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Über das Spiel

Deine Kolonisten sind keine professionellen Siedler. Sie sind notgelandete Überlebende von einem Passagierraumschiff, das im Orbit zerstört wurde. Es kann passieren, dass Deine Geschichte mit einem Adligen, einem Buchhalter und einer Hausfrau beginnt. Im Laufe der Zeit kommen neue Kolonisten hinzu, indem Du Gefangene machst und sie auf Deine Seite bringst, Sklaven von einem Sklavenhändler erstehst oder Flüchtlinge aufnimmst. Auf jeden Fall wird Deine Kolonie immer aus einem bunt gemischten Haufen der unterschiedlichsten Leute bestehen.
Jede Person hat eine Vorgeschichte, die das jeweilige Verhalten bestimmt. Ein Adliger z.B. wird im sozialen Bereich sehr gut bestehen, (Gefangene anwerben, Preisverhandlungen beim Händler, ...) aber er wird sich weigern körperliche Arbeiten zu verrichten. Ein einfältiger Farmer weiß sehr gut wie man Nahrung anbauen kann, ist als Forscher aber absolut unbrauchbar. Hier wiederum ist ein Wissenschaftsstreber die ideale Person, die man aber bei sozialen Verhandlungen besser nicht zu Rate ziehen sollte. Dann gibt es noch den gentechnisch veränderten Auftragskiller, der außer andere töten nichts kann.. Allerdings wird es sehr schwer werden auf diesem Gebiet jemand Besseren zu finden.
Das Spiel generiert einen vollständigen Planeten vom Pol bis zum Äquator. Du kannst auswählen, ob Du mit Deinen Rettungskapseln in der nördlichen Tundra, in einer ausgetrockneten Wüste, einem gemäßigten Laubwald oder vielleicht in der schwülen Hitze eines Regenwaldes landen willst. Die einzelnen Gebiete haben verschiedene Pflanzen- und Tierwelten, unterschiedliche Krankheiten, Temperaturen und Niederschläge, sowie verschiedene Rohstoffe und Geländearten. Wie man sich denken kann sind die Herausforderungen in einem von Krankheiten verseuchten, erstickenden Dschungel sehr unterschiedlich zu denen in einer ausgetrockneten Wüstenödnis oder einer gefrorenen Tundra mit einer nur zwei-monatigen Wachstumsperiode.
Wunden, Infektionen, Prothesen und chronische Krankheiten werden für jedes Körperteil einzeln registriert und beeinflussen die Fähigkeiten der Person. Verletzungen am Auge machen es schwierig mit einem Gewehr zu zielen oder gar jemanden zu operieren. Verwundete Beine vermiesen ein Wettrennen. Hände, Herz, Leber, Nieren, Magen, Finger, Füße, Zehen.. All das und mehr kann verwundet werden, eine Infektion bekommen oder auch fehlen. Und es wird alles eine logische Auswirkung haben. Andere Arten haben wiederum ihren eigen Körperaufbau.. Schieß einem Hirsch das Bein weg und es kann noch immer versuchen auf den restlichen drei wegzulaufen!
Du kannst Körperteile durch primitive bis überragende Prothesen ersetzen. Ein Holzbein sorgt dafür, dass Joe Kolonist nach seinem unglücklichen Zwischenfall mit einem Rhinozeros wieder gehen kann, auch wenn er damit nur recht langsam vorwärts kommt. Kauf ihm nächstes Jahr ein teures bionisches Bein bei einem Händler und Joe wird ein übermenschlicher Läufer. Du kannst auch einen florierenden Organhandel betreiben, indem Du innere Organe extrahierst und verkaufst oder sie einkaufst und jemandem implantierst.
Steam Nutzer-Reviews
13537 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.04.22 16:25
Auch wenn das Vanilla Spiel an sich noch ein sehr ungehobeltes Handling hat, gleicht das eine Riesen Modding Community wieder aus!
Die Survival Elemente sind angemessen für die Steuerung. Die verschiedenen Biome haben alle ihre Tücken und Vorteile. Es gibt quasi keine Story, sondern nur die Mission, das Schiff zu erreichen.
Wem das nicht genügt, Finger weg.
Andere Spieler werden auf ihre Kosten kommen, weil das Spiel ein Auf und Ab an Gefühlen bringt, mit Random generierten positiven und negativen Ereignissen. Mich hat natürlich das Bauen gefesselt und das Ziel eine perfekte Kolonie zu erschaffen.
Auch wenn ich mich noch nicht an die DLCs ran gewagt habe, und die Preise mich echt die Zähne knirschen lassen, werde ich mir diese früher oder später sicher noch holen.
Denn mit diesem Spiel lassen sich locker Wochen über Wochen Zeit vernichten.
227956 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.04.22 22:41
Steve war der beste Forscher der Grauen Boa. Bis zu dem Tag, als er eine Gewehrkugel mit seinem Gesicht einfing. Von nun an war Steve pflegebedürftig, konnte das Bett nicht mehr verlassen, musste gewaschen und gefüttert werden. Ich überlegte, was ich mit ihm tun sollte. Sein Zustand würde sich nicht verbessern, und in einer 5-köpfigen Kolonie war die zusätzliche Arbeit ein Problem. Aber ihn zu euthanasieren hätte einen erheblichen Stimmungs-Debuff mit sich gebracht. Zum Glück wurde mir die Entscheidung abgenommen, in Form eines weiteren Angriffs, der so heftig war, dass meine restlichen Kolonisten fliehen mussten. Die Angreifer verschonten Steve zwar, legten aber Feuer in der Krankenstation, wodurch er in den Flammen ums Leben kam.
Rimworld behandelt Themen wie Sklaverei, Folter, Euthanasie, Organhandel, Kannibalismus, Drogenhandel, Zwangsbekehrung, Menschenopfer, Hungertod durch vulkanische Winter, Möbel aus Menschenhaut, Tod durch einen pyromanischen Anfall im Treibstofflager, Gedankenkontrolle und Tod durch Berserker-Eichhörnchen. Fun!
