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Über das Spiel

Join Agatha as she embarks on the journey of a lifetime. Growing up, she used to dream of a place she thought was lost forever and a family she never knew. However, an unexpected letter casts her on an epic quest to discover who she is meant to be. Guide Agatha as she defeats enemies using her creative skills for crafting weapons and distractive devices. Solve fascinating puzzles to help her complete her mission and uncover the truth.
Together, you and Agatha will travel trough buzzing steam-running cities and the lost ruins from Agatha's childhood town. Collect resources, craft weapons and solve puzzles to keep Agatha safe.
- CPU: Core i5 or equivalent
- GFX: Nvidia GeForce GTX 960 or equivalent
- Software: Windows 7 64 Bit
- HD: 10 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
- DX: Version 11
- LANG: Englisch
- CPU: Core i7 or equivalent
- GFX: Nvidia GeForce GTX 1070 or equivalent
- Software: Windows 10 64-bit
- HD: 10 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
- DX: Version 11
- LANG: Englisch
Steam Nutzer-Reviews
55 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.09.20 17:12
Schöne Musikuntermalung, die Grafik finde ich vollkommen ausreichend und sieht gut aus.
Zwischen den Jump and Run gibt´s auch ein paar Minispiele die ihr selber lösen müsst mit euren Händen was mal eine schöne Abwechslung ist.
Kritikpunkt ist bei die die Kameraführung die manchmal schlecht ist weil man die Figur nicht mehr selber sieht, das mag im stehen gehen aber im sitzen bekommt man irgendwann einen steifen Nacken :).
Nicht Empfohlen
32 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.08.20 08:28
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97 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.06.20 07:02
Wir steuern und helfen Agatha bei der Aufgabe herauszufinden, warum ihre Eltern sie als kleines Kind weggeben haben. Welches Geheimnis dahinter liegt. Erlebt wird diese Story in einer an Steampunk angelehnte Welt. Wie auch in anderen „Diorama-Adventures“ dürfen wir nicht nur die Spielfigur steuern, sondern auch selbst ins Geschehen eingreifen und Agatha tatkräftig auf ihrer Reise unterstützen, indem wir z.B. Schlösser knacken oder änliches.
Das hört sich aller s sehr gut an und die Trailer versprechen auch Aktion- und Rätselspaß, aber Rinlo ist z.Zt. leider ein sehr langweiliges Spiel. Es hat tatsächlich großes Potential, die Grundidee der Geschichte ist gut. Die Spielmechanik, dass man nicht nur die Spielfigur lenkt, sondern selbst eingreifen kann, ist nicht neu, aber gut. Leider ist das alles nur gut gedacht, aber nicht gut umgesetzt.
Die Steuerung des Spielecharakters funktioniert größtenteils gut, das Werfen von z.B. Granaten ist aber manchmal etwas harkelig und es kommt oft vor, dass man Granaten an ganz falsche Stellen wirft.
Nach plötzlich auftretenden Kameraperspektiven- oder Szenenwechsel sucht man oft ewig seine Spielfigur, weil es keine Anzeige gibt, die auf den Standort aufmerksam macht. Steht Agatha im Dunkeln, ist es schwer sie ausfindig zu machen.
Das Crafting, um Waffen und ähnliches herzustellen funktioniert ganz gut, aber es gibt derzeit nur eine Granatenart. Allerdings wird auch hier nur unzureichend erklärt, welcher Knopf nun wann wofür gedrückt werden muss.
Die Grafik kann noch viel mehr Arbeit vertragen. Die Trailer sehen viel besser aus als das eigentliche Spiel. Es fehlt an dynamischen Schatten und die Welt sieht trostlos und steril aus. Es wirkt so, als ob Rinlo ursprünglich für Smartphone-VR gedacht sei.
Die Story ist von der Grundidee her gut, mal etwas anderes, als der übliche Rachefeldzug, aber es fehlt ihr noch ziemlich an Glanz.
Das Leveldesign ist auch eher langweilig und langsam. Erst braucht man ewig, um zu einem Ende der Karte zu laufen, um dort einen Schalter umzulegen. Nur um dann den ganzen Weg zurück zu latschen, um eine Leiter zu erklimmen oder einen weiteren Schalter umzulegen usw... Man muss viele Wege bestreiten, nur um kleine Aufgaben zu lösen die nur wenig Fortschritte erlauben.
