• Seers Isle: Screen zum Spiel Seers Isle.
  • Seers Isle: Screen zum Spiel Seers Isle.
  • Seers Isle: Screen zum Spiel Seers Isle.
  • Seers Isle: Screen zum Spiel Seers Isle.
  • Seers Isle: Screen zum Spiel Seers Isle.
  • Seers Isle: Screen zum Spiel Seers Isle.
  • Seers Isle: Screen zum Spiel Seers Isle.
  • Seers Isle: Screen zum Spiel Seers Isle.
  • Seers Isle: Screen zum Spiel Seers Isle.
  • Seers Isle: Screen zum Spiel Seers Isle.
  • Seers Isle: Screen zum Spiel Seers Isle.
  • Seers Isle: Screen zum Spiel Seers Isle.
  • Seers Isle: Screen zum Spiel Seers Isle.
  • Seers Isle: Screen zum Spiel Seers Isle.
  • Seers Isle: Screen zum Spiel Seers Isle.
  • Seers Isle: Screen zum Spiel Seers Isle.


Du musst angemeldet sein
  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 08.09.2018
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Preis Update 19.03.25

Über das Spiel

Seers Isle is an interactive graphic novel, set in a fantasy version of medieval northern Europe, where your choices impact the fate of a group of characters.

“The island… It was my prison.
For ages, I roamed the land, helpless, looking for a way out...
... And then, they arrived.”

A group of shaman apprentices set foot on the shores of a sacred island to be initiated to magic.
As they progress through the wilderness, looking for the “Seers”, their spirit-guides, they realize they’re not alone.
Who is this strange horned woman they are seeing in their dreams?

  • Explore the island through a diverse group of characters, depicted in a gorgeous European comic book art style.
  • Every choice matters. Each decision you make slightly alters the mood and personality of the main character as well as her relationship with the rest of the group.
  • A huge amount of content: with each playthrough, discover a novel-sized adventure and a slice of the hundreds of hand-drawn images created for the game.
  • An immersive and finely crafted soundtrack: the music adapts and shifts according to your choices and the mood of each scene.
  • Try out our dynamic dialog system: read the story like a comic book.
  • High replayability: choose your soulmate and discover the outcome of your decisions through multiple story paths and endings.


  • CPU: 2.0 Ghz
  • GFX: Integrated or dedicated graphic card with 512MB of VRAM
  • RAM: 4 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows 7 or later
  • HD: 1 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • LANG: Englisch, Französisch
  • CPU: 2.6 Ghz
  • GFX: Integrated or dedicated graphic card with 512MB of VRAM
  • RAM: 4 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows 7 or later
  • HD: 1 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • LANG: Englisch, Französisch

Steam Nutzer-Reviews

541 Produkte im Account
16 Reviews
293 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.07.19 17:30
Hab das Game eben zu Ende gespielt und WOW .. einfach nur Wow. Dieses Spiel ist fantastisch. Vornan der fantastische Soundtrack und das atemberaubende Artwork. Oder aber auch die einzelnen Charaktere, die man - je wie man sie entscheidet - besser kennen lernt. Mit denen man die echt gute, immer spannender werdende Story, entdeckt.

Also, ich kann dieses Game wirklich nur empfehlen. :D Vorallem für diejenigen die auf der Suche nach einer interessanten tragischen und auch mitreißenden Story sind. ( Achja: Duncan <3 )
91 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
455 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.03.21 12:47
This is a gem. Nova-Box once again made something very special. Delicate poetry, amazing soundtrack, subtle story that you will understand more and more with each path / ending.

I would recommend this in a heartbeat.
851 Produkte im Account
95 Reviews
106 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.09.20 06:12
I applaud Seers Isle for trying to tell a more mature story than most visual novels that settle for romance or sex. It wasn't perfect but it was solid and enjoyable. It certainly makes me take notice of the developer despite a few issues I had.

My main issues with it were that I felt it didn't have a very satisfactory ending and I didn't feel that the choice structure was explained very well. I played through it twice so far and both times I couldn't seem to get it to focus on the characters I was interested in. The endings also left me with more questions than answers, which, while sometimes a good thing , just frustrated me here. The choice structure also was strange. There were four symbols that choices can correspond to but it is never explained what they mean. My last gripe is that you can't skip text to go to the next choice. When doing additional play throughs I don't need to reread parts that are the same regardless of choices.

Now with all that being said I still enjoyed the game. The art is gorgeous and very well done. The characters all have a great backstory and while the endings are sub par the journey to it is fleshed out well. There were no option to have multiple save files on the same play through but I can respect wanting to make choices matter more. That being said giving the option to manually save whenever without exiting to the main menu would be appreciated.

