• Satellite Reign: Screenshot zum Titel.
  • Satellite Reign: Screenshot zum Titel.
  • Satellite Reign: Screenshot zum Titel.
  • Satellite Reign: Screenshot zum Titel.
  • Satellite Reign: Screenshot zum Titel.
  • Satellite Reign: Screenshot zum Titel.
  • Satellite Reign: Screenshot zum Titel.
  • Satellite Reign: Screenshot zum Titel.
  • Satellite Reign: Screenshot zum Titel.
  • Satellite Reign: Screenshot zum Titel.
  • Satellite Reign: Screenshot zum Titel.
  • Satellite Reign: Screenshot zum Titel.
  • Satellite Reign: Screenshot zum Titel.
  • Satellite Reign: Screenshot zum Titel.


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  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 28.08.2015
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Preis Update 28.06.24

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  • CPU: Dual Core 2.4 Ghz
  • GFX: 1GB NVIDIA GeForce 8800GT
  • RAM: 3 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows 7
  • HD: 1000 MB available space
  • DX: Version 9.0c
  • LANG: Englisch
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Steam Nutzer-Reviews

64 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
419 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.12.21 10:09
ich mag es, wo die Steuerung etwas ungewöhnlich ist.
562 Produkte im Account
147 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
553 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.11.20 01:59
Gutes Spiel.
Würde ich sagen wenn das mit dem Manuellen Speichern nicht so ärgerlich wäre.
Man speichert vor einer Aktion und wenn die Schief geht und man denn Manuellen Speicherstand lädt ist man nicht an der Stelle an der man Gespeichert hat sondern an einer der Teleportdinger.
Denn ICH will nicht immer zu der Stelle an der ich eigentlich Gespeichert!
370 Produkte im Account
20 Reviews
2485 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.09.20 07:24
Jeder der Syndicate gespielt hat kann hier bedenkenlos zugreifen. Im Gegensatz zum Klassiker gibt es keine abgetrennte Level sondern eine offene Welt in der es abseits der Hauptmission genug zu entdecken und zu erledigen gibt. Kern des Spiels ist die ständige Verbesserung der vier Agenten wobei jeder eine eigene Rolle hat (Tank, Hacker usw.).
Klare Kaufempfehlung für Fans, jedoch ACHTUNG: Einige Erfolge sind buggy, somit sind 100% Erfolge nicht erreichbar.
170 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
5631 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.03.22 17:33
Too much hassle for singleplayer. Multiplayer is where the crap shines though.
475 Produkte im Account
17 Reviews
2683 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.03.22 04:45
Amazing little game. Feels like Syndicate from 25 years ago, I can warmly recommend it.
171 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
3407 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.03.22 15:16
If it clicks with you, you'll probably go GTA-ing around with it till you get bored.

For those who go in for the story, I just gotta say the game does deliver on what it advertised.

It's good. Try it out. ^^

140 Produkte im Account
104 Reviews
247 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.03.22 21:51

Satellite Reign

565 Produkte im Account
18 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
577 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.02.22 14:38
TLDR: There is some good here, but the game is too clunky and repetitive for me to want to keep at it.

Lots of people seem to enjoy this game, but I simply can't stick with it. I'm about to reach 10 hours with this game and it still can't grab me. The combat is cumbersome and dull, you will win and lose by landslides and almost never by the skin of your teeth. Hack as many guards to help you as possible and funnel your brain dead attackers straight into your line of fire. You will wish dearly for an autofire/overwatch/defensive stance, as your agent's ai cannot find new targets after their current one is dead, nor retaliate when fired upon without your say so. Because of this shortcoming you will tire of attempting flanking manoeuvres with one or two agents, and instead just laser down targets with your entire squad. There is a tactical slowdown you can either unlock with valuable skill points or enable through the difficulty settings, but it doesn't feel like enough to make up for the jank.

Stealth is unsatisfying for me. Compared to Commandos or shadow tactics it just feels too chaotic. No enemy sightlines makes it pretty annoying at first until you learn to deal with their absence. The world design seems to lack diversity for me, I went through two of the major map areas and both honestly felt about the same. Not to mention I felt little to no satisfaction in formulating a heist plan or infiltration route. Most 'levels' seem to lack real options for the player. It's either charge in the front door and likely lose a couple agents (and their valuable if uninteresting stats) or take the smart sneaky way that you do a generic fetch quest or literally just pay cash to unlock. Scouting out these areas is boring too, you slowly walk around the perimeter and try to see what's what through the fog of war before making a game plan. I guess you could send in an infiltrator cloaked to check it out, but they can't hack or hotwire doors, and if you're going to spend the time scouting like that then why not just save and send it for real? That's what I ended up doing...

Speaking of the agents stats and skills, the cloning seems to get in the road rather than providing much of interest. You just scan random citizens and soldiers until you find one with better stats (like regen, health or movement speed), hack them and kidnap them. If an agent dies their stats degrade with each new clone, demanding you either keep them alive or have a supply of fresh clones to transfer their memories to. You can use the same clone base for each agent, but that degrades each clone further again. There's also their skills, it's not so much how you build your agents as it is when you build them from what I can see. There aren't many skills to pick from, and I expect most people will end up with a very similar looking party in this regard at the end of a playthrough.

The other customisation is the augmentations and gear. There seems to be plenty of options, but you have to unlock them by raiding a bunch of bases, This is essentially the whole game based on my experience and what the plot seems to entail. You are to lead your agents through each area of the city, taking down the same subsystems, raiding the big companies in the current area for cash and equipment and then moving on to the next. You do this until you reach the final area and presumably take down the 'big bad' corporation at the end. Could get more interesting but I have no interest in finding out, the story is presented in the form of infrequent phone calls and all to regular emails.

The open world design is full of busy work. Respawn stations require nothing your time to set up, and the game will ask you to do this at every new area. Atms need to be hacked to get passive income, which allows you to conduct research to duplicate the gear you steal. One guard station, bank and CCTV monitoring station exist in each district, and raiding each of those gives you a passive bonus (extra money generated, slower enemy reinforcements, slower camera detection time) and some loot.

Idk, there just seems to be too many dull systems weighing down this game for me. I don't care about the clone system, the dull open world quests or the uninteresting research and development. I'd just rather a more refined tactical stealth game with more interesting levels, or a true sequel to syndicate wars. To me, this just ain't it chief.

The coop might be fun, but I don't care enough to check it out.
431 Produkte im Account
46 Reviews
3952 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.02.22 18:46
Personally, I love this game. for 30 bux its not a bad experience.

To keep this short Satellite Reign simply scratches an itch no other game can. Yes there are cyberpunk games out there but this ones game play is quite unique. Combining RTS with CRPG and a nice rather open feeling cyberpunk world.

It's clunky at times yes but I really hope more games like this come out. I have yet to enjoy a cyberpunk game as much as I have this one and Cyberpunk is a setting I'd love to play but so few games really do it well.