Die Teile des Spiel, an denen man als Spieler aktiv eingreifen kann, beschränkt sich auf einfache Minispielchen wie das Öffnen von Türen oder zum Einschalten bzw. Reparieren von Maschinen. Die Einbettung der Aufgaben ins spielgeschehen erscheint eher plump. Plötzlich zoomt das Minispiel an den Spieler heran, die oftmals auch gar nichts mit dem Kontext im Spiel zu tun haben. Bei den Minigames wird die simple Grafik leider richtig deutlich. Dazu kommt, dass die Rätsel eher einfach aufgebaut sind und keine Herausforderung darstellen. Nicht eine der Aufgaben machte mir Probleme.
In diesem 3ed-Person Adventure steckt viel Potenzial, zum jetzigen Zeitpunkt ist es zwar spielbar aber todlangweilig. Daher keine Empfehlung. Hier ein Daumen nach unten und im Kurzreview ein informativ.
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habt ihr euch auch die Schuhsohlen durchgelatscht? Daumen rauf.
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357 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.01.22 18:44
Jumping to ledges is very difficult, and when you grab the ledge and press the jump button again you fall instead of climbing up. In every other game you climb with the jump button, not fall off. Please fix it.
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264 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.04.21 08:33
There's no snap turn either if you want to play seated.
Even if you turn off the music and sound effects, they push themselves back up from 0 and you end up hearing music. The only thing you can do is take the headset off.
In my opinion, the graphics could have been sharper. For a third person game like this, it might have been a better experience as a non-vr game. The graphics might be sharper.
Nicht Empfohlen
78 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.04.21 11:25
Steampunk environments are the best part of Rinlo: they look amazing(despite somewhat low-res textures) and help tolerate uninspired platforming and backtracking. Visuals are not on the same level with Moss, but still look pretty nice.
When you interact with broken equipment or locked door the game transitions into a first person puzzle or precision minigame, kinda like you are playing from the perspective of the protagonist and fix stuff or open locks. This is an interesting idea to diversify gameplay while keeping a consistent tone, but those puzzles are just so painfully generic. You got all of the most basic and overdone VR minigames there: marble maze, following the line with a ring, mirror turning, etc.
But the worst part of the gameplay is those stealth sections. Rinlo has no shadow so the only mechanic for sneaking is staying outside of vision cones and throwing grenades to distract enemies. AI just follows fixed routes or stares at diversions for several seconds while standing completely still. Those stealth sections are like an awful sneak mission in a non-stealth focused games, except that here they take about 1/4 of the whole gameplay.
I pushed through about half of the campaign hoping that it will get better, but it never did so I gave up and refunded the game.
233 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.10.20 22:39
460 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.10.20 19:53
5 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.10.20 15:53
Experienced on Windows Mixed Reality
You can view my review & gameplay here:
I know my review says I only played 5 minutes, but I actually completed the game on Viveport Infinity. It took me approximately 3 hours (Viveport doesn't keep track of time played so it is a rough estimate). I was offered a free Steam key through the Steam Curator Connect after I had already played & reviewed the game in full. So my only reason to accept the key was to be able to write a review on Steam for you guys.
Anyways, I am giving a tepid recommendation. I enjoyed my time in Rinlo overall. However, it also has some pretty big negatives.
The biggest one for me was the lack of immersive VR interactions and poor controls overall. A lot of the interactions are very basic. Another big negative was just the puzzles and gameplay overall. The puzzles weren't very good; they were too easy and simple and not very thoughtful. For example, you do a wire loop mini-game or move the ball around the maze mini-game or a memory match 2 game. Then you do them again with a timer at the end. Some puzzles were okay, but most of them just weren't good at all. You actually switch to 1st person for these puzzles from a 3rd person God view.
The rest of the gameplay is also not good. There's stealth & combat sections that are too simple and just poorly implemented. They were not fun at all or challenging. The poor controls from even moving from point A to point B or grabbing on to ledges or the jumps just don't make for exciting platforming or action combat. You can craft and use bombs in this game, but I found out that I rarely had to use them and once you have the last bomb that obliterates the robots, you don't need the other two at all.
