• Risen 2: Dark Waters: Kneipenbesitzer Booze.
  • Risen 2: Dark Waters: Geplante DLCs gibt es schon mal in der Vorschau.
  • Risen 2: Dark Waters: Verkauf Interface aus dem zweiten Teil.
  • Risen 2: Dark Waters: Piraten Tochter Petty spielt diesmal eine Hauptrolle.
  • Risen 2: Dark Waters: Inventar Interface vom zweiten Teil.
  • Risen 2: Dark Waters: Charakter Interface vom zweiten Teil.
  • Risen 2: Dark Waters: Ingame Screen aus dem Piraten-Abenteuer.
  • Risen 2: Dark Waters: Ingame Screen aus dem Piraten-Abenteuer.
  • Risen 2: Dark Waters: Ingame Screen aus dem Piraten-Abenteuer.
  • Risen 2: Dark Waters: Ingame Screen aus dem Piraten-Abenteuer.
  • Risen 2: Dark Waters: Ingame Screen aus dem Piraten-Abenteuer.
  • Risen 2: Dark Waters: Bilder zur Piraten Variante des Rollenspiels.
  • Risen 2: Dark Waters: Kneipenbesitzer Booze.
  • Risen 2: Dark Waters: Geplante DLCs gibt es schon mal in der Vorschau.
  • Risen 2: Dark Waters: Verkauf Interface aus dem zweiten Teil.
  • Risen 2: Dark Waters: Piraten Tochter Petty spielt diesmal eine Hauptrolle.
  • Risen 2: Dark Waters: Inventar Interface vom zweiten Teil.
  • Risen 2: Dark Waters: Charakter Interface vom zweiten Teil.
  • Risen 2: Dark Waters: Ingame Screen aus dem Piraten-Abenteuer.
  • Risen 2: Dark Waters: Ingame Screen aus dem Piraten-Abenteuer.
  • Risen 2: Dark Waters: Ingame Screen aus dem Piraten-Abenteuer.
  • Risen 2: Dark Waters: Ingame Screen aus dem Piraten-Abenteuer.
  • Risen 2: Dark Waters: Ingame Screen aus dem Piraten-Abenteuer.
  • Risen 2: Dark Waters: Bilder zur Piraten Variante des Rollenspiels.


Du musst angemeldet sein
  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 27.04.2012
Zum Shop
Preis Update 04.03.25
Risen 2: Dark Waters
  • Plattform: PC
Zum Shop
Preis Update 29.03.23

Über das Spiel

Viele grausame Jahre sind vergangen, seit die Götter die Welt verlassen haben und die Titanen aus ihren Gefängnissen aufgestiegen sind. Unaufhaltsam verwüsten sie alles, was sich ihnen in den Weg stellt.

An der Südspitze des alten Reichs befindet sich aber ein Ort, der vor den Titanen noch sicher zu sein scheint. Die in Caldera errichtete „Kristallfestung“, Hauptquartier der Inquisition und Zuflucht der Menschen, wird immer wieder von Seemonstern attackiert, Versorgungsschiffe werden versenkt. Niemand weiß, wie lange die die Mauern noch standhalten, aber Nahrungsmittel und Waffen werden langsam knapp.

Die letzten Überlebenden der Menschheit kämpfen nun verzweifelt um ihre Existenz, haben aber ohne Waffen kaum eine Chance den Seemonstern Herr zu werden.

Der namenlose Held, gezeichnet von den Geschehnissen auf Faranga, ertränkt derzeit in der Hafenstadt Caldera seine Erlebnisse in Rum. Nachdem sich die Lage durch die Knappheit an Nahrung immer mehr zuspitzt, begibt er sich auf den Weg, dem Treiben der Seemonster ein für alle Male ein Ende zu bereiten.

Während seiner von Abenteuern gespickten Reise trifft er nicht nur auf große neue Herausforderungen sondern auch auf alte Bekannte, die sich nicht immer als hilfreich zur Bewältigung der bevorstehenden Abenteuer herausstellen.

Viele Jahre nach dem Ende von Risen haben die unaufhaltsamen Titanen die Welt verwüstet und die Menschheit an den Rand der Vernichtung getrieben. Auch aus den Tiefen der Meere erhoben sich die monströsen Kreaturen und brachten die florierende Seefahrt zu einem abrupten Ende. Der Held, nunmehr ein Jünger der Inquisition, wurde ausgesandt, um den Kreaturen aus der Tiefe Einhalt zu gebieten. Seine Reise beginnt bei den Piraten auf den südlichen Inseln, die Gerüchten zufolge von einer Möglichkeit wissen sollen, wie man sich der Kreaturen entledigen und ihre Herrschaft des Terrors ein für alle Mal beenden könne.

Risen 2: Dark Waters kombiniert die altbewährten Rollenspielmechaniken des Vorgängers Risen mit einem komplett neuen Piratenthema, angesiedelt in einer detail- und variantenreichen Inselwelt. Als ein aus der Third-Person-Ansicht gespieltes Rollenspiel mit düsterem und schmutzigem Setting, bewahrt Risen 2: Dark Waters die markantesten Charakterzüge des Originals und versetzt den Spieler dabei mit seinen verschiedenen Herangehensweisen für jede Mission in die Lage, die Welt mit seinen Taten zu verändern. Die Entscheidungen des Spielers eröffnen ihm neue Handlungsstränge und ermöglichen dem Charakter das Erlangen neuer Eigenschaften sowie zusätzlicher Fähigkeiten. Zusammen mit der hoch interaktiven Umwelt und einem durchgängigen Tag-Nacht-Wechsel, der diverse Aspekte des Spielablaufs beeinflusst, erschafft Risen 2 die lebendigste Spielwelt, die es je gegeben hat.


  • CPU: Dual Core mit 2,1 GHz
  • GFX: 512 MB Radeon 3870 / GeForce 8800 GTX
  • RAM: 2 GB System-RAM,
  • Software: Windows XP (mit Servicepack 2)
  • HD: 5,5 GB freier Festplattenplatz
  • SFX: DirectX-kompatible Soundkarte
  • DX: DirectX 9.1c
  • INET: Internetverbindung zur Online-Aktivierung
  • MISC: Tastatur/Maus oder Gamepad erforderlich
  • LANG: Deutsch, Englisch
  • CPU: Dual Core mit 2,1 GHz
  • GFX: 512 MB Radeon 3870 / GeForce 8800 GTX
  • RAM: 2 GB System-RAM,
  • Software: Windows XP (mit Servicepack 2)
  • HD: 5,5 GB freier Festplattenplatz
  • SFX: DirectX-kompatible Soundkarte.
  • DX: DirectX 9.1c
  • INET: Internetverbindung zur Online-Aktivierung
  • MISC: Tastatur/Maus oder Gamepad erforderlich
  • LANG: Deutsch, Englisch

Steam Nutzer-Reviews

42 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
2161 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.01.22 21:40

Auf zu neuen Ufern

Auf zu neuen Ufern trifft es tatsächlich ganz gut für Risen 2: Dark Waters , denn nicht nur die Story lädt zu dieser Aussage ein, sondern auch Soundtrack und Gameplay bekommen frischen Wind. Was für manche ein Rückschritt ist, bescherte mir eine verdammt schöne Erfahrung auf allen Inseln und Buchten von Risen 2 . Ein würdiger Nachfolger ist es demzufolge schon, auch wenn es ein paar Haken gibt.