This game and The Ascent are my top two atm.
53 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
1592 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.01.22 06:08
Let's just start by saying this game is outstanding...

Now, some caveats.

You might look at the overall reviews (Mostly Positive) and wonder why I say it's outstanding. Well... This game was made by the same dude who made Syndicate and its sequel, Syndicate Wars (do not think I'm referring to the 1st person 3rd games in the series which was widely regarded to be a steaming pile of dookie). These games are OLD (like me, ish).

So no small part of my love if this game comes from the nostalgia of the original games. This is true.

What I suspect led to less favorable reviews of this game are the controls. They are........ Not good. BUT!!!!! They ARE fully customizable (this is a true PC game after all) and once you get comfortable with them, they are a non-issue.

The game is essentially the true Syndicate 3. It is made by the same guy, the music is by the same guy, and man does it feel like I'm playing Syndicate but with better graphics. It feels dingy. I feels dangerous.

This game isn't easy. If I had to compare it to anything else you might know it would have to be The Ascent, however it is NOT a free-flowing, fast paced shoot-em up. The city in this game feels far more realistic and alive than the aforementioned, also.

I cannot tell you straight up that this game is as good as it would be to me had I not played the originals, but man do I recommend you put in the time and patience to get to grips with this game and enjoy an updated version of a game that was a masterpiece then and a masterpiece now.

Please don't let the overall rating of this game put you off!!! I'm just so pleased this exists.

ADDITIONAL (with more hours in-game): This just keeps getting bigger and better!! I really haven't been this excited about a game in a long time!! My previous comment about the controls was perhaps a little harsh... Is it a little old-school in its controls? Sure. But totally usable.

What's sad is the reviews this has had and how unknown it is. Also, surprising is the lack of love for this game in the light of more recent reboots of the likes of Xcom. This game is basically a strategic shooter like it, with a similar cover system, only in real-time. The cover system in this is a new addition to the original games and a stroke of genius!

I feel like I'm playing Syndicate, Xcom and Crusader: No Remorse / Regret all at once and I'm totally f***in' here for it!!!!!!

This game is a few years old now but sure still looks amazing and I really hope the developers consider further updates (not that the game is small or lacking content as it stands - it's huge and epic!), or better still another sequel. This is a true Syndicate 3 and is fast becoming one of my favorite games of all time. I will remember this experience just like I remember the original games... Until the day I die!!
50 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
2678 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.01.22 20:03
Detailed fun gameplay, nice ending.
54 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
4173 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.01.22 17:02
Just finished this in co-op mode, and had an absolute blast. If you played any of the original Syndicate games, this is a must play. If not, it's still a great deal of fun, especially when playing with friends.
478 Produkte im Account
25 Reviews
1336 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.01.22 15:33
If your carbon has been altered by Syndicate as a kid, this is for you.
225 Produkte im Account
96 Reviews
705 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.01.22 15:09
Very good commandos-cyberpunk style game - optimisation is awful though.
745 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
1242 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.12.21 23:00
Just play this instead of Cyberpunk 2077 honestly.
1114 Produkte im Account
20 Reviews
4763 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.12.21 12:00
Love this game. Squad based tactical combat and missions that can be approached anyway you see fit in an open world with plenty of atmosphere and places to explore.

Shame some achievements will forever be broken.
18 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
2566 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.11.21 22:34
Thrilling Game at your own pace.
95 Produkte im Account
16 Reviews
1386 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.11.21 14:40
I got this for free off a Humble Bundle a few years back, beat it a while back too, but had a decent time with it. Get it on sale and expect a short 20-25 hour ride. It's got scratches and dings on the surface, but it was memorable enough that I came back just to write this.
537 Produkte im Account
16 Reviews
3114 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.11.21 02:46
This game is a callback to the old Syndicate game where you have a team in a Cyberpunk setting and you send them into missions and buildings to hack, steal and otherwise disrupt corporations or their assets. I loved those types of games back in the day so this was an amazing treat to play with updated mechanics, graphics and gameplay.

While the story is generic (stop bad guy from doing x) and there are no real characters other than ones you impose on your cloned team, I feel that overall, this game is engaging and fun at its core. I have started several playthroughs and in each one the gameplay was slightly different (enough to notice the subtlety between the characters and their interactions on each mission). The only negative issue I have is that once you have cleared a sector of missions or hacked all the ATMs, there is nothing keeping you in the sector to explore or go back into dangerous areas. All you need to do is move on to the next area and then to the next till you are done with the game. Repeatable missions would be a plus (but not a great need) even if they only increased the difficulty on each endeavour.

My only wish is that I would have liked to see expansions of the game universe (either in a sequel or as DLC), or it would have been great to have memorable characters that moved the story ahead visually rather than through narration of quest completion popups.

I have not been disappointed in my time in the game and it periodically calls me back every few months to play for a few more hours in the city.
1180 Produkte im Account
20 Reviews
554 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.11.21 23:03
Have to try if you loved Syndicate
71 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
6 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.11.21 20:25
The game's boring, the controls are unintuitive, the combat is slow. Stopped playing after the tutorial level.
35 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
2057 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.11.21 17:02
QUALITY vs quantity. Seems under 2Gb game size vs Cp2077 70Gb size tells size doesnt matter when its the case of whole game mechanics. Let 5 Lives Studios collaborate with CDPR and maybe we get decent game.
19 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
522 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.11.21 05:35
10 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
145 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.10.21 05:17
I found this game to be practically unplayable. The fot and mouse cursor size were so small, I needed a hand magnifier to read things adn couldn't follow/find the cursor quickly. There are no options to adjust any of this in the UI. The vibe and music are great, and it looks like a good game, but I just cannot play it due to the lack of accessibility features. I am personally very dissapointed with this purcase as it looked like the sort of tame I would love playing.
332 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
2561 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.09.21 04:48
Literally the spiritual successor to Syndicate Wars, if you like games such as Shadowrun Returns, XCOM: Enemy Unknown (the reboot), or Wasteland 2, then you'll like this a lot. Granted, it is NOT turn based, it is real time strategy, but I consider that a plus rather than a negative.

You control a select group of agents, each their own class, on the behalf of a corporation that wants to take the power of resurrection technology away from the current evil CEO that holds it: Steven Dengler. (Fun fact - it's a real guy! Kickstarter backer.) Your objective is to get stronger, build up your arsenal, and prepare yourself for a wicked fight.

This game is not complex at all, and caters well to people who want to dive in and just have fun. No crazy build planning on a third party website, no need to look up a glossary of obscure terms, but something straightforward and easy to digest. (Granted, if you prefer complexity, this may not be the game for you.)

The systems are simple but reinforced constantly. Stealth is not a requirement, but always possible, and usually preferred. You can avoid killing pretty much everyone except for Mr. Dengler, so pacifist runs are possible (achievements for it!), and the game rewards character XP based on actions like hacking, killing enemies, or, and get this.. just moving around restricted areas. Long as you're in the hot zone, your risks are rewarded.