7370 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.12.21 00:13
88675 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.12.21 01:37
Super Spiel, kann ich nur empfehlen!
Yes, what can I say ... RimWorld is CULT! Without MODs already great, with MODs awesome! I have already had a bellyache from laughing ... but was also pissed off and also just as sad. It is not necessarily easy to begin, but once you have taken the first hurdles and understood how the hare runs, it's just fun! Best of all is the point at which the new colony runs almost by itself and you have to deal less with micro-management.
Super game, I can only recommend it!
11815 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.11.21 09:34
Gesamt |
Eines der besten Spiele überhaupt, absolut vorbildlich |
9/10 |
Spieltiefe | Vordergründig: einfacher Einzelspieler Kolonie-Builder. Hintergründig: komplexer Kolonisten-Geschichtengenerator. | 10/10 | [/tr]
Gameplay | Absolut fesselnd, es gibt immer was zu tun. Hoher Wiederspielwert und durch tausende Mods nach Belieben anpassbar. | 10/10 | [/tr]
Story/Multiplay | Auf einem fremden Planeten abgestürzt gilt es für den Spieler der Crew zu überleben und ein neues Schiff zu bauen. | 8/10 | [/tr]
Grafik | Hauptspielkarte und Figuren auf das Wesentliche reduziert mit funktionalem 2D. Top: die Planeten-Ansicht. | 7/10 | [/tr]
Sound | Fantastisch immersive Ambient-Musik, auch nach hunderten Stunden erfreulich unaufdringlich. | 10/10 | [/tr]
202501 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.07.21 13:17
19661 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.07.21 09:10
Rimworld - Ein Stil der doch sehr eigen ist, man muss es mögen. Man wird es lieben! Die Grafik sollte einen nicht abschrecken denn das Spiel ist durchaus sehr Komplex, fasse ich es kurz zusammen.
+ Niedlicher Grafiklook
+ Leicht zu lernen, Schwer zu meistern
+ Durch die Schwierigkeitsgradunterschiede + Geschichtenerzähler kann man echt von Anfänger bis zum Profi viel Spaß haben
+ Super Modfreundlichkeit
+ Toller Soundtrack
- Weckt manchmal das böse in einen, besonders mit Mods, wenn man Gefangene nur noch als Organspender sieht! XD
- Manchmal etwas zu wenig Benutzerfreundlichkeit wie z.B. das Zuweisen von Aufgaben oder Kleidung ist manchmal anstrengend und das inventar sehr unübersichtlich ohne Mods
- Man verliert sich in der Zeit, denn es ist Großartig! XD
Kaufempfehlung? Ganz klar ja! Für wen?
- Leute die gerne mal was neues ausprobieren wollen
- Leute die gerne neue Herausforderungen suchen und immer wieder sich anpassen wollen
- Leute die mal eine Kolonie mit verschiedenen Wegen aufbauen wollen!
- Leute die eine Mischung aus RPG, Kampf und Bausimulator lieben!
Für wen das Spiel nichts ist:
- Leute die nur auf Grafik setzen
- Die nicht gerne herum experimentieren
PS: Installiert Mods! Es macht es noch so unglaublich Umfangreicher und die Modfreundlichkeit ist der Hammer!
Martin ^.^
Kaufen, Kaufen, Kaufen!
3913 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.06.21 14:34
Rimworld ist ein Spiel, welches man schlecht in nur eine Schublade stecken kann. Einerseits ist es ein Spiel mit vielen RPG-Elementen (Fähigkeiten , Quests, Loot, Erkundung) andererseits aber auch ein sehr tiefgreifender Kolonie-Manager, in dem man jedes kleinste Detail im Leben der Kolonisten anpassen und bestimmen kann. Würzt man das ganze noch mit einer Prise Survival-Elementen, erhält man eines der Spiel-technisch gesehen tiefgründigsten Spiele die es derzeit auf dem Markt gibt. Frei nach dem Motto: Hard to learn, even harder to master.
Vor dem Spielbeginn:
Es gibt unendliche Möglichkeiten wie man dieses Spiel beginnen kann. Am Anfang wird der gesamte Planet generiert, auf welchem man sich dann eine Startposition aussucht. Hierbei gibt es viele Dinge zu beachten, da jede der Startpositionen (Schnee, Eis, Grasland, Steppe, Wüste, Regenwald etc.) große Vor- sowie jedoch auch Nachteile besitzt. Im Schnee halten meine Lebensmittel deutlich länger, ich erfriere jedoch schneller, sofern ich nicht geeignete Kleidung besitze. In der Wüste ist es zu heiß, dafür baue ich z.B. Klimaanlagen und Kühlschränke. Im Regenwald oder der Steppe gibt es z.B. deutlich mehr Tiere die einem an den Kragen wollen. So kann man alleine schon durch die Auswahl der Startposition sehr unterschiedliche Ergebnisse erzielen. Man kann darüber hinaus aber auch noch Auswählen mit wie vielen Kolonisten man starten möchte, die alle unterschiedlichste Fähigkeiten aufweisen. Einer ist z.B. ein sehr guter Schütze, aber auch ein Pyromane, der gerne mal Feuer legt. Alleine bei der Planung der Mitnahme der richtigen Kolonisten kann man schon sehr viel Zeit investieren.
