Second Extinction
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Über das Spiel
Das Ziel ist einfach: Erobern Sie die Erde zurück.
In Second Extinction stellen Sie sich Horden mutierter Dinosaurier allein oder mit bis zu zwei Freunden. Einzelspieler aufgepasst: Second Extinction ist für Gruppen designt. Nur die Stärksten überleben.
Das Ziel von Early Access ist auch sehr einfach: Wir arbeiten mit der Community zusammen,
um das beste Spiel zu erschaffen.
Wir wollen Ihr Feedback laut und deutlich hören, denn unsere Community
ist ein wichtiger Teil des Entwicklungsprozesses.
Aber auch so erwartet Sie von Anfang an eine Menge: 6 Helden,
11 Waffen (mit je 5 Verbesserungsstufen) und 6 Missionen – plus ein paar irre Nebenquests – in mehreren Regionen auf unserer großen Karte.
Unser Mantra ist: Spieler gewinnen Kämpfe, Communitys Kriege. Das trifft nirgendwo
so zu wie bei unserem „Kriegsanstrengungen“-Feature.
Jede Region unserer großen Karte hat eine einzigartige Bedrohungsstufe. Diese kann gesenkt werden,
wenn genug unserer Spieler Missionen und Aktivitäten erfolgreich abschließen. Auch die Dinosaurier sind nicht faul und konzentrieren ihre Anstrengungen da, wo Sie nicht sind.
Jede Woche erntet die Community die Früchte ihrer Arbeit oder spürt die Folgen
ihrer Inkompetenz. Verlieren Sie die Kontrolle über die Bedrohungsstufe,
erwartet Sie ein besonders schweres Ausbruchsevent.
Mit Second Extinction spielen Sie nicht nur einen weiteren Koop-Shooter.
Sie gehen mit uns auf eine Reise, auf der Sie die Erfahrung formen. Jedes bisschen Feedback
und jede Mission, die Sie spielen, ist wichtig. Also worauf warten Sie noch? Der
Kampf um die Rückeroberung der Erde beginnt hier.
- Setzt 64-Bit-Prozessor und -Betriebssystem voraus
- CPU: Processor: Intel Core i5-3570 or AMD Ryzen 3 1300X (Quad-core is minimum)
- GFX: Nvidia GTX 780 3GB or AMD R9 280 3GB
- RAM: 12 GB RAM
- Software: Windows 10 (64-Bit versions)
- HD: 30 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
- LANG: Englisch, Französisch, Deutsch, Spanisch – Spanien, Japanisch, Russisch, Chinesisch (vereinfacht), Brasilianisches PortugiesischSprachen mit voller Audiounterstützung
- Setzt 64-Bit-Prozessor und -Betriebssystem voraus
- CPU: Intel Core i7-4770 or AMD Ryzen 5 1600X
- GFX: Nvidia GTX 1070 8 GB or AMD Vega 56 8GB
- RAM: 16 GB RAM
- Software: Windows 10 (64-Bit versions)
- HD: 50 GB available space
- LANG: Englisch, Französisch, Deutsch, Spanisch – Spanien, Japanisch, Russisch, Chinesisch (vereinfacht), Brasilianisches PortugiesischSprachen mit voller Audiounterstützung
Steam Nutzer-Reviews
419 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.01.22 17:25
Nicht Empfohlen
4426 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.10.21 14:33
Einige Herausfoderungen sind buggy und fehlerhaft man kann diese nicht erreichen, was soll das denn bitte?
Man bekommt viele Forschungspunkte im gegensatz zu früher, habe alles Waffen upgegradet, bin fast bei Lv 50.
Der hordemodus nun ja ist nicht das wahre, das könnte man den gleich weglassen, ist genau das selbe wie die kampagne.
Dinos greifen nicht an, sind keine gefährlichen Gegner
Mit Rosi und ihrem Raktenwerfer schafft man alle missionen alleine und es gibt wirklich keinen Grund die anderen zu spielen da diese viel schwächer sind.
Ja das Spiel ist noch EA aber es ist viel zu wenig Content, es wird schnell eintönig und langweilig.