Enemies and cameras don't like it when you have guns out, so hiding them is important. Cameras can be disabled or shot, but the latter summons enemies (sometimes a great distraction). Minor infractions lead to you being evicted from an area, given the boot, fined for the trouble, or placed under temporary arrest. Deaths are handwaved canonically by hijacked resurrection tech, so dying is not the end, merely a setback. (Sometimes even a tactic - suicide bombing anyone?) There's also a lot of weapons and gear to find, all to customize your agents and how you want them to perform.

Skills are more straightforward, and even a casual playthrough will see you fill out 90-95% of your skills. A speedrun may see you get about half way, but half of them are just raw stat boosts anyhow, with the other half adding new mechanics. You can get all the gear via the black market, and all the skills if you're patient, and besides beating the big bad boss, every area can be gone back to.

All in all, I had a lot of fun with this game. Haven't tried multiplayer yet, really eager to though. Hope they give this game DLC! There were supposed to be additional factions and areas too.. shame.
797 Produkte im Account
32 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
3184 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.08.21 21:10
Satellite Reign is a very decent 'nod of love' towards Syndicate (Wars). I'd say it's closer to Syndicate Wars, because the playstyle is almost exactly the same.
It looks really good, the world, the effects and the like, everything looks amazing.
The story is... I'll be honest, I don't really know. Something about hacking and infiltrating, hence why the player got 4 dudes and a handler that - more or less - tells the player what to do.

The player can invest in research and development, also in the Syndicate (Wars) style. There are many weapons, augmentations and pieces of gear to improve the soldiers. It was a nice addition to the game and made it somewhat interesting. (At least, until the best gear and weapons are researched).
There's also a system that allows the player to 'take over bodies' which can be sent back to HQ for cloning. Those 'bodies' are needed to make the player's soldiers better. Again, a nice touch.

I really loved this game at first. It started neat, felt neat and it gave the feeling of grandeur. The tutorial and the first area the player is thrown in, is great to play and fool around with! The game is, I would say 'tough, but fair' at that point.

Then comes the 'midgame' or the second district that the player enters. The game is still - somewhat - enjoyable, but there are certain... Flags that the game already throws around.
First off, the enemies: there are about 3 factions and all of them have somewhat the same classes. They move around the world or patrol certain areas until commotion is started and resolve the situation. They start arresting, shooting or call for backup.
The problem here (in mid- to endgame) is that this is immensely tedious. It's not even a challenge, it becomes notorious busywork. The backup arrives. Then they call for backup. That backup calls for backup and very soon, there are dozens of soldiers swarming the player's people. Yes, they can be interrupted and whatnot, but sometimes they call backup from their spawning position or zip around the map with super-leg augmentations.

Second: the game starts to lose stability mid- to endgame. Think of stuttering and really weird FPS drops when going into a battle with the aforementioned multitude of baddies. While mass slaughtering endless waves of guards the stuttering can actually become what breaks the engagement and it's the reason the party wipes really darn fast.

Third: every district has the same sort of missions. That's somewhat like 'setting up beacons', 'infiltrate an HQ' and (but not limited to) 'find an information broker'. With what's happening above, getting into these compounds or HQs can become a struggle. I was thinking I did something wrong when I couldn't get past the patrol at the back door, because of that and thus makes the missions tedious busywork.

Fourth: your characters can get stuck in the terrain and in doors. This is abysmal, especially when being in a hostile zone. There's an option to 'kill' them and then it is (usually) an option to revive them, but this isn't an option in the middle of combat, or when the security door had closed
The enemy can get stuck in the terrain and doors as well. Worse, they become 'invisible' in the doors... And guess what they start doing? Calling for backup!

Fifth: the characters sometimes don't respond to commands. The enemy is shooting at them and they just stand there like sacks of dooky. There's more wrong with this, like running out of cover and standing in the middle of the road for some reason.

Sixth: when I finally (after restarting the game 3 times) finished the final 'boss', the game crashed. It didn't even give me the ending movie, which I had to find on youtube. So, personally, this was a waste of time without even having the dignity of being rewarding.

The music is pretty decent and it doesn't become annoying after a while. It's repetitive if the fight lasts for minutes on end, but nothing too bad.

All in all... No, I'd not recommend this game. Not from start to finish. It's a very good first attempt to revive the genre after so many years. But the game didn't respect my time and effort. It became tedious busywork that became frustrating to look at, especially with the game breaking bugs.
It didn't even give me the 'win' in the end because of a crash.
54 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
2261 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.08.21 14:01
A good but not fully baked RTS based on the classic Syndicate Wars.

Let down by:
- Sluggish and unreliable controls. Early game failures to receive commands can get your guys killed. This becomes less of a problem late game with shields and body armour buy more time to repeat the command.

- Lack of mission variety and complexity. Its either easy kills on unprotected individuals or a series of terminal hacks/hardwires to progress.

- Stealth challenges becomes too easy once speed and cloak skills and mods make your infiltrator able to in a single bound run cloaked across a base and hack a terminal. If you want the game to remain challenging refuse to take these upgrades.
47 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
4609 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.08.21 08:48
Totally underrated game. Better than Cyberpunk 2077 and so many different ways to play.
10 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
769 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.06.21 07:43
I'm only a few hours into this game, but I'm really enjoying it so far. The gritty visuals of the neon cyberpunk city, the motion capture movement, the take on squad combat where you can go stealthy or head on. I prefer stealthy. The user interface is simple, but functional. Bought this on sale, and really glad I did.

I'll update this when I'm further in the game.
398 Produkte im Account
22 Reviews
4887 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.06.21 13:50
This game is an excellent homage to the old Syndicate of 1994. Plays like an updated version of that, but it's also open world rather than being level based. I personally miss the wide scope of missions you had in the original Syndicate, but there's definitely enough to go around in this game. There's also added goodies, like stealthing it and getting a wanted level and having to actually find your researchers. There is also multiplayer, which is for the most part stable.

All in all, I think we can happily call this less an homage and more a sequel.
293 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1738 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.06.21 22:08
I didn't complete Satellite Reign, I've put almost 29 hours into it and seen more than 90% of the people that played the game if achievement completion percentage is anything to go by, roughly ¾ of the game, and I can’t recommend it.

I had fun at times but I had headaches in equal measure. The developers seem to have abandoned the game somewhere close to done but it still needed time to finish baking. I’ve had to install fan made mods to complete missions that were left incomplete. Some of the achievements can’t be had either without mods (destroy all cameras in a district) because the mission never got tied together on the back end.

It’s so close, yet so far. I wanted Syndicate with an active/tactical pause, you can have that in the game but you have to give up all of the depth of Syndicate for it and you get a buggy mess in exchange.

