There have been a whole boat load of new fixes and improvements that have gone into both Sailaway and the World Editor.
We have also added a new voting system for edits made using the World Editor.

Sailaway v1.1.04
- Added about 50,000 new buoys and lights from the OpenSeaMap database, including the ones that were registered as a building instead of a singlepoint node.
- Yellow lights where imported from the OpenSeaMap database as white.
- The height of the light beacons was previously incorrect.
- Fixed glitches on the teak deck of the catamaran.
- Toggling through the camera positions would skip the helmsman position.
- Camera was not stable when a line was selected while sailing in tall waves.
- World edits are now indicated with a white rectangle in the map.
- World edits have an info panel that is accessible by pressing the white "i" in the map. The info panel offers the opportunity to contact the creator and/or report the edit.

World Editor v1.0.06
- Deactivate function has been removed.
- In World Edit list, the text "deactivated" is shown when an edit has been downvoted.
- Deselecting an 3D object is now possible. When you add a new 3D object when nothing is selected it is possible to remove an OSM building without selecting a 3D model file.
Happy Sailing!
The Sailaway Team