Man hat am schluss sehr viele FP (Forschungspunkte) die man nicht einsetzen kann.
Am meisten ist das Problem dass man kaum Mitspieler findet und wenn dann wartet man sehr lange. Zurzeit würde ich das Spiel keinem empfehlen und dass man gewisse Titlen (namensplakete) nur durch discord und wenen man dort etwas gewinnt. So ein Blödsinn.. Jede update wird schlimmer habe ich das Gefühl, die Bugs die seit 1 Jahr noch da sind wurden bis heute nicht behoben.
Wartet noch etwas ab, es gibt genug andere gute Ko-op Spiele die mehr Spass machen als SE
Nachtrag: Das Spiel stürzt seit gestern bei jeder mission ab noch bevor die Misson startet, spiel ist nicht spielbar. Die Entwickler scheren sich nicht darum, nur wenn man selber auf Discord ist was ich selber nicht wusste das ist, bin zu alt für die Scheisse. Vorher keinerlei Probleme gehabt, mit jedem Update wird es schlimmer. Hauptsache neuen Charakter einbauen der überhaupt nichts bringt, und Saison herausforderungen die zu leicht sind, auf Insane ist das Spiel sowieso zu leicht. Immer diese Umfragen von den Entwicklern. Ich habe das Gefühl die spielen ihr Spiel überhaupt nicht. Dass die Community selber das rausfinden muss.
266 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.10.21 13:03
2369 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.06.21 10:00
The only Problem is the Game closes itself after about 30 minutes, especially when you're playing the gasing Mission which i need for the Contracts, which makes it unable to farm in this game i lost about half the Stuff i farmed, after the game closes itself about 2-3 times i lose my will to play this game for a quite a timespan.
If they fix this game breaking issue i definetely recommend this Game.
Nicht Empfohlen
134 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.05.21 15:01
44 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.05.21 19:31
1211 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.04.21 18:31
Keiner von uns hatte Probleme mit Abstürzen oder Lags, lief durchgehend stabil.
Auch gut Solo zu spielen.
Map ist recht groß und ausreichend für den Anfang.
Dino Arten kommen hoffentlich noch einige nach, bisher schnell Eintönig.
Schwierigkeitsgrad ist im Koop auf höchster Stufe noch zu leicht aktuell
Hat viel Potential.
692 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.02.21 11:06
Was ich mir noch wünsche ist, dass noch neue Dinos hinzukommen, und die Mutationen mehr werden und individueller.
Was die Waffen angeht: Etwas schade das die Shotgun stärker als jede andere Waffe ist, aber das kann man ja anpassen.
Gute Auswahl an Waffen, für jeden Charakter angepasst, und das Verbesserungssystem ist auch gut gestaltet.
Ich kann es nur empfehlen.
Nicht Empfohlen
466 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.02.21 14:18
Spiel reicht für ca. 7-10h Spaß, danach ist man fertig und hat alles gesehen.
Keine Updates für neuen Content und immer wieder die gleichen Missionen.
für ein Early Access Spiel wird hier aktuell zu wenig arbeit reingesteckt.
Grundsätzlich eine tolle Idee, mit zu wenig Aufmerksamkeit seitens der Entwickler.
Schade eigentlich! eventuell in 5-10 Jahren wenn es fertig ist.
Nicht Empfohlen
707 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.01.21 03:20
958 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.01.21 18:05
Movement ist gut gemacht und Gunplay find ich auch mega. ( natürlich ist es kein realistisches gunplay etc. ist ja eher ein arcade shooter kein super realism meg super ultra simulator Squad)
Grafikstil auch sehr schön und einen Wiederspielwert hat es auch.
Das heißt also, dass es zum JETZIGEN Zeitpunkt Spaß und Sinn macht um wieder zu spielen, da man Waffen verbessern und freischalten kann.
-Mehr Karten? --> Karten Auswahl?
- Mehr Charaktere nach und nach veröffentlichen
- Mehr Waffen für höhere Stufen
- Und jetzte mein Lieblingsvorschlag! :D --> Ein rundenbasierter Modus in dem nach und nach Dinos kommen und man diese abwehren muss. Beispielsweise würde das in der Com-Zentrale ganz gut klappen.