Nachdem ihr gespawnt seid:
Nachdem man endlich gespawnt ist, gibt es gleich viel zu tun. Man muss sich ein kleines Häuschen bauen, sowie Nahrung suchen und erste Waffen herstellen, um sich verteidigen zu können. Durch die Geschichtenerzähler-KI, die den Spielverlauf mit zufälligen Ereignissen beeinflusst, wird man dauerhaft auf Trapp gehalten. Wie in z.B. Left-4-Dead passt sich diese KI dem Spielverlauf und dem Spielfortschritt an und stellt euch vor immer größere Herausforderungen. So kommen anfangs immer kleinere Raids (Angriffe) mit Menschen mit primitiven Waffen und primitiver Kleidung. Nachdem man diese erfolgreich besiegt hat, kann man die Besiegten (sofern sie noch leben) gefangen nehmen und mit der Zeit dazu bringen, sich eurer Kolonie anzuschließen. Ihr könnt Sie aber auch als Sklave an eine befreundete oder neutrale Fraktion verkaufen. Wenn ihr das erste Überleben abgesichert habt, d.h. für eine geeignete Unterkunft, für Essen und ein friedliches Miteinander gesorgt habt, fängt das Spiel erst richtig an. Es geht darum verschieden Ressourcen abzubauen, um immer besser werdende Waffen und Ausrüstung zu bauen. So startet ihr zu Spielbeginn mit Knüppeln, die ihr langsam aber sicher durch Schwerter, Bögen, Pistolen, Sturmgewehre bis hin zu abgefahrenen Space-Waffen ersetzen könnt. Dabei werden die angreifenden Fraktionen auch immer stärker und ihr müsst eure nun gewachsene Basis mit automatischen Türmen und Fallen verteidigen. Währenddessen müsst ihr dafür sorgen das Ihr durch Solar- Wind- oder normale Generatoren immer genug Strom verfügbar ist, das euch ja nicht der Kühlschrank ausfällt und euer Essen verdirbt. Wenn ihr auch das hinbekommen habt, müsst ihr schauen das eure Kolonisten glücklich sind, und nicht durch Kämpfe, Verletzungen, hässliche Umgebungen oder anderen Missständen in Psychosen verfallen und für eine Weile von euch nicht mehr kontrolliert werden können im besten Fall. Im schlimmsten Fall greifen Sie eure anderen Kolonisten an oder legen überall Feuer.
Und genau das ist es was Rimworld so besonders, ja so einzigartig und toll macht. Dieses Spiel schreibt teils unglaubliche Geschichten, die vor Tragik und Heroik nur so strotzen. Ihr könnt eure Kolonisten wirklich lieb gewinnen, wenn Sie teils haarsträubende Entscheidungen treffen hasst ihr Sie aber auch um so mehr. Das Überleben jeder Kolonie steht auf Messers Schneide und Ihr werdet oft das Spiel von vorne beginnen oder einen vorherigen Spielstand neuladen müssen, da wieder ein unvorhergesehenes Ereignis eure ganze Kolonie ruiniert hat.
Das besondere hieran ist, dass ihr diese ganzen Geschichten im Grundspiel erlebt. Was Rimworld aber noch tausendmal besser macht ist der sehr gute Modsupport. Durch eine aktive Community gibt es tausende von verschiedenen Mods, sodass sich jeder seine eigene Spielerfahrung zusammen schustern kann, um damit richtig Spaß zu haben. Dies zeigt wieder, das guter Modsupport unglaublich wichtig für ein Spiel sein kann, da man die Spielzeit deutlich verlängern und das Spielerlebnis noch deutlich verbessern kann.
Wem das alles zu lang zu lesen war:
Ein sehr besonderes Spiel, das schon als Grundspiel sehr viele Möglichkeiten bietet, der Super Mod-Support und das interessantes Spielprinzip sorgen für Langzeit-Spaß. Für alle die gerne ihre eigene Geschichte schreiben eine absolute Kaufempfehlung.
6600 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.04.21 21:54
Klare Kaufempfehlung auch für diesen Preis.
6996 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.03.21 16:52
Geht schön in die Tiefe und der Schwierigkeitsgrad kann die ganze Zeit im laufenden Game ideal angepasst werden, dass es nie langweilig wird (Grüße an Randy) und immer schön fordernd bleibt.
772 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.01.21 10:13
Eine Welt ohne Grenzen. Ich habe in meiner Zeit nie ein sollches Spiel gespielt, es hat seinen ganz eigenen Stil, erstmals ist man überfordert aber sei es mit Hilfe des Tutorials oder durch ausprobieren hat man durchaus eine steile Lernkurve. Zweifelsohne macht es ein heiden Spass, und animiert, immer und immer wieder neu zu versuchen und zu experimentieren. Da so gut wie alles Zufallsgeneriert ist hat das Spiel an sich sowas wie ein permanenten Endlos-Modus, durch Events und Vorfälle wird einem dabei aber nie langweilig.
9/10, Das Spiel kann ich wirklich jedem empfehlen =)
64909 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.01.21 14:07
47568 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.12.20 09:53
-Optik ist minimalistisch gehalten, aber trotzdem schick
-Schwierigkeitsgrade, Welten, Kolonisten usw. sind sehr variabel und breit gefächert, so sind mega viele verschiedene Spielvarianten möglich
-Menge an Mods geben Langeweile keine Chance
-man kann bauen, bauen, bauen in X Varianten
Nach fast 800 Stunden spiel ich es immer noch super gerne, da es immer wieder Spaß macht und nie langweilig wird. Man kann es gut nebenbei spielen oder mit hohem Schwierigkeitsgrad konzentriert. Also für jeden Geschmack einstellbar.
9338 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.12.20 17:48
Egal ob du gemütliches und einfaches Setting, oder Hardcore Herausforderung für dich wählst, jede Runde ist etwas besonderes und einzigartiges. Durch die Erzähler Struktur wirst du von Ingame Tag zu Tag vor neue spannende Herausforderungen gestellt. Gerade der Klassik Modus birgt immer wieder neue Ereignisse die dich manchmal zum Schmunzeln oder aber zum Fluchen bringen werden.
Mit dem neuen DLC kommen viele Erweiterungen in das Spiel die ich mir schon im Grundspiel gewünscht gehabt hätte. Nichts desto trotz eine lohnendere Erweiterung um noch mehr tolle Funktionen ins Spiel zu bekommen.
Gerade auch durch die unzähligen Modifikationen bietet dieses Spiel eine immer weiter wachsende zusätzliche Wiederspielbarkeit. Für mich auch nach Jahren noch grandios!
