• Sebastian Loeb Rally Evo: Prototypes Pack DLC
  • Sebastian Loeb Rally Evo: Prototypes Pack DLC
  • Sebastian Loeb Rally Evo: Prototypes Pack DLC
  • Sebastian Loeb Rally Evo: Prototypes Pack DLC
  • Sebastian Loeb Rally Evo: Prototypes Pack DLC
  • Sebastian Loeb Rally Evo: Loeb Rallye Dakar 2016
  • Sebastian Loeb Rally Evo: Screenshots Oktober 15
  • Sebastian Loeb Rally Evo: Screenshots Oktober 15
  • Sebastian Loeb Rally Evo: Screenshots Oktober 15
  • Sebastian Loeb Rally Evo: Screenshots Oktober 15
  • Sebastian Loeb Rally Evo: Screenshots Oktober 15
  • Sebastian Loeb Rally Evo: Screenshots Oktober 15
  • Sebastian Loeb Rally Evo: Prototypes Pack DLC
  • Sebastian Loeb Rally Evo: Prototypes Pack DLC
  • Sebastian Loeb Rally Evo: Prototypes Pack DLC
  • Sebastian Loeb Rally Evo: Prototypes Pack DLC
  • Sebastian Loeb Rally Evo: Prototypes Pack DLC
  • Sebastian Loeb Rally Evo: Loeb Rallye Dakar 2016
  • Sebastian Loeb Rally Evo: Screenshots Oktober 15
  • Sebastian Loeb Rally Evo: Screenshots Oktober 15
  • Sebastian Loeb Rally Evo: Screenshots Oktober 15
  • Sebastian Loeb Rally Evo: Screenshots Oktober 15
  • Sebastian Loeb Rally Evo: Screenshots Oktober 15
  • Sebastian Loeb Rally Evo: Screenshots Oktober 15


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  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 29.01.2016
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Preis Update 08.09.23

Über das Spiel

Sébastien Loeb Rally Evo bietet neben einem Karrieremodus verschiedene Offline- und Online-Modi, in denen die Spieler an ihre Grenzen stoßen und in spannenden Rennen entweder gegen KI-gesteuerte Gegner oder gegeneinander antreten. Der Titel ist bei Milestone in Entwicklung und erscheint voraussichtlich im Herbst 2015 für Playstation 4, Xbox One und PC.


Noch haben wir keine Systemanforderungen für dieses Spiel eintragen können oder es sind noch keine bekannt.

Steam Nutzer-Reviews

387 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
61 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.10.19 18:47
1. fein justierung null beim kurven fahren (man lenkt gleich komplett ein)
2. 160 km/h auf der gerade kommt dann so eine kleine mini kurve bricht das heck gleich aus
(95% chanche es zu versemmeln)
3. rennen neustarten geht nicht
4. zurücksetzen ist auch so glücks sache (funktioniert auch nicht gleich immer)
5. standart einstellung ist fürn hugo (meiner meinung nach spielten oder testeten die das spiel nicht mal)
6. grafikeinstellungen gering
7. laggs bis zum umfallen
8. hast es versemmelt und willst es schnell weider gut machen bleibt der fahrer so ca. 4-5sec auf der ersten (supa leistung)
9. das spiel kommt mir vor wie eine alpha version
alter nur schrott das spiel
empfehle ich absolut keinem nur raus gehautes geld
und für achivment hunters nur ein komplettes ärgernis
danke für nichts entwickler
187 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
33 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.07.17 13:12
Man kann keine Tasten von unterschiedlichen Controllern zuweisen. Fanatec Pedale und T300 RS geht nicht. Genausowenig wie eine Fanatec Handbremse. Und das im Jahr 2016... Schrott!
73 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
791 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.12.16 00:19
Sebastien Loeb Rally EVO ist kein perfektes aber dennoch ein gutes Spiel!
Es hat Schwächen und Stärken!

Dirt ist in einigen Punkten besser jedoch ist Sebastien Loeb nicht Dirt Rally!