Sehr geiles Game! Ich hoffe dass ihr weitermacht und immer wieder content dropped.
Achja...bitte macht keinen Fehler und mutiert zu EA oder anderen die sich ähnlich vehralten im Sinne von - ich sag es ja wirklich - Ingame Shop. Da läufts mit eiskalt den Rücken runter.
Wie dem auch sei,
macht weiter so und das Game wird gut laufen!
1877 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.01.21 19:07
-läuft stabil wenn man Solo spielt
Disconnects und Crashes sind häufig
Manche Events auf der Map funktionieren nicht immer
-Gameplay flüssig
-Map ist ausreichend groß für den Anfang
-Dino auswahl könnte mehr sein aber sehr umfangreich
-Schwierigkeitsgrad: höchste schwierigkeitsstufe zu leicht
Jedenfalls das Spiel macht bock.
960 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.12.20 23:45
1386 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.12.20 13:34
Wenn man Jürgen ins Bein schießt, ist das Körperverletzung oder Sachbeschädigung?
OK zum Game.. Saurier abknallen im Coop Modus richtig nice!
Leider nur mit maximal 3 Spielern möglich.
Die Saurier könnten aufjedenfall stärker sein, selbst auf Wahnsinn alles ohne Probleme machbar.
1072 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.11.20 11:37
Die Verbindungsprobleme die manch einer hat, kamen bei uns gar nicht auf.
Die Missionen sind auf Wahnsinn, schön knackig und was für den KOOP-Modus
Die Dinos sind intelligent und nicht dummes Kanonenfutter, besonders die Bosse (MiniBosse?).
Ein Rex der Fernkämpfer ist wahnsinns gezielte Jumps auf einen macht und enorm viel aushält und mörderschaden raus haut ist ein guter Gegner. Was mir gefehlt hat, war ein HP Balken über den Bossen. Bei den kleinen Viechern ist das nicht so wild keinen zu haben, wenn man aimen kann sind die fix weg, oder man sprengt sie einfach in die Luft.
Das Handling mit den Waffen ist sehr gut, z.B. bei Dauerfeuer verziehen sie oder die Minigun läuft heiss.
Teammates sind aufeinander abgestimmt. Das Skillen der Waffen ist derzeit ein wenig hakelig und noch nicht ausgegoren. Skillen der Helden wäre noch nice. Die Missionen sind sich meist sehr ähnlich leider und die Umgebung recht drist, irgendwo in der Tundra. Nichtsdestotrotz hatten wir 9 Std lang wirklich Spass die Dinos abzuschlachten.
Fazit: Aktuell ein gutes Spiel derzeit für zwischendurch. Kann man derzeit nicht hard progressen. Mehr ein Lückenfüller, wenn man gerade nicht weiss was man spielen soll. Potenzial nach oben ist da.
Ich werde defintiv immer mal wieder reinschauen ob sich was getan hat.
Kaufempfehlung: Jein
An sich Ja aber ausser Waffen skillen derzeit nicht viel zu tun.
Vielleicht noch ein wenig warten bis mehr Content eingefügt wird
1563 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.11.20 18:13
Man macht Missionen oder Optionale Missionen bevor man sich der Hauptmission widmet. Es gibt nicht viele Arten an Dinos (bisher) und ja, auch die Missionen werden mit der Zeit ein wenig eintönig. Aber es ist noch im EA-Modus, daher bin ich mal gespannt, wie sich dieses Spiel noch entwickeln wird.
Empfehlen tue ich es persönlich jedem, der auf Dinos, Shooter, Coop und generell Missionen bzw Runden basierende Spiele steht.
Manchmal hier und da noch etwas verbugt aber hey... Noch kann man Hoffnung auf Besserung haben! :)
757 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.11.20 00:02
Die Gegner haben einen ordentlichen Schwierigkeitsgrad und das Waffen Feeling ist eine 1+ mit Sternchen !
Man sollte es schon im Koop Modus spielen da sonst viel Spaß verloren geht!