14934 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.11.20 22:07
8124 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.10.20 16:58
Das neu Ansiedeln macht immer und immer wieder aufs neue Spaß.
Patches mit neuen Inhalten kommen regelmäßig. Danke hierfür!
+ Langzeitmotivation - CHECK
+ Lernkurve - CHECK
+ Quests - CHECK
+ zusammengewürfelte Charaktere und Bedingungen - CHECK
+ dennoch gut anpassbare Schwierigkeitsgrade - CHECK
[spoiler] + Inzucht bei deinen Haustieren - NO PROBLEM =X [/spoiler]
72227 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.10.20 16:24
Dieses Mal habe ich es auch nur mit seeeehr viel Disziplin geschafft.
Was ich in 999 Stunden gelernt habe:
- man kann nie gut genug vorbereitet sein
- auch Chinchillas können tödlich sein
- wenn dir der Erzähler (Hallo Randy!) 3 Resurrector Mech Serum gibt, kann das nichts Gutes verheißen....
Fazit: Joa, ist schon ganz gut. Kann man spielen.
PS: Dankeschön an alle Modder, Ihr habt mich viel Lebenszeit gekostet.
9419 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.07.20 03:47
Es gibt schon so Sachen bei denen ich abturn schiebe. Z.B Wenn die ohne Tisch essen müssen, nimmt die Laune der Kolonisten etwas ab. Manchmal bekommen sie einen Wutanfall und zerstören Dinge wie Treibstoff oder Sprengstofflager und sterben dabei. Und wenn die Kolonisten Ohnmächtig werden durch einen Faustschlag oder Erschöpfung verlieren sie oft dabei ihre Waffe. Man ist dann in dieser Wuselwelt damit beschäftigt einen bestimmten Gegenstand zu finden der irgendwo im Sektor rumliegt.
Aber das passt schon. Für solche Sachen gibt es ja auch Mods.
Nach über 150 Spielstunden nicht mal einen einzigen Spielecrash gehabt. Ich bin sehr zufrieden und kann es nur weiter empfehlen.
21644 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.07.20 19:12
die Bedürfnisse und Raids, sowie die reiche Tierwelt sorgen für Abwechslung. wenn dir doch mal langweilig werden sollte gibt es einen riesiegen Workshop, mit Hunderten verschiedener Mods, die das spiel noch abwechslungsreicher machen.
3850 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.07.20 08:54
55664 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.03.20 18:32
Man hat durch die ganzen Mods und das DLC so viele Möglichkeiten, das Spiel nach seinen Vorstellungen zu gestallten und jedesmal wen man es von neuem beginnt ist es immer anders.
2827 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.02.20 23:48
Absolute Empfehlung. Ich werde jetzt weiter an meinem Flake Imperium basteln
2107 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.02.20 21:22
30306 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.02.20 07:35
Dann jedoch habe ich es mir in einem Sale gegönnt - und bisher 403 Spielstunden versenkt. Es ist irgendwie ein Sims für Freaks und dank dem neuen DLC werden es wohl noch mehr Stunden voller Irrsinn und Romantik.
ENORME Modcommunity - und diese Mods haben es in sich, sollte euch die Vanilla Version zu langweilig werden - schaut unbedingt in die Modecke!!
Klare Kaufempfehlung wenn euch so Sachen wie Sims zu lauwarm sind.
26260 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.02.20 15:53
139597 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.02.20 21:39
26237 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.02.20 09:33
2659 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.04.22 07:42
It is a colony management sim set on a fantasy world were the goal is to survive and thrive by any means, drugs, violence or sentient treedogs.
10/10 prepare for winter otherwise you gonna die.
Cheers Australian Classification Board for being jerks. Love you devs
5602 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.01.22 11:48
He survived but remained mentally retarded.
Few days later Katarina fell in love with new, slower Josip.
Such is life.
2722 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.01.22 20:13
The game’s modding community is so impressive that someone has made a multiplayer mod that allows you to play with your friends. It’s even compatible with other mods, allowing you to share a modded playthrough with some friends. It’s not perfect, but it is insanely impressive.
283275 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.12.21 10:02
Possibly the best game I’ve ever played and I’ve been playing video games for over 20 years now.
Graphics - I personally really like the graphics. They are simple, but it fits the game well and I couldn’t imagine how better graphics could make the game significantly better.
Music - fits the game perfectly and some how after all this time of play, doesn’t seem to get old.
Story - each game is different, there are similarities because your still playing rimworld but you’ll never get the same game twice. Each game tells its own story of survival, disaster and occasionally triumph.
Ease of play - the tutorial is pretty bad from memory. BUT once you complete the tutorial and then die in your first winter because you don’t have enough food and restart and prepare for winter and forget to add defences and die then restart and add defences then try hunting a heard of Muffalo in preparation for winter and die again because the whole heard turns manhunter… you learn enough along the way with relative ease.
Replayability - endlessly… look at my hours of play…
Overall rating - 10/10 - I was looking for a game that was in the survival genre. Something that you build a colony, you have to manage food and weather conditions and you have to defend the colony from enemies. I found Rimworld, I got engulfed in Rimworld, and I haven’t played anything else apart from Rimworld.
18263 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.12.21 21:34
I wake up and think about Rimworld.
I start my day playing Rimworld.
I finish my day playing Rimworld.
I get to sleep and think about Rimworld.
I sleep and dream about Rimworld.
When I can't think, play or dream about Rimworld I watch videos about it.
I really hope that nudist cannibals will capture Tynan and force him to make Rimworld 2.
300+ hours and 222 mods after.
Now I like the game. Time to shoot another 300!
36669 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.10.21 13:37
I started playing Rimworld back in 2014, long before it came to Steam, and it’s come such a long way since then. It is, and always has been, a game with so much potential.
Rimworld is as much a game as it is a ridiculous story generator, carefully crafted over years of development and fan input. At its heart, it is a top-down colony construction and management game, but the lines get blurred. You may start out as a peaceful colony, simply gathering and farming to survive, but before long, you’ll find yourself running a drug cartel full of psychopaths with an organ farm side business, and you’ll enjoy it.
