Samorost 3
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Über das Spiel

Samorost 3 handelt von einem neugierigen Weltraumgnom, der auf der Suche nach dem geheimnisvollen Ursprung seiner Zauberflöte mithilfe ihrer Zauberkräfte den Kosmos bereist. Besuche neun einzigartige, fremde Welten und entdecke Rätsel, Kreaturen und Überraschungen. Das herrliche Design sowie Geräusche und Musik hauchen diesem Spiel Leben ein.
- CPU: 2.3 GHz Dual Core
- GFX: Intel HD 4000
- Software: Windows 7, 8, 10
- HD: 1 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
- MISC: Mouse recommended
- LANG: Englisch, Französisch, Italienisch, Deutsch, Spanisch – Spanien, Arabisch, Brasilianisches Portugiesisch, Bulgarisch, Dänisch, Finnisch, Niederländisch, Japanisch, Koreanisch, Ungarisch, Norwegisch, Polnisch, Portugiesisch – Portugal, Rumänisch, Russisch, Thai, Chinesisch (traditionell), Türkisch, Ukrainisch, Chinesisch (vereinfacht), Tschechisch, Griechisch, Schwedisch
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Steam Nutzer-Reviews
815 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.01.21 13:00
Die Story nimmt einen beim spielen auch echt gut mit, sodass man richtig im Spiel versinkt und sich in die Charaktere hineinversetzen kann.
Ich schäme mich echt ein bisschen, dass ich das Spiel mal im Angebot für 3€ oder so bekommen habe... Die 20€ sind es wert, finde ich.
Ein 4. Teil mit weiteren Rätseln und so schöner Story wäre echt genial.
410 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.01.20 16:51
Wie schon in den anderen Spielen von Amanita Design muss auch die wunderschön gezeichnete Welt in Samorost 3 ganz intuitiv und ohne irgendeine Anleitung von unserem kleinen Gnom erkundet werden. Nur anhand von Bilderblasen und in diesem Falle Geräuschen und Musik (was eine tolle Idee) wollen Rätsel entdeckt und gelöst werden. Und Musik und Tanz zieht sich durch die gesamte Geschichte. Sei es die Kohlemännchen-Band auf dem Vulkanplaneten, das Zirpkonzert der Zikaden oder der beeindruckende Chor der Termiten, welcher mich besonders berührt hat, überall liegt Musik in der Luft. Was genau es damit auf sich hat, erfährt man aus zwei wunderschön gezeichneten Bilderbüchern, die unser kleiner Gnom finden kann und soll deshalb auch gar nicht verraten werden.
Die Rätsel, die es auf unserer großen Reise durch das Sonnensystem zu lösen gilt, sind teilweise ganz schön kniffelig und nicht immer leicht zu knacken, aber nie unlösbar. Besonders beeindruckt hat mich hierbei auch die Vielfalt und Kreativität an unterschiedlichen Aufgaben. Man muss sich einfach Zeit für dieses Spiel nehmen, entschleunigen und genießen. Auch außerhalb der Rätsel gibt es so viel Schönes und Witziges zum Anklicken. Das sollte man nicht verpassen. Es lohnt sich.
Man kann im Spiel nichts falsch machen, und Dinge immer wieder neu probieren. Selbst die Achievements sind jederzeit nachholbar, ohne das ganze Spiel wieder spielen zu müssen. Solltet ihr mal gar nicht weiterkommen, gibt es im Spiel ein toll gemachtes Buch mit kleinen Hinweisen, das euch vielleicht den entscheidenden Tipp geben kann, um eine Aufgabe zu lösen.
Samorost 3 ist absolut empfehlenswert, wie alle Spiele von Amanita Design! Zurücklehnen und genießen!
405 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.10.23 10:07
Nicht Empfohlen
171 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.10.23 10:03
277 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.09.23 17:33
Nicht Empfohlen
305 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.09.23 18:20
I think like many people here I brought this game as I had been a fan of Amanita Design and have always held them in high regard as the pioneers of the early 2000's point & click Flash adventure games that we all loved as kids and grew up with. The rich visuals and creative problem-solving puzzles really helped develop me as a kid and led to the creative background I have today. Trust me when I say I really wanted to be a fan of this game.
The Good,
Beautiful variety of floating planets and phenomenal photo imagery mixed-media artwork which immerse you in the psychedelic creative world of Samorost. The artists once again completely knocked it out of the park with the vast array of different terrains and creature designs. My favourite planet by far being the overgrown lush jungle planet of the monks, however that is unfortunately also the SHORTEST planet with the least explorable areas and the MOST backtracking which is such a shame.