I finished this play through in 103 minutes. The game had originally gave me no issues and then all of a sudden wouldn’t launch on Linux. The developer ended up switching the game to Unity from an Electron based engine and that worked just fine. The game never crashed on me once and I noticed no spelling errors. I played using version 2.0.0 of the game from Steam and used Linux. I paid $12.99 USD for it and feel that is a good price for it.

Disk Space Used: 1742 MB
GPU Usage: 0-38 %
VRAM Usage: 528-859 MB
CPU Usage: 1-5 %
RAM Usage: 2.5-3.2 GB

My score: 7/10

My System:

AMD Ryzen 5 2600X | 16GB DDR4-3000 CL15 | MSI RX 5700 XT Gaming X 8GB | Mesa 20.1.6 | Samsung 970 Evo Plus 500GB | Manjaro 20.1 | Mate 1.24.1 | Kernel 5.8.3-2-MANJARO
113 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
834 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.08.20 21:12
I loved these characters within 11 minutes of playing the game. Every different choice reveals new information and every ending is intense and interesting. I highly recommend this game. They made a world that had a lot of parallels to our own while still making me curious about every bit of lore and knowledge I learned. The music is calming and very fitting to the story making the visual novel feel immersive, and I loved the mix of intrigue, curiosity and confusion I felt while trying to discover the truth, especially during the first run through. And in addition to all of this the art is stunning. I would encourage any fans of visual novels to try this game.
42 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
547 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.06.20 03:57
The music and imagery are beautiful. The story is captivating. My son, who is autistic and hates reading generally, asked if he could play the game after I described it to him. This is definitely a keeper and looking forward to the other games the developer has done.
521 Produkte im Account
452 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
20 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.06.20 00:29
I am seriously tired of the false advertisement... The game clearly states that your choices will have an impact, but that is a LIE! Whatever you do, you will get railroaded into an already planned path. If you just want to tell a story, without the player having the ability to change it in a meaningful way. Then that's fine, but don't lie to the consumer and say the game is something which isn't.
53 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
161 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.06.20 03:04
This game was so good!
29 Produkte im Account
37 Reviews
405 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.04.20 17:08
At this point I've done three different playthroughs of this game, and the story felt unique each time, with new information coming to light and endings that were pretty different from each other.
The best part of this game was getting to know the characters and finding out their backstories and what motivated them. The story itself was a solid fantasy story, with interesting elements from different European cultures.
The art was beautiful, and the music was fitting for the setting and the story. There was no voice acting, but I personally didn't feel like there had to be.

The only negatives: it's rather short and you can't skip seen text. Given its length it wasn't too much of a hassle though.

All in all I can definitely recommend this, especially for those who love fantasy and/or visual novels.
153 Produkte im Account
56 Reviews
691 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.02.20 19:46
I saw the heathland coat itself in purple flowers.
The grass yellow at Litha.
The leaves of hundred-year oaks reddening and falling to cover the mossy undergrowth with orange-brown mold.
The first snows of Yule…
Not a living soul.
I forgot who I was.
Then, they arrived…

Seers Isle is the second game of French studio Nova-box, a mix between a visual novel and an interactive comics. The overall style reminds me of Littlewitch game’s, however done in its own unique European way. Colder and more realistic.
The main theme of the game is a clash between old and new way of the world – between polytheism and monotheism – with a moderate spoon of shamanistic magic implemented into a setting heavily inspired by Early Middle Ages (especially by European Norse of that time period). The game starts with a group of young people arriving on a boat at a sacred island where they need to proceed through a kind of magical pilgrimage on a summit where the island’s spirits-guardians, seers, would grand them magical powers. These abilities would make young men and women shamans – spiritual leaders with magical powers. However, not everything as simple as it seems – especially, after a strange ghostly woman with horns appears. Is she a seer? A foe? Or a friend? And do seers and their trials as harmless and just as everyone think?
In my opinion, the game has very heavy Ghibli’s Princess Mononoke and Nausicaa vibe. It’s dramatic, brutal but also beautiful, ethnic and tells a grim tale with environmental subplot. All characters are interesting in their own way, and the story has its fair share of pleasant twists.

For me, Seers Isle has only two cons:
1. The game has 8 endings in total, however after achieving 2 endings, it becomes a boring and tedious task to unlock the rest because of how repetitive that is.
2. Some plot questions still remain unsolved. Maybe it’s part of a charm – that some mysteries should be left as it is, however I’ve felt very unsatisfied with few unresolved plotlines.

