Shadow Warrior 3
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Über das Spiel
Mit dem Schwert in die Schießerei
Komponiere eine tödliche Symphonie mit jeder deiner Begegnungen – verbinde überragende Feuerkraft und zum Sterben schöne, präzise Hiebe mit dem Katana, um Horden von Dämonen zu vertrimmen.
Flotte Fußarbeit
Der fliegende Wechsel zwischen beeindruckenden Bewegungstechniken wie Air Dashes, Laufen an Wänden, Doppelsprüngen und den schicken, neuen Greifhaken-Techniken geben dir fast unbegrenzte Kampf- und Bewegungsoptionen für jede Auseinandersetzung.
Ausführen und Abräumen
Führe spektakuläre Finishing-Moves aus, um einen Teil des besiegten Gegners zu beanspruchen und seine Macht in einem Ausbruch unaufhaltsamen Zorns und gewaltiger Magie auf die gegnerischen Horden loszulassen.
Dynamische Kampfarenen
Jede Umgebung ist angefüllt mit gefährlichen Gebäuden, Gebilden und Geräten, die genutzt und aktiviert werden können, um deine Offensivstrategien mit einer weiteren Ebene kreativer Vielfalt zu versehen.
Neo-feudales Japan
Reise durch ein sagenhaftes asiatisches Land, gewoben aus der Magie und Technologie der alten Samurai, überrannt von den dämonischen Yokai der japanischen Mythen.
Spaß jenseits der Gürtellinie uns sonstwo
Schnall dich an für Lo Wangs trockene Einzeiler, spitze die Ohren für scharfzüngige Konversationsringkämpfe mit Zilla und genieße die beeindruckende Aneinanderreihung absurder Katastrophen mit dem Ziel, das jüngste Gericht ein weiteres Mal zu verschieben.
Beschreibung nicht jugendfreier Inhalte
- Setzt 64-Bit-Prozessor und -Betriebssystem voraus
- CPU: AMD Phenom II X4 965 (4 * 3400) or equivalent. Intel Core i5-3470 (4 * 3200) or equivalent.
- GFX: Radeon R7 260X (2048 VRAM) or equivalent. GeForce GTX 760 (2048 VRAM) or equivalent.
- Software: Windows 7
- HD: 31 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
- MISC: The Minimum Specification listed allows gameplay experience at 30 FPS on average while using Low graphical settings and 1080p resolution.
- LANG: Englisch
- Setzt 64-Bit-Prozessor und -Betriebssystem voraus
- CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 2700 (8 * 3200) or equivalent. Intel Core i7-6950X (10 * 3000) or equivalent.
- GFX: Radeon RX 5700 (8192 VRAM) or equivalent. GeForce GTX 1080 (8192 MB) or equivalent.
- Software: Windows 10
- HD: 31 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
- MISC: The Minimum Specification listed allows gameplay experience at 30 FPS on average while using Low graphical settings and 1080p resolution.
- LANG: Englisch
Steam Nutzer-Reviews
389 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.04.22 16:28
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754 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.04.22 19:49
Dazu ist es noch relativ verbuggt, ich hatte nun mehrere Softlocks, und das Voice Acting ist unerträglich.
Auf dem schweren Schwierigkeitsgrad wurds allerdings dann doch ein gutes Stück interessanter. Nicht sehr, aber immerhin musste man gelegentlich mal defensiv arbeiten. Sich Positionen suchen aus denen man Gegner leichter erledigen kann während man die kleinen Mobs mit dem Schwert abwehrt und sich dadurch Zeit erkauft bis man die Stellung räumen muss. Dass ich tatsächlich eine Entscheidung treffen musste ob ich meinen Finisher nun verschwende um HP wiederzukriegen oder für eine gute Fähigkeit aufbewahre die sich dadurch auch deutlich belohnender anfühlt statt einfach ein random Powerup in der Mitte der Arena zu haben.
Falls man sich das Spiel also antun möchte, dann unbedingt sofort auf schwer. Auf normal ist es einfach nur belanglos, während es auf schwer zwar weiterhin unerträglich gestreckt wird, Encounter aber tatsächlich mal fordern können.
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223 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.03.22 15:46
Gameplay ist wieder anders als Teil 1 und 2, jetzt eher wie ein kleines Doom.
95% der Kämpfe finden in kleinen sich SEHR ähnlicher Arenen statt. Gameplay Loop wird innerhalb von 1 Stunde schon sehr repetitiv und teils wirklich langweilig. Viele Gute Dinge aus den Vorgängern wurden komplett verworfen --> fast keine Easter Eggs mehr, Nahkampf ist langweilig, keine Items und Waffen mit verschiedenen Stats mehr, jede Waffe hat fast keine Munition und so weiter....
