We're celebrating, and if you don't own a VR headset yet, we got you covered too: the rest of our catalog is 75% to 90% off! Check it out: http://store.steampowered.com/search/?developer=Croteam
Yeah, yeah, we know. VR sucks – it's a fact! Or, maybe it's the best thing since sliced bread? Sure, it's just for the 1%. But it's the future of gaming, aren't we all lucky to be alive at such exciting times?
At Croteam, we just love making great games regardless of the platform and for a long time we tried to be like Dalai Lama, thinking: why can't we all just get along? Or was it Jack Nicholson?
Anyhow, at this point we are simply beyond arguing and we'll just let you sort things out. Violently, if we can help it. And it turns out that we can.
Serious Sam VR: The First Encounter in now a full release on Steam, and comes with a free Fusion 2017 upgrade, too! It means that you can play a regular, non-VR version with opponents playing in VR (and vice versa) on the SAME server.
How does it work? If you own SSHD: The First Encounter, you've already received a free Fusion 2017 upgrade. Just start the game and look for those pesky VR 1 percenters. What's that? You own a headset and SSVR: The First Encounter? Just run the Fusion 2017 upgrade and frag that flat peasant!
Chainsaws and rocket launchers make for a compelling argument. Have at it, guys, and may the best platform win!
(Oh, please make sure to let us know the result. HF!)