Shadow Warrior Classic
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Über das Spiel

- CPU: 1.8 GHz Processor
- GFX: DirectX 7 Compatible 3D Graphics Card
- RAM: 512 MB RAM
- Software: Windows XP or Vista
- HD: 1 GB HD space
- DX: 9.0
- LANG: Englisch
- CPU: 1.8 GHz Processor
- GFX: DirectX 7 Compatible 3D Graphics Card
- RAM: 512 MB RAM
- Software: Windows XP or Vista
- HD: 1 GB HD space
- DX: 9.0
- LANG: Englisch
Steam Nutzer-Reviews
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859 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.08.21 14:43
On a technical level, sometimes the game is simply too dark. There are passages that are quite literally pitch black and there's also one room in the classic Shadow Warrior, where the lights are reason enough to warrant an epilepsy warning. There is a usable item called Nightvision Goggles, but it does nothing what I'd expect from actual Nightvision Goggles. All the item does, is highlight enemies in a white-green filter and put a slight green color tint over your screen. That's it. It doesn't actually brighten up the environment.
But it doesn't end here:
If you move your mouse very slowly, the game doesn't pick up that movement as an input and your camera stands still until you decide to move your mouse a little faster, making it difficult to aim precisely at enemies very far away. What's more, your crosshair doesn't line up with your weapon's line of fire. The railgun is the gun you'll notice the most, but it's actually like that for all other weapons as well. And to conclude the technical difficulties, scrolling your mousewheel sometimes doesn't trigger switching weapons, as the game needs you to scroll the wheel a bit more than modern games to pick up the input. Also, mines don't show up correctly in the modernized boot system. You can easily fix that by raising the mine's voxel model by 64 voxels in a voxel editor.
On a graphical level, there's not much to say. Textures look as good as back then, except that your PC most probably won't overheat from the voxel models. The game looks rather fine and colorful sometimes, but there are also places that are just dark and drab. The settings however are pretty creative, as you fight not only in the woods, but also in caves, mansions, on a volcano, some different facilities and even on rooftops during the Wanton Destruction expansion.
The gameplay is the topic, where it all fell apart for me. The first 15 minutes are pretty fun, when you bust your first enemies with a rocket launcher or a quad-barrel rotating shotgun and the idea of having multiple firing modes in itself is pretty great, but you'll soon notice that that's not enough to keep you playing for long. The map design plays a big role and the first levels of each of the 4 episodes (Enter The Wang, Code Of Honor, Wanton Destruction & Twin Dragon) are pretty good in showing off about how you are supposed to play the levels. What it does NOT show you, is how the later levels become all the more confusing level-by-level, having you collect up to SIX keys around the maps or look for switches that once you pressed, you don't even know what they did. There's a lot of places where you simply can't guess what to do next unless you keep trying to shoot things or look behind every damn nook and cranny.
I once mistook a switch behind a table for being unusable, because I couldn't interact with it while pressing my interact button. Later through a walkthrough, I found out that you need to CROUCH to be able to hit these switches. There's also occasions where you need to walk into a BURNING FIREPLACE to see a HIDDEN LADDER that is MANDATORY TO PROGRESS as it contains yet another key!
If these wickedly secluded areas were just for secrets, it would be perfectly fine. But since they are mandatory, you'll spent about more than half your time in a level running back and forth looking for that damned red keycard, golden key or whatever it is you're missing this time.
To sum it up, this game is a shooter centered around scouting the maps and trying to think outside the box to reach the end of a level. You are expected to understand how to progress in a Shadow Warrior level, except most of the levels have their own kind of complex solution. Not to mention, the labyrinthic progression through each level as you try to find the 3 switches that open that one door so you can get the Bronze Key to open a grate to get to the Red Key which brings you inside a submarine station where you open up yet another gate which finally leads you to the end of the level.
Don't waste the money if you're not sure about this game. Go watch Civvie 11's videos on this series and spare yourself the pain.
1530 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.07.20 08:13
+ golden graphics for the time the game was made
+ it from id (type intended)
+ includes lots of things that are now prohibited due to the inhuman oversensitives in social networks...
+ you wanna wash Wang or you wanna see Wang wash Wang *pewpewpewpew*
+ lots of funny weapons
+ the cheats can make your game even funnier
+ from easy to insane everything you except from oldies
+ in this package are the sequels included
- nyu chadduw wurrioaz sack äsz, dis beddar :C
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263 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.02.22 12:23
This version while achieving desired refresh rate, jitters like crazy. V-sync on/off. Windowed, fullscreen, border less. Capping frame rate, uncapping framerate. Doesn't matter, the jitter is unbearable. It's unfortunate because i would like the achievement support but i can't play it when it jitters like crazy.
