• Rocksmith: Screenshot zum Classic Rock DLC
  • Rocksmith: Screenshot zum Classic Rock DLC
  • Rocksmith: Screenshot zum Classic Rock DLC
  • Rocksmith: Screenshot zum Classic Rock DLC
  • Rocksmith: Screenshot zum Classic Rock DLC
  • Rocksmith: Screenshot aus dem Gitarren-Videospiel
  • Rocksmith: Screenshot aus dem Gitarren-Videospiel
  • Rocksmith: Neues Bildmaterial zum Gitarren-Videospiel
  • Rocksmith: Erstes Bildmaterial zu Ubisofts neuem Musik-Videospiel
  • Rocksmith: Erstes Bildmaterial zu Ubisofts neuem Musik-Videospiel
  • Rocksmith: Erstes Bildmaterial zu Ubisofts neuem Musik-Videospiel
  • Rocksmith: Erstes Bildmaterial zu Ubisofts neuem Musik-Videospiel
  • Rocksmith: Screenshot zum Classic Rock DLC
  • Rocksmith: Screenshot zum Classic Rock DLC
  • Rocksmith: Screenshot zum Classic Rock DLC
  • Rocksmith: Screenshot zum Classic Rock DLC
  • Rocksmith: Screenshot zum Classic Rock DLC
  • Rocksmith: Screenshot aus dem Gitarren-Videospiel
  • Rocksmith: Screenshot aus dem Gitarren-Videospiel
  • Rocksmith: Neues Bildmaterial zum Gitarren-Videospiel
  • Rocksmith: Erstes Bildmaterial zu Ubisofts neuem Musik-Videospiel
  • Rocksmith: Erstes Bildmaterial zu Ubisofts neuem Musik-Videospiel
  • Rocksmith: Erstes Bildmaterial zu Ubisofts neuem Musik-Videospiel
  • Rocksmith: Erstes Bildmaterial zu Ubisofts neuem Musik-Videospiel


Du musst angemeldet sein
  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 27.09.2012
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Preis Update 20.05.22

Über das Spiel

Eine neue Generation der Gitarren-Spiele betritt die Bühne. Rocksmith, das erste und einzige Spiel, bei dem jede handelsübliche Gitarre als Controller dienen kann.

Kein Plastikmüll. Keine Imitationen. Das authentischste Gitarrenerlebnis, das Musikspiele bieten können. Nach dem Anschließen an die Konsole entwickeln die Spieler echte Fähigkeiten und echten Style, während sie wirkliche Musik spielen.

Rocksmith wird sowohl erfahrenen Musikern als auch kompletten Neulingen an der Klampfe etwas bieten. Das Gameplay passt sich automatisch an die individuellen Fähigkeiten an. Dank des innovativen Spieldesigns wird das Musizieren visuell-intuitiv.

In freischaltbaren Minispielen kann der Spieler seinen Handfertigkeiten den letzten Schliff verpassen. Eine große Auswahl an verschiedenen Songs aus unterschiedlichsten Richtungen lässt dabei keine Langeweile aufkommen. Und all das mit einer waschechten Gitarre. Nichts ist mit dem Spielen einer echten Gitarre vergleichbar. Nichts, abgesehen von Rocksmith.