- Fahrzeugauswahl: Es gibt sehr viele Fahrzeuge aus verschiedene Klassen
- Etappen: Die Etappen ähneln der Realität und sehen optisch gut aus
- Loeb experience: Diese Kategorie macht dieses Spiel aus, weil Sebastien Loeb in diesem Teil über seine Rallykarriere spricht. Er erzählt seine Geschichte vom Anfang bis zum Ende. Man selber darf natürlich auch hinters Steuer.
- Eigentliche Karriere: Anfangs fährt man mit einem Peugeot 106 die einzelnen Etappen. Durch die gewonnenen Events kann man sich weitere Flitzer kaufen wie z.B. einen Citroen DS3
- Performance: Mit einem Mittelklasse-PC kann man trotzdem 60-70 FPS erreichen
- Arcade + Simulation: Das Spiel bietet eine gute Mischung aus Arcade und Simulation. Diese Mischung ist in den meisten punkten gut gelungen.
- Tutorial: Das Tutorial ist leicht verständlich und Praktisch
- Schaden: Der optische Schaden ist gut gelungen jedoch sehen die Scheibenrisse nicht schön aus.

- Pikes Peak: Der Pikes Peak ist ehrlich gesagt lieblos gestaltet. Es fehlen Anhaltspunkte wo man sich z.B. aufhält.
- Plötzlich auftauchende Barrieren: Diese lenken einen zum Teil während der fahrt ab.
- Leicht rutschendes Heck: Das Heck rutscht meiner Meinung nach viel zu leicht. Der Wagen ist zum Teil unkontrollierbar.
- Nacht Rally's: Tagsüber sieht das Spiel gut aus, dies ist leider in den nächtlichen Rally's nicht der Fall. Dies ist schwer zu erklären. Die, die das Spiel besitzen wissen wovon ich rede.

Im großen und ganzen ein guter erster Anfang. Ich hoffe von Sebastien Loeb Rally EVO wird ein besserer Teil 2 kommen der die jetzigen Fehler beheben kann. Dennoch ist es nicht schlecht. Dieses Spiel darf man nicht mit Dirt Rally vergleichen, weil es sich nicht auf die 100% Simulation bezieht. Bei Assetto Corsa und Project Cars sagt niemand dass, Project Cars schlechter ist, weil es nicht wie Assetto Corsa ist. Ich finde es nur traurig das Sebatien Loeb Rally Evo und WRC 4,5,6 etc. mit Dirt Rally verglichen wird.
490 Produkte im Account
52 Reviews
530 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.03.16 14:41
Ich habe einen kostenlosen Key für Reviewzwecke bekommen, allerdings beeinflusst dies meine Wertung in keinster Weise.

Vorerst: Sébastian Loeb Rally EVO ist ein gutes Spiel - nicht perfekt aber gut für zwischendurch.

Neben der Spur...

...ja, das war ich gelegentlich - im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes. Das Spiel bietet ein gutes Fahrgefühl, welches sich meist realistisch anfühlt. Da man vor jedem Rennen einstellen kann, ob und welche Fahrhilfen man will, ist das Spiel für jeden geeignet und macht Spaß. Das Spiel ist eine Simulation und kein Arcade-Racer, heißt: Man sollte nicht mit 200 km/h um die Kurve rasen - was sonst passiert kann sich jeder vorstellen. ;)


Ja, es gibt eine! Diese ist in Ordnung. Es gibt mehrere Rennveranstaltungen mit verschiedenen Rennen. Es gibt die Einzeletappe, Sektor-Rennen, Rallys und noch mehr. Für Abwechslung ist gesorgt. Für die verschiedenen Rennveranstaltungen braucht man ein anderes Auto, das war's aber schon. Man weiß nicht, wo man anfangen bzw. aufhören soll. Es gibt übrigens sehr viele Autos und Strecken, und zwar auf der ganzen Welt.