Oh well.
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700 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.02.22 21:52
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1150 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.01.22 16:35
The game itself is still classic Shadow Warrior with all the expansions and extra content. For a cheap enough price and the sake of convenience, it could be worth picking this up. But you may be better served grabbing the original versions and using modern source ports maintained by the fan community. Years after its original release, this remaster is still very buggy and marred by odd technical issues. There are several game-breaking bugs and extreme nuisances that - despite being known online for years - have seemingly never been fixed.
It's a real shame. SW Redux should have been an easy win like many other 'classic shooter' remasters we've gotten. The package looks good enough, but spending a few hours with it makes you wonder if this is a product of laziness or neglect.
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42 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.01.22 04:22
Download Shadow Warrior Classic
Download VoidSW
Play Shadow Warrior through VoidSW instead
The mouse aim doesn't fucking suck, and the mines aren't fucking invisible either. One thing to note is that VoidSW is still in beta, but that doesn't really matter because it's still objectively better than this lazy port.
597 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.12.21 09:27
Eh, it's above average. I say that because, not only do I think this pales in comparison to the Flying Wild Hog iterations, but also to other Build engine games like Duke Nukem 3D and Ion Fury. Having said that, it's still worth playing and at the very least better than Redneck Rampage.
+ Mod support.
+ Good soundtrack.
+ Decent level design.
+ Decent replay value.
+ Good aesthetics and graphics.
- The sword is almost useless.
- Enemies barely flinch when getting shot at.
- Bees are annoying. They're the only enemy in which the sword is half useful against.
Shadow Warrior (2013) review
1026 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.11.21 01:19
To use Raze while still launching the game normally through Steam:
* extract Raze into the bin/ folder
* rename sw.exe to sw.exe.bak
* rename raze.exe to sw.exe
1245 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.10.21 23:54
All in all, though this redux is not without issues, it's still quite good and worth your time if you want to play classic Shadow Warrior now,
2709 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.09.21 19:57
for one the volume mixing can be all over the place
also in the expansion twin dragon mines are literally invisible which is not an issue on the dos version :/
this port is alright. but consider that the dos version is free on steam.
934 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.09.21 18:46
649 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.07.21 21:54
Level 13/22
Episode 1 - Enter the Wang - 4/4 - Complete
Episode 2 - Code of Honor - 12/18 - In Progress
Wanton Destruction - 0/4 - Unplayed
Twin Dragon - 0/13 - Unplayed
Shadow Warrior has historically a lot of controversy around it, and while some of it's use of sterotypes is questionable at best, when you look at the actual gameplay, it is a really great time.
Similar to Dark Forces, you can jump in this game, which is something i would constantly forget in my Duke Nukem Build Engine brain, but otherwise, this is Duke Nukem with a different motif.
- Fun guns, etc
- 2 primary campaigns, along with an expansion
- Community made mods/maps
- We were not as careful about sensitivity and sterotypes in the 90's.
Game is a good time.
258 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.06.21 16:21
372 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.05.21 20:15
Good package, buy it!
3393 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.04.21 16:09
However, this port is not very good. It washes the colours out and ruins the vibrancy of the original, the aiming in this port is off and inaccurate, and its a bit wonky in general.
On the flipside, this has both expansions and this is the only way to legitimately buy them.
My suggestion is to buy this, and use the files it comes with, on a proper sourceport
2500 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.04.21 23:01
1372 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.03.21 02:44
What a run! I feel like a Shadow Warrior myself!
This game is Action packed. So Action Packed my Nuts harden. ( which could be an Unrelated condition )
Not to mention, After watching Civvie 11, I redid the Zilla boss and punched him in his Mecha Balls at least 3 times.
Great Game!
678 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.11.20 07:39
But I have also personally enjoyed this 'Redux' port. Some people prefer running this with BuildGDX, Eduke32, or whatever other of the dozen source ports that are available, but to some this can be a bit tedious. If you're looking for a streamlined experience with Shadow Warrior and skip all the Techy gobbly goop, this is the way to go.
In all honesty, this doesn't add much to the game itself. New menu & music, and 1920x1080 support.
If you haven't played Classic Shadow Warrior in the past, know that this game is a rather obscure historic monument of late 90's FPS. If you've played Duke3D, Blood, or Ion Fury, you know exactly what to expect, as this runs on Ken Silverman's Build Engine. You will find that Shadow Warrior easily earns it's spot in 'The Good Build Games' list.
