Hello Everyone,
[h5]We hope you didn't miss the BIG news! DigixArt released a prequel to our favorite Road 96 - Road 96: Mile 0 earlier this week! In this prequel you will get a chance to uncover the truth about Petria and its history!
Join Zoe and Kaito in their challenging adventure, visit the best parts of White Sands and meet your beloved characters of Road 96!

Attractive Bundles
[h5]Are you craving for EVEN MORE content of Road 96 Universe? We have created several bundles that will be a perfect fit for you! [/h5]
Do you want to immerse more into the events on Road 96: Mile 0? We have a cool bundle that includes the Game Itself, Official Soundtrack and an interactive book "Road 96: About a Girl"
We also have a Hitchhiker bundle for real fans who want to know as much as possible about Road 96. It includes Road 96 game, Soundtrack, The Road 96: Prologue game book and Road 96: Documentary
If you are new to Road 96 universe, don't worry! We have a cool bundle for you to join the trip, which has both Road 96 and Road 96: Mile 0
We hope you will enjoy it! Glory to Petria!
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