Die Story knüpft mit einem kleinem Zeitsprung direkt an Risen an und ist dieses mal mit einigen Twists versehen, was sie durchaus interessant macht. Der Plot ist Risen typisch wieder relativ einfach gestrickt, Gegner und Ziele sind klar definiert. Und wir starten, dieses mal als Teil unserer Tarnung, wieder ohne Equipment und müssen uns durch die Wildnis kämpfen um die Südsee zu retten. Hierbei treffen wir auf allerlei verschiedene Halunken, welche uns auf unserem Weg unterstützen oder sich uns in den Weg stellen.

Die Charaktere sind wieder einmal nicht zu bemängeln. Sie sind gut geschrieben und passen super in die Welt hinein in der sie leben. Die Dialoge machen Spaß und sind abwechslungsreich, denn der Ruhrpotthumor ist vom ersten auf den zweiten Teil nicht verloren gegangen. Auch die rauen und frechen Dialoge bleiben erhalten und bescheren das ein oder andere Mal ein Lächeln.

Gameplaytechnisch hat sich dann doch das ein oder andere getan. Das Kampfsystem wurde grundlegend überabeitet und spielt sich jetzt leichter. Blocken, Schlagen und Ausweichen ist alles durch einen Tastendruck bewerkstelligt. Das Laufen hingegen wird per Tastendruck gehemmt. Das heißt das normale Laufen ist ein leichtes joggen, während sich mit der Shift Taste lediglich auf Gehgeschwindigkeit abbremsen lässt.

Die Welt und die Atmosspäre des Spiels sind wie aus Risen gewohnt fantastisch. Jede Insel/Bucht fühlt sich einzigartig an. Der Soundtrack untermalt großartig die Umgebung in der wir uns befinden und die Tiere bzw Menschen passen wunderbar in diese Umgebung hinein. Die Landschaft ist interessant hinter jeder Ecke versteckt sich vll doch noch was. Man möchte noch das eine Waldstück erkunden, noch die eine Quest beenden, noch mit dem letzten Kerl da vorne sprechen. Und ehe man sichs versieht hat man schon einige Stunden totgeschlagen.

Und das sollte eigentlich genug Überzeugungsarbeit sein um zu zeigen, dass Risen 2: Dark Waters trotz seiner Macken ein würdiger Nachfolger des ersten Teils ist. Auch wenn man in diesem Teil ein wenig mehr an die Hand genommen wird, als ich es mir wünschen würde spielt er sich wunderbar und es macht Spaß die Welt zu erkunden, verschiedene Gebiete zu durchstöbern und alle Charaktere in dieser Welt kennen zu lernen, egal ob man sich gut mit ihnen stellt oder ihnen später auf Maul haut.

Diesmal eine Four out of Five. Für jeden der den ersten gespielt hat gibt es keinen Grund den zweiten nicht auch zu spielen.
[hr] [hr]
107 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
3721 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.11.21 17:23
178 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
2892 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.10.21 14:13
Ein fantastisches Spiel! Nach der großen Enttäuschung von New World habe ich mich daran erinnert dass ich Risen 2 noch nicht durchgespielt habe. New World ist ja stark davon inspiriert. Und was soll ich sagen XD Pyranha Bytes > Amazon Games.
832 Produkte im Account
19 Reviews
5382 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.08.21 15:13
Piranha Bytes weiß wie man gute RPGs entwickelt!
110 Produkte im Account
30 Reviews
1634 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.08.21 10:59
Endlich wieder Sprinten, seit Gothic 3 und endlich wieder Schlösser knacken wie bei Elex
42 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
677 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.08.21 15:39
sehr schlechte steuerung, eintönige kampfmechanik. macht das spielen leider sehr anstrenged und langweilig zugleich
310 Produkte im Account
84 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
447 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.07.21 07:31
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)つ━☆・*。
⊂   ノ    ・゜+.
 しーJ   °。+ ´¨)
         .· ´¸.·*´¨) ¸.·*¨)
         (¸.·´   (¸.·'  ☆ 6/10
260 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
2735 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.07.21 09:07
Dont trust the Internet. Voodoo is stronkest.
194 Produkte im Account
27 Reviews
2571 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.06.21 07:43
Sehr schönes Spiel!
Das Feeling ist super gemacht sowie in Teil 3! Wer kein Problem damit hat an der Grafik ein paar Abstriche zu machen, für kleines Geld kaufen und Spaß haben beim erkunden! =)
ich selber habe keine Bugs oder ähnliches entdecken können weiter so!
284 Produkte im Account
36 Reviews
3140 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.05.21 07:16
also ich möchte sagen... ich habe in den Spiel mehrere Stunden verbracht und ich finde es großartig

die Kampfsteuerung ist sehr simpel aber genial ausgeführt
storytechnisch kommt auch sehr viel <3

es ist ein wunderbares Piraten game
ich kann es euch empfehlen

ich gebe dem spiel solide 7 Punkte von 10
52 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
488 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.04.21 10:01
Liebloses Kampfsystem, dumme Minispiele, generische Höhlen aus dem Baukasten, viele Schatztruhen aber mit wenig Loot, ... enttäuschender Nachfolger von Risen und den Gothikteilen.
3 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
531 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.03.21 09:31
es ist manchmal etwas Tricky aber es ist das Beste Spiel für Risen (Gothic) fans
61 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
297 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.12.20 22:09
gute-grafik-aktion-gute-geschichte macht weiter so gruss -peter
4 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
816 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.12.20 15:59
Ich muss nicht viel sagen... für Risen Fans ein muss !
403 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
6 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.10.20 10:33
Kann das Game leider nur als unspielbar bezeichnen. Trotz diverser versuche mit Kompatibilitätsmodus, manueller PhysX Installation etc. bekam ich das Spiel nicht zum laufen unter Windows 10.
Lustigerweise hat es beim allerersten Start kurz geladen (Intro lief)
114 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
1821 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.09.20 12:58
Hat zwar kleine Mängel aber für den Lootspaß ist es definitiv geeigent :) Könnt Euch das auch gern auf twitch.tv/pierrenoelle anschauen (60 Tage verfügbar)
39 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
2413 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.09.20 17:40
Bestes Risen!
70 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
2557 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.08.20 15:17
Das Spiel hat mir sehr gut gefallen, jedoch fand ich Teil 1 etwas besser, die ein oder andere Spielmechanik hätte besser überdacht werden sollen
23 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
1047 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.06.20 15:36
Best Risen!
75 Produkte im Account
19 Reviews
150 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.05.20 16:40
Liebe das Spiel seit es auf der PS3 erschienen ist! Im Gegensatz zur PS3 Version noch keine Bugs gefunden.
30 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
15514 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.04.20 22:36
Ein Klassiker der auch nach über 200 Spielstunden nicht Langweilig wird !
Es gibt immer in der Offenen Welt etwas neues zu entdecken und neue anspruchsvollere Gegner.
Das Kampfsystem ist einfach gehalten bietet dennoch Spaß und lässt sich mit kleinen Fähigkeiten Verbessern.
Die Dialoge sind immer Zweiseitig Vertont und gut Gesprochen. Das Spiel läuft immer flüssig und ist bisher noch nie abgestürzt.
344 Produkte im Account
26 Reviews
6721 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.11.19 22:10
Ein charmantes Rollenspiel, was leider ein paar Probleme mit sich bringt (zb. veraltete Technik).
Trotzdem sollte jeder mal einen Blick drauf werfen.
223 Produkte im Account
15 Reviews
3155 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.09.19 03:56
Piranha Bytes <3
751 Produkte im Account
22 Reviews
1685 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.04.22 04:09
Risen 2: Dark Waters is an essential RPG for any pirate fans, if not one of the few existing.
Although played a little differently and with more patience, what lies underneath is an exciting immersive adventure in the pirate universe combined with the same RPG features that made Risen games great.

