Scarlet Nexus
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Über das Spiel
Sie waren äußerst resistent gegen herkömmliche Angriffsmethoden und es mussten extreme Maßnahmen ergriffen werden, um die überwältigende Bedrohung zu bekämpfen und die Menschheit zu retten. Diejenigen mit akuten außersinnlichen Fähigkeiten, bekannt als Psioniker, waren unsere Chance, den Ansturm von oben zu bekämpfen. Bis heute wurden Psioniker nach ihren Talenten ausgewählt und für die Other Suppression Force (OSF), die letzte Abwehrfront der Menschheit, rekrutiert.
Storybasierte Erfahrung
Tauche ein in eine komplexe Geschichte von Bindungen, Mut und Heldentum, die von den Machern der legendären Tales of Vesperia erfunden wurde.
Entdecke eine Brain Punk-Zukunft
Entdecke und schütze eine futuristische japanische Landschaft, die Inspirationen aus klassischem Anime und westlicher Science-Fiction kombiniert.
Vernichte die Anderen
Gestörte Mutanten, die vom Himmel herabstiegen und sehr resistent gegen herkömmliche Angriffsmethoden und Abwehrkräfte sind. Gequält vom ständigen Schmerz ihrer Mutation suchen sie nach Gehirnen lebender Organismen, um ihren Wahnsinn zu beruhigen.
Kinetischer psychischer Kampf
Mit psychokinetischen Fähigkeiten wird die Welt um dich herum zu deiner größten Waffe. Verwende konstruktiv Teile deiner Umgebung, um daraus deine Angriffskombinationen aufzubauen. Verbinde dich mit deinen Teammitgliedern, um auf deren Kräfte zuzugreifen und deine Angriffe zu verbessern und dadurch extremen Schaden anzurichten und effizienter zu sein.
- Setzt 64-Bit-Prozessor und -Betriebssystem voraus
- CPU: Intel Core i5-3470 | AMD FX-8350
- GFX: Nvidia GeForce GTX 760, 2 GB | AMD Radeon HD 7970, 3 GB
- Software: Windows 10
- HD: 50 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
- DX: Version 11
- LANG: Englisch
- Setzt 64-Bit-Prozessor und -Betriebssystem voraus
- CPU: Intel Core i7-6600 | AMD Ryzen 5 2600X
- GFX: Nvidia GeForce GTX 970, 4 GB | AMD Radeon R9 290X, 4 GB
- Software: Windows 10
- HD: 50 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
- DX: Version 11
- LANG: Englisch
Steam Nutzer-Reviews
5871 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.08.21 13:17
I would recomend this game if you search for a great story but not if you wish for a combative challenge.
2084 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.07.21 19:36
Viel Visual Novel mit kurzen Anime Parts und einem guten Kampfsystem. Das spiel hat viele Plots und Wendungen. bin gerade am 2. mal durchspielen.
Läuft mit meiner 1080 ti auch auf UHD Butterweich.
Spiele es mit Maus und Tastatur, ist auch damit gut spielbar.
Einzig die Nebenaufgaben sind ein wenig nervig, Gehe in ein bestimmtes Gebiet und töte bestimmte Monster mit bestimmten Fähigkeiten oder so.
Spielzeit auf Normal würde ich mit ein paar Fehlversuchen bei 22h + einordnen. (ohne Nebenquests)
Hab mit den Nebenaufgaben erst beim 2. Durchlauf (New game Plus) angefangen.
Auf jeden Fall eine Empfehlung wert :-)
Danke Bandai Namco, auf das Tales of Arise auch so viel Spaß bringen wird.
3829 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.07.21 09:03
Die Story ist spannend und man kann es kaum abwarten weiter zu spielen.
Der Skillbaum ist leicht verständlich und macht den Kampf sehr aufregend.
Was auch ein schönes Feature ist das man Bindung zu seinen Verbündeten aufbauen und verbessern kann.