Große Empfehlung
Nicht Empfohlen
1724 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.05.22 19:58
Nicht Empfohlen
147 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.05.22 01:36
742 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.03.22 18:37
I really like the cast of characters, they all feel unique and cool, I just hope the developers will add a bit more banter between them during missions, as well as add new types of enemies when the game goes out of early access. Other than that, this is a really solid game that I've enjoyed a lot and will continue to enjoy as it develops!
Nicht Empfohlen
4460 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.03.22 18:12
1408 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.03.22 20:05
Crackhead movement
Raptors that drop kick you
T-rexs that drop kick you
10/10, would snipe a raptors head clean off in mid air as it attempts to drop kick me again.
829 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.03.22 09:33
586 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.02.22 05:15
The game desperately needs more content, there is low amount of missions, enemies, weapons. Which is really sad, cause the core of the game is there, the game is fun, it is fun to play with friends, but you can basically see all that the game has to offer in something around 4 or 5 hours.
I do hope that the devs keep working on this and hope to see more content in the future.
Get it on sale, mostly with some friend to play together
Giving a positive review, but consider it as NEUTRAL
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659 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.01.22 07:43
Nicht Empfohlen
4645 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.01.22 03:25
The game is great, loads of fun, online co-op 2-3 player mode available and is very enjoyable with friends, you walk around doing random crap and gunning down Dinos left and right.
If you have a lot of patience like I do, and are willing to soldier on past the bugs for the fun of the game... you might actually enjoy the game...
But would I recommend the purchase as it is in January 2022? - No.
Why? well, to put it simply.. If you don't mind the following:
- Losing progress on all your contacts (Side Quests) upon game crash/DC.
- Missions that bug out every now and then and leave you unable to extract and force you to just exit the match entirely.
- Game crashing from time to time...
Well...then by all means, go for it!
But for now... It's a very regretful thumbs down from me.
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719 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.01.22 16:04
Nicht Empfohlen
284 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.01.22 21:58
336 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.12.21 20:43
cons. in extraction sometimes you get pulled under the dropship like a magnet and get a failure through team getting crushed. sucks and is verry annoying, especaly after long missions
Nicht Empfohlen
251 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.12.21 20:01
But the mission design is not fine. There's no two ways around it, this game is boring. The sound effects have no punch, the dinosaurs are not all that fun to fight, the missions are repetitive even for a horde shooter.
The real thing holding this game back though is the matchmaking. Or lack there of. You can only join a lobby, not a game in progress. That is unacceptable. There are not enough players for this kind of limitation to exist. I have never had a full lobby, and I have really tried. Until this game gets a real matchmaking system, I will unfortunately have to give this game a negative review.
Nicht Empfohlen
2576 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.12.21 22:37
266 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.12.21 18:37
The Ammo is pretty much unlimited but having to call down supplies while being overrun by some pretty cool looking Rhinosaurs kinda hurts my playtime.
This is not to say the game is bad.
Personally, give me the mini-gun with auto reload and infinite ammo without calling reinforcements and i'm screaming at the Rhinosaur to go after the Tinysaurs cause they trampled, jumped and beat me into not being able to revive.
I owe 'em a few pewpews
386 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.12.21 16:17
Also its the best free game on Epic today :D
616 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.12.21 15:08
Nicht Empfohlen
63 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.12.21 19:56
The game does not lock your cursor, so if you aim too far in any direction, you're likely to click off screen and get tabbed out of the game. No amount of setting adjustment will fix this currently.
There is little weight behind the combat. More often then not, you'll think you dodged a raptor and you still take damage, and when you do take said damage, the only indication is the same indicator telling you a dino is nearby.
The game loop itself is fun, if not a bit boring, but it has the foundation to be something much better than what we currently have. Give it some time and perhaps I'll change my mind.
2128 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.12.21 11:46
The Good:
-The art and presentation are nice. The art style reminds me of “cool dinosaur toys” brought to life. The drop into and extraction out of missions are cool and immersive.
-The combat loop is fun. The raptors gib nicely and the guns are punchy. There’s also a fun ragdoll system that allows you to send enemies flying and have them die from the fall damage.
-The big dinosaurs have many different attacks and their armor and weak spots emphasize teamwork to take em down.
