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  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 30.08.2020
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Preis Update 01.01.25

Über das Spiel

Serious Sam explodes into the second dimension using everything in his arsenal to battle the abominable legions of Mental?s horde. Pull the trigger to let the heavy ordinance fly in Serious Sam Double D XXL, a completely reloaded version of the indie sensation Serious Sam Double D with all-new missions, weapons, enemies, and challenges. Pile on the firepower with the revolutionary Gunstacker and fire all your weapons at once in a symphony of destruction! All that stands between victory and annihilation is a man in a T-shirt and jeans wielding a great big pile of guns.

Key Features

  • Serious Action: Unleash a storm of bullets and flame against an unrelenting horde of bizarre and ferocious creatures hell bent on bringing down the heroic Serious Sam. Clash against Mental?s army across 18 levels in three sensational worlds from the pyramids of ancient Egypt to the volcanic chaos of Pompeii to the harsh jungles of prehistoric Earth.
  • Revolutionary Gunstacker: Duel-wielding is for lesser men. Serious Sam Double D?s new Gunstacker allows Serious Sam to stack any combination of weapons one on top another and fire them all at once. Two shotguns on a laser gun and grenade launcher? Of course. Four chainsaws and a flamethrower? Yes, please.
  • Legions of Bizarre Beasts: Clash against classic Serious Sam enemies like Headless Kamikazes, Gnaar, and Biomechanoids or gun down all new monstrosities like the insane Chimputees, oddball Vuvuzelators, and the surprisingly sexy Femikazes. Prove your worth and take down four amazingly unique bosses in epic showdowns full of carnage!
  • Challenge Rooms and Serious Secrets: Keep the action coming with a battery of action-packed challenge rooms filled to the brim with waves of attacking beasts! Get really serious and try to uncover dozens and dozens of secrets hidden throughout this wild world!


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Steam Nutzer-Reviews

1479 Produkte im Account
215 Reviews
7 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.09.21 14:05
1214 Produkte im Account
576 Reviews
296 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.12.20 14:37

Zusammengefaltet und trotzdem bombig

Enthalten ist im Spiel einmal die originale Fassung und einmal die Neuauflage von 2013, die übrigens auch ein Coop-Modus enthält. Den braucht man bei Serious Sam natürlich!

“Serious Sam: Double D XXL” ist wie die ersten beiden Encounter der Spielreihe, nur…in 2D. Die Steuerung funktioniert dabei ganz gut und generell bietet der Titel auch genau das, was man von den alten Spielen erwarten würde: Abwechlungsreiches Leveldesign, Geheimnisse, viele und auch neue Feinde und natürlich viel Gemetzel. Das 2D Prinzip kommt auch mit witzigen Ideen um die Ecke, die auf das Setting angepasst sind. Ich will tatsächlich nicht spoilern, aber sie kommen gut zur Geltung und passen verdammt gut zu Serious Sam. Besonders Serious wird es, wenn wir an der Waffenbank einfach mehrere Waffen aufeinanderstapeln. So können wir einfach mal die Schrotflinte auf die Maschinenpistole packen und obendrauf noch die Kettensäge. Soll uns ja keiner zu nahe kommen! Da wir dieselben Waffen auch mehrmals finden, können wir natürlich auch einfach 4 Maschinenpistolen aufeinander packen und so gleichzeitig abfeuern.

Serious Sam hat nie groß Geschichte geschrieben, allerdings ist „Double D XXL“ für die Reihe recht reich an kurzen Dialogen. Diese sind zwar flach und obwohl man meist die Pointe voraussieht, musste ich an manchen Stellen wirklich lachen.

Ganz ehrlich: Ich weiß nicht, ob die Grafik bewusst ein wenig verkorkst aussieht oder ob hier irgendwas schief gelaufen ist. Die Grafik wirkt ein wenig gezeichnet, gleichzeitig aber auch billig und…irgendwie halt doch voll passend. Ich kann es mir selber nicht so recht erklären.
Die englischen Synchronsprecher fand ich sehr treffend gewählt und die Dialoge gut eingesprochen. Allerdings ist die deutsche Textfassung fürchterlich übersetzt, ich würde hier eher bei vorhandenem Basiswissen klar zu Englisch tendieren. Aber das Englische ist hier keine große Voraussetzung. Ansonsten kommen dem Sam-Veteran viele Geräusche sicherlich bekannt vor.