Es gehört definitiv zu meinen Lieblingsspielen die dieses Jahr erschienen sind.
7194 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.05.22 17:29
Some people.... Just uck
2895 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.04.22 17:42
While the art style is somewhat similar to Code Vein, the game was developed by a different team (the second Tales team, the guys responsible for Tales of Vesperia), and it's not a souls-like. The combat is more similar to Platinum games, such as Nier: Automata and Astral Chain. The camera is zoomed out, you move very fast and have an insane amount of mobility, you can double jump and dash twice in mid-air. The combat revolves around chaining attacks into long combos. You have regular attacks (3-4 hits on the ground, 2-3 in the air), a launcher move, as well as psychokinesis (PK) attacks where you pick up nearby objects and slam them into enemies. Essentially you're meant to alternate between melee and PK to keep your combo going as this greatly increases your damage output. Sadly, each protagonist has only one weapon style, a katana for Yuito, and throwing knives for Kasane. And you can't directly control any of the party members either. They are instead used for temporary buffs which add another layer of depth to the system. E.g. you can slow down time, enter stealth and execute sneak attacks, create clones around you that double or triple your attacks, teleport around instead of dashing, imbue your attacks with electricity or fire etc. Late game you're able to activate up to 4 out of 8 of these SAS abilities at once and it gets very fun. There's also a break system and it's possible to kill enemies much faster if you exploit their weaknesses by attacking them in specific ways.
Nitpicks wise, there's no animation cancelling, you have to commit to your attacks just like in Souls, except the game is trying to be a spectacle fighter so this restriction feels weirdly punishing. You're busy combo'ing an enemy, see a projectile coming your way, but there's nothing you can do about it. And the dodge has no i-frames anyway and is really just a dash. There's a perfect dodge mechanic where you dodge really close (but not through) an enemy hitbox and the game will slow down and let you counter, but this is more like a parry. Also, the majority of bosses are humans and not very fun to fight since they mostly use player animations and thus barely have any tells. The big monster fights are really good though.
The game is set in a really stylish post-apocalyptic brainpunk world. Every area is a joy to look at and the two city hubs are absolutely stunning. The environments are filled to the brim with lots of small details and cover many different locales ranging from run down East Asian cityscape (very reminiscent of the first Ghost in the Shell movie which was based on the 90's Hong Kong ghettos) to snowy mountains to gothic ruins. Characters use high poly cel shaded models giving them a Persona 5 like look, but more modern and polished. All combat animations are extremely well done and very fluid, just simply moving your character around and jumping feels very good.
The cutscenes are a bit divisive though. The game uses stop animation for the majority of its cutscenes. There are unique key animations and poses for most of the scenes, and it's all done in real time (so that you can see your custom outfits), but they're still essentially just comic book panels. Personally, I didn't mind this stylistic choice. And big story moments are fully animated with motion capture.
Of note, the game is very well optimized and will run well even on lower spec systems. It's using Unreal Engine 4 and the PC port has absolutely no issues, everything just works.
The story is... wild. If you love anime and sci-fi tropes you're going to enjoy it, because the writers used every cool sci-fi trope they could think of and the story gets completely bonkers with bizarre twists and reveals in almost every chapter. You get to pick one of the two protagonists, a boy named Yuito, and a girl named Kasane, and each of them has their own party of 4, but the two stories happen at the same time, so many of the plot points will be shared. And late game, both parties will combine into one. Since the cast is so large, there are numerous Persona like bonding episodes to help flesh out the characters, and each of the protagonists gets completely unique scenes with both platoons. Personally, I enjoyed the characters and their interactions, but some plot developments felt a bit rushed. A single story playthrough with all bond episodes will take 40-50 hours.
