Hey everyone,
Apologies for the silence; we investigated the freezes reported with the last issue and are happy to share that a fix was deployed today to mend this.
We are sorry for this unintended last change and hope you will now be able to continue your adventures without technical troubles!
Additional Bugfixes:
Gameplay related improvements:
- The game will now correctly pause, when a controller is disconnected.
- Added a fallback option for the first boss, to make the journey between attempts a little bit easier.
- Added an option for Sprint to be selectable to use hold button vs. toggle in the game options.
- Fixed a rare blocker, where a gate in the snow area could not be opened as intended by destroying the power pylons.
- Fixed a pulse scan related issue, where already looted items would remain highlighted.
- Fixed a blocker, where the Credits would be displayed on loop after successfully finishing the game.
- Fixed a controller related blocker, that could lock up player controls, when connecting a controller during an active cutscene.
- Fixed a random crash, that was caused by reconnecting a controller under certain conditions.
Graphics related improvements:
- Removed a Fog FX in the Metahedron, which could cause some issuers performance issues unintendedly.
- Improved the range of view in the Swamp level, to avoid assets popping in at far distances at times.
Options related issues:
- Motion blur can now normally turned on/off.
- Fixed a Graphics options issue, where changes would be accepted, event when a user chose to not save said changes.
- Added some missing Icons for key binds.
Achievement related fixes:
- "Scientific Collection" sometimes lost progress, when a played died under certain conditions.
- Fixed "Flash and Bones" to always get correctly rewarded, when fulfilling all criteria.
- Fixed "Face the Nightmare" to always get correctly rewarded, when fulfilling all criteria.
Steam Deck:
- Fixed a player related issue, which caused videos to not be displayed correctly.
Sound related improvements:
- Resolved a sound issue, that sometimes caused the hypothermia warning to play double, or even when Kate is not affected by said effect at times.
- General audio mix improvements, to address user feedback and improve the overall quality.
- Fixed some Sound event related issues, which caused sounds under certain conditions to deteriorate.
- Fixed some Sound effects to not play correctly, depending on the landscape the player is located on.
- Improved sound warnings for Scorpiod enemies to be more distinct, and less frequent.