-Every operator plays differently. Each one feels like a representation of a play style
-The one map is good. It’s got unique locations and the enemy density regularly shifts in relation to global player actions.
-The campaign missions are good. They are more than a laundry list and come with exclusive areas and scripted sequences.
-No Microtransactions.
Now for the Bad:
-There’s only one map. It’s smaller than it looks, and may get boring.
-After the campaign, the only real thing to do is freeroam and complete POIs and contracts, or do horde mode, but that doesn’t give any rewards yet.
-All big dinosaurs cause staggering with just about every attack, and can follow up to damage the hell out of you, especially in solo. Staggering attacks should be an opening for the raptors, but instead an ankylosaurus can combo you to death if it wants. Most prominent in solo.
-The gun upgrades are unbalanced to say the least. Some require going all-in on damage or stability to unlock a mildly useful perk, while some have very useful perks that require less commitment. At the moment I don’t see a reason to run anything but machine gun and revolver, their upgrades are the best.
-Enemy variety is low. You’ve got 5 raptor variants, two Styracho variants, two Ankylo variants, and a Rex. If the devs are taking suggestions, I say they should have a Therizinosaurus.
-No text chat.
-The netcode makes everything delayed or sluggish.
What’s nice is most of my issues can be fixed with early access updates. I’m leaving a thumbs up in hopes that Second Extinction will have its potential realized some day. Thanks for reading.
1816 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.11.21 02:44
Map is very large, with lots of dinos, locations and encounters. Fun to play with friends.
Can get a little repetitve after a while and seems to have few players online.
462 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.11.21 07:46
Nicht Empfohlen
425 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.11.21 08:12
Not much to upgrade.
Not that many enemy
T-rex just stuck to a tree and I just shoot him to death...
It was fun like real fun.
It just that it only last for 6 hours, then it's boring
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2542 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.10.21 15:18
Guns feel nice. Audio feedback for the SMG is <3.
Missions are exciting (the first few times around).
Increased drop rates for Neurotoxic Slime. (Yes, this thing took forever to farm before)
10 points for gun upgrades feel super limiting.
No customization or progression for class skills.
Not enough dinosaur variety.
Doing missions doesn't feel impactful to the world state even if we have that situation slider.
Sunetra and Rosy lines are cringe.
Only three players per squad.
Drop rates for some augments are horrendous.
Things that I want to see: (just a personal list)
More dinos.
Dinos that fly.
More dinos.
More ways to customize/upgrade weapons.
Armor weight/class/type system.
More dinos.
Class customization.
Other forms of support drops (ie. turrets, other defenses, etc.)
I more HP bar for operatives.
More dinos.
Being able to pick more weapons for each character. (at least give us one option for auto weapon primaries for each)
Melee weapons?
More dinos.
Increase the freaking drop rate for the Adrenaline Response. FFS.
Give Sarah lines that let her address Jack and Sunetra.
Dinos being territorial against each other.
More dinos.
Increase damage for Amir's Orbital Laser.
Maybe a mech to punch the Rex with? (one can dream).
I'll probably change my review later. But for now, I wouldn't recommend this game because of the lack of content and variety.
965 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.10.21 19:27
627 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.10.21 17:27
This game is NOT L4D with dinosaur, it leans more to Borderland/Far Cry style with a big open world, random enemy encounters, locations to explore & optional missions.
Gunplay is good, gun animation is very nice. Movement is fluid. Progression is still pretty basic.
Enemies are varied in terms of elements & mutation, comes into your face with a right amount.
Overall, was a good time, i'm satisfied with my purchase, 8/10
3804 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.10.21 09:00
There are some rock-solid foundations for it to become one of the best co-op shooters on the market within time. Systemic Reaction team have aced the gunplay, dinosaurs and the upgrade system within the weaponry.
Hopefully over time they can flesh out the world map with more to engage, like for instance a variance of extra locations to explore and potentially some secrets and maybe hidden items to uncover.
Giving it a favorable appraisal, because despite everything, it is a great game to play with friends and it has prospective for the future.