1030 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.11.20 07:05
- Most of the guns are extremely fun to use; the only exceptions to this are the rail gun, which is hard to hit with because of the firing delay and the shurikens, which are just kind of boring. The alternate fire modes are especially fun to play around with.
- There are lots of fun vehicles. The game has a wide variety of neat vehicles that you can drive.
- The movement feels good. The movement speed and responsiveness are about on par with what you would expect for a shooter from this era.
- The combat is satisfying. The guns have a nice meaty feel to them and the death animations are all very well done (I especially like the katana ones).
- Awful map design. To progress in a lot of the levels, you need to notice some small detail (like a tiny crack in a wall or a hidden button) tucked away somewhere. A lot of the time it is not obvious what needs to be done to progress, which leads to lots of time spent running back and forth between the same areas. This is most prevalent in the second expansion, where it's so bad that it feels like the designer is playing some sort of sadistic joke.
- Puzzles. Usually the puzzles boil down to pressing buttons in the right order, which isn't hard, but slows down the gameplay without adding anything of value.
- Stability. The game was very crash-prone for me until I switched to the sdl-1 beta. There are better source ports, though, so you could use one of those.
There are a couple things in the game that have aged...interestingly; specifically the over-the-top Asian stereotypes (it's meant to be a parody of kung-fu movies) and every female character being scantily clad. Personally it doesn't really bother me, since I see it as a product of the time it was created; but if those are things that might put you off of it, it's probably not worth getting the game since it's pretty rife with them.
As a side note, because I know someone is going to read this and go 'but how could anyone possibly be offended by that!?', let me break it down for you: The continent of Asia has many diverse groups with their own distinct cultures. Treating those cultures as interchangeable erases their individuality and cheapens them.
881 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.11.20 03:47
Shadow Warrior: Classic Redux
Is an updated version of the classic First Person Shooter, Shadow Warrior, published by 3D Realms in 13th of may, 1997.
This re-release also includes two expansion packs, Wanton Destruction and Twin Dragon.
Shadow Warrior along with Duke Nukem 3D and Blood stand tall as the holy trinity of the Build Engine games. The best 3 games to ever come out pushing the engine's to its limits. For the time, its level were beautiful and still are in a certain way.
The plot is rather barebones, as it is usual for FPS games of the time, following the Zilla Enterprises ex-bodyguard, Lo Wang, in his quest against Master Zilla's plan to use demons to conquer Japan. Later Lo Wang learns that Zilla killed his old master, and now Wang wants Zilla's Head. Also Lo Wang is voiced and its a one-liner machine, its great.
Shadow Warrior Redux presents 20 Levels plus 2 secret ones, add in the expansion levels and you have a total of 47 different and unique levels. These range from Japan Streets to blazing volcanos. Awesome variety, with great design, the maps have a flow to them, it's rare to get stuck, which is a testament of good level design that often gets overlooked.
Lo Wang has an arsenal of fists, Katana, Shurikens, dual uzi's, auto shotgun, grenades, rail gun, rocket launcher, demon head and heart, and to top it all off, you can launch nukes. All weapons have a purpose and a place in game, nothing feels wasted, the only exception being maybe the fists that overlap with the katana as an melee weapon.
Shadow Warrior gameplay is rather intense, but incredibly rewarding, Lo Wang moves fast, and you will need to use that to your advantage, as any other Build Engine game it can give you a hard time if you are a tiny grasshopper still learning the ropes of the Boomer Shooter games. Enemy variety is good and challenging, when paired with each other they can create some really cool encounters. And a small tip from me, explosive weapons are king, you are not playing Shadow Warrior properly if you aren't blowing your self up a few times.
In terms of soundtrack, it is composed by the legendary Lee Jackson, who also worked on Duke 3D, so there's nothing more that I can say, its just great and it fits the Eastern vibe the game have. It range from some fun action tracks to some really atmospheric and rather gloomy tracks.
Controls are good and responsive, can be rebound at will, and the game runs flawlessly on on modern systems and hardware.
Oh and no, this is NOT one of those lazy DOSbox ports.
You can see the Dev Team had a clear vision and passion for the game, and I think they succeed in everything they set out to do. Overall Shadow Warrior is an absolute classic that along with Duke3D and Blood had a hand shaping an entire generation of shooters.
A must play for any classic FPS fan.
Score: 9.7/10 // Excellent [★★★★★★★★★✫]
The criteria used for this review.