- Simple, yet deceptively complex There is far more to this game than merely resource management and defence. It can be surprising with how much detail there is in various areas, such as combat and injuries, which affect individual body parts and organs.
- Among the best modding communities I’ve encountered If there is anything you feel is missing while playing this game, there is likely a mod to remedy that. As complete as the base game is, you might simply get bored and want something new. There is a huge selection of mods adding more guns, aliens, more guns, spaceships, or yes, more guns.
- Endless replayability The base game has variety in its own right, with alternate starts, biomes, and difficulties; combined with features added from DLC and mods, the game is propelled to a whole new level, adding anything and everything to spice up each playthrough.
- Perfectionist’s Nightmare As a perfectionist it can drive me insane, the sheer randomness that can ensue forces a descent into madness. I’m not sure if this is a con.
- Say Your Farewells Should you play this game, make sure to say goodbye to your family like you’re going on an extended trip - you shan’t see them for a while.
What might look like a calm colony builder to the uninitiated will soon change after your first colonist loses a finger trying to pet a wild tortoise. It’s hard to explain the Rimworld experience with words, although reading the stories in other people’s reviews offers good insight. Utter madness is present in almost all of them, and yet they vary so greatly, with one thing in common: an unforgettable experience delivered by this game. This is just one of many reasons why Rimworld is one of my favourite games of all time and is something I can always come back to, which for me at least, is no small feat.
The goal of the game is to escape from the Rimworld by building a ship; how you get to that point is up to you. You might find yourself lulled into a false sense of security, with food stockpiles piled high, colonists healthy, defenses sturdy; that is until a cascade of minor events such as blights, plagues, mental breaks, and raids compound into the beginning of the end for your once thriving settlement.
As I’ve mentioned already, the core of Rimworld is a colony building and resource management game, to put it very simply. You gather resources and build up your colony, researching better technology to help your survival. This research ranges from power generation, weapons & armour, production, to the ship components you need to finish the game.
Rimworld comes with an in-game learning helper which can be very useful for new players. It is an unobtrusive tool that expands a list of lessons largely relating to different concepts if or when a player encounters them, as well as revealing further game mechanics after a period of time to encourage progression. The lessons display a game feature and a brief description and can be accessed at any time after being dismissed. Rimworld is an easy game to learn but a hard one to master.
There are varying layers of difficulty present in Rimworld, starting with the clearly defined difficulty scale, with six options ranging from “Peaceful” to “Losing is fun”, each of which comes with a description making it easy to choose the one that applies to you. Right after choosing your difficulty, you have the option between “Reload Anytime” and “Commitment Mode”. The latter meaning you can’t return and fix any mistakes, everything is final, adding an extra challenge. Even the biome you start in determines difficulty; too hot or too cold and you will have trouble growing food as well as contending with dangerously inhospitable temperatures.
On top of the above mentioned settings, the game is also treated as a story being told, with the events and challenges being determined by the Storyteller. To that end, there are three to choose from in the base game; Phoebe Chillax, Cassandra Classic, and Randy Random. Phoebe offers a more relaxed playstyle, with large breaks between events to allow you to build and recover, which can be useful when learning the game to begin with. Cassandra offers a more balanced playstyle, with a difficulty curve that ramps up as you and your colony progress. The consistency of the raids here can soon pile on the pressure, especially if you’re still reeling from the previous one. Randy, on the other hand, is the wildcard. Time between events vary more significantly and generally aren’t consistent, meaning you can get caught by surprise more easily.
Perhaps the most important part of the game is your colonists, who carry out the tasks you, as the player, designate. You have full control over what tasks each colonist should perform, and in what order they should prioritise doing them. Some colonists are better at certain tasks than others, or in some cases colonists are better than others at everything, which leaves the player to decide which tasks to prioritise, as one person will struggle to do everything, despite how skillful they are. Sometimes, a colonist can become a pure liability, but there is always a use for them, whether it be spare parts, meat, upholstery, or slavery, everybody can contribute one way or another.
The pure diversity of traits, skills, professions, and injuries of each colonist gives them their own little story, even before they’re placed in your hands. The fondness I gain for some characters and disdain for others on any given playthrough is what makes it so much more exciting. Personal stakes are added through emotional investment, making me work harder to save my favourite colonists during times of disaster.
Colonists may form new relationships and become friends or lovers, but there is always the chance that one of these random events brings in a relation. I captured a raider named Cortez, he was a pretty good shooter so I recruited him and thought nothing of it. After a little while I came under siege, so I readied my fighters and sallied forth to engage them. A short firefight later, amongst a field of corpses lay one survivor, Cortez’s wife. Whether by chance or fate, they now live reunited in my colony. It’s the small details like this that really bring out the best Rimworld has to offer.
With its propensity for throwing everything into chaos, even the most experienced players will find themselves facing brutal choices in order to survive, such as: sacrificing a rearguard of colonists so the rest can fall back to a more favourable position or having to eat a beloved pet to survive a particularly harsh winter. In most games failing is bad, but in Rimworld the desperate struggle is what makes it what it is, not a game to win, but a game to experience. The best way to learn is to fail over and over, which is just as much fun.
In Conclusion
Rimworld is the best game I love to hate, it’ll break you, and you’ll still keep coming back for more. For what is nothing short of a war crime simulator, I’ll leave you now with the appropriate words of Ramsay Bolton - “If you think this has a happy ending, you haven’t been paying attention.”
Specs for Reference
Operating System: Windows 10
Processor (CPU): AMD Ryzen 5 3600
Graphics Card: RTX 2060
Memory (RAM): 16GB
290988 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.09.21 17:36
Was it worth the money for me? Even considering both expansions it cost me less than a cent per hour, and I've been enjoying it on and off ever since the Kickstarter. No other game I ever had came with this much joy for the buck.