„Serious Sam: Double D XXL“ transportiert das Prinzip der alten Shooter erstaunlich gut in eine 2D Welt. Das Setting wird bewusst ausgebaut und gerade das Leveldesign ist mit seinen Geheimnissen und seiner Abwechslung absolut gelungen. Wer die 3D gerne spielt bzw. gespielt hat, dem wird die 2D Variante sicherlich auch gefallen!

Serious Sam hat über die Jahre durchaus ein paar Spiele bekommen. Für eine Übersicht würde ich dir meinen Serious-Leitfaden ans Herz legen.
413 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
265 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.11.18 20:52
Oberaffengeile Action. Muss man gesehen haben.
339 Produkte im Account
289 Reviews
148 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.01.18 13:46

Review zu Serious Sam Double D XXL

Der trashige Kultshooter zeigt mal ein anderes Gesicht, in einer noch anderen Perspektive. 2D statt 3D. Und macht etwas, dass ich kaum für möglich gehalten habe. Nämlich, dass Serious Sam noch mehr durch den Kakao gezogen wird. Schließlich geht selbst die Serious Sam Reihe in eine eher satirische Richtung, aber Serious Sam Double D XXL hebt das alles noch auf eine extremere Stufe. Man sollte sich einfach mal selbst überzeugen.
Das Spiel ist kein langes und lässt sich sogar recht schnell in ca. 2 Stunden durchdaddeln. Im Gameplay lässt sich durchaus gewisser Spaß finden, wobei das Gameplay deutlich weniger taktisch ist, als in den Hauptspielen. Merkbar daran, da man häufiger verletzt wird und schlechter Ausweichen kann. Wie dem auch sei. Ein Serious Sam Fan wird definitiv auf seine Kosten kommen. Wer jedoch nichts mit der Reihe anfangen kann, sollte wohl lieber die Finger davon lassen.

Kommen wir für die Schnellen unter uns einfach mal zur Pro-Contra-Liste:


+ Der Soundtrack ist wie bei fast allen Serious Sam Spielen recht gut!
+ Große Waffenauswahl
+ Die Controllersteuerung läuft flüssig von der Hand
+ Die Comicgrafik ist anfangs gewöhnungsbedürftig, aber hat dann doch irgendwann seinen ganz seltsamen Charme
+ Gegner sind sogar noch verrückter als in den Hauptspielen. Ich meine, das muss man erstmal hinkriegen!
+ Abwechslungsreiche Orte
+ Der Humor ist wirklich zum Schießen!
+ Viele amüsante Secrets
+ Lokaler Coop


- Es gibt bedauerlicherweise recht viele Übersetzungsfehler


+- Man kann nicht sprinten. Die Standardbewegungsgeschwindigkeit ist mir persönlich zu langsam gewesen

Serious Sam Double D XXL ist ein kurzes aber amüsantes Vergnügen. Jedoch ist der Normalpreis von 9,99€ deutlich zu teuer. Ich empfehle auf eine Preissenkung zu warten, oder alle Serious Sam Spiele irgendwann mal im Bundle zu ergattern!

Ich danke fürs Lesen und wünsche sehr viel Spaß beim Spielen! ;-)
134 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
26 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.09.17 02:58
Für ein kurzes Vergnügen super, vllt auch um es einmal durchzuspielen, aber naja, mehr auch nicht würd ich behaupten :D
1634 Produkte im Account
374 Reviews
499 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.04.16 15:00
Ich vergebe 2 von 3 Punkten.
41 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
3261 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.07.15 19:22
Es ist ein sehr gutes und abwechslungsreiches 2D-Serious sam Shooter der für kurze Zeit(ca.10h)Spaß und Freude macht
31 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
48 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.06.15 17:08
Geilstes Spiel ever xDDDDD Allein schon der Trailer ist es wert sich das spiel zu holen ;)
62 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
527 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.06.15 23:37
Nice game
1334 Produkte im Account
1419 Reviews
158 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.10.14 17:32
Super Spiel. Leider etwas zu kurz. Super Grafik und Gameplay
2101 Produkte im Account
901 Reviews
360 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.03.22 21:30
When you think of Serious Sam, no doubt you envision circle-strafing around hordes of galloping skeletons and headless screamers. But Sam’s had a number of 2D outings as well, thanks to Croteam licensing their boy out for some unorthodox adventures. Double D was the first of these, a side-scrolling romp that replicated the chaos of your average Sam game in rather unique ways. Decidedly indie, both in scope and production value, Double D nevertheless offers some serious action across a wide range of levels and modes, and even opens the door to co-op if you’ve got a frag-minded friend to bring along.

