News Liste ROKH

ROKH Development Status - New test build
22.12.17 18:42 Community Announcements
Greetings Colonists,

Christmas is already on us and we are approaching the end of our Milestone 2 of the Rokh fixing roadmap. This month we have corrected more than 50 new major bugs identified through development or thanks to our external QA team.

The build is way more stable and most of the encountered bugs are non-critical. For sure we are still experiencing framerate drops here and there but nothing that should prevent you guys from having great fun.

Because yes, it’s now time to broaden our group of testers and we are happily pushing the latest build to the Develop Branch. The current build (819) on this branch will no longer be available nor supported. If you’d like to get access to it, simple drop us an email at If you had previously requested access to the 819 build you will automatically get access to this new build without requesting access again, just make sure you are opted in to the ‘Develop' branch. In order to report bugs, we have a simple feedback form which will allow our team to receive the bug reports more efficiently. It can be found here: Bug Report Form

What are the next steps?

We are still planning to have our QA team testing the game further to ensure that no additional bugs having been introducing during the fixing. Based on their reports and mostly also to your report, we will decide when to push this update publicly.

Also, we are actively looking into the next update for the game. We have limited resources still and we are looking for a partner to help us with funding the game, but here are a list of features we’d like to bring next to ROKH:
  • Vehicle crafting: Two new craftable, customizable vehicles provide mobility and new gameplay. As players begin to attain mastery over their survival, some will want to explore distant locations in pursuit of rare and precious minerals and technology caches, or relocate to better positions in case things go south.

  • More tile shapes: Build elaborate bases with a variety of tile shapes and sizes. Build spindly towers, wide low circular arrays, and create numerous other styles through various cool base components.

  • Customization habitat options: Custom panels allow players to get wacky, or creative, or obsessive. Do they want to make a LEGO scene, or a medieval base on Mars? Custom paneling really opens the doors to the fans of the game.

  • Crafting tree and streamlining: Provide the players with a comprehensive crafting tree to display all the items available in-game and the path to craft them. Continue to streamline the crafting process to decrease time spent UI screens.

  • Resources distribution scheme: Create deep yet understandable resource rules, rewarding exploration and experience. Players can learn through experience where certain types of minerals and resources may be found, as various factors define and
  • limit resource placement.

    Please let’s us know what would be your preferred choice in this survey
    Your voice counts and we will prioritize our plan accordingly.

    Thank you all for your amazing support and patience. We wish you a great holidays season. See you all on 2018!

    Make sure to follow us on Twitter, Facebook and join our Discord to stay tuned for the latest news!