Soo, should you buy it? Certainly. Even if you wind up not enjoying it (which I consider rather unlikely), the money will probably be used to make a third expansion which will then benefit me. ;)
11926 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.09.21 18:03
7032 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.07.21 21:49
So I send this furry little parasite out on another trade caravan and for the first time I get ambushed.... by 2 man-eating Yorkshire terriers. I have two colonists with rifles and reasonable shooting stats and they miss and miss and miss. One of the terriers reaches the first colonist and while he isn't a danger injured colonists are a pain in the ass and I would guess even more so on a caravan. Then, too my complete surprise, my raccoon intercepted the second Yorkie and held it at bay until one of my semi useless colonists finally managed to pray to the RNG gods and get a hit in. That useless food-sink went from furry parasite crapping all over my sandstone tiled floors to hero pet that saved a second colonist from getting minor scratches.
10/10 Would tame useless creatures again.
I disabled comments because I don't want to have to read about all the things I am doing wrong, I am doing them wrong and having a blast. Great game.
15442 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.07.21 12:34
The cats ate through my colony's food so quickly that everyone started starving and I was worried
I killed, skinned, and cooked eight of the cats to survive out of desperation and I was sad
The one cat I kept started eating the cat meat on the floor and I was mortified
One of my colonists got too stressed and started smashing stuff, causing a fire that killed the final cat and I was angry
I stripped the colonist naked and banished him to the forest as punishment where he was captured by slave traders and I felt nothing
This game is truly an emotional rollercoaster
455731 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.06.21 20:45
The base game is VERY good, with a steep learning curve that will likely have you restarting your game .. several times. After you have played the base game enough, there is a massive library of well supported mods that expand the game in ways that the original dev likely never imagined possible turning RImworld into the swiss army knife of games (space exploration, star wars experience, medieval knights vs ancient robots).
It WILL suck your time up. This game is a black hole of personal time suckery. It is a digital vampire. You will possibly lose entire days of your life but still want MORE.
If you were thinking of buying it and even slightly like colony sims, building sims, etc then just do it, buy it now.
43570 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.06.21 16:20
The initial explosion was fairly well contained but the heat from the fire raised the temperature in the communal hall to several hundred degrees in about 15 seconds then all the furniture caught fire as well. there was nowhere for the heat to go and relatively little space to heat up so it turned the whole place into a furnace, even the coolers caught fire, then the food caught fire. The communal hall included all the hallways that went throughout my base (ironically to make temperature control easier) so there was no way to get out of the base other than to go through the communal hall.
One dumbass died in the initial explosion, three caught fire in the halls before reaching the shelter of the adjacent rooms, those already in those rooms caught fire as they were dying of heatstroke, the communal hall reached over two thousand degrees Celsius.
There were no survivors.
13731 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.05.21 08:46
8809 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.11.20 11:38
I laughed my ass off on the floor.
3367 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.11.20 18:15
Took him prisoner
Beat him until he became retarded
Beat him some more
Harvested his Liver, Kidney, and Heart
Took his now dead body, skinned it for meat and human leather
Ate the meat
Took the Human leather
Made a Hat.
Wore the hat to his funeral.
Then I bought Rimworld.
37791 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.10.20 05:58
9939 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.10.20 19:24
Leadguts now lives with the guilt of losing the two dogs, both of which he was caring for. Seph and Leadguts regularly get into fistfights (to be fair Seph is a bit abrasive on a good day), and we had to sell off the remaining beer and dismantle the brewery. Now and then i see Leadguts visiting the graves for the huskies. He hasn't had a drink since.
Great game, 10/10
128465 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.10.20 12:35
This is a very thoughtful, addictive, touching and difficult (despite its seeming simplicity) game with deepest mechanics. The story that is being written in front of your eyes. Each time is completely new and different from the previous ones. I think that I was not the only one who was strongly attached to a colonist with an unpronounceable name so much that I was ready to cut organs from his friends, so long as he did not die from another fever or infection after being bitten by a mad squirrel.
Tell me where else you can capture a naked-ass raider, cut off his reproductive organs, remove his eyes and ears, put a plug of shit and sticks instead of a jaw? Then amputate one lung and one kidney, stick a log instead of arms and legs and then set him free, while forcing him to climb a barbed wire, crawl through dirt and shit to the edge of the map, so that later (already fixed, but doing the same with prisoners I haven’t stopped) the tribe of raiders began to treat you better, because their brother (or what’s left of him there) got to his village.
My experience in this game exceeded 2000 hours. I think that at least half of this time was spent compilating mods. This, by the way, is a separate game in the game.
I can say with confidence that the first 200 hours spent in this game were wonderful. My colonists died like flies: from hunger, from mad rats and beavers, from cold and heat, from a collapsed roof, from a wild fire, from a short circuit, from raiders, from an unsuccessful attempt to tame a rhinoceros, from social fights, from infections, from flu, from the plague, from an overdose, from those who had withdrawal symptoms, from lightning, from an accidental explosion of a turret or generator, and, of course, from endless bouts of anger, aggression and despair among my own people.
And it was great. I frantically tried to understand how mechanics work, what can be done and what is better not. What is the best way to develop a colony. What is better to build in the first place, which colonists and with what traits are better to take, and which ones are better to use for materials for furniture and for food for your husky puppies (and don’t tell me you didn’t do that). When, during the defense of the colony in winter, the ice froze over, on which the raiders cheerfully crossed the lake and cut out two of my fellas, and the latter one was simply taken into anal slavery – my delight knew no bounds.
Or when I decided to start a tribal start at the north pole. And it all ended with the fact that the five colonists first ate the Chihuahua, then the owner of the dog went crazy and beat two brothers to death. The other two had no choice but to neutralize the nuts one and eat him. Then one of them suddenly decided to burn the only building in the middle of the glacier, and the rest one fell into depression and went to wander aimlessly in the night. He was wearing only a hood.