Its controversial combat takes a bit longer to get going but Risen 2's style of learning skills through game progression is interestingly different and pushes players to try different weapon play styles while progressing through the story and leads to more immersive gameplay, if played correctly. For many years I was one of many who had not played the game correctly and found its gameplay obviously janky and unintuitive. That, again, is because Risen 2 plays differently than other games and if you have the patience and are willing to get immersed in the details, it leaves you wanting more.

For those playing in 2022, feel free to check out my visual effects guide and get RTX up and running for Risen 2.
Its a whole new experience to be had!

894 Produkte im Account
71 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1469 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.04.22 15:49
Huge downgrade from the first Risen
191 Produkte im Account
62 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
79 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.04.22 19:33
10 out of 10... Couldnt even change key bindings ingame and there is no mouse sensitivity setting what results in camera turning around lightning fast

I guess I should be impressed because unlike previous attempt to play this game few years ago this time I managed to get in the game.....with performance around 20fps...

Reading posts regarding various bugs and dull combat completely dumped my wish to even try and fix the problems I mentioned above.
28 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
1854 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.02.22 01:07
pirate RPG. the environments are very pretty. the combat is better when you get a shotgun early, train your skills better and run away a lot. Like discovering nooks and crannies. i would recommend. I think i might like the medieval style RPGs more, but this is refreshing. Not the best , but will keep your attention.
61 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1372 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.02.22 01:53
The Combat in RIsen 1 was actually good, this is an absolute plane crash compared to R1. Hope you like rolling in a random direction during combat and getting hit, because you can't turn that off!
303 Produkte im Account
119 Reviews
2725 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.01.22 09:51
It's a flawed game, but it's a flawed Piranha Bytes game, so it's awesome!
72 Produkte im Account
26 Reviews
18 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.01.22 22:28
This may be odd because I got the game refunded and didn't spend much time in it. But I adored the demo and loved the plot, the characters, and the idea. But the sword fighting was so so so hard. As in I could not play the game at all hard and I had no idea why it's so hard even in the tutorial. I knew this from the demo, which because of the difficulty of the sword fighting I really really recommend you try to make sure you don't have the same problem. But the fact I bought this after knowing it was to difficult and persevered anyway before refunding says a lot about how much I liked the rest of this game.
272 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
194 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.11.21 17:42
I played the first part of the Risen series just before this and unfortunately I am a bit disappointed. This second part is not what I expected. The game feels a bit like an MMO and is clunky in terms of gameplay, especially the combat system. I don't like the user interface either. Unfortunately, I can't say much about the story because I haven't played much yet. But I find that the beginning in the second part doesn't match my story in the first part. Anyway, if I give the game another try in the future, I will revise this review.

PS: If you can't start the game, you have to run the .exe file as administrator, at least this helped me.
358 Produkte im Account
91 Reviews
4910 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.11.21 10:34
It has very nice atmosphere and character development, the combat system can be quite poor.
136 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1406 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.11.21 20:13
The Risen games have great potential, but there's too much that can go wrong and break the game. I played for 23 hours and ended up unintentionally selling an item that was integral to the completion of the game. Was unable to find the vendor again. A game designed with foresight would 1) not let you sell an item required for game completion; 2) allow every vendor to sell back everything you have sold, not require you to find the specific vendor you sold an item to.

Game breaking mechanics not though out by the design team are completely unacceptable.
1773 Produkte im Account
236 Reviews
7780 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.09.21 07:50


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495 Produkte im Account
45 Reviews
4269 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.09.21 04:45
Probably the best Risen in my opinion, despite being quite the fan of the first one. Its great. It has a lot of RPG and good story and I enjoy the comb and the factions. Really like the skill tree. I very much enjoy going from rags to riches as well.
131 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
9 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.09.21 03:43
Tinkering around with this to get it to work on windows 10 is just frustrating...total waste of money. Steam, if you're going to sell this game, it needs to work right out of the box on modern computers, otherwise you're just ripping off your customers.
23 Produkte im Account
18 Reviews
1946 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.08.21 11:54
Only place you can kill a Turkey and acquire Raw Chicken...
Why? Because everything taste like chicken.
204 Produkte im Account
115 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
2566 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.08.21 16:09
A bland rpg that follows in the footsteps of the gothic games and risen, all good games in their own right, and takes a big fat dump on the franchise. This game is the turning point where PB games went from great to generic boring SHT.

Big world to explore
Party system is a good idea (neverwinter nights did it 10x better though)
legendary items system is fun
There's fast travel which is a good addition to the series
Patty conversations

It crashes very often
There's no fullscreen option in game, you need to edit some txt in the game files
The game gives you the choice between joining slavers or natives, and punishes you for picking the natives
Combat is disgusting, all enemies can stagger you, you can't stagger anyone. You always die in 3-4 hits until more than half the game, then you become an invencible god.
Unlike the previous games there's no offensive magic path you can take, only melee or ranged, voodoo sucks
Party system is flawed, you are left on your own often and without warning
Everything is super dark and looks washed if you turn brightness up
All enemies behave the same, be it animals or humans, magically all animals can defend attacks from swords
Very little enemy variety
Chests that require high thievery are full of trash instead of proper rewards
Soundtrack is so bad it gives you headaches, makes no sense considering in risen 1 it was really good
Patty AI
Absurd fall damage when going down small ledges
Miser economics where you never have enough money no matter how many side quests or exploration you do and all npcs are hungry for money

Several achievements are a pain to get and require a second playthrough some are even bugger, not only that some are super stupid, like killing yourself in trapped chests, or having to sell your whole inventory 50 times always reloading the game to get enough gold

