boss enemy. He will offer you his soul in exchange for letting him live. Doing so will prevent you from getting the third key, needed to enter the final tomb.

Great, right ?!!!

There are a number of quests in this game that become impossible to complete if you make the wrong decision in a conversation or simply say something wrong. And it's absolutely impossible to know which answers are required without a guide.

So the only way to complete all quests is to search for guides on the internet and follow the instructions. And this, in my opinion, diminishes the fun enormously!

Due to the difficulties with the quests, I find it hard to recommend this game. Nevertheless, I do recommend the game because all other aspects of the game are great. Attempting to complete all quests is a real disappointment but other than that and the complicated story Shadows Awakening is a very good game.

- very beautiful graphics
- satisfying combat, the further you upgrade the better it gets
- good music
- good sound effects
- great atmosphere
- extremely huge open world
- fantastic level design
- interesting game concept
- many different heroes
- very good puzzle design
- play in two worlds at the same time
- very well balanced difficulty
- great animations
- tons of loot
- perfectly balanced boss fights (challenging but never frustrating)
- different special abilities for each hero
- all abilities and special attacks are very well designed
- very good controller support
- relaxing
- very deep story (positive in principle)

- picking the wrong answer in a conversation can change the game completely
- mixed voice acting, some professional, some amateurish

- almost impossible to complete many quests without guides
- story is hard to understand
- many missions can be missed
- many mission items can be missed
- childish dialogues in the beginning of the game. Improves later
- in order to collect all achievements and play all characters you need to play the game several times
- very disappointing end because I missed too many quests
- you start from scratch in every new game (can't keep loot)
15955 Produkte im Account
606 Reviews
675 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.01.20 09:27
Soul Swapping is a brilliant mechanic - as your demon can only exist in one world, but possess people to move about in the other. Lots of cool puzzles and strategy to go with it as well.
47 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
3251 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.01.20 15:45
This is starting out to be my most favorite game ever...... what a brilliantly executed concept and so much fun! There won't be any sleep tonight!
115 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
4474 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.01.20 20:51
Good arpg as Van helsing, Gim Dawn and so on so forth (you know what I want to say :) ), that has a couple good and maybe bad game decisions:

+ Control one character from four and you can switch between them. Besides, a couple of skills may be applied to all of characters
- However, you have only a one charachet (Devourer), which lives in the shadows, and this can make a couple of troubles in the shadow battles
+ Any character can have a 3 skill at main panel. Many skills are pretty cool
- However, you may find a character (Evia), which has not so useful skills
- And of course you have an one character, which has a special skill that MUST be used an outside of battle (are you seriously? Just one Ironclad Zombie to open a few doors?!) -_-
- Not balanced mutually exclusive choices of puppets: you can lose three hunters, two mages and only an one warrior!
+ Actually, Shadows: Awakening has not so bad story
+- Inventory is very useful when you try to figure out what equipment would be better to take up, but such Inventory is disgusting, when you want to sell something from it
- I have played at extreme level and I had stopped use soulstone when I reached Kyalisar, because it became mush easy -_-

I'm think that you should try to play at Shadows: Awakening if you love arpg.
128 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
1025 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.01.20 22:11
Got it during a sale, but I can honestly say that if I had known that this game would be this fun, I would have bought it a lot earlier, in its original price.
269 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
2557 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.11.19 10:50
A nice game and unexpectedly long for a single player campaign (42 hours for one playthrough, give or take 1-2 hours). The graphics are nice and as far as I know it is a unique gameplay concept. There is a lot of lore and the characters are nicely written.
Unfortunately there is no end game. But you have to play it through at least 3 times to really see everything of the game (some quests are only for certain heroes and you have to choose which heroes you take). I found the DLCs not really worth my time because they each only bring one new hero and they aren't really worth it.
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Release:31.08.2018 Genre: Action-Rollenspiel Entwickler: Games Farm Vertrieb: Kalypso Media Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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