Die Strecken & das Fahren

Die Strecken sehen schön aus und sind sehr abwechslungsreich, da man in Wäldern, Städten, Schneelandschaften etc. fährt. Es gibt viele Details - auch außerhalb der Strecke. Das Fahrgefühl fühlt sich in Ordnung an. Leider rutscht das Fahrzeug zu oft über die Strecke und es fühlt sich manchmal schwammig an. Man kann das Rennen jederzeit neustarten und zurückspulen, ein Feature, welches man schon aus ähnlichen Rennspielen kennt. Der Beifahrer sagt Kurven oder Hügel vorraus, da man diese manchmal zu spät sieht.

Sound, Grafik & Technisches

Die Motoren der Autos hören sich gleich und schlecht an. Es klingt zu schwach und nicht nach einem Rally-Auto mit Power. Das trifft für eigentlich alle Autos zu. Außerdem gibt es oft kein Geräusch, wenn man z.B. gegen eine Felswand schleift.
Die Grafik ist mittelmäßig. Die Texturen sind oft schwammig und sehen aus, als wären sie irgendwie dahingeklatscht. Schatten passen soweit, sind allerdings auch nur okay. Die Grafik sieht auf den Screenshots auf der Shopseite etwas besser aus, als sie wirklich ist. Trotzdem ist sie nicht hässlich.
Es gibt ein paar Bugs, beispielsweise reagieren manchmal Tasten nicht, wenn man sie neu zuweist. Die Performance ist mittelmäßig. Es gibt teilweise Frame-Einbrüche. Etwas mehr Zeit zum optimieren hätte dem Spiel gut getan.


SLR ist okay. Die Karriere ist in Ordnung und macht einige Stunden Spaß, das Fahrgefühl ist größtenteils realistisch und es gibt genug Einstellungsmöglichkeiten vor dem Rennen. Die Strecken sehen gut aus. Leider sind Sound und Grafik nicht mehr zeitgemäß. Etwas mehr Optimierung in allen Bereichen hätte dem Spiel gut getan.


Spielspaß: 40/50 -Genug Abwechslung / -Fahrgefühl ist okay

Grafik: 12/20 -Nicht zeitgemäß / -Strecken sind gut designt

Sound: 3/10 -Motoren hören sich viel zu schwach an / -Es fehlen Sounds

Support: 8/10 -Publisher antwortet gelegentlich auf Community im Forum

Technik: 6/10 -Mittelmäßige Performance / -Bugs

[Abwertung] -2 wegen unnötigen & teuren DLCs schon zum Release


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10626 Produkte im Account
15 Reviews
2260 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.02.16 16:24
So nun geb ich auch mal ein Feedback zu dem Spiel ab.