Some of the skill teachers are bugged preventing you from getting the best sword skills after some point
197 Produkte im Account
20 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
2025 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.07.21 11:04
As much as I liked Risen 1, I cannot say the same about its sequel.
I'm this kind of player who seeks for hidden paths, secrets and wants to explore every single inch of the map, basically. (This playstyle will also result in you being lost a few times in the game. I’ve completed a lot of quests before I even knew it was some task and then I would realize that I don’t know what to do next in order to advance). In the first game, you would do this with great pleasure (at least I did) and you would also be justly rewarded for it. However in Risen 2, wandering around was not fun for me. Reasons for it? Certainly, the actual size of the map. There's simply too much of it - you have 3 big maps and a few medium ones... It makes HOURS of opening locks, picking things up, talking to boring fucking characters, killing mobs who are rather annoying than challenging and climbing - yeah, fucking climbing - it's awful. Also, it's not really rewarding... I mean, the legendary items are a good idea, but developers could have also included more sword parts or other shit than just money, grog and elixirs that you’ll never use. Which brings me to another point...
I wanted to create elixirs (the ones that give you permanent bonuses), but you need schematics for them from which half is nowhere to be found; I used my smithing skills in this game only once, at the very end, which is not surprising as there are only 4 special swords in this game (while Risen 1 had lots of them).
I have chosen the voodoo path, but the game does such a poor job at explaining to you how it works, that I eventually ended up using a limited for me sword fighting.
The story itself is fine, but man are the dialogues horrible. Do yourself a favor and just talk to others as little as possible. You’ll save a lot of time.
And the boss fight was easier than fighting a monkey…
Not worth it.
105 Produkte im Account
15 Reviews
2922 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.06.21 14:24
Short game but pretty good although there are some bugs like bloody storm epilepsy. If you get a musket you can kill anything ez. I had to google a lot of quests so I could find what and where to go.
139 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
1385 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.05.21 13:28
крутота 12/10
343 Produkte im Account
61 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
889 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.04.21 11:16
Десятилетие назад ждал выхода, так как навсегда полюбил первую часть. Даже смотрел дневники разработчиков. В итоге, хоть и игра красивая с неплохим саундтреком (не сравниться с шедеврами первой части) и любопытнами идеями - очень расстроен. Чувствуеться бездуховность, попытка усидеть на двух стульях одновременно (мы игру делаем для хардкор фэнов, или софткор шкальников?), и васянство и кривизна, наверное ставшее трэйдмарком пираньий. Может вам зайдёт - имеет свои моменты.
41 Produkte im Account
26 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
34 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.03.21 20:08
Terrible gameplay. It contains the worst aspects of Risen 1 and Risen 3 when it comes to fighting. After an oponent hits you, you are often imobilised for a short while. You can barely block, barely hit and your character constantly changes targets when fighting multiple enemies at once or loses the target if you are fighting just one enemy.
This wouldn't be such big of a deal if fighting wasn't the #1 most important thing in the game.
205 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1233 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.03.21 13:12
It's not as good as Risen 1, as a sequel it makes no sense (he joined the Inquisition..what? Lost an eye? Why is the age period suddenly in the renaissance?). While Risen 1 had a very interesting atmosphere and story line up until the last chapter, this one is just horrible, childish and completely disregards any and all achievements during the first game. The voice acting is interesting, but the writing is worse than in Risen 1, the threat is just like...how? This should not have been a direct sequel at all. Not even a Risen game.

The combat is much worse (an emphasis on animations and some horrible guns). The combat system became more complicated and nuanced but that doesn't save the game at all because it just works against it. There is more weight to combat but it's still terrible, as are the boss fights.

One thing that's good about this game are the graphics, which are nice and all. But again, even the graphics don't do it any favours in a sense, in which the characters are too cartoony for a game world, which looks rather realistic.

What annoyed me the most is the fact that instead of the simple inventory that we had in Risen 1, this one placed everything behind a large screen! Why?!! It just makes looting and inventory management tedious in an already tedious game.

Oh and as for the bugs...man. I thought Risen 1 was bad with its occasional game-breaking glitches, but this one takes it to a whole another level. You can break your progression and quests in so many unintended ways that it's just mind boggling, have they playtested this game at all? Like I'm currently doing a quest, in which I need to possess a certain person with a voodoo doll. Okay, possession works. BUT I CAN'T RETURN TO MY CHARACTER, I CAN'T SAVE THE GAME AND I'M COMPLETELY STUCK WITH THIS QUEST! The Return to Character button just keeps blinking without working. WHYYYYY.....I was sort of able to stomach the experience so far because I was wondering what the ending is like, but it's just impossible.

If it weren't for the game breaking for me all the time I would have given it a 6/10, but as a sequel to Risen, which despite its bugs and ending is amazing, this one deserves only a measly 3 or 4/10. Play Risen 1 instead If you can, or Gothic.
1611 Produkte im Account
86 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1910 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.03.21 16:13
Lockpicking is improved in comparison to Risen 1. Empty chests show as empty without the need to inspect them. There's also a companion that loots enemies for you that you get in the middle of the game. That’s the end of positives.

The game has lost all the charm of Gothic, which could still be felt in Risen 1.

Movement is terrible, there's way too much inertia. Animations are clunky. Movement speed is extremely slow and sprint is way too short. There is no stamina indicator so you have to guess whether it's been replenished. The game lacks any kind of speed potion/scroll. There are way too many follow/lead missions, which take ages, as during many of them NPCs do not sprint at all. Thus, the game is completely inconsiderate of the player's time.

Voodoo is a total disappointment. Doesn't have even a fraction of the usability of standard spells. It’s just a gimmick of either forcing people to attack each other or casting fear on an enemy. This doesn’t even begin to compare to inferno, levitation, telekinesis, light or conjure skeleton from Risen 1 and these were already vastly limited in comparison to Gothic 1. You can also use Voodoo dolls to take over someone, but only the people chosen by the game and in moments chosen by the game, which makes this much less fun.

You can no longer chose the items you want when picking pockets, you get predetermined items at predetermined moments. Many NPCs can’t be pickpocketed.

Graphics are fairly ok, but some textures are abysmal. Rocks have terrible resolution. There are scenes in which shadows flicker like crazy. There is a huge amount of texture popin, even on highest settings.

Faces and voice actors are reused way too often.

Years after release there are still bugs, like getting stuck on a doorstep while crawling or the day/night cycle going crazy. This could be excused if the game retained the charm of previous Piranha Bytes games, but it’s not the case.

On top of that there’s no support for Steam Cloud and no option to run the game in borderless fullscreen. Alt-tabbing is much faster than in Risen 1, but the game sometimes crashes in the background.

Open world aspects are a complete joke. You can’t get rid of NPCs in this one. You can only defeat them and cause them to be offended, finishing blows are no longer available. On the other hand you can’t even loot their weapons without killing them, which has been the staple of PB games since Gothic 1. This is the worst of both worlds.

Avoid this one if you liked Gothic or the first Risen.
111 Produkte im Account
26 Reviews
1384 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.03.21 12:30
If you use Muskets, you'll have a lot of fun! ! !

Overall good game
265 Produkte im Account
41 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
200 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.03.21 11:00
Doesn't load up.
216 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
3403 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.03.21 15:31
It looks really good when it comes to the environments, rain and lightning in particular look amazing, and there's an atmosphere and feel to every island due to their distinctness in music and visuals. Exploration is a lot of fun, level design ranges from vast open spaces to the more linear set of paths but every area remains large regardless. If Risen 2 has anything going for it is a vast world waiting to be explored.

