Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice
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Über das Spiel

Erlebe das Sengoku-Japan des späten 16. Jahrhunderts, eine Zeit voller brutaler Konflikte und Kämpfe auf Leben und Tod. In dieser düsteren Welt musst du dich mit einem Arsenal an tödlichen prothetischen Werkzeugen sowie mächtigen Ninja-Fähigkeiten überlebensgroßen Feinden stellen. Ninja-Heimlichkeit, vertikale Fortbewegung und gnadenlose Duelle verschmelzen hier zu einer blutigen Konfrontation.
Noch haben wir keine Systemanforderungen für dieses Spiel eintragen können oder es sind noch keine bekannt.
Steam Nutzer-Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
492 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.04.22 10:30
Dont get me wrong this game is not bad absolutely not it feels unfair yes but, i guess if u put enough time into it u can get fairly decent. I cant do this i dont have the patience for this.
I enjoyed Elden Ring to the fullest and still do, thats why i thought maybe sekiro would be a enjoyable path aswell i was wrong.
Get this game in a sale so u dont suffer as much.
839 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.04.22 18:54
4127 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.11.21 02:39
Im New Game++, Nonne gestartet
1er Versuch An steuerung gewöhnen
2er Versuch besiegt.
Endboss gestartet
1er Versuch komischerweise laags ohne ende
2er Versuch besiegt.
Im ready for Elden Ring!♥
1509 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.08.21 12:56
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠑⢄⣠⠾⠁⣀⣄⡈⠙⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣆ it's good
⠀⣾⣷⣶⠇⠀⠀⣤⣄⣀⡀⠈⠻⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡇buy it
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4501 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.04.21 16:00
3885 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.02.21 13:53
Das Setting in Japan hat mir sofort zugesagt, als ich es gesehen habe, es ist deutlich heller als die anderen Soulsborne Titel und es sind alle Gegenden wirklich wunderschön gestaltet. Außerdem ist man nicht mehr nur an den Boden gefesselt, sondern hat einige Stellen, wo man mit dem Greifhaken von Ast zu Ast schwingt und seine Jump 'n Run Künste unter Beweis stellen darf, womit man coole Secrets (und Glitches, da sucht man aber ne Weile) entdecken kann!
Das Kampfsystem ist sehr schnell, aggressiv und legt viel Wert auf's parieren (wofür die Zeitfenster aber doch recht groß sind). Das war eins der Dinge, die mir an den anderen From Software-Spielen nicht so gefallen haben, also die langsamen Kämpfe, die jetzt größtenteils wegfallen. Zudem gibt es jetzt einen vorgeschriebenen Kampfstil, auf den das Spiel einen wirklich forced, weniger wie z.B. bei Dark Souls, wo man seine eigene Art zu kämpfen haben kann (also als Tank, Parieren oder Rollen), was die Kämpfe aber deutlich intensiver und detallierter macht, dadurch, dass man sich auf eine Variante konzentriert, dafür fallen halt einige Rollenspielelemente weg, Sekiro ist dementsprechend vielmehr ein Actionspiel. Die Revive Mechanic ist sehr angenehm, wie ich finde, aber zu einfach wird es definitiv nicht! Einige Bosse und Minibosse haben mich echt an den Rand der Verzweiflung gebracht (ja, ich schau auf dich, Dämon des Hasses), bei allen (außer einem) hatte ich aber dennoch jede Runde auf's Neue Spaß. Der Sound von zwei Katanas, die aufeinander clashen und lange Schlagabtäusche geben einem in jedem Kampf ein extrem gutes Gefühl, anders als z.B. in Dark Souls, wo jeder Boss gefühlt dreimal größer ist als du, das war auch etwas, was mich vom Kauf von Dark Souls eher abgehalten hat.
Die Möglichkeit zu stealthen macht einige Bosse nur noch halb so schwer und ist wirklich gelungen, es fühlt sich sehr gut an, Feinde unbemerkt aus dem Hinterhalt zu überraschen.
Fazit: Mir fällt auf Anhieb wenig Negatives über das Spiel ein, alles in allem war es eine verdammt gute Erfahrung, wenn man erstmal richtig drin ist. Nach dem dritten Run hört es immernoch nicht auf, mich zu faszinieren, ist aber definitiv nichts für Leute, die schnell frustriert sind, oder sich nicht an ein vorgegebenes Kampfsystem anpassen können (als Beispiel dafür würde ich auf das LP vom Drachenlord hinweisen). Es ist übrigens, laut allem, was ich bis dato von Spielern der anderen Soulsbornes gehört habe, ist Sekiro eindeutig das schwierigste, aber es war auch mein erstes Souls-like und es ging dafür dann doch recht gut durch. Anyway, hätte ich das Spiel nicht kostenlos bekommen, wäre es mir jeden Cent wert gewesen, von mir eine ganz eindeutige Kaufempfehlung!
2440 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.01.21 02:31
Härter, Zäher
Bessere Story
Kann ich jedem Souls/ Bloodborn Spieler ans Herz legen. Ich musste 2x anfangen um mit dem spiel warm zu werden, nach Dark Souls 1, 2 & 3, aber im nach hinein finde ich es sogar ein wenig besser.
2804 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.01.21 11:00
5254 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.01.21 15:32
589 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.12.20 01:00
4856 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.12.20 09:30
Yet I can't recommend this game to some people, so let me say this: if you get frustrated easily and quit games frequently if they are too hard for you, save your money. This game will frustrate you, but if you get through, it pays out.
4933 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.12.20 03:16
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠑⢄⣠⠾⠁⣀⣄⡈⠙⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣆ is good
⠀⣾⣷⣶⠇⠀⠀⣤⣄⣀⡀⠈⠻⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡇buy it
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2711 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.12.20 21:42
LG MArco from IBK
4734 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.11.20 11:42
2581 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.11.20 16:01
Blocking and dodging instead of just dodging is the way to play the game. If you like to try something new to just rolling around, then you will find a pretty great game here!
3549 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.11.20 23:56
1535 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.10.20 09:14
But the world, enemy design, exploration and combat make this worth cheking out.
108 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.08.20 17:09
But beware : Change your playstyle... Forget about what you have learned in all the other Soulsborn games so far :) .
Hint : Try to learn how to block correctly and you will have a lightly and especially good time in this games :) .
6001 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.08.20 08:43
Nicht Empfohlen
459 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.06.20 08:37
Eines vorweg: Ich komme von Dark Souls und Bloodborne. Wer hier ein ähnliches Spielerlebnis erwartet, könnte enttäuscht werden. Man sollte Sekiro als eigenständiges Spielerlebnis sehen. Hier die Punkte, warum Sekiro nichts für mich ist:
Das Kampfsystem:
Das Kampfsystem fordert eher eine defensivere Spielweise, mit blocken und Konterangriffen, bis der Posture-Balken des Gegners gefüllt ist und ein Todesstoß ausgeführt werden kann. Dies ist Geschmackssache, meins ist es nicht.
Die Minibosse und Bosse:
Die Minibosse in diesem Spiel sind hart. Erschwerend kommt noch hinzu, dass viele Miniboss-Areale noch mit normalen Gegnern gespickt sind, sodass man oftmals von mehreren Seiten bedient wird. Ein einzelnes Ausschalten der Gegner ist oftmals unmöglich, da sie sehr nahe beieinander stehen. Die Bosse und Minibosse haben in der Regel auch zwei Lebensbalken, sprich man muss sie zweimal klatschen.
Das Skillsystem:
Anders wie bei DS levelt man in Sekiro seinen Charakter und kann neue Fähigkeiten und Kampftechniken freischalten. Die einzelnen Charaktereigenschaften wie zum Beispiel die Lebensenergie kann man nicht leveln.