Overall I recommend playing Seers Isle. It’s a very unique and interesting approach on how European visual novels should look, sound and feel like.
105 Produkte im Account
18 Reviews
350 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.12.19 20:44
Fantastic! Don't sleep on this just because it's a VN. The art is outstanding and plentiful and the story is really interesting. My only complaint is that on first play-through it is a little vague which decisions lead to what. If you fear this might frustrate you, maybe take a super quick glance at the main guide first just so you can have a better idea of how the colored symbols work and which character corresponds to which. The game itself does not explain that concept very well.
318 Produkte im Account
36 Reviews
561 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.11.19 22:39
Seers Isle is a spectacular text adventure with beautiful illustrations, atmospheric music and an original story.

You follow 7 people sent to the Seers Isle to take the dangerous initiation to become a shaman. But a spirit lives on the isle, interfering with their quest, and more entwined with their fate than they can imagine. The characters are diverse (including poc and queer characters) and their backstories are fascinating. It's worth playing through a couple of times in order to see the hard lives they have all lived. I grew so attached to them, that I wished for longer ending sequences, to see where their lives off the isle took them. A beautiful, magical, often sad tale that draws on Norse and Celtic culture.

All that being said, the game desperately needs a skip read text function. Without it, getting all 8 endings is a bit of a slog.
38 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
260 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.11.18 12:59
Recently in the evening I finished Seers Isle (completed all chapters of the game once) and didn't plan to go to bed so late. The experience was fantastic. The French devs of Nova Box confirm here their talent after their beautiful first game Along the Edge. I already enjoyed their first game, but Seers Isle is a step above. It was better in everything: more detailed illustrations, more intense story, better immersion, great soundtrack and a world that was (in my opinion) more interesting. If you are familiar with Visual Novels, this is definetely something to play. If it's not a genre you're used to play, then I'd say that Seers Isle is probably one of the best ways to start!
824 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1675 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.09.18 22:12
To sum this wall of text up: this is not a “every choice matters” game, it’s a “none of your choices truly matter, here have some cheap drama instead.”

This had looked so promising and then it all fell apart because we’re drowning in fake choices and that mass effect-y “whatever color you choose, your ending still explodes in a steaming pile of manure” thing.

First off, there are 7 characters in total, but one of them does not matter at all, one is there to help justify one of the ending variations of your sad unfulfilling outcome, and one is the reason you can’t have nice things and always get your life ruined, and you can’t do anything to stop it. Out of the remaining four who can be your “soulmate”, 2 are friendship-only (Connor, Freya), so don’t get your hopes up. The game does not care whom you, the player, like or want to succeed (or romance – what meager amount of interaction is supposed to pass for romance here before boom, let’s have sex since we’re running out of screentime). It cares about the number of answers chosen in four rather non-transparent categories (I’ve played through all 4 paths and I still sometimes don’t get why a choice gives you points in something). Each two-stat combo correlates with one of the main 4 characters – and the path you get is determined by the 2 highest numbers, not your choices. Even if you want to connect with a chosen someone, unless you pander to their assigned answers set, you WILL be booted to another path no matter how many times you try to indicate you want this other companion during special events. You think you can determine who among the rest of the group accompanies you to the endgame point? Wrong again, it is always a one male, one female exact combo depending on your “chosen one”: Arlyn-Duncan or Freya-Connor. And then the lower numbers person literally vanishes into thin air before they can make any impact on anything, because screw your attempts to save the group or use extra companions to change the ending.

Because you will always be tied by the numbers, attempts at roleplaying MC are meager at best, and in the end they do not make a difference, it always ends the same way – you go to endgame location, you are forced to fight, but you can’t, your companion tries to fight but fails regardless of how absurd it looks (special shoutout to Duncan and Freya, two people with lifelong martial training, failing to use both their weapons’ superior reach - sword and a spear - and their supposedly serious experience to fend off one dagger-wielding healer peasant girl for 5 minutes without dying from a single wound. Very believable, does not look illogical at all x_x). You will always, with one exception, come to the same “sacrifice self or sacrifice your partner” ending choice, and no explanation why the only way out is for MC to die is given, period. In fact, nothing is ever properly explained about why MC is stuck the way she is and why the seers can’t just let her be on her merry way.

So you get a sad ending no matter what you do, you are always alone because either you are dead/trapped in eternal torture or your companion is, no explanation/closure/weepy epilogue to make you feel less worthless is given and it’s always like this no matter who you chose to bond with, minus one ending on Arlyn’s path. Idk, maybe if eternal doom is your jam this is good, I just found it all very pointless.