Yuito vs Kasane
If you're only planning on playing through the game once I recommend picking the girl, Kasane. Yuito's story has quite a few blank spots (due to him not getting any [spoiler]time travel[/spoiler] segments), so his side of the story may seem incoherent, while Kasane's is the full experience with no questions left unanswered. Gameplay wise, Kasane is a mid-range character and more fun to play, while Yuito is close range and will need to run up close to each enemy. And finally, Kasane has an actual personality, whereas Yuito is your typical Mr. Shounen Protagonist who's naïve and wide-eyed in every scene and shows no growth throughout the whole game. It almost feels like the game was written with only Kasane in mind and Yuito was added later to provide a male protagonist option. And the sequel hook at the end of the game again revolves around Kasane.
Nicht Empfohlen
1816 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.04.22 07:48
Nicht Empfohlen
1023 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.01.22 15:52
2230 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.01.22 05:32
- Very interesting and unique story
- Combat feels great
- In-depth skill tree
- Runs very well
- Unique art style, character and enemy design
- Good length (about 30hrs long)
- Visually striking environments
- Dialogue is poorly written.
Characters over-explain everything, repeat information as if the player instantly forgot what they just said, and constantly refer to other characters by full name including any official titles (Woah! Is that Former Major General Fubuki? We should talk to Former Major General Fubuki. Guys, I need to do this for Naomi. Naomi would want this. Naomi is the reason for my actions, because Naomi would want me to. Naomi, is that you Naomi? Naomi I'm glad I found you Naomi.)
- 90% of the game's cutscenes are presented in a visual novel style. Only during major story beats do they switch to fully animated cutscenes. The visual novel style isn't bad, but it makes it feel lacklustre in-between fully animated scenes that look great.
- There is way, way, way too much dialogue.
- The final chapter of the game suddenly ramps up the difficulty to 11 out of nowhere, and it is the longest chapter in the game. I like increased difficulty but there was no warning that there would be a 5 hour long final chapter filled with only the hardest bosses in the game one after the other.
3982 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.01.22 02:42
There are 12 “Phases”, and Yuito and Kasane have their own stories for the first 9 Phases of Scarlet Nexus. Yuito’s story is the stronger of the two, with more satisfying combat, a more cohesive story, and access to better abilities. When your party comes back together in Chapter 10, Scarlet Nexus’ gameplay begins to shine. With the full kit at your disposal, the gameplay is extremely engaging and satisfying, the chemistry between characters picks up, and the story finally focuses on the main conflict. Chapter 10 and 12 are also the longest and most gameplay heavy, giving you plenty of time to enjoy the fully-powered gameplay. Up until this point, you get interrupted frequently with cutscenes, never letting you settle into the combat. I was ready to “Not Recommend” this game when I finished Chapter 8, but the final chapters changed my mind.The final chapter also includes some stellar boss fights that make the most of these mechanics, music, and characters.
Unless you really enjoyed your first ~30 hour playthrough and are hungry for more, there’s very little reason to play through it again with the other protagonist. Kasane’s story has very little additional insights, and there is no secret ending that gets unlocked when you finish both. There are some additional combat encounters, achievements, a couple cool setpieces, and a bit more character development, but it took an additional 20 hours and barely felt worth it.
Throughout the game, you’ll have chances to play “Bond Episodes” with your companions. These are meant to be played as they become available, as they tie into the story, but can be skipped if you don’t care for the supporting cast. I enjoyed them, and thought each character had great development, if a bit trope-y. They did tend to come in waves between Phases, leading to lengthy intermissions from the main story. Sometimes this didn’t make much sense and was disconnected from the sense of urgency present in the main scenario. I also disliked the “gift giving” you had to partake in, as it was mostly just navigating through menus and watching the same “thankyou” animation over and over. Each character has a culmination in their arc at the end, which was an unexpected but very welcome finishing touch. The story would have felt anti-climactic without them, as they're very much a part of it.