Harte Bestrafung beim endgültigen Spielertod:
Falls man endgültig stirbt, verliert man die Hälfte an Gold und auch die Hälfte an Erfahrung zum nächsten Levelaufstieg. Außerdem breitet sich die Krankheit „dragon rot“ aus, welche die Interaktion mit manchen NPCs verwährt.
Fazit: Sekiro hat eine sehr schöne Spielwelt und das Gegnerdesign ist auch sehr gut gelungen. Leider hat das Spiel einige Mechaniken, die mir aus rein spielerischer Sicht nicht zusagen und sehr frustrierend sind. Vielleicht werde ich Sekiro zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt noch einmal eine Chance geben, momentan kann ich das Spiel aber leider nicht empfehlen.
2604 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.06.20 20:33
If you want to play Sekiro coming from Dark souls you should be aware that there are a souls-like things like bonfirish checkpoints, vague storytelling (not as vague as dark souls though) and mysterious characters, level design with scattered items and losing stuff on death. Thats about it though.
There is no RPG-System:
- You get skillpoints that can be used to unlock new moves.
- Health is increased by collecting 4 prayer beads, just like the hearts in Zelda.
- Attackpower is increased by defeating bosses.
And thats it. The only improvement left is your skill and enemy knowledge. So usually you can barely improve stats-wise when you have trouble with a certain boss. Your best strategy is to lern the patterns. You have a shenobi-prostetic that gives you special attacks. But after i beat this game i can tell you it boils down to parrying.
So git gud or get lost.
1475 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.05.20 13:05
The way it feels when you are clashing swords makes me feel bitter about For Honor though.
It exactly feels like (in my opinion, obviously) For Honor should have felt tbh.
I hope they do another medival 'europe' style game with this fighting system.
6138 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.05.20 11:28
Von den Entwicklern die mich mehr wütend machen als jedes andere Entwickler Team kommt Sekiro viele Leute vergleichen es mit Dark Souls doch Sekiro ist kein Stück wie Dark Souls vielleicht auch nur die Schwierigkeit aber dazu kommen wir später.
Sekiro spielt in Japan im 16 Jahrhundert und ist wunderschön verglichen mit anderen From Software games denn dieses Mal hat ein Spiel Farbe anstatt nur die traurigen Farben in Dark Souls oder Bloodborne.
Die Geschichte geht darum deinen Meister ( ein kleines Kind ) zu beschützen doch es entwickelt sich zu einem Abenteuer zur Zerstörung der Fesseln der Unsterblichkeit. Es fehlt aber etwas mit einem DLC wäre das Spiel besser denn bei der Story fehlt noch was.
Die Welt in Sekiro hat sehr viel Lore was mich für das erste Mal interessiert. Jedes Gebiet ist anders mit Gegner die manchmal Menschen oder andere Kreaturen oder einfach nur Tiere mit Waffen sind sind einzigartig und Kreativ. In jedem Gebiet gibt es etwas interessantes zu entdecken aber die Gebiete sind zu einfach du kannst einfach durch rushen in Dark Souls kannst du dass auch aber da kann man die Gegner nicht überspringen indem man Sonic Style durch die Leute läuft und über sie springt.
Das Combat ist das beste was ich je in einem Videospiel gesehen habe, auch Normale Gegner können manchmal eine Herausforderung sein und mit dem neuen Stance Balken hat sich das Combat komplett von Dark Souls geändert du kannst noch immer jede Attacke ausweichen und dem Gegner seine KP zerstören doch es ist viel belohnender wenn du das neue Combat lernst und probierst die Balance des Gegner zu zerstören und dann anzugreifen.
Deine Shinobi Prothese ist ein neues Feature wo die verschiedene Alt. Attacken machen kannst zmb. Feuer, Shuriken, Axt, Speer, Messer und viele mehr du kannst sie auch immer verbessern bei einem Tool Skill Tree und nur verschiedene Gegner können besser bekämpft werden mit verschiedenen Tools. Du kämpfst gegen ein Pferd Reiter? Das Pferd hat Angst vor Feuerwerk Equipe also deine Prothese und mache gut schaden um den Boss leichter zu besiegen.
Anstatt Stats die man mit Seelen verbessert gib es jetzt Skill Trees die auch etwas bringe. Mikiri Konter ist einer der besten Skills die nur bestimmte Attacken parryien kann die normalerweise nicht parrybar ist.
Bosse ist einer der Sachen die Leute interessiert. Sind sie schwer? Ja mach dich bereit zu sterben wieder und wieder nur um das Combat besser zu lernen und den Boss beim nächsten mal besser zu kämpfen. Ich habe einmal 2 Tage für ein Boss gebraucht aber mit jedem einzelenen Tod den ich gelitten habe wurde ich besser ich habe sein Move-set auswendig gelernt und ihn besiegt beim zweiten Playtrough habe ich den Boss sogar beim First Try besiegt dass bedeutet aber nicht wenn man weiss wie das Combat funktioniert dass es einfach wird. Es ist noch immer ein From Software Spiel dass es in sich hat.
In kurzem Sekiro ist ein wunderschönes Spiel mit einzigartigem Combat den man über das Spiel lernt mit einer Story die dich mit jedem Twist weiter vorbereitet bis zum End Boss der das schwierigste ist was ich je bekämpft habe der hat einfach ne Lanze, Schwert, eine fucking Gun, und 4 Leben aber als ich die Credits gesehen habe hatte ich ein Gefühl was ich noch nie hatte es war unbeschreiblich.
Sekiro Shadows Die Twice 8,5/10
Gameplay - 2/2
Story - 1/2
Graphics - 2/2
Bosse - 2/2
Welt - 1,5/2
2721 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.04.20 15:16
Your prosthetic arm gives you a a lot of addition tactics in battle due to the collection of gadgets you can attach to it. Also you can learn unique combos, strikes and skills. So yeah like I said pretty awesome gamplay wise.
The story is nothing too spectacular but keeps you motivated.
Every region has some sort of verticality for your movement with the grappling hook. Stealth makes many parts a lot easier. I think Dark Souls 1 and Bloodborne have still better regions and atmosphere but thats my opinion. I'd say this game is not as hard as Dark Souls 1 or Bloodborne due to the fact it's way fairer and stealth makes -like I said- almost every part easier except for the bosses ofc .. In addition you almost never die because of some BS. Ye it has a steep learning curve but it's very rewarding.
After Bloodborne my favorite Soulsborne like game.
Go buy it, you won't regret it.
797 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.04.20 23:14
Aber mit 'Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice' habe ich mal wieder ein Game entdeckt, dass mich wirklich gepackt hat.
Die vielen Auszeichnungen mögen vielleicht zu der Kaufentscheidung beigetragen haben, aber auch der Trailer alleine hat mich schon gut überzeugt.
Also grundsätzlich ist das Spiel von der Aufmachung, Optik, Effekte, Story her ein absoluter Kracher. Nach (noch nicht ganz so vielen) 12 Stunden Spielzeit kann ich wohl noch nicht ganz so weit ausholen, was zum Beispiel Fähigkeiten, Feindbild etc. angeht, aber selbst wenn es oft mal nicht leicht ist, Spannung ist jederzeit geboten, man lernt, findet stets was Neues, und hat an jeder Ecke einen Feind mit wieder anderen Fertigkeiten und Skills. Das hat bei mir einen zum Teil doch jenseits der 140 hits per minute liegenden Puls gesorgt.