Das Spiel macht echt Spaß doch leider nur Offline Spielbar da es keine Online Spieler Matches gibt (Schade wohl kaum Käufer).
Was mir Persöhnlich gut gefällt ist das es sich Super Spielen lässt mit dem Lenkrad als auch mit dem XBOX One Elite Controller ok mit dem Lenkrad ist dies wiederrum ein anderes Gefühl (hat leider auch nicht jedermann).
Klar ist das Dirt Rally weit überlegen was es an Grafik betrifft. Das Spiel muss sich nicht verstecken denn es ist wirklich ein gelungenes Rennspiel. Blöd ist nur das es keine Spieler für den Multiplayer gibt da ich schon auch das Achievment mitnehmen würde ;).
Der Umfang kann sich auch sehen lassen sind genug autos vorhanden als auch Strecken die Kampagne ist auch schön groß Klasse gemacht.
Grafisch ist es wirklich nicht schlecht autos sind detailiert und auch das schadens model kann sich sehen lassen (hab schon schlimmeres gesehen)
Alles in allem Tolles Spiel Sowohl für zwischendurch als auch An anspruchsvolle Spieler
302 Produkte im Account
19 Reviews
1070 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.02.23 14:50
it has clio williams and mk3 clio, I love :D
268 Produkte im Account
83 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
13 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.01.23 21:35
theres something wrong with the steering its not realistic. also you cannot adjust the sensitivity
754 Produkte im Account
158 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
104 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.11.22 19:15
Very bad, driving system sucks, problems with trustmaster wheel sensibility. Not advised to buy.
648 Produkte im Account
138 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
347 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.04.22 03:33
A promising vehicle selection and an interesting career mode concept and set of challenges can't do much to counteract a surreal, bizarre list of utterly featureless, meandering stages that consist solely of winding endless roads with the bare minimum of spectators and no particular rhyme, reason, or recognizability. It feels like a fever dream of being lost on a road trip, with twisting asphalt and bland dirt that snakes about like Hot Wheels track with no resemblance to the stated name of the course at all (bar tiny snippets like the very end bit at Wales or the toll booth at Pikes Peak). A shame, too, as there's some fun flavor text on the Loeb Experience and the Rally Drift challenges are unexpectedly fun; the wonky steering is predictable enough to end up loving if you're willing to give it patience, but if the only place you can put rubber on the road is the void, why bother? I really wanted to give it more of a chance as it has some unique ideas, but my patience tipped at switching it to American English out of curiosity, only to find that they didn't actually put all the voicelines in so my co-driver was abruptly randomly speaking with a British accent or in Spanish. Damn shame.
664 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
20 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.01.22 19:38
Forget about it if you own a Fanatec wheel... you wont be able to do any assignments and accelerator/brake will be mapped to two keys on the steering wheel... You wont be able to use your pedals...
32 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
14029 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.01.22 19:42
This game is extremely hard and has some strange bugs.

However, it has nice tracks and some truly charming physics.

In real life, I am not a racing driver and drive a casual old car without the ESP system. Once I made a mistake and got into some serious skidding trouble on a wet road. It may sound like a joke, but practice from this game (and the Live for Speed - my favourite sim) saved my car that day.

I recommend this game to simulation fans. Not flawless, but pretty good.
208 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
5 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.01.22 18:24
Unplayable. This game has a severe lack of configuration options for the controls, and the defaults for a controller include a huge deadzone and damping factor.

This is not the first time I've encountered crippling control issues in Milestone's games, this seems to be a theme for them. I want to like Milestone's games but they are simply unable or unwilling to provide proper controller setup options.
252 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
115 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.12.21 19:01
It's certainly not the best rally game out there today, and it wasn't when it was released.
I needed to mod the game to get rid of the gruesome Spiderweb when you crash the windshield. It also crashed at least once i tried to load the Sweden Rally.

It kind of looks like a game that has been published 2 years before Dirt Rally 1. Sound is mediocre in direct comparison, graphics are okey-ish.
Despite its obvious flaws its a solid rally game and gets the job done. Give it a chance and you might end up having fun with it.
69 Produkte im Account
29 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
277 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.12.21 02:29
Honestly this is a rally game you find in a bargain bin it's not really fun and the buggy physics are noticeable like during a rally cross I had cars flying and flipping around after the Ai crashing around in the first turn and during pikes peak I may of got in to a accident and I was floating on something and one more thing this game is a sloppy console to PC port and has flaws like game only accepting one input devices,bad framerate and more issues...the price is fair enough when it is on sale.
137 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
12 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.12.21 02:24
Can't even remap the pause button in steering wheel, besides a big slowdown with antialiasing on!
7 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
11 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.10.21 11:35
Other than the unpredictable performance issues which seem to have no correlation to how powerful your HW is, this is by far the best rally experience for gamepad.

The physics and handling of the car are the best I've seen in the genre since RBR. I don't get how people can live with the crap tarmac physics of Codemasters titles and their horrid stage designs.

The stages are rather forgiving in SLRE which makes it quite easy to get into by that's not to say they are boring or repetitive.

It's a shame that Milestone did not fix the frame-pacing problems and compatibility issues in the PC port which is mainly the reason for the poor overall rating. If you're playing with a gamepad, using XInput plus can easily fix the sensitivity of controls to suit your needs. Certainly not acceptable, though, that they don't given an option for this in-game.