The presentation is good, but not perfect. The music ranges from generic to “biopunk electro-swing”. The visual design, while a bit hard to see clearly in some busy encounters, is pulled off well. The “brain-punk” world design is interesting, and the monster design was good, but not varied enough. The cutscenes are about 80% comic style stills with voice acting ontop. I would have liked to see more done with the concept, but it’s kept fairly basic throughout. The other 20% are very smooth 3D animated cutscenes. The english voices were passable (with a couple remarkable performances by Karen and Arashi), and the translation didn’t have any glaring issues, just a few inaccurate subtitles. On my rig (GTX970 i5-4670k), performance was an issue at first and it took some time digging into settings to get the video to stop stuttering (1440p60fps) and to get the audio balance right (SFX were way too loud, preventing the music from being heard). There were some other technical issues, like the lock-on camera not behaving, and the minimap is rotation-locked, but the map menu cannot be. I appreciated the fact that dialogue during gameplay never got cut off or interrupted, so I could play at my own pace and didn’t have to stop and listen for fear of triggering an encounter up ahead. It's a thoughtful bit of level design I wish was more popular.
My only complaints from a gameplay standpoint are that it felt like the damage balance was off. Enemies hit way too hard, and the “armor” equipment barely did anything. The fights vs humans always felt unfair, with projectile attacks impossible to see coming. I would have welcomed the ability to interrupt long attack animations with a dodge, as the most powerful and visually satisfying attack combos always leave you open for attack.
If you’re a fan of other flashy anime action games like Astral Chain and Tales Of, you’ll likely enjoy Scarlet Nexus. Unless you really fell in love with the world and characters, I wouldn’t recommend doing the second playthrough, as it doesn’t add anything substantial to the experience. Crank up the music and get in the flow of combat, but don't forget to take a breather now and again to catch up with your companions.
1894 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.01.22 03:58
2577 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.12.21 22:22
Game has the best combat of any JRPG I have ever played (havent played tales of arise yet)
Story starts out alright but tries to make the audience care for characters that have little to no screentime. Story also overstayed its welcome and dragged on towards the end.
Even if the story was mid the combat just kept sucking me back into the game. Fantastic combat and beautiful graphics. Would recommend for anyone that is looking for addicting gameplay
4805 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.12.21 07:58
☐ You forget what reality is
☑ Beautiful
☐ Good
☐ Decent
☐ Bad
☐ Don‘t look too long at it
---{ Gameplay }---
☑ Very good
☐ Good
☐ It's just gameplay
☐ Mehh
☐ Watch paint dry instead
☐ Just don't
---{ Audio }---
☐ Eargasm
☑ Very good
☐ Good
☐ Not too bad
☐ Bad
☐ I'm now deaf
---{ Audience }---
☐ Kids
☑ Teens
☑ Adults
☐ Grandma
---{ PC Requirements }---
☐ Check if you can run paint
☐ Potato
☑ Decent
☐ Fast
☐ Rich boi
☐ Ask NASA if they have a spare computer
---{ Difficulty }---
☐ Just press 'W'
☑ Easy
☐ Easy to learn / Hard to master
☐ Significant brain usage
☐ Difficult
☐ Dark Souls
---{ Grind }---
☐ Nothing to grind
☐ Only if u care about leaderboards/ranks
☐ Isn't necessary to progress
☑ Average grind level
☐ Too much grind
☐ You'll need a second live for grinding
---{ Story }---
☐ No Story
☐ Some lore
☐ Average
☐ Good
☑ Lovely
☐ It'll replace your life
---{ Game Time }---
☐ Long enough for a cup of coffee
☐ Short
☑ Average
☐ Long
☐ To infinity and beyond
---{ Price }---
☐ It's free!