Also die Bewertung ist zwar relativ einfach gehalten und eher oberflächlich, aber am Ende möchte ich nur eine klare Kaufempfehlung aussprechen. Holt es euch!
Beste Grüße
4636 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.04.20 11:26
aber wenn man sich Dark Souls 1 anschaut war es damals auch knüppel hart und heute gibt es schon wesentlich mehr Leute die es durchgespielt haben und es nicht mehr sooo mega schwer angesehen wird und je mehr man sich auf Sekiro einlässt, am ball bleibt und übt wird man auch hier durch kommen ;) kämpfe laufen sehr fließend und intuitiv ab und wenn man erst einmal einige counter bei bestimmten Angriffen drauf hat macht es noch viel mehr Spaß! ich wünschte es gäbe mehr davon.
Intensiv und spannend! 9,5 / 10
411 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.03.20 09:59
Die Frage stellt dir Sekiro nicht! du stirbst einfach.... immer und immer wieder
Für alle selbstmörderischen Dark Souls Fans ist dieses Spiel noch einmal eine Stufe mehr Selbstzerstörung!
Aber insgesamt ist es ein schönes Spiel welches einen aber auch zum Aufgeben bringen kann.
7618 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.02.20 23:31
5593 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.04.22 08:18
EDIT: After now finishing the game three times on PC... The PC experience just adds to the experience. It's a joy to indulge the host of customization options and QoL improvements PC modding brings to any game. Best FROMSOFT game + Dio noises mod + custom skin + unlocked FPS? Sign me up. ELDEN RING was a joy to explore, but Sekiro keeps me coming back.
EDIT: The mods used are all available on the nexus mods website. (Sekiro Mod Engine - REQUIRED) (Unlock Sekiro's inner Dio) (Oni of Ashina outfit) (FPS unlocker + More)
30516 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.11.21 21:59
Sekiro is a rock hard, unforgiving, thrilling, beautiful, roller coaster of a ride. Any Souls game experience you have will actually work against you in Sekiro for the most part. It takes the From Software formula in a completely new direction that was initially frustrating for me but ended up be incredibly fulfilling.
My initial playthrough was going along great until I ran into Shinobi Hunter Enshin of Misen. That guy was the biggest brick wall of any From Software game for me. I actually gave up for awhile but eventually it clicked. I Got Gud as they say.
After that, the game truly becomes a masterwork in level design, gameplay, art direction and storytelling.
This is a masterpiece when taken as a whole. It is not perfect but is damn close.
If you truly want to test your mettle as a gamer, this is your doctoral thesis. After besting Sekiro, nothing else has seemed difficult that didn't include artificial or cheap difficulty.
I know it may sound strange, but I feel like a generally more resiliant person after completing Sekiro. When life throws a challenge at me now, I think back to how it felt like Sekiro was an impossible task. It has given me the confidence to keep trying and not be as quick to give up.
This is not a game for everyone. But if you do have patience, determination, and a sturdy controller, there is a masterpiece here, just waiting to reveal itself.
4498 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.11.21 11:31
4189 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.10.21 21:21
Before I played:
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After I played:
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10540 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.10.21 13:35
The time sink to get good at it varies but is worth it, like any soulsborne game.
In short- game incredibly good
5283 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.10.21 07:05
One of the best game I ever played in my lfie and my new favorite game ever, I enjoyed every second of it, took me 50 hours to beat it with one of the finals and I don't plan stoping anytime soon.
Please fromsoftware we need a Sekiro 2
5480 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.08.21 18:47
Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice
Well deserving of 2019 Game of the Year
Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice, a game from FROM SOFTWARE which are the same developers that did the Dark Souls series.
One should expect the game to have an absurd difficulty. Though do not be discouraged as one could still progress through the story by learning a few things.
Valuable game tips (and some lore) are given through eavesdropping on enemy conversation.
Gameplay and Combat
Combat feels amazing. Everything feels fluid. There are a lot of challenging enemies which includes regular mobs.
The combat system of the game enforces you to be aggressive. It is easier to build posture damage when enemy vitality is low.
Unlike Dark Souls, the combat system doesn't heavily rely on dodging or rolling.
Deflecting attacks is the best defensive ability in your arsenal.
Dodging and jumping still provides some i-frames, with the latter giving less i-frames.
Guarding is your low-risk, low-reward defensive ability. Regular mobs are not programmed to deal with broken posture, so guard all the way until you have learned the enemy moveset.
Stealth is highly rewarded. All regular mobs die within a single backstab/deathblow.
You could even cut most mini-boss battles in half just by starting the battle in steatlh backstab/deathblow.
Dying doesn't feel so bad. You know what could you have done to avoid certain death.
Most boss battles are tough. There will be a lot of high adrenaline moments. Be prepared to die a lot.
Mini bosses are also a wall, but most are optional. I do not recommend skipping them.
They are a test of your skill, and you can always run when at the risk of dying. Mini bosses also drop Prayer Beads that increases your Max Health and Posture.
Shinobi tools and items are useful. Don't sleep on them. Use them when you can. Some tools/items can even make boss fights easier [spoiler](Firecrackers, Ashes, Flame vent, Snap seeds, etc)[/spoiler]
Story & Music
The narrative is relatively short, and could easily be understood. The story isn't confusing unlike Dark Souls.
Always eavesdrop on friendly NPC to learn some parts of the story and (to gain access to a specific ending)
The story might be short, but the journey is long.
There are 4 possible endings.
Music is great and fits the game. BGMs are subtle and does their job well.
Some sound effects are loud, specifically the clashing swords and deathblow.
Performance and Display
Consistent 59-60 FPS with High settings on a mid-tier PC.
Advanced graphics settings can be adjusted.
0 crashes.
Full keyboard support. On-screen input display can be changed according to your preference.
Parting words: [spoiler]GIT GUD[/spoiler]
This game is not for everyone, especially those who just want to sit back and chill while playing.
I've read people complaining, especially from the negative reviews, that the game isn't fun for them because they are stuck on the same boss for X hours. Having fun is relative.
This isn't a game that one would magically finish just by blindly battling the bosses over and over.
You have to learn, improvise, adapt, then overcome.
Patience is a virtue. Do not be infuriated from dying over and over.
Do not let the fear of defeat prevent you from seizing the excitement of victory.
At 90 hours of play time, I was able to get all achievements on the game.
[spoiler]First playthrough attempts count
Gyoubu Oniwa: 5 attempts
Lady Butterfly: 11 attempts
Genichiro Ashina: 4 attempts
Guardian Ape: 8 attempts
Headless Ape: 1 attempt
Corrupted Monk: 2 attempts
Great Shinobi Owl: 20+ attempts
True Corrupted Monk: 2 attempts
Divine Dragon: 1 attempt
Demon of Hatred: 40+ attempts
Sword Saint Isshin Ashina: 30+ attempts
Unique bosses from Second playthough
Great Shinobi Owl: 8 attempts
Emma the Gentle Blade: 2 attempts
Isshin Ashina: 3 attempts[/spoiler]
Final note: Feel free to comment here or add me. I'd be more than willing to give tips.
2109 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.06.21 18:49
☐ You forget what reality is
☑ Beautiful
☐ Good
☐ Decent
☐ Bad
☐ Don‘t look too long at it
☐ Paint.exe
☑ Very good
☐ Good
☐ It‘s just gameplay
☐ Mehh
☐ Starring at walls is better
☐ Just don‘t
☐ Eargasm
☑ Very good
☐ Not too bad
☐ Bad
☐ Earrape
☐ Kids
☐ Teens
☐ Adults
☑ Human
---{PC Requirements}---
☐ Check if you can run paint
☐ Potato
☑ Decent
☐ Fast
☐ Rich boiiiiii
☐ Ask NASA if they have a spare computer
☐ Just press ‚A‘
☐ Easy
Significant brain usage
☐ Difficult
☐ Nothing to grind
☐ Only if u care about leaderboards/ranks
☑ Isnt necessary to progress / if you want to play easier
☐ Average grind level
☐ Too much grind
☐ You‘ll need a second live for grinding
☐ Story?