  • Wenn wir sagen jede Gitarre, dann meinen wir auch jede Gitarre. Vollommen gleich ob es sich um die alte Gitarre auf den Dachboden handelt, die geliebte treue Klampfe oder eine, die erst noch angeschafft werden muss. Mit Rocksmith kann jede Gitarre an das Xbox 360 oder PlayStation 3 System angeschlossen werden. Solange die Gitarre eine Anschlussbuchse hat, kann losgezockt werden. Keine Anschlussbuchse vorhanden? Auch kein Problem, man besorgt sich einfach einen preiswerten Tonabnehmer im nächsten Musikladen.
  • Die Schwierigkeitsstufen passen sich dem eigenen Können an. Herausforderungen nehmen alle gerne an, aber niemand mag es dauernd zu scheitern. Rocksmith berücksichtig dies und weiß jederzeit genau, wie weit es den Spieler fordern kann ohne das der Spielspaß flöten geht oder er die Lust verliert. Dank dutzender Schwierigkeitslevel bahnt man sich seine musikalische Karriere von einzelnen Noten hin zu komplexen Akkorden, ohne dabei überfordert zu werden.
  • Viel Mukke. Viel Style. Einen der wohl größten Momente erlebt jeder Gitarrenvirtuose, wenn er sich zum ersten Mal seinen Lieblingssong spielen hört. Rocksmith hat eine unglaubliche Sammlung von Songs der verschiedensten Genres zusammengetragen. Die beste Basis, um den Spieler eben genau diesen Moment selbst hautnah erleben zu lassen.
  • Songs spielen, anstatt diese nur stur zu Pauken. Lust neue Songs zu spielen, aber keinen Nerv sich durch Griffschriften zu arbeiten oder verwackelte youtube-Videos mit grottigem Sound zu Rate zu ziehen? Dank Rocksmith kein Problem. Rocksmith bietet nicht nur neue Lieder, sondern fordert den Spieler dazu heraus sich von Noten auf dem Bildschirm zu lösen und die Songs aus der Erinnerung heraus zu spielen. Das erste Videospiel, das wirklich bühnenreife Talente hervorbringt.


Noch haben wir keine Systemanforderungen für dieses Spiel eintragen können oder es sind noch keine bekannt.

Steam Nutzer-Reviews

213 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
5414 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.03.16 09:56
Eines der besten Formate seit Guitar Hero und Rockband. Nach vielen Stunden voller Schweiß und zerstörten Fingern fühlt man sich wie ein richtiger Rockstar.

Das Spiel bietet für sowohl jeden Einsteiger , als auch den geübten Gitarristen eine tolle Möglichkeit sich weiterzuentwickeln.
Man hat tolle Minispiele und einen eigenen Raum, wo mein sein eigenes Equipment (Gitarren, AMPs, Pedale,...)
zusammenstellen kann.

Das einzige Negative für mich persönlich ist, dass man keine recording funktion hat.
91 Produkte im Account
24 Reviews
2162 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.01.16 00:57
tolles innovatives Programm, sollte man aber unbedingt zusammen mit der neuen Rocksmith2014 erwerben, das ältere Programm hat bei mir leicht höhere Latenzwerte (PC-Fassung). Man kann zur Not die Titel auf die neue Version übertragen.
362 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
253 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.06.14 18:36
Ich finds geil... meine Nachbarn... weniger :)
5 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
6172 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.12.13 15:50
Super geiles Game! MAcht richtig Spaß beim zocken, da es auch viele gute Songs enthält!
99 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
13638 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.11.13 13:27
Dieses Spiel ist sozimlich das Beste Spiel um Gitarre spielen zu lernen. Ich sage dazu nur Ein richtig gut gemachtes Spiel mit sehr vielen Möglichkeiten neue Songs zu lernen. Man lernt zwar keine Noten aber man lernt schon mal Die Griffe die übrigens sehr ausführlich und gut erklärt werden. Es lohnt sich es zu kaufen wenn man schon immer mal Gitarre spielen lernen wollte. Ich kann da nur zusagen einfach nur der schnellste Weg Gitarre spielen zu lernen.
486 Produkte im Account
43 Reviews
2479 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.09.13 16:29
Ich glaub dazu brauch ich nicht mehr viel sagen... ^-^

Die nächste Entwicklungsstufe von Guitar Hero... Eine echte Gitarre bzw. Bass am PC oder Konsole benutzen :D Geht mit jedem x-Beliebigen... ;)