It has a ton of quests which are for the most part short and specific to wherever you start them. The progression is quite enjoyable. There are many useful skills you can learn, and most of all; mobs, chests and loot anywhere you go.

Combat is the aspect that never clicked for me. Attacks are very easily interruptible which makes the early game combat irritating. But it works both ways, you can abuse the crap out of it against enemies too, and then it becomes a matter of who gets stunned first. Combat can also be frustrating until you realize you can roll, which I did far into the game.

As a negative I'd say it's a little too heavy on enemy placement, but it won't matter if you're really into it as you are rewarded for every kill. Exploring can also get exhausting in the first 2 large areas of the game (Tacarigua and the Sword Coast) if you decide to clear everything before proceeding to the next one. It's better to set your own pace and revisit them at a later time to avoid burn out.

I don't know how good of a sequel it is, but as a stand alone game it has a lot of charm of its own, and it's quite a complete package in terms of length and content.

I'd rate it 7.5/10.
237 Produkte im Account
26 Reviews
859 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.03.21 22:29
Pirates, magic and the chance to kill a god. What more could you want?
135 Produkte im Account
27 Reviews
2844 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.02.21 19:03
DO NOT think of this as a successor of Risen 1. Treat it like the pirate game it is.
The plot isn't that great but isn't that boring either.
Combat system is awful but you'll manage...
Skill system is alright.
It's a good game and it's fun. Nothing more.
9 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
1597 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.02.21 17:23
A really, really great game. After playing Elex and Risen 1 I was craving for more PB RPGs so I bought the remaining Risen games and so far I'm really impressed with this one. It is more lighthearted then the first one, it has more humour, the pirate theme is really well done and it is more accessible (this may be a con for some of you), the voice acting is great. The combat system is OK, I can't see why people don't like it (it is easy to understand, but has some depth) and the story is again great. This is really an amazing game that was way too hated when released and I can't see why.
All in all Risen 2 is an amazing follow up to the first one that has an unique theme, great story, decent combat and good art style.

99 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
722 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.01.21 09:52
Uninspired story. Dull and repetitive combat and some of the mechanics don't work properly (e.g. kicking is useless and doesn't work most of the time). Game also keeps crashing; make sure you save often
222 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1474 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.01.21 01:29
Worst combat mechanic ever
79 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
4291 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.01.21 18:45
Si te gusta explorar este juego podría gustarte. Pero no esperes más que eso, el sistema de combate está poco pulido, además de que tiene varios bugs.
If u are an explorer this game could be fun.
466 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
484 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.01.21 03:36
I like the story and world, but man the combat mechanics are the worst. jump, roll, and kick are all the same button, plus its just super clunky already. not to mention the loot usually feels underwhelming and sometime just doesn't auto save for long sections where you cannot save manually, like when you voodoo for the first time.
74 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
2762 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.12.20 14:13
Deep RP system. Check
Large Open handcrafted world. Check
Memorable NPCs, many of whom look exactly alike. Check
Nice and detailed quests. Check
Deeply satisfying and Bad Combat Mechanics. Check
You will get slaughtered in early game. Check
+ much better UI than most PB games.

Verdict: This is not Gothic but it comes close..
For a price less than 1$, it is a crime to not recommend this.
285 Produkte im Account
33 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
2090 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.12.20 23:27
It's not worth your time.

I was intrigued by the pirate themes in this RPG, especially with how rarely this theme is done compared to the constant sword and sorcery clones that release every week. The idea of sailing around tropical islands and using black powder weapons sounded exciting.

While the game was entertaining to an extent, it wasn't very good. The combat is frustratingly bad- you either get your ass handed to you in melee combat because enemies fight through your hits or you can cheese every fighting by maxing out firearms skills. I enjoy open world games, and appreciated the size of the islands. Big enough to feel immersive, without being filled with nonsensical filler quests. However, towns fall flat as the biggest one in the game consists of 4 houses. The rest of the game is filled with typical ARPG gameplay. It overs nothing special and the story is very forgettable, so not really worth your time in 2020.
347 Produkte im Account
16 Reviews
2042 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.11.20 19:11
Compared to Risen 1, this game is better in terms of graphics, exploration, and controls. The factions are somewhat worse because one is better for late game but makes you too overpowered, while the other one offers a lot of interesting abilities for roleplaying purposes but doesn't help you much near the end.

The pirate theme does not indicate that this is truly a pirate RPG. Sure, there are treasure hunts and parrots, but you only dress like a pirate and use the ship to travel between islands. No ship-to-ship combat, no boarding parties, no ship customization. All the fighting is still on land much like the first game.

Risen 1 was set on a single island where you started out with nothing and had to fight for scraps until you get powerful gear. In Risen 2, you pretty much have a better start and you already have a companion early on to make combat easier. There is still a sense of progression until midgame, but it gets sooo easy once you choose that one, powerful faction. Exploring the different islands in search for legendary loot is one of the best parts of the game.

Combat is the same, mediocre hit-and-dodge system. Ranged weapons are so much better compared to the first game, even though melee still plays a huge part in most situations. Blocking is half as effective because there are no shields, so parrying is the way to go. Pickpocketing is easier but uses a less interesting mechanic than Risen 1. You can finish the game easily without Alchemy, so don't bother with that. A new mechanic called Voodoo is unique but very situational.

There are funny moments and NPC interactions just like Risen 1 which you may either like, tolerate, or hate depending on your fondness for the protagonist's dry humor. A few familiar characters returned but most of them are just forgettable.

Overall, Risen 2 improved upon the graphical shortcomings of its predecessor, but some gameplay elements got slightly worse or stayed the same. It's still a classic Eurojank game with the right amount of length (30-40 hrs), some funny voice lines, and awkward cutscenes. If you liked Risen 1 and the Gothic games, give this one a try.

456 Produkte im Account
56 Reviews
5438 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.10.20 13:29
Oldschool Action RPG. Pirates. Wonderul ambiente/atmosphere. Atmosphere makes up for the very bad combat system, but still pretty unbalanced.
Achievements partially bugged, cheatmode necessary for 100%.

Risen 2’s story continues Risen 1’s story although it is not too bad if you have skipped that one. The plot is not too surprising but still entertaining.

This is the bad part.
While the inventory/menu system is a great improvement from earlier times, you have to be used to PB’s games. There are some categories, but it still feels messy.
Fighting is a pain. A shame they still did not find out how to create a working fighting system for their 5th game. Enemies hit you although you see them missing. Unfortunately, this is also one of PB’s trademarks.
When I lost a fight and died, most of the time it was because of bad hitboxes or controls not reacting (or reacting twice like hitting 3 times when pressing the button only twice).
Sometimes you cannot enter a room while sneaking, like there is an invisible barrier. If you stop sneaking, you can enter it without problems.

The game is old, but it already looked „not that new“ when it was released. Maybe that’s a PB’s trademark, I’m not sure.
The animations (while talking) are very clumsy and repetitive. Especially Patty while talking. She continues the same movements again and again. If you know PB’s games, you won’t be surprised by that. The ambiente, atmosphere and music totally makes up for that.