3330 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.10.21 06:40
Considering it is a game that is in early access at the moment, it has a fair amount of content, be it main missions or side missions with various other objectives, which will make you spend a good amount of hours alone or with friends.
It's like Left 4 Dead, only with dinosaurs!!
628 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.08.21 22:06
There are some questionable ai patterns where enemies will get stuck and be exploited by the player.
There are overpowered player abilities that downright break the games balance and make it too easy (rose and her regen)
After playing for around 6 hours you will have unlocked and upgraded all the weapons for a single character.. thus making the research mechanic not even a mechanic anymore? Theres nothing else to put this stuff into as far as i can tell...
I have rose's minigun fully upgraded and her smg.. Now what?
Im not going to play another character...
For 25 bucks though i do recommend it... Its just pretty shallow and needs some work/balancing to make it more challenging and give the player more things to do with the damned research aspect of the game.
Oh and i personally think rose's electric barriers need to stay alive forever and only break when you summon new ones or they hit dinos a set amount of times... It would add more tactical depth to placing them for fallback positions or covering flanks rather then just spamming them during fights like its currently expected.
449 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.08.21 13:35
-You get to kill dinosaurs, lots of dinosaurs.
-The AI is challenging and doesn't feel unfair
-The price is great (on sale at humble bundle for $16.50 until early Sep 2021)
-The map is kinda small
-There are only a few kinds of dinosaurs to kill
-REALLY HARD if you plan on playing SOLO
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756 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.08.21 02:24
When it works.
Understand that this is an early access game when you buy it. When I can batter the settings into taking my selections, and have the game run properly, it's a blast and a half. The characters are fun and goofy, the guns are badass. HOWEVER, for whatever reason, the game decides that it wants to run for me with severe speed issues. I clocked the difference to check. One second IRL is equating to 4 in game. This after gutting the graphic options on a computer that hits a tollerable FPS on Ark: Survival Evolved. The game also does not allow bug reporting, it seems.
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732 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.08.21 10:44
Did the same thing next day and boom, crashes. Worse then that, is the fact that you loose any contract progress that you made when it crashes. And it crashes many, many, many times. Enough that I dont bother playing it anymore.
If the crashes were fixed and the contract issue fixed too then i'd be keen to jump back in but until then i'd stay away
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41 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.07.21 21:33
GPU-3080 CPU-I9 RAM-32GB
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480 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.06.21 17:02
But the game's bugs really spoil the experience and these are the bugs that i've faced as follows
1) Game simply crashes mid-fight despite following their instructions about setting your dedicated graphics
2)Weapon Customizations lost, all my research points & materials spent were all gone all of a sudden after a game match.
3) T-rex on the last Gas canister does not register into the game thus unable to complete all 8 gas canisters for the optional Quest.
4)Network instability, when the host gets disconnected the entire session is lost. (RIP)
836 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.06.21 13:29
Nicht Empfohlen
1307 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.06.21 17:09
617 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.05.21 21:50
Do you enjoy having trouble finding where you are supposed to go?
Do you like long, uninterrupted sections of walking in your games?
Then turn around and walk away now because this game is NON STOP ACTION OF WASTING DINOSAURS!!
Okay not ALL the time...but the action is so rarely not there it's hard to notice.
8/10 right now, can easily get better with more expansion on it though!
Enemies are tough but fair, the map is open and explorable, and the shooting is top notch!
I give it a solid 8/10
Edit: Just had my first crash of the game today (May 31st), mission was Contact. Still an 8/10
702 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.05.21 10:55
Nicht Empfohlen
795 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.05.21 20:07
So unless this community grows up and matures I cannot recommend this game unless you have your own group of friends to play with. Yes you can play it solo but that is just alot of quiet stress to be honest.