At its current price, it's worth a look, or you can try the demo

EDIT: Refunded to buy from my personal account.
81 Produkte im Account
20 Reviews
1236 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.07.21 22:06
Interesting game. Has a little bit of everything, which is a rare site to see these days. Eight rally locations, six rallycross tracks, Pikes Peak, time trials, career, historical mode. Car selection offers all of the classic cars, including rare ones such as BMW 2002, Peugeot 504, or Citroen Xsara, as well as prototype Group S cars. I also like the fact that you can choose any car for any event, unlike Dirt games, rallycross isn't locked for rallycross cars only.

Graphics is ok, colors are toned down a bit and less vibrant, but i like it. Monte Carlo looks beautiful in the spring.
Drawing distance could've been better, sometimes parts of the road, such as fences, can appear right before your eyes if you're going fast.

Physics i prefer over Dirt Rally actually, grip levels (especially on tarmac, ice and snow) and overall car behavior feel more natural here. FFB is better as well.

If you're one of the people who still plays Dirt 3 in 2021, and/or disappointed by Dirt 5 & Project Cars 3, you should try this game.
22 Produkte im Account
17 Reviews
7615 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.07.21 08:48
Best game ever i bought this game in 2018 or 2019. I love this game and its really a good fun game. Those who love rally games this is a game 4 you :)
100 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
1502 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.07.21 10:32
Yes, the sound of the cars are horrible, and the graphics are far from being a technical marvel, but the physics are really fun, career mode is really entertained and varied, and it has a very huge selection of cars and very cool stages! Very fun game to play with controller when you feel like something lighter than dirt or wrc!
68 Produkte im Account
16 Reviews
187 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.06.21 11:17
dirt rally is trash... ear-lobe rally man is kino... cope
189 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
1385 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.05.21 05:57
Its good game what just need a little bit more love to be really competitive with others in this genre. If they invest maybe 1 or 2 more months to polish FFB a some sound bugs (nothing game braking) it will beat Dirt Rally!
So give this game a try.
19 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
644 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.05.21 06:24
No driveability, piece of crap.
220 Produkte im Account
35 Reviews
1547 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.04.21 13:17
Surprisingly solid rally game. I didn’t expect much but there is a lot of content and gameplay is ok, although physics is the weakest point of this title for sure (and cars sounds the same no matter what are you driving). Really worth it if on discount, especially if you are fun of rallying (a lot of info about cars, huge cars selection and tracks and a whole documentary about Sebastien Loeb).

398 Produkte im Account
172 Reviews
7207 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.04.21 21:05
As seen by a casual gamer with a life long passion for rally games that enjoys playing on keyboard and external camera view.

Sébastien Loeb Rally Evo is nearly a masterpiece for a 2016 rally game.

Strong :
✔ A very satisfying list of collection of cars!
✔ A very satisfying collection of tracks/maps
✔ Big list of types of events and rallys to keep the interest up
✔ Very high attention to the details on the car models
✔ Physics and graphics are so cool. Cars behave so nicely. Car damage is satisfying. You can see your mirror break away from your car body and actually stay there.
REWIND option which is so cool, i remember Dirt introducing this as well but then they ditched it.
✔ Very nice UI, the menu works so well (i will not go such a think unnoticed at this time and age)
✔ Minor details like choose your team name and colours down to your driver suit and helmet
✔ Motivates you to learn how to drive without any assists. It is so satisfying and challenging in a way that is rewarding and not nerve wrecking. My goodness for the first time in ages I actually enjoyed driving cars I used to hate to handle like the Lancia Stratos. Handling becomes an absolute delight in this game.

Weak :
❌Started car and stage is so hard to go through. You really have to go through the learning curve in the beginning of this game. But I won't see this as a huge negative as later on things begin to feel rewarding.
❌slightly hard to get used to the camera wobble animation effect in the beginning.
❌a very stupid graphical glitch that makes side-road ribbons and soft net-fences load and render at completely random desynced timings braking the immersion.