So you're probably wondering why I'm still recommending this game despite those major issues. Well, the answer is simply because this is a very beautiful game. I often felt like I was playing a game within a diorama. There's several very beautiful environments / scenes within this game. The beauty of this game reminded me of Moss, although with a completely different type of art style.
I also enjoyed the story. Now, unfortunately, just when the story is getting good and looks like it may be going somewhere interesting, it does end rather abruptly. However, the voice overs are done nicely, even if the animations are a bit stiff. There are 7 chapters plus a prologue and an epilogue.
Overall, I don't think Rinlo is for everyone. You have to be okay with puzzles that include stuff like a wire hoop game. You also have to be okay with poor stealth, combat, & platforming sections. If you can look past all that, there is a very beautiful game to enjoy with a nice little story overall. Yes, I do wish the gameplay had been better to match just how lovely the world is here. However, I can honestly say that I do not regret my time in Rinlo. It's simply beautiful to visit.
Rate 6/10.
Please note: I received a free Steam key through the Steam Curator connect program. You can join my Steam Curator Group here:
258 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.09.20 14:04
63 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.07.20 15:56
My Initial Impressions:
A classy looking puzzle game with both 3rd person and 1st person puzzles. The puzzles are relatively simple to solve but the game feels highly polished for an Early Access game.
72 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.06.20 16:35
Not as polished as Moss maybe but still full of beautiful environments. If you like 3rd person VR games, you will most certainly find much to love.
If there is one thing that slightly breaks the rhythm here it is the puzzles - I would prefer to have more interaction in the game itself, instead of having to solve puzzles that aren't really related to the actual story. Also, I find the constant changes of viewing point within a given scene to be a bit irritating. If there could be a way to move the viewing point manually instead, that would be great.
Having said that, I am very much looking forward to seeing how the story unfolds as new chapters are added!!
64 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.06.20 22:00
I am pleased to say Rinlo has most of this.
So i have finished the game now, all my points from earlier are still valid, it looks great when you get out the city. But dam this is too short. It took me 64 minutes to finish the game, in its current state. Currently for $15 maybe it is too expensive, unless you want to support the devs.
Should you buy it ? Long story short, if you havnt been spending your money on shopping or pints and having a spare $15/£15 around its worth checking out. But it is a bit short currently, wait a few months
Disclaimer - I am only on chapter 2
First impressions review
Priced at $15, onsale for £10 this game is at a great price point, nice and cheap, if it lasts.
I loaded in with little expectations since it is from a small studio whom, by the looks of things have made some mediocre Vr games over the last few years (based of reviews not personal experiences). Rinlo looked like it would be a completely new challenge for the small team.
The game has support for a fair number of headsets, Spanish and English support but easy enough controls and quality settings. When I first loaded up, I was instantly attracted by the simple yet unique and fascinating art style.
The game looks great, and I've only seen a fraction of what Rinlo has to offer. I initially thought the world looked too simple and bare but then you notice all the perfectly layed out props, the shine, the variety.
There is great music, to set the scene and atmosphere, from quest music to inspiring moments.
I have little to say about the gameplay since I have experienced little of it, but so far it seems solid enough.
Interesting little puzzles, locked levers and doors, and crafting. A welcoming surprise. This adds so much more to the game in my opinion, can't wait to see how crafting comes in to play later on.
Voice acting is very important to me in a game, if the voice acting is off the characters are off, if the characters are off the story is off... you get the idea, bad voice acting = a bad game (in my opinion)
However Rinlo's voice acting is great. The main character, Agatha sounds natural and conversations flow.
No performance issues, not that i expected any.
I again have not played much of Rinlo, but I am liking what I have seen so far.
Apart from 1 thing, Things may change as the game progresses and this maybe a fault of my computer but I feel like the loading screens are a second or 2 too long, this maybe since I am used to moss and it's instant scene switches, but the screen is black to often between scenes i find, but its ok.
Thanks a bunch for Rinlo, I will be updating the review as I play more of the game.
So far so good !!
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