☐ Text or Audio floating around
☐ Average
☐ Good
☑ Lovely
☑It‘ll replace your life
---{Game Time}---
☐ Long enough for a cup of coffee
☐ Short
☐ Average
☑ Long
☑ Infinity if you cant pass damn boss
☐ It’s free!
☑ Worth the price
☐ If u have some spare money left
☐ Not recommended
☐ You could also just burn your money
☑ Never heard of
☐ Minor bugs
☐ Can get annoying
☐ ARK: Survival Evolved
☐ The game itself is a big terrarium for bugs
3038 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.06.21 17:32
This is the first title from developer FromSoftware that has really caught my interest and after checking it out, I found myself investing a large amount of time enjoying all that it has to offer. Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice has everything I would want in a video game: an awesome story, amazing combat, and a wonderful world to explore.
Pros and Cons
- A wonderfully crafted story tied to an amazing world to explore
- Fantastic enjoyable, and fun challenging combat that will make you feel like you are in a sword fight
- Unique Shinobi Prosthetic Tools to utilize to help you in sticky situations
- Eye-catching graphics that are just beautiful to look at
- An amazing soundtrack that fits the late Sengoku Period theme
- The issues were so minor that they did not meddle with my experience
The story starts out in the late finctional Sengoku Era near the end of the war when Owl, a master shinobi, comes across a small child on the brink of death on the battlefield. He decides to rescue the child and call him Wolf. From then, over the next 20 years, he trains Wolf in the way of the Shinobi.
Owl assigns Wolf to protect his young master Kuro, who is a descendant of an ancient bloodline that has the ability to grant immortality. Three years later, a rival clan captures Kuro, wanting to take advantage of his ability for their own benefit.
During Wolf's attempt to rescue Kuro, he is defeated and left on the ground with a severed arm unconscious. After waking and understanding his situation, he meets a Monk who supports Wolf by providing him with a prosthetic arm and also confirming that Kuro is still alive. Equipped with a new Shinobi prosthetic tool to help him on his mission, he sets out to rescue his master
I love Sekiro’s story as it is crafted wonderfully with much to unravel. There are many mythological references, which I found very fun and interesting. I also appreciate the use of colors throughout the environments that are tied to Japanese culture.
Not only is the story great, but the world itself is full of mystery. There is so much I want to know about it, from the locations, to the characters, enemies, bosses. It’s like every character teases you with a hint of a backstory that makes you curious to know more about them.
Have you always wanted to know what it feels like to be in an actual sword fight? Sekiro does this greatly. When facing off against enemies you will see a stamina meter called Posture that builds up each time you damage someone or deflect their attacks. Once it fills completely, your enemy will be stunned and be unable to move for a short period of time which opens an opportunity to attack. Be careful though, as they can do the exact same thing to you, this adds in a strategic element.
When you defeat enemies or bosses, you obtain EXP ,which you can use to level up, earning you more skills for Wolf to use in combat. When an enemy or boss's health bar has been depleted, you can perform a Shinobi Death Blow. This is a finishing move that I recommend doing frequently, as you are invincible while performing the move.
Combat can get quite challenging as enemies will have all sorts of tricks up their sleeve. However, you must learn to master the fundamentals of Sekiro, learning the mechanics and flow of the combat. As soon as you master the controls, Sekiro's difficulty can be very manageable, allowing you to feel powerful and in control of the combat experience. You should have such a feeling of pride after figuring out their mechanics and patterns.
There will be times when you will die in combat, you are not out of the fight, as Wolf can revive himself. Sometimes if timed rightly, you can use your extra life to get the drop on enemies for a surprise attack. This really keeps you on your toes to pay attention to your surroundings.
Shinobi Prosthetic Tool
The Shinobi Prosthetic Tool is a device that will help you on your journey throughout the game, with a variety of uses. It comes equipped with a grappling hook, allowing you to reach higher areas which can sometimes be used to grapple onto bosses for close melee combat. You can also obtain other tools to assist you with the prosthetic, like a Shuriken (Throwing Stars), a Flame Vent, and a Loaded Axe. My favorite one has to be the Shinobi Firecracker as it stuns enemies for a few seconds, which I found very beneficial on most of the bosses. You need materials to increase your tools effectiveness, which you can gather by killing various enemies.
All of these require Sprite Emblems to use, which are collected as you kill enemies throughout your journey. Another way to get them is by spending Sen, the currency system in the game that is dropped by the enemies that you kill.
Shinobi Arts
There are several skill trees that you can choose to put your skill points on, to help shape your play style. I chose Shinobi Arts, which focuses on stealth tactics and is perfect for those who prefer to do things quietly. You can get a variety of useful skills like the Whirlwind Slash, Mid-Air Deflection, and Shadowrush. I highly recommend getting the Mikiri Counter as it is one of the most useful skills in the game, which will help build your Posture quickly. This seems to increase the stamina meter quicker than most of the other defensive skills that you get.
Graphics, Performance, and Soundtrack
Sekiro has to be one of the most beautiful games that I have played. Each area is crafted wonderfully with bright and colorful environments that transition very well into darker gloomier ones, keeping a fresh pace as you explore the world. This helps to show us that not every area is full of bright colors, and that there are some darker corners of this world. I tested the game on an NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 3GB, AMD Ryzen 5 1500X Quad-Core Processor 3.50, and 16 GB of RAM. I experienced no issues while I was playing and sat at 60 FPS with no slowdowns. You will need a decent computer to run this game, at max settings, though.
The soundtrack for Sekiro is really fitting for the late Sengoku period that the game was aiming for. Some of the songs really catch the moment when you initiate combat with an enemy or boss.
Final Thoughts
Sekiro is truly amazing! I have never played anything like this before, having everything that I would want in a video game that executes everything it wanted to accomplish expertly. This has made it to my list of simply perfect games out there. I’d even recommend Sekiro at full price as there is just so much to experience, adding good replay value to try to experience it all.
Wolf, your mission is to check out some good quality reviews at Life Needs a Little Sin
6562 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.06.21 15:48
Every single aspect of Sekiro is top tier . Some things go without saying, like the music is obviously f*cking amazing, the game runs smoothly, the voice acting is phenomenal (IN JAPANESE, NOT IN ENGLISH), the controls work super well (although sometimes the camera can go a bit crazy), and the lore/story is super interesting. I really love the implementation of Buddhism and Shintō, it helps to add some realism to make it feel less like a game and more like actually being in a different, living world. The combat and action is so beautifully-crafted, engaging, satisfying, and challenging. Adding stealth, jumping and deathblows elevates the gameplay to godly heights, and makes it feel so cinematic and fluid. Stealthily assassinating targets, rushing in crazily fighting multiple enemies at once with combat arts, or separating groups into 1-on-1 fights and unleashing parry god mode, it's up to the player to decide how to fight. They really aced the sound design - hearing the continuous clashing of swords is SO therapeutic. The variety of all the different tools/weapons you can have in your arsenal allows you to experiment and approach fights in tons of different ways. Sekiro is visually stunning, and, no surprise, the storytelling through the environments is really impressive, just like Dark Souls and Bloodborne. You can really feel just how devastated and broken Ashina is - but then there are other locations like [spoiler] Fountainhead Palace [/spoiler], which is jaw-droppingly beautiful. The addition of grappling seriously changes everything. Movement has never felt so good, and the fact that it can also be utilised in combat just makes it so much better. Playing through the game was just such an unforgettable experience. The game knows how to keep things from you and always manages to surprise you. I swear I f*cking squealed when I found out that you could [spoiler] go underwater, and that there's even COMBAT UNDERWATER [/spoiler]. Now the real meat of the game - the boss battles. I don't think it's controversial to say that this game probably has the best boss quality in any game, at least any game that I've played so far. As much as I love love love Dark Souls III, I have to be honest and say that the fights in Sekiro are just so well made and consistent. I'm a big sucker for cinematic fights, and Sekiro does not disappoint. Fighting [spoiler] the Divine Dragon [/spoiler] brought me so much joy. The game is the perfect length. It feels like a long, difficult journey on your first playthrough, but once you get to know and understand the game, later playthroughs should take way less time, but still be fun.