The drama was written right in my presence, the narrator now and then threw up extremely unexpected accidents. At any time, you could go to the log and see every step, every blow, every bruise, every shot, and, after that, step by step reproduce the whole story in your imagination. For example, how a spouse grieves and cannot cope with the pain of loss after his wife was literally gutted by a mechanoid scyther. But he just shouldn’t have to break that wall for a couple of dozen units of steel.
The descriptions of works of art deserve a special mention, which may include sarcophagi for fallen brothers. Fate weaves its own loom, and no one knows when and in what form they will appear on it.
And then I discovered mods. The situation became irreversible after I experienced the taste of Combat Extended. Realistic ballistics! In my rimworlds! Ammo, explosions of frag grenades and shells. Mmm, you know what I mean.
The battles became more fierce, and the parties were much shorter.
And then, well, further list of used mods exceeded eight hundred. The loading time of the game was already over 20 minutes. Sometimes the vanilla was updated and the whole compilation process started over. I noticed that something painful appeared in my manipulation with mods. I've stopped getting joy. I tried my best to create ideal conditions for myself in the game. But as soon as I added something, the balance immediately suffered. It became either too difficult or, more often, easier.
I'm not saying that mods are bad. Not at all. Moreover, there are truly balanced and perfectly integrated masterpieces.
And I'm not talking about not experimenting. I just want to share my feelings from the game as a whole.
This game is about a situation, about a drama, about your feelings, about your ingenuity and the ability to get out of terrible circumstances with the least loss.
At some point, I completely forgot about it. My stay in the game turned into an endless rat race with myself. Trying with all my might to create the most comfortable conditions for myself, I killed the intrigue, complexity, and at the same time the interest and meaning of the game. I can say with complete confidence that this is really painful and unpleasant, but at the same time it is fun and interesting to lose in this game.
I remember the first time I was able to launch a ship and get off this damn planet. I remember how I froze for a long time, remembering how much my colonists had to endure. Endless scars, diseases, raids and, of course, mountains, mountains and again mountains of corpses. I hesitated as I realized this story was over. Too conflicting emotions.
But one thing was constant, it was interesting. It was interesting as long as there were natural limitations provided by the game itself. Yes, it can be made easier or more difficult. But the original is designed in such a way that it will never be too easy, and a quick loss with an impossible difficulty will only fuel the excitement.
Yes, and I still didn't have enough balls to permanently turn off the dev mode. And, from time to time, I got lost with these mods again. And I go crazy again. And I've lost balance again. And this also did not stir up interest.
I've uninstalled the game for now. But we all know there is no cure for luciferium addiction.
In my right mind and distinct memory, I give this game 10 cutoff genitals out of 10.
I don't want to bother you with my writing anymore. Please consider that I'm not native english speaker. Be safe and don't eat without a table.
1880 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.10.20 02:55
Fuck, where do I start?
This game is great, and I'm not saying that lightly; each chunk of gameplay, each music, the simple yet nice graphics, everything: is amazing.
You get attached to your pawns (game's term for your colonists), sometimes even your livestock; I shall tell you the story of One-Eye the Brave:
One-Eye was a bison. Bought off some traders at the very beginning of my save.
What made him so special to me, you may ask?
Each time the colony was fighting a difficult battle, he and his wife Ferala (she died on the battlefield, God bless her soul) would put themselves between the colonists and harm, tanking so the pawns could keep shooting.
One of these instances is how One-Eye earned his name; we were hunting Thrumbos; they got close to us, the courageous bisons won us that fight, but at a price : he had become one-eyed.
Much later, an infestation occured in the stockpile. Four bisons (including One-Eye) got involved.
Victory was achieved, at a bitter cost :
One-Eye and another bison bled out.
He was gone, but shall never be forgotten. His legacy, the colony and his offsprings, lived on.
A jade sarcophagus was built to honour him. He was the hero we needed, but didn't deserve.
May he rest in peace.
5696 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.09.20 01:59
He decided to slit the throat of a sheep in the middle of the night, so we locked him up for the safety of all our other colonists and animals.
He then planned a prison break with two other prisoners, who he immediately left for dead while he ran for the hills.
Where was this calculating mind and this disregard for life when we were being raided, Fugly? Thanks for nothing.
64139 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.09.20 15:50
I wanted to make this review at 1,000h played but it is like 1,002 now xd, recaps the game perfectly actually ;)
Been playing the game off steam since like Alpha 16, 3 years ago. Loved it then, loved around 2,000 hours I played it before getting it on steam, and am loving it even more with 1,000 more on steam now. This game is the best colony manager, strategy/survival sim, building/ open-world game out there.
+I'm a cheap guy and don't buy stuff over 10-15€, but this game is worth the 30€ price tag 100%
+LITERALLY infinite gameplay - with different starting scenarios - randomized world and people in it - random events and stories that you make along the way. You will always be surprised by the next event and try to figure out how to overcome the current challenge.
+It has quite easy to understand base, but mastery will come after hundreds of hours. Expect to lose your games but you will always be happy that you learned something along the way.
+Amazing risk vs reward - If you want some legendary loot, you have to travel the world and leave your colony less secured. If you take in too many colonists you will face bigger raids. If you build too big you need more heat and cooling systems and more security.
+The game has normal difficulty settings but with a recent update, you can actually configure the majority of the options. So you can choose what kind of game you want, easy, hard, or extreme. Your decisions in-game and random events also decide your game difficulty. If you make a bad decision expect to get punished, a smart play will reward you.
+Soundtrack is absolutely amazing, it fits perfectly with the game and I think is one of the reasons the game is so addictive.
+Mods, MODS, so many MODS! A normal enhanced game will have you with 150 mods, but you can get 300 mods easily to work too. VERY active modding community that updates existing and adds new mods regularly.
+Very active community in general, very supportive on steam, on the forum, and on discord.