Die neuen Finisher sind cool gemacht und die Bonis die man dafür erhält machen Spaß, ABER...Die Animationen dafür sind teils wirklich lang und man kann sie nicht überspringen, dass stört der generellen Geschwindigkeit des Spiels enorm.
Die Plattforming Inhalt fühlen sich an sich gut an, sind aber kein Stück herausfordernd.
Story ist, wie auch in den Vorgängern, irrelevant aber Lustig.
Grafik sieht gut aus, aber irgendwas stimmt mit der Schärfe des Bildes nicht. Alles sieht etwas eckig und verwaschen aus. Sorgt gerade am Anfang für starke Unübersichtlichkeit, man gewöhnt sich jedoch schnell daran.
45€ ist das Spiel definitiv nicht Wert, da die Spielzeit bei gut 6-7 Stunden liegt...Im Sale für 10-15€ lohnt es sich vielleicht.
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368 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.03.22 19:54
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86 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.03.22 23:20
Es fühlt sich an wie die Katze im Sack gekauft zu haben.
Durch Shadow Warrior 2 waren die Erwartung hoch, aber leider hat man ein Doom Clone bekommen statt ein Lootshooter, könnte ich das Spiel zurück geben würde ich es machen.
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433 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.03.22 21:48
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359 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.03.22 01:11
Aber SW3 ist einfach schlecht... Im Vergleich mit dem Vorgänger.
Grafik, Geräuschkulisse, Steuerung und vor allem das Gunhandling sind super. Klar... Im Vergleich zum Vorgänger wurde sehr viel entfernt was Charakterentwicklung und Waffen anbelangt. Aber das Gameplay ist einfach ein Witz. Schlauchlevel ist noch untertrieben. Man hüpft von Plattform zu Plattform um dann vom rutschen zum Wandlauf überzugehen um Ende mit Wurfhacken zu den nächsten Plattformen zu kommen. Zwischendrin gibt es kleine Areale in denen man Gegnerwellen bekämpft... dann geht das gehüpfe von vorn los. Dadurch wird man regelrecht durch's Spiel gepeitscht. Fühlt sich eher wie ein Doom Eternal lite an, als ein Shadow Warrior.
Auch wenn ich die Reihe mag. Dafür gibt es einen Daumen nach unten.
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5 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.05.22 14:02
⚖️ Grade = B-. Worth a buy, if you enjoy Fast Pace Combat & Grappling Hook Gameplay. However, if you're looking for better version of Shadow Warrior 2, it doesn't have
✔️ High Quality Graphic
✔️ Fancy visual effects
✔️ Fast Pace Combat
✔️ Dismember enemies
✔️ Grappling Hook Gameplay
❌ Normal Firearm
❌ Demonic Weapons
❌ Variety of Chi Powers
❌ Score / Time Attack for replay value
A+ | 5 | Loving it & wants more | No Wait | - | - | [/tr]
A | 3-4 | Needed play it right now | No Wait | - | - | [/tr]
B | 2 | You'll be half satisfied | Wait 50% | ✔ | - | [/tr]
C | 1 | Lack of interest | Wait 75% | - | ✔ | [/tr]
D | 0 | Not what you need | Wait 100% | - | - | [/tr]
???? Long version checklist ➜ Reveal
???? Mocking on Short Hours + Criticize ➜ Write here
* 2022: Game released but I didn't wish list this
* 2 hours earlier: Lack of information about the game status
* 2 hours later: Not that bad
* 4 hours later: Wow... Serious Sam classic enemy & Bioshock drill
* 6 hours later: Really lack of replay value :(
* Watch trailer again: In-game cutscene isn't good as the video trailer :(
* Deluxe Edition = The OST, artbook, and 'Dragonblood' skins for the SMG & Katana
* Finisher = Instant Brutal kill and obtain a new weapon (temp)
* Elemental Barrels is allow to pull from grappling hook
* It is very different from Shadow Warrior 2
* Gameplay is very good for who didn't play Shadow Warrior 2
* Community Rating: Mixed
* Don't buy SW3 because short game ➜ Short is not the main issue
* Cannot abide $50 for 4 hours of game ➜ Not everyone able to beat in 4-5 hours
* Nothing special ➜ Disagree. The enemies design is interesting
* No legendary, no heroic, and no NG+ ➜ True
* Basically a DOOM clone ➜ Sound & Combat area is the similar
* The game is easy to beat ➜ Disagree, easy is only the beginning
* Sword attack become quick slashing by pressing a button at anytime
* Replace weapon upgrade into stages by obtaining white orbs
* Replace forward sprint into dash sprint = Feel awesome
* Replace first person cutscene into cinematic cutscene
* Much interesting enemies design
* Earn execution powers by obtaining yellow orbs
* Each execution reward different weapon (temp)
* Railgun launch will slow time
* Railgun sound like doom game
* Earn achievement to level up
* Healing & ammo pack will respawn after cooldown
* Added optional trap activation kill group of enemies
* Added grappling hook
* Added wall running
* Added many parkour scenario
* Removed gun zoom
* Removed self-heal
* Removed Spike power, Fury power & Invisible power
* Removed Online Coop
* Removed landing animation
* Cannot continue to play after the story end
* Quick dodges
* Variety type of enemies
* Chi Blast spell to repel enemies
* Explosive elemental barrels lay around in combat zone
Thanks for reading, please ???? to support because writing all this is not an easy task, then:
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291 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.05.22 11:52
Now that we have the marketing BS out of the way, here are the facts:
- This is the shortest Shadow Warrior game out of the three
- Comes with free* UE4 stutters
- No ultrawide support, it's just cropped 16:9
- No azerty support, not able to rebind certain keys
- Great voice actor from the first two games replaced with a soulless husk
- Previous game had HDR support, this one does not
This is the first 1/10 game I've ever owned on Steam
PS: I'm giving it a 1 out of politeness. There are no redeeming qualities to this game, none.