Nice that at least the visuals remain consistent to the rest of the trilogy.
Oh yeah there is a full STORY in this one, an actually thought out adventure and not just 'dog lost, go find'. I love it, despite being simple and easily understandable by children (the whole thing is based on a bedtime story your character finds) it still has good depth and goals. Sometimes you are left wondering how exactly making a bird poop on a tent to have a hit of a pipe progresses the story. Just don't question it xD
Extremely fun concept and is supported nicely by the awesome visuals.
The Bad,
Full open world exploring is disastrous for a point and click adventure game. Linear story worked much better for the previous 2 games of the series and promoted a less entangled direction which is needed for these types of games. Each are you explore is like a panel, which requires creative thinking to solve puzzles, grab/use items from different areas, or in many cases; click around and watch a boring animation of a little ghost float around your screen. The amount of confusion and loss of direction that is caused by the full open world exploration is insane, but it adds an even worse feature along with it:
Backtracking. Throughout this game you will wish your little wobbly hat white fellow had 2X speed, as there is a LOT of walking back and forth between areas to fetch items and progress. Once again this is an issue with the open-world design choice and would have been completely avoided with linear story-telling. The game overall feels extremely dragged on and gets boring.
The final and crucial design flaw is the travel system. I seriously don't mind watching some white floaty ghost swoosh around the screen for a few seconds as long as it somehow adds to the lore or progresses me through the story, but the extremely repetitive PLANET TRAVEL SYSTEM is just an absolute JOKE. Entering and exiting your little mushroom UFO is a chore. Its essentially just another unskippable unneeded cutscene. Hated it.
and THE WORST...
This game has a major problem, and it is the redundancy of memory puzzles disguised as 'musical sequence patterns' with no actual in-game answers you can find. You're left wondering and essentially guessing if you skipped over the area where the correct sequence was displayed. You have to go through trial & error to GUESS the correct ones. Truly rediculous, and there is SO MANY of them!
This is evidently a poor and forced incorporation of the flute and musical aspects, which were not present in the other 2 games. Another reason why this system fails so badly is that by interacting with a creature/object and playing the flute, you are either TOLD THE WHOLE PUZZLE and what to click etc, or they tell you ABSOLUTELY NOTHING and waste your time by watching a floaty ghost animation. It does not work.
I want to preface by saying that it's not like the sound design is BAD, the musical elements at least SOUND great for the most part and I appreciate the designers who were tasked to create it, but it simply should not exist. It feels incredibly intrusive and takes focus away from the gameplay and story.
And absolute HELL:
The flower pollinating puzzle. I'm not even going to try & explain it here. It made me loose braincells. If you know, you know.
Want to 100% the game? Don't.
Achievements were AWFUL to obtain. Absolutely dreadful and I would never want to 100% the game again.
You will have to follow a tedious tutorial to not only show you where these secret achievements are located, but also what random musical sequence you need to click on a obscure bug's antennas which is hidden underneath the 4th rock on the planet you visited 2 levels ago. It's insanity and not fun whatsoever. You will loose your mind.
Summary & Final Thoughts:
Overall it feels bad writing such an in-depth critique since it's clear the developers put a lot of heart and soul into this game, this is especially evident in the last HIDDEN cutscene which rewards no achievement so most players skip over it entirely:
After completing the full game and returning to your home planet and sleeping in your tower, you receive a beautiful small dream sequence of the adventures you had, with the monks, the robot warrior, as well as Joseph the Machinarium robot as a cameo!
Like I mentioned beforehand, this game could seriously benefit from not being so dragged out and by not implementing the musical elements so heavily. There was a lot of good ideas packed into it.
The previous 2 games were shorter, and that was not necessarily a negative. The Samorost series is based on very early Flash web browser point & click games. The original 2 games were a fun seamless experience that did not try to be a full indie title with weird gimmicks, but a short, sweet, and visually stunning art project that resonates with you for decades.
Ultimately Samorost 3 tries something different but fails at being both a puzzle game and a point & click adventure. A more appropriate theming would be a poorly executed musical set of annoying mini-games.
This one had me disappointed so I had to share my thoughts. It MIGHT be a good catch for like 2 bucks on offer, which is what I got it for. Make your own decision.
Love ya Amanita, long time fan (NOT a hater), please make Haluz 4, I want to support further ❤
283 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.08.23 16:17
You meet old friends and new ones!
The Artwork was okay, just not my style, the sounds were good.
The game mechanics were very simple and easy to understand. It is simply point and click.