Final verdict: An absolute must play if you love rally games. While I was playing this I kept thinking, where have I been all this time without trying this??!! I so hope the same team brings up a sequel title worthy of this. The pure number and quality of features and cars are an absolute pleasure.
It's totally recommended
512 Produkte im Account
201 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1710 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.03.21 23:27
The worst PC rally game I've completed.
164 Produkte im Account
45 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
561 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.02.21 16:09
what the heck is wrong with the phisics?? its like driving a wet soap.
934 Produkte im Account
94 Reviews
4751 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.01.21 12:46
Gameplay: 7/10
Graphics: 7/10
Sound: 7/10
Career Mode: 8/10
Replay/Value: 8/10

Overall: 7.4/10
32 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
53 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.12.20 11:04
I had this on ps4, and thought it a very underrated game.

The fun of the lower classes, like ragging a Peugeot 106 around a few stages was top notch.

And the later classes were not bad either, and of course a reasonable pikes peak rendition.

But, then I got it for the PC. Big mistake. Not because the game is really any different, but no key bindings, wheel setup and general menu navigation is a train wreck.

It's a flip of the coin as to keyboard or wheel to make menu selections, and if you want to remap your handbrake to another button, forget it.

Then I upgraded from a G29 to a DDR1, and that was that, no more wheel action...

Sadly uninstalled, and as no ps4 wheel any more that's me not enjoying it on any system now.
149 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
924 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.12.20 03:17
This is an unsung hero of Rally Games. While it may not be as clean as Dirt Rally or as intense as RBR its a pretty complete game that dwarfs both those games with the amount of content that it does have.

This game and Dirt Rally actually share a lot of the same stages, as they are based on real world stages. While Dirt Rally makes them a lot prettier, theres just more of them here.

The physics arent as sim as you might expect however the game can be very punishing.

Granted I might be a touch bias as I am a huge Sebastien loeb fan but how they handled the career around his exploits is very well done. Basically take the Colin Mcrae DLC from DR2 and expand it 20 fold. Complete with video interviews with Loeb recounting his history in motorsports that you get to race yourself. Almost every car that he's competed in professionally across his run up to 2016 (minus Dakar of course) is in here.

If you're looking for a slightly less serious Rally Racing game in comparison to Dirt Rally without stooping down to the annualized WRC games, this is your title.
29 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
12 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.12.20 15:54
Don't even think about buying if you own g29 or similar. The game can't detect anything from the wheel when you try binding anything. Binds don't even work for a keyboard.
155 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1103 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.12.20 15:34
Please, save your sanity. Don't make the mistake I did. The pacenotes are often late, sometimes so late that you've already passed the corner before you hear about it - this was in a 70's Peugeot that rarely surpassed 90MPH, never-mind a much faster modern or Group B rally car. The pacenotes are also inconsistent and oftentimes just plain wrong. If you want to rally, don't bother with this game.

The thing is, pacenotes are essential to both a rally driver and a rally game. Good pacenotes allow you to form a mental image of the road ahead, give you a fairly good idea of how fast you can go and, most importantly, keep you on the road. Sebastian Loeb Rally Evo pacenotes deceive you, trick you into thinking that you are safe - then, suddenly, wall; tree; cliff; some poor person's house. You and your 'co-driver' spend the next three months of your lives in intensive care.

Save your sanity. Save the driver and co-driver.
166 Produkte im Account
18 Reviews
447 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.10.20 02:28
A bit rough around the edges but for $4 on sale, not bad at all. Driving is a fun mix of realistic and arcade. The graphics and sound effect quality are the main obvious set backs to this game. Also the BGMs are kinda trash.. So yeah $4 is def worth it!
149 Produkte im Account
129 Reviews
102 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.10.20 21:51
177 Produkte im Account
26 Reviews
2110 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.08.20 18:09
The good the bad and the ugly