All in all it’s not bad but it’s not good and if you already have an isometric, tactical pause game you like, just move along.
114 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
2675 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.06.21 16:33
This is real successor of very old Legendary game called: Syndicate Wars.So if you like cyberpunk looking game than this game is for you because this game is really good made.Its real time RPG tactical game so not turn based RPG game so this makes playing game even more exciting,and they made it really great that real time so to not be to impossible to play but same time not to easy like every game should be made,to be firstly enjoyable and fun to play it.
Missions are very interesting and can be finished in different ways,graphics and effects are also great.Really great made game and if you like tactical RPG games than this game is must for you.Here my review of this great game and also so to you see how this game looks like,video is from my gaming youtube channel called:
IG REMAN Gaming ,and in this video i show trick how to get endless amount of money and experience in game from specific battle in game right when you start playing this great game :) :

226 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
2202 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.06.21 17:36
Played Syndicate? Liked OG Syndicate? Buy this game.
197 Produkte im Account
24 Reviews
780 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.05.21 23:56
I really wanted to like this game but the bugs make it difficult to make progress.
636 Produkte im Account
37 Reviews
5165 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.05.21 23:56
This is a squad real-time tactical game. It's one of those games, if you think outside the box you can bypass or easily beat certain challenges. See a hardpoint with lots of security yet a nearby ammo box? Spam grenades to your heart's content. No-go security zone? Hack a civilian and run them as far into the complex as you can, but away from your objective. Security will chase down the hacked civilian giving your team a large opening to do what you want like hack a few panels for a future intrustion. I won't go more into detail since that will ruin the fun, but you can go stealth, you can go loud, or you can do snarky cheesy stuff if you abuse certain mechanics.

The game is very fun in that way, you can play it as designed or your own way, both work. It rewards exploration and playing around with different stuff so you can see what you like. I played it in spurts and come back after several months, and have done so multiple times. Catch the game on sale, it's been given away free before at least once and went on sale for only a few dollars multiple times. It goes on sale often enough I suggest waiting for events like the Steam Summer or Winter sale.
88 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
1966 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.05.21 21:10
i will be honest i got this game because it just looked SO good.

i havent played any strategy games since the old lotr bfme games so i asked a friend to play it with me. sometimes months passed by the time we got around to play it again so we lost track of the plot right until we got to the very end, but that was- wow. surprising. for me a bit more voice acting would have enriched the game experience and brought out the main plot more but i enjoyed the strategizing, the gameplay and the world nonetheless. i would recommend playing with a friend for people who are not that familiar with strategy games (like me); it adds an extra layer of fun.

ps. if youre looking for the song thats played at the club its called Giant Step by Processor.
743 Produkte im Account
553 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
26 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.04.21 16:14
Not very good. Got this because it seemed interesting but the sounds aren't great, the combat is awful - units don't automatically fight so you have to micromanage the living hell out of them, the story is meh, the menu itself is confusing, and the game just as a whole is clunky. The only really good thing I think is the graphics are good.

Honestly a 5/10. Glad I got it in a bundle.
758 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
2587 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.04.21 17:50
One of (maybe even) the best cyberpunk-style game I've ever played. The graphics and gameplay are breathtakingly beautiful. The storyline of the game is exciting and gripping, so that even after playing it for the 3rd time, you still want to play it again and again. There should be many more games like this.
19 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
3818 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.04.21 20:12
I was excited for this game from trailers as I am a huge fan of OG Syndicate (not what EA did to it more recently). I tried to play it like Syndicate and it didn't go well at all, this game is far more nuanced and your team operates much more comfortably and effectively from the shadows, hacking, mind controlling and stealth killing. Learning curve out of the way, I had a blast, and played straight through to the end, which is almost unheard of for me. I would buy a sequel on day 1.
398 Produkte im Account
389 Reviews
2845 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.03.21 16:23

It is squad based tactical stealth action game and pretty much everything is pushed to its limit. Definitely one of the best games I've ever played.

+ Huge, very open and very explorable world.
+ Level design is some of the best I've ever seen. The layout is memorable and easy to navigate in, it looks stunningly great. So much detail put into the atmosphere, all the advertisements, building architecture and just everything is done with perfection, it truly feels like cyberpunk future.
+ Combat is spectacular. Tactical squad control is truly a must in this game, you can't just go blind, you need to plan your actions or else you're as good as dead. You can use level design to your advantage, take cover, flank enemies, use level design layout for stealth approaches.
The shootouts are very aggressive and messy. Especially when in later game you start to hijack other people and build up your squad and when you fight the bigger, stronger and more numerous enemies it becomes a real chaos. Grenade spamming and rocket/plasma/laser cannons make the action so sick and hardcore. It feels like real gang wars.
+ Stealth is pretty great. You can cloak, sneak attacks, hijack turrets and cameras and much more.
+ You can approach every area in multiple different ways. Multiple way ins, multiple ways out, you can play both full combat or full stealth or mixure of both, you can bait enemies or hijack people and use them as scapegoats and you can do so much more. The posibilies are so varied and impressive. This game has pretty much everything thought out.
+ Great upgrade system.
+ There are literral gang wars all around, you can trigger one gang and lead them into another gang's territory and then witness how chaotic this game is. Sometimes three gangs are fighting at the same time, when it's so insane, probably the most hardcore action I've seen in a tactical game.
+ Environmental destuction is amazing.
+ You can do so much with the environments and world, you can hack pretty much anything, you can climb vents or use zip lines, you can bribe peoplem, you can clone people and much more.
+ Soundtrack is awesome, it's also a dynamic soundtrack which is quite rarely used in video games and in this game it is implemented with perfection, adds a lot to the atmosphere of the game.
+ Game is extremely long if you plan to complete all missions and explore all areas, took me 47h to beat.
+ One of the best ending to a video game I've ever seen.

- Controls are pretty bad.
- Left mouse button is extremely unresponsive, it doesn't work literraly half the time. It's the only button which has these problems, and it's definitely not a problem with my mouse since that button works as it's supposed to everythere else. Anyway, this is a big problem, I recommend using keyboard controls for most actions.
- Cloning is pretty difficult to understand how it works, I never used it myself. It's probably very useful. It's easy to get clones, but I did not understand how to use them, so I never bothered to clone.

3649 Produkte im Account
332 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
4325 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.02.21 11:03

“My schedule for today lists a six-hour self-accusatory depression.”
~Philip K. Dick, Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?

I always wondered why we never had enough cyberpunk games. I mean, honestly, how many of such games can you remember? Sure, the old farts would instantly remember B.A.T., DreamWeb and Neuromancer. Generation Y will think of games like Deus Ex, Anachronox and, maybe, extremely underrated Nightlong: Union City Conspiracy. And, of course, there are always Shadowrun adaptations that stay with us since fourth generation of video game consoles. But even if you're a die-hard cyberpunk fan who played some screwed up stuff like Paradise Cracked, COPS 2170: The Power of Law and Restricted Area, even you won't argue with the fact that there's serious lack of neon in gaming industry. And when you compare the amount of cyberpunk games with all those endless fantasy titles... I dunno, it's just sad.