It only took me 4.7 hours to finish the game with all achievments (they are missable, just a tiny bit is storybased).
I did buy it on Sale for 3.59€, which is good for the length of the game. Try it out!
589 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.08.23 19:29
393 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.04.22 11:24
And it doesn't stop there: You can play a simple music track once you got an achievement, and combine them in the menu. This way you can practically feel like a little DJ. All in all just beautifully made. Very epic.
1376 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.03.22 06:00
417 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.02.22 18:42
What I needed
Samorost is, somehow, Amanita's birthplace. It started off the team's deep dive into visually compelling point and click adventures, with the first title being a really simple, yet relaxing and enjoyable title, even if really short.
Eventually, they mastered their craft and decided to give this series a third installment.
It's safe to say that we needed this! A must have title, absolutely worth its price.
If you want to hear more though, I'll share some personal thoughts below.
Space and forests
Much care has been put into world building here, and it pays off every time you boot up this game.
As the sub-title says, it's like walking into the woods. In space. You see and hear this fictional naturalistic setting and it's so alive, yet so calm.
While playing, you'll visit various celestial bodies, each with an unique vibe and recognizable environment. Every puzzle or zone easily sticks to your mind, and I must say that they are not hard at all with a couple of exceptions.
Amanita did think about this, though: at any given time, by solving a really simple puzzle in the menu (accessible by pressing esc in-game), you can access a book which grants you every solution.
As I've already said with Creaks, this is better than having to search for a whole walkthrough just to get unstuck. This shows that difficulty is yet again not this game's main focus, and I'm fine with it. I wouldn't appreciate it the same way, as it's intended to be really immersive and relaxing.
Other than that, puzzles were fun and engaging, always coming off as original rather than frustrating. Except for the termites' egg one, with the switches. Good luck figuring that one out without a solution.
Floex, again
Creaks elevated its quality with its score provided by Hidden Orchestra. Here, the music is no different. Floex has created these unique sensations with an excellent composition, ambient vibes and tunes which are beyond original. I may be biased, since it's an interesting genre for me, but I'm sure anyone who plays Amanita titles enjoys the musical component as much as everything else.
Masterfully made.
Brief but concise feelings
As always, my aim isn't to describe every aspect, rather than explaining what I've felt about the game and what really did stick with me.
This is a staple of point and click adventures and I couldn't recommend it more, as it deserves every penny. The last thing I'm going to say is that it's best played with some good headphones.
It really shines.
More reviews:
692 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.02.22 07:15
316 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.01.22 09:06
195 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.01.22 05:02
486 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.01.22 08:51
Every single frame of this game is like a poster I would want to have on my wall. the textures, the terrarium-like nature of each individual world, it all just speaks to the dedication of the Devs at Amanita have to creating a completely unique visual experience. This isn't even to mention the enrapturing soundtrack, goofy voice dubs for the sound effects thought the game (which, by the way, would totally be how things in the world of Samarost would sound like) and sprinkled musical challenges/puzzles which make me feel like I'm connecting with the soundtrack of nature and the universe itself.
368 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.11.21 17:02
Where Samorost 2 impacted, Samorost 3 excelled.
This last entry in Samorost's universe is a piece of art. With visually striking imagery, backgrounds and elements, plus an excellent sound design, Samorost 3 shows how the devs put their heart into their crafting. It's been a long time since I wanted to play this game until I finally played but I can't recommend it enough, so do yourself a favor a jump into this experience asap.
426 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.11.21 21:38
Nicht Empfohlen
9 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.08.21 00:12
As for gameplay, I didnt get a chance to do anything to be able to comment on it. Too bad, it looked like a nice game from the cover.
661 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.06.21 07:53
963 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.06.21 11:28
From the well-known team Aminita Design creators of Machinarium and CHUCHEL fables, comes the third game in the Samorost series. This time with a full-length, full-screen point-and-click adventure that requires no prior knowledge about previous games of the same saga.
Though it's been a decade since Samorost 2, the new game, direct players right back into some incredibly bizarre, gorgeous and vivid organic environments. Splitted into different planets, we will deep into the story of a giant space squid that crashes through into our dimension, devouring everything in its path. Our little gnone of course, is in charge of cleaning up this mess before the whole galaxy colapses.
As with pretty much every other adventure game they’ve made, for most in-game puzzles you’ll be able to solve them completly on a given world by solely using elements from that world. This is not true for all of them, tho. Some puzzles you’ll encounter can be a bit too obtuse and hard to guess at first. However, the built-in hint system comes in handy on this situations. Another problem is that not all the time is pretty clear what necessary puzzle element from the cute background you need to interact with – but regardless, it’s a little disappointing, this is not enough to ruin the adventure in any way...