7918 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.04.21 17:12
Since the earlier updates this year the game is a lot more amenable to both new and experienced players with three modes of difficulty, i.e Normal. Hard and Insane. The game is primarily a co-op game for three players, but from September 2021 (according to the developers road map), there may be a new spot included for a fourth player. That's not to say you can't play solo. Since the addition of the Expedition mode, solo play has become much easier, though it can still be very challenging; especially if you have the difficulty set to insane. There will also be a new playable character added to the four that are already available towards the end of April. Each character, of which there are four a this time have different perks and attributes, for example Rosy (Heavy Enforcer), who can use the mini gun and later (once the weapon is unlocked the rocket launcher) can also heal the group and create an electric barrier that stuns dinosaurs if they venture through it. Amir (striker operative) whose primary weapon is the grenade launcher can also send out a pulse that detects hidden dinosaurs and also call down a laser strike on single or groups of dinosaurs; the strike is very useful against the harder to kill dinosaurs such as the T. Rex, flatback, armoured bulls and even the alpha raptors. All but Ortega (assault trooper) carry a primary and secondary weapon, however, Ortega can carry two primary weapons, which is very useful. You can choose to complete specific missions or choose the expedition route, which is easier to complete.
When you complete in game mission, added contracts you earn various dinosaur parts, which can be used to upgrade and add perks to your weapons. Killing dinosaurs also sometimes drop these items. When your weapons are fully upgraded, playing on insane becomes much easier to survive. I've played on insane for several weeks now and have managed to survive every mission with few re-spawns. Each mission allows up to four re-spawns before you have to restart the mission.
When you are in the world you complete specific contracts some of which are seasonal and change every few months, others are chosen according to the weapons you are carrying, for example you may be asked to kill several raptors within a specific period or using only one magazine of ammo. There are lots and varied contracts to complete as well as missions that are specific to the different areas you can drop into from your drop ship. There is a constant war going on, which is updated twice weekly. This changes the difficulty in each of the several area's you explore, so things are in a constant flux. This is all controlled by the whole community that are playing the game each week. The hardest area's contain more dinosaurs and you cannot automatically select a drop site in these 'red' area's. When you enter one of these area's you will ge a warning that you are entering a more dangerous area. When you find an extraction point in a red area' before you can use it you have to clear it of dinosaur deposits and then repair it. This takes time and while it's being repaired, swarms of dinosaurs are attracted to the area.
There will be a new swarm mode added in the coming months/weeks.
I've still to add information to this review. It's just been written off the top of my head without any re writing etc.
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1264 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.04.21 14:48
Unfortunately either matchmaking is broken or nobody is playing the game. You can't join a game, once it has started, which means that if you want to play with others, you have to sit and wait in the lobby, for people to join you. Two days in a row, I've been sitting in the lobby for more than 20 minutes, waiting for people to join and not been able to start a single group. A single time, a person joined my game, only to leave again within 2 seconds of joining.
In its current state, the game is unplayable, unless you have 2 other friends who are willing to play it with you. It's really a shame, because the graphics, sound and gameplay seem pretty good.
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2226 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.04.21 13:11
Majority of my games usually end in frustration as a mid game crash will see none of your progress saved toward bounties or rewards. The only saving grace is an option to rejoin your last squad after restarting the game which is not always available.
I may give this game another check once it goes full release as I do enjoy the game play, but i cannot recommend it in its current state.
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431 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.04.21 10:23
good base mechanics but not yet worth a buy.
- shooting feels good
- killing feels awesome
- after playing all main missions once or twice, there is not much to do (you will have upgraded your fav character)
- insane difficulty is still really easy
- missing VOIP, which is really odd for COOP game
- playing solo is pretty much boring
- after unlocking what you need there (which is pretty soon) is no point doing any side missions
- missing some more playstyle customizations (character od more deep weapon customization)
dont get me wrong, the basic mechanics are really good, and if they will just add more features and more advanced gameplay this could be really good one, but not yet..
it could use more unlockables, some weapon attachments, some deeper character customization (not just cosmetics) or even more characters, more play modes, and more missions.
right now its for me a game worth 9.99€
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829 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.03.21 23:31
The developers have released the road map and it doesn't look like any new missions are coming this year either, which is pretty sad. As it stands, there are about 5-6 missions in the game and a few short side quests like grabbing eggs and shooting off supply crates back to your headquarters in space. Once you do them once or twice however, you find yourself really bored. You want to keep upgrading your weapons and killing dinos, but without randomizers for the main missions or something to help with the replayability, it gets old pretty quick.