And no, today I won't talk about that certain cyberpunk title that's currently releasing new patches just to fix previous ones. Today, I want to talk about the game that both Generation X and Generation Y should remember very well. Just because it was one of the brightest things ever happened with cyberpunk on both personal computers an video game consoles. I'm talking, of course, about good ol' Syndicate and its sequel Syndicate Wars. The real-time tactical games from legendary Bullfrog Productions, creators of such legendary titles as Magic Carpet, Populous, Theme Park and, of course, Dungeon Keeper. Before Electronic Arts killed the guys and before Peter Molyneux turned into a complete joke of a man, Bullfrog used to be one of my most favorite developers out there. They had both unique vision and enough talent to turn that vision into reality. And Syndicate? It was one of such projects. Like I already said, Syndicate was a real-time tactical game. Your goal was to control a small group of cybernetic agents and finish the series of missions that used to include infiltration, elimination and stuff like that. But, of course, it wasn't that simple. After all, it's Bullfrog we're talking about here. So, the game allowed us to modify our agents, research the new tools, conquer the territories, put taxes on them and do a lot of other fantastic stuff that heavily inspired another underrated cyberpunk title – an RTS called War Inc. (not to be confused with Russian MMOTPS). In other words, it was an awesome game. And even though its sequel was not nearly as well received as the original, I actually consider it to be heavily underrated.

Unfortunately, after Bullfrog was done (let's just take a minute and curse the name of the company that killed people like Origin Systems, Westwood Studios and DreamWorks Interactive) it was like the entire thing... kinda died with them, really. And you know what? It's weird. Seriously, even though most of Bullfrog's games are still well-remembered and considered to be iconic, we rarely get people trying to clone them. I mean, how many Syndicate clones do you know? I think I can remember that weird thingy called Gender Wars, but... that's pretty much it. And even EA didn't care much. They've just rebooted the series as FPS and then killed it because, naturally, nobody wanted a FPS version of Syndicate. Seriously, who, besides me, even remember that it was a thing not so long ago? Nobody? Thought so. Now, why am I telling you all that? Well, that's because... that's exactly what we've got here. Ladies and gentlemen, the waiting is over. Please, welcome! A Syndicate clone.

Sure, you may call this game a “spiritual successor”, but let's be honest. It's a bloody clone. The game just took the old Bullfrog's formula and, well, here we are. And you know what? I don't have problem with that. Heck, I welcome it! Like I welcome everybody who try to make their own version of Dungeon Keeper (the world needs more of such people). The problem is... the guys from 5 Lives Studios decided to give their game a modern touch. And that's where everything went down the drain. See, instead of our usual mission-by-mission formula from Syndicate (which does feel kinda archaic nowadays), they've decided to make Satellite Reign... an open world game. Long story short, in this title we have four districts and we're free to explore them in any way we want. All to make our agents strong enough to enter the enemy tower, kill a certain guy and trigger the ending. That's pretty much it. Unfortunately, that just... doesn't work. For two reasons.

The first reason is, of course, the fact that... well, let's just say that “you can go straight to the final boss” formula rarely works. Heck, I don't even think it worked that well in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. And here? It just makes you feel like you're wasting your time. There's no story progression (you want story – you pay more for a prequel novella), all missions feel exactly the same, etc. It's just extremely... unsatisfying experience. And that's the second problem. Seriously, this game? It screams about lack of variety. You activate teleports for easier navigation, you hack stuff for income and you do two kinds of missions (infiltrating the buildings and killing people that were there since the day the very first Syndicate was made, which was in 1993). That's pretty much it. That's the entire variety you'll get here.

Sure, Satellite Reign has its own share of interesting features. For example, you'll be able to clone people and use them as agents. Which is... way less satisfying than you may expect, but still, it's an interesting feature. But all in all, all those cute little touches don't really change the fact that this game is extremely repetitive. It's also painfully confusing. The UI here? It's a disaster. One of the worst things I've ever seen in modern games. One of those that only make things harder for player. And combined with terribly explained missions, bugs and messed up markers? Let's just say it's really, really hard to enjoy this game. The worst thing, though, is the fact that the core mechanics here feels clunky as heck. This game relies quite a lot on stealth, but it's so terribly made that you'll want to scream. Seriously, guys, just use the force instead. Especially since balance here is broken and there are many ways to take advantage of it and finish the game in just a couple of hours.

It's not like I didn't want to enjoy this game, though. Quite the opposite. I wanted for it to be good. With all of my heart. Seriously, I've waited for something like this for ages! Unfortunately, instead of investing more time into a single player experience, 5 Lives Studios decided to add multiplayer. So, in the end not only we didn't get ourselves good multiplayer, we also didn't get a good single player campaign. What we did get is a clunky, empty, limited and extremely annoying something that, despite all the cool features, just can't compete with the good ol' Syndicate. In other words, it is not the cyberpunk title you're looking for. Dixi.
452 Produkte im Account
222 Reviews
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149 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.01.21 23:30
Sure it has cyberpunk aesthetics but underneath that exterior is a poorly made game that does not take into the user's experience.

Movement in this game is slow and tedious, often taking minutes just walking at a brisk pace to the next mission area. The game gives you the ability to sprint, however only a few meters at a time since it is governed by a stamina bar, which is a horrible idea since the size and scope of the map is massive. How sad is it that so much time and effort is placed into the cyberpunk environment when most players will be bored out of their minds walking back and forth in the city, even with fast travel on beacons.

Combat is horrible as the game will constantly generate guards to harass you, even after the clearing out all the enemies the alert system is slow to decay causing you to wait or even worse get spotted by more guards. The AI isn't that smart because they will still attack you even when you are auto-healing near a beacon.

If you are interested in the cyberpunk genre, do yourself a favor and pick up Shadowrun instead of this game.
500 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
3315 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.01.21 19:00
i helped crowd fund it, find my family and buildings in the game ;)
522 Produkte im Account
39 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
223 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.01.21 17:03
Clucky controls. Awful pathing. Inconsistent stealth mechanics. Inconsistent assassination. Infinite spawning guards. I could go on but you get the point, the concept is great, the execution is awful.
74 Produkte im Account
42 Reviews
3354 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.01.21 12:06
I got this for free during some giveaway but hell,this game is awesome but with some caveats,so let's start with them:

Squad pathfinding - without constant player oversee squadies can bump themselves into serious trouble

UI - could be better,get used to it but by few hours i had problem with properly managing squad,research etc,because UI is kinda hard to read.When u use alot pings it can clutter alot

AI of enemies - it's god damn too easy and something obviously stupid. Example i blow up doors,security come up and they are oh door blow up,it's nothing. Ai had its moments when they cornered me but that was mostly because my cockiness than AI skills

Some weapon augs are not properly explained


Graphics and enviroment - everything shouts cyberpunk,and literally show it up,i enjoyed walking trough districts and enjoying views.For game from 2015 it ages decently

Gameplay - aside UI and AI, i enjoyed greatly game because even with that AI,it requires some planning and tactical oversight. U can customize urs squadies giving them weapons,gear and augs(u can turn them into either ultra killers or master of stealth,or something between).Enviroment destruction to some point greatly enchanced this,because allow player to play his own way(my favorite was mix between stealth and loud entrances)

Soundtrack - it's fits like glove to whole,electronic upbeat music(my favorite is one during inflitrations when u make some noise,i loved playing while it was in background),giving u that feel of cyberpunk world.