Game atmosphere is further reinforced by the stunning and truly distinct art style, which uses an uncanny mix of photorealistic textures and totally fantastic elements, as in the previous releases of this saga. Each new land is great opportunity to look at never seen creatures and astonishing backgrounds, enjoy realistic sounds, and perhaps most significantly part of this game, well-played music to hear. Seriously, gig performed by cicadas gang is freaking good. Search for it!
All in all, the game can join Machinarium as some of the best adventure games to come out since the late 90s. Samorost 3 is an excellent point-and-click adventure game for those looking for a slow, surreal intergalactic voyage full of outlandish landscapes and unique characters. It does not take so long to complete, but it's long enough to consider the game a complete crafted adventure. Probably the only weak point on previous releases from this saga. Keep going Amanita Design, you did it really great job with this!
Thanks Thiago Duarte for this awesome gift! I enjoyed so much the game <3.
Very kind of you as usual, my man!
489 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.05.21 02:20
478 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.05.21 23:55
You don't actually have to enjoy the gameplay to appreciate the artistry. And, to be honest, I often found Samorost 3 to be confusing, frustrating, and maddeningly slow. It's a short game, but it's easy to get stuck for hours on a single puzzle, and unfortunately the lovingly-animated (but usually unskippable) sequences can get very annoying when you're trying the same puzzle over and over or traveling back and forth between different locations. Some people may love the challenge of a true, traditional, point-and-click adventure game – I don't. It's a testament to the artistry of Samorost that I finished it 100%, whereas usually I give up on adventure games within a few hours. The game provides a helpful guidebook that provides sketches and diagrams to help you through puzzles that have you stuck. It's a great help, and it's nice that you have to solve two (simple) puzzles to open it each time you want a hint. That way, it feels as if you're at least solving something yourself! Still, with such a surreal world and with no language to go on, you may need help that goes beyond the guide. (Or, in my case, I needed to look at a walkthrough just to know that there WAS a guide!) If you're anything like me, I strongly recommend that you look up a guide or a walkthrough to help you through any rough spots. The game is best enjoyed, IMO, if you're never stuck on any one puzzle for more than a handful of attempts – more than that, and it just gets boring and frustrating.
The reason why I (non-adventure-game-fan that I am) loved playing through Samorost 3, and the reason I'm recommending it, is because the story, art, music, lore, worldbuilding, and general concept of the game is so unique and endearing that I think it's worth playing for literally anyone. Even if you need to play along with a YouTube walkthrough to finish it, do it – it's a story worth playing out!
477 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.05.21 15:03
Once on sale, its a must buy for any point & click adventure fan.
147 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.04.21 16:15
430 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.02.21 04:53
Nicht Empfohlen
197 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.02.21 22:30
Nicht Empfohlen
135 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.02.21 03:07
244 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.12.20 15:04
Samorost 1 (free flash game at their website), is a very short game about saving your planet from a collision with another planet coming your way. The game can be finished within 10 minutes, it gives more like a feel of a hobbyist giving their first try at game creation. But the surrealism artwork is superb.
Samorost 2 is a slightly longer game about an hour of journey with a clear objective to save your dog. It's still somewhat powered by flash player and gives the feel of a beginner indie game. But again, superb in artwork and the self-created sound effects are funny and intriguing.
Samorost 3 came up to standard as a professional game, slightly longer than Samorost 2 but there are lots of things to explore. You don't get a clear objective this time, but rather going through the game on a journey collecting clues and lore to understand more of the story. A really big upgrade on the story telling part. And the game play, the original music, the sound effects, as well as the superb realism art, all made this into a very unique and original game of its own.
All 3 series uses the same protagonist but there isn't a real link between their story, except a small time line about the rocket he owned. Other than that, you can play them in any order and fully enjoy them in your own pace without needing to worry about missing out previous story line.
Recommended! Truly a Master piece!
346 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.12.20 11:23
11 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.11.20 23:24
504 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.11.20 07:19
The ambient style music associated with the puzzles and achievements are a pure treat to your ears.
If you are new to this style of game then there will be a learning curve, and confusion. But if you have played Samorost 2 and Machinarium before, then you already know that you just need to be observant and curious in order to identify and solve the puzzles around you.
There are no words, no instructions, only visual communication sometimes accompanied with audio clues.
Now what you understand... is all up to your rusty-ol mind.