☐ Worth the price
☑ If it's on sale
☐ If u have some spare money left
☐ Not recommended
☐ You could also just burn your money
---{ Bugs }---
☐ Never heard of
☑ Minor bugs
☐ Can get annoying
☐ ARK: Survival Evolved
☐ The game itself is a big terrarium for bugs
---{ ? / 10 }---
☐ 1
☐ 2
☐ 3
☐ 4
☐ 5
☐ 6
☑ 7
☐ 8
☐ 9
☐ 10
3780 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.11.21 22:56
1811 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.11.21 16:40
+Graphics(it looks very good and I really like this style)
+Gameplay(Easy to learn is the combination of DMC games and others)
+Story(the story is really very good)
+Music(music and sound are very good a perfect combination)
+ Cyberpunk anime atmosphere
+Pleasant characters
SCARLET NEXUS offers a good experience and a cyberpunk anime atmosphere, the story is divided into a duo you can choose to play with either Yuito or Kasane, plus many other characters that will help you along your stories.
Some gameplay elements are slightly borrowed from other games but offer a very good combination.
10/10 Must Play! I recommend buying it at a discount or full price anyway, it offers good hours to play.
Nicht Empfohlen
3869 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.11.21 08:11
too easy on hard. should have another option or be rebalanced.
writing is rather poor, falls way too easily into the safe space of basic anime tropes.
voice acting is worse than the writing, it's so..... dry.
glad i waited to finish the game before reviewing so i can try and help you save money.
not worth full price.
Nicht Empfohlen
1661 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.10.21 19:33
Story was mostly pretty bad, with all anime cliches and tries way too hard to be something deep. Most of the dialogue was pretty awful and the characters were anime tropes, not badly written but nothing interesting. Story does improve a little bit by the end but overall, it's not the reason why you'll be playing this game. Yuito is also a pretty lame protagonist.
Story isn't helped by the way it's told either. Telling the story via still pictures and portraits talking was a pretty weird decision that left me mostly uninterested in what is told in front of me. Please don't mention Persona, because in it you can at least see character models moving on the screen, while here it's all still pictures after still pictures. This honestly screams lack of budget or laziness more than art direction. This game has an unnecessary anime released at the same time, so why couldn't they make full 3D cutscenes ? really ?
Combat is why you'll be playing this game, and why it's worth any money. With ton of movement, powers, attacks and allies, there're ton of fun to have here, and a lot of ways to change your style and try new things and different combinations all the time. There're 9 powers that you can use in total and they're fun and can be combined together for great combos.
The only problem the combat suffers from is that the game is very easy even on hard. I played the entire game on hard and I only suffered in very, very fights, and nothing more. With the amount of powers, skills and abilities you keep getting as you progress, it's hard not to become overpowered in this game. Not to mention the healing items are abundant and very easy to get/buy. However, this doesn't hurt the fun you'll get from the hack and slash gameplay. I would have liked it if I can switch to other characters but it's not a big deal.
Environmental design is mostly solid and good to look at, but it's very linear. Exploration is pretty limited and the game is mostly you moving from one combat scenario to the next. A little more open areas would have been nice. With that it's basically linear action game.
English voice acting was pretty meh. Not terrible, but I felt most of them were phoning it. Some did well but for the majority I really felt they weren't interested in this at all and just in it for the money, either that or they're not that experienced. A lot of dialogue came out pretty lifeless as if who's saying it is a robot and not a human. Don't know anything about the Japanese voice acting. The graphics and character models are all superb which is a shame how it's wasted in still pictures rather than 3D cutscenes. The few cutscenes in the game were very good, but they're pretty rare as I said above.
Overall, as I said, get it for 20-30 dollars max and you'll probably be able to forgive its faults and enjoy it for what it's. Anything more and you might disappointed. It's not a bad game, but just a huge wasted opportunity for me. Very good combat that gets interrupted by terrible story told by still pictures. Shame. Still don't regret playing it that much as I had some good fun with its combat.
2511 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.09.21 02:31
833 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.07.21 19:45
I’ve heard people say it’s like Astral Chain but I can assure you it’s not. That game was miles better in my opinion, but they can’t be compared except for some parts.
I recommend it but not necessarily enjoyed it as much as most of the other gamers out there.