It’s a pity the achievements are partially bugged. It that wasn’t the case, this RPG would be one of my favorites. Like it’s now, the fact that you need to cheat/exploit to unlock broken achievements, is pretty annoying.
Phil made a great https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=179681304" target="_blank">guide about Risen 2’s achievements and how you can unlock them all.

  • great atmosphere
  • world gives a nice pirate feeling
  • story is entertaining although not too innovative

  • combat system is a catastrophe
  • unbalanced fractions (playing Inquisition is a lot easier than Natives)
  • bugged achievements
  • looked already old when it was released

It is hard to tell if you should try Risen 2 or not.
I am one of the people who still enjoyed this game because of the world creation. Although it is not very polished, it gives a great pirate feeling.
As always with PB’s games, the combat system is the game’s greatest failure. If you side with the Inquisition and learn more about pistols, you will have an easier time.
Ignore Voodoo. Casting takes too long most of the time, so you will get hit (and therefore interrupted). Besides that, there aren’t any really fun AND useful skills. Making an enemy attack the other sounds great but it takes a while until you’ll be able to do so and it also won’t work on every enemy.

Best way to enjoy the game is NOT siding with the natives and focus on thieve skills. Stealing and lockpicking is pretty satisfying once you have a high skill.
When I have played the first time, I have sided with the natives because they are more interesting, but I have regretted it whenever I had a more difficult fight.

My Curator Page: From Casual to Kinky + Achievements

112 Produkte im Account
18 Reviews
2826 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.10.20 11:07
I see many reviewers unhappy with the combat system, but I like it. This game is an RPG, not an action RPG. Hit chance is governed by your character stats, not the eye-hand coordination of the player, so that makes me happy :D.

Cute game full of tropes; it's not dark or serious, it's a fun adventure!
67 Produkte im Account
28 Reviews
5868 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.09.20 15:39
298 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
1872 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.09.20 10:56
=== Difficulty ===

???? My 90-year-old grandma could play it
???? Easy
☑️ Normal
???? Hard
???? Dark Souls

=== Graphics ===

???? MS Paint
???? 16-bit graphics
???? Potato Edition
☑️ Good
???? Beautiful
???? Michelangelo's masterpiece

=== Music ===

???? Nails on a chalkboard
???? Nothing special
☑️ Good
???? Beautiful
???? Eargasm

=== Price ===

???? For Free
☑️ Perfect Price
???? Overpriced (Wait for sale)
???? Complete waste of money

=== Requirements ===

???? You can run it on a microwave
☑️ Average
???? High end
???? NASA computer

=== Lenght ===

???? Very Short ( 0.1 h - 3 h )
???? Short ( 3 h - 15 h )
☑️ Average ( 15 h - 35 h )
???? Long ( 35 h - 100 h )
???? Extremely long ( 100 h - 150 h )
???? Quit your job

== Fun ===

???? I would rather watch paint dry
???? Hard to enjoy
???? Repetitive
☑️ Actually pretty amusing
???? Ride of your life

== Replayability ===

???? It's a one-time experience
???? Only for achievements
☑️ After a year or two
???? Definitely
???? Infinitely replayable

=== Worth Buying ===

???? No
???? Wait for sale
☑️ Yes

=== Story mode ===

???? Did it even have one?!
???? Not bad
☑️ Good
???? Nice
???? What was the name of my girlfriend again ?

=== Conclusion ===

I still remember the time when this game came out. I was on college with a crappy laptop, played it on 720p with low details, but still pretty enjoyed the game. For a casual gamer, fan of pirates I definitelly recommend. It has a pretty decent story, graphics are still quite nice, combat kinda unbalanced (swords vs guns). For me 7 / 10
880 Produkte im Account
376 Reviews
3064 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.09.20 08:09

Information / Review English

Risen 2: Dark Waters is a classic role-playing game developed by the Gothic creators of Piranha Bytes.

Gameplay / Story

While you have defeated the fire titan in the predecessor, other titans devastate the mainland. The king is dead and humanity is on the verge of extinction. Like magic, magicians were banished from the realm and scattered to the winds. Only the caldera, a small enclave protected by a crystal deposit, remains on the mainland. The Inquisition is rapidly losing power in the empire and is sending expeditions to the newly discovered world to rebuild civilization there. However, Mara, a titan lord and hybrid of octopus and human woman, makes the seas a dangerous place and sinks one ship after the other with the help of a giant octopus. You yourself are stationed in Caldera. After losing his right eye in the fight against the Fire Titan, the hero's only occupation is to empty rum bottles.

One night a ship ran aground on the Caldera coast. The only survivor is Patty, who has still not given up on the search for her father's treasure, Captain Steel Beard. She meets the hero and tells him about the legendary magical titan weapons that can kill Mara. Your father Stahlbart owns one of them. The player character receives the order from the commander Calderas to get these weapons immediately and to kill Mara. After he and Patty met Captain Stahlbart on Takarigua and was accepted into his crew, he drives to the Sword Coast, where the first artifact, the titan harpoon, is in the possession of the pirate captain Crow. This is how your adventure begins ...

Combat system

Risen 2: Dark Waters offers you a revised combat system for Risen, with new animations making the fights even more varied.


+ large game world with a lot of scope
+ Parliamentary groups to choose from
+ Treasure hunts
+ Companions have more to say and don't just stand there
+ beautiful landscapes
+ Music and sound are appropriate
+ sometimes funny dialogues
+ sometimes it feels like Gothic
+ Fights are challenging
+ Achievements and trading cards


- Speech could be better
- to find few armors in the course of the game
- the opponent's AI is terrible at times


Risen 2: Dark Waters is an underrated RPG in a wonderful game world with a lot of freedom. Each individual island is a very pleasant change from the extreme land masses of standardized AAA titles. Here the player still has that unique Gothic touch. The story, humor, dialogue and characters all have rough edges and are not as overly smoothed out as in practically every big budget title today.

Information / Review Deutsch

Risen 2: Dark Waters ist ein klassisches Rollenspiel, welches von den Gothic-Schöpfern von Piranha Bytes entwickelt.

Gameplay / Geschichte

Während man den Feuertitan im Vorgänger besiegt hat, verwüsten andere Titanen das Festland. Der König ist tot und die Menschheit steht am Rande ihrer Auslöschung. Die Magier wurden ebenso wie die Magie aus dem Reich verbannt und haben sich in alle Winde zerstreut. Lediglich Caldera, eine kleine, durch ein Kristallvorkommen geschützte Enklave, ist noch auf dem Festland übrig. Die Inquisition verliert im Reich rapide an Macht und schickt Expeditionen in die neu entdeckte Welt, um dort die Zivilisation neu aufzubauen. Mara, ein Titanenlord und Mischwesen aus Krake und Menschenfrau, macht jedoch die Meere zu einem gefährlichen Ort und versenkt mit Hilfe eines Riesenkraken ein Schiff nach dem anderen. Man selbst ist in Caldera stationiert. Nachdem er sein rechtes Auge im Kampf gegen den Feuertitan verloren hat, ist es die einzige Beschäftigung des Helden, Rumflaschen zu leeren.