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462 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.05.22 03:12
If you liked DE, you might have some fun with this one, but if you liked Shadow Warrior 1 and 2, you probably won't.
I was a fan of the Shadow Warrior series, and this is a big letdown.
Hell... They even butchered the plot and writing. I actually liked the plot.
Everything in this game feels slapped together and lazy.
Even the campaign itself is short enough to not be worth the cost of the ticket.
I'm really disappointed with this game; the series deserved better.
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301 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.05.22 18:59
1. Walk and listen to exposition that is poorly written.
2. Run and use the hook to reach an arena.
3. Fight in the arena.
Rinse and repeat for 4 or so hours and then it just sort of ends.
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6070 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.05.22 00:22
1. Nice graphics
2. Hoji is back
1. What happened to the sword play? I played Shadow Warrior 1 and 2 using mostly just the sword but this game you just can't.
2. This game has no soul - unlike its predecessors. There is nothing to make you want to replay it.
3. Where is the Lo Wang we are all used to? Oh yeah - using his voice was not politically correct!
4. There are none of the demons we are familiar with in SW1/2. Just cartoonish rubbish.
5. Shadow Warrior has never taken itself seriously but previously they did that well - not this time.
6. The game is way too short.
7. The story is silly.
8. No loot to speak of. No exploration. Game just seems empty and cheap.
9. Mostly just a cheap copy of Doom.
Very surprised and disappointed. The previous 2 games were great and SW 2 had detailed complex graphics. There were explosions and sparks and fires. you could sword stuff to blow it up just for fun. There were great detailed robots and cloaked enemies and funny likeable characters. SW1 had the best soul of all 3.
I wanted so much to like this game. If I didn't know it was SW then I would say it is not the worst game (if it was cheaper) but I miss SW and was so excited about SW3. I even played it through to the end 5 times before writing a review.
At first the gun play seemed fun but quickly does not.
It is what it is - so sad.
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534 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.04.22 16:45
Now to the negatives:
It is waaaaay too short for 45€
Gameplay/Arenafights get very predictable and repetetive. Same goes for the enemies, very repetetive.
After finishing Shadow Warrior 2 I felt like I experienced a real journey. We lost some friends along the way and the ending was just badass. With this game I feel like i was playing a DLC for a Doom clone. It just comepletly lost its soul.
The exploration part in previous games was something I really enjoyed. In this game the devs completly got rid of that part.
Also why did they get rid of the cool swordgameplay wtf??? Such a downgrade in this game.
Honestly I am such a huge SW fan and I really wanted to love this game but its just nowhere near the quality of the first 2 titles and I also think if this game was longer than the 9 hours i played it that i would get bored in longterms. The old games were made with so much more love and detail.
One short example if you reload an already reloaded revoler in SW2 Lo Wang would spin it and show his middlefinger to whoever was watching him xD Its so not necessary but so funny that they put in something like that and they put shit like that for a lot of weapons in that game and also other gimmiky stuff that just made you smile. SW3 doesnt have stuff like that, SW3 truely is soulless. I believe the only reason i had kinda fun during this 9hours was bcs of Lo Wang's style.
Buy this if its in sale for like 15€ unless thats not the case i cannot recommend this.
Very sad.
Ps: The new voiceactor is dog**** we want Jason back!!
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289 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.03.22 00:26
257 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.03.22 14:32
Review by Gaming Masterpieces - The greatest games of all time on Steam. |
Is this game a masterpiece? No, the game is too short and straightforward. No multiplayer, no random level creation like in part 2. Only 7 weapons and a few upgradable abilities. That's it. The game focuses on fast-paced combat from the first-person perspective. We play Lo Wang, who can handle his sword like no other. When he can't reach opponents, he uses various handguns, but his most important weapon is the katana, a Japanese longsword. With it he cuts his opponents to pieces without ever getting tired. And opponents stand in his way a lot! Lo Wang also uses the environment to defeat his opponents and between the fights there is a bit of parkour running.