Catch this one on sale however and you should enjoy it well enough.
124 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.03.21 14:44
This game has about 4-5. The mass majority of which you actually see are Raptors of some kind. Lots and lots of raptors. Sometimes a bigger dino is in but you cant really focus on fighting it on account of... well raptors.
Its fun to shoot dinos this game has a lot of potential. Its got a long way to go to not feel repetitive though.
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796 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.02.21 02:03
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1359 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.02.21 07:08
The ugly problems show up when you try to play with friends. The servers/connections are extremely unreliable in multiplayer. If you want to support them by buying the game now, expect crashes or disconnects and for you to lose 20-40 minutes of progress per mission length if playing with friends. They also haven't found a way to retain progress or contracts (basically bonus challenges) reliably. You can sometimes rejoin a session, but launch points and rejoins can be bugged, and contracts will have to be completed again anyways. If you are not rejoined by the time the other members have extracted, you will get nothing at all, so try not to let that happen :).
If you just want to shoot dinos on your own and want to support the team, then go for it. But if you were looking for a party game to play with friends or as a multiplayer session right now, steer clear and wait for some improvements down the road.
Just to add - The reason why I'm marking as not recommended despite agreeing that the game works well in singleplayer is simply because the game is designed with a community and team effort in mind. You can play solo, but you get the most out of it when playing with other people, similar to deep rock, l4d, or any other team based objective shooter. If the multiplayer fails in this regard, then the game is not performing on its most important asset.
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111 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.02.21 03:29
960 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.01.21 19:50
I do recommend it, on sale.
Pro's - good coop game with enough content to keep you going for a few hours. Runs pretty good, looks good, sounds good. Seems fairly balanced. AI has a good start. You need friends to play with to make it worth while. I really like the Apex engine for open world games.
Con's - still crashes often. Missions don't change, so they do get old fast. Maps look large, but are smaller than they seem, could use more size. Would love tHCotW sized maps here. Some areas/times seem way to easy, while others seem way to hard. AI needs more depth, different dino's behave and move a certain way, while others their own. With more depth to them, they would be harder to predict. Don't plan on any solo games, not balanced for that at all...
Wrap up - all in all a good fun coop game. Dev team has had bug issues in the past with other projects and they just ignore the players. They will fix what they deem an issue and not respond to anyone on discussions for bug reports. So buy this knowing that bugs may surface during development, that may not be addressed. Also on past projects, development is slow at times. They will also favor a paid DLC release, over a bug fix patch. I think I own every game they have put out, but have learned to never pay full price or have any expectations for the future.
1345 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.01.21 00:19
388 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.11.20 05:25
207 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.11.20 05:20
439 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.11.20 03:33
Overall, the gameplay is nice. The dinosaur's are pretty cool too. Only problem right now is that its missing some content, and it feels a bit repetitive sometimes. If you want it, its probably best you get it if there's a discount. There's a chance you might experience a couple bugs, and you might be unlucky.
I haven't experienced a single bug, so maybe don't take my word for it.
381 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.11.20 21:27
After some more time playing, I have gathered some more suggestions.
First: Allow slide to transition immediately into sprint. also allow cancellation of slide at any point. Current system is feels clunky.
Second: Weapon balance is silly at this point. Some sidearms kill faster than main weapons. This makes some guns un-fun to play with. namely the carbine. I suggest increasing carbine fire rate, or heavily increasing damage.
Third: There HAS to be balance to single player game play. Currently almost impossible to have fun running and gunning as a solo. Perhaps add in AI teammates a la Left 4 Dead, or re-balance Damage for solo(reduce DINO damage).
Fourth: The matchmaking system is a bit shit. Allow us to ready up before being put into a match or having someone added to ours, so we don't have the situation of being added to someone who is AFK.
Fifth: Add a chat function. I am tired of not being able to tell the lobby owner to start a damn match.
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373 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.11.20 15:36
Edit. The game crashed twice in 5 minutes.
958 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.11.20 16:48
Systemic Reaction
Vertrieb:keine Infos
Engine:keine Infos
Kopierschutz:keine Infos
Franchise:keine Infos