Sekiro is one of the best games I've ever played. Really does feel like an honour to be able to play it, and I wholeheartedly recommend it to everyone . I'm a few achievements away from 100%'ing the game, so I'm gonna enjoy spending some more hours grinding for that, and considering the game just has so much content and variety, I might still do a few more playthroughs afterwards, until I somehow get bored!
★★★★★ 10/10 PERFECT SCORE, BABY????
62218 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.06.21 22:57
2420 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.04.21 18:48
This line of dialogue not only fits well within the context of the game, but also seems to perfectly reflect the approach of From Software themselves as a studio. For they have not hesitated to break away from the Souls formula to create this unique action/adventure/rhythm game with incredible depth in both narrative and gameplay. And that too with immense panache.
Any Berserk fan will immediately connect with the adrenaline pumping gameplay; the sweet sound of swords and spears clashing and deflecting is taken straight out the pages of Miura's work. Where in the case of the Dark Souls games it was the world that was influenced from Berserk, this time the whole core gameplay is influenced by the manga.
And how sweet it is! Sekiro's combat is built on 6 pillars; namely attack, block/deflect, counter, jump, combat art and prosthetic tool, and it is solely upto the player to adapt themselves to any particular playstyle by making use of the pillars they see fit for their approach. There are so many prosthetic tools and combat arts at your disposal and each of these can define a specific playstyle of their own.
Although Sekiro does allow the traditional and slow Souls approach of evasion/attack, it encourages a direct approach aka facetanking and being more bold and aggressive. Timing the perfect deflects feels immensely satisfying and soon the game feels like a rhythm game that asks you to press the correct button in the correct time. This particular rhythmic mood that the combat provides feels fresh and essentially makes the combat in the Soulsborne games feel outdated.
This is also helped by the fact that animation has never been better in a From game. Controlling the character is super fluid and responsive. Running and jumping around as a shinobi makes you feel empowered as this unstoppable force with unlimited stamina. It makes the player feel like a force to be reckoned with. This mobility, coupled with the grapple hook opens up new avenues of world exploration and pacing. You will be able to just zip across the map if you so wish and damn does it feel good!
Stealth is another new and fresh mechanic that is implemented to perfection. Although it is imperative to fight most of thebosses, whole portions of map can simply be cleared with your shinobi capabilities provided you like stealth gameplay. Figuring out the avenues and finding perfect routes for clearing a whole map while one-shotting everybody from behind is not only a viable option, rather it is an alternative and perfectly established part of the gameplay experience.
Visual effects is another aspect that From has improved in spades for this game. There is extremely satisfying visual and audio cues and feedback for any sort of action or effect, which gels so well with the artwork and backdrop of the game. The visual effects for each combat art and prosthetic tool is unique and striking; none of them will feel like cheap mechanics once you check out their cool implementations and attention to detail.
In the name of Ashina
Do I need to say it out loud?
The game looks incredible
The game is littered with jaw dropping vistas and recreates ancient Japan with absolute class. The mountains afar, the jungles down below, the temples, castles are all created with impeccable attention to detail. The textures and environments are so detailed that you can lose yourself in validating the deliberate imperfections put in by the artists to make the world feel so alive. Needless to say, most of the world map is interconnected in typical From fashion and exploration has never ever felt better due to the animations, controls and graphics.
This is further helped by the inclusion of so many NPC's this time around. Where the Souls games were based in dead/dying worlds, the world in Sekiro is alive and teeming with characters; at least way more than what we had in the previous games. The protagonist having a voice and conscience makes the game feel more personal than ever before.
Lets be real - the stories in the Soulsborne games are very shrouded; abstract at best. Only if you delve into hour long item description research or lookup Vaatividya videos will you be able to make some sense of them. However, that is not the case here.
Sekiro has a clear story, with this newfound focus and emphasis on the narrative that is completely new in a From game. The story not only pays homage to ancient Japanese lore and culture, but also to the spirit of manga and anime; all the while keeping a tight grip on the rich gameplay experience. This bold approach that From has taken deviating from their age old narrative formula, and the way they have executed it with such ease is really commendable.
One for the ages
It took me more than 100 hours to finish each of the Souls games, playing offline. Sekiro took me 40 hours.
This proves a point I feel very strongly about - Sekiro is the most approachable FromSoft game I have ever played. I had my concerns that the game might be very difficult, but this game encouraged something in me that most other games do not; something I strongly enjoy - the ability to facetank. This aggressive approach, coupled with heightened mobility options makes the game a tad shorter but I believe this also makes the game a better product.
The game throws so much option at you, be it the plethora of consumables or offensive capabilities; that playing smartly often trivialises most of the fights. There are a couple of bosses that can induce frustration, but other than that Sekiro feels better paced as a whole game. We also have to keep in mind the high replay value due to the fact that some of the bosses are locked behind certain alternative endings.
As this review nears it's end, the one thing that I want to emphasise on is the sheer quality of the game as a whole. Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice really feels and plays like an ideal AAA product, with every aspect being so polished to perfection. It delivers an unforgettable experience while transporting you to this deep, mystical and fictional Japanese land on the verge of collapse, keeping you on the edge of your seat throughout the journey, while effectively testing all your skills as a player.
7514 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.03.21 12:03
They aren't the most difficult bosses but they are very challenging and there are very few options to power up and brute force your way through a boss. You can farm xp and money to buy new skills and other things but you can't raise your base stats. If you aren't sure of yourself or willing to improve you could hit a brick wall after a few hours and give up.
Combat is very responsive and nearly all the problems like phantom hits, delayed actions after button presses, and unresponsive controls from the souls series have been fixed. On my 1650 at 1080p I get a solid 60fps on a mixture of max and high settings so the game runs well also much better than previous Fromsoft games.
The soundtrack beautifully complimented each area and encounter. It's one of the most impactful and memorable scores from their library I have played.
I'm an explorer and love finding secrets. Trust me, there are tons of those as you progress and you're rewarded for going off the beaten path. So the game will most likely satisfy you about that. I also don't recommend using any guides on your first playthrough and experiencing everything first hand.
Try not to get too angry when you sit back and enjoy ancient castles, bamboo forests, acid swamps, mountain side temples, forsaken villages, and more in this journey you're about to take. Also keep in mind that you will die a lot more than twice.
9156 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.02.21 00:46
This game can be stressing and hard at times, but damn does it feel good to overcome bosses. I love the fact that you can parry so many things in the game, even if figuring out what exactly you can parry is a pain in the ass the first time you play it. Once you get used to them, the movement and fighting systems are easier to get good at than they look, as long as you dont get too greedy when attacking. This game rewards you a lot for being patient and studying your enemies.