The whole production is lavishly presented, the story is told through short cutscenes with mostly funny conversations. Mostly, however, action is the order of the day, and there is hardly a quiet second here. The levels are divided into chapters, in which we advance through smaller stages to large open battle arenas, which only open again when all enemies have been eliminated. We can (double) jump, dash, run along (marked) walls, fight with a sword or a firearm, and swing around (or pull enemies towards us) in (marked) places with the help of a grappling hook. With the execution bar filled up, we can execute enemies in a particularly brutal way, which replenishes our health and also gives us a special weapon (made from the remains of the destroyed enemy). The environment is full of deadly dangers that you can stumble into yourself, but it's much more fun to push your opponents into a wall full of (long) spikes, for example. Or into the vicinity of a barrel full of ammunition, which explodes to great effect after a hit. In addition, we also have a kind of spell to push opponents away from us. In some scenes there are also dangerous machines that can be activated. It's fun to set off a deadly machine that shreds overpowered enemies into tiny pieces.
If you like fast and action-packed, exceedingly brutal first person slashers, and don't mind to see the end after a few hours, this is for you.
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206 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.03.22 18:45
a £10 game on a £30 price tag
419 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.03.22 15:51
The Good:
Levels look great. There are some visually stunning levels in there and they are all laid out in a way that works well with the great movement mechanics this game has. Which is another big plus. Run, Dodge, Wallrun, Slide and Grappling Hook all work very smooth and make for a fast paced action. Even though the action is frantic I never found myself lost, and you can always easily distinguish the enemies from the surroundings. Enemies are varied enough. Weapons feel impactful. Sound design is also great. Special Take-Downs add a layer of complexity to it. Do you use the take-down on the smaller enemies to get health or freezing bombs frequently or do you wait for the big boys to grab some amazing time limited special weapons. Slashing enemies with the katana drops ammo, shooting enemies drops health so you need to balance that. Killed enemies drop yellow balls to fill your take-down meter. Works like a charm. The traversal sections in between the arenas are neat and give you some breathing space in between. They are used to deliver many of the games dialogues that aren’t part of cutscenes. The menu and skill trees are very simplified but do the job well. Mostly polished experience.
The Bad:
No CoOp. Very short. Took me 7h to get through, and from what I hear most people beat it in less time. No New Game+ so you can’t replay the game and keep your Skills or Weapons, which is a shame really. The game tries to be funny, but didn’t pull it off for me. Sure there are some fun moments to be had, but very often it’s cringy. I’ve had two bugs during my first playthrough.
1) Arena sections end or progress, when you kill all ‘elite’ enemies. One time I had to look a very long time to find an enemy floating around beneath the actual level in the deathzone. Another time I didn’t find it at all and head to restart the section.
2) The traversal section where you slide down the mountain on a disc ends with you having to wallrun/hook a bit before rejoining the disc. However I’ve tried several times and couldn’t get on the disc, not for the life of me. The disc was gone to quick and the grappling hook wasn’t enough to get me on. I always landed behind the disc and died. Quit in frustration and retried later where it worked first time. Can’t say for sure if it really was the games fault, or just me, but it felt like a bug nevertheless.
The Different:
Shadow Warrior 2 had very open levels, that where actually not all too bad for generated levels, but they where still rather bland. Here the levels are rather linear, but also more focused and crafted with intent. There are no side quests/missions/maps here either. You’re not gonna like it if you’re into open worlds. I personally favour the hand made level design though.
Shadow Warrior 2 had a bunch more weapons, but the loot shooter aspect of it was annoying. Looking through pages of meaningless RNG weapon upgrades was very cumbersome and I’m happy that’s gone, even if it means we’re down to 6 Guns + Katana.
Speaking of which, the katana serves a much more utilitarian purpose this time around. Gone are all the special moves (except hold to charge) and it’s mainly there to deliver ammo drops for the guns. It’s not it’s own weapon slot either, as it’s bound to the second mouse button, while all the guns are shot with first mouse button. Shadow Warrior 3 is a much more shooting focused game than SW2 was.
What I’m hoping for:
* New Game+ to restart the game with all your character and weapons upgrades intact. I’m fine with having to collection the weapons again, as long as their upgrades remain.
* Chapter selection, or maybe even arena selection.
Based on Build ID: 8289111 updated on 1st March, 2022
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436 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.03.22 01:03
if you are wanting to buy this game then wait till it is on sale otherwise you are going to pay way to much for such little content :p
Flying Wild Hog
Devolver Digital
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