At some ill-defined point in the future, Sam “Serious” Stone has defeated Mental and now wanders space and time with his head-based AI Netrisca in search of action. He stumbles across Mental’s forces back in ancient Egypt, and does what he does best. Turns out an eclectic collection of baddies is up to no good across history again, so Sam sets out to make them all dead. From familiar Egypt, he’ll fling himself back to the time of the dinosaurs, and then back forward to the day Pompeii came down with a bad case of lava flows. In each of these eras, you’ll find aliens, monkeys, mutants, insects, and more to blast with a highly-customizable array of weapons that you almost never seem to run out of ammo for.

Let’s go ahead and talk about these guns, because this is by far the most distinctive part of the game. Double D has a surprisingly slim selection of firearms compared to other Sam games, with only eight for you to blast away with. However, and this is a legendarily huge however, you can stack these guns atop themselves to create a veritable wall of firepower. This is the gun stacking system, wherein you find copies of guns and connectors and attach up to six weapons together, making a mixed-purpose supergun. You could stitch three shotguns and three machine guns together, throw a chainsaw or flamethrower in there for close-range action, or stick nearly one of everything together to make a bullet-spewing, flame-belching, rocket-launching, laser-blasting stack of doom.

But wait, we’re not done here! Each individual gun has four possible upgrades that can give it entirely new capabilities. These can be destructive, like split shots, poison, or ricochets; utilitarian, like propelling you through the air or producing a shield; or just completely out there, like launching pats of butter or bees. Upgrades are bought from a charming monster-man, with the currency being some kind of mind-control boxes that drop from enemies. It’s a fairly generous economy, allowing you upgrades for pretty much every gun you find, especially if you’re scouring levels for secrets and killing foes down to the last. You need to be searching high and low anyway, because you certainly want as many guns and connectors as you can to round out your monstrous arsenal.

Your gun-bominations should make short work of Sam’s 2D foes here, which is good because they can show up in similarly overwhelming numbers as the 3D games. Most levels have a fair bit of exploration and platforming, aided by a very clever and super fun jump pad you can throw out wherever you want. But the last leg of each level is usually a big brawl with a healthy mix of titanic foes and filler fiends. Several of the old stand-bys are here, from gnaars to kleers, and foot soldiers to headless kamikazis. But there are newcomers as well, and they are just as all over the place as your arsenal. We’re talking jetpacking monkeys, mind-controlled dinos, pogo-sticking lava dudes, and (I swear I am not making this up) stacks of pancakes playing vuvuzelas. And if that wasn’t bizarre enough, the big bosses are probably as weird as this series ever gets, Serious Sam 2 included.

I suppose that’s the only thing that might put someone off this rollicking little platformer, the style. Double D is animated in that classic online style that I really should learn the name of, where 2D characters have all their joints rigged to provide smooth animation, even if the individual parts are stiff. The enemies themselves, then, are highly-detailed renders in bright, garish colors that can only really be described as grotesque. Seriously, when you see some of the giant bug monsters, you’re likely to recoil from the screen. It feels weird, coming from the cartoonish models of Serious Sam 2 to this sort of faux-realism, and the dialogues during short cutscenes aren’t going to do anything to set you at ease.

Still, as long as the look and feel aren’t too alien to you, this is a wonderful Sam-style platforming romp. There are enough stages across the three time periods to last you a good four hours, and you’ll unlock a mess of challenge arena and head-to-head multiplayer stages along the way. You even get a sort of New Game + mode after you beat it once, where you keep all your guns and upgrades to challenge higher difficulties with. But even without all that content, it’s just a really fun, clever approximation of Serious Sam’s chaotic action. The gun stacking system and new foes bring a lot of life to Double D, and Serious fans looking for a change of pace need look no further.

Did you enjoy this review? I certainly hope so, and I certainly hope you'll check out more of them at or on my curation page!
1500 Produkte im Account
1502 Reviews
296 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.02.22 19:13
Sweet side scrolling spin off. The campaign is a bit short but super serious and fun. The way you mix guns together is awesome, I enjoyed trying different combinations.

There are a good bit of weapons to collect and plenty of amusing power ups as you go, as well as a nice variety of enemy types, a lot of which you've likely seen in other Serious Sam games.

The art is kind of trippy and the music is just plain awesome. Mechanics felt solid and controls nice and tight. For a side project this seems pretty well polished.
525 Produkte im Account
96 Reviews
336 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.01.22 19:20
It's fun in co-op. Shoot, upgrade ur weapons and have fun!
1766 Produkte im Account
303 Reviews
857 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.11.21 18:32
Are you ready to see tommy gun, shotgun, rifle, chainsaw, and rocketlauncher into a single gun?