Der Schwierigkeitsgrad passt sich innerhalb eines Songs dynamisch an... ^-^ Wenn der Spieler besser spielt, wirds schwieriger und wenn schlechter wirds leichter :D Und das auch nur für den aktuell gespielten Song... wenn man einen Song neu anfängt fängt der Schwierigkeitsgrad unten an ^^

Top: 10/10 *-*

Hinweis: The Rocksmith™ Real Tone Cable is not included with the purchase of Rocksmith™ on Steam and must be purchased separately. Please see your local retailer or many online stores to purchase the Rocksmith™ Real Tone Cable.
118 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
337 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.01.22 18:01
yes this game very good i played concert for only womans!!!
277 Produkte im Account
26 Reviews
1830 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.10.21 01:17
Apparently Ubisoft is pulling Rocksmith from all stores tomorrow. Buy this game now if you want to play it at some point.
121 Produkte im Account
42 Reviews
1901 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.08.21 13:00
this game is proof that every task somehow becomes more fun when you make a game out of it
1612 Produkte im Account
186 Reviews
162 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.07.21 13:01
I despise DRM (I am not a Richard Stallman fanboy either). I am not a Ubisoft hater. I play the guitar since 2005. Music was always a significant thing in my life. Right now, I am in the worst period in my life. I haven't picked my guitar for more than a year. I wasted a lot of time (around 20 hours), money (more than 200 EUR, not including my instruments, of course), and nerves around troubleshooting and testing various setups (both with the original and the remastered version). I guess it was worth it. It emulates the feeling of playing with humans. Playing alongside someone else was always a joyful experience for me, if they could live with me being a very crappy musician wannabe, but it's not recommended during a global frickin' pandemic. I would've definitely be overwhelmed if I were a true beginner and would've given up on this game. Maybe the console experience is truly plug-n-play, but the PC is not (unless you spend more money for the DRM cable, which I finally did (only the remaster is playable without the DRM cable; this original is not); with time, it will get harder to find and its price will be artificially inflated). Keep that in mind.
4 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
850 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.05.21 01:30
great learning guitar and bass, lot of fun, Sheet music would be a plus. Maybe in the future they will add something Music theory and sheet music for a more rounded game/lessons.
Also they need to add some Motorhead in the song list.
227 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
1197 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.04.21 05:20
Been playing the game on console on and off since it came out in 2012. I have played 2014 remastered and think it is a better game overall but there is just something to playing an entire event in front of a crowd and hoping to get that double encore. Really enjoy the PC version for the faster load times and cheaper DLC when it's on sale. For anyone wanting to try guitar this is definitely a way to get you started. You will need some outside help like youtube to figure out some advanced stuff or anything that rocksmith doesn't explain well, but this game will have you playing a song on the guitar within 30 minutes.
43 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
889 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.04.21 15:08
great way to learn both guitar and bass. well worth it.
108 Produkte im Account
28 Reviews
1055 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.04.21 20:53
Play until your fingers hurt!
275 Produkte im Account
47 Reviews
46 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.03.21 17:45
Split opinion about this one. I bought it several years ago to improve my bass skills; playing bass for almost 20 years now.

Altough I like the soundtrack (there are many songs of different genres I like in this game or which can be added) I didn‘t and still don‘t get it as a learing tool.

It‘s a good game to practise your finger skills, but in my eyes it‘s more sort of a transfer your guitar/bass in a controller thing. That‘s why I would not recommend it as a learning tool; especially because you have to work out the theoretical stuff on you own.