Nicht Empfohlen
2293 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.07.21 03:14
Initially, the game is really fun and exciting to play - it has all the crazy anime camera angles, super powers, and plot to scratch all those itches.
Then at about hour 25, you just want it all to be over already. Only, the game keeps going, and going, and going. All the while you are seeing all the same camera angles, the same powers, and the plot becomes more and more incoherent. About this time is also when you realize how hollow and meaningless the world is, how lame the equipment upgrades are, and the huge flaws in the combat system. The game basically turns into a gauntlet of the hardest and cheapest enemies by the end.
So it's totally a recommend if you are going to buy it and play it for like 15 hours before moving on to something else. If you are looking for something more meaningful or like to finish games, spend your hard earned money and time elsewhere.
Nicht Empfohlen
1633 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.07.21 00:27
- Graphics are pretty nice, though nothing groundbreaking.
- Story is relatively interesting, especially if you're a fan of anime and visual novels.
- Japanese voice acting is good.
- Decent amount of playtime if you play both Yuito and Kasane.
- Save and Shop menu glitches occasionally. Was unable to exit either menu when I first started the game and had to reset. Switching back and forth between windowed and full screen mode seemed to fix it (though it still glitched occasionally).
- Visual novel style. Some people enjoy it but I found it a little boring at times and wished for more fully animated scenes instead of still images with slightly moving mouths.
- Dialogue gets a bit repetitive and drags on in most instances. Just feels really padded and unnecessarily long.
- PC controls are not the best. You have to position your hands in weird ways on the keyboard in order to fully utilize your abilities. I often found myself accidentally pressing the wrong key because most of the action keys are right next to each other (for example, you have to press V to activate your teammates ability, but it's right next to the B key which you use for your brain field move, so in the heat of the battle you kind of have to just hope that you hit the right key and not end up wasting your brain field move). You'll mostly be simultaneously mashing the C key and left click while occasionally using your right click power.
- Knockdown time is a little too long, especially when you're stunned. It just takes way too long to get back up, leaving you defenseless on the ground and open for any monster to hit you.
- Some continuity issues in the story that may bug some people (example: characters trying to kill you in one scene, and then asking you to chat with them over lunch in the next).
- Mostly generic and cliche anime characters that you see in most anime shows (the party is rather large compared to other anime-based games).
- Combat is pretty basic and repetitive, with you having to fight the same monsters over and over again. It was kind of annoying how your psychokinesis power usually locks you in when you perform it. Leaves you open to attacks from off screen (which there are a lot of). Certain enemies require you to utilize your allies' abilities, which is an interesting gameplay mechanic but can get rather annoying when there are multiple enemies in the vicinity and you have to constantly remember which keybinding is for which ally in order to take them out. On top of that, the locking on to enemies in this game is really annoying. It's very hard to switch between enemies on the battlefield, especially when you're being attacked from all angles, which makes it very annoying to target certain enemies that can only be defeated with a specific ally ability.
- Certain missions--especially near the end of the game--are very long. The last few missions make you go through a rather large, linear map, basically just going from one battle to the next, and it seems to drag on for way too long.
- On the topic of maps, the game's maps aren't that great. They are very linear and basic, with little areas to explore and little items to collect that don't really feel useful at all. They just all felt really plain and kind of unfinished, with nothing to really interact with and obvious battle areas with the same monsters. The game also makes you revisit the same few maps over and over in order to progress the story and bond stories. After the third time playing through the same map with the same enemies, it gets kind of tedious and boring.
I'm probably forgetting some things, but this is already long enough. Overall, it's a decent game with a lot of flaws, but the story was pretty good and the characters were okay. I don't think it's really worth $60 though. Mixed experience, leaning towards negative.
14 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.07.21 17:31
I'll just give the rating first and it is a good 8.5/10. I do recommend it. Be sure to read my last two paragraphs if you choose to stop here after the rating.
The combat is great and fluid with a lot of interesting ideas and combos but with a few small issues.