Eines Nachts strandet ein Schiff an der Küste Calderas. Die einzige Überlebende ist Patty, die die Suche nach dem Schatz ihres Vaters, Kapitän Stahlbart, noch immer nicht aufgegeben hat. Sie trifft den Helden und erzählt ihm von den legendären magischen Titanenwaffen, die Mara töten können. Ihr Vater Stahlbart besitzt selbst eine davon. Vom Kommandanten Calderas erhält der Spielercharakter den Auftrag, diese Waffen umgehend zu besorgen und Mara zu töten. Nachdem er zusammen mit Patty Kapitän Stahlbart auf Takarigua getroffen hat und in dessen Crew aufgenommen wurde, fährt er zur Schwertküste, wo das erste Artefakt, die Titanenharpune, im Besitz des Piratenkapitäns Crow ist. So mit beginnt dein Abenteuer..


Risen 2: Dark Waters bietet dir ein überarbeitetes Kampfsystem zu Risen, mit neuen Animationen gestaltet die Kämpfe noch abwechslungsreicher.


+ große Spielwelt mit viel Umfang
+ Fraktionen zur Auswahl
+ Schatzsuchen
+ Gefährten haben mehr zu sagen und stehen nicht nur da
+ wunderschöne Landschaften
+ Musik und Ton ist passend
+ manchmal witzige Dialoge
+ teilweise fühlt es sich wie Gothic an
+ Kämpfe sind herausfordernd
+ Errungenschaften und Trading Cards


- Sprachausgabe könnte besser sein
- wenige Rüstungen im Laufe des Spiels zu finden
- die KI des Gegners ist manchmal schrecklich


Risen 2: Dark Waters ist ein unterschätztes RPG in einer wunderbaren Spielwelt mit vielen Freiheiten. Jede einzelne Insel, ist eine sehr angenehme Abwechslung zu den extremen Landmassen standardisierter AAA-Titel. Hier hat der Spieler noch diesen einzigartigen Gothic-Touch. Story, Humor, Dialoge und Charaktere haben allesamt Ecken und Kanten und sind nicht so übertrieben glattgebügelt, wie in praktisch jedem heutigen Big Budget-Titel.
147 Produkte im Account
20 Reviews
1177 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.09.20 12:28
Good game, terrible combat. Still worth the money and time!
292 Produkte im Account
31 Reviews
2995 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.08.20 11:44
40 hours of fun. Not a big title but has an OK story, can explore different islands and just save the world.
422 Produkte im Account
57 Reviews
13127 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.08.20 13:21
Probably the worst PB game, but still better than arcania.
Pirate RPG, in wich you use your ship only for traveling to diferent islands.
1199 Produkte im Account
15 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
3602 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.07.20 08:57
Writing still on par with Risen 1, Gameplay and Mechanics are subpar, stay clear of this and play the 3rd game instead if you don't want to mod the game to be playable.

Mods being: Unofficial Patch 0.5, AntiWarp Ultra, LOD Distance, Dynamic Torchlight v2, Neffo's Texture pack and Patch 1.3 of the same.
Can be all found here, check SkySword7's comment:


22 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
2765 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.07.20 03:53
Its ok but kinda boring after a while. The story failed to pull me in. The controls aren't smooth and this makes the game more difficult but in an annoying way that is frustrating not in a challenging way that makes you want to get better.
267 Produkte im Account
21 Reviews
2738 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.07.20 13:46
A good pirate-y adventure. Hits all the right notes: sailing the high seas, sea witches, curses, voodoo, booty, a one-eyed protagonist, and your health potions are grog and rum. It's a direct sequel of the first Risen, so it -might- behoove you to play through that first... if you've got 40 hours to spare. (That itself ain't a bad game. A solid 7/10, but it is rather clunky.) But if you just want to jump into good old pirate-y fun, then sure. Risen 2's adventure is pretty self-contained, but some details and events and characters from the previous game will seep through. Just know that you saved the world in the last game, you're a little washed up now, but now you're going to save the world again with your kickass pirate (girl-)friend.

The combat's a little difficult at first, but once start upgrading your skills and learn to keep moving it becomes easier. Hang on to Patty as long as you can to soak up that XP on the first island.

17 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
7801 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.06.20 12:29
Really good Ideas and Twists. The story is very predictable though. Never the less better than the first part I'd say. Enjoy
163 Produkte im Account
25 Reviews
2247 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.05.20 15:52
I personally think Risen 2 is one of...wait no, it's the best installment of Risen franchise! The writing of the story is great, the dialogue is great! Even though they used the same face models for many npc, but they have their characters on their dialogue, if that makes sense. Overall it much better than the first one although the combat is weaker in Risen 2. So I give it 8/10

But for notes, this one isn't that optimized like the first one. So you have to tweak the game a little, you can search it on steam's guideline or just browse it on the internet.
1995 Produkte im Account
17 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
4286 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.05.20 12:38
Honestly can't recommend buying the game. It's extremely dumped down and simplified cRPG with pirate theme painted on top. While I enjoy pirate games in general, pirate theme extends only to looks and dialog in this game and you don't blunder ships or raid towns like real pirate should. If you remove the theme, what's left would be extremely simple and generic RPG.

Combat is extremely simplified and you don't even start with basic moves like parry or kick. Even after learning all the possible moves, combat remains extremely simplistic. It only gets easier and less frustrating as you progress. If side with the inquisition and get guns, game becomes cake walk. Even end boss fell in couple minutes under my constant musket barrage.

Sailing in game involves you telling where you want to go followed by cinematic you leaving port and arriving to next port. There is no ship to ship combat, boarding other vessels or blundering settlements (you know, the things pirates usually do). It's just a travel system between locations.

Things you get to do as pirate captain is ferrying food or booze to random NPC, helping damsel acquire materials for new dress and other such fetch quests helping people in distress like every pirate captain ever, being heroic defender of the people, saving the world and all. Isn't that how they describe pirates in the history books? ;-p

Only thing joining a factions really does is decide what skills you can learn and what equipment you can acquire. It basically boils down choosing between muskets or voodoo magic and their relevant skill sets. Once you join a faction, opposing faction members are bit rude to you or may threaten you but otherwise don't interfere with your progress. You get crew member from faction you joined and some quest are only available to member of the faction but mostly you simply complete them differently depending of the faction. Story line is same regardless. You simply accomplish same goal bit differently. Natives (voodoo) are the more original faction allowing more creative ways to accomplish tasks but perks they offer are also weaker IMHO. As I said before, muskets simply make the game a cake walk. That's just how overpowered they are.