Story - u have to pay attention that what actually happens,but ending give me some chills(well done here devs)

Giving it recommended and hoping that next game will be even better(insta buy)
469 Produkte im Account
20 Reviews
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225 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.01.21 11:27
When I try to stealth kill an enemy, heroes don't just take the very logical shortest way to approach and finish them, instead they took enemy's patrolling way, even sometimes heroes just don't know where to go and keep stuttering right behind enemies that they just need to logically immediately approaching and stealth killing them. Why is this happening?
887 Produkte im Account
84 Reviews
469 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.01.21 17:20
+ Great visuals with lots of colors (Unity Engine at its finest!)
+ Ultrawide-Screen Support!
+ Full campaign coop: each player controls a character
+ Solid controls and fun cover system
+ Challenging AI: will always attempt to flank
+ Perfectly fitting soundtrack
+ Multiple ways to achieve an objective thus making exploration a fun task

- Tutorial and overall onboarding process could be better
- Menus and UI can be a tad confusing but nothing game-breaking

Random Facts:
# This is what happens when you mix gameplay like the Commandos series + a universe like Deus-Ex. Great fun
# A spiritual successor to the Syndicate series which started in the 1990s
235 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
2730 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.01.21 00:18
A great little Cyberpunk gem to play with a friend. Easy, pretty to look at, and a fun story.
15 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
2066 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.12.20 18:49
The slow start almost made me quit playing, but now that I've learned the ropes, gotten a few upgrades and access to explosives the game suddenly has a totally new dimension added to it. Sneaking felt hard at first, but once I understood better how the AI works, it's almost too easy at times. If you liked Syndicate (1993) I think you should pick this game up; there will be a moment when you feel this game lacks substance, but try to push through it and you might find an entertaining gem within.
353 Produkte im Account
103 Reviews
21 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.12.20 13:25
112 Produkte im Account
58 Reviews
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3918 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.12.20 19:11
Satellite reign is an over all boring experience. Story is lacking, combat is terrible and the controls are clunky. This is the only game in which a mini gun does less damage than the starter pistol. This doesn't make any sense because the mini gun is a mid- early late game weapon and enemies have over 300~500 health then. However the level design is great its with multiple ways to infiltrate a computed however stealthing is tedious and with the aforementioned low damage on all guns killing some one silently requires all four characters to continuously dump lead into the person or you could do what I did and kick the person to death wish for some reason does more damage than guns. There are a few minor glitches which show up at the most inopportune moments like when I was filtrating a base and my dude decided to freeze in place resulting in him getting gunned down.
191 Produkte im Account
24 Reviews
113 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.12.20 19:46
this id good i just wish i knew what the hel i was doing
315 Produkte im Account
25 Reviews
1170 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.12.20 09:40
Pros: It's a proper Syndicate sequel!
Cons: It's a proper Syndicate sequel.
469 Produkte im Account
20 Reviews
2704 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.12.20 13:33
Amazing RTS with somewhat clunky menus and not so great Unity performance.
The mechanics and settings are damn solid.
5 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
287 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.12.20 21:22
This game really embodies the legacy of Syndicate and Syndicate Wars but with some new mechanics and an extra layer of sheen. The art direction in particular is superb; even if you're confined to just one city, the city itself is gorgeous in a cyberpunk kinda way.
47 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
765 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.12.20 14:26
Of you were ever of fan of Syndicate and/or Syndicate Wars, this, this is the game for you. In a sea of games this is what I've been looking for. Something a little different, nostalgic and just fun. I've only got a couple hours in so far and only in the single player campaign but I'm loving it.

Control your 4 agents. Complete missions and play them your way. Go in guns blazing or stealthy, it's up to you...just know that sometimes, situations change, plans go to hell and it's time to go to work! Honestly, these are some of the best moments in game. Just something about the gun battles in that 3/4 isometric view that feels right.

A beautiful spiritual successor to the Syndicate series. Highly recommend.
101 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
1254 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.11.20 19:37
Syndicate Nostalgia
452 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
1779 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.11.20 20:25
Level design is detailed. Mechanics are nice. Possibilities are near endless. Story is good.

If i dont count the bug of being stuck somewhere: its a masterpiece.
36 Produkte im Account
25 Reviews
3349 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.11.20 15:40
I mean it's a Cyberpunk top down realtime RPG without magical crap or other races in it that don't actually exist. It's awesome.

There are a few things though that could be improved upon. For example when the music is shut off it's not shut off for the whole game it seems. Also a cloned cop seems to be able to go anywhere and doors magically open for him. I guess the 4th amendment doesn't exist in this game. It makes sense for the police department and old checkpoints but other areas should be off limits. Kinda nice not having to hack any of the doors though.

Also sometimes one of the avatars gets stuck. Also sometimes you can't do anything else but attack mode. I'm on Linux though and that could have something to do with some of the issues.
103 Produkte im Account
471 Reviews
91 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.11.20 15:52
Feels like Syndicate again! The radar/mission dossier map looks just like the original Syndicate map.
399 Produkte im Account
98 Reviews
1221 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.11.20 21:12
As close to a Syndicate Reboot as you'll ever get until EA decide to sell the IP to someone who knows how to make video games.
149 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
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351 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.10.20 20:02
Looks nice. Controls are lumpy and randomly unresponsive... characters sometimes follow commands and sometimes don't. Feels like a Unity Engine game, which isn't a good thing. Tutorial isn't great. The camera was the final straw which made me throw the hat in on this one after no time at all.
35 Produkte im Account
19 Reviews
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300 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.10.20 12:23
Do you know what rhymes with “Satellite Reign”? Lost potential.
This game can make you feel and even understand dense cyberpunk atmosphere. But extreme uniformity of game process and lack of interesting stories nullify everything.
It could be nice game. Not recommended.
156 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
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173 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.10.20 21:26
Following in the footsteps of Dawn of War 2, Company of Heroes, and--much earlier--Syndicate, Satellite Reign attempts to mix action RPG mechanics with RTS combat. Unfortunately, the too brief tutorial, poor controls, and tedious gameplay loop falls far short of the lofty heights of the games that inspired it. The friendly unit AI is baffingly terrible and the controls are often counter-intuitive. (Worse, some key mappings are simply missing, like a hotkey for the map). The visuals are satisfying, and the music isn't so bad it detracts from the ambiance, but the window-dressing can't make up for the hollow combat and superficial build strategies.