Verdict: If you like the soundtrack, a good game to play along with and improve your finger skills, but not a tool for learning to play the guitar and/or bass from the base.
194 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
1502 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.03.21 00:51
I learned guitar with this!
105 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
4127 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.02.21 00:27
Buy this game for the tracks. Get the latest version for a better game.
83 Produkte im Account
23 Reviews
1746 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.01.21 04:37
I'm giving a thumbs up because it's really cool concept that Ubisoft nailed. However, only buy this if you really enjoy Rocksmith as a game and want to play additional technique arcade games. Charts and sounds are better in Rocksmith 2014. Most DLCs and CDLCs are for Rocksmith 2014. Most of your time will be spent there not here.
40 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
2851 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.01.21 00:57
I've played guitar for nearly 20 years, I remember when first starting playing, the same 3-4 chords over and over in different orders and playing the same riffs from Nirvana songs, and obviously some version of Smoke on the Water riff. Then finding out that there were magazines such as Total Guitar and tab books, I was amazed by that, to then find out a couple of years later a thing called Guitar Pro, which once again I was amazed by.

But, then this game came along and to say the least, amazed is an understatement. I just wish this game was around when I first started playing guitar. It makes playing songs so much more enjoyable being able to play along to the songs with the amp settings that the songs have. Even making genres of songs that I usually wouldn't be interested in enjoyable.
The way the game gradually scales to your own ability of the song being played is brilliant and makes you more determined to get better and fully learn the songs and hit the correct notes. The mini games are a really enjoyable way to improve select skill sets on guitar, instead of the old school way of just doing drills over and over (such as scales to a metronome).

I can't recommend this game enough, brilliant for any beginner and a good way to quickly advance, and a brilliant game for advanced players who like to play along to songs with the real backing track with the real amp settings of the songs.
For me it especially made it more enjoyable for me to play different genres of music that I'm not used to by making random genre gigs on the game.
22 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
1044 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.12.20 05:23
Great fun. So much better then the 2014 edition in terms of being a game. (playing shows) Only issue which is a bit annoying is you can't practise the encore. Its a bit much to be asked to play a song on the highest difficulty without hearing before
134 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
1018 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.12.20 23:07
-Most people should skip this title and go buy the Rocksmith 2014 Remastered Edition, unless you really enjoy the base soundtrack here... or maybe you just enjoy collecting guitar-related accheivements. All DLC tracks should transfer to the new release so I can't think of a true reason to have this old one anymore.
-You'll need to purchase the Real Tone cable for electric guitar/bass
-REAL TONE CABLE WILL NOT WORK WITH EVERY TYPE OF USB PORT BECAUSE IT NEEDS CORRECT VOLTAGE. IF YOU HAVE CHEAP (EVEN 3.0) USB PORTS ON YOUR PC CASE, THEN WINDOWS WILL NOT RECOGNIZE THE CABLE OR LOAD THE CORRECT DRIVERS. This can be fixed by using a separately powered USB hub OR by installing a PCIe USB card that connects to your pc's power supply (I bought a cheap Rosewill card on newegg.com and fixed driver issues immediately)
-Low quality instruments can make this game unplayable - see cons.
-If you only want to play heavier, down-tuned songs, read this entire review and save yourself the $.

-Fantastic learning tool
-All experience levels can find something to enjoy here
-Amazing concept
-Tones are pretty badass all-around
-DLC is very good and will transfer to the new Rocksmith Remastered 2014
-Guitarcade mode is mostly fun, innovative, and constructive. Some games are pretty meh.

-Can't state this enough....most of this game is built for and advertised directly at people who are new to their instrument. What they don't tell you is that BEGINNER players usually have BEGINNER instruments and those may not be optimal. If you have a fairly inexpensive guitar or bass, you'll probably need to replace strings and maybe have the instrument looked at by your local shop to get it sounding as good as possible.
-The above-mentioned issue can be EXTENSIVELY worse when playing in lower tunings on any type of wound strings. It seems that the software is too sensitive when reading the frequency of wound strings (the 3 lowest ones) when tuned below standard. Pressing the strings too hard in this situation will count as a bend and you will miss all of the notes, even though you play them correctly. Sometimes you can get away with using a very very light touch with your fretting hand. I've found that lighter string gauges can also help here, but you get what you pay for in terms of your instrument & Rocksmith's capabilities to read sludge.
-Expect a learning curve in navigating the game's menu structure and available modes/tools/etc. It can be a bit frustrating if you don't know how to address specific issues. When in doubt, just back out and retry your songs anew until you get it down.
-Base soundtrack is very... eclectic? I honestly did not enjoy playing about 3/4 of the songs. Big miss for me but you may disagree.