What SLRE do well
- Tarmac physics feels right
- Cars have mass and momentum
- Tracks were created based on geomapping data
- healthy variety of cars and tracks
- cross rally and hill climb
- clear edgy graphics that reminds me a mixture between assetto corsa and grid autosport (my opinion there)
- Livery editor
- Free ride test drive area
- healthy car setup options
- Love how it looks in replay mode
- Rewind mode is included for no so hardcore players

The bad
- It's a milestone game so optimization flew out of the window
- lacks a number of graphical settings (typical milestone there)
- Problems with key rebinding
- Engine sound is quite weak
- no FOV setting for a game that brags to be a sim (wtf)

The ugly (weird)
- The game has 3 game modes (5 if you count single stage and single rally) but the basic mode (career mode) is quite lackluster. Loeb experience and custom rally championship is imho the way to go.
- No offline multiplayer of any kind (split screen, hot seat) which is weird for milestone's game
- Interiors are just a tiny improved to wrc4
- Co driver's pace notes doesn't sync 100% so you need to have some kind of visual cue, and sometimes a 6 is a 2 instead (typical to almost all across the genre :/ )
- The game has a single input for control devices, and it is not 100% sure that it will identify your driving wheel
- Physics on anything else but tarmac resembles a mashup Dirt 4
- The grass texture and/or color palette

Over all is not bad tho, I wouldn't neglect this over some others rally titles like Dirt Rally, WRC7 or Dirt 4, and it is definitely better than WRC5 of his era (let's be honest anything is better than WRC5... eh may not the CMR reMUSTARD), but it lacks if you compare it with newest rally titles (Dirt Rally 2.0 and WRC8)
374 Produkte im Account
47 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
17 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.08.20 17:29
Sorry but G29 doesn't work ... so no point for me owning or even playing this game.
364 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
340 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.07.20 13:56
To be honest, I never understood the dislike this game received. I own this game on PS4 and PC and both offer a good rally experience. It's fair to say that it certainly isn't as polished as that which you will find from Codemasters, with occasional framedrops and stutters, seemingly irrespective of settings (oddly not found on the PS4 version) but it certainly has the playability to carry it through.
19 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
2304 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.06.20 17:12
My opinion: The handling dynamics are almost very similar to DiRT Rally 2.0 because this game's handling dynamics is made by 9th World Rally Champion, Sébastien Loeb. As for stages, it isn't exactly like the same as per in real life and DiRT Rally. Career mode? well, it's quite ''OK'' for me. There are plenty of rally cars for you to drive, but the game's pacenotes can be wrong sometimes. Conclusion: I'd rate that this game is good enough.
17 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
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34 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.05.20 09:00
please do something about the controller.. dint even has a back control , showing menu control when gaming.. even the respawn button dint workk .. what type of game is this ??!!!!
120 Produkte im Account
27 Reviews
120 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.04.20 07:57
I had this game for ps4, and I had to get it for PC. It still looks good and fun to play.
106 Produkte im Account
36 Reviews
200 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.02.20 13:58
Picked this one up for $5.99 for the special Edition. I enjoy milestone's work! I believe they put out Gravel in 2016 and this game was released when many other titles were being released. I love Rally games. I'm actually shock that it's really not bad at all. No polished menus or car upgrades worth while. I put the few graphic settings on the highest 3441 x 1440 59 FPS and the graphic and syncing of the game is much better then WRC 5 or 6. My currently use Nvidea GeForce high end card and a new gaming desktop. I could never get the WRC games to play too well on Nvidea. I'd get a rubberbanding video effect and really poor car sounds. WRC 7 and WRC 8 are much improved however. The Dirt Rally 1 released at the same time as this title and of course Dirt Rally had a bit more effort into the title adding to a bit more realism overall. (Codemasters had quite a few updates as the initial release had some optimization issues.) Anyway this title is much better than I had expected. Also it gives me a feel of legacy Colin McRae titles back in the late 1990's. Happy driving!
111 Produkte im Account
18 Reviews
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511 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.02.20 15:10
No setup for wheels and pedals so i cant tell you what the game is like,since i bought it ive not been able to play it
27 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
5182 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.01.20 05:46
Great fun driving with G27!
124 Produkte im Account
26 Reviews
514 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.01.20 00:40
SLRE caught me by surprise as i couldn't imagine i will totally enjoy it!