1411 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.10.20 13:02
141 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.09.20 23:08
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625 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.09.20 16:14
It's not worth your money. Download Shadow Warrior Classic, which is free, then play on VoidSW. It's not perfect either, it has some minor issues, but it's better than this and unlike this version, they're still working out the kinks on VoidSW.
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235 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.08.20 18:48
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352 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.07.20 14:15
I know there were always problems with the SW ports, still I think they could've done better at this point if they want money for it.
548 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.06.20 01:05
The port itself it's pretty good, from the same people that made Duke 3D's Megaton Edition. A few crashes here and there, but nothing serious. Got the game up and running again in a matter of seconds.
1434 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.06.20 05:04
543 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.05.20 06:56
1516 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.04.20 21:00
-Mines are invisible in this version of the game. It's fixable if you mod it.
-Game crashed more than it should. It's quick to get back into the game tho.
-It might be a bit too long for its own good if you play all content. Nothing in the expansions really spice things up.
-Mouse input input doesn't feel quite right, It's playable. Feels a lot better in the new release of Blood for example.
I had a good time playing Shadow Warrior even if only bad things comes to mind. But don't let that stop you buying the game. It's worth it, especially on sale it if you enjoy games like this
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73 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.04.20 01:42
793 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.04.20 18:03
- Great gameplay that has aged quite well
- Very fun and lighthearted environment and tone
- A good 10 hours of gameplay with the expansions
- Great performance
- Great level, weapon, and enemy design
- Some of the Wanton Destruction expansion feels unfinished (as it is)
- Certain levels are too confusing and it slows down the game
995 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.04.20 19:40
It's Shadow Warrior dude. What are you doing here reading this review? GO buy it mate!
What can I say really? Shadow Warrior is a game that is just as timeless to me as Duke Nukem, DOOM, Quake and Blood is so the redux version was an obvious buy for me. The cool thing about it is now I can enjoy playing through Shadow Warrior classic again but with slightly improved visuals and framerate. It's still the beloved Shadow Warrior I remember and I will recommend it to everybody who loves Shadow Warrior or 3D realm's games so it's worth checking out and you even get the expansions so what's not to love?
40 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.03.20 03:32
This ‘Redux’ version is the original Build Engine game, and all of its expansion content, remastered in high-definition, optimised for modern hardware, and given full Steam Community support. Seeing one of the “Big Three” Build games get this treatment is great – and it means this excellent title now has official rebuild representation on Steam alongside its peers Duke Nukem 3D: 20th Anniversary Edition and Blood: Fresh Supply.
For anyone not yet aware of the Shadow Warrior lore, you play as Lo Wang, the former bodyguard, mercenary, and one-man dojo working to fight his way through a horde of distinct Asian-mythology inspired demons and monsters. The world environment is beautiful, detailed, an highly interactive (as is the Build Engine trait), the weapons are all deliciously distinct and fun to use, and there’s complete Steamworks Community support with regards to Trading Cards, Achievements, and modding / user-made map sharing.
It’s a great game, will run easily on essentially any PC, highly recommended.
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60 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.02.20 01:18
I have tried for days to make my mouse input any sorts of comfortable to no avail, this game relies on an x/y scaling method + separate sensitivity options making configuring your mouse an absolute nightmare, there is no way the devs of this port should've thought that was a good idea, why not just make scaling 1:1 and call it a day? On top of the configuring difficulty there is in my personal experience the slightest, and I mean the absolute slightest amount of input lag which kills any amount of precision you want in your shots, not to mention negative mouse acceleration.
Yes I've read various topics on how to get rid of it, I've done every solution but I found that turning to the left is way faster than turning to the right which got me killed more than a dozen times, I'm not gonna go off about the crosshair because it's as easy as turning the thing off and learning where bullets hit, but when you make a port with such fucked up controls it almost becomes impossible to enjoy one of the build games that I've looked at playing but never really did or never got the chance to.
The source ports for classic are also busted with a various amount of sound bugs and other plaguing issues, so far I've reached a dead end on how to properly enjoy this game due to mind numbing control issues, I hate that I go from Fresh Supply, from Ion Fury, to this, a game that I was so eager to buy and play for the very first time only to be completely let down due to my mouse controlling the camera as if it's mapped to a d-pad.
If anyone could offer any advice on how to fix my mouse issues then this entire review would see a giant 180 faster than Lo Wang can slice someone in half, until then it stands.
1649 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.02.20 02:55
-Story & Content 3/10
-Graphics 2/10
-Opening fortune cookies to reveal your future during a crossfire 10/10
3D Realms
Devolver Digital
Engine:keine Infos
Kopierschutz:keine Infos
Franchise:keine Infos