If you are a huge fan of all things cyberpunk or Syndicate, maybe wait for a sale price, but otherwise I wouldn't recommend this to anyone.
235 Produkte im Account
36 Reviews
3916 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.09.20 17:32
Gorgeous game. Really beautiful atmosphere, with a world that feels alive. It's really well done.

Though the combat is real fun too, the main joy for me is sneaking around heavily fortified bases.
You won't find this in the same format easily. Not in this style.

I've enjoyed it. I wish there was more.
156 Produkte im Account
44 Reviews
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65 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.09.20 10:04
Unfortunately, got to give this one a thumb down.
Satellite Reign is a top-down cyberpunk strategy game heavily influenced by an old glory such as Syndicate wars, but it fails to deliver (for the most part).
this is how I see it: If you consider it a spiritual successor to Syndicate wars, then is a failure, but if you consider it a game on its own, then is simply.. boring and a little unpolished.
However, you can still have fun with it, it's not without its own good points, for example the management system or the actual part of the map where can you infiltrate (some of them).
So, I can't recommend it (Although I would really want to) unless you are truly an aficionado of the genre, if not.. welp, I don't think this is for you..
23 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
7549 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.09.20 06:40
Tricky at the start but very true to the original (Syndicate)
873 Produkte im Account
60 Reviews
2000 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.09.20 04:58
Great game; steath, shooting, hacking and body-snatching. If you liked Crookz, Commandos, or other squad-based realtimes you should play this game.

Sequel pls?

(and it works on Catalina)
451 Produkte im Account
258 Reviews
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40 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.09.20 14:41
Combat boring, story uninteresting. Not worth a buy!
1224 Produkte im Account
159 Reviews
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456 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.09.20 18:13
I think a lot of people could have fun with this game, but I struggled to do so. I loved the world, the concept, and the gameplay. But holy shit this game moves slow. I don't mind methodical gameplay, but I found that this game felt unbelievably slow. I did not finish the first area even after nearly 8 hours of gameplay. That is it, that is really the only thing that bothered me. If that is okay for you you will love this game, but for me after I put so much time into the game I lost the desire to put in more because I felt like I was not getting enough out of my time spent. Beyond that it is a solid game and fun to play.
1261 Produkte im Account
875 Reviews
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298 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.08.20 12:12
Feels like beta version - buggy and unfinished. The game doesn't even support resolutions other than 16:9 - playing on a different monitor you get black bars on top and the bottom, which wouldn't be that bad if it wasn't glitching all the time and displaying random glitchy game stuff there.

The gameplay is meh, very repetitive and the combat is just annoying - it would be better if it was turn based, but the current real time one is frustrating.
151 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
994 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.08.20 11:30
Game idea and style is great, Constantly lagging and not responding as well to commands and input makes it infuriating to play.
369 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
42 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.08.20 02:52
The game opens on the wrong monitor and takes forever to load in where I can switch it to windowed mode to move it to the correct monitor. When I go to move it to the correct monitor it freezes my system and I have to log out and back in which kills all my other programs. Perhaps this is because I'm on Linux but after reading the other reviews of bugs and whatnot I'm not so sure. Uninstalling this piece of garbage.
467 Produkte im Account
19 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
529 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.08.20 17:24
I like it. But it's super buggy. Units get stuck in walls, objects, glitch through doors. AI breaks with the mind control ability, nothing will attack those units and you can just go around kill everything with no penalty. Sometimes when teleporting, your units will become invisible to you. Kinda ruins the challenge.
159 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1822 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.08.20 15:56
If you're photophobic, you don't want to play this game.
141 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
1401 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.07.20 05:21
Recommend, but with caveats:

This game has a lot to offer, but is sometimes beyond frustrating.
The stealth system is pretty good when it works, but you'll find yourself restarting over and over and over and over again due to some really poor input/pathing/search mechanics.
There's an element of randomization that gives the game more of a challenge, but the difficulty is made disproportionately great due to buggy AI (random pathing swaps or adjustments make it erratic and highly unpredictable/unfair at times). The gameplay and character movement is slow, so you'll find yourself waiting endlessly for enemy patrols to create openings, which isn't very fun considering the length of missions and time between checkpoints/autosaves. If you screw up, better have another 20-30 minutes to kill for your next attempt. The repetition and tedium of failure is unreal given how much the game punishes you for minor mistakes (that are usually not the player's fault). It does get a little better as you progress and take upgrades.

Aesthetically pleasing, but the interface takes a bit to get used to.

Overall, a decent RTS with a lot of different options for how to approach the missions, but tactics are sometimes kneecapped by the gameplay mechanics and the combat just doesn't feel satisfying and is also not a very viable strategy. It seems like most strategies involve trying to cheese the AI which is whatever you make of it.

If you liked the old Syndicate games, you might find enjoyment in this. It's definitely worth playing if you have the patience!
462 Produkte im Account
81 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
197 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.06.20 22:09
Tried so many times to enjoy the game. Very buggy - failure to launch as host errors. Loading games where I cannot move as if it's back in training mode. I have to end process to close the game. Clicking the exit option on the menu doesn't do anything.

I'm not sure if this is to be a stealth game or combat game - stealth seems near impossible. Cameras everywhere any gun use just attracts hoards of enemies.

I do regret the purchase and cannot get a refund due to spending so much time trying to get around bugs or reloading / restarting the game.
63 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
8031 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.05.20 00:43
Just like the description says. There's no wrong answers. I love how much you can customize your group. Stealth, snatch and grab? Cool. Guns out kill everyone? No problem. Different areas make success in only one method difficult which makes it interesting. Amazing game for the price.
188 Produkte im Account
88 Reviews
1336 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.05.20 01:56
This game is a spiritual successor to the syndicate series and while it focuses much more on stealth the randomized objectives bring a really cool replayability aspect to it. Overall the gameplay is solid and can be fun in coop if your buddies take it seriously. The only flaw is that the UI could be better.
136 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
1193 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.05.20 00:21
Syndicate! Yasss! 9/10 play with friends - multiplayer co-op is where this is at.
22 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
338 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.05.20 09:50
pros: This is an amazing spiritual successor of the Syndicate universe and the cyberpunk genre in general. The atmosphere, the visuals, the technology, the fluff it's all there for an amazing cyberpunk experience. I played and finished every Syndicate iteration (fps included) and this is the best one yet.

cons: It might be buggy sometimes but nothing that breaks the game. Also it has a limited number of voice overs, but at least the texts are well written and fit the theme perfectly. It might be rough around the edges because it was made by only 5 (incredibly talented) people, but nothing feels unfinished (an achievement in our modern half-baked world).
252 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
5271 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.05.20 04:06
Excellent game. This game lends itself to a wide variety of play styles. Took me a bit to get started with the game, but once I took the time to learn it, well worth it!
You have to be able to use all team member skills to make your way through the game, as planning out your missions and paying attention to the mission text makes progression much easier.
Any negative reviews usually have not taken the time to delve into this, or do not have the reading skills to follow the text that is given for each mission.
If Syndicate and Blade Runner had a love child, this is it.
371 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
3161 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.05.20 07:23
Rough around the edges, but weirdly appealing to play. Definitely scratches that Syndicate itch.
1950 Produkte im Account
1375 Reviews
62750 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.04.20 07:53
Being an original Kickstarter Backer I was a bit let down originally as Satellite Reign is quite different compared to it's spiritual predecessor. After a couple of hours of warming up to the game I started appreciating the simple yet tactical gameplay though.