I perosnally 100% the game and after having beaten in twice, every enemy and most of the bosses became easier to beat, which is a signal of how good you've become thanks to your experience at that point. Gameplay aside, i love the atmosphere of the game, the story and the bosses. All 3 get interesting if you give them enough attention during your gameplay, and you might be able to even figure out cool secrets that the game doesn't directly tell you thanks to that.
I personally got it during a sale, but if you are considering to pay the full price for the game, just know that its gonna take a lot of your time and that sometimes you might feel like quitting the game entirely because of its difficulty. If you have already thought of those factors, then I fully recommend you to pay for the original price.
This game has now become my favourite game.
5159 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.02.21 16:14
So, is Sekiro as good as souls borne ? No, its better
Positive site of SEKIRO :
1. Game has a story
2. Don't need to read item description or Vatti's video to understand the story
3. Removal of RPG , Yes !!!! No need to grid for kill the next boss , now you really need to git gud :P
4. The rhythm based combat is really fun to master and you will end up being a badass Shinobi at the end of the game .
5. The prosthetic arm is a welcome edition to this game and some bosses are weak to particular prosthetic tools so use them wisely .
6.Replay value is good . 4 different ending and you might miss some of the bosses by missing ending . So worth replaying
7.This game has some of the finest bosses in the history of video games , don't miss Demon of hatred .
8. Length of the game is good . first play through might take you 35-40 hours and exploring all endings might take 60-80 hours . which is more than enough for me , I don't have time to spend 300+ hours on a video game .
9. You can pause the f*cking game. Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees!!
Negative site :
1. Story is less complex , you might not care about the story in NG+ and play for the amazing boss fight .
2. Sound track is just not there if you compare it to dark souls . BUT I really like the metal slashing sound during combat .
3. Can't remember any con's right now .
Pro tips : You need good reflex and deflect timing to git gud in the game . No roll ,block and attack . and also this game have delay attack so its easier than Souls series . If you have played game like Assassins creed II you might already have good reflex to master this game. Yes, once upon a time you need to use tactics in Assassins creed games .
final Verdict: The story might be weak but the story gave me strength to complete the game unlike dark souls where I tried to quit multiple time. Sound track might be not the best but the metal slashing sound is just bad ass . so yes , a masterpiece 10/10
Sale or no sale just BUY IT!!
If you are having tough time beating the game try harder you have infinite life bosses don't . This game will wroth your time . HAPPY GAMING
3683 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.01.21 01:38
It would be a 10/10 game if it wasn't for the headless mini bosses and the fear mechanic.
Also JESUS CHRIST. No other videogame made my hands sweat this much.
6596 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.01.21 15:52
From Software and my lord Miyazaki never fails.Great atmosphere,graphics and story.Sekiro:Shadows Die Twice is one of the best game Fromsoftware ever released.You can feel the soul of previous games.It challenges, punishes, and brings a warm feeling of joy with every mastered encounter.It's not for everyone,and it is deeply challenging game.It will develop all of your devotion,your skill, your ability to pull through.Sekiro is a worthy heir to the Souls-like dynasty.
No other game was made to test my commitment to your masterpieces, Master Miyazaki.
94 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.01.21 12:59
Here's the video on how to do it:
7061 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.11.20 19:13
Combat is unlike anything I've experienced prior to this game. The way you deflect and dodge attacks and seamlessly transition between offense and defense is just so f***ing smooth. The skills system and prosthetic tools let you mix up combat as well.
The setpieces are one of the best parts of the game. It's basically medieval Japan on crack. Lots of Japanese folklore and religious themes mixed in, which is cultured af. The story and voice acting are solid as well, as expected of From Software.
This game is no pushover, however. It makes Dark Souls feel like a cakewalk. Death is heavily punished and getting two-shot will be common. But I feel like the gameplay is rewarding enough to make you keep going.
The recent update lets you replay boss battles, which makes a perfect game even more perfect. Drop that Genshin garbage and play this, you noobs
12215 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.10.20 20:45
216116 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.10.20 20:30
+ The visuals. Really immersive and well detailed, the artistic direction is gorgeous
+ The combat is extremelly satisfying and fair
+ Graphics are really beautiful.
+ Customizable controls
+ Good character personalization with skills and prosthesis tree
+ Soundtrack is delicious
+ High learning curve
+ Good environment
3416 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.09.20 03:57
7699 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.09.20 00:58
4575 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.08.20 02:41
One of my favorite aspects of FromSoft's games is the satisfaction you receive from defeating a boss that's proven difficult. It could take hours, days, or on your first try. The feeling is unparalleled in games. That feeling is amplified in Sekiro, for bosses, mini bosses, or just a bunch of mobs. Death comes easier this time around, you get cut down in seconds. But you also can kill in seconds. The risk reward is through the roof and you feel the gratification from each encounter.
The level design is gorgeous. FromSoft excels in this department as their environments are always so rich and full of loot hidden around. Environmental storytelling is everywhere, inviting you to figure out and learn yourself about where you're at. The world is smaller than their other games but it's densely packed, especially with NPCs. The NPCs have really well done questlines with options within them.
Music playing during levels instead of only at boss fights is a welcome change, each song is unique and memorable. The music being more present fits well with the story being more present as well. The story is less convoluted than the other games, with cutscenes and voice acting. The Japanese voice acting is incredibly immersive and I recommend your first playthrough with that on. The English dub is well done for the most part, there's a few characters and lines of dialogue that took me out of the game for a moment.
I do wish that there were more choices regarding playstyles, but this isn't like their other games. It's more of an action game than an RPG. What kept me playing is seeing my progress increase, my skill increase. Starting out getting utterly destroyed and ending feeling like a god is what these games are about. The difficulty eventually giving way to your persistence and adaptation.
There are four unique endings, each of them satisfying and wildly different. Replayability comes in the form of going for those endings and honing your skills. As the better you become, the more easily you'll be able to use all that the combat system has to offer.
6455 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.07.20 15:24
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For strictly adult lewdness, kindly consider Joining and Following Superfabs Candy Tray if you like our reviews! It helps a lot! Thanks!
Sekiro™: Shadows Die Twice is a challenging action-packed hack n’ slash style Souls-like dark masterpiece developed by FromSoftware, and Published by Activision (outside of Japan and Asia), FromSoftware (Japan), and 方块游戏 (Asia)... or is it?
While I enjoyed playing through Sekiro, I’ve got to be honest. It’s beautiful, regular combat is quite satisfying, and dying can really be quite painful to your emotional side when you cannot retrieve or make use of your gained experience. It has a fairly interesting story, but it certainly seems pretty flawed and unfinished in some areas. I liked it enough to finish the game’s achievements, but the last leg of it felt grueling, arduous, and most bosses in this game are pretty boring. They tend to use the same kinds of moves, and it’s all about blocking, and blocking, and more blocking. That’s right! It’s pretty much a block and then pick your spot kind of thing, breaking this odd mechanic that has been aptly named the posture gauge.
The grappling hook ability is really amazing! I had tons of fun running all over the place, whether it was trees, rooftops, mountains, straight into windows, and more! The free-falling feels really great. It’s got this nice peaceful rhythm to it once you get used to the play. Basic combat is mostly the same, but you can sneak up and insta-kill certain enemies once you learn how. There’s a good bit of stealth involved, if you want it. Things like deathblows as well, if you drop and time your sword(s), the Kusabimaru & later [spoiler]Fushigiri (the second of which can kill the dead)[/spoiler] to strike on time. Pretty basic with attacking, and not much variety besides blocking and blocking and blocking on the bosses. Picking your spots is vital, since the pace is quick. Some bosses were quite relentless. Most involve simply using that block strategy until you out-poise them and they are vulnerable once that posture gauge is gone.