Which would maybe have been fine, but not unless you promise meaningful choices as your special feature.
226 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
602 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.09.18 21:58
I'm giving positive to this, because it is not a bad VN and also because of Along The Edge which was *truly fantastic* VN but I couldn't vote for that one here as I didn't buy it on Steam but Itch.io instead. However, unlike to Along The Edge my decision for positive rating here was on the brink of not doing it and I was quite disappointed in my (even if originally very high) expectations. If there would be “a neutral choice” I’d opt for that instead.

But... first the positives.

Graphics - This is by far the greatest asset of Seers Isle. It is gorgeous, it is plentiful, the main protagonist has my favorite looks even (black hair, kind of witch-like/mysterious woman), this was simply fantastic! And on top of that the game is not shy to show also mildly explicit scenes where it fits, without succumbing to vulgarity, big kudos for that.

Branching - There is lot of it, some paths are quite severely different, no complaints about this either. This was well done and with clearly a lot of effort being put in it.

Soundtrack - This is already somewhat neutral, but it’s a matter of everyone’s taste. I find it quite fitting, it's not bad but personally... I was looking for something... perhaps less artistic and more movie-like. I didn't find it here. It’s not kind of songs I’d put into my mp3 player afterwards and listen over and over again.


But now for the really ugly negatives:

Problem number one – and by far the biggest! - the (meaningful) choices!

I understand the developers wanted “a great mystery here” (more about it later) but it goes to the point that all fun from shaping my character or pursuing my goals I've set for her was literally gone!

For most of the story I had no clue who am I, what should I want, who are those other guys, what they want, who is good or bad, on my side or against me. And I mean really no clue. I could choose if person A can be nice to person B or evil but since I knew nothing about either A or B it was just... pointless. I could choose if they'll follow Seers or disobey them but since I don't know if those Seers were good or bad (to me or in general), if I was punished or blessed by them, it was again... pointless. The story leaves the player so mercilessly in the dark that any choice loses sense. The story also never asks me what _I_ want to get some feedback who I want to be.

Ok, I’m trapped and my memory lost, fine! Do I want revenge for this? Ultimate power? Pity? Redemption? Suffer for my crimes? Find out the truth? The game doesn’t ask and I cannot hint it with my choices either since I do not know who is who and what will serve my goals and desires, regardless on what they would be.

Tied closely to this is... an another problem. While in Along The Edge I could clearly choose and see if I strive for being a good scientist, evil scientist, good witch, evil witch, here I have - again - nothing to guide me. Just some symbols like Eye, Hand, Human, Deer. I now have some theory what means what but... first of all I had to finish almost the whole game for it and even after finishing this game several times I'm not sure if I got that right. Sometimes the evil choice chooses one, sometimes another, same for mysterious or pragmatic, pagan or religious. It makes so much less sense than in Along The Edge where it was always clear and logical! In fact... it's so enigmatic to me that it is on the brink of making no sense at all.

The joy of making that lovely black hair who I want her to become suffers greatly by that, since I simply _do not know_ how to make her that way. The game gives me no clue.

Last but not least – the story. It is mysterious, fine, but the problem is... even after finishing the whole story it... remains mysterious. Strictly speaking... I went through all this and I didn't comprehend what was going on. Neither in the past, nor in the present or the future. I don’t know what were visions and what reality and while I could reasonably save or doom my protagonist I still didn’t understand this _story of her_. What it was about... why she was trapped there... who she was... is... or will be. It is left completely hanging in the air.

No, sadly, this game was not quite so great or cup of my tea as Along The Edge. Along The Edge I consider massively superior VN in everything to Seers Isle with the exception of graphics. And I say it as someone who actually loves fantasy and I kind of disliked Along The Edge was run more or less in “our world”.
132 Produkte im Account
23 Reviews
189 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.09.18 12:40
Along the edge is very close to my heart and I was excited to see about this game. If you played Along the edge or simply enjoy visual novels, you will enjoy Seers Isle.

The music in Seers Isle is amazing. Perfectly fitted with the dialogue, it adds another layer to the storytelling and makes you a lot more invested in the story. At one point in the game it was so impactful I got shivers down my whole body. The artwork is breathtakingly beautiful at times. It did feel like I made an impact on the story based on my choices, however big it is I will most likely find out in my next playthrough, since there are supposedly many different endings. The story kept me interested during the whole 2 hours of the game and I am interested to see the other outcomes I did not get in my first playthrough.

I am personally not a big fan of visual novels, but when it becomes interactive, that's where it gets interesting. Is the game worth the full price? It is a short game but as stated before it is worth playing more times than one. Yes, I would say it is worth it.
Logo for Seers Isle
Rating auf Steam Sehr positiv
93.59% 73 5
Release:08.09.2018 Genre: Adventure Entwickler: Nova-box Vertrieb:keine Infos Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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