- Locking on can sometimes be wonky as in the character refuses to attack in the direction of the enemy I locked on to or simply locking on to the wrong enemy, This messes with the flow of combat severely and can definitely ruin some moments in game that requires fast reaction.
- The combos and attacks are great and varied but required a long time to get and even longer to get the power combos. In fact, the best part and most fun you can get from the combat only comes after 20 hours due to them requiring skill points to unlock movement skills and bond points to unlock powers. All this is fine if not for the super tedious amount of grinding needed to get all the movement skills and powers. In short, you will most likely only be able to experience the best the game can offer near the end game and by then it's been a long journey of sub-par combat.
- Unfortunately, there are not much weapon varieties. In fact there are basically none for better or worst. The characters you choose are strictly one playstyle of weapon which is different between the two main protagonist. Yuito uses swords while Kanase uses throwing knifes. Both are restricted to those weapons and that's it. Any weapon you purchases from the shop are only straight up bigger numbers to damage and a cosmetic change, nothing more. Now this isn't 100% terrible because while it does kinda suck to be force to play with one weapon the whole game, the benefit of doing this by game design is that these weapons are very fleshed out. There are so many movement skills and power skills that can be mixed together to create some truly fun combat.
The maps and locations in game are decent. It's what you can expect from Bandai style anime games with linear maps and forces you to go in one direction and maybe a few rooms with little bonuses if you choose to go there.
- The aesthetic of the game in general is pretty good and the locations are mostly good as well. Just don't expect anything mind blowing or amazing but nothing bad or terrible either.
- The locations are obviously based off Japan but there are also a lot of European inspired locations as well.
For the soundtrack and music, it's absolutely great. While not on the level of Nier Automata, it's doesn't need to be to still be good music. It's good enough that I went and bought the Vinyl record for the game.
Now the main reason I mostly buy these type of games in the first place is the story, weird I know but i'm the type of guy who watches porn for the plot. But this time I have to say that the story is pretty terrible and disappointing.
- Yuito is a terrible character. He's a goodie-two-shoes but to the extreme. To summerize, take your typical 2011 style wholesome anime MC tripe and make it worst. Bad things happen but he downright ignores it and sometimes acts non-human.
- Kanase is the better of the two mcs. I won't say much more than that.
- The plot itself is probably the worst offender here. It has to be one of the most contrived plots I've seen in anime in recent years. It's safe to say it's downright terrible with little to no redeeming factors. It's literally one plot twist after the other and I've actually lost track of how much plot twist there were. The pacing is also terrible because you would be bomb shelled by one huge plot twist only to immediately and I say that as in THE VERY NEXT SENTENCE be bomb shelled by an even larger plot twist that ain't related to the previous plot twist.
- That's another thing, the story is a contest on who can have a bigger plot twist but the opponent is itself. It constantly tries to outdo itself with nonsensical plot twist and horrible directions which is a shame because if you just stood with one and kept it that way then everything would be kinda fine. It's even worst when everything started off really good too but just slipped off a mountain and continued to roll downhill at increasing speeds.
- It's also funny when you think about it because if you took out 90% of the plot twist, the ending would've still make sense and probably for the better too. There were just so many things that didn't need to of happened but for some reason it did and some of them don't even have a conclusion meaning it literally happened for the sake of it happened rather than progressing the story or plot. Some of it are literally ignored and never brought back or even fully explained.
But even with all these negatives, I still gave it a high score and a recommendation because it's just simple fun. The negatives while horrible, doesn't really take away the fun factor of this game which is the gameplay. For me, if the story is absolute ass but the gameplay holds up then I can give it a free pass but that's just me.
Though for those who value story, character, and plot more then I wouldn't recommend this title at all especially to those who can get very angry at nonsensical stories and characters with a lack of common sense. For those on the edge, I recommend you wait for a discount or sale of at least 30%-50% percent. Only buy this at full price if you've seen some other reviews and gameplays and still want to get it. Other than that, thanks for reading!
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