There are other somewhat interesting tools, but most are almost useless, and very situational. The only one I found remotely helpful on a regular basis was the firecrackers. Mostly felt like filler, otherwise.
Pretty graphics, great music, combat was somewhat fun aside from boss fights. Those were mostly quite boring, and it becomes a “block simulator” game during those. There are a few variations to this theme, but overall it’s more about “in your face” boss fights, rather than the old “Souls-like” formula of getting to a safe distance to replenish health. If you want to rely on dodge rolling in this game, forget it! While it can be vital to dodge in situations that require it, you will find enemies usually far too aggressive in this to utilize dodging, so forget about a lot of i-frames, and be ready to have your finger on the block button on the regular! If you can learn to block, parry & counter in this game, it is a cakewalk.
Setting, story, environments. Beautiful art on all fronts. Great movement look, even at high speeds, and little to no blur, and no lag for me. Optimized fairly well!
You can grapple around and mess with your potential kills quite a lot. Kind of fun tormenting them a bit.
The phases on bosses were fairly interesting on the ones that had multiple variations. Good mechanic to include, for the most part. Kept you guessing on that front, until you learned patterns, and figured out when to parry and block to hammer that posture meter!
Neat area layout, interesting characters to interact with. Surprises as you move through the story.
I liked the concept of the elites, but many got rather boring beyond NG and into + mode.
I ran past more stuff than I would’ve liked in this, since it just got too redundant.
My firecrackers were great in many situations. The only tool I relied on heavily in the game, as it had many uses!
Bosses could wreck and punish you in a hurry if you didn’t know their patterns and when to block or hit them properly. It wasn’t about “git gud”, but about “blok gud”.
RPG-like system for leveling various aspects of your character’s fighting style and techniques that could be used.
Some alternative endings, but too quirky to really know what you’re doing on some of them without a guide, unfortunately.
There’s a guy that collects poop. He’s awesome.
Not what I expected. Over-hyped and underwhelming. I feel there was a lot of wasted potential in this game. Most of the bosses and tools and some mechanics were worthless and just there for fluff.
Too expensive asking price for what you get. Something cheaper like Yakuza 0 offers tons more fun, and is half the price! You also have more variation and more side stuff that actually is useful and meaningful.
I wore my block button out. That’s all I did through 90% of the boss fight sequences.
Took forever to get enough points for all skills. Dumb achievement that took about fifteen or twenty extra hours of pure grinding, I think.
Some of the endings were basically about the same. There are only a few though. Didn’t really make much difference in my eyes. Kind of wish it had gone a little more in-depth there as to the what and why of things.
Some of the upgraded tools were kind of wasteful also. Took too long to upgrade to max, and made little difference on most. No variation really.
No weapons or armor to collect really, so it felt flat and dull in that area. Nioh was more satisfying to me in that regard, and had more interesting combat tactics as well, for instance.
It’s too pretty and I stuck with it, so I cannot rate this as bad. I almost want to, due to the lack of quality in many areas of the game. It did enough to stay alive for me, and I finished it to completion. I just wish I had enjoyed its nuances more. Was rather weak and bland.
Sekiro™: Shadows Die Twice is a unique blend of ninja, grappling, RPG, hack n’ slash, bloody carnage, and an interesting story. Everything feels kind of halfway there though for me. Graphics feel complete, but most other things feel empty and incomplete. Mechanics are boring after a while. It becomes like clockwork where you just block repeatedly, regular enemies get wasted rather fast, and boss battles take a long time due to this silly posture idea.
I expected a lot, and this game fell way short of what I expected. I should never give in to that idea, as things never are what you think they will be. Some surprise you, and some just feel empty. This one just feels like something thrown together with a story-based premise, some nice graphics, and speed. Those parts are nice. The rest is sloppy. I’m recommending this one, but I’ll leave it in the grey zone. Like Wolf’s hair in the game, it’s fragmented, and like his prosthetic, it is lacking something that makes a game whole.
It’s decent - they really need to amp this up with some real substance. Not a total waste of time, but I feel much more could have been done, so it’s quite a letdown, and fails in a lot of areas that other games I have loved in the past made the most out of, and really shined. Sekiro’s a mystery to me; scarred and damaged. Something that could’ve been, but never will be. Thanks for the memories. Reluctant thumbs up. Not my bowl of saki, Hidetaka Miyazaki. More like spoiled Monkey Booze. More Dark Souls please!
Special thanks to Simetria League for their support!
8027 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.06.20 06:00
8948 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.04.20 02:22
It's my first fromsoft title, and I was pretty afraid I wasn't going to enjoy it. When I first bought it, I played it for about an hour and a half and decided I would come back to it another day. It stayed in my steam library untouched for about 6 months.
The coronavirus pandemic gave me the uninterrupted time needed to really sink my teeth into this game, and I have to say, it's a game that rewards the time you put in. The combat is elegant and smooth, and you never feel as good gaming (ever) as when you beat that boss you've been stuck on for the first time. I've played it through five times on my way to getting all achievements, and I have no doubt I'll do another five playthroughs after that, just because I enjoy the bosses so much.
The nice thing is that there's always another challenge. Too easy now that you've beaten it a few times? Play charmless and demon bell. That become too easy? Play no-hit. Too easy? Try and go the whole game without popping the revives.
While the story does not in and of itself reward multiple playthroughs beyond unlocking the endings (of which three are broadly similar), the story is interesting and the lore deep. The characters truly shine, and I have a fondness for all of them, even the enemies that made me sweat blood and tears the first time I ran into them.
10/10, GOTY
6926 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.03.20 21:09
11253 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.03.20 11:09
It was a bit overwhelming in the very beginning for me (and I've never played a Souls game before) but after some time I got used to the flow. And when you get the rhythm, it becomes the dance.
Fast-pacing engaging combat which requires your concentration and punishes you for your every mistake. It plays fair and teaches you to fight perfectly and if you learn your lesson it will be the most satisfying combat ever. Very fluid animations and clashing sounds which become the music. But katana is not your only weapon, you can use tons of tools fit into the prosthetic arm, both offensive and defensive. Or you can ignore them completely and only use your sword. It doesn't have the variety of customization like in an RPG, but what it has, it is made perfect.
Yes, it's hard, it requires you to 'git gud', and you will die a lot and suffer. I had so much rage during some of the fights, yet I have never even considered a rage quit. The learning curve of the difficulty is quite balanced: once you start to feel comfy, it gives you another challenge. So you'll never get bored, even after beating the game: you can go for additional NG+ playthroughs and make the game harder (yes, harder). Just give up Kuro's charm and ring the demon bell ;D
But besides the combat, this game has some more to offer. The stunning visuals of mountainous Japan, filled with gorgeous castles and temples, detailed armor of human warriors and fascinating creatures, which, as I suspect, are inspired by Japanese mythology. The game on the whole feels very Japanese, but it doesn't require you to know almost anything about their culture beforehand. The story is clear and quite linear, yet you can have 4 different endings. There are not so many characters, but each one of them has a story to tell. Plus some pieces of lore can be found in item descriptions and environment. If you pay attention the lore becomes more deep and complex.
Easily one of the best (or even the best) game I've ever played. Well done, FromSoftware.