First of all when it launched it was by the shadow of DiRT Rally 1 and by maching those two you can imagine why it is under rated.The game is being developed by Milestone the famous-infamous studio that also made the critically WRC game series which it had been not on the spot,by in the SLRE case its a turning point.

The game is telling us the story of the Legendary Rally Driver Sebastien Loeb on how he started his career and climbed up to the WRC scene and eventually be the King of it with 9 record braking WRC Titles alongside is life-partner in all this year Citroen.

Physics: From the physics side this game its not arcade like the WRC games developed previously from Milestone.It catches pretty nice all the surfaces (Snow,Mud,Gravel,Wet termac-termac) with good and unique physics of cars.FWD cars feel really alive and they are very nice to drive them! RWD cars are a bit off from my side but again they are alive and entertaining to drive them! 4WD cars feels good and they are solid!

FFB: The game has amazing FFB and its strong by its self! I really like the feeling and it gives you all the information you want from the car and also it translates really well the surface you are driving.

Cars: Wide variaty of cars to choose and upon them some never been ever in a rally game.From Historic FWD to basic starting rally cars like the Peugeot 106 to Modern WRC cars Group B and HilClimb machines Modern and Historic! Also it has RallyCross Cars and classes.

Tracks and Stages: I really loved the Stage designs! Amazing routes really well done vary from Termac-Snow to MUD-Gravel. Great Job by the design team! RallyCross circuits on the ather side are not the strongest point but they are ok to me.

Career is progressive and you can freely uphill to levels! To me its best compared to the dull DiRT series.Also it has the Sebastien Loeb section in which in scenes Sebastien talks about his career and then you play the top moments of his career in years section! Really nice!

Graphics: Not an eye catching thing but not bad at all.Dont expect to see stunning visuals and FXs but for what it is its pretty good and played with no problem or frame losses on my system in Ultra Settings.

Controls: Setting up my Rig on to the game was easy and fast.No problem setting my Logitech G25 custom wheels and pedals plus the TH8A Shifter.

Online: Dont expect a THING! its dead from day one.

Verdict: I didnt expect much from this but it turned out to be such a pleasent experience and in my oppinion this game deserves more recognition from the rally community! Its a must to add to the collection to all the rally and motorsports fans.
3197 Produkte im Account
24 Reviews
2630 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.12.19 21:24
Co-driver sounds like a 60yr old english gentleman who is having problems keeping his dentures in :)
Fortunately this game has a 3d best line option.
1126 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
1258 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.12.19 17:26
Milestone did only one big mistake with this game - released it alongside DiRT Rally. Now it's forgotten treasure and very underestimated rally sim that can still be considered a great alternative for DiRT Rally 2.0, especially that it's not overpriced and doesn't have dozens of DLCs with content cut from some other game.

There is a ton of cars, including greatest rally legends, and driving each one is pure joy. Milestone also created stages, that can be challenging and interesting at the same time, and they put two robust career modes into the game. The best part for me, however, is all the knowledge included here. You can learn many facts about each car and Sebastien Loeb himself - in the second career mode he is telling a tale about his life in motorsport, allowing you to reprise greatest moments. I wish Codemasters did something like that for Colin McRae in one of their games!

Yes, DiRT Rally is better game altogether. But Sebastien Loeb Rally Evo deserves your love as well. Or, at least, one more chance.
8 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
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538 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.09.19 08:08
Using the popular Logitech G29 Driving wheel, pedals and shifter, I was extremely surprised that the game does not recognise pedals or shifter. No, I will not change my hardware for this obsolete, unsupported product.( i POSTED A REQUEST)
Logo for Sebastian Loeb Rally Evo
Rating auf Steam Ausgeglichen
53.2% 191 168
Release:29.01.2016 Genre: Rennspiel Entwickler: Milestone Vertrieb:keine Infos Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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