Game suffers from multiple issues including but not limited to:

  • Game crashes every few hours. It just suddenly closes unexpectedly.
  • Objects popping up is jarring without a mod to fix it at least to a level it's not jarring.
  • There are lot of small flickering issues with shadows, lightning, objects and textures.
  • Storms are extremely annoying as lightning flashes every few seconds (seriously). I simply slept thru every storm in the game. I'm not epileptic but the constant flashes made me woozy.
  • I had number of camera issues in tight spaces making some fights unnecessarily difficult as had to constantly keep adjusting camera in middle of combat.
  • Followers tend to get stuck in terrain and suffer from some weird issues (I've seem them fly for example).
  • At some point there start to be issues with dialog. There are clearly missing lines in the dialog or devs did not make sure all dialog runs properly no matter what order you do things. Got confused lot of times on what NPC's were talking about. There were even cases where they discussed events that had not yet happened like Garcia being dealt with when I had not even met the guy. Devs obviously did not test the triggers enough considering you can do most of the game in order you wish.
  • Number of achievements are bugged and unachievable without cheating. Simply put, the progress on those achievements is not saved between sessions and if you close the game for any reason, your progress on the achievement is wiped. You'd have to accomplish them in one session (some of which require at least 2 playthtrus like earning 300000 gold or kill 2000 monsters).
179 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
1957 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.05.20 10:00
This is the worst of yhe trio but I gave it a thumbs up because I recommend playing the three games in succession to get the most out of the story.
14 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
2493 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.05.20 11:34
Piranha bytes know how to create good role-playing games, i got a lot of fun during the passage of the game.But i have one problem, achievements bugs, game not save stats about quests or killed monsters.
316 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
4157 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.05.20 15:53
this game was nice
515 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
4517 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.04.20 06:53
Piranha Bytes makes good RPG's the risen franchise is no different. While they got rid of some of the mechanics from the previous game it feels more piratey. If you like the Gothic series or Elex then give these games a try. Btw first game is the best in my opinion.
93 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
1730 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.04.20 21:44
I really enjoyed the first risen and despite what others tend to think about this one, I really like it. I think I actually enjoyed this game more than the first one in some ways. At first I hated the sword play in comparison to the first one but by the end of the game it had really grown on me. There were a lot of big quality of life improvements overall and it was just enjoyable. It took me about 10 less hours to finish this game than the first-28 hours, doing probably 85% of the quests and taking my time, compared to about 36-40 hours on the first one with me rushing through (because I had finished it before). That being said, this game doesn't tend to drag on like the last half of the first game did so I don't mind that it was a bit shorter. The two factions you can join really change up how you can play the game too so I look forward to having a future playthrough after I finish Risen 3. If you can come to terms with the fact that it's a pirate RPG and moves away from the tone of the first Risen, it's a really solid RPG with really good writing and supporting characters. Really worth picking up.
741 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
1187 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.04.20 19:30
You only need a single reason to play this game, and that reason is called Jaffar.
143 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
4153 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.04.20 19:49
Captivating and intriguing. If you know Pirhana Bytes, you know what to expect.
174 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
892 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.04.20 21:18
Graphically, this is much better than Risen, the controls are still dodgy and the combat is still not great.
Character progression is very slow, voice acting for the main character is dull.
Load times are atrocious - my GX501 takes ages even with NVME SSD
Don't waste your time.
24 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
3429 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.04.20 21:52
Эта игра-нечто. Только что прошел вслепую и, скорее всего пропустил часть контента, но не могу не высказаться.
Первое, что можно сказать, эта игра вызывает сильнейший эмоциональный отклик. Я не большой фанат пиратского сеттинга, но, признаюсь, теперь мне будет интересно поискать литературу по этой тематике.
Боевка достаточно интересна, история шикарна, некоторые сюжетные повороты предсказуемы, другие достаточно неожиданны. Множество разнообразных отсылок, мое почтение сценаристам. Персонажи проработаны просто чудесно, один гном-матершинник по харизме утрет нос любому персонажу игр беседки.
Мое мнение может не совпадать с мнением большинства, но хотя бы попытаться поиграть в этот шедевр я рекомендую всем

219 Produkte im Account
60 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
350 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.03.20 03:10
Skip this one unless you are a die hard PB fan.

The combat is worse than ever. Combat is never PB's strong point, sadly it plagues them even to this day in their new games. But this game is a giant turd.

All the joy i had with risen 1 got sucked out of me instantly.
527 Produkte im Account
18 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
2112 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.02.20 22:03
The game has lost a lot of what first Risen was, in some occasions you can feel, like you are playing game by the creators of Gothic, but at the end it just feels too borring and finishing it is too much of a chore
75 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
8972 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.02.20 12:07
Great game!! I like the evolution from Risen 1 to a Pirate theme and the idea of the old Empire being destroyed to exploring new found worlds (islands).

The mages are banished and the world has evolved to using pistols and muskets. By exploring new worlds players will come acroos voodoo magic which they may learn. I tried the voodoo curse dolls which really weaken even powerful enemies and the scepter of power which provokes an enemy to attack another.

The game gives you the chance to evolve skills such as attacking with blades or firearms and to implement even dirty tricks to beat your opponents such as using sand to blind them.

All in all a great rpg with a lot of exploration, grave robbing and treasure seeking.
8244 Produkte im Account
238 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
117 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.02.20 18:12
First the game didn't want to start at all, then I had to 'repair' it after every cutscene. Might be a good game, but for sure noone cares about it anymore.
317 Produkte im Account
61 Reviews
2286 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.01.20 13:04
Decent Action RPG from Piranha Bytes. I liked first Risen better but this was good fun as well. Won't be replaying it though.

- length cca 30 hours
- good story and characters
- multiple areas, different bioms
- less choices in combat, magic is mostly gone (Voodoo is weird and weak)
- muskets are fun
- decent graphics
- didn't encounter any bugs
- Patty is gorgeous and funny

If you liked Risen and are interested in the story, then definitely play this.

Rating 7/10.
552 Produkte im Account
107 Reviews
3044 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.12.19 22:30
I have to say I did not like this game when it first came out. I was terribly disappointed with it. It didn't feel like the original Gothic-inspired RISEN and it looked ugly and ran like crap. But on a whim - I recently reinstalled it and played it again and it's a TOTALLY different experience. They must have optimized it because it looks FANTASTIC (for it's time 2012) and runs smoothly and beautifully with no glitches or bugs. I'm having a great time with it 7 years after it's release. It almost feels like a re-mastered version compared to what I remember - maybe it's just my PC is so much better now than the one I had in 2012? I don't know - but I am really enjoying my recent play through. Lots of depth and interesting things to do - seems much more like Gothic game now than I remember and that's a good thing. (One CAVEAT: this game allows you to sell quest items you may need to complete the game. I sold a quest item (a diamond) early on in the game only to discover 40 hours later that I needed it to complete. Although the game allows you to buyback anything you've sold previously - good luck remember which character you sold it to. I never did find it and had to abandon my play through without being able to finish it.)
155 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
2405 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.12.19 09:58
I like this game. Main character is cool and your companion Patty always have some nippy commentary. Game mechanics are ok, it take some time to get used to it. Main story is good, but game it selft feels really simplyfied by console mechanics. Game forces you to max your thieving which can be frustrating because you will want to max you sword or firearms. Dont even bother with voodoo, it is booring and totally uninteresting.
Logo for Risen 2: Dark Waters
Rating auf Steam Größtenteils positiv
75.74% 1848 592
Release:27.04.2012 Genre: Rollenspiel Entwickler: Piranha Bytes Vertrieb: Deep Silver Engine: Genome-Engine Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise: Risen
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