308 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.11.20 12:14
115 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.11.20 15:53
The art style is fine and unique. The worlds are wonderfully designed, and you can see that the developers really spent time on that part of the game.
The main character can use his/her/its clarinet/trumpet to talk to the different species. They will then give you hints on how to solve the puzzles.
20€ is pretty expensive for this game, in my opinion, but it is nevertheless a good game.
Nicht Empfohlen
192 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.10.20 22:48
97 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.08.20 21:43
People that will like this game
- Puzzle Game
- Beautiful Game
- Bizarre Game
- Although it should be played in one sitting, you don't have to.
- Playtime is short, as I've played this game twice, I knew how to get through it pretty easily after I decided to install it on Steam (for a challenge!)
People that wouldn't like this game
- Long playtime
- Not looking for beauty or a psychedelic trip of some type
- Didn't enjoy any of Amanita's other games (you'd be a fool)
- Don't enjoy a game that makes you feel as though you are in a fever dream.
MY conclusion:
One of my favorite games of all time. And if you enjoy this game, try other Amanita games, they are the best.
321 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.08.20 04:35
If you want logic or don't enjoy the click-on-everything puzzles, I'd avoid it though, I was pretty impatient with the puzzles at times compared to Samorost 1/2. The secret achievements seemed more obvious than the main goals
270 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.08.20 04:36
The game's graphics are my all time favorite graphics of pretty much any game. The collage style setbuilding that amanita has been refining for ages has finally culminated in this beautiful world to explore
The game's soundtrack by Floex is an amazing work of art itself, and it's one of my favorite ambient albums, which i still play in the background regularly. Every track is breathtaking and complements the scenery perfectly. In the game there are a ton of music toys that let you play around and make songs, and they are all amazing.
The games puzzles are great as well. The puzzles are just the right difficulty level, and correspond to the design of the planets you visit very well. sometimes there's an annoying moment where you realize an object you've been clicking on for ages is dragable, but it doesn't completely ruin the experience. Also, there's a beautiful solution book to accompany every scene, so there's no risk of getting stuck. Amanita design are masters of letting players play at their own pace.
Everyone can enjoy this game, from 10 year olds to adults, and even people who have never played a video game before will probably find themselves lost in this world.
312 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.07.20 17:28
666 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.05.20 19:52
The only complaint that it's a bit short, when you've dissolved in this world the game just ends.
Hope the guys will create one more part.
273 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.05.20 02:05
323 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.05.20 15:48
I played Samorost 2 first which my daughters really enjoyed watching (4 and 5) so I also tried the sequel which is clearly technically better but about more of the same. Of all the Amanita games, I enjoyed Machinarium the most so this recommendation comes behind that one.
If you like point and click games, the Samorost games are decent affairs. You can try playing the first one since its free and try to figure out whether you find that world / universe interesting enough. If so, give it a whirl.
253 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.04.20 03:07
This also resonates with me at a personal level. A person's journey across planets yet at the end of the day, you'd want to go home and pet your dog.
605 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.02.20 17:10
Samorost 3, an adventure in to the world of microorganism
An amazing Point&Click expierience, Amanita Design took 11 years to make this sequel and they did right.
- Visuals are beyong beatiful. The very first moment you see the starting are, you're gona be blown away.
- Puzzles in a big variety, there are so many of them.
Even if they are to hard, you have a book where you have to aline the red dots and you get the solution for the map you are currently in.
- Secrets do pay off in the end, it's even possible to find them all in the post-game.
- Inventory ist not an option in Amanita Design games, no item searching, no item carrying around with you, no item combinations to guess and no guessing where to use them.
- Music is a feast for the ears. Althgou most sounds do sound like made with the mouth, the chemistry still so on point, when you unlock all secrets, you can mix them however you like and it still sounds dope.
- Clickables are sometimes easy to guess, but other times it's like a search for the needle in the haystack.
But at the same time you're carrying a Solutionbook with you where you can look up what you can click on.
- Controller Support is there, not shown in the store page, but you can use controller to play.
-Pricetag of 20$ looks/sounds harsh, but when you only get evry 2 years a new game from them and such uniques ones like this one, made with a ton of love, you'll understand.
- Solutionbook is a typical feature for Amanita Design, but you have always repeat that one puzzle to open the book again when you're on a map where you opened it once already.
This is one of the best, might even be the best, point&click adventure of 2016.
And for me in particular in years.
Because Amanita Design brings at best 1 game evry 2 years and when they do, it's something unique!
If you interested or not, try Samorost 3 out, but i kinda feel to have to recommend it when it's on sale.
Amanita Design
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