+Active developer that is listening to the community and updates the game regularly
+It is probably the best game on steam at the moment. On my list, it is defiantly a top 1
73494 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.07.20 02:03
If you really are concerned with how enjoyable it is, the vanilla variant of the game is as shown in probably a only a few images and videos. Its a top down colony management game which can include but is not limited to:
-World travels
-Birthing fortresses from stone
-Fending off friendly neighborhood cannibal tribes men
-Saving those whom still live
-Selling off their organs for wealth
-Becoming a cannibal off the dead cause forget morals and that damned blight wiped out your food supply
-Beat that one guy that decided to mercilessly kill your pet goat over eating humans
-Eat him too cause you killed him by accident
-Cause an international incident cause visiting traders stood in the middle of a war zone
-wage war and crush all that oppose you
And that is just what you can do in the base game. Mods can add so much more... Such as and not limited to:
-More power
-More raids
-More races
-More plants
-More factions
-Race crimes
-Drug empires
-Even more organ harvesting
-Sky net
-Nuking any one and every one that enters your boarders
-Nuking that one colonist that got upset and killed your pet goat
-The regret from nuking your nukes.
-The dream of building starships
-The crushing reality of how expensive it is
-The realization the game has mod support and runs 100+ mods alright
-The Frustration when one mod breaks the game in that list of 100+
-The level of difficulty can be increased... Or decreased.
In reading this review you agree that I am no way responsible for the idea, design, or committing of such warcrimes regardless of increase of frequency or moral outrage that will occur on your local rimworld due to this review. In the event of an issue, Please locate the nearest organ liberation facility and take a number, A compliant associate will be along shortly to assist you with relieving you of the source of the complaints.
5208 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.07.20 22:08
Here's the story so far.
Adkins kills Torres because Torres insulted Adkins' pants.
Torres' wife (now widow), Mila, gets really mad/sad and tries to kill Adkins.
Adkins arrests Mila, who's been in jail for a couple weeks now as of writing.
(A little ways in between all this, Adkins got really sad his clothes are torn and ragged, so he digs up Torres' grave and starts parading his corpse around the colony.)
Later, while still a prisoner for trying to kill Adkins, Mila and Adkins fall in love.
They're now sleeping together in the prison cell.
Mila and Adkins are now divorced and within a day's time announced marriage to other colonists.
I don't know if I'm running some kind of love and betrayal story but man this is wild.
Some other various events that occurred in this same colony:
>Mila spent over 20 hours working on a sculpture about that one time Viktor got heatstroke in the common lawn.
>I had to heat a cave up to 3,000 degrees to clear out an infestation. Two colonists decide to parade right into the cave. They became toasty.
>Strapping made a Masterwork dining room chair to commemorate how he saved another colonist from a maddened Guinea Pig
Do yourself a massive favor and buy this game.
12624 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.07.20 04:23
8233 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.05.20 02:46
In solemn loneliness he buried the colonists that he never got a chance to know. As he was paying his last respects a pack of manhunting geese appeared and in a moment of panic, he slipped on muddy ground and was slowed enough for them to catch up to him and strike a blow that caused blood loss, and finally knocked him to the ground. This was the end for Salamander and the brave tribes people.
In the end, Salamander had the last laugh as the geese were caught in his spike traps. He closed his eyes and smiled knowing that he had put an end to the manhunting geese menace, his last pleasant thought.
12015 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.04.20 14:18
As a gamer for nearly 25+ years, it is not lightly that I bestow this title for any one game (it is easy to select a best game per category) But what to do when a game refuse to fall into category?
Thats Rimsworld. The best survival/colony management/trader/explorer/gunfight/building 4X out there, and thats all without the mods. The options on how you want to play this masterpiece is endless. Spaces cowboy? sure, thats vanilla. Zombie apocalypse? why not. Blasting a T-rex with a fireball to protect your spaceship.... priceless Rimworld.
If I should be forced to chose one game to play for the rest of my life, this is it.
3625 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.04.20 02:43
☑ Unique
☐ Beautiful
☐ Good
☐ Bad
☐ 3 year old fridge drawing
☑ Very good
☐ Good
☐ Cliche
☐ Movie with extra steps
☐ Is this a game?
☑ Good
☐ Not too bad
☐ Compressed MP3 music
☐ Balkan porn audio
☐ Kids
☐ Teens
☑ Adults
☑ Repressed desires to commit war-crime
☑ Corona-Quarantined
---{PC Requirements}---
☑ Check if you can run Microsoft Word
☐ Grandma's PC
☐ Decent
☐ 4 RTX card + i9-9700k
☐ You need whatever they use to render Shrek movie
☐ Just press A to continue
☐ Walking SImulator
☑ Hard to learn / Hard to master
☐ Dark Souls/Cupcake
☑ Nothing to grind
☐ Isnt necessary to progress
☐ Average grind level required
☐ Too much grind
☐ You‘ll need a second live for grinding
---{Game Time}---
☐ Long enough for a cup of coffee
☐ Short
☐ Average
☐ Long
☑ To infinity and beyond
Some people have legit 3000+ hours in this game. The game only stop once you abandon your colonies
☐ It's like stealing from the dev
☑ Worth the price
☐ If u have some spare money left
☐ Wait for Sale
Note: Game never goes on sale
☑ Never heard of
☑ You can always blame the mods
☐ Minor bugs
☐ Can get annoying
☐ Fallout 76
☐ Bug simulator
☑ Make you own stories!
☐ I want to wipe my memory so I can enjoy the story again
☐ Good writing
☐ It's okay I guess
☐ Cliche
☐ Wtf that doesn't make sense
☐ Basically Sharknado
Tl;dR, Minecraft but you can shoot people, Stardew Valley but you can harvest organs, Factorio but you can have slaves, Don't Starve but you starve.
13864 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.04.20 16:18
Premise is to escape Rimworld. Find a Space ship, or build one (or do both)
Took me over 150 Hours of 'where did the last 4 hours go' gaming.
Not complicated or impossible, unless you want it to be. Just an Incredible Game.
Ludeon Studios
Vertrieb:keine Infos
Engine:keine Infos
Kopierschutz:keine Infos
Franchise:keine Infos