1525 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.03.20 17:50
???? My 90 year old grandma could play it
???? Easy
???? Normal
✅ Hard
✅ Dark Souls (if u play with bell demon and charmless its extremely hard)
???? MS Paint
???? Bad
???? Meh
???? Graphics dont matter in this game
???? Good (nothing special)
???? Beautiful
✅ Masterpiece
???? Bad
???? Not special
???? Good
✅ Beautiful
???? This game has no story
???? Like playing Temple Runners for the story
???? It's there for the people who want it
✅ Well written
???? Epic story
???? Imagine Kingdom Hearts but on crack
???? Free
???? Underpriced
✅ Perfect Price
???? Could be cheaper
???? Overpriced
???? Complete waste of money
???? You can run it on a microwave
???? Average
✅ High end
???? NASA computer
???? Long enough for a cup of coffee
???? Short
???? Average
✅ Long (if u can even finish it)
???? To infinity and beyond
~ FUN ~
???? I'd rather watch paint dry
???? Hard to enjoy
???? Repetitive
???? Actually pretty amusing
???? The kind of fun you'll remember
✅ Ride of your life
???? It's a one-time experience
???? Only for achievements
✅ If you wait a few months/years (try playing with mods)
???? Definitely
???? Infinitely replayable
~ Bugs ~
???? Never heard of
✅ Minor bugs
???? Can get annoying
???? ARK: Survival Evolved
???? The game itself is a big terrarium for bugs
???? No
???? Wait for sale
✅ Yes
1043 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.02.20 22:14
I didn't.
I failed, I died, and contrary to every DS game I played, I didn't seem to improve. I just raged more and more as the dragonrot kept piling up. I felt myself going hollow, so I took a break, read about other people's experience with the game. Maybe it just wasn't for me? I mean, look, some people on Reddit thought it sucked.
I got back in, restarted from the beginning, forgot everything I knew about how to play a FromSoftware game, started to play more agressivly, parried everything no matter how scary the attack or weapon looked, became bffs with mikiri counter. Started having fun.
Then I fought Genichiro and boom baby, there's that feeling I had back in the day playing DS1 for the first time, learning a boss, improving with every death, finally breezing through phase 1 only to repeat the process for phase 2 and so on. What an epic fight that was. Finally beat him and decided to put my excitement into a review. Love this game.
3311 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.02.20 11:30
I was still a boy.
I saw the stealth tag and the Feudal Japanese setting and got some serious Tenchu vibes. Always admired the Fromsoftware Souls-games from a respectable distance, not my thing but glad it found its niche audience, for some reason I thought Sekiro would be different.
I was a stupid boy.
Some games start with a detailed tutorial, giving you ample chance to practice before holding your hand and guiding you out into the big world. Sekiro gives you a description of the mechanics, then drags you ass-backward through a field of cacti, laughing at you each time you get stung.
Constantly dying at the hands of a boss? Some games give you tips or offer an easier difficulty setting. Sekiro takes a chunk of your XP and gold and if you continue to die? Friendly NPCs get infected with a combination of Whooping-cough and AIDS. I died so much at the last boss that I started to wonder if the Corona Virus was actually me infecting China with Dragonrot.
But I beat him. I beat them all, I didn't 100% on my first playthrough but I didn't give up, I killed Isshin after hours of trying and the satisfaction was immense.
I cursed, I ALT+F4ed, I started writing Negative reviews in the heat of the moment to blow off steam, I googled threads calling Sekiro rubbish to justify my anger. This game exhausted, angered and at times genuinely upset me, but I emerged victorious on the other side, ready for multiple playthroughs.
I am a man now.
9/10 - Camera was a bit crap and the Terror mechanic can suck on an Ogres moist lioncloth.
4084 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.01.20 15:19
Seeing as how I've beaten all of the Dark Souls games and Bloodborne, I figured this game wouldn't be a hassle to get through, but I was horribly wrong. At first, it's a bit difficult getting used to this game's mechanics. Having been so used to how prior soulsborne games worked, I had to forget what I knew and start learning from zero. It's a bit shameful to admit, but even regular enemies were difficult to deal with. Thankfully, the more I played, the more I understood the game's mechanics.
Despite getting the hang of this game's mechanics, for some reason, it took me hours to learn that I could sprint. I don't know why it took me so long to learn how to do this, but I learned while fighting the guardian ape (a somewhat near end game boss). Had I known about this ability much sooner, chances are the earlier bosses wouldn't have been so difficult to deal with.
On that note, some of the bosses in this game are really, really tough. It was around 5-10 hours into the game when I had to deal with Genichiro, a pretty tough early game boss. By this point I felt comfortable with my abilities, but he quickly let me know I was just a scrub. It took me around 10 hours of constant defeat before I was able to beat him. These 10 hours weren't easy to deal with at all. There were moments where all I wanted to do was just slam my controller into the floor and delete this game. The only thing that prevented me from doing that is the fact that I'm a big fan of soulsborne games and I didn't want to quit. It was difficult to deal with each defeat, but every one taught me something new.
I realize not everyone is going to be happy having to do this, especially with a game, but this game requires that you learn from your mistakes. It'll be difficult to do this and to figure out what your weaknesses are, but as long as you keep at it and even do some research online, this game is beatable.
In regards to the actual gameplay, it's somewhat similar to previous soulsborne games, but not really. What's special about this game is that so much of its gameplay is affected by your prosthetic arm. Your real arm is cut off within an hour or so and you're given special this arm to help you with your mission. As the game goes on, you go from just using it as a grappling hook to using it as a shuriken thrower, a shield-like umbrella, and as a firecracker meant to distract enemies. It's not difficult to use all of these special abilities, but the difficulty comes from knowing when to use each one at the right time.
Honestly, most of what I have to say about this game is that it's ridiculously hard. I realize you as a reader may find that incredibly boring to read, but that's what stood out to me the most about this game. This game is so difficult that it led to me taking much longer than I expected to get through it. With Genichiro I spent around 10 hours trying to beat him and with the final boss, I spent maybe 12 hours or so. I already know why I put up with so much frustration, but it's not easy to do so.
I know this is just a game and at the end of the day if you're not having a good time you should just move on, but I didn't want to do that. I knew it was possible to get through this game, I just had to figure out the best way to get through every difficult boss I encountered.
I'm surprised, but I spent way more time than I expected researching strategies and tips to get through specific bosses. I'm sure many will consider that to be cheating, but at the end of the day I still had to beat the bosses on my own, even if I knew what had to be done to beat them.
When it comes to this game's story, it's much more upfront than in other soulsborne games, but it's not the most exciting aspect of this game. I know that this game is as lore rich as any other Dark Souls game or Bloodborne, but I didn't find myself seeking out more of the story as I played. Chances are it's because the story was simpler to understand, but I didn't feel the need to read through every single item description to try to uncover as much of the story as I could. Maybe this could be different for you, but to me, this game was all about the gameplay.
I feel I have to say that even if Miyazaki is done with Dark Souls, he's for sure not done with coming up with great soulsborne games. It's surprising, but he's able to keep making similarly styled games that are still different from one another. Dark Souls 1, Dark Souls 3, Bloodborne, and Sekiro are all very similar games, but they each have their own intricacies that lead to a special experience. With Elden Ring on the way, I'm confident that Miyazaki will continue to entertain and punish us with his vision of gaming.
To conclude, this game was incredibly difficult and it's for sure one of the hardest games I've ever played. Unless you're an absolute beast, you'll struggle with this game. Still, this game is beatable as long as you put up with how ridiculously hard it is. Despite having struggled to beat it, I still think it's a great game worth playing (even if everyone won't enjoy it) and in regards to its quality, it's definitely up there with Dark Souls 1 and Bloodborne.
From Software
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