While not being a particularly long game, there's quite a bit replay value and with each concurrent playthrough I found new things I had entirely missed out on before.

The main selling point is Satellite Reign is that it is realtime and has no turn based combat. There's no true time pause function either, meaning the game can be quite difficult and quite deadly at times.

Very solid squad based tactical gameplay, but don't expect this to win any prizes whatsoever in the story department.

Not a great game, but a good one and recommendable to fans of the genre.
48 Produkte im Account
29 Reviews
1524 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.04.20 14:31
OMG this game, is amazing! At first you don't quite grasp the potential of it, and as I thought, it looks just like a cyberpunk diablo or Baldurs gate! But it is sooo much more. As the game progresses you learn how to better use your characters in conjunction with each other, and it just gets better and better and better! And then you realise that the Massive city you run around in, is only one section of many! There is more!!! WTFrick?? And the powers and level ups just get better! And its not pay to play. its pay once play forever! Just like a game should be..... If you like Blade Runner, and rainy cyber cities full of evil corporations and their personal armies, and it's just you and your three mates against them all, (Well really just you cause you control them all lol) then you will abso-friggin-lutely love this game! Worth the purchase for sure.
116 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
45 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.04.20 02:04
Not a fan of XCOM style games, but this one is good. Story is good, controls are easy to remember, and a challenge.
244 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
236 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.04.20 11:53
Good design/concept, poorly executed.
+Stealth has clearly been the focus and most aspects of this are quite smooth.
+A fair amount of freedom to approach objectives in different ways.
-Some sort of AI is sorely needed for player's team, they don't shoot unless told to even in a fight with multiple enemies.
-Line of sight is not particularly clear, and some areas which give the appearance of providing cover don't.
-Pathfinding is not the best, and babysitting is required.
-Several bugs noticed, including a game breaking one for me where at the end of my 4hr playtime the entire team bugged out and got stuck between some pipes. Unable to move, or even be seen by enemies only a meter or two away, so couldn't even die to get respawned.
30 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
2532 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.04.20 22:08
I found it to be a great sucsessor to Syndicate wars, I just wish you could interact more with the vehicles!
Over all, finally glad we got a sequel, and online no less.
307 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
10646 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.03.20 18:13
I'm 47, I played the Old Syndicate games. This isn't a direct rip off, but definitely a cousin. I played it and finished it in Pre-Access. Outside of a few small bugs at the time, thoroughly enjoyed the game. Recently, I'm doing a play through again, and while things are familiar, still having a blast doing the missions and getting the gear. Haven't ran into any show stopping bugs.

They need to do more of this universe and game play. My money is guaranteed!!!
1937 Produkte im Account
22 Reviews
709 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.03.20 22:15
This is a tricky one. On the one hand I just love the cyberpunky setting, the game mechanics and everything. A great stealthy rpg with multiple approaches to every goal.

On the other hand it is pretty hard, because of all the skills and stuff you have and there is no way to pause the game to plan your next steps. Also gets repetetive very fast with no real story to hold your attention.
263 Produkte im Account
96 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
368 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.02.20 11:18
225 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
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142 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.02.20 00:46
I really want to give this a positive rating because it's an awesome concept. But the lack of a pause system ruins it for me. Or the lack of your team's AI. It's just not possible for me to enjoy when I constantly have to tell my team(which may be spread out) to attack every single unit because they don't attack by themselves. There are so many options to make it more playable.
729 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
1989 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.02.20 10:11
Picked this game up in the Australia Wild Fire Humble Bundle and thought I'd give it a go and I'm really happy I did. This game surprised me in a lot of ways, from the open world with cyberpunk asthetic to the real time combat with unique game mechanics. The squad based gameplay is super fun and each unit plays a specialized role.

The game can be difficult at times due to the real time combat and unrelenting enemies, especially if you go in loud. It does compensate for this through the cloning system though. You'll always have fresh clones for respawns available and you don't really lose anything other than time. I will say that the hacker will be prioritized early and then later into the game the infiltrator will be your go to and can sometimes solo entire compounds but I don't think its too big of a deal since it is the late game and the infiltrator will be almost maxed, or maxed with the proper gear. Stealth is almost always the best option but this doesn't leave the soldier useless to his unique version of hacking.

The game also has some bugs, nothing that ruins the game so far and not to often. A few times I've had characters fall through the floor, go invisible, or clip through a wall but this has happened probably like 4 or 5 times in total and I can usually get them out somehow or just revert back to the most recent autosave and lose virtually no progress. Although there is one bug that you can abuse consistently that allows you to just clip right through doors without hacking them. Other than that, there is no game breaking bug I've found, it's the only one I've been able to reproduce 100% of the time and if you use it constantly then it ruins an entire game mechanic.

Overall I've had an amazing time playing this game and I'd recommend it to anyone who likes strategy games or the cyberpunk theme. I'm looking forward to trying the multiplayer out at some point. This has a lot to offer and even if you don't get it at a discount I think it's still worth it. I like to try and get $1 an hour worth out of my games and I'm currently at 23.8 hrs and I'm in the last zone of the game so I think I'll hit 30 hours just from the single player alone.
397 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
1205 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.01.20 06:40
Stealth mechanics are a little lack luster, and the final encounter is hard to stealth, essentially forcing you to go in guns blazing, but overall, had a great experience playing with 2 players.
61 Produkte im Account
25 Reviews
3043 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.12.19 20:04
It's a fun game, if you like some real-time strategic combat/hacking/infiltration stuff.

[spoiler]The fact that one needs a mod to actually unlock some of the achievements is a minor downside, IMO.[/spoiler]
439 Produkte im Account
24 Reviews
3072 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.12.19 03:07
YES. its a mix of Commandos, Bladerunner, Shadowrun and XCOM somehow. AWESOME
80 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
816 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.12.19 22:58
This one definitely brought back memories of Syndicate back in the 90's. It's not a perfect game but I enjoy it quite a bit. Still haven't finished it but at 13 hours in I think I have a good feel for the game. The aesthetic and soundtrack really sucked me in on this one. Pathing can get a little wonky at times but it's certainly not the only game guilty of that. Overall a solid title IMO.
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Rating auf Steam Größtenteils positiv
71.29% 2297 925
Release:28.08.2015 Genre: Echtzeitstrategie Entwickler: 5 Lives Studios Vertrieb:keine Infos Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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