I dig this as a learning tool or something to make guitar practice a bit interesting. If playing guitar isn't already fun for you, then this isn't much of a 'game.'
While there is a lot to be desired, there is still a lot to love about Rocksmith. It feels experimental at times but ultimately works as advertised IF you come prepared for the right gig. New players may encounter some serious issues to get this running.

I'll update this review after playing more of this and the 2014 release.

Now go change your strings.
221 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
969 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.11.20 12:19
From rock dunce to rock god in just 10,000 hours
21 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
8654 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.10.20 18:33
Fun to qualify in songs and then playing events when good enough - missing that in Rocksmith 2014

Hard to see where the notes are on the tabs

798 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1011 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.08.20 14:55
The reason to get this game is if you want the songs in Rocksmith 2014. The interface in 2014 is many times better, for practicing, playing with the songs and getting better at them. The only thing better in this original Rocksmith is the main journey gig mode, where you play multiple songs in a row for points.

If you are looking for Rocksmith get Rocksmtih 2014 instead.
58 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
845 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.08.20 03:57
The 2014 version is better in terms of gameplay, but this version really pushes you to master all of the in game content and is much better at gradually pushing you up in difficulty.
Pretty Solid game
3 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
67875 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.07.20 16:17
I love this game. I wish they had something similar when I first learned to play when I was 15. The guitar arcade is a fun way to practice your techniques. The songs that you play during the game are fairly popular now and some classic songs. You have the ability to download more songs as well.
50 Produkte im Account
21 Reviews
430 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.07.20 17:27
There's a bit of audio latency while playing, but its nothing I'm unable to manage. Definitely a fun way to play bass. Wish there were more songs to download and that the song DLC's weren't so pricey.
2 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
5134 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.06.20 16:52
Rocksmith is awesome! I started with RS2014 but the original has it's perks.
- I like the career mode where you play in front of a crowd and work your way up to bigger venues.
- You can change the setlist around if there is a song you don't like.
- It has different mini games which are always a fun excuses to practice.

-The riff repeater is not as polished as it is in RS2014. If there was a song I needed to practice multiple sections with I would jump over to the newer version.
- RS2014 DLC is not compatible with the original Rocksmith.

Overall, Rocksmith is a great supplement to go alongside RS2014. I'm all for any game that gets me playing real music. Hopefully they bring back the career mode in a future version.
45 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
5569 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.06.20 17:01
it teaches you how to play
29 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
375 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.04.20 05:18
it ain't bad since this is the first one. the songs are great and they actually let you go step by step you have to keep playing the song until reach the master mode
173 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
1061 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.04.20 13:39
It's been good so far, I got this way back when it came out and never really had the motivation to get it working properly, the realtone cable really didn't have the gain for my guitar, so it always detected missed notes and other things.

Now I've found a NoCable patch and I'm running my guitar through my Zoom R24 and it's perfect, loud, no distortion, low latency and no missed notes despite me getting them and being able to hear it.

Would recommend, even more so if you have a decent audio interface, because the realtone cable was the root of my issues and I didn't know until my friend borrowed it 5 years ago and I didn't get it back.
2 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
3322 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.02.20 12:45
you can play at your speed when you want and it is not repetative
164 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
810 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.11.17 15:54
Basically Guitar Hero with an actual guitar....

like a salad, but with bacon
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Rating auf Steam Sehr positiv
90.18% 744 81
Release:27.09.2012 Genre: Geschicklichkeit Entwickler: Ubisoft Vertrieb: Ubisoft Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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