Are you ready to see the most beautiful protagonist crush narrator and mission instructor chick of every other game which has any protagonist girlfriend or crush who has a nice pair of ...... HANDGUNS ?
Wooowowowowwoooooooooowowoooo (*Chimps noise*)

Are you ready to defeat the boss who is kinda in a hurry to end the war with serious sam as he is about to miss his favorite TV programme finale which will soon air in HBO and Netflix?

Are you ready to buy this game ?
Clickity Clickity Click clamp clamp clamp

Are you SERIOUS ?
Meow Meow meow Мяу мяу мяу
3871 Produkte im Account
64 Reviews
605 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.05.21 16:35
Enjoyable 2D Serious Sam spin-off. Game has big guns, tons of enemies, total mayhem and spirit of a true Serious Sam game. Can recommend it if you are a fan of the series.

- Gunstacking mechanic;
- Enemy variety;
- Good soundtrack;
- Versatile upgrade system;

- Short campaign;
224 Produkte im Account
45 Reviews
860 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.02.21 03:18
Comes as a two pack including the original 2011 release of Double D, & the 2013 release of Double D XXL.

Serious Sam Double D
While being the original release, it's definitely the hardest of the two offerings.
Being very unforgiving of your mistakes, nail biting, and ideas put into place at the time that may have not been fully complete.
Double D is a great take on a side scroller 'assumed to be fan service' attempt at a Serious Sam IP.
It doesn't come without it's flaws completely caked on, or maybe just not thought about at the time. As it almost comes off as a flash game at first.
Weapon stacking in Double D doesn't seem to be as balanced as it later becomes in the XXL version of the game.
Though the original doesn't need to be addressed for its flaws as it later becomes fixed.
Level design however in Double D feels lackluster in comparison.
What happened to the sneaky spots, there are maybe a total of twenty, leaving most of the game feeling very linear. This makes it hard to find replay value in the original.

Apart from some flaws, and the game seeing kind of dated. It might be worth it for you if you're a completionist kind of person.


Serious Sam Double D XXL
Finally, back for round two, huh?
XXL Brings fire back to the title, quite literally!
Guns are galore, a new upgrade system that breaks the games damage scaling and allows for easy boss capitalization, more paths in older levels, and just an overall much needed update.

That said, something about this title screams that it was initially made for the Xbox first hand, and then later pushed off to the PC without second though. Heck... Just look at some of the tip systems.
The game seems like it was console first before everything.

If there's one thing about the game that I can say needs a fix, it's definitely going to be the seemed to be randomized weapon spawns in each level.
Every time I've played through a specific level again, I notice that weapon spawns are different each time, which doesn't bother me. It has to be the fact that I get duplicates over and over though, can we change that some?

Double D XXL is by far the more superior game, with some dated humor, and drives back to old gameplay styles, showing that it pays homage to the games that inspired and came before it. Like the little Einhander style shoot 'em up that had happened randomly, to the side scrolling ski style slope mission. This game definitely tries its best to introduce new players, and give the game more to do.

While this game surely shows some of the struggles Mommy's Best Games have had to go through to make more reputable titles, it definitely shows no weakness to how firm and good the gameplay is, and that this team definitely brings something special to a different IP, and new style.
1325 Produkte im Account
42 Reviews
247 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.01.21 04:40
This is A LOT of fun, and the gunstacking is something else. MAKE ANOTHER ONE!
415 Produkte im Account
152 Reviews
198 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.11.20 00:08
What a strange game. Honestly kinda fun once you get used to it, and what an oddball it is in so many ways somehow fits perfectly with Sam. Does a lot of unique and interesting stuff. Easily recommended for any Serious Sam fan just to experience at least once.
91 Produkte im Account
25 Reviews
270 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.10.20 19:31
use left trigger to jump if ur not dumb
406 Produkte im Account
26 Reviews
1328 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.05.20 16:12
Got this game off of a giveaway on the Croteam facebook years ago. it was way more fun than it has any right to. Not usually a fan of new side scrollers but this one is definitely awesome.
732 Produkte im Account
29 Reviews
917 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.05.20 18:25
This game may lack the 3rd dimension, but Serious Sam spirit definitely lives in this one
306 Produkte im Account
120 Reviews
146 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.03.20 20:14
Do you like Serious Sam?
Do you like 2D shooters?
Do you like humor?

If yes,then buy it.
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83.37% 336 67
Release:30.08.2020 Genre:keine Infos Entwickler:keine Infos Vertrieb:keine Infos Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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